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Table 08: Table of Works Consulted

Abbott, L.W.image of book coverLaw reporting in England 1485-15851973Athlone Press9780485134100
Adams, John Quincy
bust of Adams
image of book coverReports Upon Weights and Measures1821U.S. Department of State
Anderson, J.L.image of book coverIndustrializing the corn belt : agriculture, technology, and environment, 1945-19722009Northern Illinois University Press9780875803920
Aristotle, Son of Nicomachus
bust of Aristotle
image of book coverPolitics1944Harvard University Press9780674992917
Aristotle, Son of Nicomachus
bust of Aristotle
image of book coverThe Athenian constitution. The Eudemian ethics1992Harvard University Press9780674993150
Bell, H. Idrisimage of book coverEgypt, from Alexander the Great to the Arab conquest; a study in the diffusion and decay of Hellenism.1948Clarendon Press
Biko, Steve
bust of Biko
image of book coverI write what I like : selected writings2002University of Chicago Press9780226048970
Bingham, Thomas Henry
bust of Bingham
image of book coverWidening horizons : the influence of comparative law and international law on domestic law (Hamlyn Lectures) [video]2010Cambridge University Press9780521138024
Bingham, Thomas Henry
bust of Bingham
image of book coverLives of the law : selected essays and speeches 2000-20102011Oxford University Press9780199697304
Bingham, Thomas Henry
bust of Bingham
image of book coverThe rule of law2011Penguin Press9780141034539
Blair, Alasdairimage of book coverThe European Union since 19452010Pearson/Longman9781408234525
Boesche, Rogerimage of book coverThe first great political realist : Kautilya and his Arthashastra2002Lexington Books9780739104019
Brucker, Herbertimage of book coverFreedom of information1949Macmillan
Brundage, James A.image of book coverThe medieval origins of the legal profession : canonists, civilians, and courts2008University of Chicago Press9780226077598
Bugbee, Percyimage of book coverMen against fire; the story of the National Fire Protection Association, 1896-19711971National Fire Protection Association9780877650003
Byrd, Robert C.
bust of Byrd
image of book coverThe Senate of the Roman Republic: Addresses on the History of Roman Constitutionalism1995Government Printing Office9780160589966
Cardozo, Benjamin N.
bust of Cardozo
image of book coverThe nature of the judicial process1921Yale University Press
Charles-Edwards, Thomas and Fergus Kelly, eds.image of book coverBechbretha: An Old Irish Law-Tract on Bee-Keeping1983Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies9780901282736
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
bust of Cicero
image of book coverDe re publica, De legibus2006Harvard University Press9780674992351
Clanchy, M.T.image of book coverFrom memory to written record : England 1066-13071993Blackwell9780631178231
Clarke, T.C. et. al.image of book coverThe American railway: its construction, development, management, and appliances1889Scribners and Sons
Clayton, Richard and Hugh Tomlinsonimage of book coverThe law of human rights, Second Edition2000Oxford University Press9780199263578
Cochrane, Rexmond C.image of book coverMeasures for progress; a history of the National Bureau of Standards1966U.S. Department of Commerce
Cross, Harold L.image of book coverThe people's right to know : legal access to public records and proceedings1953Columbia University Press
Daniel, W.T.S.image of book coverThe history and origin of the law reports : together with a compilation of various documents shewing the progress and result of proceedings taken for their establishment and the condition of the reports on the 31st December, 18831884Clowes and Sons
Davenport, E.H.image of book coverThe False Decretals1916B.H. Blackwell
Dedman, Martinimage of book coverThe origins and development of the European Union, 1945-95 : a history of European integration1996Routledge9780415111614
Denning, Sir Alfred
bust of Denning
image of book coverFreedom under the law (Hamlyn Lectures) [read]1949Stevens9780420421401
Dicey, Albert Venn
bust of Dicey
image of book coverIntroduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution1885Liberty Fund9780865970021
Dinan, Desmondimage of book coverEver closer union : an introduction to European integration1999L. Rienner Publishers9781555877392
Emon, Anver M. et. al.image of book coverIslamic law and international human rights law : searching for common ground?2012Oxford University Press9780199641444
Fischer, David Hackettimage of book coverFairness and freedom: A History of Two Open Societies: New Zealand and the United States2012Oxford University Press9780199832705
Flower, Harriet I.image of book coverRoman Republics2010Princeton University Press9780691140438
Fukuzawa, Yukichi
bust of Fukuzawa
image of book coverThe autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa1966Columbia University Press9780231139878
Fukuzawa, Yukichi
bust of Fukuzawa
image of book coverAn outline of a theory of civilization2009Columbia University Press9780231150736
Fukuzawa, Yukichi
bust of Fukuzawa
image of book coverAn Encouragement of Learning2012Keio University Press9784766416848
Gagarin, Michaelimage of book coverWriting Greek law2008Cambridge University Press9780521886611
Goodman, Carl F.image of book coverThe rule of law in Japan : a comparative analysis2003Wolters Kluwer9789041189035
Griswold, Erwin N.
bust of Griswold
image of book coverThe 5th amendment today; three speeches1955Harvard University Press
Griswold, Erwin N.
bust of Griswold
image of book coverLaw and lawyers in the United States; the common law under stress1965Harvard University Press
Habib, Irfanimage of book coverAkbar and his India1997Oxford University Press9780195637915
Haley, John Owenimage of book coverThe spirit of Japanese law1988University of Georgia Press9780820320229
Hamson, C.J.image of book coverExecutive discretion and judicial control; an aspect of the French Conseil d'Etat (Hamlyn Lectures) [read]1954Stevens
Hansard, Luke Gravesimage of book coverLuke Graves Hansard, his diary, 1814-1841; a case study in the reform of patronage1962Blackwell
Hartley, T.C.image of book coverThe foundations of European Union law : An introduction to the constitutional and administrative law of European Union2010Oxford University Press9780199566754
Hawke, Jasonimage of book coverWriting authority : elite competition and written law in early Greece2011Northern Illinois University Press9780875804385
Head, John W. and Yanping Wangimage of book coverLaw codes in dynastic China : a synopsis of Chinese legal history in the thirty centuries from Zhou to Qing2005Carolina Academic Press9781594600395
Hicks, Frederick C.
bust of Hicks
image of book coverMen and books famous in the law1921Lawyers Co-operative9780837722306
Hignett, C.image of book coverA history of the Athenian Constitution to the end of the fifth century B.C.1952Oxford University Press9780198142133
Hilts, Philip J.image of book coverProtecting America's health : the FDA, business, and one hundred years of regulation2003Alfred A. Knopf9780375404665
History and Heritage Committeeimage of book coverLandmarks in mechanical engineering1997Purdue University Press9780585122649
Holt, James Clarkimage of book coverMagna carta1965Cambridge University Press9780521259705
Hostettler, Johnimage of book coverChampions of the rule of law2011Waterside Press9781904380689
Jacobs, Francis G.image of book coverThe sovereignty of law : the European way2007Cambridge University Press9780521878876
Jansen, Nilsimage of book coverThe making of legal authority : non-legislative codifications in historical and comparative perspective2010Oxford University Press9780199588763
Jefferson, Thomas
bust of Jefferson
image of book coverJefferson: Writings1984Library of America9780940450165
Kallet, Arthur and F.J. Schlinkimage of book cover100,000,000 guinea pigs; dangers in everyday foods, drugs, and cosmetics1937Grosset and Dunlap
Kelly, Fergusimage of book coverA guide to early Irish law1988Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies9780901282958
Kende, Mark S.image of book coverConstitutional rights in two worlds : South Africa and the United States2009Cambridge University Press9780521879040
Kirby, Hon. Michael D.image of book coverJudicial activism : authority, principle and policy in the judicial method (Hamlyn Lectures) [read]2004Sweet and Maxwell9780421879300
Lee, Kenneth Doo Youngimage of book coverThe prince and the monk : Shōtoku worship in Shinran's Buddhism2007State University of New York Press9780791470213
Lintott, Andrewimage of book coverThe Roman Republic2000Sutton Publishing9780750922234
Livy, Titus
bust of Livy
image of book coverHistory of Rome. Books I-II1919Harvard University Press9780674991262
MacDermott, Baron John Clarkeimage of book coverProtection from power under English law (Hamlyn Lectures) [link]1957Stevens and Sons
MacDowell, Douglas M.image of book coverThe law in classical Athens1978Cornell University Press9780801411984
Mandela, Nelson
bust of Mandela
image of book coverLong walk to freedom : the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.2008Back Bay Books9780316034784
Maravall, José María ; Adam Przeworskiimage of book coverDemocracy and the rule of law2003Cambridge University Press9780521532662
Mattingly, H.image of book coverThe imperial civil service of Rome1910Cambridge University Press
Meier, Christianimage of book coverAthens : a portrait of the city in its Golden Age1998Metropolitan Books9780805048407
Meier, Christianimage of book coverA culture of freedom : ancient Greece and the origins of Europe2012Oxford University Press9780199747405
Montesquieu, Baron de
bust of Montesqueue
image of book coverSpirit of the Laws (Two Volumes)1900Colonial Press
Moosvi, Shireenimage of book coverEpisodes in the life of Akbar : contemporary records and reminiscences1994National Book Trust of India9788123709376
Moran, C.G.image of book coverThe Heralds of the Law1948Stevens and Sons
Naib, Sudhirimage of book coverThe Right to Information Act 2005 : a handbook2011Oxford University Press9780198067474
Ndebele, Njabulo S. et. al.image of book coverThe Steve Biko Memorial Lectures : 2000-20082010Macmillan9781770101630
Neal, Davidimage of book coverThe rule of law in a penal colony : law and power in early New South Wales1991Cambridge University Press9780521372640
Needham, Joseph and Tsuen-hsuin Tsienimage of book coverScience and civilisation in China. Vol.5, Chemistry and chemical technology., Pt.1, Paper and printing1985Cambridge University Press9780521086905
Nehru, Jawaharlal
bust of Nehru
image of book coverThe discovery of India2004Viking (India)9780670058013
Osborough, W.N.image of book coverStudies in Irish Legal History1999Four Courts Press9781851824472
Pagden, Anthonyimage of book coverThe idea of Europe : from antiquity to the European Union2002Cambridge University Press9780511067235
Pallister, Anneimage of book coverMagna Carta: the heritage of liberty.1971Oxford University Press9780198271819
Peerenboom, Randallimage of book coverChina's long march toward rule of law2002Cambridge University Press9780521016742
Peerenboom, Randallimage of book coverAsian discourses of rule of law : theories and implementation of rule of law in twelve Asian countries, France, and the U.S2004Routledge9780415326124
Perry, Johnimage of book coverThe Story of Standards1955Funk and Wagnalls
Polybius, Son of Lycortas
image of book coverThe Histories, Volume III: Books 5-82011Harvard University Press9780674996588
Posner, Ernstimage of book coverArchives in the ancient world1972Harvard University Press9780674044630
Rasmussen, Wayne D. and Gladys L. Bakerimage of book coverThe Department of Agriculture1972Praeger Publishers
Reid, John Phillipimage of book coverRule of law : the jurisprudence of liberty in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries2004Northern Illinois University Press9780875803272
Rich, Bruceimage of book coverTo uphold the world : a call for a new global ethic from ancient India2010Beacon Press9780807095539
Ryan, Alanimage of book coverOn Politics: A History of Political Thought: From Herodotus to the Present2012Liveright9780871404657
Sen, Amartya
bust of Sen
image of book coverThe argumentative Indian : writings on Indian history, culture, and identity2005Farrar, Straus and Giroux9780374105839
Sen, Amartya
bust of Sen
image of book coverThe Idea of Justice2009Harvard University Press9780674036130
Sickinger, James P.image of book coverPublic records and archives in classical Athens1999University of North Carolina Press9780807824696
Sinclair, Bruceimage of book coverA centennial history of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1880-19801980University of Toronto Press9780802023803
Tamanaha, Brian Z.image of book coverOn the rule of law : history, politics, theory2004Cambridge University Press9780521843621
Thapar, Romilaimage of book coverAoka and the decline of the Mauryas1999Oxford University Press9780195644456
Trewin, J.C. and E.M. Kingimage of book coverPrinter to the House, the story of Hansard1952Methuen
Tribe, Laurence H.image of book coverAmerican Constitutional Law1988Foundation Press9780882776019
Turner, Ralph V.image of book coverMagna Carta : through the ages2003Pearson/Longman9780582438262
Von Drehle, Davidimage of book coverTriangle : the fire that changed America2003Atlantic Monthly Press9780871138743
Wade, Williamimage of book coverConstitutional fundamentals (Hamlyn Lectures) [read]1980Stevens9780420459008
Waldron, Jeremyimage of book coverThe rule of law and the measure of property (Hamlyn Lectures)2012Cambridge University Press9781107024465
Watson, Alanimage of book coverThe Spirit of Roman Law1995University of Georgia Press9780820316697
Wickham, Chrisimage of book coverThe Inheritance of Rome : illuminating the Dark Ages, 400-10002009Viking9780670020980
Widner, Jennifer A.image of book coverBuilding the rule of law: Francis Nyalali and the road to independence in Africa2001W.W. Norton9780393050370
Wills, Gary
bust of Wills
image of book coverRome and Rhetoric2011Yale University Press9780300152180
Wilson, Derekimage of book coverCharlemagne2006Doubleday9780385516709
Wood, Gordon S.image of book coverThe Idea of America2011Penguin Press9781594202902
Woolf, Sir Harry
Sir Harry
image of book coverProtection of the public : a new challenge (Hamlyn Lectures) [read]1990Stevens9780420482907