TY - ABST AN - 01618660 TI - Building Information Modeling (BIM) Beyond Design AB - Building information modeling (BIM) began as a tool used by architects to design facilities. It is defined as a digital representation of a facility’s physical and functional characteristics and can be used as a shared knowledge resource for information about the facility. There is an opportunity to leverage the information for operations and maintenance, as well as other enterprise functions, which will allow for a comprehensive facility management system. When updated during construction, BIM generates as-built data that can be useful once the facility has been constructed. That data can be used in a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) or other asset management system. It can also, for example, ensure more accurate as-builts, be used for planning renovations of existing facilities, and for a more efficient management of utility shutdowns. The cost benefit of using BIM for design has been well documented so architecture and engineering firms will continue to use it. The cost benefit of using it post-design has yet to be determined. As a facility owner and user of design services, airports need to understand how BIM can be used and be scaled for various sized construction projects, renovations, and facility management. ACRP Synthesis 70: Building Information Modeling for Airports provides a broad overview of BIM. However, little research has been done for airports on how to leverage and implement BIM into the broader enterprise. The objective of this research is to develop guidance for evaluating the business case of and implementing BIM. The guidance should address the following issues at a minimum: (1) How to develop the business case and conduct a needs assessment; (2) The expected return on investment (ROI) that may be able to be achieved for BIM beyond design; (3) How to scale implementation of BIM; (4) Who the stakeholders are and their roles; How to develop a BIM strategy; (5) Outline the BIM process; (6) How to integrate BIM into existing systems (i.e., technology architecture) and daily business rocesses/practices; (7) How to determine the required data elements; (8) How to prepare and develop staff for future BIM implementation; (9) What are the progress metrics throughout implementation; (10) How to determine BIM governance; and (11) Legal and liability issues. The guidance should also include lessons learned and resources. The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) is seeking the insights of proposers on how best to achieve the research objective. Proposers are asked to develop and include a detailed research plan for accomplishing the project objective. Proposers are expected to describe research plans that can realistically be accomplished within the constraints of available funds and contract time. Proposals must present the proposers' current thinking in sufficient detail to demonstrate their understanding of the issues and the soundness of their approach to meeting the research objective. The work proposed must be divided into tasks and proposers must describe the work proposed in each task in detail. The research plan should include appropriate interim deliverables for ACRP review and approval that include at a minimum: (1) A data collection plan; (2) A listing of potential case studies that consist mostly of other industries that can be applicable at airports. One case study should focus on the cost-benefit analysis or ROI for BIM implementation post design. (See Special Note B); (3) An interim report that discusses and analyzes the work done to date, with an updated work plan for remaining tasks, including a draft outline of the guidance document.; (4) A flowchart of BIM processes; (5) A flowchart of BIM data and interface; (6) Resources and commitment requirements; and (7) A white paper that is to be included in the guidance on developing the business case and needs assessment. KW - Airports KW - Asset management KW - Construction projects KW - Design methods KW - Information systems KW - Maintenance management KW - Return on investment UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4247 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1436776 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01625966 TI - Quick Response for Special Needs. Task 29. RFQ: ACRP Research Roadmap on Select Airport Topics AB - The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) just completed its tenth year. Through the past decade, ACRP has earned and maintained a reputation for research excellence that is a trademark of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine as well as all of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Cooperative Research Programs. ACRP has continually produced research results with immediate and practical application to the airport industry. Moving forward, ACRP’s leadership is committed to continued excellence and the meaningful flow of quality research results to the airport industry. As an industry-driven research program, this is best accomplished with the constant flow of quality research ideas into the program. One important element to this flow is a research roadmap defined as a dynamic strategic research plan in a specific topic area that identifies gaps in knowledge and practice, key opportunities and challenges, and outlines and prioritizes specific research projects needed to address these gaps. A roadmap outlines a research agenda that will guide the development of problem statements flowing into ACRP and can provide answers to current questions, reduce uncertainties, and provide a sound approach for future research projects. The objective will be the development of 5-year, prioritized research roadmaps that are effectively communicated on the web to feed into ACRP’s IdeaHub. The IdeaHub is an electronic repository, expected to be operational in 2018, of potential research and problem statements that can be more fully developed prior to submission to ACRP. It is expected that a broad stakeholder outreach on the specific topic areas will occur to identify subject matter experts from Transportation Research Board (TRB), American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE), Airports Council International - North America (ACI-NA), Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO), and others who can help define the breadth and depth of the roadmap. However, the detailed scope of work has not yet been developed. The purpose of this request is to identify qualified research teams with the appropriate experience and expertise to conduct research to develop a research roadmap in the topic areas of airport design and construction, and airport operations and maintenance. This project will be utilizing an expedited procurement process that involves prequalification and selection of a number of research teams that can respond quickly and competitively. The request for statement of interest, qualifications, and availability will be used to establish a short list of qualified teams for each topic area that will be invited to submit proposals to conduct the research. Each proposal will include a research approach, staffing plan, and budget. Additionally, each selected team will be required to submit the necessary documentation required for the contracting process. It is expected that the research teams will be either private consultants, academics, or a consortium of both.Selected teams are expected to have significant in-house expertise and the ability to assemble additional expertise and subject matter experts as needed for the research. Proposers are invited to submit qualifications by submitting the following information in the following order. See the brochure “Information and Instructions Required for Preparing Proposals” (Instructions) for guidance on responding to relevant sections. 1. Cover page (see page 14 of the Instructions). 2. Contact information: (a) name of the research team; (b) person submitting qualifications package; (c) phone number; (d) email; and (e) corporate mailing address. 3. Table of contents (see page 15 of the Instructions). 4. Discussion of proposer understanding of Topic A: Airport Design and Construction issues and/or Topic B: Airport Operations and Maintenance by addressing the following questions: Topic A: Airport Design and Construction i. What are the challenges for airports in the area of design and construction? ii. Who are the stakeholders most impacted by decisions made in design and construction? iii. Describe possible methods for identifying knowledge gaps in the area of design and construction. iv. Describe how priorities might be determined for research in the area of airport design and construction. v. Potential methods and techniques for developing the roadmap. vi. Describe potential innovative web designs and web-presentation techniques that will effectively present the final roadmap results. Topic B: Operations and Maintenance i. What are the challenges for airports in operations and maintenance? ii.Who are the stakeholders most impacted by decisions made in operations and maintenance? iii. Describe possible methods for identifying knowledge gaps in the area of operations and maintenance. iv. Describe how priorities might be determined for research in the area of operations and maintenance. v. Potential methods and techniques for developing the roadmap. vi. Describe potential innovative web designs and web-presentation techniques that will effectively present the final roadmap results. NOTE: Each Topic should be submitted as a separate section if a proposer is interested in proposing on both topics. 5. Qualifications of the research team (see page 16 of the Instructions). 6. Relevant accomplishments of the research team (see page 16 of the Instructions). 7. Other commitments of the research team (see page 16 of the Instructions). The anticipated project period will be July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. 8. Plan for participation for disadvantaged business enterprise (see page 19 of the Instructions). 9. Liability statement that is unaltered and signed. Please note that the research plan/approach, time requirements, and itemized budget are not required at this time. After the objective(s) have been developed, selected firms will be invited to submit the research plan/approach, staffing plan, time requirements, and an itemized budget. Proposers should anticipate that invitations to selected proposers will be sent in early April with a submission deadline of the detailed work plan anticipated for early May, 2017. Qualification packages should be submitted electronically in PDF to mgreenberger@nas.edu and slcampbell@nas.edu by 4:30 pm (ET) March, 9, 2017 by using the reference: ACRP 11-02/T29 RFQ. Proposers will be evaluated by individuals collectively knowledgeable on these topics. Evaluations are based upon the proposers’ (1) experience and qualifications in the topic area; and (2) their understanding of the issues related to the topic area. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Contract administration KW - Design methods KW - Research KW - Uncertainty UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4307 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1455433 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01616109 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 09-03. Permitted Airport Involvement in Economic Development Efforts AB - Airports are governed by federal laws defining their financial and economic parameters, particularly regarding revenue diversion. At the same time, airports are prominent members of their local communities. Airports are viewed as economic engines, and as a result local communities expect airport operators to participate in airport-related economic efforts that benefit the wider community. Additionally, airport operators need economic development entities and community partners to develop air service. The objective of this digest is to conduct a review of federal laws, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Orders, policies, guidance, and any case law on the permitted extent of airport involvement in economic development efforts with respect to off-airport, general community economic development and/or air service development. This digest will answer questions such as, What may airports do? What may they not do? How can airports balance compliance with their legal obligations with their communities’ desire for their active participation in economic development? What is the airport’s proper role in such efforts, and how can the airport best participate in such efforts? KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Economic development KW - Federal government KW - Financial analysis KW - Laws KW - Policy analysis UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4087 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1428732 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01625965 TI - Tactical Initiatives from the ACRP Strategic Plan AB - The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) has an outstanding reputation and is recognized as a credible industry research program, providing airport operating agencies research products on issues that are not being addressed by other research programs. Since its inception in 2006, the ACRP has received more than $96 million and approved a total of 426 research projects, more than 300 of which were completed as of December 2014. The results of this research investment have benefited many airport practitioners. However, to secure its future in this rapidly changing industry, the ACRP requires a unified vision and a “roadmap” to guide the program’s priorities and activities. To provide this guidance, the organization engaged in a strategic planning process of introspective analyses and consultation with ACRP Oversight Committee (AOC) Members and ex-officio representatives. As the ACRP seeks to continue providing solutions to practical problems faced by airport practitioners, the program needs to be ever more responsive to the changing needs of the industry. Positioning the ACRP at the forefront of future airport trends is a critical step to continue meeting the research needs of airport practitioners. The organization’s Strategic Plan for years 2015 through 2020 describes how we see the program pushing boundaries and embracing opportunities, and focuses on four key strategic priorities: (1) Ensure that problem statements are of the highest quality and greatest relevance to the airport industry: Problem statements must pose a significant, important question that can be investigated and that contributes to the airport knowledge base and repertoire of practices. Problem statements should be geared toward addressing the most critical tactical, operational, managerial, technical, and process issues faced by airport operating agencies and practitioners. (2) Align program products with the interests of key audiences: To foster the research program benefits, ACRP products and services should be aligned with the needs and best interests of their users and beneficiaries and presented in ways to maximize learning and implementation. (3) Expand and diversify product dissemination: An essential objective of the ACRP is to inform the airport industry and decision makers by disseminating high quality and timely research products that provide near-term practical solutions to issues faced by airport practitioners. To better meet and satisfy user demands and real market needs for applied research, the research findings and products need to be distributed and communicated effectively, including adaptation of the research results to the needs of different audiences using different communication channels. (4) Implement processes to monitor product quality, relevance, and timeliness: To optimize the research value, continuous quality improvement and monitoring practices need to be integrated into the program to maximize the organization’s success in building relevance and quality into all of its products. This project has been completed and the final report, 2015 ACRP Strategic Plan, is available for download from the TRB website. KW - Airport Cooperative Research Program KW - Airport operations KW - Guidelines KW - Implementation KW - Strategic planning KW - Technical assistance UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=2812 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1455435 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01625967 TI - Tactical Initiatives from the ACRP Strategic Plan. Task 1. Dissemination of ACRP Research Results AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Guidelines KW - Information dissemination KW - Strategic planning KW - Technical assistance UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4310 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1455432 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01625541 TI - Collecting, Applying, and Maintaining Pavement Condition Data at Airports AB - Many airports have developed pavement management programs; however, there are challenges related to the collection and use of pavement condition data. Data is being collected in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D5340 and in a number of different methods and levels: network-level evaluation, project evaluation, and maintenance and repair. The collection of pavement condition data and the reporting of Pavement Condition Index (PCI) are time-consuming and expensive. Obstacles such as aircraft operations that limit the ability to collect the data may be addressed by evolving technologies. The data is used in a number of applications, including determining maintenance and repair; however, the industry is not realizing the full value of the data being collected. Also, the data is frequently not reported in a manner that is easily usable by airports in creating their operational, maintenance and capital plans. Airports need better guidance to determine the best methods to use in the collection, interpretation, application, and maintenance of pavement condition data. The objective of this research is to develop guidelines for airports that identify evidence-based best practices in collecting and using airfield pavement condition data. As part of the pavement management process this data is used to determine the PCI and how it impacts operations, maintenance, and capital improvement programs (see Note); therefore, the resource document shall have three main components: (1) data collection and interpretation, (2) data application, and (3) data maintenance. The guidelines should include, at a minimum: An introductory section that describes the importance of pavement condition data for the pavement management process; Guidance on how decision makers can use the rigid and flexible pavement condition data to make the most efficient use of funding and personnel resources; Description of a process to integrate the pavement condition data into an airport’s operating budget and capital improvement program; Methods to capture the data including automated data collection technologies and the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology; Case study examples of successful practices and lessons learned of the collection and use of pavement condition data at a variety of airport types and sizes; Consideration of adaptable landside and highway pavement applications and processes for using PCI; Opportunities and challenges for collaboration and information sharing for those generating, interpreting, and using the pavement condition data; Integration of the data into geographic information system (GIS); Identification and discussion of performance measurements outside the ASTM D5340 standard that could benefit the pavement management process, e.g., longitudinal profiles, deflection measurements; Exploration of the impact of new technologies on the future revisions of data collection standards and processes, e.g., ASTM D5340, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ACs. The work proposed must be divided into tasks and proposers must describe the work proposed in each task in detail. The research plan should include appropriate interim deliverables that will require Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) approval, including at a minimum: (1) an annotated list of literature review references; (2) a select listing of airports that have collected and implemented pavement condition data representative of different types and sizes of airports including at least 5 case studies; (3) a draft table of contents with an annotated summary of each section of the resource document; (4) a decision tree or equivalent implementation method to direct airports of different types and sizes to appropriate practices for pavement condition data collection, use and maintenance; and (5) an interim report that describes work done in early tasks with an updated work plan for remaining tasks, including a draft sample of several chapters of the resource document and the case studies. The research plan should build in other appropriate checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed; (2) one face-to-face interim report meeting to review the results of the interim report; and (3) web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables deemed appropriate. The final deliverables will include: (1) the guidelines that meet the requirements as stated in the objective; (2) presentation templates that can be used to educate board members, operations, maintenance, and planning & engineering staff on PCI data and how it can be used in airport decision making; and (3) A stand-alone technical memorandum titled “Implementation of Research Findings and Products”. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Best practices KW - Capital investments KW - Data collection KW - Guidelines KW - Indexes (Information management) KW - Pavement maintenance KW - Pavement management systems KW - Pavements KW - Physical condition UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4249 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1451125 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01620020 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S02-17. Sustainability's Role in Airport Growth AB - Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) defines airport sustainability as a set of activities that improve an airport’s Economic Viability, Operational Efficiency, Natural Resource Conservation, and Social Responsibility-the (EONS) framework. In setting the definition for sustainability, ACI-NA provided an invaluable tool for airports to pursue sustainability programs that align with their business objectives. While ACI-NA has provided the “what” of airport sustainability, the “why” is not articulated fully enough in the industry. Integrating sustainability into capacity enhancements can result in greater community acceptance of projects and fewer barriers for airports. This concept has not yet been fully explored, and as such, airports may be hesitant to integrate sustainability as a central component in master planning and day-to-day operations. As airports around the United States (US) become capacity constrained and need to grow, host communities feel many impacts from this growth-both positive and negative. A well-defined and well-communicated sustainability program can help mitigate negative impacts on communities as airports grow. For example, a set of construction guidelines requiring soil reuse and green vehicles can reduce truck trips and air emissions in surrounding communities, while local hiring requirements can improve the stimulus a community receives from an airport capital project. The communication of these requirements and packaging within an airport’s sustainability framework can make a difference between a community’s acceptance of a major airport project or expansion or a community’s rejection of the project. Furthermore, a community’s perception of the willingness for the airport to “go the extra mile” through a robust sustainability program can make a major difference in whether projects will face significant opposition. Compiling information on successful cases where a comprehensive sustainability program has been an integral part of an airport’s master plan, and how the airport’s interactions with the community during the planning and construction phases of a project benefitted from the communication of such a program will assist airport staff to include sustainability programs and practices into Airport Master Plans. Research is also needed on how the sustainability program was communicated to communities, and whether the culture of sustainability was embedded at all levels of the airport organization. Finally, research behind the airport’s motivation for pursuing sustainability is required. The objective of this research is to compile effective practices for integrating sustainability programs into capacity enhancement or major capital improvements projects at airports, including communications of these programs to communities. The intended audience is airport staff charged with developing and presenting airport master plans for approval to communities and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This synthesis will allow staff to develop an understanding of whether and how the integration of sustainability concepts in projects affects the community’s perception of major projects, and ultimate acceptance of project execution. The researcher will develop a concise report using the following methodology: (1) Identify airports where sustainability has been integrated into master plans or as a central component of past, present, and future capacity enhancement or major capital projects at airports; (2) Review records of media and community meetings to understand how these benefits were communicated; (3) Interview airport personnel to understand how sustainability was integrated in airport culture, and at what level; (4) Interview community members to understand how the airport’s adoption of sustainability programs and strategies has affected community relations; and (5) Compile list of best practices and lessons learned. Partial Information Sources include (1) Chicago’s O’Hare Modernization Program and Sustainable Airport Manual (SAM); (2) FAA’s Sustainable Master Plan Pilot Program; and (3) There are several Airport Cooperative Research Program ACRP projects that have defined sustainability best practices. However, as noted above, none of these have researched how the best practices are perceived in communities or help drive capacity enhancement or capital projects at airports. KW - Airport capacity KW - Airport operations KW - Capital investments KW - Economic development KW - Environmental impacts KW - Master plans KW - Sustainable development UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4252 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440771 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01619950 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S02-18. Airport Waste Management and Recycling Practices AB - Airport managers, their environmental/sustainability staff, and their airline liaisons continue to request information on the accomplishments and activities of the industry with regard to waste management and recycling. Industry organizations and Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) have conducted surveys in an attempt to collect, evaluate, and disseminate this information. However, a single resource has yet to emerge for industry reference. In addition, the industry is looking for aviation-specific standard methods for calculating recycling and diversion rates and other metrics used for program and facility comparisons. Recycling, composting, food donation, reuse, and waste reduction are important aspects of ongoing waste management activities at airports to reduce landfill disposal and associated costs, as well as environmental impacts. Each waste management strategy poses its own challenges associated with logistics, regulations, infrastructure, contracting, finances, and safety. As a result, airport waste management programs vary and airports are looking for information about successful efforts to incorporate in their own plans and actions. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (FMRA) expanded the definition of airport planning to include “developing a plan for recycling and minimizing the generation of airport solid waste” and added a provision requiring airports preparing a master plan to address issues related to solid waste recycling. Therefore, the interest in best practices related to waste management and recycling at airports is widespread and has generated broad interest in related information. Many airports are eager to meet their obligations under FMRA and wish to conserve resources by tapping into previous work (rather than “reinventing the wheel”). Through literature review and interviews, the researcher will collect information and document examples of airports of all sizes, operation levels, and geographic locations with effective waste management practices that include diversion. The information collected will include a high level of detail, for example: (1) Description of the airport’s waste management program; (2) Age and timeline of program; (3) Strategies included in the program (recycling, composting, food donation, waste reduction, reuse, etc.); (4) Estimated total waste generated at the airport; (5) Estimated volume of waste to landfill; estimated volume of waste diverted from the landfill (and a breakdown by volume of the diversion strategies, where possible); (6) Available waste audit/waste sort results; (7) Description of capital investments and infrastructure utilized under the program; (8) Description of contracting relationships impacting the program; (9) Operation and maintenance requirements of the program; metrics monitored (for example, contamination rate) and calculation methods; (10) Local and state requirements impacting the program; and (11) General assessment of the successes and challenges of the program. KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - Environmental impacts KW - Landfills KW - Modernization KW - Recycling KW - Waste management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4267 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440770 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01619949 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S02-19. Airport Experience with Alternative Fuels and Vehicles-Private Ground Transportation Operators AB - Over the past 10 years, numerous airports have adopted various alternative fuels to reduce emissions. Capturing airports' recent experience would provide valuable insights to other airports considering the expansion of alternative fuel use to airport- and privately-operated vehicles. The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) is conducting a synthesis study of airport experience with airport-owned and/or contracted alternative fuels fleets. General studies of the economic and environmental benefits of alternative fuels have been conducted, but these studies do not synthesizes current practice as it relates to the use of alternative fuel fleets in use by private ground transportation operators, or requirements and incentives airports may have in place or be able to implement to encourage alternative fuel and vehicle use by these operators. Airport experience with private ground transportation fleet operators is important to understanding total experience of the airport alternative vehicle fleet. The objective of this research is to compile airports’ and private airport ground transportation operators’ recent experiences and practices with existing and emerging alternative fuels in private fleets serving the airport. The audiences for this synthesis are airport management, fleet managers, and landside operations staff. This research would complement the forthcoming ACRP Synthesis Report on airport experience with airport-owned and/or operated alternative fuels and vehicles. Through a literature review, and airport surveys and interviews, the researcher will compile data, report on existing practices, and report open or evolving issues on this topic. The scope of this synthesis of current practice includes: (1) Review publications of airports’ experience with alternative fuels to identify as many airports as possible that coordinate with ground transportation operators on this topic. (2) Conduct a survey of airports that interact with privately-owned ground transportation operators on alternative fuel use, to determine: (a) X Their experience with this coordination; and (b) X Any municipal or airport-specific requirements or incentives related to alternative fuels and vehicles. (3) Interview a minimum of 10 airports to gain detailed information on their experience interacting with ground transportation operators on this topic, to include: vehicle requirements; vehicle incentives; the genesis of, or basis for, any requirements or incentives; how requirements or incentives are formalized; how requirements are monitored and enforced; any changes in vehicle use; driver acceptance and/or work rules; management satisfaction; and policy considerations. Interview results will be presented as case studies and lessons learned in summary format. (4) Deliver a concise report, including matrices, summary tables, case studies, and appendices. Airports with alternative fuels experience should be from a range of sizes and Federal Aviation Administration regions. Potential data collection airports may be found through the Department of Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center fuel station locator tool, Sustainability Aviation Guidance Alliance database, and industry conference presentations and proceedings. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Airport operations KW - Alternate fuels KW - Clean Cities Program (U.S.) KW - Emissions testing KW - Environmental impacts KW - Jet engine fuels KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Pollutants UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4268 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440769 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01619948 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S04-19. Incorporating ADA and Functional Needs in Emergency Exercises AB - Airports use emergency exercises to train airport operators and emergency responders, as well as to maintain proficiency in their unique airport environment. Exercises evaluate groups’ abilities to prepare, respond, recover, communicate and work together to perform all roles necessary for successful emergency management. Many airports are innovative in their development of exercise scenarios and their exercising and evaluation programs. With many disabled passengers travel through airports, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is important when considering emergency management scenarios. Some airports— Denver (DEN), Los Angeles (LAX) and Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW), for example—have innovative ways to include ADA advocates and representatives in the planning, execution, and evaluation of emergency training and exercises. There is no aspect of airport emergency management and exercising for an emergency that does not need to include permanently and temporarily disabled persons, their service animals, and their specialized equipment and supplies. The objective of this research is to compile existing resources, experiences and effective practices from airports that conduct emergency exercises that include scenarios that consider disabilities and collaboration with ADA advocates and their representatives. The audience for this synthesis of practice is airport operators, tenants and first responders. The research would include a literature review of existing documents and interviews of airport operators who conduct emergency exercises with disabled community participation. The researcher will collect data on effective practices from a minimum of 30 airports from a range of geographically distributed airport size classifications. Data collection will include: (1) Effective practices and strategies for including disabled persons, their service animals, and their specialized equipment and supplies; Case examples; (3) Participants, roles and responsibilities; (4) Logistics, processes and tools; (5) Creatively overcoming limited resources (costs, funding sources, lack of buy-in, leveraging resources); (6) Challenges and work-arounds; (7) Gaps and further research; and (8) Examples of exercise materials such as checklists, templates, planning elements, hazard identification and risk assessment tools, evaluation criteria, and other relevant tools and considerations. The product of the research will be a concise report and appendices that include tools for incorporating ADA considerations into emergency exercises. KW - Airport operations KW - Americans with Disabilities Act KW - Data collection KW - Denver International Airport KW - Disasters and emergency operations KW - Emergency management KW - Logistics KW - Los Angeles International Airport KW - Risk assessment KW - Southwest Florida International Airport KW - Training programs UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4271 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440768 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01618243 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S01-16. Microgrids and their Application for Airports and Public Transportation AB - The United States Department of Energy (DOE) defines a microgrid as “a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that act as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid.” In other words, a microgrid is an independent electrical system established in isolation from the wider electrical grid to provide enhanced control and protection to prevent negative effects of grid failure caused by events such as natural disasters and human intervention. Microgrids can make facilities, processes, and communities more resilient by securing a reliable power source giving owners the option to disconnect from the distribution grid (referred to as “islanding”) and draw from local power sources when the grid goes down. This protection can be particularly important for preserving functionality of critical societal uses such as public safety facilities, hospitals, communication centers, and transportation systems. The opportunity presented by microgrids has gained prominence in recent years as technology to diversify energy infrastructure has advanced and threats to regional grids from severe weather events and terrorism have grown. In recognitions of the system-wide benefits of microgrids and the need for interagency cooperation, the US DOE established the Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) to work with other federal and state agencies. ESTAP has identified and funded 12 projects that will be deployed in coming years. One project designed in the wake of Hurricane Sandy will improve power reliability through energy storage and microgrids in the metropolitan New York Area. Another ESTAP project seeks to develop a solar PV microgrid associated with Burlington International Airport in Vermont. In September 2011, the southwestern U.S. experienced a blackout which was the largest such event in California’s history affecting 6 million people. The National University System Institute for Policy Research estimated that the overall economic loss of the blackout was between $97 and $118 million (Miles 2012). San Diego, the center of the blackout, was without power for a 12-hour period. Many organizations, including the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority are seeing the potential benefits of a microgrid as a result of this major energy disruption. Examples of microgrids abound. Alaska has been a leader in world microgrid deployment, with between 200 and 250 “permanently islanded” microgrids— ranging from 30 kW to 100 MW in size and with a total capacity of over 800 MW. Additionally, each Hawaiian island is its own microgrid due to the expense of installing submarine cables to join them into a larger – yet still isolated – microgrid. Xcel Energy, a utility operating in Colorado, announced its intentions to develop a solar powered microgrid at Denver Airport in partnership with Panasonic. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has recently announced funding for a feasibility study to assess a microgrid at Stewart Airport and associated public facilities in the Town of New Windsor, NY. Other microgrids projects are under development for the military, universities, and at private business campuses. New Jersey Transit will construct a first-of-its-kind electrical microgrid capable of supplying highly reliable power during storms or other times when the centralized power grid is compromised. School bus systems in California and Vermont are experimenting with electric buses and microgrids. This synthesis report seeks to compile microgrid information and experience in order to benefit overall airport and public transportation operations and security, and provide information to airports and transit agencies who may consider establishing a microgrid. Research will locate, assemble and document existing information on microgrids as they might relate to airports and public transportation; document the benefits and challenges associated with microgrids and what is being done to improve implementation; detail existing research particularly as it pertains to enabling airports and public transportation to continue to operate as critical infrastructure; identifying the challenges that remain for the development of airport and public transportation microgrids; and organize, evaluate, and present the information collected for the benefit of the airport and transit industries. KW - Disasters and emergency operations KW - Energy storage systems KW - Generators KW - Grids (Transmission lines) KW - Hurricane Sandy, 2012 KW - Resilience (Materials) KW - Service disruption KW - Solar energy UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4265 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1436276 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01617747 TI - Quick Response for Special Needs. Task 28. Recovering International Recyclables from In-flight Service AB - The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) mandates that regulated waste can only be handled by a person or business with a compliance agreement with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Waste, including recyclable materials, must be removed from the aircraft in leak-proof receptacles and must be disposed of by incineration, sterilization, or grinding into an approved sewage system. The most commonly performed means of disposal of waste from international flights is incineration. Based on practice in other countries, there may be opportunities to consider recycling some waste from international flights in the United States U.S.). The objective of this research is to prepare a primer for airport industry practitioners that describes current practice regarding recovering recyclables from flights arriving from international destinations. The topics to be addressed in the primer should include, but are not limited to: (1) Overview of why airports and their stakeholders are focusing on recycling material from arriving international flights; (2) Summary of current U.S. policies and regulations concerning the handling of international waste from inflight service; (3) Review of non-U.S. recycling laws and practices relative to recovering waste from arriving international flights; (4) Potential current, near-term, and long-range recycling challenges and opportunities (including specific materials that could be salvaged); (5) U.S. laws that would need to be addressed to permit the recovery of recyclables from international inflight service; and (6) Potential opportunities for airports and stakeholders to collaborate with regulators to expand recycling practices. KW - Flight KW - Grinding KW - Incinerators KW - International travel KW - Recycled materials KW - Regulations KW - Wastes UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4251 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1435652 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01619669 TI - Task Order Support for ACRP Insight Events. Task 16-03. Forum on Airport Roles in Reducing Communicable Diseases Transmission AB - Airports are the global gateways for passengers and cargo via aircraft, usually the quickest way to get overseas from one continent to the other. In addition to carrying passengers’ luggage and commercial goods, aircraft can be the vehicle by which diseases can quickly spread around the world. The Transportation Research Board has conducted several studies on this topic. In 2007, Interagency-Aviation Industry Collaboration on planning for Pandemic Outbreak workshop was organized to explore the state-of-the-practice for pandemic planning by airports and airlines. In 2009, Research on Transmission of Disease in Airports and on Aircraft symposium was conducted that examined the current research related to the transmission of disease on aircraft and in airports. Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) also conducted two research projects that has resulted in ACRP Report 91: Infectious Disease Mitigation in Airports and on Aircraft, which provides guidance to airports and air carriers to mitigating the risk of spreading disease, and ACRP CRP-CD-137: The Vector-Borne Disease Airport Importation Risk Tool, which is an interactive tool to assist airports and airlines in understanding their roles in reducing the spread and transmission of diseases. The objectives of this research are to convene an industry forum and build upon the established knowledge to discuss the challenges airports face in reducing the transmission of communicable diseases, quantify data to determine the risk of specific infectious diseases for airlines and airports, identify specific measures to mitigate the transmissions of diseases, and implementation priorities and other potential solutions and/or areas for further research. The presenters will include public health officials, epidemiologists, and airline environmental and occupational health experts. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Communicable diseases KW - Diseases and medical conditions KW - Health hazards KW - Public health UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4096 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440674 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01618777 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S01-17. Attracting Investment at General Aviation Airports Through Public-Private Partnerships and Leasing AB - Many successful general aviation airports host a mix of aeronautical and non-aeronautical uses through public private partnerships. Each has a complex mix of lease terms to allow for developer return on investment while protecting aviation and complying with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements. This research focuses on practical business applications to make small airport developments successful. The principal investigator will conduct a literature review, and a screening survey to identify general aviation (GA) airports that have completed or announced large projects within the last 5 years. This may include Sugar Land, Texas; Fort Worth Alliance; Centennial, Colorado. One or two BRAC projects should be included. These will be surveyed and/or interview to gather information on the following: (1) How do the airport owner and project proponent best determine market, logistical and operational feasibility of the proposed project? (2) What are their respective processes for approval of proposed lease terms by their respective governing bodies: do they start with a letter of intent, memorandum of understanding or similar document? Is it fully or partly binding or not? (3) What needs to be in a good lease and how to help the city attorney understand? (4) Do they use a third party construction or project manager and, if so, with whom does the manager contract: the airport or the project sponsor? Do they use the construction manager at risk (CMAR) structure? (5) How do they address: (a) federal, state and local design and building requirements; (b) constraints such as terrain, weather and, particularly in Western states, water rights and/or accessibility; and (c) coordination with other tenants and users whose activities might be affected by the construction process and thereafter by the new facility? (6) Do leases address costs if the project is abandoned, especially clean-up and remediation costs if some construction and/or installation work was done? (7) How to structure deals so that a developer wins and airport does not give away the farm? (8) Is there a mix of aeronautical and non-aeronautical development and leasing structures that allows an airport to flourish? (9) How to handle the return on investment (ROI) with financing cheap but construction cost high. (10) Strong examples that are scaleable and show how terms are broken down to get to success. A concise report will be written that summarizes the results of the literature review, survey and interviews. The report will include exemplary practices from the airports studied, as well as gaps in knowledge and recommended research. KW - Airport operations KW - Construction manager at risk KW - Construction projects KW - General aviation airports KW - Ownership, leasing and rental KW - Public private partnerships KW - Return on investment UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4266 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1439994 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01618778 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S03-14. Simulation of Airside and Landside Operations in Airport Planning AB - Airports are the places where the nation’s air transportation system connects with other modes of transportation. Airports also contain the boundary where the control authority over the conduct of a flight changes over from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to the airline or other local, non-FAA authority (e.g., gate aprons). Airports also manage the dynamics of passenger flows moving through passenger-terminal areas to/from aircraft. Furthermore, airports are dynamic environments, with constant operational (e.g., new security procedures) and physical (e.g., new construction) changes in progress. In such a dynamic and interconnected environment, simulation can play a big role in the planning of operational/physical changes. Credible airport simulation helps airport administrators, engineers and planners estimate the impact of planned changes on passenger traffic, aircraft traffic, baggage movements, and other sub-processes. In the past couple of decades, airport simulation techniques have improved considerably because simulation developers have incorporated deeper understanding of the complex and intricate relationships governing airport operations into the simulation programs. Moreover, rapid advances in computer hardware technologies, software systems and parallel processing techniques have enabled simulation developers to add intricate data analytics and machine learning based models into the simulation programs. Today, all major airport development efforts involve the use of airport modeling and simulation, at some level, particularly in airport master plans, airport–airspace capacity studies, terminal studies, curbside capacity studies and assessment of airport impacts on the environment. There are a large number of available simulation tools for modeling air traffic on the air-side, i.e., on the airport surfaces and in near-airport airspace regions. There are also multiple software programs available that can model passenger flows inside the airport terminal buildings as well as related processes such as baggage movement, i.e., ground-side processes. An airport planner, researcher or administrator would greatly benefit from a survey of all available simulation tools and related modeling/analysis capabilities, because it will provide information on the capabilities of individual tools, how they can be integrated together to achieve broader analyses, and what are the current capability gaps. Equipped with such a survey, airport planners/researchers/administrators will be able to select simulation tools most appropriate for the investigation under consideration and thereby increase the effectiveness and reliability of the ensuing analysis. This synthesis study will explore existing airport simulation tools capable of simulating either airside operations or landside operations, or both. The study will also include information on how the simulation tools are used at large and medium hub airports and what benefit they provide. The study will also identify capability-gaps in existing airside and landside simulation tools, and propose research for filling these gaps. The principal investigator will review literature and conduct a survey of a representative sample of airports, including selected interviews. A concise report will be generated that summarizes the results of the literature review, survey and interviews. The report will include exemplary practices for simulation modeling for airport planning, as well as gaps in knowledge and recommended research. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport planning KW - Data collection KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Master plans KW - Planning and design KW - Simulation KW - Software UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4269 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1439993 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01618779 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S03-15. How Airports Plan for Changing Aircraft Capacity-the Effects of Upgauging AB - Upgauging,” is an industry technique in which airlines increase capacity by adding seats on existing jets and replacing smaller planes with larger ones. One Wall Street Journal 2015 study showed United States (U.S.) airlines offering 12% more domestic seats than two years ago, but 4.4% fewer flights. The result of upgauging has required airports of all sizes to adjust. Potential impacts could be felt on both landside and airside facilities and operations. This research will describe issues that airports need to attend to and accommodations made in maintaining flexibility to accommodate aircraft and passenger changes from airline upgauging. The principal investigator will review literature and conduct a survey of a representative sample of airports, including selected interviews. A concise report will be generated that summarizes the results of the literature review, survey and interviews. The report will include exemplary practices for occupational data collection, analysis, and reporting, as well as gaps in knowledge and recommended research. Topics to be explored include, but are not limited to: (1) Resizing internal corridor space and passenger hold areas to handle the increased number of passengers disembarking from the larger planes. (2) Expanding concession areas to serve the additional travelers, and to help defray the costs of renovations. (3) Issues and strains on facilities-parking garage, and terminal non-secure areas. (4) Reconfiguring terminals at smaller airports designed for slim regional jets to accommodate airlines’ new fleets. (5) New jet bridges that can accommodate larger planes and connect them to terminals. (6) How use of adjacent gates not in their lease affects the airport, including gate rental a higher ad hoc rates. (7) Apron/ramp restriping. (8) Shared use equipment. (9) When aircraft arrive early with no gate, where does the airport operator queue planes awaiting gate space? (10) What are new terminal plans? (11) Flexibility and leasing are key. Design for flexibility and write good use and lease agreements for adaptation. (12) Some larger or more sophisticated airports use "balanced facility requirements" (Orlando). (13) What is in the toolkit and what is the checklist for planning to upgauge. KW - Aircraft cabins KW - Airport capacity KW - Airport planning KW - Airport terminals KW - Airside operations KW - Gates KW - Landside capacity KW - Seats UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4270 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1439992 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01618780 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S04-20. Airport Incident Reporting Practices AB - An airport has many operations including the active airfield, parking, transportation, concessions, and cargo handling. These operations have inherent hazards that can result in incidents involving employee, contractor or air passenger injury if not recognized and controlled where feasible. These hazards should be identified, assessed, and mitigated. There does not seem to be a standardized process to classify and compare work place incident rate information such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Recordable Rate; Days Away, Restrictions and Transfers (DART), etc. Airports should be able to compare incident rate information (Benchmark) as a way to measure performance. The principal investigator will review literature and conduct a survey of a representative sample of airports, including selected interviews. A concise report will be generated that summarizes the results of the literature review, survey and interviews. The report will include exemplary practices for incident reporting practices data collection, analysis, and reporting, as well as gaps in knowledge and recommended research. Topics to be explored include, but are not limited to: (1) Key occupational safety metrics used by airports. (2) Leading/Lagging indicators. (3) Occupational safety metrics/standards for contractors. (4) What info are airports collecting? (5) Tenant or concessionaire injuries. (6) Variation among airports in collecting and reporting OSHA reportable injuries. (7) Educating safety managers. (8) How data are collected, analyzed and reported. (9) How are data used to mitigate risk and exposure. KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash data KW - Crash injuries KW - Crash reports KW - Incident management KW - Occupational Safety and Health Administration UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4272 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1439991 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01618781 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S09-08. Approaches to Mitigate Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) Effects at Airports AB - Alkali silica reaction (ASR) is pervasive problem in concrete structures in nearly all 50 states in the United States (US). ASR occurs when siliceous aggregate reacts with cement alkali hydroxides within the concrete matrix pores. The reaction creates a gel substance, alkali silica gel, along the aggregate perimeter and within aggregate cracks. The gel absorbs water, expands, and creates tensile stresses within the concrete matrix. The tensile stresses initially are manifested as surface cracking, map cracking, however over time cause large pavement expansion. As stated in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Facts Book, (Thomas et al. March 2013) there are three requirements for the damaging ASR reaction to occur; these are: (1) a sufficient quantity of reactive silica (within aggregates); (2) a sufficient concentration of alkali (primarily from Portland cement); and (3) Sufficient moisture. Elimination of any one of these requirements will prevent the occurrence of damaging alkali-silica reaction. Prevention and mitigation of damaging ASR is based upon eliminating or reducing one or more of these three requirements. Concrete mix requirements for new airfield construction are specified in Item P-501 of AC 150/5370-10F (Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 2011). ASR is avoided through stringent aggregate testing (mortar bar method), limiting the alkalis in the cement, and using Class F fly ash additive. However, many older airfields constructed prior the AC 150/5370-10F requirements are experiencing large slab expansion resulting in cracking due to ASR. Methods to prevent ASR in new highway pavement construction are reviewed in Thomas et al. (December 2013). ASR expansion in concrete structures has now been identified in all 50 states in the US. ASR has been identified at many US commercial airports: (1) Denver and Colorado Springs in Colorado; (2) Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Georgia; (3) Memphis International, Tennessee; (4) Greenville-Spartanburg Airport, South Carolina; (5) Idaho Falls, Idaho; (6) Regional airports in Wyoming, Albuquerque, and Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport; and (7) Detroit Metropolitan Airport. ASR approaches to retard ASR progression after it has been identified are limited. Approaches typically use sealants to prevent water intrusion, however, pavement joints open and close and therefore allow a path for water intrusion into the pavement areas adjacent to the pavement joints. Identification of ASR in pavements has often been described as a death sentence for those pavements. Airports are looking for measures to take that can reduce the likelihood of deleterious expansion in airport pavements from ASR. Review of current approaches used for mitigating ASR effects at airfield pavement sections along with new approaches for ASR mitigation for new pavement construction would be useful to airports. The following data shall be collected and compiled in a concise report. Current ASR mitigation approaches. (a) Use of fly ash class C and F; (b) Use of Slag; (c) Use of lithium nitrate; and (d) Use of Silica fume. New approaches for ASR mitigation for new construction. (e) Use of a specialty cement such as calcium sulfoaluminate cement; (f) Using a new test for screening aggregates; (g) New or improved additives; (h) Use of fiber material in the mix; (i) Reducing the number of joints by having greater slab sizes; (j) Decreasing the porosity of the concrete mix to reduce water and deicer infiltration; and (k) Reducing the pH of the concrete mix. The principal investigator will conduct a literature review, and a screening survey to identify airports experiencing runway ASR damage, in addition to those identified above. These airports will be surveyed and /or interviewed to determine extent of damage, any mitigation performed, and steps taken to ensure ASR mitigation for new construction. A concise report will be written that summarizes the results of the literature review, survey and interviews. The report will include exemplary practices from the airports studied, as well as gaps in knowledge and recommended research. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Alkali silica reactions KW - Civil aviation KW - Colorado Springs Airport KW - Concrete structures KW - Cracking KW - Denver International Airport KW - Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport KW - Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport KW - Idaho Falls (Idaho) KW - Memphis International Airport KW - Moisture content KW - Regional transportation KW - Tensile strength UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4273 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1439990 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01615650 AU - Ahearn, Meghan AU - Boeker, Eric AU - Gorshkov, Slava AU - Hansen, Andrew AU - Hwang, Sunje AU - Koopmann, Jonathan AU - Malwitz, Andrew AU - Noel, George AU - Reherman, Clay AU - Senzig, David AU - Solman, Gina Barberio AU - Tosa, Yasunari AU - Wilson, Andrew AU - Zubrow, Alexis AU - DiPardo, Joe AU - Majeed, Mohammed AU - Bernal, Jose AU - Biederman, Andrew AU - Dinges, Eric AU - Rickel, Denise AU - Yaworski, Michael AU - Hall, Clifford AU - Augustine, Stephen AU - Foley, Ryan AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Technical Manual: Version 2c PY - 2016/12/09/Final Report SP - 398p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environment and Energy (FAA-AEE) has developed the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) version 2c software system with the support of the following development team: FAA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), U.S. DOT Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), ATAC Corporation, Metron Aviation, Wyle Laboratories, CSSI, Inc., Foliage, MIT, and Georgia Tech. AEDT 2c models aircraft performance in space and time to estimate fuel consumption, emissions, noise, and air quality consequences. AEDT is designed to process individual studies ranging in scope from a single flight at an airport to scenarios at the regional, national, and global levels. This Technical Manual describes the technical methodology in AEDT 2c. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Fuel consumption KW - Performance KW - Technical manuals UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/59000/59900/59999/AEDT2c_TechManual.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1427771 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01620251 AU - Legge, Gordon E AU - Downey, Chris AU - Giudice, Nicholas A AU - Tjan, Bosco S AU - University of Minnesota, Twin Cities AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Indoor Airport Wayfinding for Blind and Visually Impaired Travelers PY - 2016/12//Technical Note SP - 40p AB - By conservative estimates, more than 4 million Americans have impaired vision, with the prevalence rising as the population ages. Wayfinding in complex public spaces, such as airport terminals, poses a major challenge for this group and adversely affects their mobility and quality of life. Wayfinding refers to the ability to find one’s way to a desired destination. In an airport, critical wayfinding tasks include finding and passing through security, reaching a departure gate, traveling between gates to make a connecting flight, finding the baggage claim and ground transportation (taxi, bus, or rail), and finding relief stations for service animals. These wayfinding tasks must often be accomplished under time pressure. Other important wayfinding tasks include finding bathrooms, restaurants, and ticketing kiosks. This project had three objectives: (1) to describe the demographics and wide range of visual impairment and wayfinding needs within the target population; (2) to explore challenges and solutions related to specific factors affecting airport wayfinding by visually impaired people; and (3) to develop three types of recommendations for enhancing accessibility of airport terminals: those having a broad consensus and which can be implemented in the near future, those requiring consultation with stakeholders for which alternative solutions need discussion, and those requiring technical research and development. This technical note identifies best practices and recommendations for potentially viable solutions. This technical note is also intended to encourage discussion and raise questions for a broad audience including Federal Aviation Administration staff, airport administration, airline staff, people with interests in accessible transportation systems, vision rehabilitation specialists, visually impaired travelers, and members of the general public with an interest in accessibility. Ultimately, solutions could be found through collaboration and consensus among stakeholders. Improved wayfinding and other forms of accessibility within airports require communication and shared responsibility of two major groups—those providing airport services and the users of those services. KW - Accessibility KW - Airport terminals KW - Best practices KW - Blind persons KW - Visually impaired persons KW - Wayfinding UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/Download/Airport-Safety-Papers-Publications-Detail/dt/Detail/ItemID/572/Indoor-Airport-Wayfinding-for-Blind-and-Visually-Impaired-Travelers UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440559 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01619667 TI - Task Order Support for ACRP Insight Events. Task 16-01. Forum on Challenges to Implementing Successful Land Use Strategies at Airports AB - Successful land use strategies generally consist of encouraging compatible land uses around airports. Land use planning and controls surrounding airports are often the responsibility of the local governments, with the surrounding jurisdictions in many cases having no ties to the airport facilities. Even in instances where the airport and local land uses are controlled by the same governmental entity, the airport may have little influence and the government little ability to adequately control land uses near the airport. The pressure to develop near airports can be significant and planning and land use considerations are often decided without considering the airport’s future development needs and ongoing operational requirements. As airports and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) continue to refine airfield layouts and approach and departure procedures, respectively, the determination of what is compatible both today and in the future continues to be challenging. Given the magnitude and variety of the challenges to controlling land uses around airports, research is needed to provide airports, communities, and developers with information and tools to protect and improve land uses around airports. The objectives of this research are to convene an industry forum to discuss the key challenges to airports associated with influencing land uses around their facilities. Presenters may include airports, regions, and states that have successfully implemented effective land use controls around airports or other facilities that are incompatible with a range of land uses. Topics could include strategies for improving the ability of airports to control or influence land uses in their vicinity and guidance for airports and communities in successfully collaborating with developers and similar entities. KW - Airport facilities KW - Airport operations KW - Land use planning KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Plan implementation KW - Regional development KW - Strategic planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4094 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440676 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01619668 TI - Task Order Support for ACRP Insight Events. Task 16-02. Forum on Economic and Social Sustainability at Airports AB - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sustainability programs have invigorated sustainability planning, often to the point of full integration with airport master plans. Significant attention has been given to waste, water, energy, and natural resources, building on decades of a still growing environmental movement. The new “era of green” is now spreading to smaller airports without incentive funding. However, among most airports, planning and reporting on social and economic sustainability appear conventional. This apparent lack of innovation may reflect a general stasis in two key areas: economic and social sustainability or it may be a byproduct of airports lacking a common language for reporting and discussing their more innovative social and economic activities. Research is needed to identify the different taxonomies used globally by domestic and international airports to frame planning that accomplishes social and economic sustainability goals, identify innovation in both areas, and develop a set of commonly accepted good practices that fall outside conventional measures in use for economic (jobs created, gross domestic product (GDP) generated) and social (pay equity, safety records) sustainability. The objective of this research is to convene an Academy industry forum to discuss airport social and economic sustainability practices. The forum could feature “innovative” case presentations to demonstrate lessons learned and, where possible, performance indicators. This topic could include background information highlighting a base set of globally accepted performance indicators, accepted best practice program descriptions, and other resources helpful in establishing or improving delivery of conventional social and economic sustainability initiatives. Presentations could examine traditional taxonomies for classifying social and economic initiatives, along with a brief description of lessons learned by airport leaders in adoption of conventional programs and reporting systems. Presentations could also provide introductory context to help readers understand the magnitude of the innovations illustrated in each case. KW - Airport operations KW - Economic development KW - Economic impacts KW - Environmental impacts KW - Gross domestic product KW - Social factors KW - Sustainable development UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4095 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440675 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01618662 TI - Developing Innovative Strategies for Aviation Education and Participation AB - The aviation industry is a vital sector of the United States (U.S.) economy, yet participation in aviation as a career, for business, extracurricular activity, sport, and recreation has declined over the last decade. There are many causes for the decline, including a reduced interest in aviation among younger populations and other demographics and a lack of industry promotion. State and local aviation agencies are in a unique position to support the industry, and while some states have established robust outreach and educational programs, others lack the resources necessary to promote this important transportation asset. Industry groups also engage in educational and promotional programs. Currently, there is no single-source report summarizing these efforts, nor is there guidance to help state and local agencies develop and implement such efforts. Research is needed to provide guidance and supporting material (e.g., checklists, datasheets of practices, templates for brochures and presentations) for state agencies and local airports to promote interest and participation in the aviation industry. The objective of this research is to prepare a guidebook and supporting material (e.g., checklists, datasheets of practices, templates for brochures and presentations) for state agencies and local airports to facilitate participation and education in aviation. The guidebook and supporting material should focus on reaching the 10- through 25-year-old age group and be geared toward helping develop and implement strategies for promoting aviation as a career, for business, extracurricular activity, sport, and recreation. The guidebook and supporting material should consider, at a minimum: (1) Emerging technologies and trends in aviation (e.g., airports, airspace, safety, and aircraft); and (2) Emerging technologies and trends in communication, education, and outreach (e.g., websites, mobile devices, social media, virtual classroom, simulation, standards-based education, project-based learning). Research is underway. A kickoff conference call with the panel and contractor was held on November 2, 2016. The interim report and subsequent interim meeting are scheduled for August 2017. KW - Civil aviation KW - Education and training KW - Guidelines KW - Outreach KW - Personnel retention KW - State of the practice KW - Strategic planning KW - Transportation careers UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4097 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1436779 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01618141 TI - Quick Response for Special Needs. Task 27. Update to Models for Risk Assessment of Runway Safety Areas AB - The Original companion software was developed for Microsoft Windows XP and used the Microsoft Office 2007 Professional package (MS Excel and MS Access). The companion software does not work with current versions of MS Windows and Office. Update to ACRP Report 50: Improved Models for Risk Assessment of Runway Safety Areas companion software to use the latest MS Visual Studio Professional and adapt software for Windows 10 and: MS Office 2013 Professional, MS Office 2016 Professional, and MS Office 365 Professional. KW - Airport runways KW - Mathematical models KW - Risk assessment KW - Safety KW - Software UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4250 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1436205 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01616245 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Economic Impact of Civil Aviation on the U.S. Economy PY - 2016/11 SP - 36p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) 2016 Economic Impact Report offers the latest available data from 2014 on the economic benefits of air passenger and air cargo transportation from activities by commercial airlines, air couriers, airports, tourism, aircraft and avionics manufacturing, and aviation research and development. An addition to this year’s report is a look at aviation’s contribution to productivity growth. While output of the air transportation industry ranked 41st among 63 industries in 2014, it is the seventh leading contributor to the national productivity growth and has the second highest productivity growth rate among the industries. KW - Air cargo KW - Civil aviation KW - Economic benefits KW - Economic impacts KW - National economy KW - Passenger service KW - Productivity KW - United States UR - https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/media/2016-economic-impact-report_FINAL.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1429380 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01615484 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices, Topic S03-15. How Airports Plan for Changing Aircraft Capacity-the Effects of Upgauging AB - “Upgauging,” is an industry technique in which airlines increase capacity by adding seats on existing jets and replacing smaller planes with larger ones. One Wall Street Journal 2015 study showed U.S. airlines offering 12% more domestic seats than two years ago, but 4.4% fewer flights. The result of upgauging has required airports of all sizes to adjust. Potential impacts could be felt on both landside and airside facilities and operations. This research will describe issues that airports need to attend to and accommodations made in maintaining flexibility to accommodate aircraft and passenger changes from airline upgauging. The principal investigator will review literature and conduct a survey of a representative sample of airports, including selected interviews. A concise report will be generated that summarizes the results of the literature review, survey and interviews. The report will include exemplary practices for occupational data collection, analysis, and reporting, as well as gaps in knowledge and recommended research. Topics to be explored include, but are not limited to: (1) • Resizing internal corridor space and passenger hold areas to handle the increased number of passengers disembarking from the larger planes; (2) Expanding concession areas to serve the additional travelers, and to help defray the costs of renovations; (3) Issues and strains on facilities-parking garage, and terminal non-secure areas; (4) Reconfiguring terminals at smaller airports designed for slim regional jets to accommodate airlines’ new fleets; (5) New jet bridges that can accommodate larger planes and connect them to terminals; (6) How use of adjacent gates not in their lease affects the airport, including gate rental a higher ad hoc rates; (7) Apron / ramp restriping; (8) Shared use equipment; (9) When aircraft arrive early with no gate, where does the airport operator queue planes awaiting gate space?; (10) What are new terminal plans?; (11) Flexibility and leasing are key. Design for flexibility and write good use and lease agreements for adaptation; (12) Some larger or more sophisticated airports use "balanced facility requirements" (Orlando); and (13) What is in the toolkit and what is the checklist for planning to upgauge. KW - Aircraft gates KW - Airport capacity KW - Airside operations KW - Aprons (Airports) KW - Arrivals and departures KW - Concessions KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Parking facilities UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4270 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1428195 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01615483 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices, Topic S04-20. Airport Incident Reporting Practices AB - An airport has many operations including the active airfield, parking, transportation, concessions, and cargo handling. These operations have inherent hazards that can result in incidents involving employee, contractor or air passenger injury if not recognized and controlled where feasible. These hazards should be identified, assessed, and mitigated. There does not seem to be a standardized process to classify and compare work place incident rate information such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Recordable Rate; Days Away, Restrictions and Transfers (DART), etc. Airports should be able to compare incident rate information (Benchmark) as a way to measure performance. The principal investigator will review literature and conduct a survey of a representative sample of airports, including selected interviews. A concise report will be generated that summarizes the results of the literature review, survey and interviews. The report will include exemplary practices for incident reporting practices data collection, analysis, and reporting, as well as gaps in knowledge and recommended research. Topics to be explored include, but are not limited to: (1) Key occupational safety metrics used by airports; (2) Leading/Lagging indicators; (3) Occupational safety metrics/standards for contractors; (4) What info are airports collecting?; (5) Tenant or concessionaire injuries; (6) Variation among airports in collecting and reporting OSHA reportable injuries; (7) Educating safety managers; (8) How data are collected, analyzed and reported; and (9) How are data used to mitigate risk and exposure. KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Best practices KW - Concessions KW - Crash reports KW - Data collection KW - Incident management KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Occupational Safety and Health Administration UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4272 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1428194 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01615482 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices Topic S01-17. Attracting Investment at General Aviation Airports Through Public-Private Partnerships and Leasing AB - Many successful general aviation (GA) airports host a mix of aeronautical and non-aeronautical uses through public private partnerships. Each has a complex mix of lease terms to allow for developer return on investment while protecting aviation and complying with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements. This research focuses on practical business applications to make small airport developments successful. The principal investigator will conduct a literature review, and a screening survey to identify GA airports that have completed or announced large projects within the last 5 years. This may include Sugar Land, Texas; Fort Worth Alliance; Centennial, Colorado. One or two BRAC projects should be included. These will be surveyed and / or interview to gather information on the following: (1) How do the airport owner and project proponent best determine market, logistical and operational feasibility of the proposed project? (2) What are their respective processes for approval of proposed lease terms by their respective governing bodies: do they start with a letter of intent, memorandum of understanding or similar document? Is it fully or partly binding or not? (3) What needs to be in a good lease and how to help the city attorney understand? (4) Do they use a third party construction or project manager and, if so, with whom does the manager contract: the airport or the project sponsor? (5) Do they use the construction manager at risk (CMAR) structure? How do they address: (a) federal, state and local design and building requirements; (b) constraints such as terrain, weather and, particularly in Western states, water rights and/or accessibility; (c) coordination with other tenants and users whose activities might be affected by the construction process and thereafter by the new facility? (6) Do leases address costs if the project is abandoned, especially clean-up and remediation costs if some construction and/or installation work was done? (7) How to structure deals so that a developer wins and airport does not give away the farm? (8) Is there a mix of aeronautical and non-aeronautical development and leasing structures that allows an airport to flourish? (9) How to handle the return on investment (ROI) with financing cheap but construction cost high? and (1) Strong examples that are scalable and show how terms are broken down to get to success. A concise report will be written that summarizes the results of the literature review, survey and interviews. The report will include exemplary practices from the airports studied, as well as gaps in knowledge and recommended research. KW - Construction manager at risk KW - General aviation airports KW - Leasing KW - Logistics KW - Project management KW - Public private partnerships KW - Return on investment UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4266 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1428167 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01615481 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S03-14. Simulation of Airside and Landside Operations in Airport Planning AB - Airports are the places where the nation’s air transportation system connects with other modes of transportation. Airports also contain the boundary where the control authority over the conduct of a flight changes over from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to the airline or other local, non-FAA authority (e.g., gate aprons). Airports also manage the dynamics of passenger flows moving through passenger-terminal areas to/from aircraft. Furthermore, airports are dynamic environments, with constant operational (e.g., new security procedures) and physical (e.g., new construction) changes in progress. In such a dynamic and interconnected environment, simulation can play a big role in the planning of operational/physical changes. Credible airport simulation helps airport administrators, engineers and planners estimate the impact of planned changes on passenger traffic, aircraft traffic, baggage movements, and other sub-processes. In the past couple of decades, airport simulation techniques have improved considerably because simulation developers have incorporated deeper understanding of the complex and intricate relationships governing airport operations into the simulation programs. Moreover, rapid advances in computer hardware technologies, software systems and parallel processing techniques have enabled simulation developers to add intricate data analytics and machine learning based models into the simulation programs. Today, all major airport development efforts involve the use of airport modeling and simulation, at some level, particularly in airport master plans, airport–airspace capacity studies, terminal studies, curbside capacity studies and assessment of airport impacts on the environment. There are a large number of available simulation tools for modeling air traffic on the air-side, i.e., on the airport surfaces and in near-airport airspace regions. There are also multiple software programs available that can model passenger flows inside the airport terminal buildings as well as related processes such as baggage movement, i.e., ground-side processes. An airport planner, researcher or administrator would greatly benefit from a survey of all available simulation tools and related modeling/analysis capabilities, because it will provide information on the capabilities of individual tools, how they can be integrated together to achieve broader analyses, and what are the current capability gaps. Equipped with such a survey, airport planners/researchers/administrators will be able to select simulation tools most appropriate for the investigation under consideration and thereby increase the effectiveness and reliability of the ensuing analysis. This synthesis study will explore existing airport simulation tools capable of simulating either airside operations or landside operations, or both. The study will also include information on how the simulation tools are used at large and medium hub airports and what benefit they provide. The study will also identify capability-gaps in existing airside and landside simulation tools, and propose research for filling these gaps. The principal investigator will review literature and conduct a survey of a representative sample of airports, including selected interviews. A concise report will be generated that summarizes the results of the literature review, survey and interviews. The report will include exemplary practices for simulation modeling for airport planning, as well as gaps in knowledge and recommended research. KW - Airport operations KW - Airside operations KW - Intermodal terminals KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Simulation KW - Software KW - Strategic planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4269 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1428166 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01615480 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S09-08. Approaches to Mitigate Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) Effects at Airports AB - Alkali silica reaction (ASR) is pervasive problem in concrete structures in nearly all 50 states in the United States (US). ASR occurs when siliceous aggregate reacts with cement alkali hydroxides within the concrete matrix pores. The reaction creates a gel substance, alkali silica gel, along the aggregate perimeter and within aggregate cracks. The gel absorbs water, expands, and creates tensile stresses within the concrete matrix. The tensile stresses initially are manifested as surface cracking, map cracking, however over time cause large pavement expansion. As stated in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Facts Book, (Thomas et al. March 2013) there are three requirements for the damaging ASR reaction to occur; these are: (1) a sufficient quantity of reactive silica (within aggregates); (2) a sufficient concentration of alkali (primarily from Portland cement); and (3) sufficient moisture. Elimination of any one of these requirements will prevent the occurrence of damaging alkali-silica reaction. Prevention and mitigation of damaging ASR is based upon eliminating or reducing one or more of these three requirements. Concrete mix requirements for new airfield construction are specified in Item P-501 of AC 150/5370-10F (FAA 2011). ASR is avoided through stringent aggregate testing (mortar bar method), limiting the alkalis in the cement, and using Class F fly ash additive. However, many older airfields constructed prior the AC 150/5370-10F requirements are experiencing large slab expansion resulting in cracking due to ASR. Methods to prevent ASR in new highway pavement construction are reviewed in Thomas et al. (December 2013). ASR expansion in concrete structures has now been identified in all 50 states in the US. ASR has been identified at many US commercial airports: Denver and Colorado Springs in Colorado; Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Georgia; Memphis International, Tennessee; Greenville-Spartanburg Airport, South Carolina; Idaho Falls, Idaho; Regional airports in Wyoming, Albuquerque, and Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport; and Detroit Metropolitan Airport. ASR approaches to retard ASR progression after it has been identified are limited. Approaches typically use sealants to prevent water intrusion, however, pavement joints open and close and therefore allow a path for water intrusion into the pavement areas adjacent to the pavement joints. Identification of ASR in pavements has often been described as a death sentence for those pavements. Airports are looking for measures to take that can reduce the likelihood of deleterious expansion in airport pavements from ASR. Review of current approaches used for mitigating ASR effects at airfield pavement sections along with new approaches for ASR mitigation for new pavement construction would be useful to airports. The following data shall be collected and compiled in a concise report. Current ASR mitigation approaches. (1) Use of fly ash class C and F; (2) Use of Slag; (3) Use of lithium nitrate; and (4) Use of Silca fume. New approaches for ASR mitigation for new construction. (1) Use of a specialty cement such as calcium sulfoaluminate cement; (2) Using a new test for screening aggregates; (3) New or improved additives; (4) Use of fiber material in the mix; (5) Reducing the number of joints by having greater slab sizes; (6) Decreasing the porosity of the concrete mix to reduce water and deicer infiltration; and (7) Reducing the pH of the concrete mix. The principal investigator will conduct a literature review, and a screening survey to identify airports experiencing runway ASR damage, in addition to those identified above. These airports will be surveyed and /or interviewed to determine extent of damage, any mitigation performed, and steps taken to ensure ASR mitigation for new construction. A concise report will be written that summarizes the results of the literature review, survey and interviews. The report will include exemplary practices from the airports studied, as well as gaps in knowledge and recommended research. KW - Admixtures KW - Airport runways KW - Alkali silica reactions KW - Concrete structures KW - Cracking KW - Expansion KW - Fly ash KW - Tensile strength UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4273 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1428165 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01615127 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices, Topic S01-16. Microgrids and their Application at Airports AB - The US Department of Energy (DOE) defines a microgrid as “a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid.” In other words, a microgrid is an independent electrical system established in isolation from the wider electrical grid to provide enhanced control and protection to prevent negative effects of grid failure caused by events such as natural disasters and human intervention. Microgrids can make facilities, processes, and communities more resilient by securing a reliable power source giving owners the option to disconnect from the distribution grid (referred to as “islanding”) and draw from local power sources when the grid goes down. This protection can be particularly important for preserving functionality of critical societal uses such as public safety facilities, hospitals, communication centers, and transportation systems. The opportunity presented by microgrids has gained prominence in recent years as technology to diversify energy infrastructure has advanced and threats to regional grids from severe weather events and terrorism have grown. In recognitions of the system-wide benefits of microgrids and the need for interagency cooperation, the US DOE established the Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP) to work with other federal and state agencies. ESTAP has identified and funded 12 projects that will be deployed in coming years. One project designed in the wake of Hurricane Sandy will improve power reliability through energy storage and microgrids in the metropolitan New York Area. Another ESTAP project seeks to develop a solar PV microgrid associated with Burlington International Airport in Vermont. In September 2011, the southwestern U.S. experienced a blackout which was the largest such event in California’s history affecting 6 million people. The National University System Institute for Policy Research estimated that the overall economic loss of the blackout was between $97 and $118 million (Miles 2012). San Diego, the center of the blackout, was without power for a 12-hour period. Many organizations, including the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority are seeing the potential benefits of a microgrid as a result of this major energy disruption. Examples of microgrids abound. Alaska has been a leader in world microgrid deployment, with between 200 and 250 “permanently islanded” microgrids— ranging from 30 kW to 100 MW in size and with a total capacity of over 800 MW (Asmus 2014). Additionally, each Hawaiian island is its own microgrid due to the expense of installing submarine cables to join them into a larger – yet still isolated – microgrid. Xcel Energy, a utility operating in Colorado, announced its intentions to develop a solar powered microgrid at Denver Airport in partnership with Panasonic. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has recently announced funding for a feasibility study to assess a microgrid at Stewart Airport and associated public facilities in the Town of New Windsor, NY. Other microgrids projects are under development for the military, universities, and at private business campuses. This synthesis report seeks to compile microgrid information and experience in order to benefit overall airport operations and security, and provide information to airports who may consider establishing a microgrid. Research would locate, assemble and document existing information on microgrids as they might relate to airports; document the benefits and challenges associated with microgrids and what is being done to improve implementation; detail existing research particularly as it pertains to enabling airports to continue to operate as critical infrastructure; identifying the challenges that remain for the development of airport microgrids; and organize, evaluate, and present the information collected for the benefit of the aviation industry. KW - Airport operations KW - Burlington (Vermont) KW - Colorado KW - Electrical systems KW - Energy resources KW - Energy storage systems KW - Grids (Transmission lines) KW - Hurricane Sandy, 2012 KW - Infrastructure KW - San Diego (California) KW - Technological innovations KW - Terrorism KW - Weather conditions UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4265 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1427757 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01615128 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices, Topic S02-18. Airport Waste Management and Recycling Practices AB - Airport managers, their environmental/sustainability staff, and their airline liaisons continue to request information on the accomplishments and activities of the industry with regard to waste management and recycling. Industry organizations and Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) have conducted surveys in an attempt to collect, evaluate, and disseminate this information. However, a single resource has yet to emerge for industry reference. In addition, the industry is looking for aviation-specific standard methods for calculating recycling and diversion rates and other metrics used for program and facility comparisons. Recycling, composting, food donation, reuse, and waste reduction are important aspects of ongoing waste management activities at airports to reduce landfill disposal and associated costs, as well as environmental impacts. Each waste management strategy poses its own challenges associated with logistics, regulations, infrastructure, contracting, finances, and safety. As a result, airport waste management programs vary and airports are looking for information about successful efforts to incorporate in their own plans and actions. The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (FMRA) expanded the definition of airport planning to include “developing a plan for recycling and minimizing the generation of airport solid waste” and added a provision requiring airports preparing a master plan to address issues related to solid waste recycling. Therefore, the interest in best practices related to waste management and recycling at airports is widespread and has generated broad interest in related information. Many airports are eager to meet their obligations under FMRA and wish to conserve resources by tapping into previous work (rather than “reinventing the wheel”). Through literature review and interviews, the researcher will collect information and document examples of airports of all sizes, operation levels, and geographic locations with effective waste management practices that include diversion. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Data collection KW - Federal government agencies KW - Landfills KW - Recycling KW - Solid wastes KW - Waste management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4267 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1427756 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01615129 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices, Topic S02-19. Airport Experience with Alternative Fuels and Vehicles V Private Ground Transportation Operators AB - Over the past 10 years, numerous airports have adopted various alternative fuels to reduce emissions. Capturing airports' recent experience would provide valuable insights to other airports considering the expansion of alternative fuel use to airport- and privately-operated vehicles. The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) is conducting a synthesis study of airport experience with airport-owned and/or contracted alternative fuels fleets. General studies of the economic and environmental benefits of alternative fuels have been conducted, but these studies do not synthesizes current practice as it relates to the use of alternative fuel fleets in use by private ground transportation operators, or requirements and incentives airports may have in place or be able to implement to encourage alternative fuel and vehicle use by these operators. Airport experience with private ground transportation fleet operators is important to understanding total experience of the airport alternative vehicle fleet. The objective of this research is to compile airports’ and private airport ground transportation operators’ recent experiences and practices with existing and emerging alternative fuels in private fleets serving the airport. The audiences for this synthesis are airport management, fleet managers, and landside operations staff. This research would complement the forthcoming ACRP Synthesis Report on airport experience with airport-owned and/or operated alternative fuels and vehicles. KW - Airports KW - Alternate fuels KW - Economic impacts KW - Environmental impacts KW - Fleet safety KW - Fuels KW - Incentives KW - Pollution UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4268 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1427755 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01615130 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices, Topic S04-19. Incorporating ADA and Functional Needs in Emergency Exercises AB - Airports use emergency exercises to train airport operators and emergency responders, as well as to maintain proficiency in their unique airport environment. Exercises evaluate groups’ abilities to prepare, respond, recover, communicate and work together to perform all roles necessary for successful emergency management. Many airports are innovative in their development of exercise scenarios and their exercising and evaluation programs. With many disabled passengers travel through airports, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is important when considering emergency management scenarios. Some airports—DEN, LAX and RSW, for example—have innovative ways to include ADA advocates and representatives in the planning, execution, and evaluation of emergency training and exercises. There is no aspect of airport emergency management and exercising for an emergency that does not need to include permanently and temporarily disabled persons, their service animals, and their specialized equipment and supplies. The objective of this research is to compile existing resources, experiences and effective practices from airports that conduct emergency exercises that include scenarios that consider disabilities and collaboration with ADA advocates and their representatives. The audience for this synthesis of practice is airport operators, tenants and first responders. The research would include a literature review of existing documents and interviews of airport operators who conduct emergency exercises with disabled community participation. The researcher will collect data on effective practices from a minimum of 30 airports from a range of geographically distributed airport size classifications. Data collection will include: (1) effective practices and strategies for including disabled persons, their service animals, and their specialized equipment and supplies; (2) case examples; (3) participants, roles and responsibilities; (4) logistics, processes and tools; (5) creatively overcoming limited resources (costs, funding sources, lack of buy-in, leveraging resources); (6) challenges and work-arounds; (7) gaps and further research; and (8) examples of exercise materials such as checklists, templates, planning elements, hazard identification and risk assessment tools, evaluation criteria, and other relevant tools and considerations. The product of the research will be a concise report and appendices that include tools for incorporating ADA considerations into emergency exercises. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Americans with Disabilities Act KW - Emergency management KW - Emergency training KW - Hazards KW - Risk assessment KW - Transportation disadvantaged persons UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4271 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1427754 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01614960 AU - Tuleubekov, Kairat AU - CSRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Replacement of FAARFIELD Tandem Factors With Cumulative Damage Factor Methodology PY - 2016/10//Final Report SP - 27p AB - The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) adopted FAA Rigid and Flexible Iterative Elastic Layered Design (FAARFIELD) as its standard thickness design procedure for airport pavements in September 2009. FAARFIELD includes a layered elastic analysis routine for flexible pavement design and a three-dimensional finite element structural analysis routine for rigid pavement design. The current FAARFIELD design procedure for flexible pavements accounts for the effect of aircraft gears in tandem as part of the pass-to-coverage (P/C) ratio computation. The result is a two-part P/C ratio consisting of a wander-related factor multiplied by a tandem factor. The tandem factor is computed as a straight-line interpolation between the number of wheels in tandem (for shallow structures) and unity (for deep structures). The objective of this report is to accompany the source code implementation of replacing the current method using a tandem factor with an alternative calculation, in which the cumulative damage factor (CDF) due to wheels in tandem is computed based on the subgrade linear elastic strain response. The report contains a comparison of CDFs for flexible pavements under tandem axle gear loads (two dual-gear and three dual-gear configurations), as computed by the current method (FAARFIELD Version 1.4) and by the new method. The report also contains a comparison of CDF computed by the new method with the CDF computed for multiple wheel sets in tandem using the Alizé-Aircraft program, which was developed by the Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux - French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Spatial Planning, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR) and the French Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGAC). KW - Cumulative damage factor KW - Flexible pavements KW - Gears KW - Layered elastic analysis KW - Linear elasticity KW - Pavement design KW - Subgrade (Pavements) KW - Tandem axle loads KW - Thickness UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=27da949a-f6c0-4c5d-9880-5ba2df9db2f7&f=TC-TN-16_46_Replacement%20Module%20for%20Tandem%20Gears.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1427116 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01614000 AU - Hale, Mark R AU - Koros, Anton AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - CSSI, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Wildlife Surveillance Concept: Human-in-the-Loop Laboratory Demonstration PY - 2016/10//Technical Note SP - 76p AB - This report evaluates alternative methods for introducing enhanced bird threat information into the Air Traffic Control (ATC) environment. It is part of a larger multifaceted Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) effort to reduce significant bird strikes at civil airports nationwide. The FAA Airport Safety Research and Development Section sponsored the Advanced Concept Development and Validation Branch to develop and mature a concept to provide near real-time bird threat information directly to ATC personnel in the Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT). Specifically, the Wildlife Surveillance Concept (WiSC) Human-in-the-Loop Laboratory Demonstration focused on evaluating several notional display options for presenting this enhanced information to Certified Professional Controllers (CPCs) in the ATCT environment. Six CPCs from ATCT facilities traveled to the William J. Hughes Technical Center Research Development Human Factors Laboratory (RDHFL) to participate in this simulation study over the course of 2 weeks in March 2015. Participants were recruited from among the facilities with the most significant bird strike incidents as identified in the FAA National Wildlife Strike Database. The simulation took place in the RDHFL’s ATCT simulator. The simulation environment consisted of the Distributed Environment for Simulation, Rapid Engineering, and Experimentation ATC simulator and the Target Generator Facility. Scenarios were developed with representative Philadelphia International Airport operations and a simplified aircraft traffic mix and volume for use in the simulator. A total of four research conditions were provided to each participant. Questionnaire data, over-the-shoulder supervisor ratings, and push-to-talk communications related to controller performance and preference using small-sample inferential statistical methods were analyzed. One of the key underlying themes observed regarding WiSC presentation preference was the tradeoff between information quality and the potential impact on workload. The WiSC target condition clearly provided the most accurate, complete, and useful bird threat information to controllers without significantly increasing workload over the baseline ratings. However, workload measures were lower in the WiSC text and WiSC supervisor conditions compared to the baseline and WiSC target condition. KW - Air traffic control simulators KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Bird strikes KW - Birds KW - Data quality KW - Human in the loop simulation KW - Surveillance KW - Wildlife KW - Workload UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/Download/Airport-Safety-Papers-Publications-Detail/dt/Detail/ItemID/570/Wildlife-Surveillance-Concept-Human-in-the-Loop-Laboratory-Demonstration UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1426819 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01609464 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 09-02. Legal Issues Relating to Airports Promoting Competition AB - The consolidation of the United States (U.S.) airline industry as well as the rise of several different business models among air carriers has fundamentally changed the nature of competition among air carriers at airports, resulting in more and more airports having a dominant carrier. In addition, fixed-base operators are consolidating at many airport locations and competition among these service providers has been significantly altered or eliminated. Airport operators have an obligation under their federal grant assurances to provide access to air carriers, and certain categories of airports must develop competition plans. Airports also must not grant exclusive rights to aeronautical service providers. The objective of this research is to develop guidance for airport lawyers, management, and staff regarding the legally permissible means and methods of encouraging and accommodating competition at U.S. airports among air carriers and fixed-base operators. The research will address the legal issues concerning the following topics, without limitation: the concentration of the air carriers and fixed-base operators, the accommodation of air carriers with differing business models, and avoiding the grant of exclusive rights when aeronautical service providers combine. KW - Airline business KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Competition KW - Laws KW - Management KW - United States UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4086 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1421301 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01616157 AU - Senzig, David A AU - Liu, Sandy AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Rotorcraft performance data for AEDT: Methods of using the NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft tool for developing data for AEDT’s Rotorcraft Performance Model PY - 2016/09//Final Report SP - 33p AB - This report documents use of the NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft (NDARC) helicopter performance software tool in developing data for the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT). These data support the Rotorcraft Performance Model (RPM) developed for AEDT. The methods are primarily intended to support helicopters which do not have sufficient information in their flight manuals to develop data using the methods documented in DOT-VNTSC-FAA-16-03. The process of developing performance data for RPM using NDARC is detailed for a piston engine training helicopter. KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Helicopters KW - Performance KW - Rotorcraft UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/60000/60100/60119/Rotorcraft_performance_data_for_AEDT_final.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1428257 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01613848 AU - Pantalone, Giulia AU - Blanco, Elena de la Rosa AU - Wilcox, Karen AU - Partnership for AiR Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - TASOPT Engine Model Development: A PARTNER Project 48 Report PY - 2016/09 SP - 68p AB - This report describes the development of a new engine weight surrogate model and High Pressure Compressor (HPC) polytropic efficiency correction for the propulsion module in the Transport Aircraft OPTtimization (TASOPT) code. The goal of this work is to improve the accuracy and applicability of TASOPT in conceptual design of advanced technology, high bypass ratio, small-core, geared and direct-drive turbofan engines. The engine weight surrogate model was built as separate engine component weight surrogate models using least squares and Gaussian Process regression techniques on data generated from NPSS/WATE++ and then combined to estimate a “bare" engine weight—including only the fan, compressor, turbine, and combustor—and a total engine weight, which also includes the nacelle, nozzle, and pylon. The new model estimates bare engine weight within ±10% of published values for seven existing engines, and improves TASOPT's accuracy in predicting the geometry, weight, and performance of the Boeing 737-800. The effects of existing TASOPT engine weight models on optimization of D8-series aircraft concepts are also discussed. The HPC polytropic efficiency correction correlation, which reduces user-input HPC polytropic efficiency based on compressor exit corrected mass flow, was implemented based on data from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). When applied to TASOPT optimization studies of three D8-series aircraft, the efficiency correction drives the optimizer to increase engine core size. KW - Accuracy KW - Case studies KW - Compressors KW - Engine components KW - Mathematical models KW - Optimization KW - Propulsion KW - Regression analysis KW - Turbofan engines KW - Weight UR - http://partner.mit.edu/sites/partner.mit.edu/files/report/file/tasopt-eng-mod-dev-proj48.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1424574 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01610337 TI - Secure Command and Control Link with Interference Mitigation AB - Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) control and non-payload physical (CNCP) layer is envisioned to be infrastructure-free and, thus, susceptible to multi-user interference and a wide variety of jammers. These jammers can launch arbitrary signals or noise to interfere with single or multiple communication channels across a wide spectrum of frequencies. As a result, several undesirable scenarios can occur including total loss of link, increased power consumption, packet delays or bit errors. Therefore, interference cancellation and mitigation techniques are required to establish secure communication between unmanned aircraft and control station. The main objective of this research is to evaluate vulnerabilities of UAS communication links as well as develop and implement/test multi-user interference cancellation and jamming mitigation methods. The goal of this project is to implement transceivers for UAS communications, evaluate various interference/jamming scenarios gain, and develop robust architectures to suppress different types of jammers in a wide variety of settings. This will be achieved by combining adaptive channel coding and spread spectrum techniques to realize large coding gain and jamming mitigation. This project will also introduce novel mitigation techniques based on multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) as well as exploiting the strong level of service (LOS) component. This research will conduct analysis and testing to assess and mitigate multi-user interference for all types of jamming in the evaluated radio frequency (RF) waveforms. Analyses and tests will be conducted for UAS C2 data link physical security protection addressing frequency bands of interests to SC-228 Phase 1 and Phase 2 Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. In addition, new security schemes will be proposed. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Drone aircraft KW - Interference KW - Level of service KW - Radio frequency KW - Transceivers KW - Wireless communication systems UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1422582 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01610333 TI - Human Factors Consideration of UAS Procedures & Control Stations AB - This research seeks to provide guidance toward the development of new regulatory and guidance materials related to unmanned aeronautical vehicle (UAS) control station design and ergonomics, and pilot and crewmember procedures and operational requirements. This research will extend research being conducted under the ASSURE task A7 “UAS Human Factors Control Station Design Standards (plus Function Allocation, Training and Visual Observer).” This research includes two parallel, collaborating efforts. One will focus upon the development of control station requirements including (a) an evaluation of the minimum workstation control and display requirements and (b) control station ergonomics, safety, and work area design parameters. The second will focus on crewmember procedures and operational requirements. A literature survey will help to determine the operational differences between nominal and off-nominal UAS operation vs. piloting of a manned aircraft to identify minimum pilot-and-crew procedures and operational requirements. The second effort will leverage the control station study to ensure the recommendations are based upon the best practices for future control stations. KW - Control systems KW - Drone aircraft KW - Ergonomics KW - Human factors KW - Literature reviews KW - Operations KW - Safety UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1422306 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01607471 TI - Low Altitude Operations Safety: Part 107 Waiver Request Case Study AB - This research seeks to develop and validate a technical approach for Concept of Operations (CONOPS) analysis, risk mitigation, and experimental validation of hazard controls for successful submission of a waiver to Part 107 for Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) operations over people. The safety case and subsequent waiver language may include mitigations necessary for the waiver depending on the level of safety required by the FAA for flight over people. Per the Micro Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) Recommendations and Final Report[1], flight “over people” is defined as UAS flight directly above one or more persons. This research is based on methods developed in the Alliance for Safety System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence (ASSURE) A4 Project and published in the UAS Characteristics Report[2] and will provide the technical justification for a requested waiver to Part 107. This research includes three parallel efforts. The first is a modeling effort underpinned by developing risk and scenario-based impact kinetic energy (KE) thresholds by way of CONOPS analysis, determination of operationally appropriate technical data requirements, test and analysis requirements, and suitable operational envelopes, and then the development and establishment of area-weighted impact KE thresholds. These thresholds, in conjunction with vehicle parameters (weight, effective areas, drag coefficients, and impact energy absorption) and ballistic models, will be used to calculate operating height-velocity diagram to ensure that vehicles do not exceed the impact KE thresholds. The second effort is verification of model inputs and outputs by way of flight and drop tests. The final effort is to develop a set of mitigations to keep the aircraft within the impact KE thresholds and/or to limit the potential of laceration and penetration injuries following blade or UAS body impacts and submit a request for waiver for a single sUAS. ________________________________________ [1] Micro Unmanned Aircraft Systems Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC), ARC Recommendations Final Report, April 1, 2016 [2] FAA A4 Project Team, White Paper on UAS Characteristics for the FAA UAS Center of Excellence Task A4: Ground Collision Severity Evaluation, June 3, 2016 KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Drone aircraft KW - Flight dynamics KW - Kinetic energy KW - Risk assessment UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1419006 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01607441 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S02-17. Sustainability's Role in Airport Growth AB - As airports around the United States (US) become capacity constrained and need to grow, host communities feel many impacts from this growth -both positive and negative. A well-defined and well-communicated sustainability program can help mitigate negative impacts on communities as airports grow. For example, a set of construction guidelines requiring soil reuse and green vehicles can reduce truck trips and air emissions in surrounding communities, while local hiring requirements can improve the stimulus a community receives from an airport capital project. The communication of these requirements and packaging within an airport’s sustainability framework can make a difference between a community’s acceptance of a major airport project or expansion or a community’s rejection of the project. Furthermore, a community’s perception of the willingness for the airport to “go the extra mile” through a robust sustainability program can make a major difference in whether projects will face significant opposition. Research is needed on successful cases where a comprehensive sustainability program has been an integral part of an airport’s master plan, and how the airport’s interactions with the community during the planning and construction phases of a project benefitted from the communication of such a program. Research is also needed on how the sustainability program was communicated to communities, and whether the culture of sustainability was embedded at all levels of the airport organization. Finally, research behind the airport’s motivation for pursuing sustainability is required. The objective of this research is to synthesize (1) effective practices for integrating sustainability programs into capacity enhancement or major capital improvements projects at airports; and (2) describe effective communications of these programs to communities in order to describe whether and how the integration of sustainability concepts in projects affects the community’s perception of major projects, and ultimate acceptance of project execution. KW - Airports KW - Capital investments KW - Communities KW - Construction KW - Impacts KW - Planning KW - Sustainable development KW - Truck traffic UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4252 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418727 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01613849 AU - Hiltunen, Danielle AU - Chase, Stephanie G AU - Kendra, Andrew AU - Jo, Young Jin AU - Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Incorporated AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) and Airport Moving Map Industry Survey PY - 2016/08//Final Report SP - 199p AB - This document provides an overview of Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) products as of May 2016, including those with airport moving map functionality, and airport moving map applications without traffic depiction. This document updates and replaces the Volpe Center’s 2009 airport moving map industry survey. The information for this report was gathered through industry contacts, websites, and online product brochures. This report was conducted in support of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), but the information is intended to be of use to anyone interested in CDTI and airport moving map products. Nineteen manufacturers and two research organizations participated in this industry survey. Each provided a description of software and hardware components (when applicable), including display characteristics, depiction of traffic, airport moving map information elements, and other functions and capabilities. Participating manufacturers were classified into three categories based on their products: CDTI Installed, CDTI Portable, and Airport Moving Map Only (without traffic depiction). Note that although some manufacturers provide a portable CDTI function, a CDTI is NOT considered an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) function per Advisory Circular (AC) 120-76C, and can not be authorized for use for Part 121, 125, 135, 91F and 91K operations via the AC. KW - Airborne navigational aids KW - Cockpit display of traffic information KW - Cockpits KW - Computers KW - Digital maps KW - Industries KW - Information display systems KW - Software KW - Surveys UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/59000/59800/59835/CDTI-AMM_Industry_Survey_2016.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1424910 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01613780 AU - Bryant, Michelle R AU - Nesthus, Thomas E AU - Rowley, Crystal AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluation of Fatigue and Responsibilities of Cargo Supervisors and Flight Mechanic Cargo Supervisors PY - 2016/08//Final Report SP - 23p AB - In response to an open National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommendation (2016; A-15-014) and at the request of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) Aircraft Maintenance Division (ASF- 300), a study was conducted to document the current rest and fatigue status of cargo load supervisors as well as collect information regarding the perceived responsibilities of load supervisors while performing regular duties. A total of four organizations agreed to have researchers observe daily cargo operations and recruit participants for each of the three studies: (a) a general fatigue survey, (b) a 14-day field study, and (c) a two-hour interview. Findings supported previous research on fatigue risk in shift workers and indicated that load supervisors were at risk of fatigue on all seven primary and contributing factors of fatigue: Time of day, Time awake, Time on task, Time asleep, Adequate sleep, Work schedule factors, and Cumulative sleep debt. Night shift load supervisors exhibited a greater risk of fatigue than their day shift counterparts. Interviews revealed that load supervisors perceived a majority of their responsibilities to be shared with cargo personnel, as opposed to holding sole responsibility. Recommendations include fatigue awareness training, monitoring of load supervisor duty/rest times inclusive of overtime, the use of Safety Management Systems (SMS) and Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) to reduce risk, and having clearly defined roles and responsibilities for load supervisor duties. KW - Air cargo KW - Cargo handling personnel KW - Evaluation KW - Fatigue (Physiological condition) KW - Field studies KW - Mechanics (Persons) KW - Recommendations KW - Rest periods KW - Risk management KW - Shifts KW - Sleep KW - Supervisors KW - Surveys KW - Workload UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201606.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1424208 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606903 TI - Evaluating the Environmental Benefits of Electric Air Conditioning and Power at Gates AB - Airport-related emissions are an increasing global and local air quality concern as air travel increases and airports are challenged to reduce their environmental impacts. One means of reducing the emissions associated with aircraft auxiliary power units and diesel ground power units is the use of electric pre-conditioned air and ground power converter units. Through the Voluntary Airport Low Emissions Program, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) encourages their installation at airports in nonattainment areas, yet many airports do not have the expertise and guidance to determine if these options would be appropriate at their facilities. The objective of this research is to provide guidance to airports that seek to incorporate gate electrification systems. The guidance should address key factors, such as climate, ground power technologies, and cost. KW - Air conditioning systems KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Electric power conditioning KW - Environmental impacts KW - Gates KW - Landside operations (Airports) UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4234 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418009 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606904 TI - Design and Use of a Green Revolving Fund at Airports AB - While there are several potential sources for funding airport sustainability projects (capital budget, utility rebates and subsidies, and competitive grants such as the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) VALE program), these sources each have challenges in terms of what they can be spent on and overall funding availability. Energy performance contracting requires extensive and complex procurement support and may not be viable for small projects. Moreover, after an action is completed, there may be limited ability to measure the cost savings from the project. Few airports have implemented a formalized process to evaluate whether or not to pursue a utility cost reduction activity based on its projected return on investment, and without tracking savings, organizations cannot clearly see the financial and environmental benefits of projects. A green revolving fund tailored to airports could address these challenges by creating a transparent, centralized process for airports to capture and track the financial benefits of resource conservation projects, and then leverage the savings into flexible, self-financing for more green projects. The objective of this research is to develop a toolkit for airports to establish a green revolving fund as a new and efficient method to fund sustainability projects and to create an effective performance tracking mechanism. KW - Airports KW - Environmental protection KW - Financing KW - Resource allocation KW - Subsidies KW - Sustainable development KW - Utility theory UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4235 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418008 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606905 TI - Handbook for Airports Evaluating Climate Resilience through Benefit Cost Analysis AB - There is an increasing emphasis among transportation infrastructure providers to ensure that new capital investments and improvements are resilient to impacts from climate change and extreme weather events. However, the benefits of resilient infrastructure accrue throughout the lifetime of an asset and most typically are measured as potential losses avoided, rather than (for example) revenue increases. Benefit-cost analysis (BCA) is a useful method for balancing gradually accrued, unconventional, and risk-dependent benefits with the upfront financial costs of adaptation investments. If appropriately applied, a BCA can help airports better understand and demonstrate the tradeoffs of investing in climate adaptation measures in the context of deep uncertainty. While many BCA models and tools are available, airports have significant and unique challenges to conducting a climate-risk enhanced BCA, including diversity of funding and financing mechanisms and specific climate-related risks facing a given facility. The objective of this research is to develop a handbook for airport industry practitioners who wish to use a BCA approach to evaluate investments in climate adaptation and resilience. KW - Airports KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Capital investments KW - Climate KW - Financial analysis KW - Handbooks KW - Resilience (Materials) UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4236 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418007 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606906 TI - AEDT Noise Model Improvements to Account for Terrain and Man-made Structures AB - Several Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) projects and other research have produced results to enhance the predictive accuracy of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) model, including improvements to its modeling of general aviation aircraft, nonstandard approach and departure profiles, and aircraft activity during low power settings. Another key issue that would enhance AEDT’s accuracy would be improving the modeling of terrain and manmade structures. These features can impact the noise level experienced by people near airports, often either reducing noise impacts (through shielding) or increasing noise impacts (by reflection). The objectives of this research are to develop modeling improvements that would better account for terrain and manmade structures in AEDT and to provide guidance to help airport industry practitioners determine when accounting for terrain and manmade structures is warranted. KW - Aircraft KW - Approach KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Guidelines KW - Noise KW - Takeoff KW - Terrain UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4237 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418006 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606907 TI - Quantifying Emissions Reductions at Airports from the Use of Alternative Jet Fuel AB - Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Web-Only Document 13: Alternative Fuels as a Means to Reduce PM2.5 Emissions at Airports, published in 2012, explored the potential benefits of using alternative fuels for aircraft and ground service equipment to reduce PM2.5 emissions. This research indicated the greatest benefit would stem from using alternative jet fuels in aircraft, and recommended further research in that area. Interest in the potential benefits of alternative jet fuels continues to increase, and now there is a desire by airports and air quality regulators to explore other emissions benefits (e.g., hazardous air pollutants, NOx, SOx, ozone); however, these benefits are not well understood. Since the publication of ACRP Web-Only Document 13, new data and analytical techniques are available to further the understanding of potential emissions reductions at airports from the use of alternative jet fuels. The objective of this research is to update and expand the contents of ACRP Web-Only Document 13, focusing on the emissions reduction benefits of alternative jet fuels. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Alternate fuels KW - Benefits KW - Jet engine fuels KW - Landside operations (Airports) UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4238 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418005 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606908 TI - Commercial Space Transportation Noise Measurements AB - A number of airports wish to support the growing demand for commercial space operations and therefore are seeking launch site operator licenses from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). As these airports develop to become dual-use sites, they will need to conduct environmental analysis, including quantifying the potential noise impacts from space operations. Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Project 02-66, Commercial Space Operations Noise and Sonic Boom Modeling and Analysis, is developing a noise model compatible with the FAA’s Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT). A critical factor in the model’s validation and ultimate predictive accuracy is a robust database of rocket/engine/motor noise data for commercial space launch operations, yet current noise data for these activities are lacking. The objective of this research is to design and perform a noise measurement campaign of commercial space transportation activity to build a high-fidelity dataset to help validate the ACRP Project 02-66 noise model and enhance its predictive accuracy. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impact analysis KW - Sonic boom UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4239 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418004 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606909 TI - Integrating UAS into Airports AB - Activity from unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) continues to grow for both recreational and non-recreational uses. Most common recreational uses are by hobbyists for photography, racing, and sport. Non-recreational uses include law enforcement, emergency response, media coverage, delivery services, surveying, and utility inspection. Many airport operators see the potential benefits of using UAS at airports for inspections, wildlife hazard management, security management, and emergency response to increase efficiency and reduce cost. But the rapid increase in UAS activity, the many stakeholders employing the technology and the evolving regulatory landscape also have resulted in airports facing new challenges as they strive to provide users, tenants, and customers with a safe, secure, and predictable operating environment. Airports need guidance, tools, and other resources to effectively address UAS issues and integrate UAS into their day-to-day operations and planning. This research may result in one or more projects and multiple objectives, which may include: (1) development of a UAS research roadmap for Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) that identifies high-priority issues, needs, and high-value research deliverables most relevant and useful to airports; (2) research to produce deliverables with the highest priority, i.e., those with the greatest value and usefulness within the available budget, such as guidebooks, manuals, reports, tools, templates, etc.; and (3) design an effective means of dissemination and implementation for the airport industry such as public engagement material, training curricula, webinars, videos, etc. Note: This project will be using an expedited selection process. KW - Aerial photography KW - Airport operations KW - Benefits KW - Data collection KW - Drone aircraft KW - Information dissemination KW - Inspection UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4240 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418003 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606910 TI - Integrating Airport Access Planning with the Metropolitan Surface Transportation Plan AB - Urban commercial service airports, metropolitan transportation planning organizations (MTPOs), and local land-use/transportation planning agencies all have independent and inter-related planning processes bound by legal and policy requirements to ensure compatibility. Increasing congestion has the potential to limit a region’s global competitiveness, and shrinking transportation resources dictate that all modes work cooperatively to solve joint transportation challenges in the most effective and efficient manner. While significant efforts have been made to improve modal planning coordination, it would appear that little success has been achieved toward understanding and incorporating adopted airport master plans into the MTPO surface transportation planning process. Today, both modal planning processes appear to operate independently, with little if any cross utilization of technical planning data to support the plan outcomes of other, complementary travel modes. Both aviation and surface modes are undergoing major upgrades to their planning processes in response to legislative mandates to hasten the project delivery process, reduce urban congestion, improve economic resilience, and increase intermodal compatibility. Airport master planning guidelines have placed greater emphasis on passenger convenience, ground access, and access to airport facilities. Facility planning for airport terminal curbside, parking, and on-site circulation is required to be coordinated with planning efforts for the off-site interconnected regional surface transportation network to ensure compatibility. Given these emerging demands, it is important that airports work cooperatively with their MTPO partners to define a more collaborative planning process. This process would provide for an exchange of relevant existing modal data from the airport for use by the MTPO to more accurately represent the airport surface trip generation characteristics, improve off-site airport access, and develop a more compatible surface transportation intermodal plan. The objective of this research, building on previous work throughout the Cooperative Research Programs, is to define a better procedure to ensure compatible planning outcomes for urban airports and their MTPO surface transportation planning partners. KW - Airport access KW - Competition KW - Congestion management systems KW - Coordination KW - Land use planning KW - Metropolitan planning organizations KW - Multimodal transportation KW - Transportation planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4241 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418002 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606911 TI - Building and Maintaining Air Service Through Incentive Programs AB - Growing air service is a near-constant goal of municipal planners and airport operators. Dating back to the inception of municipal airports in the 1920s, air service was linked to the economic health of a city. Despite the critical urban and regional economic role of airports, the tools to increase air traffic in an airport’s toolbox are limited. While small airports are eligible for federally funded airline route subsidy programs such as Essential Air Service and Small Community Air Service Development Grants, airports classified as large and medium hubs generally have relied on their one tool to build traffic: airport expansions. In 1999 and again in 2010, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published initial and revised guidance documents on the FAA’s policy on the use of airport revenue and the design of airline incentive programs. In these guidance documents, the FAA authorized and provided guidance to airports looking to use non-aeronautical airport revenue or other non-airport municipal monies to incentivize air carriers to launch new services at their airports. In general, incentives offered can be one or a suite of possible options, including load factor guarantees (or revenue guarantees), reduced or waived fees levied on airlines for use of the airport (typically the fees airports charge airlines on a per-flight basis for use of the airfield termed landing fees and use of the terminal termed facility fees), and guaranteed marketing support for the new service. An additional potential result of implementing incentive programs might be an increased ability of airports to influence the possibility of increasing or improving airport connectivity, both direct and indirect. A measure of the effects of improved connectivity is the potential for enhancing economic benefits associated with expanding levels of air service. Incentive programs might offer the opportunity for reducing risks of expanding new air travel routes. The objective of this research is to collect data related to active and recently initiated air service incentive programs including the number of flights brought in under these incentive programs, the airlines and the destinations of flights, and if these flights were retained; and to document best practices for the design and deployment of air service incentive programs to build new, high-impact, sustainable air service at small, medium, and large hub airports. KW - Airline business KW - Airlines KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - Fees KW - Flight characteristics KW - Incentives KW - Level of service KW - Subsidies UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4242 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418001 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606912 TI - Collecting and Sharing Airport Safety and Operational Data AB - Airports face increasingly complex and interconnected operational environments. Changes from planned and unplanned origins can have a profound impact on airport services, efficiency, and safety. To improve management of such a complex system, research often explores data collection and sharing among airport and aviation stakeholders. The intent is generally to reduce organizational silos, improve common situational awareness among stakeholders, and promote the airport as a system of systems. This effort is led by collaborative decision making, safety management systems, and other safety data reporting initiatives. Airports need a quantitative, data-driven method or process to define and communicate how the airport operates for all stakeholders. Research is needed to describe a process, procedures, and methods for collecting and sharing airport operational and safety data for all stakeholders. This will help airport management make timely and effective decisions for improving airport safety and operations, and for dealing with planned and unplanned airport changes. It will also improve situational awareness among stakeholders and will support an organizational culture that recognizes all safety considerations. The objective of this research is to develop a set of procedures and an overall methodology for identifying, collecting, and sharing airport safety and operational data with internal and external stakeholders. KW - Airport facilities KW - Airport operations KW - Data communications KW - Information dissemination KW - Management KW - Safety and security KW - Stakeholders UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4243 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418000 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606913 TI - Alternative Methods of ADA Compliance for Airport Emergency Communications AB - Emergency situations often place demands on airports to effectively communicate with people who may not speak English or have a disability. Airports of all sizes and types, but particularly Part 139 airports, need ready-to-use guidance, electronic solutions, and practical models for making all their emergency communications fully Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. Many smaller airports lack the resources to build accommodations into their public communications systems. Airports also need model language for crisis/emergency communications plans and practical solutions to accommodate passengers who do not speak English or who have disabilities. Airport emergency responders, PIOs, managers, and stakeholders can benefit from ready-to-insert modules to assist these special populations in emergencies. This would include such things as social media scripts in languages other than English and provision for non-visual messaging and websites that could be used in crisis/emergency communications plans. Given the fast-evolving importance and usefulness of websites and social media, improving ADA compliance is essential. The objective of this research is to improve the ability of airports to communicate during emergencies with all passengers despite communication difficulties and to improve ADA compliance through use of websites and social media. KW - Airport operations KW - Americans with Disabilities Act KW - Crisis management KW - Emergency communication systems KW - Emergency response time KW - Information dissemination KW - Language KW - Social media KW - Websites (Information retrieval) UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4244 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1417999 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606880 TI - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Hazard Zoning at General Aviation Airports AB - Airports manage assets and risk under various programs, with many tied to either operating budgets or capital budgets. In recent years, airports have been developing integrated systems to manage operational and capital expenses together to gain efficiencies. Severe weather and emergency planning is usually a distinct function within the airport, and risk factors accounted for during emergency planning are not tied to asset management or capital planning. Importantly, costs associated with damages or disruptions from weather-related events that are below thresholds for requesting federal aid are rarely captured and tracked by airports or relevant emergency management departments. Effective integration of management systems can reduce the impacts sustained during specific events as well as establish a cogent risk identification and quantification process to help reduce ongoing costs and service disruptions associated with severe weather and climate change. Currently, however, there is no guide for incorporating climate and severe weather risks into asset management or capital planning processes at plans. Research is needed to help airports understand how climate risks add uncertainty to maintenance and capital budgets, and how this exposure can be mitigated and addressed through changes to airport asset management and capital planning. KW - Airport planning KW - Asset management KW - Budgeting KW - Climate KW - Evaluation KW - General aviation airports KW - Hazards KW - Weather conditions UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4245 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1417998 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606879 TI - Incorporating Collaborative Partnering into Traditional Airport Construction Projects AB - Airport construction projects are extremely complex and prone to claims, delays, budget overruns, and sometimes litigation. Construction partnering was originally developed by the Army Corps of Engineers in the 1980s as a means to reduce litigation on construction projects. Since that time, partnering has evolved into a more structured process known as collaborative partnering and has been accepted by the construction industry as a best practice. There has been an interest in collaborative partnering in the aviation sectors and several airports have utilized the process. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Construction projects KW - Cooperation KW - Partnerships UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4246 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1417997 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606878 TI - Building Information Modeling: Airport Facility Management and Assessing Return on Investment AB - Building information modeling (BIM) offers tools that allow airport decision makers to understand all the components of airport facilities, including location and attributes, to minimize the total cost of owning and operating airport facilities. BIM is an emerging technology just beginning to be used at airports, however there is no guidance for airports in its use and implementation. KW - Airport facilities KW - Airport operations KW - Decision making KW - Digital simulation KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Management and organization KW - Return on investment UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4247 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1417996 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606877 TI - Best Practices for Airport Obstruction Management AB - Airports are required to protect surfaces described in Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77 and Part 139. Airports also monitor and protect flight procedures surfaces described in Order 8260.3 (United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS)) because impact to these procedures would result in a quantifiable change to airport performance (e.g., higher approach minimums). By contrast, air carriers are required to evaluate obstructions based on Part 121 or Part 135 and Advisory Circular 120-91, which requires the use of an obstacle accountability area (OAA), unique to each air carrier. The OAA does not typically coincide with any of the surfaces protected by airports. Air carriers are required to use the “best and most accurate available obstacle data for a particular time at the time of analysis.” These data sources do not require the approval of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Airports do provide obstruction data to the FAA which is made available to airlines through various database and publications. However, there is no clear or comprehensive way of reconciling the various data sources. KW - Airlines KW - Airport runways KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Databases KW - Obstructions (Navigation) KW - Regulations KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4248 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1417995 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01606876 TI - Collecting and Using Pavement Condition Index Data In Airport Decisions AB - The collection of pavement condition data and the reporting of pavement condition index (PCI) are time-consuming and thus expensive. The data are used in a number of applications, including determining maintenance and repair. Such obstacles as aircraft operations may limit the ability to collect the data.The objective of this research is to identify best practices in collecting pavement distresses for use in the PCI. KW - Airport runways KW - Best practices KW - Data collection KW - Decision making KW - Maintenance KW - Pavement Condition Index KW - Pavement distress UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4249 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1417994 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01612662 TI - Pilot Performance Considerations for Sensor Technologies AB - The goals of project 24 are the following: (1) use real-time sensor technologies to improve representation of what is outside cockpit; (2) primary focus on takeoff and landing; (3) could open airports to additional operations; (4) address important human performance implications; and (5) identify limitations of sensors and presentation to pilot. KW - Air pilots KW - Aviation safety KW - Cockpits KW - Human factors KW - Real time control KW - Sensors UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1425049 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01612659 TI - Problem Solving/Decision Making and Procedures for Unexpected Events AB - This project identifies unexpected events a pilot may experience while in flight and the decision making process the pilot uses to address the event. KW - Air pilots KW - Aviation safety KW - Decision making KW - Flight characteristics KW - Human factors KW - Procedures UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1425041 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01612661 TI - Runway Safety Human Factors AB - The goals of the Runway Safety Human Factors project is to: (1) obtain, review and evaluate the scientific and technical literature concerning airport markings, signage, and lighting; and (2) conduct a gap analysis and make recommendations for research efforts to address the gaps. KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Human factors KW - Lighting KW - Literature reviews KW - Marking materials KW - Signs UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1425047 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01613830 AU - Copeland, Kyle AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - ESRAS: An Enhanced Solar Radiation Alert System PY - 2016/07//Final Report SP - 14p AB - Since 2003, The Federal Aviation Administration has operated a Solar Radiation Alert System to aid the aerospace community and interested members of the flying public in their decision making with regards to solar ionizing radiation. The first alerts were issued during the solar storms of late October 2003. In the years since its initial operation, several improvements have been made to the calculations behind the dose rates and the means of communicating the results to the aerospace community and the flying public. The basic method of satellite data evaluation described in earlier reports remains unchanged, but it has been updated and expanded. This report describes the most recent improvements, as well as those planned for inclusion in the next few years. The recent improvements include: new atmospheric response functions for protons, expansion of calculations to middle and low latitudes, and continuous updating of a global map of the most recent calculations. Other improvements planned include: the addition of solar alpha particle flux to the calculations, corrections for geomagnetic disturbance effects on global dose rates, and corrections for anisotropy based on available neutron monitor data. KW - Improvements KW - Protons KW - Radiation doses KW - Solar radiation KW - Warning systems UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201605.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1424207 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01612660 TI - Airport Safety Database and Analysis AB - The goals of the Airport Safety Database and Analysis Project are to: (1) analyze accidents and incidents that occurred at or near airports and to identify actual or potential related airport risks; (2) accidents and incidents have been grouped into categories based on contributing factors and broken down by airport type; (3) short term project to help categorize and update entries; and (4) PEGASAS hope to provide algorithms / approaches to use database to improve safety. KW - Aircraft KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash data KW - Databases KW - Incident management KW - Risk analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1425045 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01602571 TI - UAS Science and Research Panel Support AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seeks to identify and develop criteria and standards required for the civil certification and regulations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) pilots, equipment and operations. Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence (ASSURE) is the FAA’s academic and industry resource to accomplish research & development of those criteria and standards. The Science and Research Panel (SARP) coordinates and directs government-sponsored research that supports development of key UAS criteria and standards that enable near-term UAS access to the National Airspace System (NAS). Ensuring the FAA and ASSURE are aware of government-sponsored to ensure inter-agency coordination of UAS-related research efforts is critical to the success of the FAA’s objectives. The FAA UAS Center of Excellence is a union of public sector, private sector, and academic institutions that identifies solutions for existing and anticipated UAS related issues. The Center of Excellence (COE) enhances the FAA’s UAS research efforts by providing access to the various talents of nationally recognized academic-research scientists. This effort directly supports the FAA’s goal of ensuring the safe and efficient integration of UAS into the NAS, thus enabling this emerging technology to safely achieve its full potential. The UAS Executive Committee (ExCom) is a joint committee comprised of senior executives from four member organizations: Department of Defense (DoD), FAA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The mission of the UAS ExCom is “to enable increased and ultimately routine access of Federal UAS engaged in public aircraft operations into the NAS to support operational, training, development and research requirements of the FAA, DoD, DHS and NASA.” The UAS Science and Research Panel (SARP) is a panel of experts from organizations that are performing UAS research to ensure sound technical approaches are being evaluated to facilitate the integration of UAS into the national airspace system (NAS). The SARP’s primary purpose is to promote and coordinate partnerships between ExCom member agencies and the broader academic and science community on UAS NAS integration science and research initiatives. Benefits from these partnerships were realized through a broader range and depth of scientific expertise applied to challenges that affect all aspects of potential UAS operations, and through advocacy of potential solutions and through evaluation, test, and implementation of viable approaches. These partnerships are critical to UAS science and research efforts to positively inform and influence strategic integration decisions. The UAS SARP is managed by co-chairs appointed by the ExCom Senior Steering Group (SSG) and funded by the ExCom member agencies. The FAA seeks to identify and develop criteria and standards required for the civil certification and regulations of UAS pilots, equipment and operations. New Mexico State University (NMSU), will represent the ASSURE Center of Excellence at the Science and Research Panel (SARP) and act as an advisor to the FAA on SARP matters. NMSU will assist the FAA in identifying, evaluating, coordinating, performing and reporting research that supports the integration of unmanned aircraft into the NAS. Finally, NMSU will provide support to the FAA NextGen SARP board member. This assistance will include: (1) identifying key areas of planned and ongoing UAS integration Research & Development (R&D); (2) evaluating potential research gaps for applicability and priority; (3) coordinating research conducted and/or supported by SARP member organizations to minimize duplication and maximize benefit to the government and the UAS stakeholder community; (4) facilitating the performance of identified and prioritized research; and (5) reporting the results of the selected research to the FAA and the appropriate standards bodies/organizations to inform UAS integration activities such as rulemaking, the development of performance criteria and standards. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Aviation safety KW - Certification KW - Drone aircraft KW - National Aeronautic Space Administration KW - Regulations KW - Technological innovations KW - U.S. Department of Defense KW - U.S. Department of Homeland Security KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1412954 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01602572 TI - Minority Outreach - UAS as a STEM Minority Outreach AB - The objective of this project is to provide two STEM Outreach approaches that use UAS’s as the central learning platform. The STEM topics will include fundamental related concepts and will include unique UAV related content. While a number of various approaches for STEM Outreach have been provided and discussed with the FAA: two specific approaches have been down selected for implementation: Phase I: UAS Educational Roadshows; and Phase II: UAS STEM Summer Camps. The specific objectives of this activity would be for students to learn about: (i) How a UAS flies (Physics of Flight) (ii) Subsystems of a UAV and UAS (iii) How UAS are used (iv) How the FAA is interfacing with UAS KW - Drone aircraft KW - Outreach KW - Science, Techology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) KW - Students KW - Training programs KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration KW - Workshops UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1412956 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01610856 AU - Koopmann, Jonathan AU - Zubrow, Alexis AU - Hansen, Andrew AU - Hwang, Sunje AU - Ahearn, Meghan AU - Solman, Gina AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) 2b User Guide PY - 2016/06/09 SP - 245p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environment and Energy (FAA-AEE) has developed the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) version 2b software system with the support of the following development team: FAA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), ATAC Corporation, Metron Aviation, CSSI, Inc., Foliage, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Georgia Tech. AEDT 2b is a software system that is designed to model aviation related operations in space and time to compute, noise, emissions, and fuel consumption. This User Guide provides information on setting up and running analyses with AEDT 2b. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Computer program documentation KW - Fuel consumption KW - Pollutants KW - Software UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/59000/59400/59493/AEDT2b_UserGuide.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1422141 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01604580 AU - Geyer, Michael AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Earth-Referenced Aircraft Navigation and Surveillance Analysis PY - 2016/06//Project Memorandum SP - 274p AB - This document addresses a basic function of aircraft (and other vehicle) surveillance and navigation systems analyses — quantifying the geometric relationship of two or more locations relative to each other and to the earth. Here, geometry means distances and angles, including their projections in a defined coordinate frame. Applications that fit well with these methods include (a) planning a vehicle’s route; (b) determining the coverage region of a radar or radio installation; and (c) calculating a vehicle’s latitude and longitude from measurements (e.g., of slant- and spherical-ranges or range differences, azimuth and elevation angles, and altitudes). The approach advocated is that the three-dimensional problems inherent in navigation/surveillance analyses should, to the extent possible, be re-cast as a sequence of sub-problems: Vertical-Plane Formulation; Spherical-Surface Formulation; Three-Dimensional Vector Formulation; and Non-Linear Least-Squares (NLLS) Formulation. These techniques are applied, in the context of a spherical earth, to a series of increasingly complex situations, starting with two problem-specific points (e.g., a route’s origin and destination) and extending to three or more points (e.g., an aircraft and multiple surveillance/navigation stations). Closed-form solutions are presented for measurements involving virtually every combination of ranges, pseudo ranges, azimuth/elevation angles and altitude. The Gauss-Newton NLLS methodology is employed to address the most complex situations. These include circumstances where there are more measurements than unknowns and/or the measurement ‘equations’ cannot be inverted analytically (including those for an ellipsoidal-shaped earth) and/or are not analytic expressions (e.g., involve empirical data). KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Aircraft routing KW - Georeferencing (Flight plans) KW - Latitude KW - Longitude KW - Radar air traffic control KW - Radio navigation KW - Surveillance UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/59000/59300/59358/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-16-12.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1414856 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01602710 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Future of the NAS PY - 2016/06 SP - 44p AB - The purpose of this document is to describe the concepts and activities that are planned to be delivered for the future of the National Airspace System (NAS) by 2025. The implementation of these concepts will complete the transformation of the NAS to a Next Generation air transportation system. The overarching objectives for the future NAS remain constant — meet the need for increased capacity and efficiency while maintaining safety and mitigating environmental impacts. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) continually strives to make aviation safer and smarter, deliver benefits through technology and infrastructure, and enhance our global leadership. At the forefront of the transformation to the future NAS is our commitment to improve NAS operations and ensure the vitality of the U.S. economy through the continued evolution of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). In addition to providing improved services to users, plans must accommodate shifts in user demand profiles, adjust to changes in technology, and control costs in a tight budget environment. This document describes the capabilities being pursued to fulfill the NextGen Mid-Term Concept of Operations, as well as those activities needed to sustain legacy services and improve our processes for developing, deploying, and providing NAS operational services safely and smartly. The technical solutions for many NextGen capabilities have been defined, and much of the foundational infrastructure has been deployed. Research results, exchange standards, completed airspace redesign projects, and new operational and aircraft procedures have all laid the groundwork for modernizing future NAS services. This document will tie the work already accomplished through NextGen with the work yet to do to deliver improved services to airspace users and seamlessly integrate new operations and technologies across the NAS. These modernization initiatives must be achieved while addressing challenges such as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), cybersecurity, resiliency, and cost containment. KW - Challenges KW - Future KW - Modernization KW - National Airspace System KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Strategic planning KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.faa.gov/nextgen/media/futureOfTheNAS.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1413074 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01602599 AU - Patterson, James AU - Canter, Garrison AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Performance Assessment of the Terma Obstruction Light Control System as an Aircraft Detection Lighting System PY - 2016/06//Technical Note SP - 44p AB - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Technology Research and Development Branch (ATR) personnel conducted a performance assessment of the Terma Obstruction Light Control (OLC) System. The purpose of this assessment was to determine if the Terma OLC System meets the aircraft detection lighting system requirements specified in FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 70/7460-1L, “Obstruction Marking and Lighting,” Chapter 14 Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems. FAA ATR personnel assessed the Terma OLC at the Tehachapi Wind Resource Area, located near Mojave, California. This performance assessment, consisting of demonstrations, flight testing, and data analysis was conducted on April 15, 2015. In the performance assessment, a series of flight patterns were flown against the Terma OLC system to demonstrate whether it could meet the FAA performance requirements specified in AC 70/7460-1L. The Terma OLC system performed according to the manufacturer’s specifications and met the performance requirements identified in AC 70/7460-1L. KW - Aircraft detection lighting systems KW - Aviation safety KW - Obstruction lights KW - Performance tests KW - Specifications KW - Terma Obstruction Light Control System UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=63d5109c-5cf9-4532-a913-72d1ac529166&f=TC-TN-16-41.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1412807 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01624856 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S02-17. Preparing Airports for Communicable Diseases on Arriving Flights AB - The recent outbreak of Ebola in West Africa reinforced the fact that the aviation industry has the potential to function as a vector for the rapid dissemination of infectious disease. Whether considering historic events or more recent events such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Ebola or novel influenzas, there is a threat that the transmission and spread can be accelerated to population centers through the global transportation infrastructure. Government Accounting Office (GAO) Report 16-127 concludes a comprehensive federal plan is needed for United States (US) aviation systems preparedness. Many large domestic and international gateways have plans in place to respond to public health emergencies. However, smaller airports may not be as advanced in their planning. All airports are at risk for receipt of a passenger potentially with a communicable disease and should have an operational plan that addresses: (1) control of the aircraft on the ground, (2) separation, assessment and evaluation of passengers with signs or symptoms of a potential communicable disease; (3) support decision making for quarantine or conditional release of persons exposed; and (4) mitigation, communication, and decontamination so that business can resume. The objective of this research is to compile current experience and effective practices related to aviation communicable disease response. The audiences for this synthesis are airport leadership, Airport Emergency Plan partners, and public health and healthcare officials. The proposed synthesis researches and compiles literature and current practices, to include special emphasis on identified gaps, unresolved issues, common challenges, and novel approaches for communicable disease response to arriving flights. This is not a pandemic influenza focused effort. A concise report resulting from reviewed plans and interviews will include: (1) Clear definition of issue and appropriate governing regulations; (2) Roles and responsibilities of airport, public health, and key stakeholders; (3) Trigger mechanisms/algorithms for response; (4) Defining the step-by-step response process; (5) Monitoring, mitigation and communication strategies; (6) Business continuity and recovery; (7) Case examples (e.g., Port Authority of New York & New Jersey [PANYNJ], Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority [MWAA], Omaha Airport Authority [OMA], DeKalb-Peachtree Airport [PDK], Dallas Fort Worth International Airport [DFW], Los Angeles International Airport [LAX], Toronto Pearson International Airport [YYZ]); and (8) Appendix materials useful to developing plans and responses. KW - Airport operations KW - Communicable diseases KW - Diseases and medical conditions KW - Monitoring KW - Public health KW - Respiratory system UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4112 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1448982 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01620021 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S02-16. Airport Community, Water Quality Events, and the Aircraft Drinking Water Rule AB - On October 19, 2011, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Aircraft Drinking Water Rule (ADWR) went into effect in the United States. The rule requires, among several other things, airlines to load water at Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved watering points, that the water meets USEPA Drinking Water Standards, and that aircraft are tested for Total Coliform and E. coli. FDA approved watering points may be cabinets, carts and trucks that obtain their potable water directly from the airport. There have been instances in which the water supply to the airport from the public water system has been compromised and/or when the airport potable water distribution system has encountered issues. When this occurs, tenants, contractors, and concessionaires at the airport must be notified regarding serving water to the public and airlines cannot load potable water to the aircraft. The challenges under these conditions are that airports may not be notified by their public water system provider or that some airports may not have systems in place to conduct notifications. Additionally, reporting requirements vary between the public water system and aircraft public water systems. Another example is when a potable water distribution line is impacted, timely notification may not be provided to airport operations and environmental teams. Water quality sampling and analysis creates additional delays in notification. There have been potable water issues at Yeager Airport Charleston, West Virginia (CRW), Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Minnieapolis-Saint Paul International Airport (MSP), Portland International Airport (PDX), Fort Lauderdale International Airport (FLL), William P Hobby International Airport (HOU), Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY), Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport, San Juan (SJU), Toledo Express Airport (TOL), San Antonio International Airport (SAT), and Boston Logan International Airport (BOS), among others, in which the water supply to the airport or at the airport was affected. Research is needed to document: stakeholders; how airports are organized around drinking water; general practices for public water system notifications; and any established protocols that involve notification in order to minimize impacts to airlines, the traveling public and employees. This synthesis may assist airports in identifying gaps between key stakeholders and process improvements, which may expedite notification and corrective action. The objective of this research is to compile literature and experience, and to identify gaps in providing notification to the airport community when water quality is affected. The audiences for this synthesis are airport leadership teams, airline tenants, and their contractors. Through literature and interview, the researcher will compile data and report on existing practices and gaps regarding protocols for when water quality does not meet the USEPA Drinking Water Standards. The type of information to be compiled by the researcher should include but is not limited to: (1) Stakeholder identification; drinking water roles and responsibilities; (2) General practices for public water system notifications; (3) Established protocols that involve notification in order to minimize impacts to airlines, the traveling public and employees; (4) Corrective action practices to protect public health; (5) Challenges and lessons learned; (6) Open issues and gaps requiring further research; and (7) Appendices that illustrate tools used by airports and airline tenants, including a list of considerations when developing protocols and standard operating procedures (SOPs). A strategic priority for Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) is to assure quality improvement in its research projects. ACRP therefore encourages the principal investigator to participate in a 1-day Symposium on ACRP Research in Progress that will be held during the Transportation Research Board’s 2017 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. KW - Aircraft KW - Airport operations KW - Drinking water KW - Operating rules KW - Public health KW - Water quality UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4110 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440772 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01599004 TI - Development of Methods to Evaluate Side Impacts with Roadside Safety Features AB - Side impacts of vehicles into roadside hardware are a growing public safety problem. In particular, side impacts with guardrail account for 22 percent of fatalities in passenger vehicle-guardrail crashes. The occupant of a car that side impacts a guardrail has a 30 percent higher probability of being fatally injured than the occupant of a car involved in a frontal impact into a guardrail. Many roadside safety features (e.g., guardrail end treatments, crash cushions, and luminaire supports) are designed to break away under the loads which are typical of a frontal impact. However, side impacts by non-tracking vehicles may not have enough force to engage the breakaway mechanisms of these features. Because the side of a vehicle, unlike the front, has so little structure and crumple zone, side impacts can be especially severe from an injury standpoint. To date, however, no substantive improvements have been made to the performance of roadside safety features during vehicle side impacts. National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350 provided side impact test and evaluation procedures for informational purposes, but made no recommendations or requirements for side impact crash testing of roadside hardware. More recently, the appendix for side impact test and evaluation procedures was not included in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) crash test procedures. The few available side impact tests in the literature are now over 20 years old and were performed on a previous generation of roadside hardware with a previous generation of vehicles. Little is known about how compliant hardware performs in side impact crashes. The development of methods for evaluating these crashes would lead to improvements in roadside safety hardware and improved safety of the motoring public. The objective of this research program will be to determine the effectiveness of current generation roadside safety hardware in side impact collisions, develop methods to evaluate and reduce the risk of serious and fatal injury in non-tracking side impacts with roadside safety devices, and establish crash test procedures based upon the developed methods. It is anticipated that this project would also identify critical hardware with respect to side impacts, determine critical impact conditions for evaluation of side impacts, and develop evaluation criteria for assessing the performance of roadside hardware in a side impact event, such as occupant risk criteria and occupant compartment deformation limits. The project outcome will be the development of a comprehensive approach for evaluating roadside hardware under side impact conditions with the intent of incorporating this approach into the MASH crash testing procedures. The addition of side impact evaluations in MASH crash testing procedures would lead to an improvement in roadside safety hardware and, subsequently, improve safety of the motoring public. The proposed research directly supports the AASHTO Technical Committee on Roadside Safety (TCRS) mission of developing, implementing, and maintaining evaluation standards to support roadside safety innovation and decision-making. KW - AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware KW - Crash injuries KW - Evaluation KW - Fatalities KW - Guardrails KW - Highway safety KW - Impact tests KW - Roadside structures KW - Side crashes UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4212 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1407187 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01598974 TI - Update of the AASHTO LRFD Movable Highway Bridge Design Specifications AB - Of the nearly 600,000 bridges listed in the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) National Bridge Inventory, close to 1,000 bridges are movable bridges. The design and installation of structural, mechanical, and electrical components provide significant challenges for designers, contractors, and owners in any movable bridge project. The primary design guide for movable bridge design and construction is the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Movable Highway Bridge Design Specifications. This manual was first published in 2000 with 2002 Interim Revisions. The second edition of the manual was published in 2007, with yearly Interim Revisions from 2008 to 2014. Based on the input from movable bridge owners, designers, and industry representatives, there is a desire to further update the current specifications to develop and implement a reliability-based design methodology and to reflect advances in electrical drives and controls, mechanical systems, and traffic/marine safety systems. Toward this goal, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 20-07/Task 348, “Review of the AASHTO LRFD Movable Highway Bridge Design Specifications for Future Updates,” was previously funded and a synthesis report prepared. The proposed title would no longer include the term “LRFD” (load and resistance factor design) and because, for movable machinery, power, and controls, the proposed specifications will adopt a reliability-based approach, which is consistent with how mechanical and electrical systems are designed. The research objectives are: (1) Propose revisions to the Specifications. The revisions should be prepared recognizing the latest developments in movable bridge design and rehabilitation. Additionally, the proposed revisions should be consistent with adopted AASHTO specifications and manuals. (2) Propose recommendations for future research needs. KW - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials KW - Bridge design KW - Design methods KW - Load and resistance factor design KW - Movable bridges KW - Specifications UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4193 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1407093 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01610796 AU - Ahearn, Meghan AU - Boeker, Eric AU - Gorshkov, Slava AU - Hansen, Andrew AU - Hwang, Sunje AU - Koopmann, Jonathan AU - Malwitz, Andrew AU - Noel, George AU - Reherman, Clay AU - Senzig, David AU - Solman, Gina Barberio AU - Tosa, Yasunari AU - Wilson, Andrew AU - Zubrow, Alexis AU - Didyk, Nicole AU - DiPardo, Joe AU - Grandi, Fabio AU - Majeed, Mohammed AU - Bernal, Jose AU - Dinges, Eric AU - Rickel, Denise AU - Yaworski, Michael AU - Hall, Clifford AU - Augustine, Stephen AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Technical Manual Version 2b Service Pack 3 PY - 2016/05/03/Final Report SP - 382p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environment and Energy (FAA-AEE) has developed the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) version 2b software system with the support of the following development team: FAA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), ATAC Corporation, Metron Aviation, Wyle Laboratories, CSSI, Inc., Foliage, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Georgia Tech. AEDT 2b models aircraft performance in space and time to estimate fuel consumption, emissions, noise, and air quality consequences. AEDT is designed to process individual studies ranging in scope from a single flight at an airport to scenarios at the regional, national, and global levels. This Technical Manual describes the technical methodology in AEDT 2b Service Pack 3. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Computer program documentation KW - Fuel consumption KW - Pollutants KW - Software UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/59000/59400/59497/AEDT2b_TechManual.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1422140 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01602600 AU - Scarborough, Alfretia L AU - Broach, Dana AU - Civil Aerospace Medical Institute AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Studies of the Next Generation of Air Traffic Control Specialists II: Job and Career Expectations PY - 2016/05//Final Report SP - 12p AB - This study compared the job expectations of two cohorts of air traffic controllers, one hired in the period 1986–1992 (“Post-Strike” controllers; N=13,227) and the other hired in the period 2007–2014 (“Next Generation” controllers; N=5,622). Job expectations were compared using Z-tests for independent proportions on data collected during their initial training at the FAA Academy. Overall, the Next Generation controllers had much higher expectations than Post-Strike controllers on eight factors (e.g., expect to be challenged by job, expect job to provide good pay, benefits, job security, and opportunity for advancement). However, a smaller proportion of Next Generation controllers expected the job to be equally challenging five years from entry on duty compared to Post-Strike controllers. Despite the differences in proportions, examination of a cross-plot of expectations found the two generational cohorts were more similar than different. These results and those of a previous study by Cannon and Broach (2011) show that the two generations of controllers have similar motivations for and expectations of their employment. Longitudinal research assessing the degree to which initial job and career expectations of the controllers have or have not been met is suggested. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Expectations KW - Generational differences KW - Jobs KW - Personnel motivation KW - Training UR - https://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201604.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1412810 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01602590 AU - Pierce, Linda G AU - Byrne, Cristina L AU - Manning, Carol A AU - Civil Aerospace Medical Institute AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - An Examination of the Success of Developmental Air Traffic Controllers Transferring to Lower-Level Facilities PY - 2016/05//Final Report SP - 11p AB - Air traffic control specialists (ATCSs) in training (developmentals) must successfully complete field qualification training at an air traffic control (ATC) facility to become a certified professional controller at that facility. If a developmental is unsuccessful in field training but shows potential in controlling air traffic, the developmental may be allowed to transfer to a less complex, lower-level ATC facility for training. The authors assessed training outcomes of developmentals allowed to transfer to a lower-level facility following training failure at a first facility. Type and level of facility to which the retained developmentals were transferred had an impact on success in training. Developmentals succeeded significantly more often if transferred to a small (Level 4-6) or medium (Level 7-9) airport traffic control tower (ATCT) facility than if assigned to any level of a combined ATCT/tower radar approach control (TRACON) facility, whether transferring from an en route or a terminal ATC facility. Developmentals allowed to transfer to small and medium ATCT facilities did as well as developmentals assigned to these facilities as a first facility, but again, did less well at combined facilities. Thus, the likelihood that transferred developmentals will succeed at a second terminal facility is significantly higher at ATCT facilities than at combined facilities. The primary difference between ATC skills needed at an ATCT or ATCT/TRACON facility is the use of radar-based control procedures. It is possible that, in many instances, the transferred developmentals were unable to master radar-based ATC. Perhaps an explanation may be the age of the transferring developmental. Researchers have consistently found an inverse relationship between age and training success in ATC. The authors believe that if age is considered in making second facility assignments for transferred developmentals, field qualification training outcomes for these developmentals will improve. However, considering age in second facility assignments could have implications for career progression policies in which developmentals progress from lower- to higher-level facilities. An examination of age and success in field qualification training at a second ATC facility may be required. KW - Age KW - Air traffic control facilities KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Airport control towers KW - Terminal radar approach control (TRACON) KW - Training UR - https://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201602.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1412808 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01602589 AU - Kratchounova, Daniela AU - Civil Aerospace Medical Institute AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Case for Crew Interspace: Conceptual Framework PY - 2016/05//Final Report SP - 10p AB - Pilots’ awareness of the flight deck as a shared space is intrinsic and they interact with each other freely and naturally in it. However, these pilot-to-pilot interactions bear little resemblance to the pilot-aircraft interactions which are constrained within instrument panel areas where the majority of pilot interfaces currently reside. The inherent spatial characteristics of the flight deck afford the notion of an interspace. The interspace can be an environment where: (a) the pilots interact with technology in a multimodal fashion such that the actions in one modality complement, and collaborate the input from the others, producing a well-choreographed user experience; and (b) the spatial organization, temporal synchronization, and semantic collaboration of control input devices reflect the integration patterns characterizing people’s use of different modalities. Thus, the key to an effective design paradigm shift is contingent on successfully emulating these naturally occurring modality communication and cooperation patterns within the intended interspace. KW - Air pilots KW - Design KW - Flight decks KW - Multimodal input controls KW - Spatial interaction UR - https://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201603.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1412809 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01612658 TI - General Aviation Runway Incursions AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - General aviation aircraft KW - General aviation airports KW - Runway incursions UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1406680 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01597202 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 09-01. Airport Public Health Preparedness & Response: Legal Rights, Powers & Duties AB - Modern air travel has frequently been cited as a leading cause for the rapid spread of disease within countries and internationally. The outbreaks of SARS, MERS, and Ebola have focused debate on a number of issues surrounding air travel, including isolation and quarantine, restrictions on travel, disease surveillance, screening protocols, contact tracing, and decontamination procedures. The issues and the lack of clarity surrounding them are the result of a number of factors, particularly confusion about the rights of travelers; lack of clarity and guidance on the powers and duties of airports and airlines; debates over the powers and duties of governments and public health officials; and insufficiently robust communication and The objective of this research is to develop best practices for airport lawyers and managers that outline the legal rights, powers, and duties of an airport in addressing the spread of communicable diseases through air travel. The research will identify and describe the rights and obligations of additional stakeholders in response to the potential transmittal of disease, such as the World Health Organization, the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) and other federal agencies, and state and local health and public safety organizations. The research will also set forth available options to address these issues under existing laws and policies, as well as potential opportunities to address inadequacies in the current legal landscape. Research will include but not be limited to a review of legal issues relating to isolation and quarantine, disease surveillance, screening protocols, contact tracing, and decontamination procedures, search and seizure, involuntary testing, denial of access (to the airport, to travel, etc.), and privacy and personal health information. The final product should be a form of playbook that allows airport attorneys, management, and staff to respond to a public health emergency in real time. This research will be conducted in two phases and four tasks in a firm fixed-price agreement. At the conclusion of Phase 1, Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) will make a determination whether to proceed with Phase 2. The tasks will be as follows: Phase 1 - Task 1. (Submit a detailed report outline. Conduct background research and collect relevant material.) Based on the initial but complete review of the source materials, submit a detailed report outline. The outline should contain sufficient detail to describe what a report of appropriate length will contain. This outline should also contain the estimated pagination for each proposed section and/or subsection. This material will be submitted for ACRP consideration and approval. Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project review panel 3 weeks after submission of the outline. Phase 2 - Task 2. After ACRP approval of the detailed outline, conduct additional research and case and statutory/regulatory analysis. Collect additional primary data to the extent necessary. Task 3. Submit an initial draft report in accordance with the approved outline (including any modification required by ACRP). Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project review panel 3 weeks after submission of the initial draft report. Task 4. Revise the initial report as necessary and provide a red-line and clean version of the draft final report (DFR). The ACRP will provide written comments to which each comment will need a point-by-point response and the report will be revised as appropriate and submitted as the final report. KW - Airports KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Diseases and medical conditions KW - Legal factors KW - Public health UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4085 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1404753 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01612657 TI - Center of Excellence Student Outreach AB - The Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility, and Sustainability (PEGASAS) is the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) Center of Excellence for General Aviation. As the name indicates, one of the themes of PEGASAS is “accessibility”, and the FAA’s solicitation for the Center of Excellence for General Aviation described the need to implement outreach efforts. The set of tasks described in this proposal use general aviation-related outreach activities to reach students at various levels. This aligns directly with both the PEGASAS theme of making general aviation accessible and with the FAA desire to have Centers of Excellence implement outreach efforts. The PEGASAS Center of Excellence Student Outreach project will be split into multiple tasks that may be started at differing times dependent upon funding availability. The objective of this project is to provide various mechanisms for students at all levels Pre-K through graduate school, including undergraduate and graduate students working on PEGASAS projects, to engage with PEGASAS and the FAA. These outreach activities will provide for dissemination of PEGASAS research findings and activities, will allow General Aviation to motivate school-aged children towards Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education and career paths, and will allow PEGASAS students to work alongside FAA colleagues. KW - Accessibility KW - Aviation safety KW - General aviation KW - Outreach KW - Research projects KW - Science, Techology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) KW - Students KW - Sustainable development UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1406678 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01595757 TI - Sustainability Website Ownership and Operation AB - An interactive sustainability website has been developed through a research project, and expressions of interest are being sought from organizations that can own and operate the website moving forward. The website includes more than 900 sustainability practices; education modules; a personal workspace to save unique sustainability plans; and opportunities for users to connect, contribute information, and share their experiences. The research project was undertaken by the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP), which is managed by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Although the website was originally designed for airports, the information it contains is applicable across all industries (about 80 percent of the sustainability practices are not airport-specific). The website is called the Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance (SAGA) and is accessible at the following link: http://www.airportsustainability.org. Ownership and operation of the SAGA website would provide the potential owner with the opportunity to manage a sustainability tool that could enhance academic institutional offerings, support sustainability rating system development, increase knowledge and awareness of sustainability principles and practices, and contribute to furthering sustainability planning and implementation. The website is designed to support all levels of sustainability achievement, whether an organization is just starting to think about sustainability or already has an established program. The educational modules help users define sustainability, explore methods to plan and measure sustainability, and learn about stakeholder engagement. The SAGA website provides information for all types of users and includes practices in energy, climate, engagement and leadership, human well-being, water, waste, economic performance, design, and materials. After the website was developed, a successful year-long beta test was conducted by making it available to airport industry practitioners. During the beta test, the site received more than 31,000 visits; 123 registered users; and several contributions of information in the form of new practices, technical information for existing practices (e.g., cost, payback period, social benefits), case studies, documents, and comments. In addition, the resources available on the website, such as lists of key performance indicators and metrics, templates for action and monitoring plans, a catalog of potential stakeholders, and a library of user-added documents, were downloaded over 1,300 times. Feedback from the beta test will continue to be incorporated into the website during the search for the next owner and operator. KW - Airport Cooperative Research Program KW - Airports KW - Data sharing KW - Education KW - Information dissemination KW - Knowledge KW - Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance KW - Sustainable development KW - Websites (Information retrieval) UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4155 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1403208 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596731 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Micro Unmanned Aircraft Systems Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC): ARC Recommendations PY - 2016/04/01/Final Report SP - 19p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) chartered the Micro Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Aviation Rulemaking Committee (the “ARC”) to provide recommendations to the FAA Administrator on a regulatory framework for the classification and operation of micro UAS. The FAA charged the ARC with the following three objectives: (1) Develop recommendations for a performance-based standard for the classification of micro UAS; (2) Identify means-of-compliance for manufacturers to show that unmanned aircraft meet the performance-based safety requirement; and (3) Recommend operational requirements for micro UAS appropriate to the recommended performance-based safety requirement. The ARC met during a 3-day period from March 8 - March 10, 2016, for the purpose of education and information gathering, and a second 3-day period from March 15 - March 17, 2016, for discussions and deliberations. This document includes the ARC's recommendations to the FAA. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Classification KW - Drone aircraft KW - Performance based specifications KW - Recommendations KW - Regulations UR - http://www.faa.gov/uas/resources/uas_regulations_policy/media/Micro-UAS-ARC-FINAL-Report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1403169 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01599216 AU - Hale, Mark AU - Koros, Anton AU - CSSI, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Wildlife Surveillance Concept-Avian Radar Knowledge Elicitation Activity 1 PY - 2016/04//Final Report SP - 75p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Concept Development and Validation Branch held a Knowledge Elicitation Activity (KEA) for the Wildlife Surveillance Concept (WiSC) in February 2014. The purpose of this activity, which was funded by the FAA Airport Technology Research and Development Branch, was to elicit information from stakeholders. The researchers convened a panel of certified professional controllers, front line managers, and commercial airline pilots to learn how they currently handle bird threat information and their perspectives on the potential introduction of supplemental bird threat information into the air traffic control (ATC) environment via airport avian radar systems. This KEA served as the first in a series of research activities aimed at maturing the WiSC and gathering information to prepare the Concept of Operations document. The purpose of this report is to provide an in-depth summary of the KEA and its findings. Participants reviewed and validated five common operational situations depicting how bird threat information is managed and disseminated today and the changes that might be anticipated with the introduction of more precise and timely bird threat information. In addition, participants provided feedback on notional graphical and textual display options for providing this supplemental information on ATC displays. All participants confirmed the value of integrating more timely and precise supplemental bird threat information into the ATC environment. In addition, they identified areas requiring further investigation. For example, they suggested research is needed to quantify the potential benefit of supplemental bird threat information on aviation safety, to ensure that controller and pilot workload levels and performance are not adversely impacted by the new information, and to ensure that the new information is optimally integrated into the ATC operational environment. KW - Air pilots KW - Air traffic control KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Aviation safety KW - Bird strikes KW - Birds KW - Information display systems KW - Information dissemination KW - Information management KW - Stakeholders UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=4eedc8ad-1665-4b30-a651-d56b7ffd9a22&f=TC-16-28.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1407019 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01598883 AU - Canter, Garrison AU - Klass, Jennifer AU - CSRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluation of Enhanced Visual Cues for Runway Approach and Runway Safety Areas PY - 2016/04//Final Report SP - 160p AB - In an effort to increase situational awareness among pilots and vehicle operators at U.S. civil airports, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Safety and Standards Airport Engineering Division has proposed updating its standards for runway approach hold position signage and marking based on recommendations proposed by the FAA Approach Hold Workgroup. The Airport Safety Research and Development Branch at the William J. Hughes Technical Center was tasked with evaluating the safety and effectiveness of the recommended signs and markings. Operational evaluations were then conducted at three airports: Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Nashville International Airport, and Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport. It was found that a majority of aircraft and ground vehicle operators agreed that inclusion of the departure runway increased situational awareness and that the signs were understandable at an adequate distance. However, some aircraft and ground vehicle operators did report the additional information made the signs more difficult to understand. This indicates the meaning of the proposed signage and surface marking may not be intuitive for some aircraft and ground vehicle operators without additional training and familiarization. It was found that the level of air traffic control (ATC) workload initially increased at the Chicago O’Hare International Airport after the signage was installed but decreased over time as aircraft and ground vehicle operators became more accustomed to the changes. The survey data show the proposed signage and Pattern B marking increased awareness that stopping at approach hold locations was conditional on explicit ATC instructions rather than mandatory. It is recommended that this signage be installed as a pair of separate sign units with full-sized legend text. The energy and maintenance costs for airport operators are projected to be proportional to the size of the proposed signs installed. It is advised that extensive pilot and vehicle operator education and outreach be conducted prior to the proposed changes going into effect. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport runways KW - Alertness KW - Approach control KW - Chicago O'Hare International Airport KW - Cleveland Hopkins International Airport KW - Education and training KW - Field studies KW - Nashville International Airport KW - Runway safety areas KW - Runway surface markings KW - Signs UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1405283 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01604575 AU - Cardosi, Kim AU - Lennertz, Tracy AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Progression of Human Factors Considerations for the In-Trail Procedure PY - 2016/03/16 SP - 20p AB - The In-Trail Procedure (ITP) is one of the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) applications in the NextGen program. The Federal Aviation Administration, in partnership with United Airlines, is conducting an operational evaluation of the ADS-B ITP on revenue flights between the West Coast of the United States and various Pacific destinations. Part of this evaluation is a human factors assessment of the equipment and procedures from the users’ perspective. Here, the authors provide an update to the human factors issues identified in 2013 and show that pilots’ and controllers’ acceptance of the ITP maneuver has improved. Pilots see the ADS-B traffic display as a valuable tool for situation awareness and use it to increase flight efficiency/safety. While more interactive ITP training was suggested, pilots are comfortable interacting with the display and provided insights as to why ITP requests are so infrequent. Controllers are no longer confusing ADS-B ITP with the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract Climb/Descend Procedure and are no longer reluctant to approve a valid ITP request. Controllers’ concerns have been largely addressed with training and/or will be addressed with changes to the automation platform. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast KW - Aviation safety KW - Human factors KW - In-Trail Procedure (ITP) KW - NextGen (United States) UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/59000/59300/59357/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-16-08.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1414857 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596821 AU - Cooper, Coralie AU - Arthur, David AU - Epstein, Alex AU - Poe, Carson AU - Mangar, Abygail AU - Brecher, Aviva AU - Breck, Andrew AU - Forni, Sara AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Achieving Airport Carbon Neutrality PY - 2016/03//Final Report SP - 92p AB - This report is a guide for airports that wish to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from existing buildings and operations. Reaching carbon neutrality typically requires the use of multiple mechanisms to first minimize energy consumption and then maximize renewable energy use. This report provides a flexible, step-by-step outline for planning and achieving airport carbon emissions reduction or neutrality. The steps include: (1) Conducting background research and inventorying airport GHG emissions; (2) Determining the scope of the carbon neutral airport project; (3) Contracting with an energy services company (ESC); (4) Implementing renewable energy; and (5) Communicating project results. KW - Airports KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Energy consumption KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Implementation KW - Pollutants KW - Renewable energy sources UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56800/56886/Achieving_Airport_Carbon_Neutrality.pdf UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56800/56886/Appendices_for_Achieving_Airport_Carbon_Neutrality.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1402510 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596699 AU - Cooper, Coralie AU - Arthur, David AU - Epstein, Alex AU - Poe, Carson AU - Brecher, Aviva AU - Breck, Andrew AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - U.S. Airport Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories: State of the Practice and Recommendations for Airports PY - 2016/03//Final Report SP - 41p AB - This document presents highlights from five research reports on airport greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventories. It presents the most salient findings for policy makers and U.S. airports seeking to better understand and inventory airport GHG emissions. The emphasis in this summary is to provide recommendations on reasonably accurate and low cost methods to inventory airport GHGs.  The first step in reducing GHG emissions is the development of a baseline inventory. Inventorying GHG emissions at airports can help airport officials better understand emissions trends; identify the sources and activities where there are opportunities for GHG reduction; set GHG reductions targets; and track progress toward meeting targets. Information on the usability, affordability, and reliability of various inventory methods is provided to help airports make the most of limited resources. KW - Airports KW - Data collection KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Methodology KW - Pollutants KW - Recommendations KW - State of the practice UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/58000/58000/58012/Airport_GHG_Inventories.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1402509 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01590170 TI - Symposium on Air Travel and the Spread of Disease AB - This task has been cancelled. KW - Air travel KW - Diseases and medical conditions UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3264 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397964 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01590169 TI - ACRP Problem Statement Process Assessment and Recommendations AB - The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) provides practical solutions to the challenges faced by airport industry practitioners. Every research project starts as a problem statement (research idea). ACRP relies on volunteers from the industry to develop, evaluate, and recommend problem statements to its Oversight Committee (AOC), which then selects those to be funded as research projects. In 2015, the AOC adopted a strategic plan for ACRP to help ensure that the program continues to be responsive to the industry’s needs. The first strategic issue identified in the plan is to “ensure that problem statements are of the highest quality and greatest relevance to the airport industry.” More specifically, this strategic issue is supported by an objective of developing “new initiatives for generating research problem statements relevant to the airport industry.” It is also the AOC’s desire to reduce the time between the development of a problem statement and the availability of research results. These new initiatives should therefore result in a more efficient and effective process. This research will assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current ACRP problem statement process, including the processes for developing, evaluating, recommending, and selecting problem statements for ACRP projects. KW - Airport Cooperative Research Program KW - Airports KW - Oversight KW - Research KW - Research management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4088 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397963 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596819 AU - Sparko, Andrea L AU - Chase, Stephanie G AU - Yeh, Michelle AU - McGray, Bruce AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Low Visibility Operations/Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (LVO/SMGCS) Chart Symbology PY - 2016/02//Final Report SP - 64p AB - This study examined which symbol shapes are considered to be representative of information shown on Low Visibility Operations/Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (LVO/SMGCS) charts, and how useful pilots perceive that information to be. The information in this report is intended to provide data to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to identify best practices for LVO/SMGCS charts. One-hundred forty-four air transport pilots with category-III qualification and/or LVO/SMGCS training were shown symbol shapes that included symbols currently in use on LVO/SMGCS charts, symbols recommended for LVO/SMGCS charts by the International Civil Aviation Organization, and “foil” (fake) symbol shapes that are not in use. For each symbol shape, pilots responded “Yes” or “No” to whether they considered the symbol shape to be representative of a particular information type. Symbol shapes were presented alone as well as at increasing levels of context to examine whether additional airport-layout chart information helped pilots identify representative symbol shapes. Once pilots identified representative shapes, they rated the usefulness of various types of information depicted on LVO/SMGCS charts. Pilots identified real symbols as representative for geographic position markings (GPM), instrument landing system (ILS) hold lines, and the combination of runway guard lights (RGL) and stop bar lights. The majority of pilots rated the following information types to be very useful: GPM, clearance bar, ILS hold line, approach hold line position marking, stop bar lights, RGL, and the combination of RGL and stop bar lights. It is important to note that these ratings were made without operational context. Regardless of pilot ratings, all the information types in the study play a unique role in supporting LVO/SMGCS operations. KW - Air pilots KW - Best practices KW - Charts KW - Geometric configurations and shapes KW - Surface Movement Guidance and Control System KW - Symbols UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/58000/58900/58972/LVOSMGCS_Symbology_Study_Report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1402508 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01591979 AU - King, Ryan AU - Collins, Lauren (Vitagliano) AU - Weller, John R AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Artificial Turf and Gopher Tortoises at Orlando Sanford International Airport PY - 2016/01//Final Report SP - 62p AB - Under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 139 (14 CFR 139) Section 309, airports are required to maintain runway safety areas (RSAs) free of “hazardous ruts, humps, depressions or other surface variations.” The safety areas must also be capable of supporting the “occasional passage of aircraft without causing major damage to the aircraft.” A number of airports in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Southern Region have difficulty meeting the regulations under 14 CFR 139 for holes in RSAs caused by burrowing of gopher tortoises. Gopher tortoises are listed as a threatened species in Florida, and mitigation efforts (i.e., tortoise removal or relocation and burrow eliminations) are heavily regulated, expensive, and time-consuming. However, gopher tortoises burrowing in such close proximity to runways are a safety hazard to aircraft that may leave the runway pavement surface. Artificial turf that meets the specifications in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5370-15B has been identified as a material that can be used to cover large portions of airport property with multiple benefits, such as providing consistent ground cover, as well as reducing maintenance costs and attractive vegetative food sources for hazardous wildlife species. It was determined that research was necessary to assess artificial turf as a potential solution for mitigating the burrowing behavior of gopher tortoises on the airport property. The FAA Airport Technology Research and Development Branch entered into an agreement with Orlando Sanford International Airport in August 2013 to conduct a study on the applicability of artificial turf in the RSA to mitigate potential hazardous conditions resulting from the presence of burrowing gopher tortoises. The study also investigated the ability of the artificial turf system to withstand exposure to harsh environmental conditions, and the occasional, inadvertent passage of vehicles and aircraft, which was tested by using a specialized vehicle retrofitted with an aircraft nose wheel. An area adjacent to the blast pad at the approach end of Runway 18 was selected as the test site, and construction on the test area commenced in February 2014. Data were collected between May 1, 2014 and April 30, 2015. The results from over a year of data collections and directed studies demonstrated that artificial turf is compatible with safe airport operations, is durable to passive environmental factors, is not attractive to other hazardous species, resists burrowing by gopher tortoises, and does not exhibit detrimental reduced braking during aircraft or vehicle excursions. It was also determined that the artificial turf performed well during the occasional passage by operational vehicles, including fully loaded aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicles. KW - Airport runways KW - Artificial turf KW - Aviation safety KW - Durability KW - Field tests KW - Orlando Sanford International Airport KW - Turf KW - Wildlife UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=e91e0e54-6390-443b-a902-c19e25fbc779&f=TC-15-61_Artificial%20Turf%20and%20Gopher%20Tortoises%20at%20SFB_010616.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1398239 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596795 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - FAA Aerospace Forecast: Fiscal Years 2016-2036 PY - 2016 SP - 94p AB - This document starts with a review of U.S. aviation in 2015. It then provides forecasts for U.S. Airlines, General Aviation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Operations, U.S. Commercial Aircraft Fleet, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, and Commercial Space Transportation. Forecast highlights include: U.S. carrier passenger growth over the next 20 years to average 2.1 percent per year; system traffic in revenue passenger miles is projected to increase by 2.6 percent a year between 2016 and 2036; the long term outlook for general aviation is favorable; and operations at FAA and contract towers are forecast to increase 0.9 percent a year over the forecast period. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Airlines KW - Civil aircraft KW - Civil aviation KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Drone aircraft KW - Forecasting KW - General aviation KW - Market assessment KW - Trend (Statistics) KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/aviation/aerospace_forecasts/media/FY2016-36_FAA_Aerospace_Forecast.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1402010 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01582851 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S01-13. How Airports Document Costs for Non-airline Tenant Rents and Charges AB - No summary provided. KW - Airports KW - Costs KW - Rent KW - Tenants UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4106 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377079 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01582853 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S0-1-14. Alternative Methods for Funding Infrastructure Investments at Airports AB - No summary provided. KW - Airports KW - Alternatives analysis KW - Infrastructure KW - Investments UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4107 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377078 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01582854 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices, Topic S01-15. Airport Operator Options for Delivery of FBO Services AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Fixed base operations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4108 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377077 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01582855 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S02-15. Airport Experience with Alternative Fuels for Ground Transport AB - No summary provided. KW - Airports KW - Alternate fuels KW - Ground transportation UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4109 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377076 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01582856 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S02-16. Airport Experience with Implementing Notifications Required by the Aircraft Drinking Water Rule AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Airports KW - Drinking water KW - Implementation UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4110 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377075 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01582857 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S03-11. Transportation Network Companies (TNCs): Challenges and Opportunities for Airport Operators AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Opportunity models UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4111 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377074 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01582867 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S03-12. Arriving Flights and Passenger Quarantine Planning at Airports AB - No summary provided. KW - Airports KW - Flight KW - Passenger handling KW - Planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4112 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377073 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01582868 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S03-13. Estimating Truck Trip Generation for Airport Air Cargo Activity AB - No summary provided. KW - Airports KW - Cargo aircraft KW - Trip generation KW - Trucks UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4113 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377072 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01582869 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S04-18. Uses of Social Media to Inform Emergency Responders During an Airport Emergency AB - No summary provided. KW - Airports KW - Emergencies KW - Emergency response time KW - Information systems KW - Social media UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4114 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377071 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587290 TI - Acquisition Distance of LED Based Runway Closure Lighting AB - This project will evaluate the pilot acquisition distance of light emitting diodes LED-based runway closure lighting to ascertain if such lighting is comparable or greater than traditional incandescent (L-893) runway closure lighting. Evaluation will be completed at three airports with varying light pollution, during day and night Visual Flight Rules. This project proposes a series of controlled field experiments to be conducted at three test airports using traditional runway closure lighting (incandescent) and LED-based closure lighting. Pilots will fly approaches to a closed runway and report the distance at which the lighted Xs of each type are first observed as well as when the pilots detect the actual X and color displayed. This statement of work proposes the field experiments be conducted at the Purdue University Airport, the Ohio State University Airport, and the Orlando Melbourne International Airport. Partnering in this study will be: (1) The Federal Aviaton Administration (FAA) who will supply the LED test equipment, (2) Purdue University, Ohio State University, and Florida Institute of Technology who will supply research staff, airport technicians, and a specified location on their respective airports to administer the study, (3) Pilots and students from the respective universities who will evaluate the lighting acquisition distances and (4) The Purdue University Airport, the Ohio State University Airport, and the Orlando Melbourne International Airport. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting systems KW - Visual flight UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=28 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392192 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01608570 AU - Unnasch, Stefan AU - Riffel, Brent AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Life Cycle Associates, LLC AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Review of Jet Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Methods and Sustainability Metrics PY - 2015/12//Final Report SP - 123p AB - The primary aim of this study is to help aviation jet fuel purchasers (primarily commercial airlines and the U.S. military) to understand the sustainability implications of their jet fuel purchases and provide guidelines for procuring sustainable fuels. This study reviews literature on life cycle analysis and sustainability and identifies the regulatory requirements and third party standards for sustainable fuel use in different regions of the world. It also provides guidance in understanding the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impacts of jet fuels, and defining guidelines for estimating the sustainability implications of criteria other than life cycle GHG emissions such as water use, land use, criteria pollutants, air toxics, biodiversity and a number of other issues as noted throughout this report. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Jet engine fuels KW - Life cycle analysis KW - Literature reviews KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) KW - Pollutants KW - Procurement KW - Regulations KW - Standards KW - Sustainable transportation UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/59000/59200/59262/LCAJetFuelSustainabilityReport.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1418800 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01602711 AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - European Union TI - State of Harmonisation Document SN - 9789292160265 PY - 2015/12 SP - 20p AB - The purpose of this document is to provide a high-level summary of the current state of progress toward achieving the necessary level of interoperability between the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) and the Single European Sky ATM Research Programme (SESAR), based on the cooperative activities between the United States and the European Union. The U.S. and EU collaboration aims to harmonise and secure Air Traffic Management (ATM) modernisation efforts as drivers of and in support of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) with the Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) programme. Both NextGen and SESAR recognise the need to integrate the air and ground parts of their air traffic management systems by addressing efficiency needs of flight trajectories planning and execution and the seamless sharing of accurate information. The U.S./EU joint harmonisation work will assure that modernisation and advances in air navigation systems worldwide can be made in a way that supports cooperation, clear communication, seamless operations, and optimally safe practices. The collaborative harmonisation work between the U.S. and the EU has taken place under the Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) between the United States of America and the European Union on Civil Aviation Research and Development that was signed in March 2011, and specifically under Annex I, which covers “SESAR-NextGen Cooperation for Global Interoperability.” The two parties have concluded that it is more effective to plan for harmonisation activities with an implementation focus (ref. NextGen Implementation Plan and the European ATM Master Plan) and to initiate the activities early in the research and development phase. The MOC and its Annex I provide the functional framework for collaboration on such harmonisation activities. This framework also provides a vehicle for the U.S. and Europe to work together towards interoperable standards and in support of efforts towards achievement of ICAO global harmonisation as articulated in the ICAO GANP/ASBU´s. Much of the collaboration work done under this framework directly supports global ICAO standardisation efforts. The U.S. and Europe are for the same reason also supporting and engaging in initiatives fostered by other international bodies, such as the industry standardisation bodies of Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) and European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE). There are five main areas of collaboration under Annex 1 to the MOC on NextGen and SESAR Harmonisation: Transversal Activities; Information Management; Trajectory Management; Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) and Airborne Interoperability; and Collaboration Projects. This State of Harmonisation Document summarises the progress made in these five areas. KW - Air traffic control KW - European Union KW - Interoperability KW - Modernization KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research KW - Standardization KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/nextgen/media/nextgen_sesar_harmonization.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1413083 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01582850 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices. Topic S01-12. Airport Equity Participation in Mineral Development AB - No summary provided. KW - Airports KW - Development KW - Equity (Justice) KW - Minerals UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4105 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377080 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01580453 TI - Supporting Aviation Education at the State and Local Level AB - The aviation industry is a vital, growing sector of the U.S. economy, yet public interest and engagement in aviation have declined over the last decade. For example, between 2005 and 2014, the number of U.S. certified pilots decreased from about 610,000 to 593,000. This trend could have significant, long-term impacts to the industry. There are likely many causes for the decline, including a reduced interest in aviation among younger populations or other demographics (for example, less than seven percent of U.S. pilots are women), a lack of industry promotion, and a lack of funding to promote aviation at the state and local levels. State and local aviation agencies are in a unique position to support the industry, and while some states have established robust outreach and educational programs, others lack the resources necessary to promote this important transportation asset. Other industry groups, such as the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association and the National Business Aviation Association, also engage in educational and promotional programs. Currently, there is no single-source report summarizing these efforts, nor is there guidance to help state and local agencies develop and implement such efforts. The objective of this research is to provide guidance and materials (including educational and outreach tools, techniques, ideas, and solutions) for states and local sponsors to promote interest and participation in the aviation industry; the guidance should allow users to tailor their efforts to the unique needs of various populations (i.e., women, minorities, and age groups). KW - Air pilots KW - Aviation KW - Demographics KW - Education KW - Outreach KW - Promotion UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4097 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373715 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01580351 TI - Task Order Support for ACRP Insight Events AB - The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) provides practical solutions to challenges faced by airport industry practitioners. Not all challenges lend themselves to applied research or to published solutions due to their dynamic or unsettled nature, lack of maturity, or because the state of knowledge or practice is still evolving. Nonetheless, the airport industry would benefit from a deeper understanding and dialog on many of these challenges even if an immediate solution is not practical. Established in 2015, ACRP Project 11-08, ACRP Insight Events is responsible for convening airport-industry leaders and subject-matter experts (SMEs) in various fields to encourage discussion and promote broader-deeper insight on topics of significance to airport operators. Consistent with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the definition of a convening event, such as an ACRP Insight Event, is intended to create a communal environment that fosters dialogue across sectors, institutions, and industries. The ACRP Oversight Committee (AOC) will decide if a particular topic warrants an ACRP Insight Event in order to provide needed insight on airport-industry topics of significance. Expectations are that each event will take place within 12 months of AOC funding authorization. The Transportation Research Board (TRB) will seek approvals from the Executive Committee of the Governing Board (GBEC) of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and will follow established TRB guidelines for the conduct of each event-project. Because ACRP is part of TRB’s cooperative research programs and does not adhere to the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act as amended in 1997, ACRP research cannot produce policy recommendations, or advice to federal agencies or to Congress. ACRP applied research projects publish (non-FACA) contractor-authored reports. Accordingly, ACRP Insight Events may not issue a work product showing consensus or that contains summary conclusions or recommendations. Again, the sole purpose of an ACRP Insight Event is to gather the AOC, airport-industry leaders, and SMEs in various fields to encourage discussion and promote broader-deeper insight on topics of significance to airport operators. An ACRP Insight Event may result in webinar-style video recordings, web content, podcasts, infographics, or meeting notes. Other products, such as event summaries, a forum or workshop in brief, or proceedings, are possible through an Adademies report review and then published by the National Academies. However, guidelines for such products are strict and rigid. Although ACRP Insight Events do not produce solutions themselves, they illuminate issues that need attention. Each ACRP Insight Event will have its own SME planning committee to design and develop activities for the event. Usually, planning committee members are selected based on each individual’s expertise, but other considerations may be a factor. Government officials and industry associations may serve in ex officio capacity on planning committees. Among other outcomes, ACRP Insight Events may lead to opportunities for further work that are more appropriate for the ACRP. For example, the activities of an ACRP Insight Event may result in one or more ACRP problem statements, which may lead to funding an ACRP applied research project, legal study, or synthesis of practice. ACRP needs a mechanism to procure consultant services that is responsive to the AOC’s needs for a quick-response capability to convene ACRP Insight Events. The mechanism involves prequalification and selection of a small number of service providers who can respond quickly and competitively, with requisite capabilities, to task-orders for specific event-projects. This request for statements of interest, qualifications, and availability will be used to establish task-order contracts to undertake events in FY 2016 through 2020. The objectives of this project are to select two to four task-order contractors as the means to develop a flexible, ongoing, quick-response to conduct numerous ACRP Insight Events as described above. Services to be provided include logistical support, background topic research, group facilitation, event promotion, rapporteur services, communications and web content, onsite event support, and final product delivery. As specific topics are selected and authorized by the AOC and released for development, the selected task-order contractors will be invited to prepare an event-project proposal (i.e., a research plan, staffing plan, and budget) to carry out an ACRP Insight Event on that specific topic. The proposals will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the AOC and used to select a team under the task-order contract. Task-order contractors preparing event-project proposals may add subcontractors or consultants to their teams for the purpose of completing a specific event-project. Along with responses to this request for qualifications, proposals are also requested on the first three events for FY 2016. KW - Airport Cooperative Research Program KW - Airport operations KW - Information technology KW - Logistics KW - Planning KW - Promotion KW - Task analysis KW - Web applications UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4026 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373413 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01580354 TI - Task Order Support for ACRP Insight Events. Task 16-01. Forum on Challenges to Implementing Successful Land Use Strategies at Airports AB - Successful land use strategies generally consist of encouraging compatible land uses around airports. Land use planning and controls surrounding airports are often the responsibility of the local governments, with the surrounding jurisdictions in many cases having no ties to the airport facilities. Even in instances where the airport and local land uses are controlled by the same governmental entity, the airport may have little influence and the government little ability to adequately control land uses near the airport. The pressure to develop near airports can be significant and planning and land use considerations are often decided without considering the airport’s future development needs and ongoing operational requirements. As airports and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) continue to refine airfield layouts and approach and departure procedures, respectively, the determination of what is compatible both today and in the future continues to be challenging. Given the magnitude and variety of the challenges to controlling land uses around airports, research is needed to provide airports, communities, and developers with information and tools to protect and improve land uses around airports. The objectives of this research are to convene an industry forum to discuss the key challenges to airports associated with influencing land uses around their facilities. Presenters may include airports, regions, and states that have successfully implemented effective land use controls around airports or other facilities that are incompatible with a range of land uses. Topics could include strategies for improving the ability of airports to control or influence land uses in their vicinity and guidance for airports and communities in successfully collaborating with developers and similar entities. KW - Airports KW - Cooperation KW - Land use planning KW - Real estate development KW - Strategic planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4094 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373412 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01580353 TI - Task Order Support for ACRP Insight Events. Task 16-02. Forum on Economic and Social Sustainability at Airports AB - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sustainability programs have invigorated sustainability planning, often to the point of full integration with airport master plans. Significant attention has been given to waste, water, energy, and natural resources, building on decades of a still growing environmental movement. The new “era of green” is now spreading to smaller airports without incentive funding. However, among most airports, planning and reporting on social and economic sustainability appear conventional. This apparent lack of innovation may reflect a general stasis in two key areas: economic and social sustainability or it may be a byproduct of airports lacking a common language for reporting and discussing their more innovative social and economic activities. Research is needed to identify the different taxonomies used globally by domestic and international airports to frame planning that accomplishes social and economic sustainability goals, identify innovation in both areas, and develop a set of commonly accepted good practices that fall outside conventional measures in use for economic (jobs created, gross domestic product (GDP) generated) and social (pay equity, safety records) sustainability. The objective of this research is to convene an Academy industry forum to discuss airport social and economic sustainability practices. The forum could feature “innovative” case presentations to demonstrate lessons learned and, where possible, performance indicators. This topic could include background information highlighting a base set of globally accepted performance indicators, accepted best practice program descriptions, and other resources helpful in establishing or improving delivery of conventional social and economic sustainability initiatives. Presentations could examine traditional taxonomies for classifying social and economic initiatives, along with a brief description of lessons learned by airport leaders in adoption of conventional programs and reporting systems. Presentations could also provide introductory context to help readers understand the magnitude of the innovations illustrated in each case. KW - Airport planning KW - Airports KW - Economic factors KW - Innovation KW - Performance measurement KW - Social factors KW - Sustainable development KW - Taxonomy UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4095 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373411 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01580352 TI - Task Order Support for ACRP Insight Events. Task 16-03. Forum on Airport Roles in Reducing Communicable Diseases Transmission AB - Airports are the global gateways for passengers and cargo via aircraft, usually the quickest way to get overseas from one continent to the other. In addition to carrying passengers’ luggage and commercial goods, aircraft can be the vehicle by which diseases can quickly spread around the world. The Transportation Research Board has conducted several studies on this topic. In 2007, Interagency-Aviation Industry Collaboration on planning for Pandemic Outbreak workshop was organized to explore the state-of-the-practice for pandemic planning by airports and airlines. In 2009, Research on Transmission of Disease in Airports and on Aircraft symposium was conducted that examined the current research related to the transmission of disease on aircraft and in airports. The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) also conducted two research projects that has resulted in ACRP Report 91: Infectious Disease Mitigation in Airports and on Aircraft, which provides guidance to airports and air carriers to mitigating the risk of spreading disease, and ACRP CRP-CD-137: The Vector-Borne Disease Airport Importation Risk Tool, which is an interactive tool to assist airports and airlines in understanding their roles in reducing the spread and transmission of diseases. The objectives of this research are to convene an industry forum and build upon the established knowledge to discuss the challenges airports face in reducing the transmission of communicable diseases, quantify data to determine the risk of specific infectious diseases for airlines and airports, identify specific measures to mitigate the transmissions of diseases, and implementation priorities and other potential solutions and/or areas for further research. The presenters will include public health officials, epidemiologists, and airline environmental and occupational health experts. KW - Airlines KW - Airports KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Diseases and medical conditions KW - Epidemiology KW - Public health KW - Risk management KW - State of the practice UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4096 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373410 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589871 TI - UAS Noise Certification AB - The FAA has a lot of data on manned aircraft noise signatures, but almost none on UAS. Mississippi State University worked with the NUAIR FAA UAS Test Site to develop procedures to measure UAS noise signatures. This research focused on the collection of noise measurements of UAS using 14 CFR Part 36, Noise Standards, to begin the initial assessment of whether noise certification procedures designed for manned aircraft are appropriate for unmanned aircraft. Ultimately, this study and follow on studies will help the FAA set standards for UAS mission profiles to minimize noise hazards. KW - Aerodynamics KW - Aircraft KW - Drone aircraft KW - Kinematics KW - Noise KW - Propellers KW - Test procedures KW - Wakes UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397598 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589870 TI - UAS Human Factors Considerations AB - Drexel University is leading a team of experts from New Mexico State, The Ohio State University and the University of North Dakota to what should - and should not - be automated in UAS and how to display critical information to UAS crews. The University of North Dakota and New Mexico State will then research how to train and certify UAS crew based on these requirements. This research will help the FAA set standards for how critical functions are automated in a UAS ground station and how UAS operators receive vital flight data. It will also help the FAA decide how to certify and train UAS crew. KW - Control systems KW - Drone aircraft KW - Flight crews KW - Flight decks KW - Human machine systems KW - Training programs KW - Visual flight UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397596 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01580315 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 08-04. Legal Consideration in the Funding and Development of Multi-Modal Facilities AB - Airports are under increasing pressure to site (and fund) multimodal projects, connecting airports to road, transit, rail, and other transportation systems. These multimodal projects can be as straightforward as participating in an off-airport highway interchange to more complex private-sector transit-oriented-development projects such as mixed use commercial, industrial and even residential developments. Funding for on-airport and airport-adjacent projects involves a complex interplay of federal programs and federal requirements for use of airport land and airport funds. There have been Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decisions/guidance letters that have not been readily available or consolidated in one location. Research is needed to compile those decisions to provide information to airport operators.The objective of this research is to survey practices, case studies, FAA decisions/guidance, and legal principles that should provide information for airport operators who want or may be asked to participate in such projects. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport terminals KW - Case studies KW - Decision making KW - Legal factors KW - Mixed use development KW - Multimodal transportation KW - Residential areas KW - Transit oriented development UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4084 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373163 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596765 AU - Hileman, Christy R AU - McNeil, Cheryl A AU - Rogers, Paul AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Fatal Aviation Accidents: Fiscal Years 2009-2013 PY - 2015/11//Final Report SP - 26p AB - This report describes the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) Autopsy Program Team’s efforts to support accident investigation and research conducted within the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute, including descriptive characteristics for fatal aviation accidents and incidents investigated by the FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board for fiscal years 2009 through 2013. Autopsy data utilizing the Medical Analysis Tracking Registry database was ordered into the following categories: date of autopsy acquisition, date of accident, region and state of residence, accident type, age, gender, pilot flight hours, aircraft type, and governing operation. Incidental medical findings described in the autopsy reports were classified according to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Edition – Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) and International Classification of Disease, Procedure Coding System. The Team reviewed 1,330 fatal accidents/incidents from fiscal years 2009 through 2013 and assisted with requests. Additionally, the Team obtained over 95% of autopsy reports for individuals involved in fatal aviation accidents, averaging 266 fatal accidents/incidents per year. The average age of a fatally injured pilot was 55 years, compared to the average age of 45 for the U.S. Civil pilot population. Accidents involving float planes were 2.63% of all fatal accidents. An analysis of 22 Medical Transport fatal accidents revealed 46% occurred during the repositiong phase of the flight. During the time frame of the study, 37 (31.35%) of pilots let their FAA medical certificate laspse in 118 Light Sport aircraft fatal accidents. Summaries of information collected from fatal accident/incidents are included in the report. KW - Air pilots KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Autopsies KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash investigation KW - Demographics KW - Diseases and medical conditions KW - Fatalities KW - Trend (Statistics) UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201519.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1402113 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596672 AU - Wilkinson, Chris AU - Honeywell Aerospace AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Obsolescence and Life Cycle Management for Avionics PY - 2015/11//Final Report SP - 220p AB - This research identifies ways to identify and mitigate obsolescence risks in avionics and to provide related aviation safety input to the Federal Aviation Administration for the development of regulations, policy, guidance, and training. Obsolescence and obsolescence management of avionics products are a technically challenging and costly financial problem with many adverse business impacts for both the avionics suppliers and their customers. Though obsolescence is not unique to the aerospace industry, it presents special problems because of the typically long life cycle of aircraft and a requirement to comply with airworthiness regulations that make continuous change complex and costly. Obsolescence is the inevitable consequence of the dependence of aerospace on a supply base whose major markets are outside of aerospace and whose technology life cycles are much shorter than those of other markets. Aerospace has a continual demand for technological progress in aircraft system capabilities and safety improvements, but on a much longer timescale than the technology turnover timescale of the supply base. Obsolescence is an inevitable occurrence; therefore, the goal of obsolescence and life-cycle management is to minimize the recurring cost impacts and the disruption of supply to customers while maintaining continued airworthiness and regulatory compliance. This report describes the current state of obsolescence management in the aerospace industry; the processes, standards, and tools now being used; and the underlying causes. The report addresses the identification, mitigation, and avoidance of issues related to obsolescence in systems, software, and airborne electronic hardware development; the related design assurance and certification considerations; and optimal methods for life-cycle maintenance and technical refreshment. The report identifies known and emerging obstacles, problems, issues, and gaps in existing standards and guidance; proposes standards and assurance techniques that may minimize the impact of obsolescence; and suggests how manufacturers can proactively plan and manage the life cycle of their products. The report describes the extant research on numerical methods for obsolescence risk assessment and related economic modeling, and provides recommendations for further public guidance and standards that would assist industry and users in adapting to a dynamic environment. The report suggests some industry and regulatory practices that could promote best practices; reduce costs and inconvenience; and improve the product life-cycle planning process. Finally, the report suggests some relevant research topics that are not well addressed presently and should be considered for future work. The report suggests that the obsolescence problem cannot be solved only by engineering methods, but also requires proactive measures and risk-awareness planning by both customers and suppliers. Obsolescence is a complex mix of engineering, economic, and business issues with many associated uncertainties. These uncertainties arise from the supply base and the customer base, which require marketing, engineering, and economic planning and analysis using numerical risk-assessment methods that measure uncertainty. KW - Aircraft KW - Aviation safety KW - Avionics KW - Life cycle analysis KW - Obsolescence KW - Recommendations KW - Regulation KW - Risk assessment KW - Risk management KW - Standards KW - State of the practice UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tc15-33.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1402002 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01583634 AU - Bellman, Miles AU - Pagano, Thomas AU - Shah, Vaibhav AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Department of the Navy AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Interim Update to the AN/UPX-41(C) Spectrum Certification Conditions (SPS-18778/1) PY - 2015/11 SP - 81p AB - In 2012, the Navy requested spectrum certification for the shipboard AN/UPX-41(C) Digital Interrogator System, Software Version 5.5 with Mode 5. Current operating conditions for the Navy’s AN/UPX-41(C) are the same as restrictions imposed on the AN/UPX-37 digital Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) interrogator. A proposed AN/UPX-41(C) Stage 4 certification was developed to allow the Navy to operate under less restrictive parameters but required that the Navy and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) validate those proposed restrictions. In October 2015, the report, DOT-VNTSC-NAVSEA-15-01, was released and detailed the results of the validation effort. Using the information from the validation effort, a more appropriate set of restrictions were developed to specify limits on AN/UPX-41(C) shipborne interrogator activity within 100 nmi of the coastline of the United States and its Posessions (US&P). This document details the rationale behind the new restrictions and gives the new shipborne interrogator geometry relative to the coastline in both a generic and operational manner. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft KW - Coasts KW - Electromagnetic spectrum KW - Radio transmitters KW - Ships KW - Surveillance KW - United States UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56700/56706/DOT-VNTSC-NAVSEA-15-02.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377563 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01583575 AU - Senzig, David A AU - Boeker, Eric R AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Rotorcraft Performance Model (RPM) for use in AEDT PY - 2015/11//Final Report SP - 68p AB - This report documents a rotorcraft performance model for use in the FAA’s Aviation Environmental Design Tool. The new rotorcraft performance model is physics-based. This new model replaces the existing helicopter trajectory modeling methods in the Aviation Environmental Design Tool which were mode-based. The new methods enable fuel consumption and emissions modeling based on the performance data derived from information found in the helicopters’ flight manuals. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Fuel consumption KW - Helicopters KW - Performance KW - Pollutants UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56200/56284/Rotorcraft_Performance_Model.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1376332 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01579606 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 8-03. Evolving Law on Airport Implications by Unmanned Aerial Systems Operations AB - Unmanned aerial systems ("UAS," "UAV," or "drones") are a rapidly developing part of aviation. They raise numerous legal issues, most significantly safety, security, and privacy. To date, it appears that UAS technology is ahead of law. The impact of the UAS technology development and the evolving law applicable to its use is of significant interest to airports and their legal counsel. The objective of this research is to produce a report that (1) briefly summarizes current UAS development, uses, and applications; (2) researches and describes applicable current federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and policies; (3) identifies legal issues for airports regarding development, testing, and operation of UAS to, from, on, and near airports, including but not limited to the use of UAS technology by the military, law enforcement, and other users of the airport, and possible through-the-fence activity; and (4) survey airport practices to mitigate potential airport liability, satisfy federal and local obligations, and address security and privacy concerns, through such methods as adequate insurance, re-drafting minimum standards, contract provisions, and permitting. This research will be conducted in two phases and four tasks in a firm fixed price agreement. At the conclusion of Phase 1, the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) will make a determination whether to proceed with Phase 2. The tasks will be as follows: Phase 1, Task 1. Submit a detailed report outline. Conduct background research and collect relevant material. Based on the initial but complete review of the source materials, submit a detailed report outline. The outline should contain sufficient detail to describe what a report of appropriate length will contain. This outline should also contain the estimated pagination for each proposed section and/or subsection. This material will be submitted for ACRP consideration and approval. Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project review panel 3 weeks after submission of the outline. Phase 2, Task 2. After ACRP approval of the detailed outline, conduct additional research, and case and statutory/regulatory analysis. Collect additional primary data to the extent necessary. Task 3. Submit an initial draft report in accordance with the approved outline (including any modification required by ACRP). Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project review panel 3 weeks after submission of the initial draft report. Task 4. Revise the initial report as necessary and provide a red-line and clean version of the draft final report (DFR). The ACRP will provide written comments to which each comment will need a point-by-point response and the report will be revised as appropriate, and submitted as the final report. KW - Airports KW - Drone aircraft KW - Laws KW - Legal factors KW - Liability KW - Operations KW - Policy KW - Privacy KW - Regulation KW - Security KW - Testing UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3909 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1372693 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01579605 TI - Emergency Management Training for Airport Critical Incidents AB - In July 2006, the Airport Cooperative Research Program’s (ACRP) oversight committee selected a project to develop software to train Emergency Operations Center (EOC) staff in their responsibilities. In 2010, the Transit Cooperative Research Program selected a project similar to the ACRP project to develop software to be used by transit operators, and later for the state departments of transportation (DOTs) through the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). The software produced is now known as the Transportation Emergency Response Application (TERA) (see Special Note C). The scenarios that were developed for the transit and highway programs may have applicability to the airport community. In ACRP Project 04-04, scenarios were developed for the airport community to assist in training personnel in their responsibilities in an EOC when responding to hazards identified in FAR Part 139.325. Research is needed to test these scenarios in TERA. The objectives of this research are to (1) identify and assess existing scenarios in TERA that can be used for the airport community to exercise those hazards outlined in FAR Part 139.325; (2) update the scenarios as needed; and (3) on-site field test the updated scenarios to validate with the airport community. The learning objectives defined in ACRP Project 04-04 should be used to guide the usability and effectiveness of the scenarios. (See Special Note D.) While there are scenarios developed specifically for the airport community currently in TERA, there are scenarios in TERA that were developed under either the Transit Cooperative Highway Research Program (TCRP) or the NCHRP project which may prove to be better suited, with appropriate changes, to the airport community. Some of the scenarios may need to be enhanced and updated to achieve the learning objectives identified in ACRP 04-04. Each objective should be conducted in phases and not before obtaining ACRP review and approval of the previous phase before proceeding. KW - Airports KW - Emergency management KW - Field tests KW - Hazard evaluation KW - Training UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4073 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1372691 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589848 TI - Small UAS Detect and Avoid Requirements Necessary for Limited Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Operations AB - The FAA's proposed small UAS rules say that operators must be able to see their UAS at all times when flying. This means UAS can only fly a few miles from their operators, restricting their usefulness. NMSU and UND are researching methods to make it safe to fly UAS even when the operator can't see their UAS. The research will provide the FAA an operational framework for BVLOS operations, recommendation for the minimum operating standards for detect-and-avoid systems, and the proposed operating rules, limitations and guidelines all to help the FAA decide when it's safe to allow commercial UAS to fly beyond the line-of-sight of their operators. KW - Airworthiness KW - Aviation safety KW - Compliance KW - Crash avoidance systems KW - Drone aircraft KW - Line of sight KW - Regulations KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397572 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596823 AU - Green, Steven D AU - Flight Operations Research AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Icemaster Database and an Analysis of Aircraft Aerodynamic Icing Accidents and Incidents PY - 2015/10//Final Report SP - 136p AB - An investigation of in-flight and ground aircraft icing events from January 1982 to November 2011 was conducted. The first step in the investigation was to develop a comprehensive database (named Icemaster) of icing events during that period. The second step was to use this database to perform a statistical analysis of the entire database and a separate analysis of the initial conditions, occurrences, and pilot actions for each of the events. Icemaster was constructed from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Aviation Accident Database, the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) Accident/Incident Data System, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS). This entailed a thorough, rigorous process of screening more than 200,000 event reports, which resulted in the final Icemaster database containing 308 in-flight icing events and 248 ground icing events. Each event in the Icemaster database was analyzed with respect to initial conditions; ice protection type and operation during the event; and sequence of aerodynamic occurrences and pilot actions leading to the final outcome. The entire database was statistically analyzed with respect to historical trends for accidents and events; meteorological factors; aircraft power loadings; wing airfoil; and pilot experience. The report yields more than 20 major findings and a number of conclusions and recommendations. Among the major findings are: (1) the majority of in-flight icing events with aircraft damage and personal injury were associated with a failure to operate the ice protection systems, (2) failure to ensure the complete removal of frozen contaminants from the critical surfaces occurred in 44% of the ground icing events, and (3) although the NTSB, FAA, and ASRS databases contain a wealth of information on aircraft events, inconsistencies, non-uniformity, and omissions in event documentation sometimes made both event and statistical analysis more difficult and less conclusive. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Crash analysis KW - Crash causes KW - Databases KW - Icing KW - Recommendations KW - Statistical analysis UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tc14-44r1.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1402001 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01583614 AU - Bellman, Miles AU - Gandhi, Pratik AU - Mackey, Allen AU - Pagano, Thomas AU - Shah, Vaibhav AU - Van Dongen, John AU - Wapelhorst, Leo AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Department of the Navy AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - AN/UPX-41(C) Digital Interrogator System Compatibility with the National Airspace System PY - 2015/10//Final Report SP - 287p AB - In 2012, the Navy requested spectrum certification for the shipboard AN/UPX-41(C) Digital Interrogator System, Software Version 5.5 with Mode 5. Current operating conditions for the Navy’s AN/UPX-41(C) are the same as restrictions imposed on the AN/UPX-37 digital Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) interrogator. A proposed AN/UPX-41(C) Stage 4 certification was developed to allow the Navy to operate under less restrictive parameters but required that the Navy and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) validate those proposed restrictions. This report provides the results of the validation effort. The effort conducted by the Volpe Center used modeling, simulation, and live testing to evaluate the AN/UPX-41(C) system’s compatibility. The live testing, which occurred August 18-21, 2014 was conducted in its entirety using four AN/UPX-41(C) digital IFF interrogators at land-based test sites (LBTS). Prior to, and following the test, modeling, simulation, and analysis was performed to assess the impact of the proposed Stage 4 certification configuration on National Airspace System (NAS) Aeronautical Surveillance and Collision Avoidance Systems (ASCAS). KW - Aircraft KW - Certification KW - Crash avoidance systems KW - Detection and identification systems KW - Electromagnetic spectrum KW - Field tests KW - National Airspace System KW - Ships KW - Simulation KW - Validation UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56100/56183/DOT-VNTSC-NAVSEA-15-01.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1376120 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01583562 AU - Hiltunen, Danielle AU - Chase, Stephanie G AU - Kendra, Andrew AU - Jo, Young Jin AU - Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Incorporated AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) 2015 Industry Survey PY - 2015/10//Final Report SP - 132p AB - This document provides an overview of Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) hardware and software capabilities, including portable electronic devices (PEDs) used as EFBs, as of July 2015. This document updates and replaces the Volpe Center’s previous EFB industry surveys. The information for this report was gathered through industry contacts, websites, and online product brochures. This report was conducted in support of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), but the information is intended to be of use to anyone interested in EFBs/PEDs. Nineteen manufacturers participated in this industry survey. Each provided a description of hardware components, supported software, functions and capabilities, as applicable. Participating Manufacturers were classified into three categories based on their products. Hardware manufacturers (without software) are those that provide an EFB/PED display platform and/or hardware components. Hardware/Software manufacturers (EFB software and hardware) are those manufacturers who develop physical hardware in addition to providing EFB software. Integrated and customizable software manufacturers (without hardware) are those who provide custom software that performs a specific function or integrates and/or manages EFB applications from other software providers. A list of 46 commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software manufacturers offering COTS, standalone software is also provided in order to provide a snapshot of the types of standalone, COTS software applications currently available. These manufacturers provide specific applications that have not been integrated or customized. References include EFB regulatory and guidance material, Flight Standardization Board (FSB) reports, and other research reports. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Computers KW - Electronic flight bags KW - Flight decks KW - Industries KW - Portable equipment KW - Software KW - Surveys UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56100/56199/EFB_Industry_Survey_2015.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377240 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01581019 AU - Bassey, Robert AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Development and Evaluation of Safety Orange Airport Construction Signage PY - 2015/10//Final Report SP - 130p AB - In April 2010, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Traffic Organization created the Airport Construction Advisory Council (ACAC) to identify hazards due to airfield construction activities. The ACAC has recently proposed the use of safety orange for temporary airport construction signage to reduce adverse operational incidents. In response to this proposal, the Airport Technology Research and Development Branch researchers from the William J. Hughes Technical Center visited ongoing airport construction projects and collected information to identify shortfalls and determine compliance with related Advisory Circulars (AC). They were also tasked to develop and evaluate prototype signs in an airport environment. Site visits were conducted to existing construction sites at several airports to collect information regarding the airport’s existing airfield construction projects. Pilots of varying backgrounds evaluated several design concepts utilizing the simulation technology of the Airway Facilities Tower Integration Laboratory at the William J. Hughes Technical Center. Outdoor evaluations were then conducted using sign prototypes to determine the optimal height and color used for the sign legend. To validate the final sign prototypes, evaluations were conducted at several airports where construction projects were occurring. No shortfalls with respect to compliance with the related ACs were identified during the site visits. Several types of visual aids were used at the airports in accordance with AC 150/5370-2F. The airport operators indicated that besides using the current visual aids, found in AC 150/5370-2F, the use of the temporary safety orange signs would be advantageous if they were available. During the field evaluations of the prototype signs, a combined total of 131 individuals participated in the survey, including 98 vehicle operators and 33 pilots. Overall, vehicle operators and pilots overwhelmingly agreed the messages, character heights, and colors of the signs were comprehensible, conspicuous, and adequate in alerting individuals about existing construction. Based on the results of this study, it is advised that AC 150/5370-2F be updated to include safety orange construction signage as a visual aid to alert pilots and vehicle operators of existing airport construction. Signs displaying CONSTRUCTION ON RAMP and CONSTRUCTION AHEAD are recommended to be placed at locations leading to ramps and other areas with construction activity. When a runway is temporarily shortened due to construction, it is recommended that TAKEOFF RUN AVAILABLE (TORA) signs be placed at the runway entrances to display the current takeoff run available. Additional education is recommended to increase understanding of the TORA acronym to ensure pilots have adequate situational awareness. KW - Air pilots KW - Airport runways KW - Airports KW - Construction projects KW - Construction safety KW - Drivers KW - Evaluation KW - Field studies KW - Orange KW - Prototypes KW - Recommendations KW - Signs KW - Simulation UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=aa5332fe-ece2-4615-908a-989f680e7388&f=TC-15-52_Airport%20Construction%20Signs.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373301 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01580974 AU - Cyrus, Holly M AU - Patterson, James AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluation of Structured Methyl Methacrylate Marking to Increase Paint Conspicuity PY - 2015/10//Technical Note SP - 81p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Aviation Research, Airport Technology Research and Development Section, in response to a request for research from the FAA Office of Airport Safety and Standards, Airport Engineering Division, undertook this research effort to determine if a new application technique for painting pavement markings would increase conspicuity over the useful life of the marking. A paint manufacturer presented the FAA with information on a new paint marking called structured methyl methacrylate (SMMA). Methyl methacrylate (MMA), paint without the structured component, is currently approved for use on runways and taxiways. SMMA differs from traditional MMA because it is applied using a splatter pattern. When applied to a pavement using the splattered application technique, SMMA creates a thicker, textured surface with peaks and valleys, while still creating a visible solid line. The manufacturer claims this application technique will enhance wet, nighttime retro-reflectivity by allowing water to flow off the peaks and into the valleys of the marking, thus making the paint and beads on the peaks more visible. The manufacturer also suggested using a slightly modified paint formula, which will provide enhanced visibility when used with this unique application technique. The research objective was to compare the suggested SMMA paint to traditional MMA paint, and further evaluate whether the proposed splatter application technique, thicker application, and modified formula offer improvements over the currently accepted MMA application techniques and formula. A complex test plan, containing a variety of tests, enabled researchers to evaluate each element that makes up the SMMA paint markings. Testing activities included retro-reflectivity, chromaticity (color), friction, pull-off strength, water run-off, and heavy vehicle simulator studies. The results of this research effort were favorable, indicating that the new SMMA paint, when used with Type III glass beads, showed an improvement over conventionally installed MMA markings. Although the SMMA paint does not fully cover the pavement surface, the material does appear to be a continuous marking when viewed from a distance. The SMMA paint possessed higher friction values, shed water faster, and improved the visibility of the paint marking over the conventional MMA markings. The modified, softer paint formula proposed by one manufacturer did not appear to have any adverse effect on the SMMA paint markings. KW - Airport runways KW - Alternatives analysis KW - Evaluation KW - Friction KW - Methyl methacrylate KW - Paint KW - Painting KW - Retroreflectivity KW - Road markings KW - Visibility UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=0669291b-0df2-4511-acd8-66e98bc57cbc&f=TC-TN-15-50.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373303 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01580958 AU - Herricks, Edwin E AU - Woodworth, Elizabeth AU - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Deployment and Assessment of Avian Radar Systems at John F. Kennedy International Airport PY - 2015/10//Final Report SP - 112p AB - Avoiding collisions between birds and aircraft is the focus of airport safety programs. In those programs, wildlife management is a key activity. A wide array of wildlife management tools is available to airport wildlife biologists, with avian radar systems prominent in the list. Avian radar systems are available commercially and provide new information to wildlife managers and new operational opportunities in airport safety management systems. The University of Illinois Center of Excellence for Airport Technology (CEAT) has led a multiple-year program to assess the performance of avian radar systems at airports. This report provides a comprehensive review of avian radar system deployment at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), providing a summary of installation, operations, maintenance, and data analysis. This report addresses program, project, and study objectives that were updated throughout the deployment. The deployment was completed with the installation of two avian radar systems, which were operated for more than two years. Operational experience found that avian radars are robust and reliable. CEAT personnel demonstrated support for airport wildlife hazard management through near real-time and after-the-fact studies that identified and quantified bird movement dynamics. Daily, seasonal, and inter-annual variability in bird movement and activity were characterized. The two avian radar systems deployed did not provide complete airport coverage, nor were they deployed to provide the sense-and-alert functionality needed for air traffic control. Surveillance was provided for approach and departure paths for several runways and for areas where birds were known hazards. Avian radars were shown to contribute important supplementary information on bird movement and dynamics to airport wildlife management Concept of Operations. KW - Airports KW - Aviation safety KW - Bird strikes KW - Birds KW - Data analysis KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Implementation KW - John F. Kennedy International Airport KW - Radar KW - Wildlife UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=7225209c-a6fb-4a44-8f11-f56ecb52c9ea&f=TC-15-53_Deployment%20and%20Assessment%20of%20Avian%20Radar%20Systems%20at%20John%20F%20%20Kennedy%20International%20Airport.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373302 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01580877 AU - Patterson, James AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Performance Assessment of the Laufer Wind Aircraft Detection System as an Aircraft Detection Lighting System PY - 2015/10//Technical Note SP - 45p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Safety Research and Development (R&D) Section conducted a performance assessment of the Laufer Wind Aircraft Detection System (ADS). The purpose of this assessment was to determine if the Laufer Wind ADS meets the aircraft detection lighting system (ADLS) requirements specified in Chapter 14 of FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 70/7460-1L, “Obstruction Marking and Lighting.” The Airport Safety R&D Section evaluated the Laufer Wind ADS at the U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewal Energy Laboratory, National Wind Technology Center near Boulder, Colorado. The performance assessment, consisting of demonstrations, flight tests, and data analysis, began in June 2014 and concluded in November 2014. In this performance assessment, a series of flight patterns were flown against the Laufer Wind ADS to demonstrate whether it could meet the FAA performance requirements specified in AC 70/7460-1L. The Laufer Wind ADS performed according to the manufacturer’s specifications and met the performance requirements identified in AC 70/7460-1L. In addition, the data collected during the performance assessment confirmed that the performance requirements specified in AC 70/7460-1L remain valid and provide for a technology that offers a satisfactory level of safety for the flying public. At the same time, this technology reduces the impact of obstruction lights on nearby communities and migratory bird populations. KW - Aviation safety KW - Detection and identification systems KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Flight tests KW - Obstructions (Navigation) KW - Specifications KW - Vehicle lighting systems UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tctn15-54.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373300 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589880 TI - UAS Science and Research Panel Support AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seeks to identify and develop criteria and standards required for the civil certification and regulations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) pilots, equipment and operations. Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence (ASSURE) is the FAA’s academic and industry resource to accomplish research & development of those criteria and standards. The Science and Research Panel (SARP) coordinates and directs government-sponsored research that supports development of key UAS criteria and standards that enable near-term UAS access to the National Airspace System (NAS). Ensuring the FAA and ASSURE are aware of government-sponsored to ensure inter-agency coordination of UAS-related research efforts is critical to the success of the FAA’s objectives. The FAA UAS Center of Excellence is a union of public sector, private sector, and academic institutions that identifies solutions for existing and anticipated UAS related issues. The Center of Excellence (COE) enhances the FAA’s UAS research efforts by providing access to the various talents of nationally recognized academic-research scientists. This effort directly supports the FAA’s goal of ensuring the safe and efficient integration of UAS into the NAS, thus enabling this emerging technology to safely achieve its full potential. The UAS Executive Committee (ExCom) is a joint committee comprised of senior executives from four member organizations: Department of Defense (DoD), FAA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The mission of the UAS ExCom is “to enable increased and ultimately routine access of Federal UAS engaged in public aircraft operations into the NAS to support operational, training, development and research requirements of the FAA, DoD, DHS and NASA.” The UAS Science and Research Panel (SARP) is a panel of experts from organizations that are performing UAS research to ensure sound technical approaches are being evaluated to facilitate the integration of UAS into the national airspace system (NAS). The SARP’s primary purpose is to promote and coordinate partnerships between ExCom member agencies and the broader academic and science community on UAS NAS integration science and research initiatives. Benefits from these partnerships were realized through a broader range and depth of scientific expertise applied to challenges that affect all aspects of potential UAS operations, and through advocacy of potential solutions and through evaluation, test, and implementation of viable approaches. These partnerships are critical to UAS science and research efforts to positively inform and influence strategic integration decisions. The UAS SARP is managed by co-chairs appointed by the ExCom Senior Steering Group (SSG) and funded by the ExCom member agencies. The FAA seeks to identify and develop criteria and standards required for the civil certification and regulations of UAS pilots, equipment and operations. New Mexico State University (NMSU), will represent the ASSURE Center of Excellence at the Science and Research Panel (SARP) and act as an advisor to the FAA on SARP matters. NMSU will assist the FAA in identifying, evaluating, coordinating, performing and reporting research that supports the integration of unmanned aircraft into the NAS. Finally, NMSU will provide support to the FAA NextGen SARP board member. This assistance will include: (1) identifying key areas of planned and ongoing UAS integration Research & Development (R&D); (2) evaluating potential research gaps for applicability and priority; (3) coordinating research conducted and/or supported by SARP member organizations to minimize duplication and maximize benefit to the government and the UAS stakeholder community; (4) facilitating the performance of identified and prioritized research; and (5) reporting the results of the selected research to the FAA and the appropriate standards bodies/organizations to inform UAS integration activities such as rulemaking, the development of performance criteria and standards. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Aviation safety KW - Drone aircraft KW - National Airspace System KW - Regulations KW - Science KW - U.S. Department of Homeland Security KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration KW - U.S. National Aernonautics and Space Administration UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397604 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575992 TI - Worldwide Jet Fuel Data Gathering Effort AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Data analysis KW - Energy consumption KW - Environmental impacts UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369330 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575991 TI - TAF Forecast Improvements AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Forecasting KW - Improvements UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369329 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575990 TI - Sustainability FAA Greening Initiative AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Green KW - Sustainable transportation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369312 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575989 TI - Support ASA Workgroup on Dose-Response (NPS) AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Noise control UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369311 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575988 TI - Streamline C/Q Process for Jet fuels - Industry Support AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Streamlining UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369309 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575987 TI - Sonic Boom AB - No summary provided. KW - Aeronautical engineering KW - Environmental impacts KW - Sonic boom UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369290 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575986 TI - SAE/Noise Research Testing Support AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Research KW - Testing UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369289 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575985 TI - SAE E31 AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369288 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575984 TI - Project XX - Low Power/Low Drag AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Drag KW - Environmental impacts KW - Power UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369287 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575983 TI - Project 48 - Development of Distributed Approach to System to SLUQ AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft operations KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369248 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575982 TI - Project 47 - Alternative Jet Fuel AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Alternate fuels KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Jet engine fuels UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369247 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575981 TI - Project 46 - Aviation System Global Climate Performance Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Civil aviation KW - Climate change KW - Environmental impacts KW - Performance measurement KW - Policy analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369245 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575980 TI - Project 45 - NAS Wide - Aviation System Air Quality Performance Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Performance measurement KW - Policy analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369244 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575979 TI - Project 45 - Development of Aviation Air Quality Tool AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Tools UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369243 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575978 TI - Project 45 - D2025 Health Impacts Modeling & Analysis-A/Q-CMAQ DDM-3D/PM/Airport Specific Impact Assessment AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Airport operations KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Public health UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369242 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575977 TI - Project 45 - Aviation System Air Quality Performance Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Performance measurement KW - Policy analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369241 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575976 TI - Project 44 - Health Effects of Aviation in Elderly Metrics AB - No summary provided. KW - Aged KW - Civil aviation KW - Health KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369240 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575975 TI - Project 43 - Policy Analysis: Mission Specifications AB - No summary provided. KW - Air transportation policy KW - Aircraft KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Fuel consumption KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Specifications UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369239 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575974 TI - Project 43 - Policy Analysis: Mission Specifications AB - No summary provided. KW - Air transportation policy KW - Aircraft KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Fuel consumption KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Specifications UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369238 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575973 TI - Project 42 - Development and Evaluation of Climate Metrics AB - No summary provided. KW - Climate KW - Development KW - Environmental impacts KW - Evaluation KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369237 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575972 TI - Project 38 - Whole House Noise Reduction Modeling AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft navigational aids KW - Dwellings KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise control KW - Sound level KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369236 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575971 TI - Project 37 - Emissions Measurement AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Measurement KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369036 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575942 TI - Project 36 - Environmental Design Space Assessment AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental design KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Spacecraft UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368951 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575941 TI - Project 30 - CO₂ Standard AB - No summary provided. KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants KW - Standards UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368950 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575940 TI - Project 25 - Noise Exposure Response: Sleep AB - No summary provided. KW - Airports KW - Communities KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Sleep UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368949 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575939 TI - Project 25 - Aviation Noise Performance Research - Support AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Pollutants KW - Research UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368948 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575938 TI - Project 11 - Health Impacts AB - No summary provided. KW - Air pollution KW - Airports KW - Communities KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants KW - Public health UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368946 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575937 TI - Project 02 - Sound/Emission Propagation AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Pollutants KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368945 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575935 TI - Project 02 - Sound/Emission Propagation AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368943 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575933 TI - Program Office Oversight/PARTNER CLOSEOUT AB - No summary provided. KW - Oversight KW - Program management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368941 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575931 TI - Program Office Oversight AB - No summary provided. KW - Oversight KW - Program management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368937 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575928 TI - Policy Development- HEPA/Environmental Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Development KW - Environmental impact analysis KW - Particulates KW - Policy making UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368933 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575927 TI - Operations Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Analysis KW - Civil aviation KW - Operations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368932 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575926 TI - Noise-Propagation AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Noise control UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368931 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575925 TI - Noise-Focusing Research AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Noise control UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368930 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575924 TI - Noise-FICAN AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Noise control KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368929 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575923 TI - Noise-Exposure AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Civil aviation KW - Noise KW - Noise control UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368928 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589867 TI - UAS Ground Collision Severity AB - Right now, the FAA doesn't allow UAS operations over people. But what is the risk in a ground collision? Are there ways to reduce the risk? The University of Alabama at Huntsville, Mississippi State, Embry Riddle Aeronautical and Kansas Universities are collaborating to conduct computer simulations of UAS ground collisions to find answers to these questions. The Principle Investigator for this project met with the Micro UAS ARC, to inform the members of ASSURE research findings, that in-turn, served as the bases for recommendations from the ARC to the FAA. This research will help the FAA set guidelines for UAS operations over people and possibly set design specifications to reduce risk to people and property. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aircraft operations KW - Airworthiness KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash severity KW - Drone aircraft KW - Fatalities KW - Flight crews KW - Kinetic energy KW - National Airspace System KW - Risk analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397574 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575921 TI - Noise-Certification Advancement AB - No summary provided. KW - Certification KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Noise sources KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368865 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575920 TI - Noise, Emissions, & Fuel Burn Inventories AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental impacts KW - Fuel consumption KW - Inventory KW - Noise KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368864 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575919 TI - Noise Certification AB - No summary provided. KW - Certification KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Noise sources KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368851 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575918 TI - Noise - Stage 3 Phase-out Study AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise control UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368847 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575917 TI - Noise - Ray Tracing Research Support AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental control KW - Environmental impacts UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368846 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575916 TI - Noise - Launch and Sonic Boom Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Analysis KW - Environmental impacts KW - Launching KW - Noise KW - Sonic boom UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368844 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575915 TI - Noise - Improve Helicopter Performance in Tools AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Helicopters KW - Performance KW - Tools UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368843 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575914 TI - NOI # 8 - Noise Outreach AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Outreach UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368842 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575912 TI - NOI # 7 - Civil, Supersonic Over Flight, Sonic Boom (noise) standards development: Study of sonic Boom Variablity Effects (Task #1) AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Sonic boom KW - Standards KW - Supersonic aircraft UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368838 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575910 TI - NOI # 7 - Civil, Supersonic Over Flight, Sonic Boom (noise) standards development: Low Boom Community Engagement (Task #2) AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Civil aviation KW - Communities KW - Environmental impacts KW - Sonic boom KW - Standards KW - Supersonic aircraft UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368836 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575909 TI - NOI # 6 - Rotorcraft Noise Abatement Operating Conditions Modeling AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Helicopters KW - Noise control KW - Operating speed UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368834 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575907 TI - NOI # 5 - Noise Emission and Propagation Modeling AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368833 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575906 TI - NOI # 4 - Understanding and Estimating Aircraft Noise Transmission Indoors AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368829 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575902 TI - NOI # 4 - Estimate of Noise Level Reduction - Assessment of Phase Array of Microphones AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Microphones KW - Noise control UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368826 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575901 TI - NOI # 3 - Noise Impact Health Research AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Health KW - Human factors UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368825 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575900 TI - NOI # 24 - Emissions Data Analysis (including CLEEN, ACCESS I and II data) AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Alternate fuels KW - Data analysis KW - Pollutants KW - Sustainable transportation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368770 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575845 TI - NOI # 22 - Evaluation of FAA Climate Tools AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Climate KW - Environmental impacts KW - Tools UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368769 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575824 TI - NOI # 21 - Improving Climate Policy Analysis Tools AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Climate change KW - Environmental impacts KW - Policy analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368648 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575823 TI - NOI # 20 - Global AQ Tools AB - No summary provide. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Tools UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368645 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575822 TI - NOI # 2 - SAE E-31 AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368644 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575821 TI - NOI # 2 - Ambient Conditions Corrections for Non-Volatile PM Emissions Measurements AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental impacts KW - Measurement of specific phenomena KW - Particulates KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368643 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575820 TI - NOI # 18 - Health Impacts Quantification for Aviation Air Quality Tools AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Health hazards UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368642 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575819 TI - NOI # 17 - Sleep Disturbance AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Airport noise KW - Environmental impact analysis KW - Human factors KW - Sleep deprivation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368641 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575818 TI - NOI # 14 - NextGen CO₂ Sample Problem Anayliss AB - No summary provided. KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impact analysis KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368640 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575817 TI - NOI # 14 - CO₂ Standards AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants KW - Standards UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368639 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575816 TI - NOI # 13 - ACCESS 2 Micro-Physics Modeling AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Exhaust gases KW - Physics KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368637 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575815 TI - NOI # 12 - Aircraft Technology Modeling and Assessment Tool AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Technology assessment UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368636 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575814 TI - NOI # 11 - Rapid Fleet-wide Environmental Assessment Capability AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impact analysis KW - Evaluation and assessment UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368635 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575813 TI - NOI # 10 - Aircraft Technology Modeling and Assessment AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Technology assessment KW - Vehicle design UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368633 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575809 TI - NOI # 1 - Alt Jet Fuel Supply Chain Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Alternate fuels KW - Environmental impacts KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Supply chain management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368632 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575803 TI - NOI # - Helicopter Noise Analysis/Rotorcraft Noise Abatement Operating Conditions Modeling AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental impacts KW - Helicopters KW - Noise control KW - Operations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368631 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575802 TI - NOI # Development of Aviation Air Quality Tools for Airport-Specific Impact Assessment: Air Quality Modeling AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Airports KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Evaluation and assessment UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368630 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575801 TI - NextGenEA/EIS Database Tracking AB - No summary provided. KW - Databases KW - Environmental impact statements KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Tracking systems UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368629 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575780 TI - NEPA/FAA 1050 Update AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental protection KW - National Environmental Policy Act UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368504 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575779 TI - National Ambient Map (NPS) AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Ambient noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368503 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575778 TI - NAS Fuel Efficiency Metric Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Fuel conservation KW - National Airspace System KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368502 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575777 TI - Global Market Based Measure (MBM) Emissions Allocation and Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification System AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental control KW - Environmental impacts KW - Monitoring KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368501 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575776 TI - GATBA AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368500 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575775 TI - Fuel Burn - Inventories and Time Series Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aviation fuels KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Time series analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368499 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575773 TI - FAA EMS Development AB - No summary provided. KW - Development KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368498 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575772 TI - FAA 1050 Order Update AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Policy making KW - Regulations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368496 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575771 TI - Environment Assessment NSIP AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental control KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Infrastructure KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368495 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575774 TI - FAA EMS Support/Greening Initiatives AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368494 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575770 TI - Enroute - N Control Concept Research Opportunities Evaluation AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Enroute traffic control KW - Research UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368492 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575769 TI - EMS Communication, Data Management, & Stakeholder Collaboration/EMS Pilot Study AB - No summary provided. KW - Communications KW - Cooperation KW - Data management KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Pilot studies UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368491 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575768 TI - EMS Benefits, and Capabilities Analysis/GATBA AB - No summary provided. KW - Analysis KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368490 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575767 TI - EMS Annual Implementation/Sustainability Analysis and Coordination AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Coordination KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Implementation KW - Sustainable development UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368489 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575766 TI - Emissions Primer Update AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368488 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575765 TI - Emissions Market Based Measure Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368487 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589849 TI - UAS Airborne Collision Severity Evaluation AB - If all safety measures fail and a small UAS does hit a manned aircraft, it's important to understand what happens. Wichita State University is leading a team with The Ohio State University, Mississippi State University and Montana State University to conduct computer simulations of UAS air-to-air collisions and jet engine ingest. This research will help inform the FAA airworthiness standards for UAS that lessen damage in airborne collisions. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Airworthiness KW - Crash severity KW - Drone aircraft KW - Evaluation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397573 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575764 TI - Emissions - CO₂ Standards AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants KW - Standards UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368469 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575763 TI - Development of Distributed Approach to System to SLUQ AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft operations KW - Airport operations KW - Approach KW - Civil aviation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368468 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575762 TI - Delayed Deceleration Approaches AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Approach control KW - Deceleration KW - Delays KW - Landing UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368467 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575761 TI - Cruise Altitude Speed Optimization Analysis (CASO) AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Altitude KW - Civil aviation KW - Cruising flight KW - Flight characteristics KW - Optimization KW - Speed UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368466 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575760 TI - Contrail Observational Dataset for 2012 AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Data collection KW - Data files KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Information dissemination UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368465 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575759 TI - CO₂ Standards AB - No summary provided. KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Standards UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368464 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575758 TI - Climb Phase of Flight Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Climbing flight KW - Flight characteristics KW - Operations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368462 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575757 TI - Climate Adaptation AB - No summary provided. KW - Climate KW - Climate change KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental protection UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368459 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575756 TI - CLEEN Technologies and Development - FMS-Engine (TRL 6) AB - No summary provided. KW - Development KW - Energy KW - Engines KW - Noise KW - Pollutants KW - Technology UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368458 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575725 TI - CLEEN Technologies and Development AB - No summary provided. KW - Development KW - Energy KW - Noise KW - Pollutants KW - Technology UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368457 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575724 TI - CLEEN Alt Fuels Testing AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Civil aviation KW - Energy KW - Noise KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368455 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575723 TI - CICERO - Analysis of Regional Impacts of Aviation AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Climate change KW - Environmental impacts KW - Regional analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368453 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575656 TI - Black Carbon Emission AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Carbon KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368312 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575655 TI - Aviation Portfolio Management Tool - Enhancements to Economic Domestic/Regional NAS AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Domestic transportation KW - Economic development KW - Management KW - Regional airlines KW - Regional development UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368311 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575654 TI - Aviation- Climate Change Research AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Civil aviation KW - Climate change KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368308 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575653 TI - Analysis of Policy & Market Based Measures Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental impacts KW - Performance measurement KW - Policy analysis KW - Policy making UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368307 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575652 TI - Alternative Fuels and Technology & NAS Assessment AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Energy conservation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Renewable energy sources KW - Technological innovations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368306 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575651 TI - Alt Fuels Strategy Work AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Environmental impacts KW - Fuel conservation KW - Strategic planning UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368293 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575650 TI - Air Quality Manual Update and Guidance Development AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Air quality management KW - Best practices KW - Guidelines KW - Manuals UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368292 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575648 TI - AFTOT Development AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Energy consumption KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Optimization UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368291 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575647 TI - AEDT/APMT-E Inventory AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Inventory control KW - Project management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368290 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575646 TI - AEDT Update to Top 20 Airport Flight Decks AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Flight decks UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368289 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575645 TI - AEDT Support to ASCENT AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Supporting KW - Technical assistance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368288 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575644 TI - AEDT Software AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Software UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368286 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575642 TI - AEDT Prototypes and Legacy Development/Inventories AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Inventory KW - Prototypes UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368285 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575585 TI - AEDT Prototypes and Legacy Development/Carbon Dioxide AB - No summary provided. KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Civil aviation KW - Development KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Prototypes UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368218 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575584 TI - AEDT Prototypes and Legacy Development AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Development KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impact statements KW - Prototypes UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368215 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575583 TI - AEDT PDARS AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental protection KW - Program management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368213 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575582 TI - AEDT PDARS AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental protection KW - Program management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368212 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575581 TI - AEDT Inventory/APMT-E Inventory - CAEP AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental protection KW - Inventory KW - Program management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368210 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575580 TI - AEDT Integration AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Program management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368209 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575579 TI - AEDT Integration AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Program management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368207 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575578 TI - AEDT Integration AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Program management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368206 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575577 TI - AEDT Integrate Environ Assesssment w/ Nas Sim Models AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Simulation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368204 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575576 TI - AEDT Integrate Environ Assesssment w/Nas Sim Models AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Simulation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368196 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575575 TI - AEDT Input Processor - Deck-build shadow analysis with AEDT Pre-Processor AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental Defense Fund KW - Environmental impacts UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368195 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575574 TI - AEDT Input Processor AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368192 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575573 TI - AEDT Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368191 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575572 TI - AEDT 2B Guidance AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1368190 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575533 TI - AEDT 2B Development Guidance AB - No summary provided. KW - Development KW - Environmental design KW - Guidance systems (Aircraft) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367940 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575532 TI - AEDT 2B Development -Enhancements to Cover Study of Local NAS AB - No summary provided. KW - Development KW - Environmental design UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367939 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575531 TI - AEDT 2B Development AB - No summary provided. KW - Development KW - Environmental design UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367938 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575530 TI - ACCESS 2 Micro-Physics Modeling AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental impacts KW - Physics KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367937 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589873 TI - Public Meeting AB - On December 30, 2013, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) selected six Unnmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Test Sites. This selection was Congressionally mandated by section 332 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (Pub. L. 112-95). The FAA is working closely with the Test Sites to guide research programs toward specific goals such as System Safety & Data Gathering, Aircraft Certification, Command & Control Link Issues, Control Station Layout & Certification, Ground & Airborne Sense & Avoid, and Environmental Impacts that will help the FAA safely integrate UAS into the national airspace system. On May 8, 2015, the FAA selected a Mississippi State University team as the FAA's Center of Excellence for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (COE UAS). The COE will focus on research, education, and training in areas critical to safe and successful integration of UAS into the nation's airspace. The FAA will support seven public meetings during August and September, 2015. These meetings will be hosted by the six unmanned aircraft system (UAS) Test Sites and UAS Center of Excellence (COE). The purpose of these meetings is to discuss innovation and opportunities at the Test Sites and COE. KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Certification KW - Data collection KW - Drone aircraft KW - Education and training KW - Environment KW - Research projects KW - System safety UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397603 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589868 TI - UAS Maintenance, Modification, Repair, Inspeciton, Training, and Certificaiton AB - The FAA already knows how to certify maintenance procedures and train maintenance professionals for manned aircraft, but UAS are different. Kansas State is leading a team with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Montana State University to test current industry UAS practices against current manned aircraft safety regulations. The team will be providing the FAA various reports with recommendations on maintenance simulation training, ASI Training, Gap Analysis of 14 CFR 145 Repair Station Criteria, UAS Accidents/Incidents Data Recording. The FAA will use this research to help set UAS maintenance standards and training certification to ensure UAS are kept safe to fly. KW - Airspace utilization KW - Airworthiness KW - Certification KW - Drone aircraft KW - Inspection KW - Maintenance practices KW - Modernization KW - National Airspace System KW - Regulations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397593 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589847 TI - Unmanned Aircraft Integration: Certification Test to Validate sUAS Industry Consensus Standards AB - Kansas State University is leading a team with Wichita State and the University of North Dakota to see if airworthiness, maintenance, and flight proficiency standards/requirements proposed by the UAS industry (ASTM F38) are safe. The FAA will use this research to set airworthiness standards for small UAS. KW - Airworthiness KW - Aviation safety KW - Certification KW - Compliance KW - Drone aircraft KW - Flight tests KW - National Airspace System KW - Standards UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397551 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01602709 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Operational Performance Assessment PY - 2015/09 SP - 49p AB - This report provides an overview of recent Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) improvements and the corresponding operational impacts that were observed in the National Airspace System (NAS). The FAA’s objectives are to determine if the desired impacts have been achieved, to quantify these impacts, and to identify any unanticipated effects. The NextGen office focused on a select set of NextGen improvements that were implemented by fiscal year 2015. They are Houston Metroplex, wake recategorization, enhanced low-visibility operations and improved data sharing. The NextGen office included the implementations for which sufficient time has passed to conduct a meaningful analysis. Their aim was to estimate the impacts of NextGen capabilities on airspace operations in a systematic and standardized way. KW - Airside operations KW - Data sharing KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Houston Metroplex KW - Improvements KW - Low visibility operations KW - National Airspace System KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Operational impacts KW - Recategorized wake classes KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration KW - Wakes UR - http://www.faa.gov/nextgen/media/NGPA_2015.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1413080 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596809 AU - Taylor, Amanda M AU - DeWeese, Richard L AU - Moorcroft, David M AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Effect of Passenger Position on Crash Injury Risk in Transport-Category Aircraft PY - 2015/09//Final Report SP - 46p AB - In the event of an accident, one action that an occupant can take to contribute to their survival is to assume an appropriate “brace-for-impact” position. This is an action in which a person pre-positions their body against whatever they are most likely to be thrown against, significantly reducing injuries sustained. Occupants in the US Airways flight 1549 sustained shoulder injuries that they attributed to the brace position; therefore, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended that the position be re-evaluated. The Federal Aviation Administration investigated this by conducting a series of 17 sled impact tests, 15 with two rows of transport category forward facing passenger seats and two with a bulkhead configured to represent the types of seats currently in use. Head, neck, upper and lower leg injury risks were evaluated using an advanced test dummy and injury criteria from current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, European auto safety regulations, and applicable research findings. The current brace position, head against the seat back with hands on top of the seat back, was only successful in reducing head injury risk for locked-out seat backs. However, for full break-over and energy absorbing seat backs, this position increased the severity of the head impact. There was, however, no evidence that the anthropomorphic test device interaction with any of the seatback types resulted in hyper-extension of the shoulder joint. Significant lower leg injury potential was not observed in this study, and therefore adopting lower leg injury criteria at this time does not appear to be a benefit. Even in the worst case test condition, the femur axial compressive force was below the regulatory limit, indicating that the femur compression criteria currently cited in FAA regulations is not likely to be exceeded in passenger seat dynamic qualification tests. To reduce detrimental interaction between the occupant’s arms and the seatback, the current position was modified by placing the hands down by the lower legs instead of on the seat back. This alternate position was successful in significantly reducing head and neck injury risk for all of the seat back types evaluated. This research has led to the determination that as seat technology has evolved, the most effective brace position has as well, and the current positions recommended in Advisory Circular (AC) 121-24B may need some adjustment to provide an equivalent level of safety for all passenger seat back types. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash injuries KW - Crash victim simulation KW - Injury severity KW - Occupant dynamics KW - Passengers KW - Seat backs KW - Sled tests UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201517.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1402114 ER - TY - JOUR AN - 01586440 JO - FAA Safety Briefing PB - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Williams, James TI - Cloud-based exercise : keeping your instrument form in shape PY - 2015/09 SP - pages 8-9 KW - Air pilots KW - Training UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1387838 ER - TY - JOUR AN - 01586430 JO - FAA Safety Briefing PB - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Smith, Jeffrey TI - Keeping your head in the clouds : the essentials of maintaining IFR currency PY - 2015/09 SP - pages 10-12 KW - Airplanes KW - Instrument flying KW - Pilotage UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1387828 ER - TY - JOUR AN - 01586429 JO - FAA Safety Briefing PB - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Dubois, William E TI - As the gyro spins : behind the curtain of the steam gauges PY - 2015/09 SP - pages 17-19 KW - Airplanes KW - Instrument flying KW - Measuring instruments KW - Pilotage UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1387827 ER - TY - JOUR AN - 01586423 JO - FAA Safety Briefing PB - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Woods, Sabrina TI - Blurred lines : recognizing the causes of spatial disorientation PY - 2015/09 SP - pages 13-16 KW - Airplanes KW - Pilotage KW - Space perception UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1387821 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01583642 AU - Lennertz, Tracy AU - Cardosi, Kim AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Flightcrew Procedures for Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) PY - 2015/09//Final Report SP - 29p AB - It is imperative that flightcrew procedures be developed and implemented to capitalize on the strengths of Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) while minimizing the possibility of error. This paper presents a sample of air carrier Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the processing of air traffic control (ATC) instructions transmitted via CPDLC. With CPDLC, it is recommended both crewmembers silently and independently read each CPDLC clearance, and confer before maneuvering the aircraft based on that clearance. This procedure allows the same independent interpretation that voice affords. A review of SOPs across seven carriers found that only one carrier instructed their flightcrews to follow this “silent read” procedure. Two carriers suggested that the message should be read out loud on the flight deck; four carriers did not specify a procedure. The methods for training on CPDLC procedures and specific topics covered also varied by air carrier. Based on the review of these materials “best practice” recommendations are provided. KW - Air pilots KW - Air traffic control KW - Airlines KW - Data communications KW - Human information processing KW - Messages (Communications) KW - Recommendations KW - State of the practice KW - Training UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56600/56660/DOTVNTSCFAA1512.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1377562 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01583531 AU - Lewis, Kristin C AU - Baker, Gary M AU - Pearlson, Matthew N AU - Gillham, Olivia AU - Smith, Scott AU - Costa, Stephen AU - Herzig, Peter AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Alternative Fuel Transportation Optimization Tool: Description, Methodology, and Demonstration Scenarios PY - 2015/09//Final Report SP - 96p AB - This report describes an Alternative Fuel Transportation Optimization Tool (AFTOT), developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe) in support of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The purpose of AFTOT is to help FAA better understand the transportation needs and constraints associated with biofuel feedstock collection, processing, and fuel distribution, specifically alternative jet fuel produced from feedstocks. AFTOT uses scenarios describing potentially available feedstock production and existing transportation infrastructure to generate: locations of potentially supportable biorefineries; optimal transportation routes for moving biofuels from the point of feedstock production/pre-processing to refinement and then to fuel aggregation and storage; allocation of feedstock and fuels among biorefineries and destinations based on demand and efficient transport patterns; and transportation costs, carbon dioxide emissions, fuel burn, and vehicle trips and miles traveled as a result of the transportation of feedstock and fuels. This report describes how AFTOT was developed and the functionality of the tool; it also demonstrates the tool’s capability through the analysis of six scenarios. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Alternate fuels KW - Biomass fuels KW - Biorefineries KW - Costs KW - Fuel processing KW - Methodology KW - Optimization KW - Pollutants KW - Routes KW - Transportation UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56200/56200/Alt_Fuel_Trn_Optimization_Tool.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1376122 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01580236 AU - Boeker, Eric AU - Cumper, Jordan AU - Rapoza, Amanda AU - Cutler, Chris AU - Schulz, Noah AU - Rosenbaum, Joyce AU - Samiljan, Robert AU - Roof, Christopher AU - Shepherd, Kevin AU - Klos, Jacob AU - He, Hua AU - Harper, Brandon AU - Nwokeji, Pamela AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - DISCOVER-AQ Acoustics: Measurement and Data Report PY - 2015/09//Final Report SP - 276p AB - This report documents the acoustic measurements that supplemented the September 2013 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Deriving Information on Surface conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality (DISCOVER-AQ) flight tests in Houston, Texas and the corresponding data set developed from those measurements. These data include aircraft performance and position, meteorological and acoustic data of various aircraft events flown by two test aircraft at a range of altitudes. These data are supplemented by aircraft source data, measurement site location data, observations, and onboard acoustic data. The intended use of this data set is to validate the accuracy of aircraft acoustic modeling methods. KW - Acoustics KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft noise KW - Data collection KW - Flight tests KW - Houston (Texas) KW - Meteorology KW - U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration KW - Vehicle performance UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/55000/55700/55707/DISCOVER-AQ-noise-meas-report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373065 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01577106 AU - Dinaburg, Joshua B AU - Mealy, Christopher L AU - Scheffey, Joseph L AU - Back, Gerard G AU - JENSEN HUGHES AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Development of an Intermediate-Scale Test Method for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Firefighting Agents to Suppress Aircraft Skin Composite Fires PY - 2015/09//Final Report SP - 134p AB - This report describes the research effort conducted to characterize the flammability and suppressibility of aircraft skin composite materials and potential surrogates. The main objective was to develop an intermediate-scale test method to quantify the burning characteristics of composite materials and the required amount of agent needed to suppress burning aircraft skin composites. The aircraft composite materials evaluated during this research effort included carbon fiber-reinforced polymer and glass reinforced aluminum. Surrogate materials included wooden oriented strand board, glass fiber-reinforced polymer, and Garolite. Assessment of the flammability and suppressibility of these materials involved a series of four progressive tests. The first test series was representative of an intact aircraft fuselage exposed to a fuel pool fire below the aircraft and assessed the ignitability of a vertical panel when exposed to a fire. The remainder of the test series characterized the burning of the composite materials with complex geometries that simulated conditions expected in postimpact crash scenarios. The final test series exposed parallel plate composite cribs to pool fires to determine both the comparative burning characteristics of the composite and surrogate materials and the additional amount of suppression agent required to control and extinguish the composite fires. As a result of this research effort, a draft test method was developed for comparatively assessing the burning characteristics and suppression requirements of composite materials using these tests as a framework. The draft test method is provided as an appendix to this report. KW - Aircraft materials KW - Composite materials KW - Fire extinguishing agents KW - Fire fighting KW - Flammability tests KW - Test procedures KW - Vehicle fires UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=e38aef58-4576-40aa-9a53-b1370dccc038&f=TC-15-31.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1370009 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587291 TI - LED Lighting: Hot/Cold Performance Testing AB - Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are now commonly used in airfield lighting applications due to technology improvements and their potential benefits to pilots and airport operators. One such benefit is the potential to provide more reliable operations and reduced maintenance costs through longer useful life than incandescent lamps. However, airfield LED luminaires are relatively new and no sufficient long-term performance test results are currently available to validate their long-life potential. More importantly, there is no agreed upon definition of useful life for airfield luminaires. As a first step to address these needs, long-term testing of selected airfield luminaires are being conducted in support of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) efforts in this area. The main objective of these long-term tests has been to understand the performance of luminaires under realistic conditions, and thus the test conditions have included three LED board temperatures that are expected to represent a reasonable range of operating environments. While testing in a given range is valuable because it offers the opportunity to interpolate to other conditions, it is still necessary to understand the actual conditions that luminaires experience in the field due to ambient temperature (i.e., based on geographical location) and based on the luminaire’s light output (i.e., dimming steps 1-5). The purpose of the test is to monitor the temperature of operation of LEDs inside different types of luminaires under different operating conditions, based on geographical location and at one or more light output settings. These values can be used to better estimate light output depreciation based on current knowledge and to inform the conditions used in future laboratory tests. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Laboratory tests KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting equipment KW - Luminaires KW - Service life KW - Weather conditions UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=26 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392191 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587292 TI - Characterization of Derived Angle of Attack and Flight Path Algorithms AB - The technical objective of the proposed effort is to exploit derived angle-of-attack (AOA) and flightpath angles (gamma) from low cost Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) COTS systems found in general aviation (GA) aircraft. The feasibility of derived AOA will be evaluated for use cases of displays, envelope protection, and fly-by-wire flight control systems. It is expected that the results of this work will be a) recommended minimum performance standards for the algorithm and AHRS device, and b) the criteria for each use case when using AHRS that can be codified into a standard or a circular. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Algorithms KW - Angle of attack KW - Aviation safety KW - Flight control systems KW - Flight paths KW - General aviation aircraft UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=25 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392190 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572623 TI - Project 32 - End-Around Taxiway (EAT) Optimization AB - Concerns about the aviation's environmental impact have prompted research efforts around the world. Much of this research has focused on changes to future aircraft and engine designs: although these hold the prospect of significant environmental impact reductions on a per flight basis, it will take a long time for them to be developed and propagate through the operational fleet in sufficient numbers to have a significant impact on overall emission levels. Until then, strategies that reduce the environmental impacts of existing aircraft are needed. Therefore, there is a need to identify and evaluate ways to reduce the environmental impacts of aviation in the near term. Such changes would involve minor adjustments to operating procedures or limited equipment/infrastructure changes. Several potential approaches have been suggested and investigated in various depths. For example, Continuous Descent Approaches (PARTNER Project 4) have been investigated extensively through field trials and show notable environmental impact reduction. In contrast, work on advanced surface movement optimization (PARTNER Project 21) is still largely in the research stage, while other possible changes have yet to be fully defined, let alone studied in any significant depth. Project 32 will systematically evaluate and rank all the potential near-term operational changes against a common set of environmental impact and feasibility criteria, and hence make it possible to determine the relative potential of the various options and to understand which ones should be given priority. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Continuous Descent Approach KW - Environmental impacts KW - Feasibility analysis KW - Jet engines KW - Optimization KW - Pollutants KW - Taxiways UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/near-term-operational-changes UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364635 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572492 TI - Noise-FICAN AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Noise control KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364456 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572486 TI - Project 25 - Noise Exposure Response: Sleep & Student Learning AB - Project 25's goal is to understand the impact of aircraft noise on sleep, and to develop models that predict sleep disruption for a given aircraft noise profile. Chronic sleep disturbance is associated with multiple health issues including cognitive difficulties, exhaustion, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression. The amount of time spent in different sleep stages is important in terms of physical and psychological well being. What is not fully understood is how much aircraft noise impacts sleep in communities around airports, and how impacts due to aircraft noise compare with those due to other things (other noise sources, weight, age, stress, etc.) that are known to affect sleep. Models that predict the probability of being in different sleep stages given different profiles of night-time noise exposure are being examined, as are models that predict awakenings. The aim is to build on these and other models and incorporate a better characterization of how noise characteristics, for example, loudness and rate of onset, affect sleep and time spent in different sleep stages. By coupling the resulting sleep disturbance models with noise prediction tools, it will be possible to show, e.g., potential awakening patterns in communities for a wide range of different airport and air traffic scenarios. The model will be tuned to produce results that replicate those observed in field studies (usually conscious awakenings) and in laboratory studies (both awakenings and sleep structure). The community response simulation will help us quantify how much and what type of data should be collected in future sleep disturbance studies to fully validate the proposed higher-fidelity models. With the most recent U.S. field study dating back to 1996, and when compared to the sleep disturbance efforts of other, especially European, countries, U.S. research on the effects of aircraft noise on sleep has lagged over the past 15 years, while aircraft noise has continued to evolve. Within this period, air traffic has changed significantly, with substantial increases in traffic volume, on one hand, and significant improvements in noise levels of single aircraft, on the other. Due to inter-cultural differences, results from studies performed outside the U.S. may not be transferred 1:1 to U.S. domestic airports. Therefore, it is important that U.S. field studies be conducted to acquire current sleep disturbance data for varying degrees of noise exposure. It is one major objective of Project 25 to suggest an optimal study design for a U.S. field study on the effects of aircraft noise on sleep based on the current scientific knowledge in both the noise effects research and the sleep research area. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Europe KW - Public health KW - Quality of life KW - Sleep deprivation KW - United States UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/noise-exposure-response-sleep-disturbance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364450 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572291 TI - Green Building Initiative and Compliance Activities AB - No summary provided. KW - Compliance KW - Construction management KW - Environmental impacts KW - Greenhouse effect KW - Initiatives UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363911 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572290 TI - NextGen Goals and Targets Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Energy consumption KW - Environmental impacts KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Strategic planning UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363910 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572288 TI - NextGen Goals and Targets Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Energy consumption KW - Environmental impacts KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Strategic planning UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363908 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572179 TI - Fame Alt Fuels AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Alternate fuels KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Renewable energy sources UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363797 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589869 TI - Surveillance Criticality for SAA AB - North Carolina State University is leading a team of researchers from the University of North Dakota, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical, Mississippi State, The Ohio State and Oregon State Universities to determine if UAS can safely use current surveillance equipment, such as transponders, GPS beacons and collision avoidance systems. First, they are studying how manned aircraft and air traffic controllers interact using this equipment to avoid collisions. Next, they will see if controllers and UAS operators can use current equipment to provide the same safety for UAS. Finally, they will investigate emerging technology to see if UAS can avoid collisions autonomously. This research will help the FAA set standards for airborne sense and avoid systems to potentially allow UAS to avoid collisions autonomously. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Aircraft separation KW - Airspace utilization KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash avoidance systems KW - Drone aircraft KW - National Airspace System KW - Risk assessment UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397594 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01618840 AU - Paskoff, Lawrence N AU - Weed, David B AU - Corbett, Cynthia L AU - McLean, Garnet A AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Wayfinding Technology and Its Application to Transport Category Passenger Airplanes PY - 2015/08//Final Report SP - 24p AB - Wayfinding, a method to communicate to the public about paths of travel, involves various active and passive modes of communication, such as lights, tactile objects, audio signals, and computer based technology to include virtual environments and augmented reality. A current topic in the field of transport category aircraft is the use of internationally recognized symbols in wayfinding. This is proving to be difficult due to the meanings one culture places on certain symbols and how those differ among cultures. In an era of world-wide travel, this could create a deadly scenario as a passenger is attempting to egress from an aircraft in a dangerous situation, such as a fire, and misinterprets the available wayfinding symbology. In that vein of research, with an eventual goal of mitigating misinterpretation of available wayfinding signals, this overview investigates past and present wayfinding technology used and proposed for use in transport category aircraft and also explores recent advances in wayfinding technology that could be adapted for use in aircraft. KW - Aviation safety KW - Egress KW - International KW - Passenger aircraft KW - Symbols KW - Technology KW - Wayfinding UR - https://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201514.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1437988 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596738 AU - Chaturvedi, Arvind K AU - Craft, Kristi J AU - Hickerson, Jeffery S AU - Rogers, Paul B AU - Canfield, Dennis V AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Prevalence of Ethanol and Drugs in Civil Aviation Accident Pilot Fatalities, 2009–2013 PY - 2015/08//Final Report SP - 14p AB - Biological specimens from pilots fatally injured in civil aviation accidents are analyzed for ethanol and drugs at the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI). Prevalence of these substances in the pilots has been evaluated on 5-yr intervals since 1989. In continuation, a fifth 5-yr study was conducted. The CAMI toxicology/medical certification and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) aviation accident databases were searched. During 2009–2013, samples from 1,169 pilots were analyzed for ethanol and drugs. Aircraft involved in the accidents were primarily operating under general aviation. Most airmen were private pilots and held third-class medical certificates. In relation to the first 5-yr (1989–1993) period, the pilot fatality cases decreased by 37% and the presence of ethanol and/or drugs in the pilots increased by 239% in the fifth 5-yr period. The ethanol usage was unchanged, but increases were noted with illicit and prescription drugs. The prescription drugs found were consistent with those commonly used in general population. The use of ethanol and/or drugs by aviators, along with underlying medical conditions, was determined by the NTSB to be cause/factors in 5% of the accidents. The observed decrease in the fatality cases does not necessarily suggest the decrease in aviation accidents, as the numbers of active airmen also declined. Although prevalence of ethanol and drugs has been evaluated in fatally injured aviators, such evaluation has not been performed in active pilots not involved in accidents. This type of comparative study would be crucial in assessing aviation safety. KW - Air pilots KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Civil aviation KW - Diseases and medical conditions KW - Drugs KW - Ethanol KW - Fatalities KW - Toxicology KW - Trend (Statistics) UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201513.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1402115 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572156 TI - State Aviation Data Collection and Analysis AB - State aviation officials frequently face challenges managing their state's airport infrastructure and effectively applying limited resources to the task. These challenges include collaborating with stakeholders, developing state system plans, ensuring convenient access to airports, determining the most appropriate allocation of scare resources, inspecting and operating airports, and providing educational opportunities for stakeholders. One effective means states use for ensuring informed decision making is to learn about current practices and evidence-based successful practices at other state aviation agencies. In recent years, the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) has undertaken limited data collection efforts on basic information about each state's aviation programs. These efforts have resulted in valuable databases (e.g., the NASAO State Aviation Funding and Organizational Data Report) and modest analysis of practices. With the advent and maturity of the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP), an opportunity now exists for states to gather needed data in a thorough, comprehensive, and efficient manner and apply robust analyses to determine evidence-based successful practices. The objectives of this research are to (1) identify data that should be collected regularly (e.g., annually or bi-annually) for reporting to state aviation officials; (2) develop an efficient process for collecting state aviation data and ad hoc data requests from states and other stakeholders; (3) develop efficient methods for data storage and maintenance; and (4) develop data analysis methods and metrics, and effective means for the dissemination of collected information. KW - Airport Cooperative Research Program KW - Aviation KW - Cooperation KW - Data collection KW - Decision making KW - Information dissemination KW - Infrastructure KW - Resource allocation UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4009 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363712 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572155 TI - Airport Managers Guide to Providing Aircraft Fuel Services AB - For many general aviation airports, it has become increasingly difficult to recruit and retain fixed based operators (FBOs) capable of providing a full range of services, including aircraft fueling. The costs of acquiring and installing refueling equipment prevent many small FBO businesses from starting. Due to a variety of financial and economic barriers, many general aviation airports have lost full-service FBOs. Out of necessity, many general aviation airports are forced to do without such services or consider providing fuel service themselves. Moreover, airports have become more reliant upon self-service fueling systems that are owned and operated solely by the airport sponsor. Many airport operators are unfamiliar with the requirements for selling fuel directly to aircraft owners and operators. Dynamic market conditions and fuel-price volatility complicate the decisions that must be made every day about when prices should change, what price is reasonable to buy/sell fuel, and what factors must be considered to set a price. The goal of airport operators is to generate revenue adequate to cover operating and maintenance costs associated with the fueling system itself as well as potentially other airport operating costs. Fuel purchasing and pricing strategies become critical, but practitioners that make such decisions may not be familiar with how to do so effectively. The objective of this research is a guide for airports that wish to provide fuel service directly to their customers. Guidance would include operational considerations, strategies for buying and selling fuel, and the policies and procedures that must be implemented to provide fuel service to the public in a safe manner. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Aviation fuels KW - Fixed base operations KW - Pricing KW - Refueling KW - Volatility UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4010 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363711 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572154 TI - Technology Solutions to Facilitate ADA Travelers AB - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) enacted in 1990 prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications, and governmental activities. In the airport environment, the Federal Aviation Administration defines the rights to aviation access and other civil rights policies and regulations affecting airports. The airport industry has adopted specific design codes to accommodate employees and travelers with disabilities including general architectural guidelines and specific codes adapted for transportation facilities. Airports generally want to make their facilities friendlier. Yet, airports need guidance and better understanding of the potential uses of technology, business practices, and partnerships with stakeholders to address the ADA traveler's needs. The objective of this research project is to provide guidance to airports on the availability and practical uses of technology to facilitate the ADA traveler through the airport. KW - Airport access KW - Americans with Disabilities Act KW - Barrier free design KW - Civil rights KW - General aviation airports KW - Persons with disabilities UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4011 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363710 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572153 TI - Update Guidebook for Managing Small Airports AB - Managers of small airports are responsible for a wide range of activities, including financial management, oversight of contracts and leases, safety and security, noise control, community relations, compliance with federal grant conditions, facility maintenance, and capital improvements. Yet these managers have varying degrees of experience and a range of backgrounds. To address the need for comprehensive guidance for managers of small airports, Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) published Report 16: Guidebook for Managing Small Airports (published in 2009). This guidebook has proven to be extremely valuable for small airports, as indicated in ACRP's October 2010 Impacts on Practice. While the original version of the guidebook continues to be an important resource, an update is needed for two key reasons: first, ACRP has completed a significant amount of related research that could be of direct benefit to small airports and therefore should be included in an updated edition; second, managers of small airports are facing new challenges not addressed in the original publication (e.g., unmanned aerial vehicles). The objective of this research is to update ACRP Report 16: Guidebook for Managing Small Airports. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Drone aircraft KW - Handbooks KW - Noise control KW - Public relations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4012 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363709 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572152 TI - Preparing for the Connected Airport and the Internet of Things AB - The Internet of Things ("IoT") refers to an interconnected environment where everyday objects are connected to the Internet and each other to share data with others as a benefit to consumers. While this technology trend is still in its infancy, the numbers of "things" connected to the Internet have already surpassed the number of people on earth. As airports begin to connect "things" to the Internet, information is lacking on uses, risks, security, impacts, and consequences. The objective of this research is to develop an educational primer or technology roadmap with background of the technology trend, a glossary of terms, and studies of potential uses for airports to consider. A primer would assist airports of all types and sizes with a deeper understanding of the IoT and its current and potential applications on airports. KW - Airports KW - Data sharing KW - Glossaries KW - Internet KW - Internet of Things (IOT) KW - Security KW - Technological innovations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4013 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363708 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572151 TI - Addressing Local Stormwater Utilities and MS4s for Airports AB - Airports are subject to a variety of federal, state, and local stormwater requirements, many of which drive implementation of evidence-based management practices to control the quantity and quality of stormwater discharging from airport property. While federal and state stormwater requirements are often well documented, there is significant variability in local requirements, and many municipalities are very specific in the types of practices required to manage stormwater from new impervious areas. Additionally, many municipalities are planning for large investments to improve stormwater and sanitary infrastructure to eliminate combined sewer overflows, reduce stormwater discharges to the municipal wastewater treatment plants, and make upgrades to municipal wastewater treatment plants, in response to consent agreements from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In order to pay for these improvements, many local stormwater utilities are increasing rates for the stormwater utility fees used to maintain the system. Often the fee is calculated based on the acres of impervious areas at a facility. While roadways are typically exempt from this fee, airport runways and taxiways are not always exempt, resulting in fees of several hundred thousand dollars per year at some airports. While many municipalities offer credits to reduce the fee for implementing recommended practices to improve water quality or reduce water quantity discharges, many of these options require adding open-water practices. Some airports have been successful in obtaining exemptions for their aircraft movement areas and have identified alternative means for improving stormwater quantity or quality to obtain credits to help offset stormwater utility fees. Yet another option is development of an airport-customized municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). While implementing an MS4 program may seem challenging at first, airports may already be meeting many of the requirements through their airport stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs). An airport MS4 may be more cost effective and may allow more flexibility for implementing airport-appropriate practices. Understanding what is required to implement an MS4, what costs an airport might expect for implementation, and what MS4 requirements may already be met in the airport SWPPP would help airports understand the costs and benefits associated with this option. The objectives of this research are to identify typical local stormwater requirements that might be difficult for airports to meet, identify airport-friendly practices options that airports could propose to their local municipality, and provide guidance on implementing an MS4. KW - Airport runways KW - Airports KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Environmental impacts KW - Runoff KW - Storm sewers KW - Water quality management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4014 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363707 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572150 TI - Integrating Airport Sustainability Plans with Environmental Analyses AB - Airports can use sustainability initiatives to increase their operational performance, reduce a project's environmental effects, and enhance their social benefits. However, to date, sustainability plans have not been well integrated into the planning practice and environmental review efforts at most airports. This is often because many airports may not know how to, or are not able to, take the maximum advantage of their sustainability efforts during the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. For example, an airport may implement projects that reduce delay and congestion and result in air emissions reductions, but due to timing and other factors, may not know how or be able to use the emissions credits as mitigation for a future project. Similarly, an airport's sustainability initiatives may have reduced its environmental footprint substantially, but that reduced footprint is viewed in NEPA as the existing condition, and the airport is not able to take credit for this in the NEPA document. Likewise, sustainability initiatives such as "green building" guidelines may provide substantial reductions in impact compared to a "business as usual baseline," but NEPA only recognizes the difference between existing or no action and future conditions. In addition, airport sustainability efforts are often focused on the major issues of greenhouse gas reduction and climate change resiliency, topics that are not fully integrated into NEPA review. There are a number of strategies that airports can take as part of their sustainability planning that will assist with airport physical planning (master planning) as well as compliance with NEPA, for example incorporating sustainability goals into the process of evaluating development alternatives. The objective of this research is to help airports think strategically about how their sustainability plans and initiatives can assist with airport physical planning and aid in streamlining the NEPA review. The research should identify possible approaches to facilitate goal/objective setting and relate to environmental mitigation under NEPA, so that the sustainability initiatives can be used in the NEPA process for maximum benefit. KW - Airports KW - Climate change KW - Compliance KW - Environmental impacts KW - Greenhouse gases KW - National Environmental Policy Act KW - Strategic planning KW - Sustainable development UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4015 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363706 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572148 TI - Update Deicing Planning Guidelines for Airport Stormwater Management Systems and Alternative Deicing/Anti-Icing Formulations AB - Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 14: Deicing Planning Guidelines and Practices for Stormwater Management Systems has become a standard reference for the management of airport deicing runoff, addressing a wide array of practices for the practical, cost-effective control of runoff from aircraft and airfield deicing and anti-icing operations. Yet significant regulatory, technology, and industry developments have occurred since its publication in 2009. For example, the document does not reflect the latest developments and experience with technologies and products that reduce the volumes of deicers used during deicing operations, or progress in the treatment of runoff from aircraft deicing. Advancements in deicer application technology are especially important because this aspect of deicing operations is believed to have the greatest potential for continued improvement. This is a primary reason that these practices are a central strategy in the aviation industry's ongoing Voluntary Pollution Reduction Program. There is also a need in the aviation industry for guidance in assessing long-term performance of the published practices at an individual airport. The availability of confident long-term performance information will provide the basis for optimizing practices' operations, minimizing compliance risk, and reducing operations and maintenance costs. A second, related research need is exploring the latest improvements made to the formulations of commercial aircraft and airfield pavement deicers since they were first documented in ACRP Web-Only Document (WOD) 3: Aircraft Deicing and Airfield Anti-Icing Formulations: Aquatic Toxicity and Biochemical Oxygen Demand. In the seven years since ACRP WOD 3's publication, deicer formulations have undergone steady improvements in their environmental characteristics, and new products have entered the market containing freezing point depressants not described in the document. The objectives of this research are to: (1) update and enhance the content of ACRP Report 14 to reflect the current technologies, practices, and regulatory drivers associated with aircraft and airfield pavement deicing, focusing on new technological and regulatory developments and guidance on methods for assessing the long-term performance of best management practices (BMPs) at an individual airport; and (2) update and enhance the content of ACRP WOD 3 in light of the suite of aircraft and airfield pavement deicers currently in use in the North American market. KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - Cost effectiveness KW - Deicing KW - Environmental impacts KW - Runoff UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4017 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363704 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572145 TI - Integrating Climate Resiliency into Airport Management Systems AB - Airports manage assets and risk under various programs, with many tied to either operating budgets or capital budgets. In recent years, airports have been developing integrated systems to manage operational and capital expenses together to gain efficiencies. Severe weather and emergency planning is usually a distinct function within the airport, and risk factors accounted for during emergency planning are not tied to asset management or capital planning. Importantly, costs associated with damages or disruptions from weather-related events that are below thresholds for requesting federal aid are rarely captured and tracked by airports or relevant emergency management departments. Effective integration of management systems can reduce the impacts sustained during specific events as well as establish a cogent risk identification and quantification process to help reduce ongoing costs and service disruptions associated with severe weather and climate change. Currently, however, there is no guide for incorporating climate and severe weather risks into asset management or capital planning processes at airports. Without an integrative resource for airports, climate resiliency can be viewed as an abstract and unquantifiable risk, resulting in missed opportunities to implement actions that improve resiliency to climate forces. Airports also may not be aware of the full range of climate risk factors worthy of inclusion in airports' multi-hazard or all hazards risk management processes. Airports need a streamlined method to address climate vulnerability and planning as a part of risk and asset management and a way to align emergency planning with major climate related events. A quantification of risk factors, including airport and regional economic impact, can help inform asset management plans, emergency plans, and capital plans. Research is needed to help airports understand how climate risks add uncertainty to maintenance and capital budgets, and how this exposure can be mitigated and addressed through changes to airport asset management and capital planning. The objective of this research is to develop a handbook incorporating climate adaptation into airport asset, risk, and emergency management systems. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Asset management KW - Climate change KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Maintenance management KW - Risk management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4020 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363701 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572143 TI - Air Demand in a Dynamic Competitive Context with the Automobile AB - Airport managers must contend with a constantly shifting market for air transport services. Smaller to mid-sized U.S. airports that once thrived on short-distance feeder flights now find fewer carriers even interested in competing for their local markets. In many cases, the result is a shrinking market, with trips on short feeder flights simply replaced by long automobile trips to competing airports. Recent research indicates that the automobile competes directly with air service for certain kinds of trips, but relatively little is known about how the choice between air service and automobile is made, both for full trips (automobile replaces air for the total trip) and for feeder segments (automobile replaces as feeder to more distant airport). Much has been written about the decreasing role of smaller American airports (e.g., ACRP 03-29, "Effects of Airline Industry Changes on Small- and Non-Hub Airports") as some short-distance air segments are simply replaced by automobile trips, despite longer travel times. For moderate distance trips in the United States, the dominance of the automobile over the airplane is even more striking. In the domestic passengers' experience, the automobile is the primary, dominant competitor to air. The objective of this research is to produce a document that summarizes the role of the automobile as a competitor to airline trips; to help all members of the aviation community understand both its role in present market behavior; and to explain the implications of possible changes in demographics, policies, and economic conditions. The analyses undertaken and reported under this project must target the practitioner in the field, with relevance to actual decision making. It should not be limited to the implications of travel times and travel costs, but rather be based on original market research about the manner in which the intercity traveler makes modal decisions, how various future social and demographic conditions might alter those decisions, and the effect those decisions might have on future airline traffic and airport operations. KW - Airlines KW - Airports KW - Automobiles KW - Competition KW - Decision making KW - Demand KW - Market research KW - Markets KW - Mode choice UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4022 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363699 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572142 TI - Airport Metrics and Impacts of Air Traffic Control Restrictions AB - More and more airports are entering into projects and operations that impact the air traffic system. These may include a variety of initiatives, including the following: (1) Departure queue management; (2) Ramp tower operations; (3) Design of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) procedures; (4) Joining the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)/industry Collaborative Decision-Making (CDM) process; and (5) Developing operational efficiencies to attract new service. For any of these airport-centric initiatives, performance basis and benefit-cost analyses are highly advisable or required. To support these analyses, metrics will be needed to perform accurate and worthwhile comparisons. For example, how does an airport measure the effectiveness of its ramp tower operation? What is the need versus benefit of a new PBN procedure? What level of air traffic slot control is needed or desired? What is the operational efficiency difference between potentially competitive airports? At present there is not a uniform or established set of metrics or analyses that can be used for these and other questions. The objective of the proposed research is to establish metrics to support airport-centric initiatives, including sources of information for these metrics, which can become a useful standard for airports to measure their operation. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport operations KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Cooperation KW - Decision making KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) KW - Performance measurement UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4023 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363698 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572141 TI - Airport Emergency Operations Centers Design Guide AB - Airports are required to have their airport emergency plans be compliant with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS). The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5200-31C (change 2) indicates that airports need to describe the relationship of the emergency operations center (EOC) with the field incident command post (ICP). There is information that is available on operating EOCs, but no guidance on their design and layout. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook to help airports design an EOC. KW - Airports KW - Command centers KW - Compliance KW - Design of specific facilities KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Disasters and emergency operations KW - Handbooks KW - Incident management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4024 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363697 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572140 TI - Advanced Computer Maintenance Management Systems Integration for Airports AB - Airport Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) are an efficient and effective tool for airports to manage specific activities pertaining to maintenance and inventory management. Research has already been conducted on CMMS selection and practices and is expected to be published by fall 2015. Additional research is needed that focuses on the successful integration and workflows that mature CMMS implementations have captured, examines the ways in which a CMMS can make programs more effective across all departments, and looks at the quantifiable results from the long-term cost efficiencies and effectiveness of both maintenance and asset management programs. Given the growth in geographic information systems and building information management at airports, integration of CMMS with these systems can be a powerful tool at airports. The objective of this research is to develop guidance to help airports integrate CMMS into their other systems and processes. KW - Airports KW - Asset management KW - Control systems KW - Geographic information systems KW - Information systems KW - Maintenance management KW - Software UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4025 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363696 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571980 TI - Aviation Portfolio Management Tool - PMT-E CAEP Inventory AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Management KW - Organizational portfolio analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363586 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587289 TI - ASISP Cybersecurity AB - The research objectives and goal of this project is to capture the Aircraft Systems Information Security Protection (ASISP) vulnerabilities and risks associated with the Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS). The research efforts will focus on the ACARS not just from an information technology (IT) based perspective, but from a policy based perspective as well. The initial research shall explore the ASISP Safety Analysis model with a focus on System Threat Analysis, Safety Risk Factor Identification and Risk Assessment. KW - Aircraft KW - Aviation safety KW - Communication systems KW - Computer components KW - Cybernetics KW - Information technology KW - Risk analysis KW - Security UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=24 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392193 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01577540 AU - Lennertz, Tracy AU - Sparko, Andrea L AU - Mattson, Amanda AU - Bürki-Cohen, Judith AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - NextGen Flight Deck Data Comm: Auxiliary Synthetic Speech Phase II PY - 2015/07/15/Final Report SP - 286p AB - Data Comm—a text-based controller-pilot communication system—is expected to yield several Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) safety and efficiency benefits. With Data Comm, communication becomes a visual task, and may potentially increase head-down time on the flight deck as crews interact with the display. This study examined the feasibility of supplementing Data Comm with synthetic speech in commercial, en-route operations. To this end, 32 air-transport pilots (16 flightcrews) flew two experimental conditions in a Boeing 737-800 fixed-base simulator. In one condition, Data Comm was implemented with a text-only display, and, in the other it was implemented with a text display and synthetic speech that annunciated each message (text+speech). Results indicated that the text+speech display aided the performance of flightcrews compared to text only, without introducing additional complications. Relative to the text-only display, the text+speech display yielded less head-down time. Flightcrews did not delay opening or acknowledging a text+speech message when the party line was active. The majority of pilots reported that the text+speech display was easy to use, helpful, and not distracting; however, this acceptance was attenuated in major-airline pilots. Taken together, these results provide preliminary guidance for aircraft certification regarding the use and implementation of synthetic speech on the flight deck. KW - Air pilots KW - Air traffic control KW - Communication systems KW - Data communications KW - Feasibility analysis KW - Flight crews KW - Flight simulators KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Speech synthesis KW - Visual display units (Computers) UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/55000/55300/55383/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-14-15.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1370430 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587293 TI - Midpoint Runway Marking AB - The aviation industry continues to experience landing overruns due in part to pilots touching down beyond the midpoint of the available runway. In some landing overruns, pilots were unaware that the midpoint was reached and nonetheless “forced” the landing instead of implementing the go-around/aborted landing procedure. Incident reports confirmed that forced landings were coupled with frequent overruns. Over the years airport operators and pilots have occasionally reported that knowing the location of the midpoint of runways would help them to minimize such accidents. There is a greater tendency for landing overruns at airports that primarily serve general aviation operations with runway lengths less than 4200 feet in length and being utilized by student pilots and those pilots that primarily fly on the weekends only. In order to identify potential markings that can assist in mitigating this risk, the research team will evaluate the design for and potential benefits of a marking placed at or near the midpoint of a general aviation runway that would inform pilots of the potential for an overrun/overshoot on a landing. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - General aviation KW - Landing aids KW - Runway overruns UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=23 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392189 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01577108 AU - Torres, Jonathan AU - Doig, William AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Comparative Evaluation of Rescue Saw Blades for Forcible Entry Into Advanced Composite Material Aircraft PY - 2015/07//Final Report SP - 79p AB - New aircraft designs use significant quantities of advanced composite materials, which presents a new challenge to aircraft rescue and firefighting personnel: how to safely cut into composite materials when responding to incidents involving these aircraft. This report provides guidance regarding forcible entry on aircraft that are composed of mostly advanced composite materials using a circular saw. A cutting test apparatus and procedure were developed to measure the force exerted by a saw blade on a panel made with aircraft-grade, advanced composite materials, as well as measuring blade wear and particulate production caused by this type of cutting. Tests were conducted to compare the performances of three different types of saw blades: metal, concrete, and diamond-tipped. Each saw blade was tested by cutting panels of various thicknesses of aluminum, GLAss-REinforced aluminum laminate (GLARE), and carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP). These tests examined saw blade cutting performance in both dry and wet cutting conditions. When comparing the force measurements from all the panels and saw blades, the diamond-tipped saw blades cut through both the GLARE and CFRP panels easier than the aluminum panels. Under wet cutting conditions, the metal and concrete saw blades had the highest forces for all three materials. Mass and diameter loss were more apparent during the dry cuts than the wet cuts. Of the three saw blades, the concrete saw blades had the most mass and diameter loss. Particulate analysis showed that the diamond-tipped saw blades released the smallest amount of particulates of all three saw blades. Overall, the diamond-tipped saw blade exerted the least amount of force, had the least wear, and released the least amount of particulates, thereby concluding it to be the best choice of the three saw blade types for use on composites. KW - Aircraft materials KW - Alternatives analysis KW - Composite materials KW - Cutting KW - Fire fighting KW - Particulates KW - Saws KW - Test procedures UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=b609dd4c-b065-417d-81e6-5f064636db4a&f=TC-15-26.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1370010 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01576239 AU - Bullough, J D AU - Yuan, Z AU - Rea, M S AU - Gallagher, Donald W AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Brightness/Luminous Intensity Values for Blue, White, and Green Aviation Signal Lights Using Light-Emitting Diodes PY - 2015/07//Technical Note SP - 55p AB - Signal lights at airports and along runways serve a variety of functions, including helping pilots locate the airport, assisting pilots in orienting the aircraft to the appropriate landing runways, and aiding pilots with taxi maneuvers on the airfield. Anecdotal pilot reports suggest that light-emitting diodes (LED) used as signal lights in and around airports are perceived as brighter than comparable signal lights using incandescent sources at the same measured intensity. These subjective reports are consistent with previously published psychophysical data. In general, saturated colors, similar to those produced by LEDs, appear brighter than less saturated lights, similar to those produced by incandescent sources. This technical note describes a series of experimental investigations to quantify the brightness of blue, white, and green LED signal lights relative to incandescent signal lights within the same Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) color boundaries. Both types of signal lights were compared against dark and dimly lighted backgrounds and through simulated fog. The results confirm that LED signal lights are perceived as brighter than incandescent signal lights at matched luminous intensities. Brightness relationships were unaffected by signal light intensity, background light level, or the number of signal lights viewed. The simulated fog reduced the relative brightness difference between the incandescent and the LED signal lights due to light scattering in the fog that desaturated the signal light colors. The results of the present study were not accurately predicted by two previously published models of brightness appearance, but this is most likely due to differences in experimental conditions. A new model was developed for this study that could be used to predict signal light brightness perception for FAA blue, white, and green signal light colors. Except for very short-wavelength blue signal lights, the model was able to accurately predict brightness perception data obtained in the present study as well as those presented in an independent study published 30 years ago. This independent validation lends confidence to the generality of the model for predicting blue, white, and green signal light brightness. KW - Blue KW - Brightness KW - Fog KW - Green KW - Incandescent lamps KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Luminous intensity KW - Signal lights KW - Visual perception KW - White UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=467430e5-d2dd-44e2-9f15-1910a4825830&f=TC-TN15-32.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1369975 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01570622 AU - Burian, Dennis AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Relevance of Genetic Risk Scores for Cardiovascular Disease PY - 2015/07//Final Report SP - 22p AB - A review of the literature for single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with cardiovascular disease revealed about 30 high-confidence single nucleotide polymorphisms. Individually, none is predictive for cardiovascular disease. Several authors combined some number of these single nucleotide polymorphisms into a genetic risk score modeled on the Framingham Risk Score that is based on traditional risk factors, including lipid profile, hypertension, age, family history, diabetes, and smoking status. All genetic risk scores were associated with cardiovascular disease and had a similar predictive value as traditional risk factors; however, when genetic risk scores were combined with predictive scores based on traditional risk factors, there was only a minimal increase in predictive value. Genetic profile discovery to augment the current assessment paradigm is not recommended because traditional risk factors-based scores have similar predictive power, are less expensive, and are more easily interpreted by the medical community. KW - Air pilots KW - Cardiovascular diseases KW - Genetics KW - Health KW - Polymorphism (Chemistry) KW - Risk analysis UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201510.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361736 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01570610 AU - Rogers, Jason A AU - Ho, Clifford K AU - Mead, Andrew AU - Millan, Angel AU - Beben, Melissa AU - Drechsler, Gena AU - Greensboro College AU - Sandia National Laboratories AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluation of Glare as a Hazard for General Aviation Pilots on Final Approach PY - 2015/07//Final Report SP - 18p AB - Solar power is a growing source of energy for airports and for their communities. While solar power panels provide a useful means to generate revenue and to provide energy locally, it does pose a potential hazard in the form of glare. In the current study, pilots were exposed to glare during a series of flights in a flight simulator, and their perceived impairment was recorded. During the approach phase of each flight, the authors simulated glare from one of four possible angles (0, 25, 50, and 90 deg left of straight ahead) and for glare durations of either 0 (no glare control), 1, and 5 s. The glare was simulated using halogen lamps that, under the lighting conditions of the lab, approximated the visual effect of solar glare. Subjective measures of impairment were recorded for each condition. There was a significant main effect of glare duration and a significant main effect of glare angle. Impairment was perceived as being worse for glare sources that are straight ahead of the pilot and of longer duration, with a gradual decline in impairment as the glare source moves toward the side of the pilot. However, there was no significant interaction between glare duration and of glare angle. KW - Approach KW - Flight simulators KW - General aviation pilots KW - Glare KW - Panels KW - Solar collectors KW - Time duration UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201512.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361733 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01570602 AU - Lewis, Russell J AU - Kemp, Philip M AU - Johnson, Robert D AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Distribution of Paroxetine in Postmortem Fluids and Tissues PY - 2015/07//Final Report SP - 12p AB - Paroxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that is a commonly prescribed drug for the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. There are certain side effects associated with paroxetine use that could negatively affect a pilot’s performance and become a factor in an aviation accident. Such side effects include nausea, drowsiness, insomnia, and dizziness. It has also been suggested that paroxetine use may increase suicidal behavior and suicidal ideation. When relying on postmortem specimens for interpretive value, a general understanding of drug distribution throughout postmortem fluids and tissues is important. Utilizing an n-butyl chloride liquid/liquid extraction followed by gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) analysis with selected ion monitoring, the laboratory developed a method for the identification, characterization, and quantitation of paroxetine. The linear dynamic range was determined to be 3.13 – 1600 ng/mL in blood. The laboratory then determined the postmortem concentrations of paroxetine in various postmortem tissues and fluids obtained from nine fatal aviation accident cases. The typical specimen types analyzed for each case included blood, urine, vitreous humor, liver, lung, kidney, spleen, muscle, brain, heart, and bile. Blood paroxetine concentrations obtained from these cases ranged from 0.019 to 0.865 µg/mL. The distribution of paroxetine, expressed as mean specimen/blood ratio, was: 1.67 ± 1.16 urine (n=4), 0.08 ± 0.04 vitreous humor (n=6), 5.77 ± 1.37 liver (n=8), 9.66 ± 2.58 lung (n=9), 1.44 ± 0.57 kidney (n=8), 3.80 ± 0.69 spleen (n=8), 0.15 ± 0.04 muscle (n=8), 4.27 ± 2.64 brain (n=7), and 1.05 ± 0.43 heart (n=8). The results from this study show that paroxetine is readily distributed to tissues and fluids in the body. The large standard deviations associated with the paroxetine distribution coefficients suggest that paroxetine likely can experience significant postmortem concentration changes. KW - Air pilots KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Blood analysis KW - Drugs KW - Fatalities KW - Forensic medicine KW - Paroxetine UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201511.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361735 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01611983 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - National Runway Safety Report 2013 – 2014 PY - 2015/06 SP - 186p AB - Runway safety is one of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) highest priorities. This National Runway Safety Report 2013-2014 highlights runway safety initiatives and the improvement of surface environments since 2012, demonstrating how FAA uses safety management principles to produce comprehensive corrective actions in response to the increasing complexity of today’s aerospace system. In this report, the authors also analyze FAA progress and establish current runway safety priorities across the agency, as well as indicate innovative programs and techniques implemented for runway safety in efforts to reduce the rate and severity of incidents within the surface environment. The challenges of advancing runway safety in the future with the introduction of NextGen technologies and increasing complexity is addressed in Section 1. Section 2 contains a listing of all industry, internal and international organizations that contribute to the FAA mission of runway safety. Data collection accomplishments and activities for FY2013 – FY2014 are included in Section 3. Activities and accomplishments for identifying and analyzing safety problems are included in Section 4 and activities and accomplishments that resolve or fix aviation safety issues are included in Section 5. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash rates KW - Data collection KW - Governance KW - Trend (Statistics) KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration KW - United States UR - https://www.faa.gov/airports/runway_safety/publications/media/Runway-Safety-Report-2013-14.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1423240 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01577110 AU - Menchini, Christopher P AU - Morris, Gary J AU - Huebsch, Wade W AU - West Virginia University, Morgantown AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Experimental Flow Characterization and Computational Model Development of Aqueous Film Forming Foam Firefighting Jets PY - 2015/06//Final Report SP - 263p AB - Over the past few decades, aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) research has made technical strides on multiple fronts. Continuing efforts have helped develop computer-aided engineering tools to quantify risk assessment for a variety of ARFF aspects such as aircraft pool fire combustion and dynamic crash-related events. A study was conducted to characterize firefighting agent application behavior and to quantify the flow characteristics that differentiate water and aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) jets. An aqueous firefighting agent application laboratory was specially constructed to carry out experiments on firefighting jets ranging from 1 to 11 MPa (150 to 1550 lb⋅in. -2) and 4 to 25 l⋅min-1 (1 to 6.4 gal⋅min-1) at AFFF concentration levels ranging from 0% (pure water) to 12% by volume. Experimental flow characterization consisted of flow visualization, agent ground pattern distribution analysis, and two-dimensional phase Doppler particle analysis (PDPA). Flow visualization results depicted minimal qualitative differences in terms of overall jet structure between AFFF and water jets. However, PDPA results showed AFFF enhanced jet breakup and generated droplet sizes 7% to 38% less in diameter compared to water jets with AFFF jets lagging water jet velocities by as much as 10% in certain cases. Agent ground pattern results confirmed flow performance factors, such as ground coverage area, reach, and maximum span, all benefit from an increase in nozzle pressure-flow rate. An Euler-Lagrange, large eddy simulation computational fluid dynamic (CFD) strategy accounting for droplet collision and breakup was employed to predict firefighting jet flow dynamics with and without the addition of AFFF. AFFF influence was handled computationally via material property variation from pure water in terms of density, viscosity, and surface tension effects. CFD model results were agreeable with flow visualization and phase Doppler data as they reproduced global trends in both droplet velocity and size data, particularly with respect to the influence of AFFF. However, oversimplified nozzle injection conditions led to greater differences than expected. CFD model result errors were difficult to quantify entirely due to PDPA upper particle size range limitations and complexities associated with direct comparisons to data. This work describes the first known, comprehensive effort to quantify flow characteristics and properties that differentiate water and AFFF firefighting jets using high-fidelity experimental techniques. This work also includes the first known iteration of a firefighting agent application CFD model designed for use in the ARFF industry that takes into account the influence of AFFF. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Fire extinguishing agents KW - Fire fighting KW - Flow KW - Fluid dynamics KW - Foams KW - Simulation KW - Vehicle fires KW - Water KW - Waterjets UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=b3579643-ee86-4c4f-928d-a4076193aa92&f=DOT-FAA-TC-15-21.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1370011 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01589872 TI - ASSURE Project Management AB - After a rigorous competition, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has selected a Mississippi State University (MSU) team as the FAA’s Center of Excellence for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (COE UAS). The COE is known as the Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence (ASSURE) and Mississippi State University is the lead. The COE will focus on research, education and training in areas critical to the safe and successful integration of UAS into the nation’s airspace. The team brings together 21 of the nation’s leading UAS and aviation universities that have a proven commitment to UAS research and development and the necessary resources to provide the matching contribution to the government’s investment. The purpose of this grant is to provide the initial funding for the Mississippi State University to instantiate operations. MSU will oversee all administrative duties for ASSURE and will host and facilitate all FAA required meetings. Funds are requested to support the Lead University, Mississippi State University, for ASSURE management activities and December and February quarterly meetings. KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Development KW - Drone aircraft KW - Education and training KW - Management KW - Operations research KW - Research UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1397601 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01574074 AU - Dolbeer, Richard A AU - Department of Agriculture AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Trends in reporting of wildlife strikes with civil aircraft and in identification of species struck under a primarily voluntary reporting system, 1990-2013 PY - 2015/05/07 SP - 45p AB - Reporting of wildlife strikes with civil aircraft is voluntary for airports and pilots but strongly encouraged by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) via Advisory Circulars and other activities. In 2009, the FAA undertook a review of the trends in strike reporting from 1990-2008 to determine if mandatory reporting was needed, as was recommended by the National Transportation Safety Board in 2009. The review concluded that given the positive trends in reporting rates and species identification coupled with the decline or stabilization in damage strikes, mandatory reporting was not recommended at that time (2009) to achieve the objectives of the database. Recommendations were made to further enhance the reporting of strikes. The objective of this report is to determine if the positive trends in reporting documented in 2009 have been sustained based on the recommended outreach actions and if any changes are needed in FAA policies regarding strike reporting at this time. The primary focus is to examine strike reporting for the past 5 years (2009-2013) compared to the previous 5 years (2004-2008). Although this report covers both commercial and general aviation aircraft at Part 139-certificated and non-certificated airports as was done in the 2009 study, the focus of this report is strike reporting for commercial aircraft at Part 139 airports. KW - Airports KW - Aviation safety KW - Bird strikes KW - Civil aircraft KW - Data collection KW - Trend (Statistics) KW - United States KW - Wildlife UR - http://www.faa.gov/airports/airport_safety/wildlife/media/trends-in-wildlife-strike-reporting-1990-2013.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363958 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543413 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S09-07. Building Information Modeling for Airports AB - Airport managers continually look to manage assets in ways that maximize facility life cycle value and minimize the true cost of ownership. Over the past several years, airports have seen a paradigm shift in the way projects are procured, designed, constructed and operated. Increasingly, teams are assembled to address a project for its entire life cycle, with sustainability as a theme which underpins airport asset management. In the past, airport operators would contract for design and documentation. A construction contractor would then take design documents and construct the airport facility. Following completion of construction, another airport department would manage the facility and be responsible for ongoing operations and maintenance. Enterprise building information modeling (BIM) allows all involved in conceptualizing through demolishing a facility to have a shared knowledge resource for information about the facility so that all may understand how decisions will affect the use and costs throughout its life cycle. BIM is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. It can be shared by designers, constructors, operators and maintainers to provide reliable information for decision making throughout the facility's life-cycle. BIM offers tools that allow airport operators to understand all components of a facility and its attributes graphically and systematically to minimize the total cost of owning and operating an airport facility. Currently there is little guidance for airport operators on how to implement BIM process from project conception through engineering design, construction, operation and maintenance and final demolition. Although several airports have utilized the BIM process in their development programs, there is no document of their experiences in using BIM to understand the impacts of design strategies proposed by one discipline on the other disciplines or departments within the airport. A compilation of existing literature and experience would help airports understand the opportunities available when engaging in the BIM. Compiling effective practices for creation, implementation, and use of a comprehensive enterprise BIM process for airport operators will help show the way forward. The objective of this study is to compile literature and experience on the uses of the enterprise BIM process at airports. The audience is airport managers who are considering the use of BIM to manage airport facilities and other assets. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Asset management KW - Building information modeling KW - Construction management KW - Decision making KW - Life cycle costing KW - Project management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3832 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330810 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543370 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S04-17. Table Top and Full-scale Exercises for Small Airports AB - Airports use table top and full scale exercises to train emergency responders and maintain proficiency. Tabletop exercises are designed to help an organization test a hypothetical situation, such as a natural or man-made disaster, and evaluate groups' abilities to cooperate and work together. Full-scale exercises expand a hypothetical situation in real time to further test preparedness of all responders and cooperating organizations and individuals in their ability to perform all roles necessary for a success emergency response. Many airports are highly innovative in their development of exercise scenarios and the training and evaluation programs to support them. One technique that appears to be gaining in popularity is to use a recent incident at another airport to shape the scenario for a new table or full-scale exercise. The objective of this research is to seek patterns in how effective exercises are developed and describe various types of exercises including scenarios building and implementation, evaluation procedures, after-exercise reports, and resulting training changes. The audience for a synthesis of practice would be airport operators and emergency responders. KW - Airports KW - Cooperation KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Emergency management KW - Emergency response time KW - Emergency training KW - Small airports UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3903 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330731 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543369 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S04-16. Emergency Communication Planning for Airports AB - When an airport emergency occurs, airport staff must communicate both internally and externally, usually beginning before a senior manager or designated public information officer can arrive on scene. Many airports have a communications plan as part of their Airport Emergency Plan (AEP) required by Part 139. However, many AEP communication sections lack depth and clarity concerning the range of general internal and external mass communications issues, including emerging technologies such as social media, websites, cell phone failures, and control of public address systems during an emergency. During an emergency all airport responders strive to act in concert with other responding agencies and "speak with one voice" when making statements. The role of the airport's Public Information Officer (PIO) during disasters is to serve as the lead communicator, as the lack of message discipline can quickly complicate recovery efforts, confuse and frustrate stakeholders, and result in the loss of public confidence which could damage the airport's reputation. A written communications plan, which might include templates for releases, for example, can make the emergency communications tasks easier, more consistent, and more controlled from the beginning of the emergency. Many U.S. airports have partial plans, templates, or have comprehensive plans under development, which can be aggregated, analyzed, and turned into templates guiding the development of integrated communication plans. Additionally, a number of airports are initiating crisis communications plans. These plans will be separate documents from their AEP. Since a stand-alone crisis communications plan is additional to the Part 139 AEP, it can be updated rapidly in evolving media and communication environments. The objective of this research is to compile plans, templates, and effective practices for airport operators to use in developing integrated internal and external emergency communication plans for their airport. The audience for this synthesis is airport managers and emergency managers. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport terminals KW - Cellular telephones KW - Communication systems KW - Crisis management KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Emergency management KW - Incident management KW - Social media UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3902 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330730 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543368 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S04-15. Flight Operations Advisories at Non-Towered Airports AB - With the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) looking to decrease funding for air traffic control, up to 135 Air Traffic Control Towers are being considered for closure or restriction to part-time manning. With this change, there is potential for confusion as pilots modify their flight routines to safely operate without air traffic controllers directing traffic. While pilots are trained to operate aircraft at non-towered airports using the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF), non-towered airports with a large number of operations can be confusing to students or other pilots unfamiliar with the surrounding airspace. An increased safety concern is encountered at all non-towered airports with crossing runways during times when the automated airport weather stations indicate a wind direction that would allow use of two runways depending on pilot discretion. Additionally, there are times when pilots must broadcast real time weather observations using CTAF when automated weather systems are not available. The objective of this research is to compile literature and effective practices in implementing policies and procedures for flight operation advisories through a monitored CTAF. The audience for this synthesis is pilots, airport operators, and Fixed Base Operators (FBOs) at non-towered airports. KW - Air pilots KW - Air traffic control KW - Air traffic control facilities KW - Airport control towers KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Flight control systems KW - Traffic advisory UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3901 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330729 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543367 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S04-14. Airport Safety Risk Management Panel Activities and Outcomes AB - The FAA and airports across the country conduct numerous Safety Risk Management (SRM) Panels annually. Many of these panels are conducted on similar topics, such as: (1) Construction projects, (2) Modification of airport standards, AND (3) Airfield modifications. There are no documents synthesizing the results of airports-related SRM panels conducted to date and their outcomes, including mitigation measures specified. This objective of this project is to summarize results from SRM panels meeting minutes in order to improve the effectiveness of airport SRM panels processes, meetings and outcomes. Those conducting future SRM panels would acquire knowledge from outcomes of other SRM panels to ensure all possible hazards are identified and their associated risks are properly assessed, analyzed and mitigated. The target audience for this synthesis is airport managers and operations personnel responsible for airport safety risk management. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Construction projects KW - Focus groups KW - Risk management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3900 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330728 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543366 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S04-13. Combining Mixed Use Flight Operations Safely at Airports AB - Glider, helicopter, ultra-light, parachute, agriculture aerial applicator, and other non-traditional flight operations may occur at any airport. These types of operations can create competing demands for airport real estate and compete with normal aircraft operations. Gliders must be positioned and connected to the tow rope for takeoff and then manually moved from the area after landing, sometimes causing delays for other aircraft desiring to use the airport. Helicopters create significant rotor wash whenever they are moving and that can have undesired effects on nearby people and aircraft. Ultra-light aircraft travel at slower speeds and can be landed in smaller spaces, but they require protection from wake vortices and prop wash of other higher powered aircraft. Aerial Applicators bring ground support vehicles, regulated chemicals, and personnel that require segregation from other flight operations. Combining various flight operations safely on airport pavements and airspace can be difficult, particularly without onsite Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air traffic control. Since all are considered aeronautical uses, the FAA requires they all be accommodated without providing direct control or regulation such as specific prioritization or safe locational assignment. As a result of the unique operational characteristics of these varying aircraft, airports are often required to temporarily alter or halt standard airfield procedures to accommodate mixed use activities. The potential for conflict between pilots of varying types of airframes and airport operators over the use of an airfield has resulted in some airports drafting rules and operating procedures to coordinate these activities in a safe and efficient manner; however, many airports throughout the county have not drafted guidelines or operating procedures to address these issues. While this lack of policies, processes, and procedures may be attributed to cooperation between pilots and airport operators, most airports are unsure of the process necessary to draft effective oversight rules and procedures to coordinate mixed use aeronautical activities. Since an authoritative resource is not readily available through regulatory or other industry association documentation, a synthesis of effective airport practice would be useful to explain how airports oversee and coordinate mixed use flight operations safely. The objective of this research is to document literature and experiences of airport operators, and effective practices in accommodating mixed use flight operations at airports. The audience for this report includes airport operators who experience demands for a range of aeronautical operations. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Airport operations KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Aviation safety KW - Gliders (Aircraft) KW - Helicopters KW - Wakes UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3899 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330727 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543365 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S02-14. Airport Sustainability Practices AB - Airport environmental managers continue to request information on how other airports are reducing operational costs while increasing sustainability. Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 10, Airport Sustainability Practices, reported on the range of sustainability practices that airports can undertake. ACRP Synthesis 53, Outcomes of Green Initiatives: Large Airport Experience, updated and augmented information detailed description of drivers and outcomes of green initiatives, including data to evaluate their effectiveness. The objective of this synthesis is to additionally update and augment published ACRP Report 10 and Report 53 with detailed information on airport sustainability practices related to energy conservation and efficiency that are currently not compiled. The audience for the synthesis would be airport sustainability and environmental specialists as well as maintenance, operations, planners, designers, asset managers, procurement, legal, and other staff. The research for the study would include a review existing documentation on sustainability practices, interview airport staff willing to submit detailed sustainability practice information that is not currently compiled, and a report describing at least 10-12 new and proven airport sustainability practices, including drivers, outcomes, and evaluation techniques. Information would be collected in a manner that would parallel previous efforts and could be shared with and used by a wide range of airports in their efforts to reduce cost and increase sustainability. This project has the additional benefit of providing information to populate the Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance database. KW - Airport operations KW - Asset management KW - Best practices KW - Energy conservation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Operating costs KW - Sustainable development UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3898 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330726 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543364 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S02-13. Helicopter Noise Information for Airport Noise Managers AB - Helicopter use has become popular for commuting, police use, medical emergencies and news gathering. Flight paths tend to take helicopter operations away from airport areas and allow flight over predominantly residential, often suburban areas. Originating airports, hospitals, sometimes local politicians receive complaints about the helicopter noise and requests to move or control adverse impacts from the operations. In current practice, helicopter noise is evaluated with the same land use compatibility guidelines as is other aircraft noise: sound exposure levels at or above 65 dB Day-Night Average Sound Level, DNL, are judged as significant impact. However, DNL values produced by helicopters are usually well below this level, even for relatively high levels of helicopter activity. Published Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) reports do not provide information about helicopter noise. The most recent studies exploring the effects of helicopter noise were in the mid 1980's, and were primarily done for military helicopters. Airport noise officers receive complaints and information requests at public meetings, and at present they have little scientific information to report to concerned neighbors regarding helicopter noise effects to their communities. Helicopter operations are causing significant community reactions in several locations around the country: Long Island, Los Angeles area, northern California coast, Florida, areas outside some national parks (e.g., Hawaii, Nevada). In some of these areas, community reactions have been continuing for years. The objective of this research project is to synthesize existing literature and information relating to helicopter noise for use by airport noise officers. The intended users of this report would be airport noise managers, airport operators undertaking a noise analysis for an airport project, or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport operations KW - Flight paths KW - Guidelines KW - Helicopters KW - Land use UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3897 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330725 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543362 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S01-11. Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports AB - Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) is a process to stay in business in the event of natural disaster, accident, pandemic, civil disturbance, or terrorism. Illustrative events that enact COOP at airports could include fires, aircraft crashes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, flooding, and even loss of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air traffic control. Any event that could cause the potential for loss of business is the scope of COOP, including any event that the business is dependent on such as loss of source of supply or the loss of critical infrastructure such as power. These plans have been shown to reduce disruptive effects through a formal and systematic process to activate people and systems in eliminating the disruption and returning the system to its operation capacity. Airports--especially larger airports--have actively engaged in COOP and business continuity planning (BCP) in the past three years, and the lessons that they have learned can be valuable to smaller Part 139 airports, relievers, and general aviation airports. The purpose of this research is to compile effective practices from airport COOP applicable to smaller airports with fewer staff to assist small airport managers in developing site-specific COOPs. The audience for the report is airport operators who seek planning tools to maintain resilient operational and business capacity during a disaster. The proposed synthesis would seek COOPs from airports of all types and sizes, analyze them for effective practices applicable to smaller airports with smaller staffs, and compile effective activities and processes in one location for use in further development of a site-specific COOPs. In order to provide a useful synthesis of effective practices, data will be collected through literature and survey/interview that identifies and provides: (1) how airport operators identify and understand the roles and interests of business partners and stakeholders and where each fits in responding to disasters that disrupt business; (2) how and when to activate each partner and sustain response through return to operational capacity; (3) where an airport strengths fit for each type of disaster and how airport management relates to various stakeholders at the initiation and throughout the disaster response; and (4) examples of best practices, COOP templates, tools, checklists, for proactively and effectively developing small airport continuity of operations plans. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport operations KW - Continuity KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Disasters and emergency operations KW - Service disruption KW - Small airports KW - Terrorism UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3895 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330723 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01570603 AU - Knecht, William R AU - Frazier, Eldridge AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Pilots’ Risk Perception and Risk Tolerance Using Graphical Risk-Proxy Gradients PY - 2015/05//Final Report SP - 40p AB - Graphical weather displays such as Next-Generation Radar (NEXRAD) radar reflectivity maps are now extensively being used by general aviation (GA) pilots. Human factors issues associated with such risk-proxy displays are of great interest to researchers, aviation policymakers, manufacturers, and aircraft insurers alike. To that end, this study is a simple, three-page test of risk tolerance. With risk defined as the chance of “significant damage to your aircraft,” and motivation as “fuel cost combined with time pressure,” three graphical NEXRAD-like risk gradients were created, each with a different starting value, and logarithmically color-coded with eight different levels of risk posed by potential weather. Each risk gradient was given two different motivation levels. The study utilized 30 GA pilots to draw six flight paths from a departure point to a destination point and estimated each pilot’s risk tolerance for each flight, based on flight path length (an efficiency measure) and the highest-risk area traversed (a safety measure). Three major quantitative findings emerged. First, higher motivation generally led to shorter flight paths, but at the cost of higher risk. Second, in more than half the flights tested here, pilots appeared to exhibit risk tolerances in excess of formal national policy goals. Third, however, the numerical risk values themselves appeared confusing to many pilots. All three of these findings could be effectively and easily addressed by training. This study explores plausible theoretical explanations for these findings, including pilots’ use of risk heuristics—simplifying mental rules, which substitute for complex mental calculations. Some of these heuristics could benefit from training. The remainder need only be “tuned” to meet policy goals. Finally, the study recommends that the color schemes in flightdeck displays be kept simple and consistent with color schemes pilots already know. KW - Air pilots KW - Attitudes KW - Behavior KW - Flight paths KW - Human factors KW - Information display systems KW - NEXRAD KW - Recommendations KW - Risk KW - Risk taking KW - Weather conditions UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201509.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361737 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01564440 AU - DiPilato, Michael L AU - Vitagliano, Lauren AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Overview of the Taxiway Centerline Deviation Study at Airplane Design Group III Airports PY - 2015/05//Final Report SP - 46p AB - In 1999, a research team from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Technology Research and Development (R&D) Branch initiated the Taxiway Centerline Deviation Study. The purpose of this study was to determine whether airplane design group (ADG) VI aircraft, with wingspans of 214 to >262 ft (such as the New Large Aircraft (NLA) Airbus A380 and Boeing B747-XX) could safely operate at civil airports with ADG V 75-ft-wide straight taxiway sections. Without this capability, airports could incur expensive and lengthy improvements to taxilanes, taxiways, and runways to accommodate ADG VI aircraft. It is expected that the results from the overall study will suggest that centerline separation standards between parallel taxiways or taxiways to fixed/movable objects can be reduced. This would allow larger aircraft to operate without imposed operational limitations, such as reduced speeds on smaller taxiways and centerline separations without a modification to standards or prior permission, which may increase airport capacity. In Phase I, conducted between 1999 and 2000, the research team determined how accurately a Boeing 747, which is an ADG V aircraft with wingspans of 171 to <214 ft and which closely resembled ADG VI aircraft, tracked the centerline of their corresponding ADG V taxiway. The study determined that ADG VI aircraft could safely operate on existing ADG V straight taxiway sections. Consequently, in 2003, the FAA published Engineering Brief (EB) 63, “Use of Non-Standard 75-Foot-Wide Straight Taxiway Sections for Airbus A380 Taxiing Operations.” EB 63 also determined that ADG VI aircraft could operate on 75-ft-wide straight taxiway sections. Based on the success of the original effort, it was decided to continue the Taxiway Centerline Deviation Study by collecting data at smaller ADG airports to focus on limited separations and object clearance standards. Phase II was conducted between 2008 and 2010 and collected ADG IV data from smaller ADG airports: Orlando International Airport (MCO), FL; West Palm Beach International Airport (PBI), FL; Manchester-Boston Regional Airport (MHT), NH; and Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD), IL. Phase III was conducted between 2009 and 2013 and collected data from four civil ADG III airports: West Palm Beach International Airport (PBI), FL; Salisbury-Ocean City Wicomico Regional Airport (SBY), MD; Key West International Airport (EYW), FL; and Westchester County Airport (HPN), NY. Each airport met the criteria for this study, including 50-ft-wide straight taxiway sections built to ADG III standards and service to a strong mix of ADG III aircraft with wingspans of 79 to <118 ft, which are similar to an Airbus A320 and Boeing 737. This document summarizes Phase III, which includes an overview of the taxiway deviation data collection system, the data collection and analysis process, an overview of the data collection systems installed at each ADG III airport, and recommendations to complete future data collection system installations. The data will be analyzed under a cooperative research and development agreement between the FAA Airport Technology R&D Branch and The Boeing Company. The analysis will determine the associated centerline wander risk for each evaluated ADG in relation to their standard taxiway width. This information will allow comparison of taxiing risk among the six ADGs. The results of the analysis will be disseminated as a supplement to this report at a later date. KW - Aircraft KW - Airport runways KW - Center lines KW - Data analysis KW - Data collection KW - Key West International Airport KW - Palm Beach International Airport KW - Salisbury-Ocean City Wicomico Regional Airport KW - Taxiways KW - Westchester County Airport UR - http://www.airtech.tc.faa.gov/Safety/Downloads/TC-15-18.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1354942 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01560692 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 08-01. Legal Issues Related to the Implementation and Operation of Safety Management Systems at Airports AB - In 2001 the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) instituted a standard requiring Safety Management Systems (SMS) for international airports. In 2010 the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) stated its support for the ICAO SMS standard and began an SMS pilot program for selected U.S. airports. Some airports have developed SMS programs and are in the process of implementing or operating those programs. The Transportation Research Board (TRB) has published several reports that provide airport professionals with valuable background information on SMS. SMS Report 1 Volume 1, for example, provides an overview of SMS and explains how the SMS approach to safety management is intended to benefit both the safety and business aspects of airports. SMS Report 1 Volume 2 describes in more detail the elements of an airport SMS, their interaction, and offers guidance in planning, implementing, and operating an SMS. Legal Research Digest 19 identifies legal issues related to developing an SMS at airports. In late 2012 TRB published Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 37 ("Lessons Learned from Airport Safety Management Systems Pilot Studies"). Synthesis 37 provided a more detailed analysis with SMS as it is developing at U.S. airports. All of these developments suggest the necessity for a review of the American experience with SMS that focuses on the legal issues (such as tort liability, litigation, and open records) that airports have experienced in implementing or operating SMS programs. KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Civil aviation KW - International airports KW - International Civil Aviation Organization KW - Legal factors KW - Liability KW - Safety management KW - Safety Management Systems KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3907 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1351255 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01560691 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 08-02. Legal Risks of Operating a Public Airport AB - Aircraft accidents occur for many reasons and several theories have been advanced for airport liability. Some cases have alleged, for example, airports were liable for not maintaining a "safe flight environment" as defined by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) compliance requirements or for noncompliance with State and local licensing regulations. Other cases have alleged liability for noncompliance with zoning ordinances to protect "navigable airspace." Failure to issue appropriate NOTAMs, wildlife hazard and management, fueling operations, FOD, and snow and ice control are among the types of situations that can generate claims of liability. Airport owners and operators may be unaware of the existence of these cases and theories that have supported liability when accidents occur at their airports. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Airport operations KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Compliance KW - Hazards KW - Insurance claims KW - Liability KW - Risk analysis UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3908 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1351254 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01560596 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 07-02. Preemption of Worker Retention and Labor Peace Agreements at Airports AB - Airport authorities impose (or consider imposing) labor peace and worker retention agreements on various companies that do business at the airport. The labor peace agreements generally require that, as a condition of operating on airport property, a company must become signatory to a valid collective bargaining agreement with a labor organization. The company must also require any work done by subcontractors to be performed under the same conditions. Worker retention agreements typically require a successor company taking over for a predecessor company to hire all of the predecessor's employees who worked for the predecessor prior to the successor taking over operations. For decades, the federal courts have ruled that when a state or other subdivision of the state attempts to regulate activity that is either arguably protected or prohibited by the National Labor Relations Act ("NLRA"), the state's conduct is preempted and the state is forbidden from taking any kind of action that interferes with federal labor laws and national labor policy. The Supreme Court has allowed lawsuits for damages against state governmental authorities who have imposed regulations found to be preempted by federal labor law under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. However, there is an exception to federal labor law preemption under a Supreme Court case called Boston Harbor. (Building and Constr. Trades Council v. Associated Builders & Contractors of Mass/RI, Inc. ["Boston Harbor"], 507 U.S. 218, 224 [1993]) When a state, as an owner or manager of property, acts as a private participant in the marketplace, the state is not subject to preemption because preemption only applies to state regulatory actions, but not when the state is acting as a proprietor or a market participant. In the Boston Harbor case, it was permissible for a state agency to require a project labor agreement for any contractor that was going to work on a project to clean up the Boston Harbor. Because a private entity could require a project labor agreement under the NLRA, it was permissible for a state agency to require a project labor agreement when it was contracting with an employer to provide goods or services to the state. The preemption doctrine also exists under the Railway Labor Act ("RLA") for air carriers covered by the RLA, and entities owned or controlled by air carriers that perform traditional airline functions. The Supreme Court and other federal courts have held that preemption similar to the NLRA exists under the RLA. While there do not appear to be specific cases that say a Boston Harbor-type of market participant exception to preemption definitively exists, the courts could find such an exception to preemption under the RLA given that federal courts often look to the NLRA to interpret the RLA. Similarly, the Airline Deregulation Act ("ADA") prohibits state or local government regulation of an air carrier's "price, route, or service," subject to an exception preserving an airport operator's "proprietary powers." The objective of this research is to produce an analysis of the scope of the preemption doctrine applicable to efforts by airport authorities to control or regulate the labor relations practices of various companies that do business at the airport or with the airport authority. The analysis should provide background on the theory and underlying legal sources for the principle of the market participant exception or proprietary exception as applied in the airport context. It should also identify the various categories of companies doing business at the airport and analyze the scope of preemption as applied to those businesses, including but not limited to the following: (1) Air carriers and their wholly owned subsidiaries performing aeronautical activities; (2) Companies licensed by the airport to perform aeronautical services to air carriers, including companies that pay privilege fees (either fixed or as a percentage of gross receipts) to the airport; (3) Companies licensed by the airport to provide services to the passengers, such as wheelchair or electric cart operators, whose contracts are with air carriers, whether or not privilege fees are imposed; (4) Companies, concessionaires, or contractors selected by the airport operator to provide services to the public; and (5) Companies or contractors selected by the airport to provide services directly to the airport authority. This research will be conducted in two phases and four tasks in a firm fixed price agreement. At the conclusion of Phase 1, Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) will make a determination whether to proceed with Phase 2. The tasks will be as follows: Phase 1 Task 1. Detailed Report Outline. Conduct background research and collect relevant material. Based on the initial but complete review of the source material, propose a detailed report outline. The outline should contain sufficient detail to describe what a report of appropriate length will contain. This outline should also contain the estimated pagination for each proposed section and/or subsection. This material will be submitted for ACRP consideration and approval. Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project review panel 3 weeks after submission of the outline. Phase 2 Task 2. After ACRP approval of the detailed outline, conduct additional research, and case and statutory/regulatory analysis. Collect additional primary data to the extent necessary. Task 3. Submit an initial draft report in accordance with the approved outline (including any modifications required by ACRP). Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project review panel 3 weeks after submission of the initial draft report. Task 4. Revise the initial report as necessary and provide a red-line and a clean version of the draft final report (DFR). The ACRP will provide written comments to which each comment will need a point-by-point response and the report will be revised as appropriate, and submitted as the final report. Funding: $55,000; 25% paid upon submission and approval of the Task 1 Outline; 50% paid upon submission and approval of the Task 3 Report; 25% paid upon submission and approval of the Task 4 Final Report. Proposals should be submitted as a single PDF with the following information and in the following order: (1) A statement of interest and qualifications; (2) A statement of resources (e.g., hours per person per task) allocated to this project and timelines for each task; (3) Resumes of key team members along with a description of responsibilities; (4) Any additions, deletions, or changes you may wish to suggest for undertaking the work; (5) A list of relevant prior publications (you may enclose a one or two samples); and (6) An executed, unaltered liability statement. Here is a printable version of the Liability Statement. Proposers will be evaluated by individuals collectively knowledgeable in this problem area. Evaluations are based upon the proposers': (1) experience in the subject area; (2) understanding of the work (demonstrated by the commitment of resources); (3) prior relevant publications (including briefs); and (4) schedule for completing the work. Proposals should be submitted electronically to mgreenberger@nas.edu by 4:30 pm (EST) by June 1, 2015. Proposers can read Guidance for Working on ACRP Legal Studies Projects for more information. KW - Airlines KW - Airports KW - Businesses KW - Labor agreements KW - Labor law KW - Labor relations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3776 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1351004 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01560953 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Delays in Meeting Statutory Requirement and Oversight Challenges Reduce FAA's Opportunities to Enhance HEMS Safety PY - 2015/04/08/Audit Report SP - 23p AB - Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) operators play a critical role in the aviation industry by providing reliable and efficient transportation of patients to critical medical care facilities, often under challenging circumstances and environments. In 2012, through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (FMRA), Congress provided an important roadmap to enhance the safety of the HEMS industry, and FAA’s recently issued HEMS Rule is a good first step toward realization of FMRA goals. However, continued delays in finalizing the remaining mandates, involving data gathering, storing and reporting efforts, affect FAA’s ability to focus its accident reduction efforts and limit the effectiveness of safety initiatives. Additionally, until FAA updates key oversight policies and obtains meaningful safety data to analyze for trends, it will not be well positioned to effectively oversee a rapidly expanding HEMS industry. Recommendations and Agency comments are included. KW - Air ambulances KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash data KW - Data analysis KW - Data collection KW - Emergency medical services KW - FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 KW - Helicopter transportation KW - Recommendations KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - https://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/default/files/FAA%20HEMS%20Progress%20and%20Oversight%20Final%20Report%5E4-8-15.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1351357 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01570322 AU - Maloney, Thomas AU - Tan, Jonathan AU - Cheok, Mun AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Fire Behavior of E-Tablets Stored in Aircraft Galley Carts PY - 2015/04//Technical Note SP - 51p AB - The use of electronic-tablets (e-tablets) as replacements for conventional in-flight entertainment systems has gained popularity among airlines globally. Innovative methods of storing and charging e-tablets in galley carts have been suggested or are already in service with some airlines. The danger of thermal runaway in the lithium-ion-pouch batteries that are used in these e-tablets is well known, but the potential fire hazard resulting from e-tablets being stored and charged in galley carts or a similar enclosure has not been established. To examine this potential fire hazard, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and the Federal Aviation Administration conducted a series of tests to investigate the behavior of e-tablet fires. Tests were conducted within a galley cart and thermal runaway of the e-tablet lithium-ion-pouch battery was initiated by either a heat plate or an external alcohol fire. The arrangement of e-tablets inside the galley cart followed the typical methods of storage proposed by airlines and design organizations. The objectives of the tests were to determine a suitable storage configuration for the e-tablets, which would prevent the propagation of thermal runaway, and to determine the effect that thermal runaway would have on a typical galley cart. Ten tests were conducted. The results of these tests showed the potential fire hazards associated with bulk storage of e-tablets in a galley cart or similar enclosure. Additional work is recommended to determine the desirable features of galley carts to contain a lithium battery fire and prevent the danger associated with fire, smoke intensity, and explosion. KW - Airplanes KW - Equipment KW - Fires KW - Flammability tests KW - Inflight entertainment KW - Lithium batteries KW - Tablet computers UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tctn14-40.pdf UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/55000/55200/55277/tctn14-40.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1360037 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01570302 AU - Young, Jessica AU - Kee, Marie AU - Young, Christina AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Effects of Future Space Vehicle Operations on a Single Day in the National Airspace System: A Fast-Time Computer Simulation PY - 2015/04//Technical Note SP - 70p AB - This document describes the objectives, methods, analyses, and results of a study used to quantify the effects of future space operations on the National Airspace System (NAS), and to demonstrate the possible benefits of one proposed strategy to minimize these impacts. The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Concept Analysis Branch used fast-time computer simulation to identify changes to flight delay, flight distance, fuel burn, and sector throughput caused by increased space vehicle (SV) operations forecasted for 2018 and 2025. Researchers then collaborated with Stanford University to run additional scenarios demonstrating the potential benefits of using dynamic airspace closures designed by the university’s Aerospace Design Lab. Results will be used to support the Space Vehicle Operations (SVO) program in defining the problem statement and requirements for procedural and automation changes in the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). Two sets of fast-time simulation scenarios were run to quantify changes in NAS efficiency and capacity metrics. The first set of scenarios simulated future traffic and SV operations using current air traffic control procedures, while the second set of scenarios simulated a proposed procedural change using Stanford’s 4D Compact Envelopes. Each set of simulated scenarios varied two factors: forecasted traffic year and level of SV operations. NAS traffic levels forecasted for 2018 and 2025 in the Terminal Area Forecast (TAF) were simulated to capture changes in NAS performance with increased amounts of traffic. Researchers from the FAA’s Concept Analysis Branch and Stanford University worked with the SVO program lead to define three levels of SV operations in 2018 and 2025 based on predictions made by the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation. SV operation levels of low, medium and high were simulated for each forecasted traffic year; this variability was included to account for the uncertainty of the commercial space industry’s future success and demand. KW - Air traffic KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Flight delays KW - National Airspace System KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Simulation KW - Spacecraft UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tctn15-14.pdf UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/55000/55200/55278/tctn15-14.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1360036 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01570278 AU - van Es, Gerard W H AU - van der Geest, Peter J AU - Cheng, Andrew AU - Stimson, Don AU - National Aerospace Laboratory, Netherlands AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aircraft Performance in Slippery Runway Conditions: A Simulation Study of the Accuracy and Limitations of Real-Time Runway Friction Estimation Based on Airplane Onboard Data PY - 2015/04//Final Report SP - 97p AB - Runway overrun accidents occurring during landings in slippery conditions continue to occur frequently worldwide. After a number of specific landing overrun accidents in the U.S., the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued a safety recommendation to investigate the technical and operational feasibility of outfitting transport category airplanes with equipment and procedures required to routinely calculate, record, and convey the airplane’s braking ability. In this context, this study developed an algorithm for real-time onboard runway friction estimation. The algorithm was demonstrated in a high-fidelity simulation test that applied data and knowledge of detailed aerodynamic and engine models to represent a specific regional jet. The primary objective was to evaluate the impact of measurement and modeling errors to the runway friction estimation obtained from the algorithm. The simulation showed that onboard runway friction estimation can provide an accuracy of approximately ±5%; measuring errors based on realistic sensor noise and bias. However, to achieve such performance, a fairly precise estimate of instantaneous thrust, weight, and drag is required. It was noted that 1% of inaccuracy in these quantities translates directly into at least a 1% estimate error. A representative model of the ground effect is also critical to the estimation accuracy. Nevertheless, errors in the calculation of aerodynamic lift and pitching moment seemed to be negligible. The results of this study can be further used to define an operational concept in line with the recommendation of the NTSB. KW - Airport runways KW - Algorithms KW - Data collection KW - Feasibility analysis KW - Friction KW - Real time information KW - Runway overruns KW - Simulation KW - Slipperiness UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tc14-32.pdf UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/55000/55200/55276/tc14-32.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1360035 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01563758 AU - Self, David A AU - Shaffstall, Robert M AU - Mandella, Joseph G AU - Paskoff, Lawrence N AU - White, Vicky AU - Burian, Dennis AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Human Responses to a Simulated 35,000-Foot Instantaneous Decompression and the Subsequent Descent Profile Required by FAA Policy PY - 2015/04//Final Report SP - 20p AB - Sudden decompression of an airliner passenger cabin due to structural failure or damage is unlikely, but it poses a potentially life-threatening event for occupants. The authors investigated a worst-case scenario, where the passenger fails to receive supplemental oxygen during a rapid decompression (RD), and the subsequent emergency descent to 25,000 ft required by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) policy. The research question was whether an individual’s oxygen stores will be depleted prior to the aircraft descending to an altitude that will permit inward fluxes of oxygen that exceed the resting oxygen consumption requirement. The authors exposed 24 subjects to normobaric instantaneous decompressions to a simulated altitude of 35,000 ft. The peak altitude was maintained for 10 s and then followed by a 5000 ft/min descent to 25,000 ft. Resting oxygen consumption was measured prior to the hypoxia exposure. During each trial, tidal volume, respiratory rate, breath-by breath inhalation, and end-tidal O₂, CO₂, and N₂ tensions were measured and net directional oxygen flux computed. All subjects had an initial reversal of the direction of oxygen flux following the RD that persisted until after the descent commenced with outward flux predominating at higher altitudes of the profile. Return to net inward flux almost always occurred near 29,000 ft, the altitude at which the mixed venous and alveolar PO₂ gradient approximates nil. The inward flux of oxygen approached but never surpassed each subject’s resting oxygen consumption as the altitude approached the 25,000 ft endpoint. Based on the data, the authors used computational methods to predict the O₂ fluxes that would have occurred during normobaric exposures to 40,000 and 45,000 ft, along with Boyle’s law effects expected during an actual rapid decompression. These data are unique, as they are the first to result from actual human exposure to the descent profile required by FAA policy. This research serves to quantitatively define this risk associated with a high altitude decompression, and may be useful in future policy decisions. KW - Airlines KW - Altitude KW - Decompression KW - Descent KW - Human subject testing KW - Oxygen KW - Passengers KW - Simulation UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201508.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1353411 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01563637 AU - Scarborough, Alfretia L AU - Bleckley, M Katherine AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Air Traffic Scenarios Test: Will Modifying the Instructions Change Performance? PY - 2015/04//Final Report SP - 24p AB - The Air Traffic Scenarios Test (ATST) is a low-fidelity radar simulation that is part of the Air Traffic Training and Test (AT-SAT) battery. Past Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and military research has shown the ATST to be a strong predictor of training success for air traffic control specialists (ATCSs). Because the ATST was such a strong predictor of controller performance, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) was interested in using the ATST as part of its entrance testing selection process for air traffic. However, the current version of the ATST takes about an hour and a half to complete, and is too long for the USAF to use in its present form. In agreement with the FAA, the USAF requested that the FAA shorten (can be completed in less than an hour) the ATST without jeopardizing its reliability and validity. Two studies were conducted to examine whether it would be possible to shorten the ATST. In the preliminary study (Study 1), the authors analyzed data from 391 job applicants that took the AT-SAT during a two-month period. The authors examined scores for efficiency of aircraft movement to destination, safety or maintenance of aircraft separation, and procedural accuracy. Overall, performance changed across trials. Because performance did not consistently increase or decrease across trials, the authors could not simply reduce the number of trials without changing the validity of the test. The authors thought it was possible that, with a more structured approach to designing instructions, performance on the trials might become more consistent, thus allowing the number of trials to be reduced to yield a reduction in total testing time. For Study 2, new interactive instructions were developed. Data were collected from Air Force recruits who were naïve about the ATST. A final sample size of 193 cases was used in the data analysis. Participants spent 6 minutes longer on the modified instructions than on the standard ones; however, both times were substantially less than the currently allotted time of 25 minutes. ATST performance for both groups was poor. Although a profile analysis of the two instruction types showed no significant difference, the multivariate tests for trial revealed a change across trials for the three measures. Additionally, when the authors compared the results of this study with the original sample of ATCS applicants, the authors found large differences in performance that might indicate that the USAF recruits were physically tired and had less motivation to perform well than did other applicants; accordingly, their performance was poorer. In sum, the results of these studies were inconclusive with regard to whether a shorter ATST would be viable as a controller selection instrument. Additional research will be necessary to determine if the modified instructions are beneficial and whether fewer scenarios will maintain similar or improved predictive validity for ATST. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Air Traffic Scenarios Test KW - Instructions KW - Selection and appointment KW - Test procedures KW - Tests KW - Training UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201507.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1353410 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01563764 AU - Rogers, Paul B AU - Véronneau, Steven J H AU - Forster, Estrella M AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Risk Assessment in the U.S. Pilot Population From 1983-2005: Diabetes Prevalence and Flight Safety PY - 2015/03//Final Report SP - 24p AB - A Scientific Information System developed at the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) has supported several studies of the U.S. civil pilot population. The CAMI Numerical Sciences Research Team used this unique data construct to examine the aeromedical and aviation safety aspects of diabetes. The prevalence of diabetes from 1983 through 2005 and its associated risk factor, obesity, was studied. Issues associated with the medical certification of aviators with diabetes and their relationships with accident risk were examined. The Scientific Information System is a longitudinal dataset of the entire U.S. civil pilot population spanning the years 1983 through 2005. This paper discusses the parallel trends of Body Mass Index (BMI) and numbers of aviators with diabetes over a 23-year time frame. The information was stratified by gender and age groups. A count-based regression model was used to quantify safety risk posed by diabetic airmen. The number of airmen with diabetes in the U.S. active population of airmen has risen from 2,768 in 1983 to 10,806 in 2005. The increasing proportion of reported diabetes within the U.S. civil pilot population escalated to 1.6% and 0.5% for men and women, respectively, in 2005. Increasing median BMI is found to be on the rise from the early nineties through 2005. There was evidence that aviators with reported diabetes controlled by hypoglycemic medication and diabetes controlled by diet alone were at greater accident risk than aviators without these conditions. Examining the accident reports for airmen with diabetes controlled by insulin (Code No. 936) did not reveal any evidence that the diabetes condition played a role in the accident occurrence. It is clear that the epidemic of obesity and diabetes began in the early nineties within the U.S. civil pilot population. Increasing numbers of aviators with diabetes can be observed from 1983 through 2005. Diabetes controlled by hypoglycemic medication (Code No. 937) and diabetes controlled by diet (Code No. 935) were statistically associated with aviation accidents. Although associated with aviation accidents, the role of these two diabetes conditions was not a causal one but rather act as markers for a strata of high-risk airmen with multiple comorbid chronic conditions. Each of these comorbid conditions were not, by themselves, medically disqualifying but acted in combination to produce an airman marginally fit for flight. KW - Age groups KW - Airline pilots KW - Aviation safety KW - Certification KW - Crash risk forecasting KW - Diabetes KW - Gender KW - Obesity KW - Regression analysis KW - Risk assessment KW - Trend (Statistics) KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201505.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1353408 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01563640 AU - Kemp, Philip M AU - Cliburn, Kacey D AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Comparison of Species-Specific β-Glucuronidase Hydrolysis of Cannabinoid Metabolites in Human Urine PY - 2015/03//Final Report SP - 18p AB - Toxicological investigations of fatal aviation accidents include testing for ∆⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active component of marijuana, and its major metabolite, 11-nor-9-carboxy-∆⁹-THC (THCCOOH) in postmortem fluids and tissues from deceased pilots. These cannabinoids, as well as others, exist in human urine as their glucuronide conjugates, formed during Phase II metabolism to increase their solubility for excretion. Prior to the analysis of cannabinoids in urine by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS), it is desirable to cleave (hydrolyze) the glucuronic acid to enhance the detection of the unconjugated compounds. In the current study, β-glucuronidases from 3 mollusk species (Helix pomatia, Patella vulgate, and Haliotis rufescens), 1 bacteria (Escherichia coli), and bovine liver were compared for their quantitative efficiency in hydrolyzing the glucuronide bond in spiked, blank urine. THC and THCCOOH were selected for this project to study the hydrolysis efficiency of the various enzymes on the ester-linked THCCOOH-glucuronide and the ether-bonded THC-glucuronide. An unconjugated metabolite, 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC), was included to evaluate the effect of the various hydrolysis conditions on its recovery. The hydrolysis variables evaluated were pH, time, and temperature of incubation. Peak area ratio of analyte/deuterated internal standard was used to quantify cannabinoid recovery. All of the enzymes were able to hydrolyze both the THC and THCCOOH glucuronides, but there were significant species-specific differences. The β-glucuronidases from Haliotis rufescens, Escherichia coli, and Patella vulgata produced the greatest recovery of THC and THCOOH during the pH experiments. While recovery of THCCOOH was acceptable using Helix pomatia and bovine liver enzymes, these glucuronidases did not hydrolyze the ether-bonded THC conjugate as efficiently as the other three. Further recovery experiments with Haliotis rufescens, Escherichia coli, and Patella vulgata investigated the effect of incubation time and temperature on the cannabinoid recoveries. Experimental incubation times (hours) were 0.25, 1.0, 4.0, 8.0, and 16 at optimum pH for each enzyme and 37ºC incubation temperature. Experimental temperatures (ºC) were 25, 37, 50, 60, and 90 at optimum pH for each enzyme and a 16 h incubation time. The results demonstrated that β-glucuronidases from Haliotis rufescens, Escherichia coli, and Patella vulgata would provide the best recovery of both ester-linked and ether-linked cannabinoid metabolites with GC-MS analysis. Further research will now analyze actual postmortem urine from THC-positive pilots involved in aviation accidents to identify a more complete metabolic profile of cannabinoids. KW - Animals KW - Enzymes KW - Gas chromatography KW - Hydrolysis KW - Marijuana KW - Mass spectrometry KW - Toxicology KW - Urine UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201506.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1353409 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01563632 AU - Wenzel, Brenda AU - Avers, Katrina E AU - Nguyen, Christopher AU - King, S Janine AU - Thomas, Suzanne AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - University of Oklahoma, Norman AU - Xyant Technology, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Aviation Medical Examiner Feedback Survey: 2014 Results PY - 2015/03//Final Report SP - 56p AB - The Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) Feedback Survey was redesigned for 2014 to reflect the accelerated pace of digitizing aerospace medical certification services and support provided to designees and airmen by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Aerospace Medicine (OAM). This report provides (a) trends in service satisfaction, (b) baseline measures of service quality, (c) an understanding AMEs’ expectations of service quality versus actual service received, (d) evidence of recent programmatic changes that translated into service improvements, and (e) actionable feedback to inform decisions for potential changes. All active domestic, military, federal, and international AMEs (3,231) were invited to participate via postal mail and email. Results indicate that AME satisfaction rates show upward trends relative to 2012. Baseline measures across the service providers indicate that the overall quality of provided services surpassed AMEs’ expectations. The majority of AMEs (72%) see the standards and guidelines for deferral as reasonable and appropriate, and 74% also see the medical certification process contributing to the safety of our national airspace. Strides were made to improve the staff interaction quality with AMEs of the Aerospace Medical Education and Aerospace Medical Certification Divisions. Consistency in providing quality services shows in higher rates for timely response, accurate information, and courteous treatment. The survey also assessed AMEs’ awareness of recent changes to services and processes and the effectiveness of those changes as well as prioritization of proposed changes. Results show strong support from the AMEs for the OAM to continue its move toward digitization of processing applications and deferrals. Additionally, AMEs recommended that the OAM expand their use of electronic media for (a) tracking deferrals by both AMEs and applicants, (b) face-to-face communication with FAA physicians, and (c) training. KW - Aviation medicine KW - Certification KW - Medical personnel KW - Surveys KW - Training KW - Trend (Statistics) KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201504.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1353385 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01580957 AU - Bellman, Miles AU - Gandhi, Pratik AU - Shah, Vaibhav AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Department of the Navy AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - AN/UPX-41(C) Test Data Analysis of Impacts to Secondary Surveillance Radars PY - 2015/02//Final Report SP - 883p AB - In 2012, the Navy requested spectrum certification for the shipboard AN/UPX-41(C) Digital Interrogator System, Software Version 5.5 with Mode 5. Current operating conditions for the Navy’s AN/UPX-41(C) are the same as restrictions imposed on the AN/UPX-37 digital Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) interrogator. A proposed AN/UPX-41(C) Stage 4 certification was developed to allow the Navy to operate under less restrictive parameters but required that the Navy and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) validate those proposed restrictions. This report provides the results of the validation effort on the impact to secondary surveillance radars (SSRs). The live testing, which occurred August 18-21, 2014 was conducted in its entirety using four AN/UPX-41(C) digital IFF interrogators at land-based test sites (LBTS). KW - Aircraft KW - Certification KW - Crash avoidance systems KW - Data analysis KW - Electromagnetic spectrum KW - Radar KW - Ships KW - Surveillance KW - Validation UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56100/56185/DOT-VNTSC-NAVSEA-15-04.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373194 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01564442 AU - Herricks, Edwin E AU - Mayer, David AU - Majumdar, Sidney AU - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Foreign Object Debris Characterization at a Large International Airport PY - 2015/02//Technical Note SP - 89p AB - Foreign object debris (FOD) and its corresponding damage is a well-recognized threat to aircraft safety. In support of the Federal Aviation Administration FOD research program, the University of Illinois Center of Excellence for Airport Technology (CEAT) in cooperation with the staff of the Chicago Department of Aviation, O’Hare International Airport (ORD) Operations, initiated an effort to characterize the FOD found on active runways at a major civil airport. The primary objective of the study was to characterize FOD over time by analyzing the FOD collected by common mechanical FOD removal devices during routine runway inspections. The CEAT analysis of FOD collected from runways at ORD showed that FOD was consistently present. The majority of the collected FOD samples was predominantly comprised of material types that could be attributed to runway pavements, such as asphalt, tar, and concrete. The conclusions in this study are based on empirical analysis and the findings in this report follow the interpretative rather than the statistical analysis. KW - Airport runways KW - Airports KW - Aviation safety KW - Chicago O'Hare International Airport KW - Debris KW - Inspection UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=f052eb27-565d-4be1-97f9-8c2637444ace&f=TC-TN14-48.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1354944 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01563636 AU - Knecht, William R AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Predicting Accident Rates From General Aviation Pilot Total Flight Hours PY - 2015/02//Final Report SP - 18p AB - In his 2001 book, The Killing Zone, Paul Craig presented evidence that general aviation (GA) pilot fatalities are related to relative flight experience (total flight hours, or TFH). The authors therefore ask if there is a range of TFH over which GA pilots are at greatest risk? More broadly, can pilot accident rates be predicted, given TFH? Many researchers implicitly assume that GA accident rates are a linear function of TFH when, in fact, that relation appears nonlinear. This work explores the ability of a nonlinear gamma-based modeling function to predict GA accident rates from noisy TFH data (random sampling errors). Two sets of National Transportation Safety Board /Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) data, parsed by pilot instrument rating, produced weighted goodness-of-fit estimates of .654 and .775 for non-instrumentrated and instrument-rated pilots, respectively. This model class would be useful in direct prediction of GA accident rates and as a statistical covariate to factor in flight risk during other types of modeling. Applied to FAA data, these models show that the range for relatively high risk may be far broader than first imagined, and may extend well beyond the 2,000-hour mark before leveling off to a baseline rate. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash rates KW - Crash risk forecasting KW - General aviation pilots KW - Hours of labor UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201503.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1353384 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587294 TI - Alternative Aviation Fuels Fire Safety AB - United States (US) firefighters were challenged with the introduction E85 fuels in 2008 as a large number of material and tactical changes were necessary by the fire service to ensure that interactions with synthetic fuel combustion and typical firefighting foams did not lead to dangerous situations for firefighters. The variety of drop-in aviation fuel blends with synthetic pathways introduces significant opportunity for similar differences negatively impacting the safety of the public and first responders. The Federal Aviation Administration Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (FAA ARFF), due to the nature of short time and extreme urgency of effective response to preserve lives, will require characterization of the response challenges and training to provide incident commanders with awareness of the changes needed to make timely, effective and safe adjustments to tactical response. Recent advancements in alternative jet fuels and unleaded aviation gasoline replacement candidates have brought to our attention the need to investigate the efficiency of currently utilized fire extinguishing agents at the airports and aircraft. Firefighting foam has been the most commonly used extinguishing medium in the past years. Still, there are multiple varieties in the types of concentrates applied as well as the standards by which the foams get approved. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), FAA (Mil-F-24385), and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) all have their test protocols for evaluating the capability of these foams. This results in multiple issues with technical variations. Thus, there is a need for evaluating the current certification protocols and specifications to alleviate compatibility concerns. The situation is further complicated by the recently approved alternative aviation fuels as the chemical differences are expected to impact the foams’ firefighting properties. With FAA’s goal of “1 billion gallons of sustainable drop-in jet fuel per year by 2018” in mind, Purdue research team will tackle this imminent challenge. The research will be executed concurrently between three teams of researchers. Dr. Kilaz’s team will be responsible for analyzing the alternative fuels (gas turbine and piston engine) to determine the chemical and physical properties that affect the performance and burn characteristics. The focus of the second team of researchers led by Dr. Qiao will be to determine the flammability limits, minimum ignition energy, and rate of fire spread of traditional and alternative aviation fuels. These properties are critical for fire safety predictions of fuels in ground handling and flight storage. Dr. Gore and Dr. Lucht will lead the third portion of this investigation towards developing an experimental fire facility at Purdue University which is capable of studying aviation fuels fire safety under a broad range of environmental conditions including ambient temperature, humidity, wind speeds and wind directions. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Aviation fuels KW - Aviation safety KW - Civil aviation KW - Fire fighting KW - Fire prevention KW - Flammability KW - Foams KW - Jet engine fuels KW - Synthetic fuels UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=22 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392188 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543460 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 06-02. Contract Risk Management for Airport Agreements AB - Airports enter into a variety of agreements with numerous vendors and tenants, such as airline signatory agreements, fixed based operator leases and other agreements that provide access to the airfield, concession agreements, ground transportation agreements, construction contracts, professional services, software, and repair and maintenance agreements. All of these agreements generate varying degrees of risk. The risk generated by airport agreements should be addressed through risk sharing and shifting or insurance. The management of risk can also be addressed by drafting airport agreements that include explicit statements of legal obligations that are defensible when a claim is made during an administrative or judicial proceeding. Certain state statutes prohibit some types of risk shifting. Airports would be assisted greatly by research that identifies contract provisions that have generated liabilities and those that have limited or foreclosed claims. The objectives of this research are to (1) identify risk issues associated with specific types of airport agreements and develop a checklist and suggested contract provisions that serve to limit and assign risk for each such risk type; (2) address how insurance provisions interface with contractual risk allocation terms; and (3) provide a comprehensive survey of commercial contractual provisions, which would be useful to airports in achieving their intended purpose of limiting or allocating risk. The report should include references to ACRP 33: Guidebook for Developing and Managing Airport Contracts, Report 36: Airport/Airline Agreements ---Practices and Characteristics, Report 47: Guidebook for Developing and Leasing Airport Property, Report 87: Procuring and Managing Professional Services at Airports and Synthesis 30 Airport Insurance Coverage and Risk Management. KW - Airport operations KW - Contracts KW - Leasing KW - Liabilities KW - Risk management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3774 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330916 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01592011 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - FACT3: Airport Capacity Needs in the National Airspace System PY - 2015/01 SP - 44p AB - In 2003, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) convened a team to assess the Nation’s future airport capacity needs. This effort, which became known as the Future Airport Capacity Task (FACT), represents a strategic approach to identify the airports that have the greatest need for additional capacity in the future. The identification is based on a macro-level analysis of the factors and trends contributing to congestion and delay at the busiest airports in the Nation. By embarking on this initiative, FAA seeks to ensure that the long-term capacity of the U.S. aviation system can adequately serve future demand. Since the publication of the second Future Airport Capacity Task (FACT) report in 2007, the aviation industry has continued to evolve, and this report has sought to keep pace with ongoing trends. The data and modeling of future demand, fleet mix, throughput, air traffic control (ATC) procedures, and the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) have all been updated. Surface components are also included to better gauge congestion that can occur on the airport surface and at gates. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport capacity KW - Airport congestion KW - Airports KW - Forecasting KW - National Airspace System KW - NextGen (United States) KW - Traffic congestion KW - Trend (Statistics) KW - United States UR - https://www.faa.gov/airports/planning_capacity/media/FACT3-Airport-Capacity-Needs-in-the-NAS.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1398242 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01564439 AU - Bullock, Darcy M AU - Hubbard, Sarah M L AU - Furr, Colin AU - Gilllum, Brock AU - Gallagher, Donald W AU - DiPilato, Mike AU - Purdue University AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluation of Aviation Rumble Strips PY - 2015/01//Interim Report SP - 34p AB - This interim report provides information about one potential strategy to mitigate the risk of incursions: rumble strips tailored to aviation. Aviation rumble strips may provide advance warning when entering an active runway or taxiway entrance that has published “hot spots.” A test bed of raised and sawcut rumble strips was installed, and quantitative and qualitative assessments were performed with a Cirrus SR20, Cessna 152, Cessna 172, Piper PA-28 Warrior, and Piper PA-34 Seneca at varying taxiing speeds. This test fleet represents approximately 66% of aircraft operating at general aviation (GA) airports. This interim report provides tables and graphics that summarize both qualitative and quantitative data. The sawcut and raised rumble strips were clearly discernible in the three-axis acceleration data for all GA aircraft at all speeds. The work is ongoing, but discussion of these preliminary results by the aviation community will be valuable to shape future research and testing. KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - General aviation airports KW - Rumble strips KW - Runway incursions KW - Speed KW - Taxiing UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=b705eb54-6797-4958-8f5a-f660d1d4bfb0&f=TC-15-2.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1354943 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01563634 AU - Avers, Katrina B AU - Johnson, William B AU - Ma, Maggie J AU - Rankin, William L AU - Drury, Colin G AU - Allen, James W AU - Brys, James J AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Boeing Company AU - State University of New York, Buffalo AU - Working Healthy Always, LLC AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Operator's Manual for Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance PY - 2015/01//Final Report SP - 34p AB - This manual recognizes that readers already know the importance of human factors — a science that pays attention to physical, psychological, and other human attributes to ensure that we work safely and efficiently with minimal risk to others and equipment. The chapters discuss seven critical human factors topics that contribute to the goal of creating and reinforcing a safety culture where employees practice safe habits, both at work and at home: 1) Hazard Identification, 2) Procedural Compliance and Documentation, 3) Human Factors Training – Evolution and Reinforcement, 4) Fatigue Risk Management, 5) Human Factors Health and Safety Program, 6) Considering Human Factors Issues in Design and Installation, and 7) Measuring Impact and Return on Investment. Operational data and practical experience from the U.S. and other countries are the basis of the seven critical topics. The International Civil Aviation Organization, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Airlines for America, Transport Canada, United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority, the European Aviation Safety Agency, the International Air Transport Association, and information from other entities contributed to this manual. The seven contributors to this manual have worked in aviation maintenance, medicine, and engineering for an average of 35 years. The contributors characterized the seven topics and related steps discussed in this manual as “information they wish they had known years ago.” KW - Aviation KW - Aviation safety KW - Fatigue (Physiological condition) KW - Human factors KW - Maintenance KW - Maintenance personnel KW - Manuals KW - Return on investment KW - Risk management KW - Safety programs KW - Training UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201502.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1353383 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01563631 AU - Collins, William E AU - Wayda, Michael E AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Index to FAA Office of Aerospace Medicine Reports: 1961-2014 PY - 2015/01//Final Report SP - 106p AB - An index to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Aerospace Medicine Reports (1964-2014) and Civil Aeromedical Institute Reports (1961-1963) is presented for those engaged in aviation medicine and related activities. The index lists all FAA aerospace medicine technical reports published from 1961 through 2014: chronologically, alphabetically by author, and alphabetically by subject. An introduction describes recently expanded capabilities for impact testing, aircraft cabin simulator research, portable hypoxia demonstration, and advanced flight simulation. KW - Aviation medicine KW - Civil Aeromedical Institute KW - Human factors KW - Indexes (Information management) KW - Office of Aerospace Medicine KW - Research reports KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201501.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1353382 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01555762 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Economic Impact of Civil Aviation on the U.S. Economy: Economic Impact of Civil Aviation by State PY - 2015/01 SP - 80p AB - This report is a supplement to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) publication The Economic Impact of Civil Aviation on the U.S. Economy, released in June 2014. The Economic Impact Report, or The National Report, presents economic statistics on the impact of the industry on the U.S. economy at the national level for the year 2012. This supplement, also known as The State Report, examines the impact of the industry at the state level, and includes an overview of recent economic events, state-level enabling impacts, and FAA spending impacts for 2012. The State Report provides snapshots of aviation-related economic activity for all 50 states and the District of Columbia during calendar year 2012. The report is organized as follows: The first section covers the economic performance of state economies. The second section briefly examines state-level economic impacts of the civil aviation industry by the type of expenditure categories included in The National Report. These expenditure categories are: airline operations, airport operations, general aviation, aircraft manufacturing, air couriers, visitor expenditures, and travel arrangements. State-level estimates of enabling effects, or economic activities which depend on air transportation, appear in the third section. Estimates of the impact of FAA spending in each state are presented in the fourth section. Fifty-one fact sheets, one for each state and the District of Columbia, are in Appendix A. KW - Air transportation KW - Airports KW - Civil aviation KW - Economic impacts KW - Expenditures KW - General aviation KW - States KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/media/2015-economic-impact-report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1344314 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01604090 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - NextGen Works for General Aviation PY - 2015 SP - 8p AB - The movement to the next generation of aviation is being enabled by a shift to smarter, satellite-based and digital technologies and new procedures that combine to make air travel more convenient, predictable and environmentally friendly. As demand for our nation’s increasingly congested airspace continues to grow, Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) improvements are enabling the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to guide and track aircraft more precisely on more direct routes. NextGen efficiency enhances safety, reduces delays, saves fuel and reduces aircraft exhaust emissions. This document looks at the progress of Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B), Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), and Unleaded Fuel in general aviation. KW - Aircraft navigational aids KW - Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast KW - Aviation safety KW - General aviation KW - General aviation aircraft KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - United States KW - Unleaded gasoline KW - Wide Area Augmentation System UR - http://www.faa.gov/nextgen/media/generalAviation.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1413085 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01559872 AU - Biernbaum, Lee AU - Price, Megan AU - Wishart, Jacob AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Technical Summary of Airborne Incidents: An Econometric Analysis of Severity PY - 2014/12/31/Final Report SP - 18p AB - This is a technical summary of the "Airborne Incidents: An Econometric Analysis of Severity" main report. Airborne loss of separation incidents occur when an aircraft breaches the defined separation limit (vertical and/or horizontal) with another aircraft or terrain imposed by Air Traffic Control. Identifying conditions that lead to more severe loss of separation incidents can lead to policy implications and future areas of research. Previous research focused on qualitative approaches to analyzing such events, and tended to examine only the frequency of events. This report puts the severity of a loss of separation incident front and center and uses econometric techniques to examine the relationship between severity and conditional factors during the incident. The report utilizes report data from the Air Traffic Safety Action Program (ATSAP), with a concentration on terminal airspace incidents. A number of other FAA data sources were merged to provide a robust set of information at the time of event in terms of facility, weather, and other operational characteristics. The primary focus of this research was on the use of discrete choice, multinomial logit models to better understand the relationship between these different sets of factors at the time of the event and the severity outcome. KW - Air Traffic Safety Action Program KW - Aircraft separation KW - Airport terminals KW - Airspace incidents KW - Aviation safety KW - Incident severity KW - Multinomial logits UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/54000/54400/54487/Airborne_Incidents_-_TECHNICAL_SUMMARY.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1344654 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01560097 AU - Biernbaum, Lee AU - Price, Megan AU - Wishart, Jacob AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Appendix: Airborne Incidents: An Econometric Analysis of Severity PY - 2014/12/19/Final Report SP - 227p AB - This is the Appendix for "Airborne Incidents: An Econometric Analysis of Severity Report." Airborne loss of separation incidents occur when an aircraft breaches the defined separation limit (vertical and/or horizontal) with another aircraft or terrain imposed by Air Traffic Control. Identifying conditions that lead to more severe loss of separation incidents can lead to policy implications and future areas of research. Previous research focused on qualitative approaches to analyzing such events, and tended to examine only the frequency of events. This report puts the severity of a loss of separation incident front and center and uses econometric techniques to examine the relationship between severity and conditional factors during the incident. The report utilizes report data from the Air Traffic Safety Action Program (ATSAP), with a concentration on terminal airspace incidents. A number of other Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) data sources were merged to provide a robust set of information at the time of event in terms of facility, weather, and other operational characteristics. The primary focus of this research was on the use of discrete choice, multinomial logit models to better understand the relationship between these different sets of factors at the time of the event and the severity outcome. KW - Air Traffic Safety Action Program KW - Aircraft separation KW - Airport terminals KW - Airspace incidents KW - Aviation safety KW - Incident severity KW - Multinomial logits UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/54000/54400/54489/Airborne_Incidents_-_Appendix.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1344655 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01554209 AU - Biernbaum, Lee AU - Price, Megan AU - Wishart, Jacob AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Airborne Incidents: An Econometric Analysis of Severity PY - 2014/12/19/Final Report SP - 163p AB - Airborne loss of separation incidents occur when an aircraft breaches the defined separation limit (vertical and/or horizontal) with another aircraft or terrain imposed by Air Traffic Control. Identifying conditions that lead to more severe loss of separation incidents can lead to policy implications and future areas of research. Previous research focused on qualitative approaches to analyzing such events, and tended to examine only the frequency of events. This report puts the severity of a loss of separation incident front and center and uses econometric techniques to examine the relationship between severity and conditional factors during the incident. The report utilizes report data from the Air Traffic Safety Action Program (ATSAP), with a concentration on terminal airspace incidents. A number of other Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) data sources were merged to provide a robust set of information at the time of event in terms of facility, weather, and other operational characteristics. The primary focus of this research was on the use of discrete choice, multinomial logit models to better understand the relationship between these different sets of factors at the time of the event and the severity outcome. KW - Air traffic control KW - Air Traffic Safety Action Program KW - Aircraft separation KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Aviation safety KW - Choice models KW - Crash causes KW - Crash characteristics KW - Multinomial logits KW - Near midair crashes UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/54000/54400/54488/Airborne_Incidents-final_report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1342484 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01548218 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 02-05. Practices to Achieve Airport Compatible Land Uses and Minimize Obstructions in Navigable Airspace AB - This legal research digest will summarize the legal issues related to achieving airport compatible land uses and hazardous obstructions in navigable airspace. Subjects will include: (1) The difference between federal responsibility for airspace, and state/local responsibility for land use; (2) Airport Compatible Land Use Requirements; (3) Land Use Planning/Zoning [Conventional]; (4) Eminent Domain [including inverse condemnation]; (5) Police Power Regulations; (6) Easements; (7) Runway Protection Zones; (8) Eliminating Hazardous Obstructions Affecting Air Space; and (9) Hazardous Obstruction Defined. This digest summarizes the legal issues discussed above, highlight points of commonality, and analyzes the factors that airport authorities should consider in deciding which methods to use in achieving airport compatible land use and minimizing hazardous obstructions KW - Airport runways KW - Airspace utilization KW - Easements KW - Eminent domain KW - Land use planning KW - Legal factors KW - Obstructions (Navigation) UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3372 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335891 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543344 TI - Using GIS for Local Government Management of Airspace Obstructions and Airport Land Use Compatibility AB - Airspace obstructions and incompatible land uses are often challenges to the safe and efficient operation of airports. Managing these challenges is particularly difficult since it requires a thorough understanding of complex, three-dimensional airspace surfaces and the involvement of multiple stakeholders, including local governments, who often do not have the required level of expertise or resources. While the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the airport industry have assisted local governments with these challenges, this assistance is often limited to "one-time" events, such as providing model height and hazard zoning ordinances, aviation easements, and Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 150 noise studies. The acquisition and use of geographic information systems (GIS) as a planning tool in the last decade by even small jurisdictions provides an opportunity to stakeholders for enhancing their airspace and airport-compatible land use planning/zoning evaluation capabilities, providing more automated, accurate, and timely results. Yet there is no guidance to help stakeholders take advantage of GIS as they address airspace and land use compatibility issues in their day-to-day activities. The objective of this research is to develop guidance and best practices for using GIS for airspace obstruction and airport land use compatibility evaluation and planning at the local government level, particularly in support of aviation-related zoning ordinances and easements. Special emphasis would be placed on jurisdictions around smaller airports without their own GIS capabilities, and using GIS to help protect public investments in those airports. The research may result in deliverable(s) that target specific stakeholders, such as airport owners, consultants, state aviation agencies, developers, and local land use planning/zoning agencies. KW - Airport operations KW - Airspace utilization KW - Best practices KW - Geographic information systems KW - Guidelines KW - Land use planning KW - Regulations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3842 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330705 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547474 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 04-06. The Role of the Airport Sponsor in Airport Planning and Environmental Reviews of Proposed Development Projects Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Mini-NEPA Laws AB - Responsibility for compliance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) rests with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). However, as the project proponent, the airport sponsor plays a significant role, for example, in identifying and defining the proposed action. This paper will explore the legal issues presented in fulfilling requirements under NEPA, related federal environmental laws, and analogous state mini-NEPA statutes in selected jurisdictions. For example, the paper should explore the extent and means by which an airport sponsor desiring to reach its goals may be considered. The paper should (1) summarize criteria typically used to define purpose and need and screen and evaluate the feasibility of alternatives, including federal statutory mission and objective factors such as safety and operational efficiency; (2) discuss the relationship between the amount of information the airport should submit and the type of NEPA action anticipated (e.g., categorical exclusions vs environmental impact statements); (3) include practical advice and strategies for addressing typical issues such as exchange of draft environmental documents after the ruling in US Department of Interior v Klamath Water Users Protective Ass'n, 532 US 1 (2001). KW - Airport planning KW - Environmental impact statements KW - Environmental impacts KW - Feasibility analysis KW - Legal factors KW - National Environmental Policy Act KW - Policy KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=2883 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334838 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01549329 AU - Copeland, Kyle AU - Mertens, Christopher AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - National Aeronautics and Space Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - CARI-NAIRAS: Calculating Flight Doses from NAIRAS Data using CARI PY - 2014/12//Final Report SP - 68p AB - The CARI computer program is galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) dose calculation software developed by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. It serves the aerospace industry and flying public by providing a means of calculating GCR doses for flights, and as such, is a valuable radiation monitoring tool aiding industry and individuals in their radiation protection efforts. The information the software provides is also used by research scientists to investigate health effects of chronic exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation present in the atmosphere. CARI-6 and previous versions were increasingly inaccurate above 60,000 feet because of the superposition approximation built into their global dose rate tables. This report describes CARI-NAIRAS, a new version of CARI that uses pre-calculated global tables of dose rates generated by the NAIRAS (Now-Cast of Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation for Aviation Safety) system developed at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center. The NAIRAS system uses the NASA radiation transport code HZETRN (High charge (Z) and Energy TRaNsport), which does not use the superposition approximation, as well as satellite and ground-based data inputs to generate the global tables. CARI-NAIRAS is shown to be in good agreement with Monte Carlo based calculations in the altitude range 27,000 to 87,000 feet, thus eliminating the need for the altitude limit of 60,000 ft. Flight dose estimates are similar to those of CARI-6 and CARI-7. For 24 of the 32 flights investigated, CARI-NAIRAS estimated an effective dose within 20% of the mean of the three programs (CARI-6W, CARI-7, and CARI-NAIRAS). CARI-NAIRAS estimates are expected to improve once the latest version of HZETRN is incorporated into NAIRAS. KW - Aviation safety KW - Calculation KW - CARI (Computer program) KW - CARI-NAIRAS (Computer program) KW - Galactic cosmic radiation KW - NAIRAS (Computer model) KW - Radiation doses UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201413.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1336390 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543472 TI - Use of Campus Notification and Lockdown System at Airports AB - Amber alert systems, dynamic messaging systems, and location-based short message service (SMS)-messaging are technologies many public safety organizations are employing to communicate a wide range of information to local travelers. Many airports are evaluating or integrating similar technologies into their facilities and communications operations to increase safety, public awareness, and even parking availability. Many airports struggle with visitor interaction using public address speakers that are often difficult to understand even under the best of conditions, not factoring in normal airport noise. Whether it is gate change information, left behind luggage at security, disconnected children, last call for boarding, or potential safety warnings, airports have a responsibility for informing the general public/patrons that are currently in the facility. Current information regarding large-scale public notification systems is primarily only available directly from vendors. Many airport managers have purchased and installed notification and lockdown systems as part of security upgrades in the last decade. These facilities can be surveyed and analyzed for pros and cons, installation costs, return on investment analysis, and public feedback. Understanding the available technologies from an impact on operations, to human reactions, to integration into existing networks and security protocols can be a daunting challenge for many airport authorities. The objective is to develop guidance on airport notification and lockdown systems and integrating that into the emergency plan. KW - Airport terminals KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Emergency communication systems KW - Guidelines KW - Safety KW - Security KW - Text messaging UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3852 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330928 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543471 TI - Guidance for Establishing Airport Apron Ramp Towers AB - As a matter of policy, with few exceptions, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has moved the geographic area in which it provides air traffic control services to airplanes away from airport gates and ramps toward the taxiway system. At the same time, there is increasing focus on both ramp safety and airport surface movement collaborative decision making (A-CDM). Control over the movement of airplanes on ramps is maintained by several different systems: airline ramp towers controlling movements on their own ramps; airline ramp towers controlling movements on their own, and other airlines', ramps; ramp towers staffed by airport personnel; and ramp towers operated by third parties under contract to airports. Increasingly, airports are considering providing ramp tower services to their airline tenants. Given the many issues involved in any consideration of establishing a ramp tower operation by airports, guidance is needed to explain the various options with explanation of the pros and cons, operational requirements, organizational models, and financial considerations involved in such a decision. The objective of this project is to provide airports with guidance in the factors involved in establishing a ramp tower. This guidance should describe the operational, organizational, staffing, training, and financial options for establishing a ramp tower. It should also provide a review of the various ramp tower organizational models used at U.S. airports and the advantages and drawbacks of each model. KW - Airport control towers KW - Airport operations KW - Aprons (Airports) KW - Financing KW - Guidelines KW - Organization KW - Selection and appointment KW - Training KW - United States UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3851 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330927 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543470 TI - Incorporating Life Cycle Cost Considerations in Airport Facilities Procurement AB - Life cycle analysis can reduce the total cost of ownership by specifying facility components and design features in procurement documents that will minimize the combined capital and operating costs, although the initial cost of individual items might not be the least expensive available commercial product. The private sector often uses life cycle concepts during procurement that minimize total costs throughout the life of a facility. Airports, as public sector owners, are often constrained by the procurement regulations of their local jurisdictions to procuring facilities strictly on a lowest-cost bid process, even although the combined capital and operating costs over the lifetime of the facility may not be minimized. Lowest initial cost heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), elevators, escalators, building control systems and other components may not represent the optimal life cycle costs. Airports need guidance on techniques to incorporate life cycle concepts in facility procurements, while complying with traditional public bidding requirements. While individual jurisdictions' specific procurement regulations will vary, common techniques and analytic tools to assist airport owners in producing bid documents that maximize life cycle cost concepts can provide valuable guidance in facilities design and procurement. The objective of this project is to provide guidance to airports on incorporating life cycle costs into their procurement process. KW - Airport facilities KW - Guidelines KW - Life cycle costing KW - Procurement UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3850 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330926 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543469 TI - Acoustical Design to Improve Intelligibility of Airport Terminal PA Systems AB - Audible announcements in airport terminals are often hard to understand. When airport terminals are active, the intelligibility of emergency communication systems declines, meaning that people with average hearing abilities find it hard to understand the spoken message, due to the increase in background noise. Understanding those messages is even harder for the hearing impaired, and also for people whom English is not their native language. Poor intelligibility in communications systems degrades the performance of fire alarms, public address and emergency announcements which are critical in airport terminals. In order to improve the acoustics of existing airport terminals, and develop guidelines for future terminal design, a study of the existing acoustic conditions is required and should include how the architectural design and design of audio systems within terminals affect intelligibility of emergency and non-emergency announcements. The study would collect data regarding sound distribution systems, terminal finishes and background noise levels throughout various occupied areas of each airport terminal. Based on the results of the study design guidelines relating to acoustics, noise and intelligibility could be developed for future terminal design. Acoustical design guidelines would include design best practices for reducing reverberation, noise control and sound system design. Results of the study would also include recommendations for enhancing intelligibility in existing airport terminals. A study on acoustics and intelligibility in airport terminals could lead to some design recommendations which ultimately enhance passenger safety. The objective of this research is to summarize the existing acoustic design guidelines commonly used when airport terminals are constructed, identify their shortcomings, and identify ways to improve the acoustical design guidelines used in airport terminals. KW - Acoustics KW - Airport terminals KW - Design of specific facilities KW - Emergency communication systems KW - Guidelines KW - Intelligibility KW - Noise control KW - Passengers KW - Public address systems KW - Reverberation KW - Safety UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3848 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330925 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543461 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 07-01. Impact of Firearms Laws on Airports AB - The right to carry guns at airports is affected by the U.S. Constitution, federal and state legislation, and interpretive judicial decisions. There have been many recent changes in state gun laws, some of which permit guns to be carried in public places and in certain areas of some places of employment, such as parking lots. These developments have ramifications for commercial airports throughout the United States. The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution generally provides the parameters of the constitutionally protected right to bear arms. A number of U.S. Supreme Court cases delineate the scope of this constitutional protection. Some recent federal district court and appeals court decisions identify areas where there is some lack of consensus on the limits of this constitutional protection. The primary federal legislation in this area is found in 18 U.S.C. Section 926A, which sets forth the general regulation of the interstate transportation of firearms. Other federal statutes also apply to firearms and explosives at airports and on aircraft, including criminal offenses pertaining to entering aircraft or airport areas in violation of security requirements involving the carriage of firearms. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is charged with the responsibility for enforcing federal restrictions on the carriage of guns at commercial airports and aboard aircraft. All 50 states have enacted statutes that relate to the carriage of guns within their borders. Some states have loosened restrictions on open and concealed carry of weapons while other states have increased restrictions in this area. Some state laws dramatically limit the ability of an airport or local municipality to regulate firearm possessions at airports. The objective of this research is to produce an easy-to-use compendium of the federal and state laws affecting the carriage of guns at airports. The report should provide an overview of the federal constitutional right to bear arms, with reference to important U.S. Supreme Court decisions, as well as recent decisions of the U.S. Courts of Appeals and federal district courts that are instructive for airport operators. In addition, the report should identify all existing state statutes, and review any important state judicial decisions that address insights on the carriage of guns at airports within each state. To the extent that new state legislative trends are developing, the report should also identify the major issues considered by state legislatures and include summaries of the important impacts of such trends for publicly owned airports in each state and territory. Among the issues that should be addressed with respect to state and territory legislation and/or evolving legislative trends are: (1) Categorization of state regulations that require, allow, prohibit, or condition an airport operator's authority to regulate the presence or carriage of firearms on airport property. (2) Obligations on the oversight of the carriage of firearms at airports, if any, that are imposed on airport operators under the various laws. (3) Sources of law governing guns at commercial airports (legislation, judicial decisions, and combination). (4) Differences in the laws governing guns at commercial airports based on the nature of the governmental entity operating the airport, and if any, document the differences. (5) Claims, if any, that can be brought against airport operators for issues related to carriage of firearms at airports under the various state statutes. KW - Aircraft KW - Airports KW - Civil aviation KW - Courts KW - Firearms KW - Guns KW - Laws KW - United States UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3775 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330917 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543419 TI - Airports and Family Assistance After an Aviation Accident AB - Airports dedicate substantial resources preparing and training for potential aviation incidents and accidents at or near their facilities. While the immediate focus of every airport after an incident or accident is on the preservation of life and the protection of property, these events have complex ramifications for the airport in terms of the meeting the needs of both survivors and the families of victims, coordinating dissemination of information about the incident, and basic facility management. In an accident resulting in a loss of life, domestic and foreign airlines are federally mandated, under the Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996 (49 United States Code (USC) § 41113; 49 USC § 41313), to immediately implement specific requirements as part of a formally developed, comprehensive Family Assistance Plan. However, implementation of these plans, which can involve dispatching specially trained "go teams" and the mobilization of external resources, can take hours to achieve. As a result, airport operators almost always serve as the immediate "first responders" that need to deal with not only with emergency response, but also family assistance, survivor assistance, media relations and crowd control. Research is needed to help airports develop best practices and establish procedures and training around non-emergency response to an aviation accident, including complementing the federally mandated airline response. Providing these practices and procedures will help airports respond in a more comprehensive way to an aviation accident, ultimately benefiting the victims, family members and others impacted by the accident. The objective of this research is to identify how airports can first-respond best when families need assistance, including training and implementation guides. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Disasters and emergency operations KW - Education and training KW - Family assistance KW - First responders KW - Information dissemination UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3846 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330816 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543418 TI - Realistic Use of Economically Integrated Business Park Development for Airports AB - The development of industrial and commercial business parks adjacent to airports has historically been viewed as a "compatible land use development" exercise, not an airport revenue generation exercise. Nationally, insufficient attention has been given to the issue of developing airport co-located business parks so as to increase airport revenues. In 1969 there were about 6,700 public use airports in the U.S. Today, there are only about 5,000; and, since 1969 without exception, the number of public use airports declined annually. Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report Number 44, "A Guidebook for the Preservation of Public Use Airports," identified 16 characteristics that help to identify why some airports prosper and others struggle or fail. Many of these 16 characteristics are grounded in economic factors. In short, simple business failures are a major reason(s) why some airports succeed while others fail. ACRP Report 44 principally focused on smaller to mid-sized general aviation airports and primarily on aviation-generated and related revenues. Public use airports that rely solely on aviation-generated and related revenues have a potentially narrow and undiversified revenue stream, making them particularly susceptible to cyclical market downturns. The purpose of this research is to create a Guidebook for successfully developing commercial and industrial business parks near and adjacent to an airport so that airport-sited business park complexes can directly and substantially contribute to total airport revenues. The objective of this research is to generate a comprehensive Guidebook for developing (or redeveloping) airport and airport adjacent commercial and industrial business parks so that they can directly contribute to overall airport revenues. This is, in general, a compatible land use zoning research effort that seeks to integrate the airport with the co-sited business park. Implementing this approach could both increase and diversify airport revenues, making airports more financially secure while less prone to damaging cyclical changes in the aviation industry. KW - Airport planning KW - Business parks KW - Development KW - Economic factors KW - Handbooks KW - Land use planning KW - Revenues KW - Zoning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3844 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330815 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543417 TI - Influence of Demographic Factors on Air Passenger Demand AB - Airports use long-term air passenger forecasts as a key input for preparing airport development plans, assessing expected future revenue streams, and estimating environmental impacts. Passenger forecasts are typically prepared using models that correlate activity to aggregate socioeconomic forecasts. However, there is emerging concern that large-scale socioeconomic changes, such as an aging population, increased immigration, wealth concentration, the geographic redistribution of the population, and changing views on the use of disposable income, may not be well captured in current forecast methods. Research is needed to identify and summarize long-term socioeconomic trends, understand their potential impact on airport passenger demand, and identify methods for incorporating them into airport passenger activity forecasts. The objective of this research is to help airport-industry practitioners understand the potential impact that long-term socioeconomic trends could have on airport passenger demand and develop methods to improve forecasting accuracy by incorporating these trends into the forecasting process. KW - Airport planning KW - Demand KW - Demographics KW - Forecasting KW - Passengers KW - Socioeconomic factors UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3841 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330814 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543416 TI - Air Quality Management: Toolbox, Research Compilation, Gap Analysis, and Training Materials AB - Airport air quality management is highly complex and technical. Many tools are used in understanding, analyzing, mitigating, and communicating the implications of air travel to environmental health and well-being. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), its PARTNER organizations, Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP), and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are the primary providers of air quality management tools. Since its inception, ACRP has conducted a considerable amount of research into airport air quality management, facilitating research into emissions measurement, inventories, predictive models, data interpretation, management planning, best practices, guidelines and guidebooks. Airport industry practitioners and students would greatly benefit from a catalog of existing tools, URLs to each tool, user manuals, and guidance on the appropriate use of each tool. There is also a need to identify gaps in understanding that may be filled by additional research, including what tools may benefit from updates. The objective of this research is to develop a toolbox for airport air quality practitioners by: (1) categorizing and compiling existing air quality analysis and mitigation tools in one location; (2) identifying gaps in the air quality toolbox; and (3) identifying which tools may benefit from updates. The toolbox would be designed to serve as the resource for all air quality analysts, including consultants, airport staff, trainees and aviation management students. KW - Air quality management KW - Airports KW - Education and training KW - Guidelines UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3840 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330813 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543420 TI - Airport Terminal Design: Compilation, Update, and Training Materials AB - Since its inception in 2005, Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) has managed research related to Airport Terminal Design, including Innovations for Airport Terminal Facilities, A Guidebook for Airport Passenger Terminal Planning and Design and Spreadsheet Models, Apron Planning and Design, Airport Signage and Wayfinding, Terminal Renewal vs Replacement options, and Restroom Planning and Design, among others. In order to facilitate its use, there is a need to consolidate and catalogue this related research for ease of reference and use among airport practitioners and stakeholders that find this research useful. It is important to consider an update of the existing publications if determined they are currently outdated. The objective is to review, organize, consolidate and catalogue with an index existing research related to airport terminal design to assist airport practitioners in an easy to use reference document and determine if updates are needed. Consideration should include other terminal-related standards, e.g., International Air Transport Association (IATA). KW - Airport terminals KW - Design of specific facilities KW - Design standards KW - Handbooks UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3849 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330817 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543415 TI - Commercial Spaceport Noise and Sonic Boom AB - Commercial space flight activity is expected to increase substantially in the next few years. Many of those operations, particularly "space tourist" flights, will be from dual use airport-spaceport facilities. Noise and sonic booms will be generated as part of those operations and will require prediction as part of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 150 studies. While the prediction of noise from aircraft operations is well-specified by the use of FAA's Integrated Noise Model (INM), transitioning to the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT), there is currently no standard tool for spacecraft noise and sonic boom modeling. Although some spacecraft activities can be modeled by INM/AEDT, many aspects cannot (e.g., noise from vertical launches, sonic booms). The result is that often proprietary programs, each having unique modeling methods and limited availability, must be used. There is therefore a need to develop a model (or suite of models) for commercial space noise and sonic boom analysis that is compatible with AEDT to allow for potential acceptance as the industry standard. The noise and sonic boom models should be consistent with each other, using the same vehicle and trajectory data inputs, much as AEDT uses common databases for noise and air quality analysis. The objective of this research is to develop a set of noise and sonic boom modeling methods suitable for environmental analysis of commercial space operations at airport/spaceport facilities. The methods must represent best current practice, be compatible with AEDT, and be in a form that can be made readily available to airport industry practitioners. KW - Airport noise KW - Airports KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Best practices KW - Computer models KW - Environmental design KW - Sonic boom KW - Spacecraft KW - Spaceports UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3839 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330812 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543347 TI - Assessing, Building, and Retaining Workforce Capacity in the Aviation Industry AB - Workforce development in the aviation industry has historically been limited in scope. The industry lacks focus on strategic long-term workforce planning and workforce development needs. In Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 18, "Aviation Workforce Development Practices" airport operators and stakeholders noted that the entry-level workforce is typically hired with little aviation-specific education or experience. This study also found that coordinated workforce planning and development efforts that integrate best practices in recruitment, retention, on-the-job training, and succession planning rarely exist at airports. Whether the result of funding constraints, risk management efforts, retirement of seasoned industry talent, new technologies, or variability in airport types; the absence of strategic planning for attracting, educating, and developing the future airport workforce leaves the aviation industry in a precarious position. Thus, the industry needs to take action to prepare for the challenges of dramatic workforce changes, growing demand for services, rapid technological development, and ballooning costs across the industry. The objective of this research is to identify and begin an evaluation of current and future airport workforce capacity issues; evaluate existing education, training, and other workforce development resources; and outline effective strategies to meet future workforce capacity requirements. KW - Aviation KW - Education and training KW - Labor force KW - Strategic planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3847 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330708 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543346 TI - Airport Emergency Planning Template: NIMS - Incident Command System Compliance AB - The Federal Aviation Administration released Advisory Circular AC 150/5200-31C Airport Emergency Plan (AEP), where under 31C (change 2), airports had until June 30, 2011 to have all of the AEP's updated to be fully compliant with the National Incident Management System (NIMS)/Incident Command System (ICS). Some 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Par 139 airports have had difficulty getting their AEP's compliant with 31C and approved by the FAA. Standardization among AEPs is difficult and could be improved while making AEPs NIMS/ICS compliant in accordance with 31C. There are software packages in the emergency management field that are used to help stakeholders write NIMS/ICS-compliant emergency operations plans. Similar software could be developed to assist in the writing of AEPs to be compliant with 31C. The objective of this research is to develop an AEP software template that is NIMS/ICS compliant. KW - Airports KW - Compliance KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Software UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3845 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330707 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543345 TI - Understanding the Benefits and Impacts of NPIAS Obligations for Airports AB - Some airport managers have difficulty fully understanding the breadth and depth of obligations (i.e., airport sponsor grant assurances) placed on the airport by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) once a grant has been included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) and, typically, other low-activity general aviation airports--especially those that have volunteer airport management. Other airports include non-NPIAS airports that are contemplating joining the NPIAS program. These obligations can also be confusing for new employees of commercial service airports and airport consultants. This is an issue of significant potential interest to a large target audience. This research would provide these airports, their consultants, and their communities with a guide to understanding the FAA obligations in terms that are easily understood. This topic and its local implications have historically been overwhelming and confusing for these types of airports. Surrounding communities often do not understand the "statute language," and, as a result, continue to operate under their local rules. This approach can jeopardize the airport's compliance with FAA obligations. This research would generate an easy-to-understand guide, formatted to include a summary page for each obligation/grant assurance, with useful resources and/or examples that can be followed with additional in-depth discussion of the obligation. Not only will this guidebook be a resource for the everyday issues that arise at airports, but it can also be used as a teaching tool for new staff, community groups (e.g., planning or zoning boards) or user groups (airport commissions, fixed-base operators (FBOs), tenants). Because the obligations do not change much over time, this guidebook should have a long, useful shelf-life. The guidebook could be set up to accept updates or additions as new obligations and grant assurances are issued. The objective of this research is to produce a guidebook in an easy-to-read layout and language that addresses the understanding and implications of adhering to FAA grant obligations (e.g., airport sponsor grant assurances). KW - Airport access KW - Compliance KW - Government funding KW - Guidelines KW - Handbooks KW - National Plan of Integrated Airports Systems KW - Regulations KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3843 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330706 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543342 TI - Tracking Aviation Alternative Fuel AB - The aviation industry strongly supports the introduction of aviation alternative fuels that have the potential to provide environmental, economic, and security of supply benefits compared to conventional fuels. United Airlines is expected to start taking delivery of alternative fuel at Los Angeles International airport (LAX) in 2014 and other similar commercial arrangements are expected in the near future. As alternative fuels for aircraft-use start to enter the supply chain, there is the need to keep track of those molecules for technical (e.g., quality control, fuel efficiency) and commercial (e.g., contract verification, marketing) reasons. A logical point to institute fuel tracking mechanisms is at the airport because this is where the supply chain for both conventional and alternative fuels converge before the fuel gets loaded into the airplane. Airports can play a key role to incentivize the commercialization of alternative fuels by helping to facilitate some of the logistics associated with the introduction of these fuels, in particular fuel tracking. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook to help airports, airlines, and other decision-makers along the supply chain identify the most convenient mechanism for keeping track of alternative fuel coming into the airport and to determine the barriers to the use of alternative fuel and the costs and benefits. KW - Airports KW - Alternate fuels KW - Aviation KW - Costs KW - Handbooks KW - Los Angeles International Airport KW - Supply chain management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3838 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330703 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543340 TI - Improving Ground Access Vehicle Emissions Modeling AB - Emissions from ground access vehicles are modeled in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)'s Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS), soon to be incorporated into the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT), through the use of the U.S. EPA's MOBILE-series vehicle emission factor model, soon to be replaced with the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES). Yet there is no guidance for collecting airport ground access vehicle activity data and how best to model it. In many cases, vehicle counts are obtained from airport surveillance systems, toll booth records, traffic mechanisms, etc. In other cases, surveys count vehicles on airport roads and approximate speeds using speed guns, timers, and/or car-chasing. In addition, it is not clear how refined the simulated roadway network should be for an airport air quality assessment study. Depending on the type of study, roadways can be modeled just up to the airport property boundaries or further out. This is important since ground access vehicle emissions can exceed aircraft emissions at some airports. In addition, for those cases when ground access vehicle counts and speeds are surveyed, they must be scaled to represent the project year. This forecasting (as well as back-casting, depending on the study requirements) needs to be consistent to ensure airports can measure their progress on emissions reduction initiatives. Research is needed to provide guidance for consistently and accurately modeling ground access vehicle emissions. The objective of this project is to develop a guidebook to help airport industry practitioners model ground access vehicle emissions. The guidebook should address how to incorporate the various types of ground access vehicle activities at airports, identify and select sources of ground access vehicle activity data, determine the level of roadway network detail that is appropriate for different studies, and forecast and back-cast vehicle activities. KW - Airport access KW - Computer models KW - Exhaust gases KW - Forecasting KW - Ground vehicles KW - Handbooks KW - Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3836 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330701 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543339 TI - Incorporating Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management at Airports AB - Airport stormwater has traditionally been managed with "gray" infrastructure which uses curbs, inlets, and pipes to move water offsite as quickly as possible with little, if any, water quality treatment. Yet moving water by pipes does not allow the water to infiltrate the ground, decreasing the opportunity for local watersheds to maintain healthy water levels. Furthermore, piping often sends large, inconsistent amounts of polluted water into a water body all at one time causing habitat damage, scouring of waterways, and occasional downstream flooding. As a result, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is promoting green stormwater techniques, systems, and processes that mimic natural hydrological systems by filtering and infiltrating stormwater. Examples include bioretention, stormwater planters, bioswales, porous paving and pavers, engineered soils, and drainage wells. In addition, municipalities are moving toward green infrastructure to reduce capital costs and improve water quality while reducing flooding and water treatment costs. Research is needed to identify green infrastructure techniques for managing stormwater that are consistent with the unique operational aspects of airports. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook to help airports identify and implement viable green infrastructure techniques to supplement or replace traditional stormwater management methods on airport property. KW - Airports KW - Drainage KW - Handbooks KW - Runoff KW - Sustainable development KW - Water quality UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3835 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330700 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543338 TI - Airport Stormwater Management: Compilation, Update, and Training Materials AB - Handling and treating stormwater is a significant and costly issue for airports. Moreover, it is highly technical and subject to national and state policies and regulations. Since its inception, Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) has conducted a considerable amount of research in airport stormwater management, delving into planning guidelines and practices, design, monitoring and testing, treatment, and data interpretation. Each of these projects was conducted separately, providing value to a targeted audience. The objective of this research is to consolidate ACRP research results related to stormwater management, exploring alternative ways to present the material, identifying apparent gaps in knowledge and practice, and developing training materials based upon ACRP results for practitioners. KW - Airports KW - Education and training KW - Guidelines KW - Runoff UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3834 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330699 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543337 TI - Managing Perfluorocarbon Impacts at Airports AB - Aqueous film forming foams (AFFF) have been used for extinguishing fires and firefighting training at military and commercial airports for decades. The use of AFFF resulted in the release of Perfluorinated Organic Surfactants (PFOS), the most commonly known perfluorocarbon (PFC), into the environment. Fluorinated surfactants are known to be extremely persistent in the natural environment and pose human and ecological health risks. Recognizing that the regulatory community has cautiously and deliberately been developing applicable criteria and corresponding policies to address legacy environmental impacts related to this emerging contaminant of concern, airports have been pursuing guidance on how to manage their liabilities, understanding that regulatory action could potentially lead to expensive assessment and remediation programs. Research is needed to help airports establish best management practices in their day-to-day operations, environmental assessment and sampling protocols, and site management strategies for PFOS compounds. The objective of this research is to provide airport managers with a best management practices and strategies document for addressing perfluorinated compounds at their respective facility. The guidance document will address legacy impacts associated with PFCs released into the environment (i.e., soil, groundwater, sediment, and surface water) and operational considerations with ongoing use of PFC-laden material and residual PFC impacts in airport infrastructure. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Contaminants KW - Environmental impacts KW - Guidelines KW - Liability KW - Perfluorocarbons KW - Pollution control KW - Regulation KW - Surface active agents UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3833 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330698 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575516 TI - Nitrous Oxide Composite Tank Testing AB - No summary provided. KW - Oxides KW - Tanks (Containers) KW - Test procedures UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367922 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01564444 AU - Swin, Chris AU - Tan, Tein-Min AU - Awerbuch, Jonathan AU - Drexel University AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Penetration Study of Aluminum, Glass Fiber-Reinforced Aluminum Laminate, and Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastic PY - 2014/11//Final Report SP - 142p AB - The current high-reach extendable turret (HRET) used to fight aircraft fires is equipped with an aircraft skin-penetrating nozzle (ASPN). The ASPN is a long, hollow, aluminum penetrator with a steel conical tip equipped with machined perforations. In an internal aircraft fire, the HRET forces the ASPN through the fuselage aluminum skin to spray water and/or chemical agents to extinguish the fire. This study investigated the effectiveness of the current ASPN design in perforating aluminum, glass fiber-reinforced aluminum laminate (GLARE), and carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminate panels, which are used in the newer aircraft fuselage structures. A special test fixture was constructed for testing specimens in 90-degree (normal) and 45-degree angle penetration conditions. Strain and deformation data, as well as fracture patterns, were collected to assess the responses and failure modes of the different material systems. The data were used to validate finite element (FE) models developed during the course of this program for simulating the penetration processes of the three material systems tested. Results showed that under normal penetration conditions, the force required to penetrate the GLARE laminates were 4, 4.5, and 6.4 times the force required to penetrate the nominal 0.04-in.-thick aluminum alloy used in transport aircraft fuselage. For the three CFRP laminate thicknesses, the required penetration force was 3.3, 4.6, and 4.8 times higher. Comparing the penetration/perforation-resisting forces required for same thickness panels showed that aluminum panels require approximately twice the force than the GLARE and CFRP laminates. It should be noted that while the largest penetration force in aluminum alloy occurs at breakthrough, in the GLARE and CFRP laminates, the largest resisting force occurs at the end of the perforation due to the conical shape of the ASPN. Under the 45-degree angle penetration condition, GLARE laminates require 2.9, 3.8, and 5.4, and CFRP panels require 2.2, 2.2, and 3.5 times higher force to penetrate than the 0.04-in.-thick aluminum laminate. Results indicated that loading rate has marginal effect on the load-penetration behavior of all three materials under both angles of perforation. KW - Aircraft KW - Aluminum alloys KW - Deformation curve KW - Fiber reinforced plastics KW - Finite element method KW - Fire fighting equipment KW - Fuselages KW - Laminates KW - Penetration resistance KW - Vehicle fires UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=c9c5f23a-15da-454e-abc4-c976d57ff8cd&f=DOT_FAA_TC-14_33.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1354945 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01548602 AU - Krishnan, Vijaya K AU - Dasari, Deepika AU - Ding, Lei AU - University of Oklahoma, Norman AU - University of Oklahoma, Norman AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - EEG Correlates of Fluctuation in Cognitive Performance in an Air Traffic Control Task PY - 2014/11//Final Report SP - 30p AB - Performance changes that are attributed to mental fatigue in real-world tasks need reliable monitoring to prevent occupational hazards. The present study investigated the association of cognitive functional decrements over time with neurophysiological patterns indicative of mental fatigue when performing a low-fidelity simulated air traffic control task for up to two hours. Electroencephalography (EEG) and performance data, i.e., response time and routing time for navigating aircraft, were simultaneously collected during the task. Cognitive capacities of participants were assessed using the Minicog rapid assessment battery before and after the task. Acquired EEG signals were epoched into multiple segments of 10 minutes over time, and these segmented EEG data were statistically compared with each other using non-parametric statistical analysis to identify neurophysiological patterns due to the time-on-task effect. Significant changes in EEG power spectra were localized to the midline regions from the frontal and parietal areas of the human brain. Significant changes in performance data were also observed in response time and routing time. These observed changes in EEG power spectra and performance data suggest a consistent correlation among them in the time domain in individual sessions and participants, as well as at the group level. Both deteriorating cognitive performance and EEG, indicative of the development of mental fatigue, occurred at approximately 70 minutes into the task. Such a correlation suggests EEG signals are promising for use in developing a reliable on-line mental fatigue monitoring system. KW - Air traffic control KW - Cognition KW - Electroencephalography KW - Fatigue (Physiological condition) KW - Mental condition KW - Reaction time KW - Simulation KW - Statistical analysis UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201412.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334825 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01548552 AU - Dulkadir, Zeki AU - Chaturvedi, Arvind K AU - Craft, Kristi J AU - Hickerson, Jeffery S AU - Cliburn, Kacey D AU - Gulhane Military Medical Academy AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Tricyclic Antidepressants Found in Pilots Fatally Injured in Civil Aviation Accidents PY - 2014/11//Final Report SP - 16p AB - Since the 1950s, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) have been used for treating depression. The prevalence of this group of antidepressants in the pilot population has not been explored. Therefore, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) aviation accident and the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) toxicology and medical certification databases were searched for the necessary information related to pilots fatally injured in aviation accidents. During 1990-2012, CAMI received biological samples of fatally injured pilots from 7,037 aviation accidents for toxicological evaluation. Of these, 2,644 cases (pilot fatalities) were positive for drugs. TCAs were present in 31 pilot fatalities. Only TCAs were found in nine cases; in addition to TCAs, other substances were also present in the remaining 22 cases. Blood samples were available for TCA analysis in only 17 cases. TCA blood concentrations ranged from therapeutic to toxic levels. The NTSB determined that the use of drugs and ethanol as the probable cause or contributing factor in 35% (11 of 31) of the accidents, and six pilots had taken TCAs, as documented in their personal medical records and histories obtained by the NTSB. None of the 31 pilots reported the use of TCAs during their aviation medical examination, though 45% of them did report other drugs. The present study disclosed that the prevalence of TCAs in aviators was less than 0.5% (31 of 7,037 cases). This study suggests that aviators should fully disclose the use of medications at the time of their aviation medical examination for the improvement of aviation safety. KW - Air pilots KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Antidepressants KW - Aviation medicine KW - Aviation safety KW - Civil aviation KW - Crash causes KW - Drugs KW - Fatalities KW - Medical examinations and tests KW - Toxicology UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201411.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334826 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01544580 AU - Williams, Kevin W AU - Gildea, Kevin M AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - A Review of Research Related to Unmanned Aircraft System Visual Observers PY - 2014/10//Final Report SP - 28p AB - This paper is a review of human factors research that is related to the task of the visual observer in unmanned aircraft system (UAS) operations. Primarily, visual observers are used to assist in the prevention of a mid-air collision during the course of a UAS operation. Therefore, much of the research reviewed is related to ground-based visual observation of aircraft. The research covers basic human visual system capacity and limitations, visual performance models, and empirical studies of visual observation. The empirical studies include visual observer studies, aircraft see-and-avoid research, and search and rescue operations research. The results from this research are compared with current visual observer requirements to show where some of the requirements might exceed the capacity of the visual observer to perform adequately. The final section of the document presents recommendations and suggested guidelines for the UAS operations that use visual observers. In addition to their use in avoiding mid-air collisions with aircraft, visual observers can be used to assist the UAS pilot in avoiding difficult to see obstructions such as power lines and guy wires. Observers can also be used to monitor the movements of people and vehicles that might stray too close to an operation. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Drone aircraft KW - Human factors KW - Recommendations KW - Vision KW - Visual perception UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201409.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1329343 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01544534 AU - Byrne, Cristina L AU - Broach, Dana AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - An Evaluation of the Utility of AT-SAT for the Placement of New Controllers by Option PY - 2014/10//Final Report SP - 16p AB - As a follow-up to the completion of the Concurrent Validation of the Air Traffic Selection and Training (AT-SAT) test for Tower Controller Hiring (CoVATCH) project, the authors investigated the utility and fairness of using AT-SAT scores to place Air Traffic Control Specialist (ATCS) applicants into terminal or en route facilities. Generally speaking, controller pay is higher at en route facilities than at most terminal facilities; placement by option thus affects the terms and conditions of employment and therefore is a selection decision within the scope of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1978). While results of statistical analyses indicated that AT-SAT could be considered a valid tool for use in placement, based on technical considerations only, it was concluded that it should not be used in that way due to lack of utility and potential for adverse impact. The analyses indicated that if AT-SAT were used for placement, while the field training success rate (the proportion of developmentals achieving Certified Professional Controller status at the first field facility) would increase in en route facilities, the success rate would decrease in terminal facilities. Since more positions are available at terminal facilities, the overall success rate across both options would not change substantially and might actually decrease slightly. Furthermore, using AT-SAT to place new ATCSs into en route or terminal facilities might have adverse impact on blacks, Hispanics, and females. If the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) were to use AT-SAT for placement, the risk of additional adverse impact and pay disparities should be evaluated against the marginal utility of placement in terms of changes in field training success rates. In sum, given the findings of both validation studies, the analyses conducted here, and the projected ratio of controllers that will likely be hired into each option, using AT-SAT scores to guide placement decisions is not recommended at this time. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Air Traffic Selection and Training KW - Aptitude tests KW - Enroute traffic control KW - Evaluation KW - Selection and appointment KW - Statistical analysis KW - Terminal air traffic control UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201410.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330661 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01543175 AU - Geyer, Michael AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aircraft Navigation and Surveillance for a Spherical Earth PY - 2014/10//Project Memorandum SP - 197p AB - This memorandum addresses a basic function of aircraft (as well as marine, missile and satellite) surveillance and navigation systems analyses — quantifying the geometric relationship of two or more locations relative to each other and to a spherical earth. Here, geometry simply means distances (ranges) and angles. Applications that fit well with the methods presented herein include (a) planning a vehicle’s route; (b) determining the coverage region of a radar or radio navigation installation; or (c) calculating a vehicle’s position from slant-ranges, spherical-ranges, slant- or spherical-range differences, azimuth/elevation angles and/or altitude. The approach advocated is that, to simplify and clarify the analysis process, the three-dimensional problems inherent in navigation and surveillance analyses should, to the extent possible, be re-cast as the most appropriate set/sequence of sub-problems/formulations: Vertical-Plane Formulation; Spherical-Surface Formulation; Three-Dimensional Vector Formulation; and Linearized Least-Squares Iterative Formulation. These techniques are applied to a series of increasingly complex situations, starting with those having two problem-specific points, then extending to those involving three or more problem-specific points (e.g., two or more sensor stations and an aircraft). Closed-form (non-iterative) solutions are presented for determining an aircraft’s position based on virtually every possible combination of ranges, pseudoranges, azimuth or elevation angles and altitude measurements. The Gauss-Newton Linearized Least-Squares (LLS) iterative methodology is employed to address the most complex situations. These include any combination of the following circumstances: more measurements than unknown variables, measurement equations are too complex to be analytically inverted (including those for an ellipsoidal-shaped earth), or empirical data are utilized in the solution. Also, the capability of the LLS methodology to provide an estimate of the accuracy of any solution to the measurement equations is presented. KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Closed form solutions KW - Linearized least squares methodology KW - Location KW - Position fixing KW - Surveillance UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/53000/53100/53123/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-15-01.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1329317 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01541497 AU - Pierce, Linda G AU - Broach, Dana AU - Byrne, Cristina L AU - Bleckley, M Kathryn AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Using Biodata to Select Air Traffic Controllers PY - 2014/10//Final Report SP - 20p AB - This report examines biographical data (biodata) as predictors of training status (successful or unsuccessful) for candidate air traffic control specialists (ATCSs): self-reported high school grade point average (GPA), high school GPA in mathematics, highest educational degree achieved, completing an aviation program from a school in the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) collegiate training initiative program, and holding any pilot certificate. These factors have been shown to predict controller training success in previous research or are being considered for use as quality rating factors in controller selection. The researchers computed separate logistic regression equations for en route and terminal trainees. Score on the Air Traffic-Selection and Training (AT-SAT) test battery and age at entry on duty was entered first and second into the equations. Finally, the biodata items were entered using a forward stepwise selection method. Success in training, first at the FAA Academy and subsequently at the trainee’s first facility, was the criterion measure. Results were only partially supported by previous research. As expected, AT-SAT score was a significant predictor of training success in both regression models. Trainees with higher AT-SAT scores were more likely to complete training successfully than trainees with lower AT-SAT scores. Also, and as expected, age was inversely related to training success in both models. Younger trainees were more likely to complete training successfully than older trainees were. En route trainees with a self-reported high school math GPA of A and those with any type of pilot certificate were more likely to succeed in training than trainees with a high school math GPA less than an A and/or without any type of pilot certificate. For terminal trainees, no biodata items added to AT-SAT score and age in predicting training success. Based on an analysis of the relationship between selected biodata items and training success, it is concluded that the evidence for using these biodata items for controller selection is weak. The authors recommend that if biodata are used to select ATCSs, additional research is needed to identify and validate items predictive of success in training. The authors also recommend that a criterion measure representative of job performance of air traffic controllers be developed and validated for use in future research on the selection of air traffic controllers. KW - Age KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Air Traffic Selection and Training KW - Education and training KW - Logistic regression analysis KW - Selection and appointment UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201408.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1326381 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543459 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 06-01. Operational and Legal Issues with Fuel Farms AB - Airports need to provide a ready source of fuel for their users -- including commercial airlines, general aviation, corporate aircraft operators, and other commercial operators. Fuel farms are an efficient way to provide storage and dispensing of aviation fuels to multiple users at an airport. Various models are used to provide this necessary resource -- some airports serve as the single source of fuel while others retain commercial providers. At larger airports, airlines and other users enter into a fuel consortium to operate a fuel farm and, at still other airports, individual airlines or commercial suppliers are responsible for bringing fuel into an airport. As a result of these various models, airports may face multiple legal issues regarding fuel farms and consortia, e.g., who can have access to fuel, safety and operational standards, risk assignment, environmental liability and other risk management issues, and insurance limits and structure. In addition, there exist various state, federal, and local rules and regulations and industry best practices that guide and regulate the use and availability of fuel on airports -- such as the fuel farm location, security, insurance, above and below ground tanks, piping and hydrants, and truck fueling.The objective of this research is to produce a practical compendium that describes and explains the various models and legal issues that airport counsel will likely encounter during the consideration, negotiation, and administration of fuel related issues. The digest should also identify the breadth of issues associated with airport fuel farms and the risks and liabilities associated with fuel related activities on an airport, including answering the following: (1) What are the various models for supplying fuel on airports and what legal issues arise from each model? Provide a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each model. (2) Who should or must be allowed to store and/or access fuel at an airport and fuel farm and why? (3) What are the federal and state regulations, including the applicable grant assurances, the right to self-fuel, and NEPA, that may apply to fuel operations on airports and how should those issues be addressed? (4) Are there potential federal or state regulatory, antitrust or anti- competitive issues that may apply to fuel operations on airports, including a consortium's ability to frustrate non-signatory and new entrant airlines? (5) What minimum standards typically apply to fuel operations on airports and what are the justifications for these standards? (6) What are the risk management issues that arise from fuel operations on airports and how and in what amounts are Insurance Requirements used to address these risks? Can airports use any other risk shifting methods to address these issues? (7)What are the environmental issues and concerns that arise as a result of fuel operations at airports and how are these issues addressed by the various entities that use fuel on airports? What potential insurance or and other methods are available for allocating environmental risks? The LRD will include a checklist of issues and suggested language which an airport attorney can reference that covers the subject matter that should be addressed in the negotiation and development of a contract with a fuel consortium or fuel vendor. KW - Airlines KW - Airport operations KW - Fuel consumption KW - Fuel storage KW - Legal factors KW - Regulations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3773 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330915 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01529470 AU - Zuschlag, Michael AU - Bürki-Cohen, Judith AU - Chandra, Divya C AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - An Algorithm for Generating Data Accessibility Recommendations for Flight Deck Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Applications PY - 2014/09/09/Final Report SP - 53p AB - Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) In technology supports the display of traffic data on Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information (CDTIs). The data are used by flightcrews to perform defined self-separation procedures, such as the in-trail procedure (ITP). Crews must have appropriate access to the data they need to perform the procedure. This report proposes an algorithm for determining whether data are satisfactorily accessible for each ADS-B task and procedure. Accessibility is defined as the effort of finding data on a visual display and looking directly at the data. The premise of the algorithm is that the more important the data for the procedure, the higher its recommended accessibility should be. The data’s importance depends on a combination of their criticality and update rate, which are determined by expert judgment. The algorithm generates tables indicating recommended virtual locations for the data on the CDTI. Examples of algorithm inputs and output are provided. Additional work is required to validate the algorithm output. If the algorithm works as intended, it can be used to answer questions about how the data should be shown on the CDTI and where the CDTI can be installed on the flight deck. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft navigational aids KW - Aircraft separation KW - Algorithms KW - Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast KW - Data collection KW - Flight decks KW - Information display systems UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51700/51712/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-14-09.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1311868 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575528 TI - LED-based Low Cost Gas Sensor for Crew and Vehicle Safety AB - In this project the University of Central Florida (UCF) will work on the design and testing of a sensor that is capable of time-resolved, quantitative measurements of CO and CO₂ using LED-based diagnostics. KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Diagnosis KW - Flight crews KW - Measurement KW - Sensors KW - Vehicle safety UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367927 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01543182 AU - Sparko, Andrea L AU - Chase, Stephanie G AU - Morowsky, Katarina AU - Jo, Young Jin AU - Norman, R Michael AU - Prinzel, Lawrence (Lance) J AU - Kramer, Lynda J AU - Arthur, Jarvis (Trey) J AU - Ellis, Kyle K E AU - Bailey, Randall E AU - Rehfeld, Sherri S AU - Yeh, Michelle AU - McGray, Bruce AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - National Aeronautics and Space Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Low Visibility Operations/Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (LVO/SMGCS) Chart Usability: An Examination of Flightcrew Position Awareness in Homogeneous 300 ft/75 m RVR Conditions PY - 2014/09//Final Report SP - 92p AB - Two studies were conducted to identify best practices for the design of Low Visibility Operations/Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (LVO/SMGCS) paper charts and flightcrew use of them in extremely low visibility surface conditions. In the Chart Usability study, the researchers gathered information to understand the general usability of LVO/SMGCS charts on flightcrew position awareness. In the Airport Markings study, the researchers evaluated different airport marking designs, which may influence the use of LVO/SMGCS charts under those same conditions. For each study, 24 air transport pilots (twelve flightcrews) with Cat II or III qualifications performed taxi scenarios in a simulation of Memphis International Airport at runway visual range (RVR) 300 ft/75 m at night. The RVR and night-time conditions were chosen to represent worst-case conditions for LVO/SMGCS operations. In some scenarios, flightcrews were given difficult air traffic control (ATC) clearances that contained appropriate clearance instructions but did not necessarily follow strict ATC clearance protocol. The study was particularly interested in examining the accuracy of flightcrew actions under these conditions while using LVO/SMGCS taxi charts. The results of these studies showed that, under extreme low-visibility conditions, an 8.5 x 11 inch (21.59 x 27.94 cm) black-and-white paper LVO/SMGCS chart was sufficient for flightcrews to maintain position awareness. Additionally, flightcrews generally responded to air traffic control instructions properly and reported their locations correctly. The detailed results of the studies were used to generate a list of recommended best practices for LVO/SMGCS charts and airport markings. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport apron markings KW - Airport runways KW - Best practices KW - Charts KW - Flight crews KW - Flight simulators KW - Low visibility operations KW - Night visibility KW - Position awareness KW - Surface Movement Guidance and Control System UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/52000/52800/52800/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-14-14.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1329311 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01616422 TI - Quick Response for Special Needs. Task 26. ACRP Strategic Plan AB - The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) has an outstanding reputation and is recognized as a credible industry research program, providing airport operating agencies research products on issues that are not being addressed by other research programs. Since its inception in 2006, the ACRP has received more than $96 million and approved a total of 426 research projects, more than 300 of which were completed as of December 2014. The results of this research investment have benefited many airport practitioners. However, to secure its future in this rapidly changing industry, the ACRP requires a unified vision and a “roadmap” to guide the program’s priorities and activities. To provide this guidance, the organization engaged in a strategic planning process of introspective analyses and consultation with ACRP Oversight Committee (AOC) Members and ex-officio representatives. As the ACRP seeks to continue providing solutions to practical problems faced by airport practitioners, the program needs to be ever more responsive to the changing needs of the industry. STATUS: This project has been completed and the final report, 2015 ACRP Strategic Plan, is available for download from the TRB website. KW - Airport Cooperative Research Program KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Civil aviation KW - Guidelines KW - Needs assessment KW - Research management KW - Security KW - Strategic planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4128 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1435203 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01595739 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - National Runway Safety Plan 2015-2017 PY - 2014/08/15 SP - 80p AB - Since the publication of the 2012 National Runway Safety Plan, the aerospace industry has grown more technically complex, undergone a multiplicity of organizational changes, and experienced a rapid surge of multiple types of safety data. To address these challenges, the 2015-2017 National Runway Safety Plan outlines the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) strategy to adapt its runway safety efforts through enhanced collection and integrated analysis of data, development of new safety metrics, and leveraged organizational capabilities. The Plan describes the FAA’s strategic activities, programs, and objectives associated with achieving the agency’s runway safety goals and targets, including the evolution of a corporate approach to managing safety on the nation’s runways. The Plan employs a portfolio-based approach to runway safety that incorporates risk-based decision making, one of the FAA Administrator’s Priority Initiatives (Appendix H). The Plan focuses on the development of the interagency strategic processes to transition from event-based safety to risk-based safety using multiple data sources and stakeholder subject matter experts to assess current risk, predict future risk, and establish relevant metrics that measure the reduction in risk. Developing a corporate approach to surface safety that embraces the concept of using multiple sources of data from operators, airlines, and regulators to identify an expanding number of upstream precursors to events is one objective of the National Runway Safety Plan. This is a fundamental shift in aviation safety thinking and will require informed education as well as communication with internal, external, and political constituents. The Plan aligns with the FAA’s Priorities, the Administrator’s Priority Initiatives, and the goals identified in the congressionally mandated 2012 Strategic Runway Safety Plan (Appendix B). The Plan incorporates FAA Fiscal Year 2014 (FY2014) Business Plans by reference, and contains input from several FAA and aerospace industry stakeholders. The Plan is a living document that outlines the FAA’s medium-term runway safety strategic vision for the 2015 – 2017 timeframe. KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Risk analysis KW - Runway incursions KW - Safety management KW - Strategic planning UR - https://www.faa.gov/airports/runway_safety/publications/media/2015_ATO_Safety_National_Runway_Safety_Plan.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1398243 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543746 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 05-03. The Fourth Amendment and Airports AB - The impact of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution on security restraints at commercial airports is one that calls into question the limits of authority of both the federal government through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and state/local law enforcement officials who assist in overseeing security at these airports. Responsibility for the oversight of airport security and the screening of passengers and property at the screening checkpoint at U.S. commercial airports rests with the TSA under the Aviation & Transportation Security Act (ATSA). However, the airport operator and employees of state and local law enforcement authorities also play a significant role in carrying out airport security responsibilities. With the TSA operating across the country, and in some cases, private contractor providing the checkpoint screening, handling their responsibilities slightly differently, coupled with local and state regulations and laws, there is a potential for misunderstandings between the TSA and the local airport operator/law enforcement. The report will explore: (1) Federal statutory and regulatory authority of airport operators and local law enforcement after the TSA has conducted airport screening operations and transitions to local law enforcement with respect to federal constitutional limits, especially under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, of such searches of person and property. (2) The requirements of airport operators to maintain an air transportation security program and to provide "a law enforcement presence and capability" that is "adequate to ensure the safety of passengers" under 49 U.S.C. Section 44903(c). (3) The legal issues that airports and local law enforcement confront and need to understand when responding to TSA's request for assistance based on findings from the ETD, and secondary screening as it relates to the right to privacy. The research should include a summary of the roles of the airport operator, as well as the role of state and local law enforcement officials under ATSA, relevant case law and how it intersects with the TSA or screening entity. It should provide practical advice and strategies for addressing typical issues that arise in airport searches. This examination should include a review of federal Fourth Amendment cases that recognize the administrative or "special needs" searches as a justification for TSA screening at airports---both at security checkpoints and in other areas. The analysis should also include a summary of federal Constitutional constraints and operational protocols that should guide commercial airport operators in this area. In some cases, coordination with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Secret Service and Customs and Border Patrol may be required when contraband or other issues arise during the airport screening process. To that extent, the research should also include any Fourth Amendment issues that arise when these, among other federal agencies, become involved in handling airport travelers. KW - Airports KW - Aviation and Transportation Security Act KW - Fourth Amendment, United States Constitution KW - Law enforcement KW - Passenger screening KW - Security KW - Security checkpoints KW - U.S. Transportation Security Administration UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3506 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331853 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543628 TI - Interpreting Airport Water Monitoring Results AB - Airport staff have occasion to review the results of various types of water monitoring and analytical tests, typically in the context of regulatory compliance or liability. The interpretation of these results often leads to important and sometimes costly conclusions regarding environmental and human health risks; regulatory compliance; reporting and response obligations; potential sources, responsibilities, and effectiveness of existing controls; and appropriate mitigation actions. Typically, airport practitioners with environmental responsibilities have a basic understanding of the water quality parameters required for routine compliance monitoring, such as Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Oil & Grease, Fecal Coliforms, and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). Inexperienced or new practitioners may have a limited understanding of, and comfort with interpretation of water quality parameters that are not so commonly encountered, such as Total Organic Carbon, Nitrate, Naphthalene, Zinc, Acetate, and Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET). Faced with the need to interpret and respond to monitoring/analytical results that include unfamiliar or not-well-understood water quality parameters, airport staff do not have an industry-specific standard reference that they can refer to. Instead, their available options consist of researching the parameters that may not be specific to the airport context or that they may not fully understand, contacting their peers at other airports who may have relevant experience, or procuring technical assistance. Not understanding water quality results can lead to poor decisions, inability to accurately identify sources, over-reliance on outside expertise, and a general increase in risk. Having a sound fundamental understanding of the parameter(s) of interest in the airport context will lead to reduced risk of misinterpretation and better decision making. The objectives of this research are to develop a guidebook and a set of tools that operators of commercial service and general aviation airports of varying sizes can use to understand, diagnose, and interpret airport water quality monitoring results. The guidebook and tools should be user friendly, visual, and intuitive--using decision trees, flow charts, case studies, spreadsheets, tables, checklists, charts, diagrams, and other means to assist the user. The guidebook should address water leaving the airport that does not go to an off-site treatment facility. It should help practitioners in field situations interpret the water testing results, and assist in diagnosing root causes and possible sources of specific problems that may require attention or mitigation. The guidebook also should include: (1) data requirements (i.e., water sample, biological sample, flow characteristics, sampling parameters, field testing techniques, analytical protocol and methodology, detection limits); (2) data sources (e.g., location, timing, or frequency of sampling); (3) understanding data (i.e., interpreting the results -- are they good, bad, an indicator of regulatory implications, an indication of another issue, cause for further investigation; or is there a link between the chemicals used on the airport and how each may impact the outflow from the airport; etc.); and (4) follow-up action(s) (e.g., generalized responses that may be available or triggered by various data results), such as further guidance for additional testing or reporting needs to aid in deeper investigations of monitoring results.The guidebook should also examine the synergistic effects of related testing parameters and results and should offer tools and methods to ease decision making, help airports with corrective responses, and communicate results to stakeholders. The guidebook and tools should consider and explain the myriad variables that are present when sampling. For example, it may be necessary to use a non-storm-event timeframe to sample ground water as a way to understand test results that could be influenced by ground water. The guidebook should also include: methods (analytical versus field test) used in measuring water quality constituents; quality assurance/quality control methods and interpretation; regulatory implications; other criteria for evaluating concentrations of different constituents in different types of samples; and implications for human and ecological health. The tools and guidebook will be organized and presented to facilitate and ease its use in interpreting and acting upon monitoring results, as well as selecting water quality parameters for monitoring to address specific objectives and questions. Proposers may consider providing any number of creative and innovative tools within the constraints of available funds and contract time. KW - Airports KW - Chemicals KW - Data analysis KW - Decision making KW - Environmental impacts KW - Handbooks KW - Monitoring KW - Quality assurance KW - Quality control KW - Water quality UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3699 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331581 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587295 TI - Study of Safety Management Software for Airports AB - The purpose of this projects is to gain an understanding of the variety of software being used by airports as part of their respective Airport Safety Management Systems (SMS) strategies, with the goal of providing the the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with guidance towards recommending the use of SMS software at airports, including minimum functionality standards. For several years, the FAA has embarked on a program of establishing the use of SMS at airports. SMS may be thought of as a “proactive” strategy towards improving safety at airports through four primary components: (1) Establishing a Safety Policy, (2) Promoting a Safety Culture, (3) Performing Safety Risk, and (4) Management (SRM), and performing Safety Assurance. As part of this program, the FAA and other sources have published several documents for airport operators, including advisory circulars, guidebooks, and resource lists, including certain software products to facilitate the implementation of SMS at airports. In addition, the FAA contracted with 31 U.S. Commercial Service and General Aviation airports of varying sizes to perform “SMS pilot studies”, of which 14 airports continued with the FAA to perform “SMS implementation studies”. As part of these studies, several of these airports implemented the use of SMS software. Some of these airports purchased off‐the‐shelf SMS software originally developed for other industries (such as manufacturing plants), others developed software in‐house, and yet others hired consulting firms to develop, purchase, and/or manage SMS software platforms. These pilot studies were completed in 2012. Since 2012, some of these airports have continued to keep their SMS programs active, either using their original software programs, or refined platforms. Others have added SMS software to their SMS programs, and yet others have dropped their utilization of software, or inactivated much of their SMS programs overall. Since 2012, additional airports have begun to implement SMS programs, also using software in many cases. Preliminary research in developing this statement of work found several commercial products marketed as airport safety management software. In addition to commercial products, some individual airports have created in‐house SMS software or have used fundamental office‐based software (such as generic database and spreadsheet products). As such, there is a gaining wealth of institutional knowledge at individual airports regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the varying SMS software platforms that have been used. Despite these gains, there are many airports in the United States that have yet to embark on an SMS program, and as such have no institutional knowledge or guidance towards selecting an appropriate SMS software tool. This work proposes to address the FAA’s desire to provide such guidance, through a thorough investigation of the use of SMS software products, and a study of what airports need in terms of software tools to operate a successful SMS strategy. KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Aviation Safety Reporting System KW - General aviation KW - Risk assessment KW - Safety management KW - Safety Management Systems KW - Software UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=20 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392187 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01581001 AU - Bellman, Miles AU - Gandhi, Pratik AU - Geyer, Michael AU - Mackey, Allen AU - Shah, Vaibhav AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Department of the Navy AU - Naval Air Systems Command TI - AN/UPX-41(C) Digital Interrogator System Compatibility with the National Airspace System: Top- Level Test Plan PY - 2014/08/04 SP - 102p AB - In 2012, the Navy requested spectrum certification for the shipboard AN/UPX-41(C) Digital Interrogator System, Software Version 5.5 with Mode 5. Current operating conditions for the Navy’s AN/UPX-41(C) are the same as restrictions imposed on the AN/UPX-37 digital Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) interrogator. A proposed AN/UPX-41(C) Stage 4 certification was developed to allow the Navy to operate under less restrictive parameters but required that the Navy and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) validate those proposed restrictions. This document constitutes the top-level plan for an experiment that implements the agreed-upon testing of the impact of the AEGIS and Ships Self Defense System (SSDS) Combat Systems in ships with the AN/UPX-41(C)-based AN/UPX-29(V) Interrogator system on National Airspace System (NAS) Aeronautical Surveillance and Collision Avoidance Systems (ASCAS). KW - Aircraft KW - Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast KW - Certification KW - Crash avoidance systems KW - Electromagnetic spectrum KW - National Airspace System KW - Radar KW - Ships KW - Surveillance UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56100/56184/DOT-VNTSC-NAVSEA-15-03.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1373195 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01564447 AU - Torres, Jonathan AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Impact of Alternative Fuels Present in Airports on Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Response—Literature Review PY - 2014/08//Final Report SP - 56p AB - Environmental pollution concerns and the prices of crude oil and kerosene-type jet fuels have driven government and industry leaders to research alternative fuel solutions. Each year, alternate fuels become more common, and they are being introduced into airports, bringing with them the potential for unknown dangers. This literature review was created to assess the integration of alternative fuels in airports and the possible new fire threats they might pose. The alternate fuels discussed here include synthetic paraffinic kerosene (SPK), biodiesel, green diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquid petroleum gas (LPG), and electricity. Alternative fuels are being introduced to airports through two different venues: aircraft and ground service equipment (GSE) vehicles. These venues are made possible through programs such as the Voluntary Low Emissions Program. Each year, airlines, such as United Airlines and Royal Dutch Airlines, are slowly increasing their use of SPK blends in their fleet to reduce their aircraft’s greenhouse gas production. On the ground, airlines are retrofitting current (or buying new) GSE vehicles to run on various alternative fuels. The introduction of these fuels means that aircraft rescue and firefighting personnel might have to address new potential dangers. Past research showed SPK fuel fires are similar to JP-8 fuel fires, though some SPK fuel blends have exhibited higher heat fluxes and faster material burnthrough times. Alcohol-resistant aqueous film-forming foam is the recommended agent for biodiesel fires; however, this extinguishing agent cannot be used in U.S. airports because it does not meet Federal Aviation Administration requirements. LPG and CNG fires pose great dangers because of the chance of storage tank explosion. Fire tactics for electric vehicle fires are still under development and little information is available. In section 8 of this literature review, concerns and possible areas of research are presented. These range from analyzing fire extinguishment tests using SPK fuels to observing the fire behavior of lithium-ion batteries of electric GSE vehicles. KW - Aircraft KW - Airports KW - Alternate fuels KW - Biodiesel fuels KW - Compressed natural gas KW - Electric vehicles KW - Fire extinguishing agents KW - Fire fighting KW - Kerosene KW - Liquid petroleum gas KW - Literature reviews KW - Synthetic paraffinic kerosene UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=9b955311-611f-445b-855d-0ad65ce9a79f&f=TC-14-22.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1354947 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01564438 AU - Hode, John C AU - Doig, William AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Development of a Firefighting Agent Application Test Protocol for Aircraft Fuselage Composites, Phase I—GLARE PY - 2014/08//Final Report SP - 44p AB - A research effort is underway to develop a standardized test method to determine the amount of firefighting agent needed to extinguish fires involving aircraft built with advanced composite materials. These tests focus on evaluating the behavior of GLAss-REinforced aluminum laminate (GLARE) when exposed to a simulated aviation fuel-fed pool fire. This test is a continuation of previous carbon fiber-reinforced plastic fire tests reported in DOT/FAA/TC-12/6, “Development of a Firefighting Agent Application Test Protocol for Aircraft Fuselage Composites, Phase I—Carbon Fiber.” This series of tests assessed the fire behavior of GLARE samples that are representative of aircraft skin applications. These tests focused on determining (1) if the temperature transfers through the sample, (2) if burnthrough or post-exposure burning occurs, (3) if a smoldering condition exists after fire exposure, (4) the amount of time it takes for the sample to naturally cool below 300°F (149°C) after the fire source is removed, and (5) if there are any physical indicators that would help firefighters determine if the sample has cooled sufficiently to prevent re-ignition. The Federal Aviation Administration NextGen Burner was used as the fire source. It generates temperatures just over 1800°F (990°C), which are similar to that of an aviation fuel-fed pool fire. Twelve tests were conducted using GLARE 3-5/4-0.3, with a total thickness of 2.5 mm (0.098 in.). Nine of these tests used a 12- by 18-inch sample positioned flat, with the face of the sample in front of the fire source. The remaining three tests used the same size sample cut into four equal pieces layered 0.75 inch apart and set with the edges of the long side facing the fire source. The samples were subjected to different fire exposure times. Temperature measurements and infrared images were collected during the tests. The nine flat panel tests measured the temperature on both sides of the sample, and the temperature measured on the back of the sample was less than half of the burner side temperature. Burnthrough did not occur during any of these tests. In each test, the outer layer of aluminum that faced the burner melted away, but the glass layers below remained mostly intact. There was some amount of post-exposure flame in all tests performed. Despite the exposure duration, the post-exposure flame lasted approximately 1 minute. The recorded times for the flat panel test samples to cool below 300°F (149°C) were not consistent. However, for the layered tests, the recorded times were consistent with an average time of 11 minutes 36 seconds. There were no visual indications that the samples had cooled below 300°F (149°C). KW - Aircraft KW - Aluminum alloys KW - Burning rate KW - Composite materials KW - Fire extinguishing agents KW - Fuselages KW - Laminates KW - Test procedures UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=47e8b9f8-c1de-4674-a54c-d19f467164a2&f=DOT_FAA_TC_14_23.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1354946 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01555761 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - NextGen Implementation Plan 2014 PY - 2014/08 SP - 77p AB - This document provides “at a glance” information on current Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) status and completed/upcoming milestones. The document is divided into two sections: key programs and implementation portfolios. The six programs profiled in this year’s report are those that are either providing critical NextGen capabilities or providing the infrastructure upon which critical NextGen capabilities will be built. These include: Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B), Data Communications (Data Comm), En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM), Terminal Automation Modernization and Replacement (TAMR), National Airspace System Voice System (NVS), and System Wide Information Management (SWIM). KW - Air traffic control KW - Air transportation KW - Airports KW - Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast KW - Data communications KW - En Route Automation Modernization KW - Implementation KW - Information management KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Strategic planning KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/nextgen/library/media/NextGen_Implementation_Plan_2014.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1344318 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543547 TI - Reducing the Impact of Lead Emissions at Airports AB - While leaded fuel has been banned in almost all other transportation applications, it is still being used by piston engine aircraft. For over two decades, there have been efforts to find a replacement for leaded avgas. While a replacement has not yet been fully developed or vetted, it is believed that there will likely be fueling infrastructure and other airport challenges before any replacement can be fully implemented. Addressing these challenges will take many years to ensure that the industry is able to safely transition. There may be practices that airports can adopt to reduce baseline lead emissions and/or exposure and may be able to mitigate, if not reduce, lead emission impacts. For example, one mitigation strategy may be to move the run-up area. But, airports need to understand all considerations of the mitigation strategies. The objective of this research is to develop guidelines for airports on minimizing lead emission impacts. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Airport operations KW - Environmental impacts KW - Hazard mitigation KW - Leaded gasoline KW - Piston engines UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3703 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331144 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587296 TI - Modeling and Specifications of LED Based Runway Lighting Systems AB - The goal of the proposed effort is to develop models that enable the identification and mitigation of potential stability and electromagnetic coupling/compatibility issues in Light Emitting Diode (LED)-based runway lighting systems. Specific concerns of stability result from the fact that the LED lights have their own power electronic circuit that provides fixture-centric regulation. The LED lights are embedded within a runway electrical architecture in which a regulated source is used to control current to the lights. A concern is that if not properly designed, the fixture and regulated source will yield undesirable source/load interactions. In tandem with stability, a concern is that the switching of the power electronic circuits introduces unintended coupling within the system and electromagnetic interference between the lights and other electrical systems around the runway. At present, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is considering several alternative circuit and control topologies to provide power to LED-based runway lighting systems. One objective of the research is to develop models of the proposed topologies to facilitate investigation of system stability and electromagnetic coupling due to power electronic switching. In developing the models it is likely that modifications to the proposed topologies/controls or additional topologies/controls will emerge. A second objective is to develop methods to parameterize the respective models. Finally, a third objective is to explore methods of using the models to create specifications for source/load manufacturers so that source/load interactions and unintended electromagnetic coupling is prevented in runway lighting systems. The project would includes the following tasks: Models for LED systems stability, parameter characterization of stability models, stability assessment and alternative controls, models for LED system compatibility, parameter characterization of compatibility models, and assessment and compatibility.The models will provide the FAA with means to evaluate and compare alternative topologies and controls for stability and compatibility. It also provides a means to explore ways to create specifications on source/load manufacturers so that potential issues are addressed prior to runway installation. Finally, alternative topologies and/or controls may emerge that yield more efficient, cost effective, or better performing lighting systems. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Cost effectiveness KW - Landing aids KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting systems KW - Specifications KW - Topology UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=19 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392186 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587297 TI - LED Taxiway Lighting System Testing and Monitoring AB - The introduction of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) fixtures to airport applications provides an opportunity for energy efficiency, the potential for reduced maintenance on the lighting systems, and the capability for “non-traditional” fixtures (e.g., shaped LED sources, rather than point sources). The behavior of LED light fixtures different from traditional incandescent fixtures, and LED installation provides potential to move away from a “one-size-fits-all” airport lighting electrical system/circuit. This project will install and test of LED fixtures on a taxiway electrical system/circuit at KLAF (Purdue University Airport) using the existing buried conduit, as “prototype” of a retro-fit airport system. The work will test different infrastructure concepts for how LED fixtures perform when installed on existing airport electrical systems. The project will be performed in two stages. In stage one, the project will develop and test necessary electronic hardware and software. During stage two, the project will monitor and analyze data to evaluate performances of the new system. To automate the data collection, the project will develop a centralized data acquisition system with wireless communication and data storage capabilities. Four sub systems that will be developed are: (1) Base Data Collector (BDC); (2) Field Data Collector (FDC); (3) wireless network; and (4) User interface. The work will support previous efforts of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Visual Guidance program and the Electrical Infrastructure Research Team to assess how LED fixtures behave when installed on an existing system and circuitry, along with how the electrical system responds once these fixtures are operating. The data and subsequent analysis will inform the FAA about possible alternative airport lighting system architectures that could make LED installation easier for small airports that serve general aviation. In turn, those smaller airports can then benefit from the reduced energy consumption – both addressing airport cost and environmental concerns – and reduced maintenance costs. Findings may also support electrical system guidance at larger airports. KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Data collection KW - Electrical systems KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting systems KW - Taxiways KW - Wireless communication systems UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=18 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392185 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543717 TI - Guidance for Preparing and Using Airport Design Day Flight Schedules AB - Design day flight schedules are used for a number of purposes, including the planning and programming of airport operations and facilities; airfield, airspace, and landside modeling; evaluating terminal passenger flow; construction phasing; and staffing requirements. These schedules must align with plan year annual, design day, and design hour forecasts and account for some level of uncertainty in future scenarios. The required inputs for developing these design day flight schedules must coordinate planning strategies, forecasting methods, and risk analysis to estimate potential variations in costs and benefits linked to implementing alternative strategies. Given how these schedules can influence the outcome of analytic studies (particularly discrete event digital simulation models), it is imperative that they be done well and that the many assumptions used be well understood by those relying on the analysis to make investment decisions. Yet there are currently no consistent methods within the industry for developing and using design day flight schedules. Research is needed to develop a guidebook to assist aviation practitioners in the preparation and use of design day flight schedules. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook to assist aviation practitioners in the preparation and use of airport design day flight schedules for operations, planning, and development. The guidebook will address and/or include: (1) Determining how design day flight schedules should be used (e.g., day-to-day airport operations and use, construction phasing, long-term facility planning and programming, and financial planning); (2) A synthesis of how design day flight schedules are currently used (e.g., modeling, determining facility requirements, resource allocation) and a critique of current methods for developing design day flight schedules; (3) Guidance for selecting an appropriate method based on potential uses, unique airport characteristics, resource availability; (4) Step-by-step guidance for using each method; (5) Identification of assumptions, inputs, and data sources (e.g., annual activity forecasts, airport constraints, existing flight schedules, passenger surveys, regional considerations, industry trends); (6) Accounting for uncertainty (e.g., forecast uncertainty, policy changes, airline service changes, technology advancements, passenger characteristics); (7) Guidance for airport design day schedule output content and format to meet various user requirements; (8) Steps to ensure defensibility (e.g., documentation of how assumptions are developed and incorporated, quality control, reasonableness); and (9) Processes for maintaining and updating design day schedules. KW - Airport operations KW - Decision making KW - Forecasting KW - Investments KW - Risk analysis KW - Scheduling KW - Strategic planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3707 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331753 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587298 TI - Linear LED AirfieldLighting AB - The objective of this project is to gain an understanding of the potential benefits of linear Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lighting systems to the spatial orientation of airfield users, including pilots and ground vehicle operators through field testing experimental arrangements of linear LED lighting systems on the Ohio State University Airport and, in later phases, other airports within the Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability (PEGASAS) system of universities. A series of laboratory and controlled field experiments conducted by the Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute demonstrated that visual acquisition times for different simulated taxiway/runway intersection configurations could be reduced by using linear source elements in place of discrete point source elements when they are spaced equally. Conversely, linear elements could be placed further apart than point sources in order to maintain visual acquisition times. The LRC developed and validated a model to predict relative visual acquisition times under delineation configurations with different element lengths and spacing. In order to provide further face-validity, this project proposes field experiments be conducted to characterize responses to linear element delineation along a real-world airfield. The project proses that field experiments to be initially conducted at The Ohio State University (OSU) Airport. The Linear LED Lighting Project includes the following phases: Literature review, creation of test site at the OSU airport, testing methodology and data collection, and data analysis and reporting. The primary objective of this research is to provide validation to the previous studies conducted by LRC. Given the difference between the laboratory environment found at LRC and the airport field test environment at The Ohio State University Airport, this research will provide results that provides comparable analysis of the accuracy and reaction times of test subjects viewing linear LED lights of varying lengths and spacing in varying taxiway centerline configurations. It is expected that this research will provide the following benefits: A validation of previous LED perception studies conducted by LRC, a greater understanding of the perception of linear LED lighting systems to airfield users, and guidance for the FAA towards determining standards for linear LED lighting systems on public use airfield. KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting systems KW - Taxiways KW - Traffic simulation KW - Visualization UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=16 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392184 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545249 TI - Improving the Airport Customer Experience AB - Airports strive to continually improve customer service to meet the growing challenges of customer satisfaction. However, the stress of air travel has become a risk to customer satisfaction. Additionally, airports of different types and sizes face different challenges. Where options exist, travelers may avoid airports with a poor customer service reputation. Alternatively, good customer service may have a positive effect on the airport and its community. While data exists to help airports benchmark their customer service performance, there is no comprehensive guidance available on how to improve the overall experience. Research is needed to detail practices, methodologies, and technologies that airports can use to monitor and improve the customer experience within the airport's control. In addition, this research should detail proven methods to engage other airport stakeholders, including airlines, tenants, and governmental agencies, to work collaboratively to improve the customer experience and increase customer satisfaction. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook that (1) provides best practices to modify airport customer service to increase customer satisfaction, recognizing the different types of customers (e.g., passengers, meeters and greeters, employees) and types and sizes of airports; and (2) beyond customer satisfaction, identifies what airports can do to further improve the customer experience. The elements of this guidance should include, at a minimum: (A) Key drivers of customer satisfaction including the top positive and negative influences for the customer experience; (B) Methods to engage airport stakeholders to improve customer satisfaction "from roadway to runway," including the use of innovative technologies; (C) A template to implement a strategy for a customer satisfaction improvement program for a variety of types and sizes of airports, including staffing and budget considerations; and (D) Guidance to develop performance indicators to measure customer satisfaction. The research plan should include appropriate interim deliverables that include at a minimum: (1) a white paper that describes the current body of knowledge of customer service strategies to increase customer satisfaction at airports, which may include relevant examples from other industries; (2) a data collection plan for airport surveys, including a list of airport, stakeholder, and other sources, for review and approval by the Aviation Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) panel; (3) a description of the criteria used to determine the best practices to be contained in the guidebook; and (4) an interim report that describes work done in early tasks including a draft outline of the guidebook, a description of the template(s) to be developed, and a draft sample chapter of the guidebook. The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed; and (2) one face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting, as well as web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables deemed appropriate. The final deliverables will include: (1) a guidebook, that also includes a summary of the research methodology; and (2) a contractor's final report that documents the complete research methodology and entire research effort, including any assumptions used and the research team's recommendation of research needs and priorities for additional related research. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Cooperation KW - Customer service KW - Handbooks KW - Performance measurement UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3690 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332768 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575529 TI - Suborbital Pilot Training Assessment AB - There exists a great deal of information about pilot performance under high +Gz forces from extensive military high performance fighter jet aircraft and centrifuge studies. There are little data, however, on pilot performance in a high +Gx environment, particularly repetitive exposures. Although astronauts and cosmonauts experience increased +Gx forces during launch, they are not actively piloting the spacecraft during this time. Similarly, the +Gx acceleration in carrier launch operations is experienced in a “hands off” pilot control window. The situation will be quite different in commercial suborbital flights for companies such as XCOR and Virgin Galactic. In these vehicles the pilots will experience sustained high +Gx acceleration (often in combination with high +Gz acceleration) during the vertical portion of the flight and will need to actively pilot the vehicle during this phase of the launch into space. This is similar to X-15 operations where pilot control issues were thought to be associated with one fatal accident, lending credibility to the concern over pilot performance in such scenarios. Further, the addition of a microgravity period between high acceleration exposures adds the risk of a potentially significant “push-pull” effect, complicating the physiological response profile. Research is needed to evaluate pilot performance and physiological response, including their hemodynamic tolerance, their ability to manually reach and operate the controls, maintain visual focus on the instruments, and avoid sensory perception illusions that could cause disorientation, in order to better understand the impacts on performance during sustained +Gx and combined +Gx/Gz acceleration and to make sound recommendations regarding physiological and medical standards for pilot screening prior to suborbital spaceflight crew selection. KW - Air pilots KW - Fatalities KW - Flight crews KW - Gravity KW - Human factors in crashes KW - Launching KW - Performance evaluations KW - Physiological aspects KW - Spacecraft KW - Takeoff KW - Training programs UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367928 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575520 TI - Reducing Cabin Lethality in Commercial Spacecraft AB - Manned spaceflight activities have historically been the result of highly regulated government endeavors. These endeavors have ensured occupant protection in spacecraft by implementing varying safety designs and mitigation strategies aimed at both nominal occupant protection and contingency survival. However, the commercialization of spaceflight has led to the competitive development of multiple spacecraft and flight systems, each vying for the opportunity to transport individuals to suborbital or orbital destinations. There are currently no regulations in place regarding the optimization of crew compartments to promote the survival of occupants during manned aerospace vehicle operations. Dedicated efforts towards the de-lethalization and advanced crashworthiness of any spaceflight vehicle will improve the safety of commercial space endeavors. The development of regulations or standard safety minimums will ensure that commercial space passengers will be protected in the vehicle environment in both nominal and contingency operations regardless of commercial carrier utilized. There is a pressing need for such regulations to be put in place as soon as possible to allow for vehicles currently in development to be best designed for occupant protection. KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Crashworthiness KW - Crew compartments KW - Occupant protection devices KW - Regulations KW - Spacecraft KW - Vehicle safety UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367926 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575519 TI - Suborbital SFP Anxiety Assessment AB - There exists a great deal of information regarding well-trained pilot and astronaut performance in high-stress environments including spaceflight. It is well known that psychological stressors can be significant challenges in the operational environment, and even highly-trained individuals, such as military pilots and astronauts, occasionally experience debilitating anxiety or other psychological difficulties. These challenges are likely to be even more prevalent in commercial spaceflight participants, where training is minimal and participants may not be psychologically prepared for the stress of a flight. Based on prior work at the NASTAR Center, it has become evident that centrifuge training is enough of a stressor to elicit significant psychological responses in some individuals, and that anxiety regarding operational activities such as centrifuge training or spaceflight can be significant enough to disrupt schedules and operations, impacting both the affected participant and those around them. However, further research is needed to identify the most effective means to screen individuals to identify those most likely to experience an adverse psychological response as well as the most effective means of training individuals to prepare them for the stressors of flight. KW - Anxiety KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Human factors KW - Pilotage KW - Psychological aspects KW - Screenings KW - Training simulators UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367925 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543718 TI - Complying with Federal Regulations: An Integrated Approach AB - Airports comply with many regulations promulgated from such federal agencies as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Department of Transportation (DOT), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and others. These regulations have many required elements such as documentation, inspections, and training, among others. An aspect of compliance with the regulations typically requires written plans that outline how airports will comply with all the elements of the regulation. Airport staff in the department that is directly responsible for compliance with a specific regulation typically writes those plans. This can result in all plans and compliance requirements being implemented in silos. The "silo-effect" can result in staff without direct responsibility for compliance not understanding how their respective responsibilities directly relate to compliance with other applicable federal regulations. It can also result in duplication of efforts. In addition, some of the required elements must be adhered to within a specific timeframe (i.e., FAR Part 139 emergency plan table-top annually), and some require action based on a triggering event (i.e., FAR Part 139 Wildlife Hazard Assessment). Policies and procedures, in addition to the written plans, are another tool that airports can use for implementing regulation elements. However, there has been no guidance on how airports can integrate their plans, policies, and procedures, to have a more consistent approach in implementation, or to efficiently use their limited resources in complying with all appropriate federal regulations. The objective of this research is to develop guidance for airports of all sizes that (1) identifies the federal regulations that affect airports; (2) provides proposed methods and techniques to integrate resources, plans, policies, and procedures for regulatory compliance; and (3) provides a stand-alone tool to assist airports in tracking regulatory requirements. The guidance should include at a minimum: (1) Identification of all applicable federal regulations; (2) Identification of required elements of each regulation; (3) Identification of commonalities among the elements; (4) Identification of opportunities where airports can comply with multiple regulations in an efficient manner (e,g., conduct one table-top for FAR Part 139 and TSAR 1542); (5) A master timeline or schedule for regulatory compliance requirements (for both routine action items and triggering events); (6) Identification of how complying with the regulations affects the various airport departments; (7) Education materials for the various airport departments on their respective responsibilities related to regulatory compliance; (8) A tool that allows airports to track each regulatory requirement with the ability to add and/or edit requirements when a regulation is changed; and (9) A list of references that airports can use for further information to comply with the regulations. KW - Airport planning KW - Airports KW - Compliance KW - Policy KW - Regulations KW - United States Code UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3715 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331754 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545078 TI - Aligning Community Expectations with Airport Roles AB - The roles airports play in their communities, in their region, and in the National Aviation System (NAS) are often misunderstood by the general public, elected officials, and business leaders. In recent years, that misunderstanding has, in many situations, contributed to a growing disconnect between the realities faced by airport management and community expectations for air service or other airport-related services and economic benefits. This disconnect has worsened with a decline in air service in many communities as evolving airline business models, high fuel costs, and less than robust economic growth have affected the industry. Recognizing these conditions, there is a growing need to provide guidance on how airports can communicate with the community and its leaders to "right-size" expectations about an airport's role and the type of commercial air service and general aviation activity they may reasonably expect. The objective of this research is to create a Handbook for airport professionals on how to communicate the airport's role within their community, their region, and the NAS. Because of diversity among airports, this Handbook should address the various roles at both commercial service airports (including passenger and cargo) and General Aviation (GA) airports. In particular, the Handbook should describe best practices for communicating the diverse roles of the airport to the general public as well as its elected officials and the business community, addressing the following: (a) The various roles airports play within the community and as part of the broader aviation system; (b) The most significant controversies that arise in the community as a result of confusion over the various roles played by airports as opposed to the roles played by airlines and other entities; (c) Market considerations, governance, and regulatory restrictions that limit an airport's role; (d) A user-friendly database that incorporates information and resources supporting the various components of the Handbook, facilitating the communication process; and (e) Strategies, tools, and techniques that airport professionals can use in communicating the above to various audiences including elected officials, business leaders, and the general public. KW - Airports KW - City planning KW - Economic benefits KW - Economic development KW - General aviation KW - Genetic algorithms KW - Handbooks KW - National Airspace System KW - Strategic planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3706 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332532 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543552 TI - Pavement Maintenance Guidelines for General Aviation Airport Management AB - Pavements are one of the largest capital investments at an airport. Regardless of the funding source, airports need to maintain their pavements. Smaller airports, typically general aviation airports, have issues coming up with matching funds (if accepting a Federal Grant) and, therefore, struggle to implement pavement maintenance activities. And while there is a lot of literature and material on pavement maintenance options, these materials tend to be written for the airport engineer with a technical background on pavement design and the ability to identify root causes of pavement distress, and not with the airport manager or maintenance staff in mind. Many general aviation airports lack in-house expertise in pavement issues due to their limited staff that usually consists of an airport manager and some maintenance staff, making it difficult for them to select the best pavement maintenance option. The type and frequency of aircraft that use the airport along with the climatic region, pavement age, and condition are factors in determining whether maintenance or rehabilitation is the best option. There is little guidance for airport managers and maintenance staff presented in a non-technical manner to help them understand pavement distress issues and determine the appropriate maintenance option. The objective of this research is to develop guidance and a tool to assist airport management at general aviation airports to determine the most efficient and effective maintenance options to optimize pavement life. The guidance should include at a minimum the following: (1) Identification of pavement maintenance treatment methods and techniques, including new and emerging materials, methods, and techniques; (2) Ways to identify the cause of pavement distress; (3) Lists of the pros/cons of each pavement maintenance treatment option; (4) Treatment life expectancies by region; (5) Expected treatment life-cycle costs by region; (6) How to conduct a cost benefit analysis of the pavement maintenance options and expected future costs; (7) A tool to help the airport manager decide the best course of action based on the condition of the pavement, the type and frequency of aircraft activity, their climatic region, and when maintenance activities are no longer an effective approach; (8) Photos/graphics of actual pavement issues to assist in pavement distress identification; and, (9) List of resources. KW - Airport runways KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - General aviation airports KW - Guidelines KW - Life cycle costing KW - Pavement distress KW - Pavement maintenance UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3713 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331149 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543553 TI - NextGen--Leveraging NextGen Spatial Data to Benefit Airports AB - The Next Generation Air Transportation System ("NextGen") is a term used to describe a pervasive and critical component of the future of the National Airspace System (NAS). This project is part of an Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) NextGen Initiative, comprised of five distinct projects being conducted simultaneously. ACRP will be coordinating and sharing scope, ideas, and preliminary results among all five projects. The initial titles of ACRP projects included in the ACRP NextGen Initiative are as follows: (1) ACRP 01-27, NextGen--A Primer; (2) ACRP 01-28, NextGen--Guidance for Engaging Airport Stakeholders; (3) ACRP 03-33, NextGen--Airport Planning and Development; (4) ACRP 03-34, NextGen--Understanding the Airport's Role in Performance-Based Navigation (PBN); and (5) ACRP 09-12, NextGen--Leveraging NextGen Spatial Data to Benefit Airports. NextGen also describes a number of different technologies that are expected to improve the NAS. The benefits of NextGen for airports are not generally understood. In support of NextGen technologies, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires that airports participate in a number of initiatives that require airports to collect, organize, maintain, and provide spatial data. Airports can leverage this data along with other sources of data to provide enterprise-wide benefits. However, there is a lack of understanding by airport executive staff of the benefits of collecting and organizing spatial data that can be utilized by a variety of different airport work groups (e.g., maintenance, engineering). The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook for airport operators that identifies the benefits that can be derived from spatial data that is to be collected in support of the FAA's NextGen effort, and provides guidance on how airports can maximize use of this data. The guidebook should address or include, at a minimum: (1) An executive summary that demonstrates the benefits of the spatial data to be collected, and an overview of NextGen technologies for airport executive staff. (2) General information on return on investment including maintenance of data; (3) Benefits of data sharing with stakeholders including identification of the risks and challenges; (4) Identification of additional data that may be available and beneficial to airports; (5) Discussion of how data may be monetized to generate revenue for the airport, including at a minimum: (a) Legal issues, if any, (b) Limitations to selling/sharing data, and (c) Liabilities; (6) Uses of data that can be used to achieve operational objectives; (7) Uses of data that can be used for non-operational purposes (e.g., community engagement, marketing); (8) Benefits that the airport may achieve from the integration of spatial data with NextGen technologies; (9) Case study examples that illustrate best practices; (10) Identification of relevant technology trends that will impact airports in the future; (11) Expected timelines for airports to address spatial data requirements related to NextGen technologies; (12) List of additional resources; and, (13) Glossary of terms. The research plan includes two phases with the following deliverables: Phase I: (1) A technical memorandum and a 30-minute PowerPoint presentation within 5 months for ACRP review and approval, that analyzes, describes, and critiques relevant knowledge, practice, and available data on the basis of applicability, conclusiveness of findings, and usefulness for the analytical needs of this project and the ACRP NextGen Initiative; and (2) An updated work plan for Phase 2 resulting from the ACRP NextGen Initiative workshop that includes a data collection plan to collect additional data to accomplish the results of the objective, for ACRP review and approval. Phase 2: (1) An interim report that describes and analyzes the results from the collected data and any other work done in Phase II. The report should include an outline of the guidebook with a draft of the first chapter; (2) PowerPoint that summarizes the benefits to airport executive staff for ACRP review and approval; (3) The guidebook; and (4) A contractor's final report that contractor's final report that documents the background information used to develop the guidance, incorporating all other specified deliverable products of the research and includes the research team's recommendation of research needs and priorities for additional related research. The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed, (2) one face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting, and (3) web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables deemed appropriate. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Data collection KW - Data sharing KW - Handbooks KW - Modernization KW - National Airspace System KW - NextGen (United States) UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3714 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331150 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543516 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S04-12. Airport Emergency Post-event Recovery Practices AB - Airport operators participate in and host response and recovery operations for many types of events, including aircraft incidents/accidents, natural disasters, and acts of violence. People, facilities, operations and management, and preparedness are critical considerations for rapid recovery and for business continuity. The focus of this synthesis is: (1) Care of employees, tenants, traveling public and stakeholders; (2) Minimizing disruption of facilities; (3) Common objectives throughout the incident management process; (4) Integrated training and exercises, multi-agency collaboration, and after-action analysis. The objective of this synthesis is to gather commonalities and effective practices from representative commercial and general aviation airports regarding post-event recovery. The target audience for this synthesis is airport management and key stakeholders responsible and accountable for incident response and recovery. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Emergency management KW - Incident management KW - Service disruption UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3731 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330963 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543544 TI - Improving AEDT Noise Modeling of Hard, Soft, and Mixed Ground Surfaces AB - Airports will soon be required to use the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) when conducting airport noise studies (e.g., FAR Part 150 studies, Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments). AEDT uses a method that assumes noise propagation only over "soft" ground surfaces in the calculation of lateral attenuation, based on SAE-AIR-5662, Method for Predicting Lateral Attenuation of Airplane Noise (2012). In reality, areas around airports are often covered with a variety of ground types (e.g., "hard" or reflective ground, such as large areas of pavement or water), which can affect noise levels around an airport. By ignoring effects from multiple ground types, AEDT may under-predict the noise from aircraft operations. Research is needed to develop a method to account for impedance variability of ground surfaces to improve the noise prediction accuracy of AEDT. The objective of this research is to develop a method to account for impedance variability of ground surfaces in a manner suitable for model implementation to improve the noise prediction accuracy of AEDT. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aircraft operations KW - Airport noise KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Environmental impacts KW - Sound transmission UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3698 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331141 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543548 TI - Dispersion Modeling Guidance for Airports Addressing Local Air Quality Health Concerns AB - Airport practitioners use the Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS), soon to be incorporated into the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT), for modeling local air quality. EDMS, the required regulatory emissions and dispersion model for U.S. airports, employs the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) AERMOD dispersion model, a Gaussian plume model (concentrations are typically 1-hour averages). AERMOD is typically used to model dispersion from point and area sources (e.g., power plants, industrial activities) and is used to assess local air quality impacts. In recent years, airports have been asked to address public health issues regarding airport activity, which could benefit from the use of high-fidelity, time-varying dispersion models such as CALPUFF, SCIPUFF/SCICHEM, and LASAT, which, in addition to their higher resolution, provide additional chemical transformation mechanisms and recirculation effects not included in AERMOD. However, there is no established process for modeling airport sources with these models, which has led to inconsistent practices. Research is needed to provide guidance for airport practitioners in selecting and utilizing dispersion models to address local air quality health concerns. The objective of this research is to provide guidance for airport practitioners in selecting and utilizing dispersion models to address local air quality health concerns. The guidance should provide, at a minimum: (1) A process to confirm whether dispersion modeling is appropriate for a particular study involving airport activity; (2) Suggestions for selecting the most appropriate dispersion model (e.g., AERMOD, CALPUFF, SCIPUFF/SCICHEM, LASAT) for a particular study based on model capabilities and limitations, data requirements unique to airports, pollutant(s) of concern, resource availability, and output requirements; (3) Airport case study examples of how dispersions models were used to address local air quality health concerns; (4) A list of airport activity data sources for model inputs; and (5) Method(s) for representing the spatial and temporal variance of airport emission sources (e.g., aircraft, GSE, stationary sources, landside vehicles) in dispersion models by operating mode. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Dispersers KW - Emissions and dispersion modeling system KW - Environmental impacts KW - Guidelines KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Pollutants KW - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3704 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331145 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545251 TI - Enhancing Airport Wayfinding for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities AB - Independent travel in airports for elderly and passengers with disabilities such as visual impairment, mobility limitations, or problems with short-term memory presents complex navigational challenges that are not met by standard approaches to wayfinding and signage. While adequate illumination and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant signage as recommended in Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 52: Wayfinding and Signing Guidelines for Airport Terminals and Landside may provide some benefit, additional efforts are needed to enable airports to help these passengers travel independently and with dignity in airport environments. Meeting the wayfinding needs of these travelers is currently accomplished by the provision of personal guides for assistance. In the United States, no currently implemented accessible wayfinding systems are optimized to provide information for wayfinding and travel by people with cognitive, sensory, or mobility challenges in complex indoor environments such as airports. Currently the field is centered on development of indoor position-sensing technologies, such as talking signs and on delivery of wayfinding information using speech output from a smart phone. With the projected growth in the number of aging travelers, it is imperative to develop practices to accommodate the wayfinding needs of the elderly and passengers with disabilities as further defined by the ADA Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA). The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook to help airport operators and planners assist the elderly and persons with disabilities with pedestrian wayfinding systems in standardized accessible formats to help them to travel independently within airports. The guidebook should address travel by people with cognitive, sensory, and other mobility challenges. The guidebook should include, but not be limited to, (a) a template for a baseline airport wayfinding accessibility audit; (b) instructions to assist airports in creating a signage and services gap analysis as well as a wayfinding plan; (c) visual, verbal and virtual wayfinding aspects to help the passenger with directions; (d) methods that would allow aging travelers and passengers with disabilities to comfortably utilize technology for wayfinding (e.g., mobile geographic information systems (GIS) for airports); (e) suggestions of web-based information for assistance (e.g., airport, airline, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) websites); (f) standardization of wayfinding user interface systems within the airport(s) including technological interfaces; (g) compliance with federal and international regulations and standards (e.g., U.S. Access Board, U.S. Department of Justice, and U.S. Department of Transportation); and (h) coordination among a variety of stakeholders at airports to include airlines, security check-point and ground transportation operators, and so on. The research plan should include two phases and will include the following tasks: Phase I should include at a minimum, the tasks described below, as follows: (1) Identify wayfinding practices and state-of-the-art techniques that address the needs of the elderly and passengers with disabilities. Include tested examples from airports and other industries. (2) Develop a list of governing principles and practices for the design of wayfinding systems that will aid elderly and passengers with disabilities (e.g., standardized user interface recognizable from airport to airport). These principles can be used by designers and airport owners to fit the unique needs of their facilities and should be based on Task 1 and will be used to develop Task 3 and Task 4. (3) Develop and test conceptual ideas based on current and developing technology solutions that address the needs of the elderly and passengers with disabilities in all situations (including Irregular Operations (IROPS) and at a variety of types and sizes of airports.(4) Develop a vision of a virtual conceptual airport (medium hub) expressed in narratives, maps, illustrations, photographs and animations to demonstrate the implementation of a complete wayfinding system inclusive of ground transportation. (5) Prepare an interim report that includes (a) a description of work completed in Phase I, (b) a detailed outline of the proposed guidebook, (c) a draft sample chapter of the guidebook, (d) a draft wayfinding accessibility audit template, and (e) an updated work plan for Phase II. Phase II will consist of additional tasks deemed appropriate by proposers and development of the final deliverables. The final deliverables will include: (1) a guidebook that meets the requirements as described in the objective; (2) a PowerPoint presentation summarizing key findings of the guidebook suitable for dissemination at industry conferences; and (3) a contractor's final report that documents the entire research effort, including any assumptions used and the research team's recommendation of research needs and priorities for additional related research. The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed and (2) one face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting, as well as web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other deliverables deemed appropriate. KW - Accessibility KW - Aged KW - Airports KW - Handbooks KW - Persons with disabilities KW - Smartphones KW - Wayfinding UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3712 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332770 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543555 TI - IROPS Stakeholder Communication and Coordination AB - Process recommendations for airports to coordinate their Irregular Operations (IROPS) contingency plans with airlines have been developed as part of the recent ACRP Report 65: Guidebook for IROPS Contingency Planning. Follow-up regional discussions hosted by the Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) have helped many airports in coordinating contingency plans with other stakeholders. While certificated airports and airlines have filed their Tarmac Delay Contingency Plans with the DOT, many of these plans could be better coordinated between the stakeholders and the airports. Better communication and collaboration is necessary to prevent, or to respond to, events that lead to delays and unwanted impacts to the traveling public. Guidance is needed for more timely communication and coordinated planning among stakeholders for cooperative responses to IROPS events. The objective of this research is to develop guidance to assist stakeholder communication and coordination as airports and airlines implement IROPS contingency plans. The elements of this guidance should include, at a minimum: Communication checklists and a strategy for obtaining and maintaining stakeholder contacts; A list of federal flight data resources and other technologies, which allow for expedited communication regarding diversions on a national, regional, and local scale; Flow diagrams to illustrate the integration of communication and collaboration processes; Case studies of a variety of scenarios depicting IROPS responses; Scenarios and instructions for conducting table-top exercises; and A model to assist in predicting the risks associated with national, regional and local IROPS events to improve planning and response. This model will collect sufficient data to define baseline response capabilities and level of preparedness and will produce a report on IROPS risk levels for the stakeholders. The research plan should include appropriate deliverables for ACRP panel review and approval, that include at a minimum: (1) case studies based on a variety of scenarios that will guide airports and airlines in planning and managing a wide range of IROPS; (2) a plan for the development of a minimum of 5 tabletop exercises, which should include goals and objectives with a range of IROPS scenarios for all airport sizes; (3) a description of the predictive risk model to be used as a planning tool and its proposed data elements (data elements should include at a minimum: (a) stakeholder team resources and limitations (e.g., staff, technologies, facilities and equipment, etc.), and (b) frequency, time, and type of IROPS); and (4) an interim report that describes work done in early tasks with a complete description of the risk model and demonstration of the core functionality. The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum: (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed and (2) one face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting, as well as web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other deliverables deemed appropriate. The final deliverables will include: (1) guidance that provides the elements of the objective to include a user guide with the predictive risk model and (2) a contractor's final report that documents the entire research effort, including any assumptions used and the research team's recommendation of research needs and priorities for additional related research. KW - Communication KW - Contingency planning KW - Cooperation KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Guidelines KW - Risk management KW - Stakeholders UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3717 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331152 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543545 TI - Enhanced AEDT Modeling of Aircraft Arrival and Departure Profiles AB - The new Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) offers enhanced aircraft arrival and departure profile modeling capabilities that allow users to more accurately define operational procedures and better estimate environmental impacts. The AEDT contains standard departure and approach profiles for every aircraft type in its database. These standard profiles and their associated aircraft performance data have been developed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in collaboration with the aircraft manufacturers to ensure valid three-dimensional flight trajectories that lie within the aircraft performance envelope. However, through the implementation of Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) capabilities, aircraft are using arrival and departure profiles that are not found in AEDT. As a result, practitioners often develop customized profiles that require FAA approval to incorporate them into their modeling effort, a complex and lengthy process. Research is needed to develop additional model approach and departure profiles that can be added as standard profiles to AEDT and to help users develop customized aircraft arrival and departure profiles for use in AEDT. The objectives of this research are to develop: (1) standard model aircraft approach and departure profiles that are not currently in AEDT, (2) methods to model customized aircraft approach and departure profiles using AEDT, and (3) technical guidance for selecting appropriate aircraft approach and departure AEDT profiles, including customized profiles, for specific user situations. KW - Airport operations KW - Approach control KW - Arrivals and departures KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Cooperation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Guidelines KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3701 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331142 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543543 TI - Evaluating Methods for Determining Interior Noise Levels Used in Airport Sound Insulation Programs AB - In the past, various acoustical methods for measuring noise level reduction have been used to ensure that acoustical treatments met the FAA's noise reduction requirements. The recent issuance of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Program Guidance Letter 12-09, Eligibility and Justification Requirements for Noise Insulation Projects, has required a re-examination of the methods used to determine whether existing interior noise levels are greater or less than 45 dB. Although the criteria for the design of dwelling modifications are fairly well-defined, there is no industry standard to guide measurement procedures to confirm a dwelling's eligibility, which can result in inconsistencies when implementing airport sound insulation programs. Research is needed to gain a better understanding of the factors that lead to differences among measurement methods and to understand and minimize inaccuracies in estimating interior noise levels. The objectives of this research are to: (1) identify and evaluate the accuracy of noise level reduction (NLR) measurement methods for noncompatible structures; (2) propose procedures to minimize the measurement inaccuracies of each method; and (3) develop a matrix to help program sponsors identify the most appropriate methodology for determining interior noise levels for their airport sound insulation program. KW - Airport noise KW - Airports KW - Damping (Engineering) KW - Sound level KW - Sound transmission KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3697 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331140 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545250 TI - Improving Airport Services for International Customers AB - The international share of passengers traveling through U.S. airports continues to increase. New air service agreements, larger and longer-range aircraft, expanding global alliances, and growing middle-classes from emerging and developing nations are just some of the factors contributing to the increase. Much of the passenger growth is occurring from non-European nations that can present formidable cultural and language challenges to the arriving passengers and to the airports serving them. There are significant economic benefits to be generated from international air service that airports and local jurisdictions are working very hard to achieve. Experience at U.S. airports has shown that many international travelers have difficulty moving around in what are generally unfamiliar environments. The U.S. has different processes for arriving and departing passengers than many other nations. Airport way-finding, signage and symbols, and even levels and locations of automation vary among countries and among U.S. airports. Understanding and responding to processes is a major challenge for international passengers. For example, where and how to retrieve baggage and the need for rechecking may be significantly different from processes in place at other nations' international gateways. Getting around the airport and finding transportation from the airport can be confusing. Research is needed to identify ways to make passage more comfortable and information more accessible. This research should address these human issues and concerns. The benefits of this research would be an enhanced understanding of international customers and their needs, and strategies that airports and other stakeholders could employ to meet those needs. The objective of this research is to develop guidelines to assist airports in implementing departure and arrival processes, passenger services, and wayfinding techniques for international travelers navigating through U.S. airports. The guidelines should improve overall communication with international travelers, and identify acceptable service and levels of service expected by international passengers. Consideration should begin with processing from origin through gateway airports to their ultimate destination and include wayfinding and customer services. This research should include, at a minimum, an identification of key elements of the international customer experience that most influence satisfaction in light of their diverse backgrounds. Guidance should define acceptable service levels for each key element of each process that an international passenger experiences (i.e., wait times, walking distance, etc.). The guidelines should also provide service metrics for passenger processing, based upon internationally acceptable wait times to aid U.S. airports in coordinating staffing and delivery of services. The research should include: (1) an evaluation of each process, including wayfinding, human factors, communications, and the physical environment that impact the international customer experience; (2) a description and definition of the various roles and responsibilities of the different entities (e.g., ground transportation providers, airline, security check point personnel, airport information agents, etc.) that interact with the customer; (3) an explanation of the attitude, awareness and knowledge of airport-based employees that influence the overall passenger experience; and (4) provision of an evaluation of current U.S. international airport departure and arrival procedures and services (including pre-clearance, connections), as well as identification of opportunities to develop new innovative processes, technologies, and strategies. The research should also identify both successful elements of the customer experience and obstacles at different international airports and include examples of other relevant successful elements and practices from other industries to include international examples. Finally, there should be an identification and description of the costs and benefits of the potential service enhancements identified in the research. The research plan should include appropriate interim deliverables that include at a minimum: (1) baseline metrics on customer satisfaction and existing level of service standards; (2) identification of key demographic characteristics of international customers and trends in changing passenger profiles (i.e., nationality, income level, business or leisure travel, etc.); (3) a data collection plan to include surveys of international travelers for at least 8 representative U.S. international airports, to be reviewed and approved by the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) panel; (4) an assessment of at least those 8 representative U.S. international airports and at least 4 non-U.S. international airports that have successfully implemented innovative passenger processing, ideal facilities, and interaction considering human factors. The listing of airports is to be reviewed and approved by the ACRP panel; (5) an interim report that describes work done in early tasks with a draft outline of the guidelines; (6) a glossary of key terms, acronyms, and definitions. The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed and (2) one face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting, as well as web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables deemed appropriate. The final deliverables will include: (1) guidelines that will lead to the improvement of the international customer experience at U.S. international airports including a description of the U.S. gateway of the future; (2) a contractor's final report that documents the entire research effort, including any assumptions used and the research team's recommendation of research needs and priorities for additional related research. KW - Airports KW - Arrivals and departures KW - Customer service KW - Guidelines KW - International travel KW - Level of service KW - Strategic planning KW - Travelers KW - United States KW - Waiting time KW - Wayfinding UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3710 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332769 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543551 TI - Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) Risk Assessment Tool AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has identified a number of critical safety areas that airports need to maintain to specific standards to protect aircraft, passengers, people, and property. The runway safety area (RSA) is one such area that is designed to protect aircraft utilizing the runway. The runway protection zone (RPZ) is designed to enhance the protection of people and property on the ground. The FAA recommends that the RPZ is clear of structures and people, but activities occur within a RPZ at airports for any number of reasons, some of which are beyond the control of the airport. For example, the introduction of GPS approaches can increase the size of the RPZ that had previously been maintained, thus introducing activities into the RPZ that were once outside. "ACRP Report 3: Analysis of Aircraft Overruns and Undershoots for Runway Safety Areas" looked at data related to overrun and undershoot accident and incidents. "ACRP Report 50: Improved Models for Risk Assessment of Runway Safety Areas" developed a risk analysis related to obstacles in or near the vicinity of the RSA. Airports also need to understand the risks of activities that occur within the RPZ so they can develop mitigation strategies, amongst other planning activities. The objectives of this research are to develop (1) a tool for airports that will assess the risk (a) of an aircraft accident in a RPZ and (b) based on the output in the first analysis, assess the risk to people and property based on a density measure, and land use; and (2) a users' guide. Airports will use the output from both sections of the tool to develop mitigation strategies as part of their overall planning process. The first part of the tool will assess the probability of an aircraft accident in the RPZ, and should be based on (1) a quantifiable risk analysis of accidents and incidents that have occurred in RPZs within the United States and relevant international data within the last 20 years; (2) an analysis of historical trends of accidents relative to the RPZ both within the U.S. and internationally for the past 20 years; and, (3) other factors that influence the risk analysis, such as weather, geography, topography, type of approach, aircraft type, type of operations, and so on. Airports will use the second part of the tool to determine the severity of the risk to people and property for a specific RPZ. The airport will input two sets of data in the second part: site-specific factors as identified in the first part, and the range of density measures, land uses, and any other relevant factors. The users' guide should include at a minimum: (1) General overview on risk assessment, risk tolerance, and how to use the information; (2) How this tool can be used as part of an SMS; (3) How to use both parts of the tool; (4) How to interpret the results; (5) An outline of the steps necessary to use the output of the tool to develop mitigation strategies; (6) Identification of the variables that are relevant to determining the risk to lives and property that will be needed to use the tool; (7) A case study or example that illustrates how to the tool can be used and the application of results; and (8) Additional resources, as appropriate. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Airport runways KW - Airports KW - Guidelines KW - Risk analysis KW - Safety UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3711 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331148 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543549 TI - Water Efficiency Management Strategies for Airports AB - Large amounts of water are consumed at airports during the course of daily operations to support terminal operations such as restrooms, food service, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); airfield services such as deicing, construction, and firefighting; and maintenance activities such as vehicle cleaning and landscaping. These operations can use millions of gallons of water annually. These numbers are significant when one considers that water supplies may be limited, for example, due to drought conditions. Further, water consumption at airports is expected to increase with growing air travel demand, accentuating the importance of increased water efficiency and stewardship. In addition, there are significant amounts of energy associated with water use. In response, airports have begun to implement common water efficiency measures, such as installing water-efficient fixtures, planting native vegetation, and using non-potable water sources. Although the nature of airport facilities and activity present opportunities for implementing water efficiency practices, there are also challenges due to a lack of awareness or a lack of guidance in terms of identifying, evaluating, selecting, and implementing the most appropriate practices. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook and tools that airport operators can use to design and institute a water efficiency management program specific to their facility. This guidebook, including tools, will enable airport operators to: (1) understand water uses and usage at airports; (2) generate a baseline water use profile specific to their airport activities; (3) define appropriate water use targets; (4) evaluate appropriate water efficiency measures including their direct and indirect costs and benefits; and (5) develop a water efficiency management action plan. Topics to be addressed in the guidebook should include, but not be limited to: (1) Applicable water management tools and practices used worldwide within and outside of the airport industry; (2) Methods for collection, management, and analysis of data relevant to airport water management; (3) Alternate sources for non-potable water use (i.e., runoff, ground water, re-use, etc.); (4) Collaboration and communication with the public and stakeholders, including water providers; (5) Program implementation strategies, including motivation for decision makers; (6) Infrastructure operation and maintenance considerations; and (6) Drought planning considerations. The research plan should include appropriate interim deliverables, to be reviewed with the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) panel that at a minimum include (1) a technical memorandum describing water use activities at airports; (2) a description and evaluation of identified water efficiency management tools and practices within and outside of the airport industry; (3) recommended methodologies for airports to evaluate baseline water use and targets; (4) a detailed outline of the guidebook; (5) an interim report that describes work done in early tasks with a sample draft chapter of the guidebook, a complete description of the tool(s) to be developed, and a plan for any remaining work to be accomplished. The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed and (2) one face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting, as well as web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables deemed appropriate. The final deliverables will include: (1) a guidebook and tool(s); (2) a presentation summarizing the guidebook and tools, how they can be used, and their value to various stakeholders; and (3) a contractor's final report that concisely documents the entire research effort, including sources and any assumptions used and the research team's recommendation of research needs and priorities for additional related research. KW - Airports KW - Benefits KW - Costs KW - Handbooks KW - Sustainable development KW - Water consumption UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3705 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331146 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543541 TI - NextGen--Guidance for Engaging Airport Stakeholders AB - The Next Generation Air Transportation System ("NextGen") is a term used to describe a pervasive and critical component of the future of the National Airspace System (NAS). This project is part of an Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) NextGen Initiative, comprised of five distinct projects, which will be conducted simultaneously. ACRP will be coordinating and sharing scope, ideas, and preliminary results among all five projects. The initial titles of ACRP projects included in the ACRP NextGen Initiative are as follows: (1) ACRP 01-27, NextGen--A Primer; (2) ACRP 01-28, NextGen--Guidance for Engaging Airport Stakeholders; (3) ACRP 03-33, NextGen--Airport Planning and Development; (4) ACRP 03-34, NextGen--Understanding the Airport's Role in Performance-Based Navigation (PBN); and (5) ACRP 09-12, NextGen--Leveraging NextGen Spatial Data to Benefit Airports. For the ACRP NextGen Initiative, "NextGen" shall refer to a number of federal programs (predominately airspace, air traffic, or avionics related) that are designed to modernize the NAS. Aspects of some of these programs or the enabling practices, data, and technologies will affect airports and how they operate as well as how they affect airport stakeholders. Some of the known or anticipated airport-relevant effects that are expected from NextGen include: (1) Efficiency-aircraft fuel savings, airspace utilization, landside operations and performance, airside operations and maintenance; (2) Environment-emissions reductions, noise distribution; (3) Safety-situational/proximity awareness, incident recovery. Reliability-consistency in practice, international aircraft procedure/avionics standardization, improved access to airports; and (4) Planning/design/implementation-customer service, facility utilization, demands for infrastructure. Stakeholders are often brought into the planning process for airport issues related to NextGen near the end of the process, when decisions have already tentatively been made. This engenders a narrow focus on the environmental issues of noise and emissions and misses the opportunity to engage and inform the overall community of the safety, capacity, and economic impact that such procedures offer. What is increasingly needed is a more inclusive approach that looks at the benefits of NextGen to the entire stakeholder community and the goals it has for the airport. Therefore, efforts to incorporate NextGen planning at airports require new methods to engage the entire stakeholder community successfully. The objective of this research is to develop guidance for airports to engage with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other airport stakeholders on NextGen development and implementation lifecycle to include, but not be limited to, planning, environmental, review, design, and deployment. The guidance for engagement should include, at a minimum: (1) Tools to create proactive communication (including key messaging), collaboration and cooperation plans and strategies specifically tailored for a variety of factors, including airport category, stakeholder role, and type of NextGen technology. This effort will include a description of different engagement methods (e.g., a guidebook, social media, website, workshops and forums, community roundtables, town hall meetings). (2) Methods that will enable airports to proactively engage with and to solicit and consider input from stakeholders about the environmental and economic benefits as well as costs of NextGen implementation. (3) A continuous engagement strategy that will consider the important balance between enhanced community engagement and efficient NextGen implementation including managing schedule and costs. (4) Example applications of tools, methods and strategies for a prioritized list of NextGen initiatives and stakeholder scenarios. (5) Case studies of a representative spectrum of airports that provide lessons learned and best practices of stakeholder engagement. The case studies will be based on scenarios that include consultation with the FAA, airport management, airline representatives, and, where appropriate, members of the community. The research plan should include appropriate interim deliverables, at a minimum, as detailed in the following three phases: Phase 1: (1) A technical memorandum that includes the following: (1a) A prioritized list of NextGen initiatives from an airport perspective that are in the most need of stakeholder engagement; (1b) The preliminary findings of at least 2 case studies of stakeholder engagement to include 1 commercial service and 1 general aviation airport; (1c) A discussion of the potential tools and methods for stakeholder engagement, and use the NextGen application of terminal Performance-Based Navigation procedures (PBN) as an example; (1d) Proposed steps necessary to develop stakeholder engagement guidance and tools; and (1e) A sampling of tools that can provide proactive stakeholder communication and a description of different engagement methods that will be developed for use with ACRP Project 01-27. (2) A 30-minute Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that describes preliminary findings and early-anticipated research results for the project. These deliverables will be shared with the ACRP panel and with other projects in an ACRP NextGen Initiative workshop. The purpose of the workshop will be for each project panel and research team to review its own work plan and objective (in breakout sessions) in light of the information shared by the other projects in the workshop. Each project panel and research team will develop and deliver a similar preliminary findings report and presentation at the workshop. Phase 2: Following the ACRP NextGen Initiative workshop, the contractor will update the work plan to develop the final deliverables for ACRP review and approval. Additional project coordination (e.g., data sharing, teleconferences, or other electronic cooperation) with other ACRP NextGen Initiative projects may be added if needed or requested. The Phase 2 deliverables should include: (1) one fully developed set of tools and its application using terminal PBN procedures outlined in Phase 1, as an example; (2) documentation of remaining case studies; (3) an outline of the stakeholder engagement tools and applications applicable to prioritized NextGen initiatives; and (4) an interim report that describes work done in previous tasks. Phase 3: All remaining tasks to meet the project objective and development of the final deliverables. The final deliverables will include: (1) a comprehensive guidance document that addresses the elements of the objective and (2) a final contractor's report that documents the entire research effort, including any assumptions used and the research team's recommendation of research needs and priorities for additional related research. The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum: (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed, (2) participation in a NextGen workshop coordinating with other current ACRP NextGen related projects involving the other research teams and project panels, and (3) another face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting, as well as web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables deemed appropriate. KW - Airport planning KW - Airports KW - Cooperation KW - Guidelines KW - Modernization KW - NextGen (United States) KW - Plan implementation KW - Stakeholders UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3692 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331138 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543627 TI - Assessing Community Annoyance of Helicopter Noise AB - Non-military helicopter activities include operations for commuting, tourism, offshore transportation, law enforcement, medical response, and information gathering. Helicopter noise is currently evaluated with the same land use compatibility guidelines used for fixed-wing aircraft noise, with sound exposure levels at or above Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) 65 dB, judged as a significant impact. However, DNL values produced by helicopters are usually well below this level, even for relatively high levels of helicopter activity. Helicopter noise differs from fixed-wing aircraft noise in many ways. Helicopter operations and the routes they fly are more variable than those for fixed-wing aircraft and often occur at lower altitudes. In addition, the frequency content, sound level onset and decay rates, and duration constitute a unique noise signature that differs significantly from that of fixed-wing aircraft. These distinctions may result in differences in human reaction to helicopter noise versus fixed-wing aircraft noise. There may also be other psychological factors affecting human response to helicopter noise, including detectability and perceived safety and privacy concerns. There is currently a general lack of understanding regarding the relationship between helicopter noise and community response. In 2004, an Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Report to Congress, "Nonmilitary Helicopter Urban Noise Study," recommended that "additional development of models for characterizing the human response to helicopter noise should be pursued." To date, no such work has been done. Research is needed to better understand the factors affecting community annoyance to helicopter noise. The objectives of this research are to: (1) determine the significance of acoustical and non-acoustical factors that influence community annoyance to helicopter noise, (2) describe how these factors compare to those contributing to fixed-wing aircraft community annoyance, and (3) develop and validate a research method to relate helicopter noise exposure to surveyed community annoyance. KW - Airplanes KW - Annoyance KW - Day Night Sound Level (DNL) KW - Helicopters KW - Noise KW - Pitch (Acoustics) UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3694 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331580 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575518 TI - Test of COTS Satellite Communications Systems AB - The objectives of this research project are to: (1) test of Satellite Communications Systems on-board Suborbital Platforms to provide low-cost data communications for Research Payloads, Payload Operators, and Space Vehicle Operators, and government agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The satellite systems to be tested include, but are not limited to, Iridium, Globalstar, and Inmarsat; and (2) develop payloads, processing processes and facilities for university and government payloads in collaboration with New Mexico State University. KW - Data communications KW - National Aeronautic Space Administration KW - Operators (Persons) KW - Satellite communication KW - Space shuttles KW - Space stations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367924 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575517 TI - Definition and Delimitation of Outer Space AB - This paper contends that given the accelerated contemporary development of emerging aerospace activities and technologies, many of which utilize near space for their activities, and a desire to foster continued commercial development of space, the time has come to find an agreeable solution to the question of the inner frontier of outer space, and the outer frontier of airspace. KW - Aerospace industry KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Definitions KW - Outer space UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367923 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575515 TI - Space Operational Framework AB - RELEVANCE TO COMMERCIAL SPACE INDUSTRY: Establishing a framework to capture a body of knowledge for commercial spaceport best practices will help current and future spaceport operation personnel by providing commercial and government documents that encompass commercial spaceport operations. KW - Best practices KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Facilities KW - Operations KW - Personnel KW - Space shuttles KW - Spacecraft UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367921 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575513 TI - Human Rating of Commercially Operated Spacecraft AB - Human Rating is a broad-reaching topic that brings together the process of integrating a human into a spacecraft system for safe and reliable operations. This process first requires ensuring that fundamental human physiological needs are satisfied, makes use of human capabilities as an integral element of design and operation of the vehicle, and controls hazards and manages safety risks intended to protect the public, the flight crew and passengers, and ground personnel to the maximum extent possible during all phases of the mission. The commercial space industry has no clear definition for the criteria for human-rating of an integrated commercial spacecraft and launch vehicle system. This information will support the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) safety regulatory responsibilities. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Flight crews KW - Human factors KW - Physiological aspects KW - Ratings KW - Spacecraft UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367919 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01555759 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Economic Impact of Civil Aviation on the U.S. Economy PY - 2014/06 SP - 26p AB - Civil aviation connects passengers and freight almost anywhere in the world. Civil aviation connectivity is a key facilitator of economic growth.This concise report, ideal for policymakers and industry officials, offers the latest data on the economic impact of civil aviation. It discusses the economic benefits of passenger and cargo transportation, from activities by commercial airlines, air couriers, airports, tourism, and manufacturing. This version also estimates the economic impact of general aviation, a uniquely American achievement. In addition to 2012, this report also includes revised economic impact estimates for the years 2000 to 2009 and newly estimated economic impacts for 2010 and 2011. KW - Air transportation KW - Airports KW - Civil aviation KW - Economic impacts KW - General aviation KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/media/2014-economic-impact-report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1344316 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01535673 AU - Gabree, Scott AU - Chase, Stephanie AU - Cardosi, Kim AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Use of Color on Airport Moving Maps and Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information (CDTIs) PY - 2014/06//Preliminary Draft Report SP - 38p AB - Color can be an effective method for coding visual information, making it easier to find and identify symbols on a display (Christ, 1975). However, careful consideration should be given when applying color because excessive or inappropriate use of color can add confusion to an already complex display. A wealth of guidance exists for how to effectively use color in electronic displays, but it is spread across both Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulatory and guidance material and general human factors technical reports. Additionally, this information may not be presented in a way that clearly specifies how it can be applied to color use on an airport moving map or other avionics displays. The purpose of this document is to present known issues related to color which have been identified on current airport moving maps and Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information (CDTIs). This document also compiles FAA regulatory and guidance material, industry documents, and human factors research recommendations which address the use of color. Potential evaluation criteria for how an evaluator may assess the use of color on airport moving maps or other avionics displays are proposed. KW - Airborne navigational aids KW - Color KW - Human factors KW - Information display systems KW - Maps KW - Recommendations UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51900/51993/Use_of_Color_on_Airport_Moving_Maps_and_CDTI.pdf?utm_source=GovDelivery&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=july%20newsletter UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1319588 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01535655 AU - Chase, Stephanie G AU - Hiltunen, Danielle AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - An Examination of Safety Reports Involving Electronic Flight Bags and Portable Electronic Devices PY - 2014/06//Final Report SP - 130p AB - The purpose of this research was to develop a better understanding of safety considerations with the use of Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) and Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs) by examining safety reports from Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Runway Safety Office (RSO) and Accident/Incident Data System (AIDS), National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Australian Transportation Safety Bureau (ATSB), Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB), and French Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety (BEA). A total of 335 human factors concerns were identified from the ASRS and CAA reports; most human factors concerns pertained to the use of electronic charts, and in particular scrolling and zooming. Pilots also noted the presentation of incorrect or out-of-date information, and information presented differently on electronic charts than on paper charts. Additional human factors concerns were related to inexperience/lack of expertise and distraction with the PED/EFB. Four FAA runway incursion and accident/incident reports cited EFB/PED distraction, head-down time and erroneous aircraft performance parameters (e.g., incorrect temperature). The two NTSB accident reports that involved an EFB as a contributory factor both involved pilot misinterpretation of performance calculation data during landing, one due to inadequate training and the other the result of hidden assumptions underlying performance calculations. The reports from ATSB, BEA, and TSB primarily cited take-off performance data errors as a primary factor which led to increased workload (e.g., last-minute change which could lead to errors in calculating take-off speeds). KW - Aeronautical charts KW - Air pilots KW - Aviation safety KW - Aviation Safety Reporting System KW - Crash data KW - Electronic equipment KW - Electronic flight bags KW - Human factors in crashes KW - Information display systems UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51900/51968/An_Examination_of_Safety_Reports_Involving_EFBs_and_PEDs.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1317676 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543515 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S03-10. Practices in Preserving and Developing Public-Use Seaplane Bases AB - Seaplanes were introduced in 1910, and are important to the national air transportation system. They operate in highly diverse environments, from congested airspace to unimproved remote locations. Unlike aircraft with traditional rubber-tire landing gear, seaplanes do not require hard surface runways and can operate into and out of many suitable bodies of water. Similar to small general aviation airports and backcountry airstrips, there are many pressures that may impair or reduce seaplane operations. Seaplanes continue to serve a valid public purpose and preservation and development of public-use seaplane bases continues to drive local economies. Potential users and beneficial uses of seaplanes include, but are not limited to: (1) Civilian pilots-recreation; transport to remote locations; development of pilot skills and advanced pilot training; (2) Commercial operations- Transport of people, goods and materials; guiding; medevac; ecotourism; resource development; (3) Military and other government agencies-search and rescue; natural resource conservation; firefighting; disaster response. The objective of this study is to identify current practices in developing and preserving public-use seaplane bases. In addition, the report would identify challenges and gaps in practice that exist to preserve and develop seaplane bases. The principal audience for this synthesis is users, communities, policy bodies, seaplane facility owners, and other stakeholders that seek the benefits of seaplane operations. KW - Air pilots KW - Airstrips KW - Best practices KW - General aviation KW - Landing gear KW - Remote areas KW - Seaplanes UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3730 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330962 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543513 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S02-11. Lessons Learned from Airport Sustainable Plans AB - In 2008, the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) published ACRP Synthesis 10, Airport Sustainability Practices. This synthesis study documented a range of sustainability practices implemented by airports, along with survey results documenting the main incentives and barriers to implementation. Several new developments in the airport sustainability realm have occurred since publication of ACRP Synthesis 10. Examples include further refinement of the Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance (SAGA) database of airport sustainability practices, ACRP projects on topics such as renewable energy and sustainable construction practices, comprehensive airport sustainability plans funded by individual airports, municipal authorities, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and availability of sustainability rating systems and reporting initiatives. The objective of many of these initiatives is to conduct comprehensive reviews of airport planning, design, operations, and maintenance in order to identify the sustainability practices that could have the greatest beneficial impact. Though the initiatives are noteworthy and are moving airports towards embracing sustainability as a core planning and operational concept, (1) there is a lack of information on how airports define sustainability and how they are managing programs long-term; (2) there is little data on whether airports are successfully implementing commitments outlined in sustainability plans; (3) more information is needed on barriers and aids to implementation; and (4) it is unclear whether comprehensive airport sustainability plans are more beneficial than implementing projects on an ad-hoc basis. The objective of this research is to provide information that addresses these problems to meet the needs of airport leadership and employees considering, developing or implementing sustainability plans. The scope of this research includes: (1) Review of existing airport sustainability planning documents, with an emphasis on non-hub commercial service and GA airports, to describe definitions of sustainability, initiatives included, major focus areas, and scope of the planning documents. (2) Interviews that examine delivery on commitments outlined in the plans, long-term program management, barriers and aids to implementation, and whether comprehensive airport sustainability plans are more beneficial than implementing projects on an ad-hoc basis. Interview results will be presented as case examples and lessons learned in summary format. (3) Identify whether there are costs or benefits realized from the existence (or absence) of an airport sustainability plan. KW - Airport operations KW - Construction management KW - Implementation KW - Maintenance KW - Renewable energy sources KW - Sustainable development UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3728 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330960 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543501 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S10-13. Issues with Airport Fueling System Operations AB - Airport operators are responsible for the good working condition of all airport facilities. In many cases staff knows little about the complexity of the aircraft fueling infrastructure and processes because they may be managed by others. Fuel storage tanks, distribution lines, hydrant distribution systems, and fuel trucks are some of the specialized components and each must be operated with utmost safety and environmental stewardship. Aviation fuel is flammable. Jet fuel is a combustible liquid and avgas is a volatile flammable liquid. Safeguarding the entire fuel system from contaminants, flash point sparking, and leaks is important; and built-in safety features such as fuel level and leak monitoring systems, automatic fire suppression systems, and vehicle collision protections are typical features included as integral parts of the airport fueling system. In many aspects of fueling, the airport operator is identified as the primary responsible party. Airports receive and distribute fuel by various means. Many large airports are served by one or more dedicated pipelines and have underground hydrant fueling systems, and have fuel consortiums with professional managers and trained staff operating their systems. Smaller airports may have less complex systems but are still responsible. Because aircraft fueling infrastructure is necessary for airport operations and requires specialized storage, handling and dispensing, it is useful to airport operators to have a single document that describes common operations and serves as a reference for many fueling issues and practices. The objective of this synthesis is to describe typical elements of airport fueling system operations, and common issues and practices. The audience for this synthesis is airport operators who engage in any aspect of fueling operations, including those newly responsible and those with experience looking for current and alternative practices. KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation fuels KW - Contaminants KW - Fuel storage KW - Leakage KW - Monitoring KW - Pipelines KW - Refueling UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3733 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330948 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543500 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S09-06. Airside Snow Removal Practices at Small Airports AB - Many small airports face challenges to manage snow in a timely manner. This includes: limited budgets, old/inadequate snow equipment; snow equipment or personnel that may be shared; equipment operators lacking training for airfield winter operations; and unfamiliarity with current NOTAM protocols. The objective of this synthesis is to gather information on the challenges and successful strategies that airport operators at small airports with significant budget and other constraints in snow regions use when coordinating and conducting snow removal operations. The target audience for this report is small commercial service or general aviation airport operators. This is not meant to include the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) small hub category. The report could also be used to inform local and state policy makers to better understand the needs of their local airport and to reduce liability. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Airports KW - Budgeting KW - Snow removal KW - Training KW - Winter maintenance UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3732 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330947 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543546 TI - Developing an Airport Business Case for Renewable Energy AB - Renewable energy can provide financial and public policy benefits to airports. In current practice, airports are typically presented with opportunities to pursue renewable energy projects based on the availability of grant funding programs or inquiries from private entities. In such circumstances, it may not be possible for airports to engage in a thorough investigation of the alternatives to the proposed projects and reach an informed decision that optimizes airports' financial, environmental, operational, and social benefits. An effective, objective business case evaluation would assist airports embarking on renewable energy projects to advance future airport planning that targets economic, environmental, and social objectives. With the broad universe of sustainable measures that can be undertaken, implementing renewable energy projects has been limited although it can be a significant opportunity to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The objective of this research is to produce a guidebook to help airports develop a business case to take advantage of renewable energy opportunities. The guidebook should include, but not be limited to: (1) Criteria to evaluate the sustainable (e.g., economic, greenhouse gas reduction and aspirational) objectives in the business cases; (2) An outline and components of a model business case consistent with the overall airport master plan. A business case explores all feasible approaches to a given problem and enables airports to select the best option. A model business case should consider, for example, costs and benefits, potential sources of funding, and alternatives considered with opposing arguments including the benefits and risks involved in undertaking the renewable energy project. (3) Recommended internal/external stakeholder engagement process(es); (4) Methodology/template for ranking all capital projects and initiatives, including renewable energy projects, to incorporate environmental, social, and economic metrics; (5) Examples of renewable energy business cases to highlight lessons learned; (6) Potential funding sources, mechanisms, and solicitation opportunities for renewable energy projects, including a sample request for proposal (RFP); and (7) Best practices to compare and select, including trade-off analysis, between multiple renewable energy alternatives (e.g., solar photovoltaic (PV) vs. solar thermal). The research plan should include appropriate interim deliverables for Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) panel review and approval that include at a minimum: (1) an annotated outline of the model business case to be reviewed and approved by the ACRP panel. The model business case should include total cost of ownership and other synergistic activities consistent with renewable energy projects; (2) a list of examples of renewable energy business case scenarios not restricted to the United States or the airport industry; (3) a draft outline of the guidebook that incorporates other relevant ACRP research; (4) a sample draft chapter as a writing example; and (5) an interim report that describes work done in early tasks, at a minimum (1) through (4), and a plan for the remaining work to be accomplished. The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed and (2) one face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting, as well as any web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables deemed appropriate. The final deliverables will include: (1) a guidebook that meets the requirements as stated in the objective and (2) a downloadable RFP sample in Microsoft format for airports' solicitation opportunities of renewable energy projects. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Business practices KW - Environmental impacts KW - Handbooks KW - Renewable energy sources KW - Sustainable development UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3702 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331143 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543761 TI - NextGen--Understanding the Airport's Role in Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) AB - "NextGen" is an umbrella term for the ongoing transformation of the National Airspace System (NAS) and is a focus of an Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) NextGen initiative for FY 2014. This initiative encompasses five distinct projects, which will be conducted simultaneously. ACRP Project 03-34, which is included in this initiative, concentrates on the satellite-based navigational improvements of the overall program. ACRP will be coordinating and sharing scope, ideas, and preliminary results among all five projects that include the following: (1) ACRP Project 01-27, NextGen--A Primer; (2) ACRP Project 01-28, NextGen--Guidance for Engaging Airport Stakeholders; (3) ACRP Project 03-33, NextGen--Airport Planning and Development; (4) ACRP Project 03-34, NextGen--Understanding the Airport's Role in Performance-Based Navigation (PBN); and (5) ACRP Project 09-12, NextGen--Leveraging NextGen Spatial Data to Benefit Airports. The term NextGen has usually been applied to any emerging method or technology that is expected or intended to supersede present-day ground-based airspace navigation systems. For the ACRP NextGen initiative, a focused definition is desired. So, the term "NextGen" shall refer to a number of federal programs (predominately airspace, air traffic, or avionics related) that are designed to modernize the NAS. Aspects of some of these programs, or the enabling practices, data, and technologies resulting from them, will affect airports and change how they operate. Some of the known or anticipated airport-relevant effects that are expected from NextGen include the following: (1) Safety-situational/proximity awareness, incident recovery; (2) Efficiency-aircraft fuel savings, airspace utilization, landside operations and performance, airside operations and maintenance; (3) Environment-emissions reductions, noise distribution; (4) Reliability-consistency in practice, international aircraft procedure/avionics standardization, improved access to airports; and (5) Planning/design-customer service, facility use, demands for infrastructure. Because of the technical nature of NextGen and the fact that much of the material previously produced has not been oriented toward airport operators, much about NextGen and how it will affect airport operations and planning may not be clear to the broader airport audience. Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) is a critical near-term component of the NextGen program. Design and implementation of PBN will have significance for airports of all sizes. Development of PBN procedures is currently underway, or will be underway shortly, in a number of communities. Involvement by airport operators is essential for successful implementation; and potential opportunities exist for realizing operational and environmental benefits as well as improvements to safety, reliability, and efficiencies of air services to the community. To maximize their productivity, airport operators need to have an understanding of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) design and implementation procedures, and have the means to identify and monitor metrics of expected benefits and impacts of these procedures so they can report back to their communities. To help implement that program, the aviation community needs comprehensive and understandable information concerning PBN, presented in a usable and accessible format--describing implementation requirements, related benefits, and potential costs. The objective of this research is to prepare a user-friendly "Airport PBN Resource Guide" that presents essential, relevant material for use by airport operators, planners, managers, and others. The guide should include background information, an overview of federal policy (including recent legislation), accurate measures of the trade-offs resulting from implementing PBN, and an identification of potential implications to stakeholders. Trade-off measures should encompass both quantitative and qualitative approaches to measure change in noise exposure, air quality, safety-related incidents, and other factors. In addition, the Airport PBN Resource Guide should describe practices and methods airport operators can use to work with their surrounding communities, the FAA, and other stakeholders in all phases of PBN development and implementation. The guide should address the following primary issues: (1) Safety enhancements; (2) Improved efficiency of operations at the airport and in the surrounding airspace; (3) Environmental outcomes, particularly relating to noise and emissions; and (4) Performance measures. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Airport noise KW - Airport operations KW - Airspace utilization KW - Environmental impacts KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Performance measurement KW - Pollutants UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3709 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331868 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543502 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S10-14. Issues Related to Accommodating Animals Traveling through Airports AB - Companion and service animals are increasingly traveling through airport terminals and a wide range of species are transported as cargo. The types of animals commonly include companion animals, service animals, therapy animals, show animals, and other animals shipped through cargo carriers. As the number of animals that airlines transport increases, so does the need to accommodate them. There are a number of regulations governing animal welfare during transport. However, a number of species being transported by air are not protected by regulation. The increasing number of animal incidents and emergencies at airports require a cooperative approach by airlines, airports operators, and their associated contractors. Because airport operators would like to institute effective practices to accommodate the well-being of animals traveling through airports, all would benefit from a compilation of existing literature and practice. The objective of this synthesis is to (1) identify pertinent regulations; (2) describe the issues and ranges of accommodation requirements and strategies to respond to issues; and (3) describe through case examples some practices found effective in accommodating animals traveling through airports. The audience for this report is airport operators, airlines and contractors who are responsible for accommodating traveling animals, and those who respond to animal incidents and emergencies. KW - Airlines KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Animals KW - Cargo handling KW - Regulations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3734 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330949 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547350 TI - Assessing Aircraft Noise Conditions Affecting Student Achievement--Case Studies AB - Community concern over the effects of aircraft noise on children's learning may delay or impede airport development and related capacity improvements. This concern continues to evolve as a result of research indicating that chronic exposure to aircraft noise is associated with reading deficits in children. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), through a long-standing program, awards grants to insulate schools following guidance based on a two-tier set of criteria: the Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) being 65 dB or greater with a 45 dB or greater interior noise level. To date, however, there are no data to determine whether this criterion is appropriate for identifying aircraft noise impacts on schools, and there is limited research on what other characteristics should also be included in the evaluation. In 2010 the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) initiated ACRP Project 02-26, "Assessing Aircraft Noise Conditions Affecting Student Learning," to identify whether the two-tier set of criteria is reasonable for identifying noise impacts on schools. This research, which incorporated a nationwide macro-analysis of the relationship between noise exposure and student performance, taking into account the effect of school sound insulation and other factors, relied on student test scores as a measure of performance. A preliminary version of the draft final report of this study is now available for review. It is important to note that ACRP Project 02-26 did not examine the effects of aircraft noise on interactions within the classroom. To take the next step and measure responses at the classroom level requires observations to determine at what level aircraft noise events cause interruptions within the classroom environment and how student and teacher communication and behavior are affected. These classroom observations would enable a refined approach to developing a more appropriate metric for determining the impact of aircraft noise on student achievement--an approach that would also provide guidance to planners and decision makers when formulating and implementing potential noise reduction programs. The objectives of this research are to (1) develop and implement a rigorous case study methodology to identify and measure those factors at the individual classroom, student, and teacher level that influence the impact of aircraft noise on student achievement, especially as it relates to reading comprehension; (2) identify appropriate metrics that define the level and characteristics of aircraft noise that impact student achievement; and (3) develop practical guidance for use by decision makers on how to reduce the impact of aircraft noise on student achievement. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Behavior KW - Day Night Sound Level (DNL) KW - Learning KW - Noise reduction KW - Schools KW - Sound insulating materials KW - Students UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3693 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334523 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543542 TI - Addressing Significant Weather Impacts on Airports AB - In recent years, significant weather events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, severe precipitation, and extreme temperatures have caused a variety of impacts to airports. A string of hurricanes in 2004 and 2005 brought widespread damage and impacts to the East Coast and Gulf region that adversely affected multiple airports and their infrastructure and operations. In 2012, super-storm Sandy damaged airport infrastructure along the East Coast and a hailstorm disrupted operations and damaged aircraft in Dallas. In 2011, a tornado caused destruction in St. Louis. The intensity of significant weather impacts varies depending on the airport and its location. Snow may not impact airports in northern states in the same way that it would impact airports in southern states. Conversely, extreme heat may not impact airports in southern states as it would in northern states. With the increase in these significant weather events, it is important for airports to better plan for, respond to, and recover from these events. The objective of this research is to develop a toolkit that: (1) raises airport operator awareness about vulnerabilities caused by significant weather events; (2) helps airports develop more robust contingency and recovery plans, in addition to their airport emergency plans; and (3) describes impact prevention and mitigation strategies. The toolkit will be based on a review of the historical weather data and impacts, as well as best practices and lessons learned from airports' responses to recent significant weather events. The toolkit will assist airports of a variety of types and sizes and their stakeholders in effectively planning for, responding to, and recovering from significant weather events. This toolkit will address airport infrastructure, safety, security, emergency management, operations, maintenance, business continuity, financial, and environmental issues among others and may include, but not be limited to: (1) a method to determine an airport's current exposure of different significant weather events; (2) a set of queries that airport operators can use to self-assess the airport's capabilities and needs; (3) sample plans that may include checklists, templates, process flow diagrams, etc.; (4) a set of methods to effectively communicate and collaborate with airport stakeholders, both on and off airport (e.g., airlines, concessions, fixed base operators, local government agencies, etc.); a set of local and system-wide impact prevention and mitigation strategies; and (5) an after action protocol to document lessons learned. The research plan should include appropriate interim deliverables, including, at a minimum: (1) a review of significant weather events (e.g., tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, hail and ice storms, temperature extremes, severe precipitation, wildfires, volcanic ash, drought, etc.) across the United States over the last 10 to 15 years to raise airport operator's awareness about their potential vulnerability to different significant weather events; (2) at least 10 representative case studies that document how airports and their stakeholders have planned for, responded to, and recovered from significant weather events; (3) an interim report that describes work done in early tasks which includes an outline and detailed plan for the development of a toolkit with prototypes of sample toolkit elements; (4) a first draft of the toolkit for review and approval by the panel prior to testing; and (5) a test to validate the toolkit at select airports to get feedback on the effectiveness and utility for airport practitioners and their stakeholders. The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) panel, including at a minimum (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed, (2) one face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting, and (3) review of the first draft of the toolkit, as well as web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables deemed appropriate. The final deliverables will include: (1) a toolkit that meets the requirements as stated in the objective and emphasizes impact prevention and mitigation strategies; (2) a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the details of the toolkit useful for future webinars; and (3) a contractor's final report that documents the entire research effort, including any assumptions used and the research team's recommendation of research needs and priorities for additional related research. KW - Airports KW - Contingency planning KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Hurricanes KW - Risk assessment KW - Tornadoes KW - United States KW - Weather conditions UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3695 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331139 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587300 TI - Pavement Marking Presence Tool AB - This research project has two objectives. The first objective is to develop a mobile (smart phone) tool to allow users the ability to assess the existing pavement marking presence (the amount of pavement marking on the pavement surface) and also help with quality assurance of newly installed pavement marking products that are not made up of a continuous solid line (MMA splatter pattern is one example). The second objective is to develop an easy to use tool that inspectors can use to assess retroreflectivity and color using their smart phone or tablet. KW - Airport runways KW - Color KW - Information technology KW - Marking materials KW - Pavement components KW - Retroreflectivity KW - Smartphones UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=10 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392182 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543512 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S01-10. Strategies for Maintaining Air Service AB - Mergers, cost of fuel, and fewer carriers and seats in the market have changed the patterns of air service distributed across the nation's airports. While some larger airports continue to experience moderate growth in passengers, many other airports have suffered significant drops in air service. Many airports will be fortunate to maintain the air service (access/connection to hubs and markets, frequency, seats) they currently have, let alone be able to attract new air service. In response, airports are evaluating current strategies and exploring new strategies to maintain air service. These include offering incentives, reevaluating the ways in which they charge airlines for the provision of services, and performing ground-handling (above wing, below wing, fueling, etc.) and other functions which have traditionally been the responsibility of airlines. Additional strategies include reducing airline costs, abating risks, providing new services, or involving the community in attempting to stimulate more business and leisure travel. While some attention has been given to traditional strategies to attract new air service that would also apply to maintaining air service--including landing fee waivers, marketing assistance and travel banks--there is less information on new strategies being pursued by many smaller and medium-sized airports designed to reduce the start-up and ongoing costs to incumbent carriers and increase long-term market viability. The objective of this synthesis is to describe strategies pursued by smaller and medium-sized airports, their communities, and local businesses to maintain air service. The audience for this report is small and medium sized airport operators, governing entities, and their communities. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Airport operations KW - Economic growth KW - Incentives KW - Mergers and acquisitions KW - Operating costs KW - Strategic planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3727 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330959 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01530923 AU - Koopmann, Jonathan AU - Solman, Gina Barberio AU - Dinges, Eric AU - Biederman, Andrew AU - Rickel, Denise AU - Tran, Elaine AU - Augustine, Stephen AU - Baker, Jesse AU - White, Tyler AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - ATAC Corporation AU - Metron Aviation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Uncertainty Quantification Supplemental Report Version 2a Service Pack 2 (SP2) PY - 2014/05/21 SP - 31p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environment and Energy (FAA-AEE) has developed the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) version 2a software system with the support of the following development team: FAA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), ATAC Corporation, Metron Aviation, Wyle Laboratories, CSSI, Inc., Foliage, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Georgia Tech. AEDT 2a is designed to dynamically model aircraft performance in space and time to compute aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn. This document is the AEDT 2a Service Pack 2 Uncertainty Quantification Supplemental Report, which compares changes between AEDT 2a and Service Pack 2 based on verification and validation and capability demonstrations of the software’s methodologies and performance in comparison with legacy models. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Fuel consumption KW - Pollutants KW - Software KW - Uncertainty KW - Validation UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51800/51867/20140520_AEDT_2a_SP2_UQ_Supplement.pdf?utm_source=GovDelivery&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=June%20newsletter UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1314142 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543629 TI - Measuring and Understanding Emission Factors for General Aviation (GA) Aircraft AB - Airports, among others, use the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Emission and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS) that is a tool to perform air quality analysis. Soon the FAA will replace the EDMS with Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT). Both modeling systems utilize emission data for various aircraft engines but there is greater confidence in the data for larger commercial aircraft engines obtained in part from International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO's) aircraft engine emissions databank. However, for smaller aircraft such as piston and small turbine-powered aircraft, emission factor data is either non-existent or hasn't been independently verified. This could underestimate or overestimate aircraft emissions. Further, there is no standard methodology for obtaining the emissions data to determine factors for smaller aircraft engines. This uncertainty makes it difficult for airports with significant general aviation (GA) operations to characterize their emission inventories with the precision that larger airports are able to achieve due to the availability and confidence of data. The objective of this research is to obtain aircraft emissions measurements that airports can use to better understand and estimate GA aircraft emissions. The measurements should be taken for each operational mode of aircraft activity for gaseous (HC, CO, and NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions of piston and turbine aircraft (not included in the ICAO aircraft engine emissions databank) to develop more accurate GA aircraft emission factors that can be used in EDMS/AEDT or other emission databases to (1) verify sample data sets that exist, (2) supplement most commonly used aircraft engine data that doesn't currently exist in EDMS/AEDT or other emission databases, and (3) develop recommendations for determining substitution for aircraft that aren't currently in existing emission databases. The research should include at a minimum: (1) Documentation of the methodology used to collect data; (2) Data in a format (emissions indices in g/kg) that can be readily implementable and consistent with EDMS/AEDT; (3) Comparison of the measured data with corresponding existing data; (4) A sensitivity analysis of a hypothetical airport(s) showing how the emission factors differ from the verification data findings and how those differences could impact an airport's emission inventory based on varying number of operations and different aircraft fleet mix; (5) Recommendations for determining substitution aircraft for aircraft where there is no existing emission data; and (6) Discussion on the relevance of findings that airports can use to understand the outcomes of the research. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Data collection KW - General aviation aircraft KW - General aviation airports KW - Measurement KW - Pollutants KW - Sensitivity analysis UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3700 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331582 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543514 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S03-09. Cell Phone Lots at Airports AB - A cell phone lot is typically a free parking lot that allows greeters to wait temporarily until a traveler is available for pickup. These lots can assist airport operators in managing curbs and they keep greeters from waiting in unsafe areas on airport roads. However, there is a question about whether the benefits outweigh the operating and maintenance costs and foregone revenues. Managers of these lots would benefit from knowledge of practices undertaken and lessons learned by other airports. The objective of this report is to help airports understand and assess practices to size, locate, develop, manage and maintain cell phone lots and evaluate their needs and benefits. The intended audience for this synthesis includes airport landside operations and airport managers. An internet review of the top 100 National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) airports will be conducted to determine which have cell phone lots and to document information regarding size, distance to the terminal, and amenities offered. Of those that do have cell phone lots, the researcher will survey a subset to determine their willingness to participate in an interview pool. From those willing to participate, the researcher will select and interview at least 20 airports reflecting diverse geography and airport size, and collect information regarding their cell phone lot(s). KW - Airport parking facilities KW - Airports KW - Cellular telephones KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - National Plan of Integrated Airports Systems KW - Parking lots KW - Terminal operations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3729 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330961 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543511 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S01-09. Practices to Develop Effective Stakeholder Relationships at Smaller Airports AB - Smaller airports are often resource constrained. They rarely have dedicated or full-time professional staff to manage internal and external relationships. But the effectiveness with which smaller airport operators manage relationships with all of their stakeholders often determines the airport's success. Airports have many stakeholders, including but not limited to: Passengers, airport users, chambers of commerce, visitors' bureaus, taxpayers associations, airport neighbors, concessionaires, fixed base operators, government agencies, and the general public. The scope of this study will not consider airline stakeholders. Relationships can have positive or negative impacts on the airport's ability to provide quality customer service, generate revenue, operate a safe airport, and develop and maintain the airport's infrastructure. Successful airport leaders maintain positive relationships with diverse stakeholder groups and individuals, but it takes an ongoing and regular effort. Effective airport leadership understands the roles and objectives of each stakeholder. Further, they develop a partnership with each that enhances the airport's ability to thrive given constrained staff and budget resources of smaller airports. Airport internal and external stakeholders have diverse interests in the airport's operation and development. Unfortunately, poor relationships can adversely impact the airport. This may manifest itself in formal complaints, poor customer service, or loss of ability to expand or even operate. Positive relationships directly contribute to efficient airport operations, increased revenues, and improved safety and services. A set of practices that clearly describes the roles and objectives of typical stakeholders and how airport leaders proactively manage these relationships will help smaller airport leaders. The objective of this synthesis is to describe effective practices and tools, communication techniques, feedback loops, and case examples that highlight how smaller airports proactively manage stakeholder relationships. In order to provide a useful synthesis of effective practices, data will be collected through literature and survey/interviews that identifies: (1) potential stakeholders through stakeholder analysis; (2) how successful airport leadership relates to various stakeholders on a daily and long-term basis; (3) examples of governing requirements that affect these very diverse relationships (possible examples include airport mission statements, leases, grant obligations, Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) letters of agreement, community action group charters, government regulations and permits, etc.); and (4) examples of best practices, tools, checklists, etc. for proactively and effectively managing these relationships. KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Best practices KW - Leadership KW - Quality of service KW - Resource allocation KW - Small airports KW - Stakeholders UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3726 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1330958 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01535811 AU - Miller, Bruno AU - Johnson, Donovan AU - Thompson, Terry AU - Rosenberg, Frank L AU - Driver, Judith AU - Biscardi, Gerard P AU - Mohtadi, Madalina K AU - Mohtadi, Nabil J AU - Metron Aviation, Incorporated AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - R&D Control Study: Plan for Future Jet Fuel Distribution Quality Control and Description of Fuel Properties Catalog PY - 2014/05/09 SP - 67p AB - The main objective of this study is to investigate and provide recommendations for any unique quality control requirements that the production and distribution of alternative jet fuels may require, ultimately producing a quality control handbook for alternative jet fuel entrants and others along the supply chain. As experience is gained with the production and distribution of alternative jet fuels, the quality control of those fuels can be examined relative to this handbook by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Aviation Fuels Subcommittee and by stakeholders that are engaged in the supply chain that produces, distributes, and uses jet fuel. To reach the objective stated above, this study will a) highlight best practices for maintaining quality control of jet fuel, b) identify gaps in current quality and performance procedures that may emerge with the introduction of alternative fuels, c) suggest areas for improvement in current jet fuel quality control practices to accommodate the introduction of alternative fuels, and d) provide recommendations for an improved method of collection of fuel property and quality measurements. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Best practices KW - Jet engine fuels KW - Jet propelled aircraft KW - Quality control KW - Recommendations UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51800/51805/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-14-11.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1317674 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587299 TI - Aviation Rumble Strips to Enhance Aviation Safety AB - Rumble strips have proven to be a cost effective way to increase safety on roadways and the application of this technology may be appropriate to provide a warning of an upcoming intersection with an active runway to reduce runway incursions. The proposed research project includes two phases: (1) Preliminary Evaluation of Aviation Rumble Strips at a Single Site. Identification, installation, testing and evaluation of rumble strip alternatives at one field site. Phase I will result in a recommended rumble strip design configuration for deployment in Phase II. Due to the experimental nature of Phase I work, rumble strips will be constructed in an apron area that is not routinely taxied over by aircraft, but where aircraft can operate solely for the purposes of this project. The contract for Phase I will extend through May 2015 which will allow flexibility to expand the scope and budget if Phase II is warranted. (2) Field Evaluation of Aviation Rumble Strips at Multiple General Aviation (GA) Airports. Installation, testing and evaluation of proposed rumble strip on airfields at two or three GA airports, with data collection for both aircraft and ground vehicles. Rumble strips have proven to be a cost effective way to increase safety on roadways and the application of this technology may be appropriate to provide a warning of an upcoming intersection with an active runway to reduce runway incursions KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft KW - Airport ground transportation KW - Airport operations KW - Aprons (Airports) KW - Aviation safety KW - Ground vehicles KW - Rumble strips KW - Runway incursions KW - Warning systems UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=11 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392183 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587301 TI - Runway Centerline Deviation Study AB - The objective of this project is to analyze the deviations from centerline of departing and arriving aircraft from active runways. The purpose of the project is toestimate the positions of aircraft relative to runway centerline along the course of aircraft departure and arrival profiles, so as to determine the amount of safety area may be required for specifications such as total pavement width, taxi lane separation, and safety area width to ensure against wingtip conflicts and base landing gear deviations from pavement, for relatively large aircraft on relatively small taxiways and runways.The estimation of deviations from runway and taxiway centerlines of moving aircraft was studied with some significance for the entry of new large aircraft, such as the Airbus A-380 and Boeing 787-800 into the commercial airport environment. Such aircraft, often categorized as Group VI aircraft (aircraft with wingspans greater than 217’ wingspans), were studied for the possibility of their use on runways and taxiways originally designed for smaller (group V) aircraft. However, as general aviation aircraft evolve, from the proliferation of larger piston aircraft to the introduction of personal jet aircraft (such as the Embraer Phenom 100 and Cirrus Jet), there may be a desire to allow these aircraft to utilize runways and taxiways of narrower width, which exist at many smaller general aviation airports. In addition, for an existing fleet using the latest avionics technologies, the accuracy of landings, particularly in inclement weather, may be improving with respect to proximity to centerline on landing. If such is the case, there may be some justification to consider reductions in required spacing between taxi lanes or distances from runway center line to pavement edges. In other instances, however, there may be situations where aircraft unintentionally deviate from centerline due to adverse wind conditions, for example, or situations where aircraft intentionally deviate from centerline on arrival, for example, to make quick turns to an exit taxiway. In any case, a more complete understanding of how and when aircraft deviate from centerlines is of great interest. This study will consist of a comprehensive empirical analysis of departures and arrivals of a variety of aircraft utilizing a number of general aviation airports, in particular, those that are owned, operated, or otherwise affiliated with Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability (PEGASAS) universities. From data collected, a statistical analysis of centerline deviations will be performed. From these results a risk model may be developed to determine the best allowance of aircraft of varying landing gear configurations, wing spans, and approach speeds, to utilize runways and taxiways of various dimensional standards. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft by size KW - Airport runways KW - Approach control KW - Arrivals and departures KW - Aviation safety KW - Center lines KW - Risk assessment KW - Taxiways KW - Weather conditions UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=9 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392181 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01560964 AU - Lewis, Kristin AU - Porter, Read AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Biofuels and invasive species risks: assessing and managing risks through feedstock selection and cultivation strategies PY - 2014/05//Final Report SP - 92p AB - Biofuels are being pursued for their potential greenhouse gas emissions benefits, among other reasons. In order to maximize productivity, avoid food-fuel conflicts, and minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, many “advanced” biofuel feedstock crops, such as those desired by the aviation community, are under consideration based on traits, such as high biomass and/or seed production, tolerance of marginal cultivation conditions, and short generation times, that may also be predictors of potential invasiveness risk. Biofuel-related invasion risks can be mitigated through careful feedstock crop selection and cultivation techniques developed from the invasion science literature. Existing voluntary best practices and some state and federal regulatory requirements in the United States recommend and/or require the use of such risk mitigation strategies. However, other policies and programs allow or provide incentives for biofuel production without conditions requiring the use of these strategies. This study synthesizes information on the scientific knowledge of invasive species predictors and their use (or absence) in voluntary codes and United States regulatory frameworks and incentive programs. The study highlights the existing tools and approaches for assessing invasion risk and avoiding the introduction and spread of invasive species as a result of biofuel feedstock cultivation. A well-coordinated combination of species restrictions, biosecurity requirements, and incentives for selection of less risky biofuel crops may effectively balance the desire for increased biofuel production while minimizing invasion risk. KW - Biomass fuels KW - Cultivation KW - Invasive plants KW - Policy KW - Regulations KW - Risk analysis KW - United States UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/54000/54400/54445/Lewis_and_Porter_2014_12.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1342203 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01532302 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - NextGen Investments for Operators and Airports PY - 2014/05 SP - 18p AB - Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is a collaborative effort between the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the aviation community. Benefits depend on all stakeholders investing in the airspace modernization effort. Improvements in aircraft engines, airframes and fuel technologies, advances in avionics capabilities and changes to airport infrastructure contribute just as much to NextGen as FAA ground-and space-based systems. This pamphlet outlines the investment opportunities open to operators and airports. It also provides an overview of existing and planned capabilities, the benefits these capabilities enable and which technologies and equipment can take advantage of specific NextGen capabilities. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft operations KW - Airports KW - Equipment KW - Investments KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Stakeholders KW - Technological innovations UR - http://www.nasao.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/NextGen-investments-for-operators-and-airports-brochure.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1317311 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01529456 AU - Antuñano, Melchor J AU - Wade, Katherine AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Index of International Publications in Aerospace Medicine PY - 2014/05//5th SP - 88p AB - The 5th edition of the Index of International Publications in Aerospace Medicine is a comprehensive listing of international publications in clinical aerospace medicine, operational aerospace medicine, aerospace physiology, environmental medicine/physiology, diving medicine/physiology, aerospace human factors, as well as other topics directly or indirectly related to aerospace medicine. The Index is divided into six major sections: I) Open Publications in General Aerospace Medicine, II) Government Publications in General Aerospace Medicine, III) Publications in Other Topics Related to Aerospace Medicine and Aerospace Human Factors, IV) Proceedings From Scientific Meetings in Aerospace Medicine and Psychology, V) Journals, Newsletters, and Bulletins in Aerospace Medicine and Aerospace Human Factors, and VI) On-line Databases Containing Bibliographic,Regulatory, and Safety Information in Aerospace Medicine and Related Disciplines. KW - Aviation medicine KW - Bibliographies KW - Crash investigation KW - Databases KW - Human factors KW - Indexes (Information management) KW - Periodicals KW - Physiology UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201407.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1312158 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01529370 AU - Milburn, Nelda J AU - Gildea, Kevin M AU - Perry, Deborah L AU - Roberts, Carrie A AU - Peterson, Linda (Sarah) AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Usability of Light-Emitting Diodes in Precision Approach Path Indicator Systems by Individuals With Marginal Color Vision PY - 2014/05//Final Report SP - 34p AB - To save energy, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is planning to convert from incandescent lights to light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in precision approach path indicator (PAPI) systems. Preliminary work on the usability of LEDs by color vision-waivered pilots (Bullough, Skinner, & Milburn, 2012) indicated that red weak (protan) individuals made a few errors identifying red. Hence, this follow-up study explored whether clustering LEDs of different chromaticities of the same hue would aid users with color vision deficiencies (CVD). Participants, aged 18-33 years, included 45 with normal color vision (NCV). Additionally, 48 were diagnosed using the Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test as 27 deutans (including five subjects with potential deutan deficiencies), 11 protans, two tritans, and eight subjects evidencing both red-green and yellow-blue deficiencies. Participants completed the Dvorine pseudoisochromatic plate test, the Signal Light Gun Test (which is the secondary test for issuing color vision waivers), the Cone Contrast Test, and a simulation of the PAPI system. Participants were asked to name the colors of a 4-light, color-coded PAPI simulation using typical red (R) and white (W) light configurations resulting in five possible patterns (WWWW, WWWR, WWRR, WRRR, and RRRR) composed of either incandescent lights, or clusters of three monochromatic or three heterochromatic 5mm cylindrical LEDs. Analyses did not indicate any significant differences between the incandescent, monochromatic, and heterochromatic conditions. A between-group analysis found that a group comprised of those with both red-green and yellow-blue deficiencies performed significantly worse than all other color vision groups. Performance was not significantly different among all other groups. The protan group performed perfectly on all light sources, even on the 16 trials without comparative color luminance cues. This finding suggests that color vision-waivered pilots will perform the same on red and white LED PAPI systems as with the current incandescent system. KW - Approach KW - Color vision KW - Feasibility analysis KW - Landing aids KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Vision tests UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201406.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1312157 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543550 TI - NextGen--Airport Planning and Development AB - The Next Generation Air Transportation System ("NextGen") is a term used to describe a pervasive and critical component of the future of the National Airspace System (NAS). This project is part of an Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) NextGen Initiative, comprised of five distinct projects, which will be conducted simultaneously. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook to help airport industry practitioners understand and incorporate NextGen capabilities into planning for all categories of airports. The guidebook should also include at a minimum: (1) A description of how specific NextGen capabilities affect airport planning and development; (2) Methods to assess the improvements in safety, capacity, efficiency, and environmental performance related to NextGen capabilities and their economic impacts; (3) Case study examples of NextGen projects, highlighting best practices and lessons learned for incorporating NextGen into the airport planning process; and (4) A comprehensive list of published documents applicable to incorporating NextGen into airport planning. KW - Airport operations KW - Airspace utilization KW - Aviation safety KW - Best practices KW - Economic impacts KW - Guidelines KW - National Airspace System KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3708 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331147 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543554 TI - Improving Stakeholder Engagement in Aircraft Accident Planning AB - A key to successfully manage an aircraft accident is to establish and foster relationships prior to the event. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires that airports include mutual aid partners in their emergency plans and in annual table-top and triennial full-scale exercises. An aircraft accident could occur in a community that is not within proximity of an airport and does not regularly participate in aircraft accident response planning. Regardless of the location of the accident, there are many complex activities that will need to occur, for some for as long as a couple of weeks after the event. Those activities will require a broader group of stakeholders that should also be engaged in aircraft accident response planning. Aircraft accident response stakeholders are those entities who are traditionally included in the airport emergency plan and also include agencies that could find themselves responding to an aircraft accident. There are many publically available materials on emergency response management, but there continues to be a lack of understanding on what all the different stakeholders provide in terms of knowledge, expertise, and resources; some stakeholders may also not understand how their role fits into the "big picture" of the overall accident response. Research is needed to guide airports in identifying and engaging aircraft accident response stakeholders. The objectives of the research are to develop (1) guidance for airports in identifying and engaging aircraft accident response stakeholders, for both the initial and long-term response, when planning for aircraft accidents and (2) educational materials, e.g., video, interactive software, etc., that airports can use to engage accident response stakeholders and help each stakeholder to understand the impact of its responsibilities within the larger context of a response to an aircraft accident. The guidance should address the following topics: (1) Notwithstanding what is required in the airport emergency plan and based, in part, on a geographic analysis of aircraft accidents, how many miles beyond airport property should airports consider engaging municipalities in their aircraft accident response planning; (2) Which stakeholders have specific responsibilities by federal law or regulation (e.g., National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), airlines) in an aircraft accident; (3) Identification of traditional stakeholders groups with responsibilities in an aircraft accident on or off-the airport; (4) How airports should identify their respective stakeholders, including those based on a geographic analysis of aircraft accidents; (5) How airports can engage with stakeholders typically not in the airport emergency plan; (6) Lessons learned from other airports and/or community stakeholders on engagement activities and frequency of engagement; (7) How airports can obtain information from each stakeholder on (a) the information/resources they have available in response to an aircraft accident and (b) the information/resources they are going to need from other stakeholders to respond appropriately to an aircraft accident; (8) Methods, techniques, and frequency of engagement activities with stakeholders in preparing for an aircraft accident on or off the airport; and (9) Graphical representation or other method to illustrate how all the stakeholders fit into the "big picture" in a response to an aircraft accident. The research plan should include a minimum of two workshops to gather information in either Phase 1 and/or Phase 2. These workshops should include a minimum of two metropolitan regions that include stakeholders traditionally included in airport emergency plans and those stakeholders that fall within the proximity of the geographic location outlined in the analysis of aircraft accidents. The research plan should identify in which phase(s) the workshops will be conducted. A workshop plan should be submitted to Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) for review and approval prior to implementation. The research plan should include at least three phases. Phase 1: This phase will consist of initial research and will provide at a minimum, a white paper that (1) describes the publically available materials on aircraft accident response management and planning, stakeholder engagement activities, and other materials that could be relevant; (2) shows how to best present the publically available information as guidance to airports; (3) identifies the gaps in knowledge between what airports actually are practicing about stakeholder engagement and what information is available; and (4) describes a research plan for the remaining tasks. The white paper will require ACRP review and approval prior to conducting subsequent tasks. Phase 2: This phase will consist of further research based on the identified gaps and in accordance with the panel-approved research plan submitted at the conclusion of Phase 1. Phase 3: This phase will include the contractor (1) conducting a pilot study or industry vetting of the draft final deliverables prior to submitting to ACRP and (2) providing the results/comments of the pilot study or industry vetting with a disposition of the results/comments. The contractor must submit for ACRP review and approval the pilot study or industry vetting plan prior to implementation. The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed; (2) one face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting; and (3) web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables deemed appropriate. The final deliverables will include (1) the guidance to airports on stakeholder engagement; (2) educational materials to support stakeholder engagement, and on stakeholders efforts and impact on the overall response to an aircraft accident; and (3) a contractor's final report that documents the entire research that includes (a) an implementation plan and budget for disseminating this information and (b) the research team's recommendation for dissemination of the results of the research. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Airports KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Emergency management KW - Guidelines KW - Stakeholders UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3716 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331151 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547409 TI - NextGen--A Primer AB - The Next Generation Air Transportation System ("NextGen") is a term used to describe a pervasive and critical component of the future of the National Airspace System (NAS). This project is part of an Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) NextGen initiative, comprised of five distinct projects, which will be conducted simultaneously. The objectives of this research are to develop (1) a resource guide for airport practitioners; (2) a primer for airport decision makers; and (3) a public information toolkit that can be used by airport operators to communicate high-level, universal facts about NextGen and airports to local pilots, community members, local leaders, and the flying-public. The resource guide and executive primer should be written in terms and context that are relevant, familiar, and understandable to airport operators. The "Resource Guide" will provide a summary of NextGen capabilities, data, and related technologies that are relevant, categorized, and described for airport practitioners. The audience for this document will be airport staff with a working knowledge of airports. The Resource Guide should include a glossary of terms and frequently asked questions that airport practitioners should know about NextGen. Information should be presented so that airports can ask the right questions and know where to get needed information. Readers should be directed to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other federal resources for current plans and a schedule for implementation. The Resource Guide should also include a who's who, where to access information, how to navigate the available resources, and how to identify related stakeholders. Written content of the Resource Guide will be formatted for practical use by different sizes and types of airports as well as different practitioners within the airport organization. Distinct index considerations should include, but not be limited to: (a) known categories of airports, their geography, prevailing weather patterns, and aircraft activity; (b) relationships to specific airport problems or solutions to common problems; (c) ways the information will be consumed within the airport organization; and (d) functional interests within the airport organization so that content is relevant to specific functions and accessible to the people responsible for that function at each airport. The Resource Guide should describe the capabilities of major NextGen initiatives such as arrival and departure procedures; ground-based NAVAID plans, wake recategorization and other wake mitigation strategies; surface traffic management; low-visibility operations; data sharing; and others-relating how they will affect airports, airport operations, and the community. It should recognize that airport benefits may be dependent upon or connected to other stakeholder implementation plans, and it should present and explain these interdependencies and connections, along with any uncertainties that may exist. Case study examples should be developed to emphasize benefits, value of airport involvement, and the airport's role during NextGen implementation. The "Executive Primer" should use key concepts from the Resource Guide and preliminary results from the other four projects in the ACRP NextGen initiative to synthesize a concise, high-level informative document for airport decision makers on NextGen as it relates to airport operators, including the benefits to the airport and its various stakeholders. The following considerations should be addressed in developing the Executive Primer: (a) Generally recognize and describe the phased, building-block approach to NextGen implementation and acknowledge inherent uncertainties. (b) Convey importance of NextGen for airports, including realistic potential benefits and related implementation issues. (c) Include strategic planning recommendations for airport directors, department heads, board members, and other senior policy interests within the airport organization. (d) Include a standard definition of the term "NextGen" for airport operators and present the material so airport decision makers may understand its relevance to airports (e.g., "Why should you care?" or "What's in it for me and my airport?"). (e) Include a speculative or visionary long-term view of the potential benefit/impact upon the airport and its community (e.g., efficiency, environmental, safety, economic, reliability, planning, and design) from NextGen and describe how it may someday fundamentally change the nature of the airport business. (f) Describe the uncertainties related to implementation and expected changes to benefits that may result if implementation is delayed. Offer alternatives to consider if delays to implementation are encountered. (g) Present the most useful case study examples from the Resource Guide to emphasize key benefits, involvement, and implementation. The "Public Information Toolkit" will be suitable for airports to communicate with local pilots, community members, local leaders, and the flying-public. Using information obtained/collected for the Resource Guide, Executive Primer, and the public information messages developed in ACRP 01-28, "Guidance for Engaging the Airport Community," the toolkit will standardize, elevate, and simplify messages for generic industry-wide distribution. The goal is to raise general awareness of NextGen and the role airports have in its implementation. Messages will focus on community effects; show how airports fit into NextGen; what NextGen means to communities; and how the roles of airports, communities, and other stakeholders may change. Some of the early ideas for this toolkit include: Microsoft PowerPoint or "Prezi.com" presentations; 30- or 60-second videos; print ads; diorama ads; brochures or flyers; short articles for newsletters, newspapers, or magazines; and so on. Each tool should communicate a consistent, coordinated, and high-level branded message addressing the basics of NextGen and Airports to the public and should have as long a shelf-life as possible.The work proposed must be divided into at least two phases; each phase must be divided into tasks. Proposers must describe the work proposed in each phase and task in detail. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport noise KW - Airport operations KW - Arrivals and departures KW - Decision making KW - Environmental impacts KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Pollutants UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3691 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334673 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01534422 AU - Konyak, Michael AU - Thuli, Mark AU - DiDonato, Loretta AU - Stanley, Rebecca AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Weather Capability Assessment PY - 2014/04//Technical Note SP - 37p AB - The focus of this document is to summarize the relevant information on the key weather products used in the National Airspace System (NAS) today that are within scope of the Federal Aviation Administration Concept Analysis Branch’s (ANG-C41) Weather Requirements Validation Methodology. The document identifies and describes these products and their context to air traffic management. It is a preliminary input to the development of simulation scenarios to evaluate the impact of these technologies in the NAS. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aviation KW - Flight plans KW - National Airspace System KW - Weather forecasting UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tctn14-9.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1319834 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01526404 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aeronautical Information Manual: Official Guide to Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures PY - 2014/04 SP - 726p AB - This manual is designed to provide the aviation community with basic flight information and air traffic control (ATC) procedures for use in the National Airspace System (NAS) of the United States. It also contains items of interest to pilots concerning health and medical facts, factors affecting flight safety, a pilot/controller glossary of terms used in the ATC System, and information on safety, accident, and hazard reporting. KW - Air pilots KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Aviation safety KW - Health KW - Manuals KW - National Airspace System KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/media/AIM_Basic_4-03-14.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1308238 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01518737 AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Boeing Commercial Airplane Company TI - Boeing 787–8 Design, Certification, and Manufacturing Systems Review PY - 2014/03/19/Final Report SP - 71p AB - This final report is in response to the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) and Boeing Commercial Airplanes’ (Boeing) assignment to validate the work conducted during the Boeing 787 (B787) certification process and further ensure the airplane meets the intended level of safety. On January 31, 2013, the FAA and Boeing jointly formed the B787 Critical Systems Review Team (CSRT) to conduct a comprehensive review of the B787’s critical systems, including the airplane’s design, manufacture, and assembly, and provide recommendations. Upon completing its review, coordinating observations, and conducting an analysis, the CSRT concluded the B787 meets its intended level of safety based on (1) the fundamental soundness of the airplane’s overall design and (2) the effective processes that have been defined and implemented to correct issues that arose during and after certification. KW - Airplanes KW - Assemblies (Equipment) KW - Aviation safety KW - Boeing 787 aircraft KW - Certification KW - Critical systems KW - Manufacturing KW - Quality assurance KW - Recommendations KW - Vehicle design UR - http://www.faa.gov/about/plans_reports/media/787_Report_Final.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1302622 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01522234 AU - Hansen, Andrew J AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Global Positioning System (GPS) Civil Signal Monitoring (CSM) Trade Study Report PY - 2014/03/07 SP - 42p AB - This Global Positioning System (GPS) Civil Signal Monitoring (CSM) Trade Study has been performed at the direction of Department of Transportation/Federal Aviation Administration (DOT/FAA) Navigation Programs as the agency of reference for consolidating civil monitoring requirements on GPS. The objective of this trade study is to develop recommendations to DOT leadership on viable paths for achieving the requisite monitoring of GPS broadcast signals used by civil agencies. Civil unique GPS signal monitoring needs have been consolidated into the GPS Civil Monitoring Performance Specification (CMPS). The trade study activity examined alternatives including use of the Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX) segment as well as Non-OCX elements for implementing civil signal monitoring, completed a comparative evaluation of the OCX/Non-OCX/hybrid alternatives available, and documented assumptions and risks associated with the trades. KW - Alternatives analysis KW - Global Positioning System KW - Monitoring KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Performance measurement KW - Signals UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51500/51506/CSM_Trade_Study.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1306564 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01620260 AU - Rapoza, Amanda S AU - Lewis, Kristin C AU - Sudderth, Erika A AU - Lee, Cynthia S Y AU - Hassol, Joshua AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - National Park Service TI - Human Response to Aviation Noise: Development of Dose-Response Relationships for Backcountry Visitors - Volume I: Study Methods PY - 2014/03//Final Report SP - 125p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration and National Park Service conducted joint research to better understand the effects of noise due to commercial air tour operations over units of the National Park System. To evaluate the relationship between aircraft noise exposure and the quality of National Park visitor experience, research was conducted at backcountry sites providing day- and overnight-hiking and camping opportunities. This research expands upon work performed during the 1990’s at frontcountry sites. Over 4600 visitor surveys and fifty days of acoustical measurements were collected and analyzed to develop dose-response relationships for backcountry visitors. This report, the first of two volumes, describes the study methods, visitor surveys, research locations and data collected. Volume two describes the model-fitting approach used to identify the noise exposure metrics and mediator variables that best predict visitor responses to aircraft noise. The models developed can be used as a tool to evaluate potential effects of air tours on visitors to National Parks. KW - Air tours KW - Aircraft noise KW - Dose-response studies KW - National parks KW - Noise measurement KW - Surveys KW - Tourists KW - Visitors UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/60000/60500/60533/Development_of_Dose-Response_Relationships_Backcountry_Vol1.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440558 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01620259 AU - Rapoza, Amanda S AU - Lewis, Kristin C AU - Sudderth, Erika A AU - Lee, Cynthia S Y AU - Hassol, Joshua AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - National Park Service TI - Human Response to Aviation Noise: Development of Dose-Response Relationships for Backcountry Visitors - Volume II: Results and Analyses PY - 2014/03//Final Report SP - 159p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration and National Park Service conducted joint research to better understand the effects of noise due to commercial air tour operations over units of the National Park System. To evaluate the relationship between aircraft noise exposure and the quality of National Park visitor experience, research was conducted at backcountry sites providing day- and overnight-hiking and camping opportunities. Over 4600 visitor surveys and fifty days of acoustical measurements were collected and analyzed to develop dose-response relationships for backcountry visitors. This report, the second of two volumes, describes the model-fitting approach used to identify the noise exposure metrics and mediator variables that best predict visitor responses to aircraft noise. The dose variables identified include sound exposure level, percent time audible, and energy percentages due to helicopters and fixed-wing propeller aircraft. Mediator variables identified include visitor ratings of the ‘importance of calmness, peace and tranquility’, attributes of adults-only in group, first visit to the site, having taken an air tour, and participation in activities of watching birds and listening to an interpretive talk. The models developed can be used as a tool for evaluating potential effects of air tours on visitors to National Parks. KW - Air tours KW - Aircraft noise KW - Dose-response studies KW - National parks KW - Noise measurement KW - Surveys KW - Tourists KW - Visitors UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/60000/60500/60534/Development_of_Dose-Response_Relationships_Backcountry_Vol2.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1440556 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01529484 AU - Mealy, Christopher AU - Boehmer, Haavard AU - Scheffey, Joseph L AU - Back, Gerard G AU - Hughes Associates, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Characterization of the Flammability and Thermal Decomposition Properties of Aircraft Skin Composite Materials and Combustible Surrogates PY - 2014/03//Final Report SP - 65p AB - Currently, the aircraft industry is shifting toward the use of new aircraft skin materials. In place of aluminum, aircraft are now being constructed from composite materials, which typically include combustible components. The objective of this test series was to quantify the small-scale burn characteristics of two new aircraft skin composite materials and a candidate wood surrogate. If testing was successful, a wood surrogate could be used as a readily available cost-effective material in future large-scale flammability and suppression tests. A series of small-scale fire tests and analytical test methods were conducted to characterize the flammability and thermal decomposition properties of the materials. These tests were designed to develop a data set that could be used to validate intermediate scale tests and as input in the development of flame spread and thermal decomposition models for these materials. The composite materials evaluated were a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) and a glass laminate aluminum reinforced epoxy (GLARE), and the wood surrogate evaluated was an oriented strand board (OSB). The small-scale fire tests conducted in this research included cone calorimetry testing, lateral ignition and flame spread testing, and thermal decomposition testing. The analytical work conducted included thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, and pyrolysis gas chromatograph/mass spectroscopy. The materials’ flammability and thermal decomposition properties were derived from these tests. Tests suggest the average heat capacity during decomposition and the average thermal conductivities of the two materials is similar. This indicates the OSB is a reasonable surrogate for the CFRP over the course of the decomposition process when the heat capacity and thermal conductivity parameters strongly influence the results. The overall average apparent heat capacity is comparable, which is consistent with the heat capacity results of the thermal decomposition apparatus. This suggests the OSB is a reasonable overall surrogate material for the CFRP when the heat capacity is a significant parameter, but there may be significant differences in thermal absorption rates on smaller time scales. KW - Aircraft materials KW - Aircraft structural components KW - Composite materials KW - Fiber reinforced polymers KW - Flammability tests KW - Laminates KW - Thermal conductivity KW - Wood UR - http://www.airtech.tc.faa.gov/Safety/Downloads/TC-14-1.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1313475 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01522232 AU - Avers, Katrina E AU - Johnson, William B AU - Banks, Joy O AU - Wenzel, Brenda AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Transition From Event Reports to Measurable Organizational Impact: Workshop Proceedings Report PY - 2014/03//Final Report SP - 38p AB - Collecting, analyzing, and transitioning data into actionable solutions is one of the most critical endeavors in aviation. There are a number of challenges that plague event reporting and analysis. This report describes the top 10 challenges: (1) Overcoming resistance/concerns about event data collection, (2) Individual trust, (3) Consistency in data analysis, (4) Smaller carriers/Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul facilities do not dedicate adequate resources to event reports, (5) Inefficient use of data from different sources that came in different formats, (6) Why fund and promote--what is the return on investment (ROI)? (7) Lack of combined knowledge of human factors and task expertise to interpret data analysis, (8) Why report--what's in it for me? (9) Lack of automated report generation, and (10) Need logical and proven implementation processes. The results outlined in this report can be used as a starting place for best practices in incident reporting, analysis, and solution implementation. KW - Aviation safety KW - Best practices KW - Data analysis KW - Data collection KW - Incident management KW - Maintenance KW - Reports KW - Workshops UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201405.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1306694 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01520707 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - ASSET 2: In-Depth Review of the 497 Unclassified Airports PY - 2014/03 SP - 26p AB - In 2010, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) began examining the roles general aviation plays in the national airport system. At the time, general aviation airports had not been thoroughly studied at the national level for more than 40 years. The FAA released the results in a report, General Aviation Airports: A National Asset (known as the ASSET report), in May 2012. With the participation of aviation stakeholders, the original ASSET report identified the types of aeronautical functions serving the public interest that general aviation airports perform. The report defined four new categories for nonprimary airports based on existing activity and role (national, regional, local, and basic), which has been incorporated into the FAA’s planning process including the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). The original report identified 497 unclassified facilities that did not fit into one of the newly established categories and for which a separate category could not be defined. The FAA committed, as part of the original ASSET report, to an in-depth review of the unclassified airports to ensure that all available information was collected and considered. This report documents the findings from the in-depth review of the 497 facilities that could not be categorized in the FAA’s original report. This follow-on initiative, known as ASSET 2, began in January 2013. KW - General aviation airports KW - National Plan of Integrated Airports Systems KW - Types of airports KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/airports/planning_capacity/ga_study/media/2014-ASSET-2-Report.pdf UR - http://www.faa.gov/airports/planning_capacity/ga_study/media/2014-Asset-Report-497-airports.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1303808 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01518875 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Addressing Underlying Causes for NextGen Delays Will Require Sustained FAA Leadership and Action PY - 2014/02/25 SP - 33p AB - Over the past 8 years, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been working to develop the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen)—a multibillion-dollar program intended to fundamentally change air traffic management and meet anticipated surges in air travel. As required by law, FAA developed the National Airspace System (NAS) Enterprise Architecture (EA)—a sweeping blueprint for making sound investments across FAA’s entire air traffic organization, including NextGen. The EA emphasizes investing in projects with reasonable costs and solid risk management strategies and includes specific milestones for acquisition, policy, and executive decisions needed to deliver NextGen capabilities. While FAA is making progress with elements of NextGen, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) continues to find longstanding problems with cost increases, schedule slips, and performance shortfalls with NextGen-related air traffic control projects. In 2010, FAA commissioned a study to determine how the Agency could better position itself to execute NextGen. In September 2011, FAA introduced its Foundation for Success initiative, which included reorganizing the Agency’s structure and establishing a new Program Management Office (PMO) responsible for NextGen implementation and other major air traffic control acquisitions. Despite these important steps, the Agency has made little progress in shifting from planning to implementation and delivering benefits to airspace users. Concerned about limited NextGen progress, the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and its Subcommittee on Aviation requested that OIG provide an update on FAA’s progress with key NextGen decisions and examine the root causes for longstanding challenges. Accordingly, OIG (1) determined FAA’s progress on key NAS EA decisions related to achieving NextGen capabilities, (2) identified underlying causes for FAA’s delays in advancing NextGen, and (3) assessed FAA’s recent reorganization to improve the management and execution of NextGen initiatives. KW - Air traffic control KW - Implementation KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Reorganization KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/FAA%20Underlying%20Causes%20for%20NextGen%20Delays%5E2-25-14.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1301904 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587302 TI - National General Aviation Flight Information Database (NGAFID) AB - Despite many safety efforts, General Aviation (GA) accident rates in the United States remain high. The National General Aviation Flight Information Database (NGAFID) is being developed as a neutral mechanism to collect, archive, analyze, and disseminate de-identified flight data to participants and aviation safety researchers. Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability (PEGASAS) is working to expand and improve the NGAFID to make it easier to submit data, cover a wider range of aircraft, and to identify trends in safety performance across the US GA fleet. The objectives are to develop recommended exceedances for existing NGAFID aircraft and selected aircraft in the PEGASAS fleet, develop a safety performance tool, expand the NGAFID database to PEGASAS flight schools, and expand the NGAFID database to other flight organizations. The following is expected benefits if objectives are reached: The NGAFID system will provide a secure, web-accessible database and analytical toolkit; Participating operators will be able to conduct safety and operational quality analysis of their flight data records; Analytical capabilities will include well-established methods in flight data monitoring (FDM) practice as well as novel data analysis approaches; The system will also allow participating operators to analyze aggregate safety performance. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aircraft KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash rates KW - Data recorders KW - Databases KW - Flight information services KW - General aviation KW - Information dissemination KW - Monitoring UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=5 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392180 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01531053 AU - Kreckie, Jack AU - Torres, Jonathan AU - ARFF Professional Services, LLC AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Weight and Balance Behavior of a Freighter Aircraft During Cargo Fire Test Evaluations PY - 2014/02//Technical Note SP - 34p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Research & Development Branch conducted a Full-Scale Cargo Fire Research Project that involved a series of firefighting-related tests with an Airbus A310 cargo aircraft. One test included a study of the weight and balance characteristics of the aircraft during a fire attack. Aircraft are sensitive to loading configurations; therefore, personnel working on and around the aircraft must ensure the aircraft remains within aircraft manufacturer’s recommended weight and balance guidelines during loading and unloading. Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) personnel must be equally aware of these weight and balance guidelines when responding to an aircraft accident or incident. Depending on the severity, impacts or abrupt movements affecting the aircraft during the event can cause a shift in load, which would adversely affect the weight and balance. Freighter aircraft are particularly susceptible to weight and balance issues due to cargo weight and varying locations on the aircraft in which the cargo can be placed. The research effort focused on many factors involving aircraft stabilization and identified the issues ARFF should consider to prevent an aircraft tail tip from occurring. Researchers documented changes in the aircraft height at four locations around the aircraft to see how the introduction of water and agent affected aircraft balance during full-scale fire tests to determine the weight and balance behavior of the aircraft. However, throughout the numerous fire test scenarios that were conducted, researchers were unable to identify any significant changes in the aircraft’s height. When the tests were complete, researchers purposely attempted to create the conditions necessary to tail-tip the aircraft. Researchers successfully achieved a tail tip after adding roughly 6200 gallons of water to the aircraft and concentrating the weight of the water to the aft of the aircraft, thereby causing a tail-heavy condition. A review of aircraft weight and balance industry practices identified several pieces of equipment that could aid ARFF personnel in maintaining aircraft stability during emergency responses. This report identifies factors of aircraft stabilization for aircraft rescue and firefighting personnel as well as equipment that could aid firefighting personnel in maintaining aircraft stability during emergency responses. KW - Airbus A310 KW - Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting KW - Cargo aircraft KW - Equilibrium (Mechanics) KW - Fire fighting KW - Fire fighting equipment KW - Hazards and emergency operations KW - Load shifting KW - Tails (Aircraft) KW - Vehicle fires KW - Vehicle weight UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=49299114-ee9d-47ef-9492-ee2ccec753ce&f=TC-TN13-51.pdf UR - http://www.aviationfirejournal.com/pdf/TC-13-30.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1313490 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01522296 AU - Weed, David B AU - Paskoff, Lawrence N AU - Ruppel, David J AU - Corbett, Cynthia L AU - McLean, Garnet A AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Identification and Comprehension of Symbolic Exit Signs for Small Transport-Category Airplanes PY - 2014/02//Final Report SP - 38p AB - Global growth in travel has resulted in the need to standardize safety information and guidance systems for communication of significant information to the widest audience possible. Through uniform design and common visual components, persons in all countries can better recognize and follow directional information for safe passage, particularly in emergency situations. In order to communicate guidance information efficiently across language barriers, graphical signs and symbolic markings have come to incorporate a range of fairly standard visual components, such as exit signs that include arrows and the international running man symbol. A symbolic emergency exit sign has been approved for placement on a single, large transport-category airplane type in place of the signs currently required by 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 25.811 and 25.812. Use of a similar symbolic exit sign has been proposed for deployment on a small transport airplane. This sign would be smaller and use variations of the approved symbols. This study evaluated the smaller symbolic exit sign, comparing it with the approved sign in combination with variations of individual sign elements. Overall, there was little difference in the identification of either the approved or proposed running man element, although participants were better able to identify the type of arrow element currently approved for the larger transport airplanes. The main recommendations from this study are that future symbolic exit signs on transport-category airplanes be standardized and spaced within the cabin to provide the visual size needed for proper identification and comprehension. KW - Airplanes KW - Comprehension KW - Emergency exits KW - Recommendations KW - Signs KW - Small aircraft KW - Symbols UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201403.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1306691 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01522290 AU - Thompson, Kristi S AU - Lewis, Russell J AU - Ritter, Roxane M AU - Cherokee Nation Distributors AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Analysis of Zolpidem in Postmortem Fluids and Tissues Using Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry PY - 2014/02//Final Report SP - 18p AB - Zolpidem is a nonbenzodiazepine sedative hypnotic drug used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. Its use is common and wide-spread. While quite effective in producing sedation, zolpidem has potentially hazardous side effects when put in the context of complex tasks. Side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, amnesia, nausea, double vision, diminished reflexes, and a lack of coordination. Due to its potentially deleterious effects on aviation safety, it is important for the laboratory to more fully understand its postmortem concentrations and distribution. Therefore, the laboratory has developed a sensitive method to identify and quantitate zolpidem in biological specimens. Furthermore, the laboratory has evaluated the distribution of this compound in various postmortem tissues and fluids from 10 fatal aviation accident cases. Each of these cases had a majority of the desired biological tissues and fluids available for analysis (blood, urine, vitreous humor, liver, lung, kidney, spleen, muscle, heart, and brain). This method incorporated a modified acetonitrile “crash and shoot” extraction and a Waters Xevo TQ-S (MS/MS) with an Acquity UPLC. The linear dynamic range was 0.39 – 800 ng/mL. The extraction efficiencies ranged from 78 – 87%, depending on concentration. Postmortem blood zolpidem concentrations in these 10 cases ranged from 8 – 77 ng/mL. The highest concentrations of zolpidem present in each victim were found in the liver, spleen, lung, and kidney tissues. Distribution coefficients for zolpidem were determined for each of the specimen types analyzed. These coefficients are expressed relative to the blood concentration in each case. This method proved to be simple, accurate, and robust for the identification and quantitation of zolpidem in postmortem fluids and tissues. KW - Aircraft crash victims KW - Aviation safety KW - Fatalities KW - Forensic medicine KW - Liquid chromatography KW - Mass spectrometry KW - Sedatives KW - Toxicology KW - Zolpidem UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201404.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1306693 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01522285 AU - Geyer, Michael AU - Soares, Melanie AU - Barnes, Steve AU - Hoff, Ashley AU - Mackey, Steve AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Research and Innovative Technology Administration TI - RNAV (GPS) Total System Error Models for Use in Wake Encounter Risk Analysis of Dependent Paired Approaches to Closely‐Spaced Parallel Runways PY - 2014/02//Project Memorandum SP - 39p AB - The purpose of this memorandum is to provide recommended Total System Error (TSE) models for aircraft using Area Navigation (RNAV) Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance when analyzing the wake encounter risk of proposed simultaneous dependent (“paired”) approach operations to Closely Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPR) (defined as having centerline spacing less than 2,500 feet). RNAV (GPS) is being evaluated as a source of guidance to aircraft approaching one or both runways of specific CSPR pairs, in lieu of or in addition to instrument landing system (ILS) guidance, for possible inclusion in future changes to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Order 7110.308 and/or in future orders authorizing Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Arrivals – Procedure‐based (WTMA‐P). This memorandum supersedes Project Memorandum DOT‐VNTSC‐FAA‐13‐08, which is now obsolete. The primary differences from DOT‐VNTSC‐FAA‐13‐08 are: (1) the lateral navigation system error (NSE) and flight technical error (FTE) models for lateral navigation/vertical navigation (LNAV/VNAV) operations are changed, and (2) recommended analysis approaches and possible operational restrictions are included for situations when both aircraft employ Barometric‐Vertical Navigation (Baro‐VNAV) vertical guidance. KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Approach control KW - Global Positioning System KW - Instrument landing systems KW - Parallel runways KW - Risk analysis KW - Wakes UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51400/51461/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-14-05_RNAV_GPS_Errors.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1306563 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01516277 AU - Lewis, Russell J AU - Forster, Estrella M AU - Whinnery, James E AU - Webster, Nicholas L AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aircraft-Assisted Pilot Suicides in the United States, 2003-2012 PY - 2014/02//Final Report SP - 14p AB - Aircraft-assisted suicides are tragic, intentional events that are hard to predict and difficult to prevent. Factors involved in aircraft-assisted suicides may be depression, social relationships, and financial difficulties, just to name a few problems. Suicide attempts using an aircraft almost always result in pilot fatality; they also have the unfortunate potential to cause collateral damage to property and life. The laboratory has been interested in epidemiological and toxicological findings from aircraft-assisted pilot suicides. Accident information and case histories were obtained from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Aviation Administration, while toxicological information was obtained from the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute’s Bioaeronautical Sciences Research Laboratory. This paper is a 10-year review (2003-2012) of aircraft-assisted pilot suicides and is a follow up to the previous 1993-2002 review. From 2003-2012, there were 2,758 fatal aviation accidents; the NTSB determined that 8 were aircraft-assisted suicides (all involving the intentional crashing of an aircraft). This number is half of what was found in the previous 10-year review. All pilots involved in these aircraft-assisted suicides were male, with a median age of 46 years (range 21-68, mean 42 ± 16 years). The pilot was the sole occupant in 7 of the 8 aircraft that were intentionally crashed. Four of the 8 pilots were positive for ethanol, and 2 of the 8 were positive for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants. Based on the limited accidents conclusively attributed to suicide, death by the intentional crashing of an aircraft is an infrequent and uncommon event and has declined compared to the previous 20 years. KW - Air pilots KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Crash investigation KW - Fatalities KW - Suicide KW - Toxicology KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201402.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1290996 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01518934 AU - DeLaura, Richard A AU - Ferris, Richard F AU - Robasky, Frank M AU - Troxel, Seth W AU - Underhill, Ngaire K AU - Massachusetts Institute of Technology AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Initial Assessment of Wind Forecasts for Airport Acceptance Rate (AAR) and Ground Delay Program (GDP) Planning PY - 2014/01/29/Project Report SP - 64p AB - The planning and execution of the Airport Acceptance Rate (AAR) for major metroplex airports is a complex and critical function of traffic managers in the National Airspace System (NAS). Despite the importance of AAR planning, traffic managers currently have no widely available decision support to provide guidance for runway selection and the determination of a sustainable AAR. The AAR Decision Support Capability (AARDSC), currently under development as part of the Collaborative Air Traffic Management Technology Work Package 4 (CATMT WP4), will provide such guidance. This report provides an initial analysis of the impacts of surface winds and winds aloft on the key factors associated with the AAR (the selection of runway configuration and aircraft ground speed and spacing on final approach) and the capabilities of currently available weather forecasts to accurately predict those impacts. The report was limited in scope by the schedule and available resources, and is intended as a foundation for a comprehensive forecast assessment in follow-on work. Surface wind forecasts from the Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) and numerical prediction models (the High Resolution Rapid Refresh [HRRR], Rapid Refresh [RAP] and Rapid Update Cycle [RUC], collectively described as “MODEL”) were compared to observed winds gathered from METAR reports at Newark International Airport (EWR). TAF and METAR were compared for 639 days of operations from 2011–2013. MODEL forecasts and METAR were compared for 21 days of operation, 16 of which had Traffic Management Initiatives (TMI) in place to mitigate adverse weather impacts. Winds aloft were translated into several wind impact metrics. The impacts of winds aloft forecast errors were evaluated by comparing impact metrics calculated from MODEL forecasts with those calculated from analysis fields for the 21 case days. Forecasts were evaluated at horizons of 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airports KW - Decision making KW - Mathematical prediction KW - Newark Liberty International Airport KW - Weather conditions KW - Weather forecasting KW - Wind UR - http://www.ll.mit.edu/mission/aviation/publications/publication-files/atc-reports/DeLaura_2014_ATC-414.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1302009 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587303 TI - Weather Technology in the Cockpit AB - Weather information products for use in aircraft cockpits that have entered into the general aviation (GA) aircraft market over the past 10 years have the ability to provide accurate, detailed, and timely meteorological information to pilots that far exceed historical capabilities. These products have been designed and implemented with the ultimate goal of allowing pilots to make better decisions regarding their intended flight operations with respect to current and predicted weather conditions along their planned or current route of flight. There has been an expectation that this would lead to an increase in safety, as evidenced by a significant reduction in weather related accidents or incidents. Despite the proliferation of these products, initial observations are that the level of weather-related accidents and incidents has not decreased significantly. The goals of the Weather Technology in the Cockpit (WTIC) Program are to incorporate WTIC research into released Federal Aviation Administration/Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (FAA/RTCA) standards/guidance documents; improve pilot decision making relative to adverse weather; enhance crew awareness and coordination relative to turbulence; specify minimum weather service for meteorological (MET) information in cockpits; and report “National Airspace System (NAS)” inefficiencies (NextGen and current) not attributable to resolved MET information in the cockpit shortfalls. For the first phase, the WTIC Sub-Projects, core university members, and affiliate university members are organized according to the following four projects: (1) WTIC Project A: Quantifying Causality – Ohio State University (Shawn Pruchnicki, Technical Lead); (2) WTIC Project B: VFR/VMC to IMC Transition – Purdue University (Tom Carney, Technical Lead), affiliate: Western Michigan University; (3) WTIC Project C: General Aviation Weather Alerting – Texas A&M University (Tom Ferris, Technical Lead), affiliate: Western Michigan University; and (4) WTIC Project D: General Aviation MET Information Optimization – Purdue University (Barrett Caldwell, Technical Lead), affiliate: Western Michigan University. KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Aviation safety KW - Cockpit resource management KW - Decision making KW - Flight paths KW - General aviation KW - Meteorology KW - Technological innovations KW - Weather conditions UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=4 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392179 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547489 TI - Applying an SMS Approach to Wildlife Hazard Management AB - Wildlife at airports is a safety issue and carries with it growing economic losses in the aviation industry. Airports may soon be required to adopt a Safety Management System (SMS), which is a proactive risk-based approach to manage many operational aspects of the airport business including wildlife. The applicability and efficacy of utilizing data-driven, risk-based methodologies for wildlife management has been debated due to the highly variable nature of wildlife presence related to various species, size, flocking and movement patterns, season, time of day, region, disturbances in the vicinity of airports, and other related factors. To date, there has been little guidance on how to apply SMS principles to wildlife hazard management programs that can be applied to airports of various sizes and operations. The objective of this research is to develop a document to introduce and guide the application of a risk-based approach to wildlife hazard management programs and outline additional steps for integrating such programs into an airport's SMS. Guidance should include, but not be limited to: (1) a description of an SMS approach to wildlife hazard management. Guidance should include at a minimum: (a) A glossary of key terms; (b) A listing of relevant resources and databases; (c) An overview description of SMS including all 4 components of SMS; (d) A comparison of current wildlife hazard management standards to that of SMS with focus on how the elements of Safety Risk Management and Safety Assurance can support a data-driven, risk-based approach to wildlife hazard management; (e) A description of innovative protocols and procedures--in narrative or visual formats--for developing wildlife hazard management programs that follow a risk-based and data-driven approach similar to SMS and tools for integrating wildlife hazard management programs into an airport's SMS; (f) Applicability to airports of various size and operations regardless of SMS implementation, wildlife program, or Part 139 certification. (2) customizable tool(s) and template(s) that are usable for assessing wildlife risk at airports. These should include at a minimum: (a) A resource summary of existing database wildlife hazard descriptions; (b) Numerical values for severity and likelihood for species derived from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) national wildlife strike database; (c) A practical, simplified electronic or manual risk analysis template, which includes the incorporation of variables on or off the airport. KW - Airports KW - Bird strikes KW - Databases KW - Risk analysis KW - Risk management KW - Safety Management Systems KW - Wildlife UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3445 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334853 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543697 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 05-04. A Guide for Compliance with Grant Agreement Obligations to Provide Reasonable Access to an AIP-Funded Public Use General Aviation Airport AB - When an airport sponsor applies for and receives grant money from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for an airport project, the airport is obligated to agree to a number of assurances. One assurance is that the sponsor will make the airport available for public use on reasonable conditions and without unjust discrimination. This assurance is intended to ensure fair access to the airport. Many times, whether this assurance applies in a particular situation turns on issues involving airport rules and regulations, negotiating and enforcing lease and rental agreements, fees and approvals to do business at the airport, fees to use the airport, local laws, land uses, financial operations of the airport, and the like. At many smaller general aviation airports, users and airport sponsors are not experienced in interpreting the scope and application of that assurance as it may apply to a situation that arises at their airport. This project would provide practical information about the application of the grant assurance requiring reasonable access to the airport, including the statutory and regulatory language, legislative history (if any), FAA and other guidance, and real-life examples of when a charge of a violation of this assurance was made, or was considered to be made, and how the handling and resolution of those examples may influence another user or airport's consideration of the application of the assurance at their airport. The project should include practical advice on analyzing and resolving a concern over access, whether it be through an informal solution or a legal challenge. And, the project should include strategies for raising the issue and a description of the legal procedure for bringing genuine issues to the proper forum. Such topics to be addressed should include at a minimum: (1) parachute/skydiving activities and clubs; (2) ultralights; and (3) air show events. Interested parties should include their thoughts as to which areas they anticipate focusing in their letter of interest. As noted, the requirement for reasonable access has many aspects. To facilitate use of the project results, the research report should be organized by the issues that typically arise when allegations of a denial of access or unjust discrimination are made. This research will be conducted in four tasks to a firm fixed price agreement. The tasks will be as follows: Task (1) Research Plan and Detailed Report Outline. The consultant will conduct background research and collect relevant data. Based on the initial but complete review of the source material, consultant will propose a detailed report outline. The outline should contain sufficient detail to inform the panel of what the report will contain. This outline should also contain the estimated pagination for each proposed section and/or subsection. This material will be submitted to the Transportation Research Board (TRB) for panel consideration and approval. The author will participate in a conference call with the panel 3 weeks after submission of the plan and outline. Task (2) After TRB approval of the detailed outline, the consultant should conduct additional research, case and statutory/regulatory analysis, and collect additional primary data to the extent necessary. Task (3) Draft report in accordance with the approved outline (including modifications required by TRB). Participate in a conference call with the panel 3 weeks after submission of the draft report. Task (4) Revise report as necessary and provide a red-line and a clean version of the draft final report. The panel will provide written comments to which each comment will need a response point-by-point and the report will need to be revised as appropriate, and submitted as the final report. KW - Accessibility KW - Compliance KW - General aviation airports KW - Grant aid KW - Legal factors KW - Regulations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3507 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331733 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547842 TI - Airport Maintenance Roles in Planning, Design, Construction, Commissioning, and Activation AB - Airport maintenance personnel are among the first to recognize and identify issues with facilities and equipment that have been designed, installed, and activated. Many of these issues may have been averted had maintenance personnel been effectively engaged in the planning, design, and construction decision-making process. As systems become more sophisticated and expensive and as there is greater attention to sustainability (e.g., life-cycle costs), the inclusion of individuals with hands-on maintenance experience at key decision points becomes even more valuable. Maintenance personnel may not be effectively engaged because of a lack of awareness as to the value of their input, organizational or institutional factors that impede their participation, or communication issues. Also, maintenance personnel may lack experience with reading (visualizing) design/construction drawings or there may be several distinct maintenance skills and individuals needed (i.e., pavement, vehicle, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), electrical, etc.) to recognize significant design issues in different capital projects or equipment acquisitions. Expanding participation, enhancing communication or engaging maintenance personnel, perhaps for the first time, in the capital project/equipment process requires commitment, time, and money. Airports need to see the benefit in order to rationalize such an investment of time/money and conclude that engaging maintenance personnel is cost effective. Research is needed to examine the fiscal, customer service, goodwill, safety, efficiency, and other impacts so that all stakeholders may see the full value of including airport maintenance at key decision points of capital projects and capital equipment acquisitions. Airport managers need an objective demonstration of the merits, benefits, and value of adding maintenance personnel to these processes and to provide guidance on how to facilitate their effective participation. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook for airport executives, airport department heads, and other capital project/equipment decision makers that examines the merits, benefits, and value of engaging airport maintenance personnel at key decision points during planning, design, construction, commissioning, and activation of capital projects and capital equipment acquisitions. Guidance must present examples and techniques that are applicable to a variety of types and sizes of airports, address different types of capital projects and equipment acquisitions, and be relevant to alternative organizational structures or project-management approaches. The guidebook should present general observations and anecdotal examples of good practice that can assist airports as they work to include maintenance in capital projects and equipment acquisitions. It should offer assistance for airports to examine capital project/equipment cycles in the context of sustainable life-cycle costs that fully assess maintenance costs. There should be an examination of project accountability, budgetary considerations, design/construction contract requirements, and common communication protocols with and without maintenance personnel engaged. Recommended practices can be augmented with a series of case studies that demonstrate success or positive outcomes and emphasize lessons learned. If appropriate, examples from other industries can be used to articulate specific innovations, lessons learned, and good practices that are relevant to airports. The guidebook should contain practical applications that airports can quickly and easily implement, such as templates, checklists, and flowcharts. The research plan should build in appropriate interim deliverables that include at minimum: (1) within 2 weeks of the Notice to Proceed - a plan to collect data from airport practitioners to achieve the objective and identify current practices for engaging airport maintenance in the planning, design, and construction decision-making process; (2) at 3 months - survey results and recommended case studies and a draft outline of the guidebook that will require Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) approval prior to being implemented; (3) at 6 months - an interim report that describes work done in early tasks (including preliminary results of case study interviews and practices to be recommended), provides a first draft of the guidebook, and an updated work plan for remaining tasks; (4) at 9 months - an updated draft (90%) of the guidebook and list of final questions/comments for panel consideration; and (5) at 11 months - all draft final deliverables. The research plan should build in other appropriate research phase checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum (1) within 2 weeks of the Notice to Proceed - a kick-off teleconference meeting to approve an industry survey; (2) at 3 months - a teleconference meeting to discuss survey results, select case study subjects for interview, and approve the draft outline of the guidebook; (3) at 6 months - a face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting; and (4) at 9 months - a teleconference meeting to discuss the updated draft guidebook. Spontaneous ad hoc web-enabled teleconferences tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables may also be included if deemed appropriate. The final deliverables will include: (1) the guidebook; (2) a final report that documents the entire research effort; and (3) the research team's recommendation of future research needs and priorities, which builds upon this or other related research. KW - Airport planning KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Best practices KW - Construction KW - Decision making KW - Executives KW - Handbooks KW - Maintenance personnel KW - Planning and design UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3258 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335464 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547689 TI - Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation Planning at Airports AB - The effects from climate change vary and their risks pose a diverse set of issues for airports. In some places, increases in precipitation will not only flood runways but overwhelm storm water systems, potentially impacting water quality compliance. Elsewhere, hotter days can impact engine performance, and damage aircraft tires and pavements. The projected increases in severe winter storms may create a "new normal" for airports unaccustomed to the increased snow removal requirements. As a result, climate change is likely to have subtle and dramatic effects on airports, introducing another adaptation challenge to airport operators. Airports occupy large acreage, often encompass multiple watersheds, and are sited in many diverse environments. The potential climate change impacts and adaptation actions will vary widely. Department of transportation agencies and a number of states and their subdivisions are undertaking planning efforts to address adaptation to climate impacts. Recent guidance from the Council on Environmental Quality will require the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other federal agencies to consider the effects of climate on proposed projects during National Environmental Policy Act review. Research on the transportation sector's resilience and adaptation to climate change has been growing for over a decade, yet there is very little on airports specifically. Research is needed to help airports assimilate the growing body of knowledge from other transportation sectors and to adapt practices for the airport environment. The objective of this research is to develop a climate change adaptation guidebook for airports that identifies potential impacts from climate change; assesses related airport risks; and provides guidance for managing related uncertainty, developing a prioritized actions plan, and implementing the actions plan as an adaptive management process. In addition to a step-by-step, how-to manual, the guidebook should include at a minimum the following: (1) Background information and justification for all size airports to understand the need for airports to conduct climate change risk assessments. (2) A comprehensive list of potential impacts (direct and indirect) to airports and their regional environs from climate change. Potential impacts may include physical, operational, and business impacts such as planning, design, construction, operations, maintenance, redevelopment, financial, security, human resources, air service, and tenant relations. Also briefly describe the potential secondary effects that may develop as a result of implementing certain adaptation actions. (3) A screening tool to determine the magnitude of impacts and risks from climate change as a preliminary evaluation. (4) An inventory of important elements and outputs of the assessment, including a template for developing and implementing the action plans. (5) A description, comparison, and evaluation of existing adaptation planning frameworks (e.g., tools, models) that are currently available to airports for climate change assessment. The research plan should build in appropriate interim deliverables that include at minimum the following: (1) a draft outline of the guidebook that will require Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) approval prior to being implemented and (2) an interim report that describes work done in early tasks with an updated work plan for remaining tasks, and provides an initial draft of the guidebook and screening tool. After incorporating panel comments from the interim meeting, solicit participation and feedback from up to 10 airports to evaluate the completeness, clarity, value, and usability of the guidebook and screening tool. The selection of airports will be a representation of small, medium, and large airports with geographic and operational diversity, and range of potential climatic impacts. The research plan should build in other appropriate research phase checkpoints with the ACRP panel, including at a minimum: (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed and (2) one face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting. Spontaneous ad hoc web-enabled teleconferences, tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables, may also be included if deemed appropriate. The final deliverables will include the following: (1) the guidebook and screening tool; (2) a report documenting the results of the airport evaluation and any modifications incorporated into the guidebook and screening tool; and (3) a final report that documents the entire research effort, incorporating all other specified deliverable products of the research; and (4) the research team's recommendation of future research needs and priorities, which build upon this or other related research. KW - Airports KW - Climate change KW - Handbooks KW - Impacts KW - Risk assessment KW - Strategic planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3245 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335321 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01522226 AU - Koopmann, Jonathan AU - Solman, Gina Barberio AU - Ahearn, Meghan AU - Hwang, Sunje AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT). User Guide. Version 2a PY - 2014/01/01/Final Report SP - 184p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environment and Energy (FAA-AEE) has developed the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) version 2a software system with the support of the following development team: FAA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), ATAC Corporation, Metron Aviation, Wyle Laboratories, CSSI, Inc., Foliage, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Georgia Tech. AEDT 2a is designed to dynamically model aircraft performance in space and time to compute aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn. AEDT 2a software runs on PCs using a minimum hardware configuration of a Microsoft Windows XP or 7 operating systems, Dual-core w/ 1.6 GHz FSB and 512KB L2 Cache processor, 4 GB RAM, and 500 GB hard disk storage. In the U.S., the model is used to evaluate aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn of proposed air traffic airspace actions under the current version of FAA Order 1050.1E. This document is the User Guide to setup and run analyses with AEDT 2a. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Computer program documentation KW - Fuel consumption KW - Pollutants KW - Software UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47700/47726/AEDT2a_UserGuideJan2014.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1306870 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01518881 AU - Lewis, Kristin C AU - Baker, Gary AU - Lin, T Tom AU - Smith, Scott AU - Gillham, Olivia AU - Fine, Alisa AU - Costa, Stephen AU - Chen, Ze AU - Cooper, Coralie AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Office of Naval Research TI - Biofuel Transportation Analysis Tool: Description, Methodology, and Demonstration Scenarios PY - 2014/01//Final Report SP - 83p AB - This report describes a Biofuel Transportation Analysis Tool (BTAT), developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe) in support of the Department of Defense (DOD) Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The purpose of the BTAT is to help ONR and FAA better understand the transportation needs and constraints associated with biofuel feedstock collection, processing, and fuel distribution, specifically alternative jet fuel produced from oilseed feedstocks. The BTAT uses calculations of available agricultural production and existing transportation infrastructure to generate: locations of potentially supportable biorefineries; optimal transportation routes for moving biofuels from the point of oilseed feedstock production/pre-processing to refinement and finally to fuel aggregation and storage; allocation of feedstock and fuels among biorefineries and depots based on demand and efficient transport patterns; and transportation costs, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, fuel burn, and vehicle trips and miles traveled as a result of the transportation of feedstock and fuels. This report describes how the BTAT was developed and the functionality of the tool; it also demonstrates the tool’s capability through the analysis of seven scenarios. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Biomass fuels KW - Biorefineries KW - Costs KW - Fuel storage KW - Needs assessment KW - Oilseed KW - Pollutants KW - Routes KW - Transportation by load KW - Vehicle miles of travel UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51100/51114/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-14-02.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1301941 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01516507 AU - Williams, Kevin W AU - Christopher, Bonny AU - Drechsler, Gena AU - Pruchnicki, Shawn AU - Rogers, Jason A AU - Silverman, Evan AU - Gildea, Kevin M AU - Burian, Barbara K AU - Cotton, Samuel AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - San Jose State University AU - National Aeronautics and Space Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Human-in-the-Loop Simulation Studies: Experimental Planning, Design,and Data Management PY - 2014/01//Final Report SP - 86p AB - Researchers from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Flight Cognition Lab and the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) Aerospace Human Factors Research Lab at the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute examined task and workload management by single pilots in very light jets, also called entry-level jets. This exploratory simulation study was also performed to generate baseline data to be used in future NextGen-oriented studies and was conducted in a Level 5 Cessna Citation Mustang flight training device (for simplicity, referred to as a “simulator” throughout the rest of this document). In addition to the use of the simulator, data collection included voice analysis, instantaneous self-assessment of perceived workload, NASA Task Load Index workload measures, researcher observations, final debriefing interviews, Cockpit Set-up Preferences questionnaires, Demographics questionnaires, and Automation Experiences and Perceptions questionnaires. Within the current paper, the process by which the human-in-the-loop (HITL) simulation study was designed and the methodology used to collect and analyze the results are described. For a summary of the results, please refer to Burian, Pruchnicki, Rogers, et al. (2013). The purpose of this document is to describe much of the work required in the development of HITL simulation study materials, the design of experimental scenarios, and the management and transformation of data required in preparation for analysis. KW - Air pilots KW - Data collection KW - Demographics KW - Flight simulators KW - Human factors KW - Human in the loop simulation KW - Information processing KW - Methodology KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Small aircraft KW - Workload UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201401.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1290995 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01555758 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - FAA Aerospace Forecast Fiscal Years 2014-2034 PY - 2014 SP - 129p AB - This document forecasts aviation traffic and aviation activity through fiscal year 2034. It starts with a review of economic activity, commercial aviation, general aviation, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) operations for 2013. Forecasts cover commercial aviation, commercial aircraft fleet, general aviation, FAA operations, unmanned aircraft systems, and commercial space transportation. A final section looks at risks to the forecasts and alternative forecast scenarios. KW - Air traffic KW - Air transportation KW - Air travel KW - Civil aviation KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Drone aircraft KW - Economic analysis KW - Forecasting KW - General aviation KW - Trend (Statistics) KW - United States UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1344385 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538343 AU - Young, Seth B AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Use of SMS Risk-Based Methodology to Identify and Mitigate Airfield Hazards PY - 2014 SP - 18p AB - From 2009-2012, the Ohio State University (OSU) Department of Aviation/Center for Aviation Studies and The Ohio State University Airport partnered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on its Airport Safety Management System pilot implementation study program. As part of this study, OSU researchers performed literature review, conducted focus groups, established paper-based and digital-based hazard reporting and analysis models, and presented recommendations towards improving the safety of the OSU airfield. Such safety recommendations included the reduction of risk in certain pavement areas on the ramp and taxiway areas of the airfield, and other risk related to wildlife hazard and runway incursion mitigation. This paper and presentation will summarize the background, methodology, and findings of this study, and provide insight as to how risk-based performance modeling may be applied to other areas of the airfield, including pavement management. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airports KW - Hazard analysis KW - Methodology KW - Pavement management systems KW - Ramps KW - Recommendations KW - Risk management KW - Runway incursions KW - Safety management KW - Wildlife UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=1dcee381-b5df-4278-946f-243f56401890&f=S10084-Young.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322560 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538339 AU - Poole, Toy AU - Martin, Timothy AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Effectiveness of Standards for Mitigating Damage in Concrete Due to Materials Deficiencies PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - Standards are an important part of the process of technology transfer from research and development (R&D) to practice. The purpose of this report is to explore the effectiveness of standards in accomplishing this task for materials properties that cause damage to concrete. The main thesis is that standards do a good job of addressing the main technical issues relating to materials properties, but seemingly less critical issues are sometimes overlooked. This condition sometimes persists for a long time, and sometimes is found to be the basis of chronic problems in practice that can be significant. Standards development for concrete and concrete making materials became a significant process starting around the start of the twentieth century. ASTM (formerly American Society of Testing and Materials), which is the principal standards development organization in the U.S. for cement and concrete materials was organized at about this time. ASTM committee C1 on cement was organized in 1902 and committee C9 on concrete and concrete materials was organized in 1914. The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) also develops and manages concrete and concrete materials standards. Many AASHTO standards are based on ASTM standards and some are uniquely AASHTO developed. ACI (formerly American Concrete Institute) is the principal organization that develops and maintains standards on concrete design and construction practice. While all standards are updated on a regular basis, as required by regulations of the managing standards organization, a number of them have gaps in coverage of problems that seem to have persisted for a long time and are the source of chronic problems. The problems caused by these gaps tend be sporadic in nature, but when they do occur, the consequences to the particular structure can be significant with respect costs and/or service life. Some of the problems are general in nature, found commonly in many standards. These include significance of field service records, precision and bias of test methods, sampling, and basis for specification limits. Other problems are specific to details of individual standards. Some examples of these will be presented. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials KW - American Concrete Institute KW - ASTM International KW - Concrete KW - Materials tests KW - Precision KW - Properties of materials KW - Records management KW - Sampling KW - Specifications KW - Standards KW - Test procedures UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=ae4830c6-a2c6-4210-88a0-dcfd7f920e58&f=P10025-Poole_Martin.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322584 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538334 AU - Celaya, Manuel AU - Nazarian, Soheil AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Field Evaluation of NDT Devices for Delamination Detection of HMA Airport Pavements PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - To ensure the desired structural capacity of flexible pavements, sufficient bonding between the hot mix asphalt (HMA) layers is essential. If lack of bonding is present, it may lead to delamination or debonding. This problem is particularly more severe on airfield pavements, due to higher traffic loads applied by aircrafts. Undetected delamination and associated cracks may result in stripping of the lower layers due to moisture intrusion or peeling away of thin lifts from the surface. Moreover, further progression of delamination may develop other dangerous distresses such as foreign object debris (FOD). Rapid nondestructive test (NDT) methods to determine the presence and extent of delamination in asphalt pavements are highly desirable. Previous studies have investigated promising NDT procedures and equipment that have the potential to address the problem. The most promising NDT methods include Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), seismic methods, mechanical impulse methods and thermography. These methods were previously evaluated on controlled pavement sections specifically constructed to simulate an airfield pavement. The theoretical and practical strength and limitations of these methods were identified and discussed as well. Field evaluation of NDT technologies has not been extensively conducted. The focus of this paper is to present the results of these promising technologies at two major international airports in the US. The objective was to assess capabilities and practicality of selected NDT methods under actual field conditions. Results were also compared with cores retrieved at selected locations. Overall, Impulse Response and ultrasonic surface waves were the most successful methods, followed by the Falling Weight Deflectometer. The most effective methods are too slow and the rapid methods require improvements to their interpretation and analysis algorithms to be suitable for network level implementation. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Cores (Specimens) KW - Delamination KW - Falling weight deflectometers KW - Field studies KW - Hot mix asphalt KW - Impulse response KW - Logan International Airport KW - Nondestructive tests KW - Pavement maintenance KW - Portland International Airport (Oregon) KW - Structural analysis KW - Ultrasonic waves UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=36be4549-842e-445b-b0bd-055dcd4cecb9&f=P10063-Celaya_Nazarian.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322628 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538329 AU - Song, Injun AU - Larkin, Albert AU - Augustyn, Stephen AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Profile Data Comparisons for Airfield Runway Pavements PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5380-9 does not recommend use of inertial profilers that include highpass filtering for measuring profiles which are to be used for computing Boeing Bump Index (BBI) or simulated aircraft accelerations on airport pavements. This paper introduces the influences of the highpass filtering on BBI and aircraft accelerations. Therefore, rationales to exclude the highpass filtering which is adopted for highway pavement profiling are provided. The FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center (WJHTC) owns inertial profiling system, SurPro walking profiler, Dipstick, and highway profiling system were used for data collections. Longitudinal profile data was collected from test pavement sections including the Smart Road test facility located at Blacksburg, Virginia. The FAA roughness program, ProFAA, was used for processing the collected profiles. Since there are unknown procedures for signal processing in highway profiling systems, airport profiles from the FAA inertial profiler were filtered with multiple level of wavelengths ranging from 100 feet to 500 feet. After the highpass-filtered profiles were generated by ProFAA, comparisons were made with original profiles from the FAA profiler and from the highway profiler. The profiles from the walking profiler and dipstick are also included for the comparisons. Arbitrary bumps with different wavelength and height were created for wavelength sensitivities using the aircraft simulation function in ProFAA. The sensitivity analysis presented effective wavelengths required for airport runway pavements for given conditions in terms of accelerations at the aircraft cockpit and center of gravity. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Acceleration (Mechanics) KW - Aircraft KW - Airport runways KW - Boeing Bump Index (BBI) KW - Profilographs KW - Roughness KW - Simulation KW - Wavelength UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=0548ad87-5c7d-42df-8db4-e3b4e7896b15&f=P10054-Song.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322614 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538323 AU - Kawamura, Naoya AU - Morikawa, Yoshiyuki AU - Murayama, Masato AU - Hirato, Toshiaki AU - Maekawa, Ryota AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Durability of High-Stability Asphalt Mixture Under Aircraft Loading PY - 2014 SP - 14p AB - Rutting is a major distress mode for airfield asphalt pavements. In Japan, polymer-modified asphalt (PMA) mixtures are often used in the surface course to reduce rutting. However, severe rutting can still occur at intersections of taxiways and at the ends of runways, where aircraft stops temporarily or taxi. Although concrete paving is considered to be an effective countermeasure against rutting, tight time and space constraints make it difficult to apply where it is needed because most airports are unable to provide alternate runways or taxiways for takeoff and landing while the pavement is curing. Thus, the development of materials that have a higher resistance to rutting and overnight serviceability remains a technical challenge. The authors have developed a high-stability asphalt (HSA) mixture. The newly developed asphalt is composed of a special thermoplastic resin, and an asphalt modified with styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer (SBS). It has a high resistance to rutting, and oil and can be applied using the same construction procedure used for conventional hot mix asphalt mixtures in Japan. The unit price of the HSA mixture is about three times as high as that of the straight asphalt (SA) mixture. Although the rutting resistance under vehicle loading has been found to be equal to a semi-flexible pavement material, which is an open-graded asphalt mixture filled with a cement grout, little is known about the durability such as the rutting resistance and groove stability under aircraft loading. In order to investigate the durability of the HSA mixture, laboratory tests were carried out involving simulated aircraft loading. A full-scale loading test was then performed in order to confirm the results of the laboratory tests. The present paper describes the results of a series of tests performed in order to clarify the fundamental properties of the mixture under aircraft loading. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Asphalt mixtures KW - Durability tests KW - Japan KW - Laboratory tests KW - Load tests KW - Polymer asphalt KW - Rutting KW - Styrene butadiene styrene KW - Thermoplastic resins UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=abeea33c-c13e-40ec-9bf7-6ff944161a8e&f=P10027-Kawamura.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322594 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538314 AU - McQueen, Roy D AU - Hayhoe, Gordon F AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Construction Cycle 6 (CC-6) Revisited: Fatigue Analysis and Economic and Design Implications PY - 2014 SP - 11p AB - For some time, industry has indicated that concrete with high flexural strength will cause embrittlement of concrete pavements and premature cracking, and as such, flexural strengths are limited for rigid pavement thickness design. As a result, and based on only anecdotal information, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular 150/5320-6E, states that the thickness of rigid airport pavements should be computed based on a 90-day concrete flexural strength ranging between 600 psi and 700 psi, independent of the flexural strength of the concrete mix determined according to the guidelines of FAA Advisory Circular 150/5370-10, which requires a 28-day flexural strength for acceptance. FAA Advisory Circular 150/5320-6E also states that the 28-day strength for specification development should be approximately 5% less than the 90-day strength, resulting in a specified range in 28-day flexural strengths of 570 psi to 665 psi. In many areas of the country, 28-day and 90-day flexural strengths are commonly much higher than 700 psi when produced with relatively low cement contents and utilizing mix design optimization techniques. Also, many engineers believe that, based on anecdotal information, the performance of rigid pavements is improved when asphalt, in lieu of cement, treated subbase is used. Construction Cycle 6 (CC-6) at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) was designed to test the technical validity of limiting the flexural strength requirements for thickness design to improve performance, as well as the relative performance of rigid pavements constructed on cement and asphalt stabilized subbases. The test items in CC-6 were constructed at uniform 12-inch thicknesses with three different concrete flexural strengths (nominally 500, 750, and 1,000 psi) on two different subbases (lean concrete and asphalt stabilized). Traffic testing, as reported in Brill and Brill and Hao, demonstrated that the flexural strength of the test items was a good predictor of the life of the test items under full-scale traffic testing, suggesting that the 90-day, and consequently 28-day, flexural strength limitation can be raised. The pavements on the asphalt and cement stabilized subbase were also shown to provide comparative performance. These findings suggest the possibility of significant cost savings in pavement construction. As part of CC-6, laboratory fatigue testing of beams from the test items was also performed. When normalized to the flexural strength, the results from the fatigue tests indicated that the characteristics of the laboratory determined fatigue life of the test item mixes were not significantly affected by the flexural strength of the mixes; however a statistical analysis of the laboratory fatigue test results was not performed. The paper reviews the major findings from CC-6; statistically analyzes whether the normalized laboratory fatigue characteristics of concrete vary with flexural strength; and demonstrates the relative economic impact of implementing the major findings from CC-6. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Concrete pavements KW - Economic impacts KW - Fatigue tests KW - Flexural strength KW - Pavement design KW - Pavement performance KW - Performance tests KW - Rigid pavements KW - Subbase (Pavements) KW - Thickness UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=7975f9b9-2b01-4115-ba1d-30bb591f8e3c&f=P10050-McQueen_Hayhoe.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322599 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538311 AU - Bin, Cauê AU - Balbo, José AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Comparing Results of Airport Concrete Slabs Design Using Damage Models of FAARFIELD to MEPDG Concrete Fatigue Model PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - The current but still new design method for airport pavements of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) deals with the pavement damage by using a two-stage degradation model for the concrete slabs which have been completely rewritten. Nowadays is being discussed the need of a “three-stage” model of failure. This one inserts a new and very important stage, with starts at the crack initiation and end at the first full-depth crack. But FAARFIELD is using the two-stage model, with some modifications for stabilized bases. The two-staged model consists into two clear periods, with the first beginning when the slabs are new and ending at the developing of first full-depth crack (Brill). The second period starts at this point and goes until the end of pavement service life. In other words, the three-stage model subdivides the first stage into two smaller ones, whose effects are different in the pavement life. The degradation model in question uses the Structural Condition Index (SCI) and is directly related to the traffic coverage of airplanes during the design period; such as an index is field-performance related taking into account distresses like corner breaks, linear cracks, shattered slabs, shrinkage cracks and joint and corning spalling, presenting at most three levels of severity. Such approach, clearly semi-empirical, differs from traditional fatigue degradation approach used widely by road agencies for the design of concrete pavements, when concrete fatigue transfer-functions refer to a first and catastrophic crack. This paper deals with such a difference for the crack criteria, were it seeks to understand the different results on using a concrete fatigue transfer function proposed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), namely mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG) criteria, for the fatigue design of airport concrete slabs alternatively to the 2-stage FAA criteria. The purpose of comparison of FAA failure model to MEPDG fatigue semi-empirical transfer function was carried out by simulating the commercial airplane traffic mix actually obtained from John F. Kennedy International Airport data for the period from 2000 to 2001. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials KW - Civil aircraft KW - Concrete pavements KW - Cracking KW - Fatigue (Mechanics) KW - John F. Kennedy International Airport KW - Mechanistic-empirical pavement design KW - Pavement distress KW - Simulation KW - Slabs UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=6042d5e9-5a14-4301-ae95-7793671bf614&f=P10049-Bin_Balbo.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322577 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538310 AU - Hayhoe, Gordon F AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Standardized Acceleration Processing for Pavement Roughness Evaluation PY - 2014 SP - 17p AB - Aircraft body vertical accelerations are frequently used to characterize the response of an aircraft to pavement disturbances during ground maneuvers. A standardized procedure is presented which can be used to process measured and simulated aircraft accelerations. In the procedure, an acceleration of interest is filtered according to the weighting functions defined in ISO Report 2631-1, “Mechanical Vibration and Shock – Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration, Part 1: General Requirements.” Ride quality index values are computed from the weighted time histories according to four methods defined in the ISO report: 1) root mean square (r.m.s.); 2) running r.m.s.; 3) fourth power vibration dose; and 4) spinal response acceleration dose. These functions were previously implemented by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in a standalone computer program called “ISO Accel Processing” written in the Microsoft VB6 language. They have now been implemented in a Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) development of the FAA computer program ProFAA. The new program is called ProView and the time history weighting and ISO index computations are applied to the acceleration outputs of the internal aircraft simulations. An additional function has been added to the program whereby an externally generated acceleration time history from any source can be read from a text file. The weighting and ISO index functions are then performed on the externally generated acceleration time history and the results displayed in the same way as the accelerations from the internal aircraft simulations. The implementation of the ISO functions is described in detail together with two examples: 1) the weighted time history and ISO index values computed from the internal aircraft simulation in response to an elevation profile measured on an airport runway and 2) the weighted time history and ISO index values computed from an external acceleration record measured on an aircraft operating on the same airport runway as in the first example. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Acceleration (Mechanics) KW - Aircraft KW - Airport runways KW - Computer programs KW - Roughness KW - Simulation KW - Vibration UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=258e1469-7226-4faf-86af-bfa563a74f7c&f=P10048-Hayhoe.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322613 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538309 AU - Lombardi, Thomas M AU - Frabizzio, Michael A AU - Tabrizi, Kaz AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Nondestructive Pavement Evaluation of Stewart International Airport’s Runway 9-27 PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - Knowledge of the existing structure and condition is critical to developing a reliable, cost-effective pavement restoration design. Airside pavements present a challenge in this regard, due to the limited time windows afforded for pavement evaluation and the critical nature of ensuring their structural and functional integrity. A nondestructive testing (NDT) survey, incorporating various NDT methods, was utilized to meet this challenge on Runway 9-27 at Stewart International Airport in upstate New York. This runway was programmed to receive improvements, including converting the existing typical cross-slope to a crown section. During low volume hours an integrated testing vehicle equipped with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), a high-speed Inertial Profiler, and a high-resolution video camera was deployed to measure pavement thickness and smoothness in addition to capturing video and complemented by a Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD) to back-calculate layer moduli along testing lines at various transverse offsets. Analyzed GPR data was compared to ground truth core data provided by the owner (Port Authority of New York and New Jersey) at several locations, and the thickness results were found to correlate fairly well. In addition to producing the asphalt thickness, survey data along each of the test lines was utilized to produce the elevation profile of the top and bottom of the asphalt layer. This information was used by the owner to model the asphalt concrete (AC) layer using AutoCAD Civil 3D. The GPR data yielded an explanation for anomalous cores ranging up to 43 inches thick and avoided the need for more extensive coring. Ultimately, the NDT survey was used to segment the runway along the tested offsets, allowing for a comprehensive and reliable design assessment and construction quantity estimates. Additionally, the data was presented for visualization through a software interface that enables the coordinated simultaneous viewing of video and pavement data. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Asphalt concrete pavements KW - Deflectometers KW - Field tests KW - Ground penetrating radar KW - Nondestructive tests KW - Pavement maintenance KW - Stewart International Airport KW - Structural analysis KW - Thickness UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=565ff806-ae71-4b4b-a629-83582c52966f&f=P10058-Lombardi.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322627 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538307 AU - Stoffels, Shelley AU - Lopez, Maria AU - Yeh, Lin AU - Jeong, Yoseok AU - Barzegari, Saman AU - Kermani, Behnoud AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Fracture Characterization and SEM Examination of NAPTF CC6 Concrete Mixes PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rigid pavement design procedure utilizes the flexural strength to stress ratio to predict performance, based on regression models developed from full-scale experiments by the Corps of Engineers and FAA. Construction Cycle 6 (CC6) at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) was constructed to further examine the effects of concrete strength on structural performance through full-scale accelerated testing. For CC6, FAA utilized concrete mixtures with three target flexural strengths. To complement the full-scale accelerated testing, both lab-cured and field-sawn beams were tested. Beam strength and fatigue tests were performed in the FAA testing lab. Fracture properties of the three design mixtures were determined at the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) laboratory following RILEM TC-187-SOC. Scanning Electron Microscopy was conducted to investigate the micro-structural differences between concrete samples to investigate apparent anomalies in other laboratory observations. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Accelerated tests KW - Admixtures KW - Beams KW - Electron microscopes KW - Flexural strength KW - Fracture properties KW - Laboratory tests KW - Mix design UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=738f7bf1-1297-4f4a-b8e7-8c630aebe04e&f=P10097-Stoffels.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322587 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538305 AU - Bullough, John D AU - Skinner, Nicholas P AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Do LEDS Increase the Accuracy OF LED Aviation Signal Light Color Identification by Pilots With and Without Color-Deficient Vision? PY - 2014 SP - 10p AB - Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are being used for many airfield signal lighting applications, and it is important to ensure that they can be correctly identified by pilots, including those with deficient color vision. Until recently, color specifications for aviation signal lights used by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and maintained by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) have been unchanged for several decades. Filtered incandescent lamps used in most signal lights have largely consistent and predictable chromaticities within the allowable aviation color boundaries. Additionally, colored glass filters produce luminous intensity differences among incandescent signal lights of different colors, and these differences might assist color-deficient pilots (e.g., protans and deutans) in distinguishing among them. Many commercially available LEDs have chromaticities within the SAE color boundaries but look perceptibly different than incandescent sources of the same nominal color. In addition, because the luminous efficacies (in lm/W) of red, yellow, green and white LEDs are similar, LED signal lights with these colors could have similar luminous intensities while still meeting FAA requirements. If such signals were used, a color deficient pilot's ability to discriminate among their colors might be reduced because the redundant information of intensity differences would not be present. It is therefore important to understand the practical implications of these differences between LED and incandescent light sources. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Air pilots KW - Color KW - Color blind persons KW - Color vision KW - Incandescent lamps KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting KW - Luminous intensity KW - Signal lights KW - Vision UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=26238a0d-e2ed-4ad3-bb0c-70279e58512b&f=S10104-Bullough_Skinner.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322616 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538304 AU - Bullough, John D AU - Skinner, Nicholas P AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Can Linear Light Sources be Beneficial to Pilots? PY - 2014 SP - 13p AB - Presently, lighted delineation for runway and taxiway airfield systems uses discrete light sources in the form of raised and in-pavement light fixtures varying in color to indicate edges and centerlines of runways and taxiways. There have been suggestions both anecdotally and in published literature, that delineation practices using more continuous visual elements might provide superior visual cues to pilots navigating on the airfield than the primarily discrete visual elements used in the form of edge and centerline light fixtures. To assist the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in assessing the potential benefits of more continuous or linear visual delineation of runways and taxiways, a series of laboratory and field experiments was conducted by the Lighting Research Center (LRC). The primary objective was to investigate the influence of the length and spacing of delineation elements on visual acquisition under simulated airfield viewing conditions, including both static and dynamic situations. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Air pilots KW - Airport runways KW - Field tests KW - Laboratory tests KW - Lighting KW - Reflectorized materials KW - Taxiways KW - Visual perception UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=3d4fb4f6-09cc-469c-8364-3b40253fcc28&f=S10108-Bullough_Skinner.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322618 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538296 AU - Rodriguez, Pedro Pablo Carrasco AU - Dominguez, Fernando Sanchez AU - García, José Antonio Ramos AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Measurement of Surface Macrotexture on Runways of Airports: Texturometers Laser Versus Traditional Methods of Measurement PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - Because of the impact that is produced on the safety of aircraft operations, surface macrotexture is a vital parameter in airport runways. In the present document are described different measurement methods to determine this parameter. It is made a comparative analysis between traditional volumetric methods and, besides, between them and those texturometers which are using laser technology, including the three-dimensional one. For this purpose, there are presented the results of tests of two different pavement surface layers performed on airports runways. Besides, the authors review other comparative studies and other optical methods for measuring pavements textures. In the end of the article comes a section of conclusions advising the use of 3D texturometer laser, as a method of measuring the surface macrotexture and MPD (Mean Profile Depth). Besides there are used digital devices to obtain texture values which could be easily adapted to the Sand and Grease Patch tests. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Alternatives analysis KW - Lasers KW - Macrotexture KW - Measuring methods KW - Optical measurement KW - Surface texture tests UR - http://www.airtech.tc.faa.gov/ATT2014/Papers/S10030%20-%20Carrasco%20et%20al.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322589 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538293 AU - Anand, Pritha AU - Ceylan, Halil AU - Gkritza, Konstantina (Nadia) AU - Taylor, Peter AU - Pyrialakou, Vasiliki Dimitra AU - Kim, Sunghwan AU - Gopalakrishnan, Kasthurirangan AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Cost Comparison of Alternative Airfield Snow Removal Methodologies PY - 2014 SP - 18p AB - Maintaining operational safety and status of airport runways during snowfall events is a challenging issue that many airports are grappling with. Ice and snow impacts on transportation infrastructure systems add significant costs to the American economy in the form of snow removal, damaged pavement and lost productivity due to travel delays. Most transport category aircraft are prohibited from operating on runways covered by untreated ice or by more than ½ inch of snow or slush. Hence, it is imperative that both small and large airports maintain operational status during snowfall events to support the existing operations. Conventional ice and snow removal practices are labor intensive and have environmental concerns such as possible contamination of nearby water bodies for highway and airport pavements. This preliminary study aims at identifying and establishing cost parameters for an ongoing research project on energy and economic analyses of alternative ice and snow removal strategies. One such alternative approach is the use of a heated pavement system using either conventional or renewable energy as a heat source, to keep the surface temperature of concrete pavements above freezing so that any frozen precipitation melts upon contact. Based on the limited data available, the costs incurred due to melting snow by hydronic heated pavements were calculated and compared with the operating costs of conventional snow removal strategies under specific case scenarios. A case study is carried out using limited data from Des Moines International (DSM) airport in Iowa to demonstrate the methodology. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Alternatives analysis KW - Case studies KW - Costs KW - Des Moines International Airport KW - Economic analysis KW - Energy consumption KW - Heating KW - Snow and ice control UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=6b74a4cd-2b91-4f25-b72e-38fd6c6ad6b7&f=P10066-Anand.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322603 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538292 AU - Gibson, Nelson AU - Seo, Youngguk AU - Li, Xinjun AU - Adriescu, Adrian AU - Youtcheff, Jack AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Full-scale and Laboratory Fatigue Cracking Performance of Combined High-Recycle and Warm Mix Asphalt Pavements PY - 2014 SP - 13p AB - The Federal Highway Administration’s Office of Infrastructure Research and Development has initiated a full-scale accelerated pavement testing experiment to evaluate the fatigue cracking performance of sustainable asphalt materials and mix designs. Recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) contents providing up to 40% asphalt binder replaced (ABR) by 44% by RAP by weight have been incorporated in hot mix asphalt (HMA) production as well as reduced-temperature warm mix asphalt (WMA) that was produced with water foaming and chemical additive. Recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) have been incorporated to provide 20% ABR in HMA. The objective of the experiment is to establish realistic boundaries for high-RAP & RAS mixtures employing WMA technologies based on percent binder replacement and binder grade changes when combined together. This paper will document the construction, the as-built engineering properties of the 10 different test sections characterized in the laboratory, and the full scale fatigue cracking performance. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Accelerated tests KW - Fatigue cracking KW - Hot mix asphalt KW - Laboratory tests KW - Mix design KW - Recycled materials KW - Shingles KW - Test sections KW - Warm mix paving mixtures UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=05a96d4b-4233-432b-9ee8-df85da900612&f=P10042-Gibson.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322582 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538290 AU - Cary, C E AU - Kumpel, C AU - Bagriacik, A AU - Cohen, R AU - Clark, J AU - Sukumaran, B AU - Lecorvaisier, M AU - Daouadji, A AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Assessment of Field Compaction of Subbase Material during Construction and Trafficking of Heavy Aircraft using the Superpave Gyratory Compactor PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - Past full-scale pavement testing at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has shown excessive compaction of the subbase layer during trafficking. Modern construction compaction equipment is capable of achieving densities higher than maximum Proctor values at moisture contents drier than optimum conditions. Laboratory testing has been conducted at different moisture contents and confining pressures using the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC). SGC results were found to be similar to that achieved by modern construction compaction equipment in the field. Different from the Proctor method, the shear work component added by the SGC closely replicates the aggregate crushing mechanisms observed in the field during construction and trafficking. Results suggest that the excessive compaction reported for the subbase after trafficking is, in part, due to abrasion and attrition of the aggregate which reduces particle interlock and promotes additional compaction. Based on the test results, it is recommended to implement SGC based construction specifications in order to prevent excessive compaction from construction and trafficking. After achieving field construction density, the additional compaction observed in SGC test samples was found to be significantly smaller than the actual compaction observed in the pavement during trafficking. The suitability of the SGC to reproduce trafficking compaction in the field due to heavy aircraft loading is still under evaluation. Research efforts are currently directed to find a rational method for determining field compaction energy, which will lead to the development of a correlation between SGC test results and material field performance during compaction and trafficking. Using compaction energy principles this correlation would allow determination of the number of roller passes required during construction in order to achieve any desired density-moisture condition. Preliminary results on the development of this approach are presented in this study. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Aircraft KW - Airport runways KW - Compaction KW - Compactors KW - Gyratory testing machines KW - Laboratory tests KW - Moisture content KW - Pavement performance KW - Paving KW - Subbase (Pavements) UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=343e8be2-ef8e-4eed-ac60-578d28c012ff&f=P10022-Cary.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322598 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538289 AU - Ye, Dan AU - James, Mainey AU - Daleiden, Jerome AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Curling’s Impact on Structural Responses of Jointed Concrete Pavements PY - 2014 SP - 11p AB - Backcalculation of layer moduli of jointed concrete pavements (JCP) normally uses the slab-on-grade model, which assumes that the concrete slab is flat and in full contact with the subgrade. The shape of a concrete slab, however, is changing due to either seasonal or daily variations of temperature and moisture gradients. This invalidates the commonly used assumption. Falling weight deflectometer (FWD) data collected at various times of a day exhibit significant variations and so do the subsequently backcalculated layer moduli using these data. This paper presents a case study that quantitatively characterizes the amount of change in the daily deflections and backcalculated layer moduli for data collected for JCP sections under the seasonal monitoring program (SMP) of the long-term pavement performance (LTPP) study. This paper also provides a method that accounts for slab curling during the backcalculation process using a finite element model. Pavement engineers shall understand the variations associated with the deflection data and backcalculated moduli for JCP pavements while using the data for pavement rehabilitation/reconstruction design as the material moduli are essential in the structural evaluation process. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Backcalculation KW - Case studies KW - Concrete pavements KW - Curling KW - Deflection KW - Falling weight deflectometers KW - Finite element method KW - Long-Term Pavement Performance Program KW - Pavement joints KW - Periods of the day KW - Seasonal Monitoring Program KW - Slabs KW - Temperature UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=5c147f4c-15b9-41f0-9191-eba0480c02ed&f=P10057-Ye.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322607 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538287 AU - Levy, B AU - Carpenter, M AU - DeHart, S AU - Nolan, T AU - Boudreau, R AU - Watkins, Q AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Airport Surface Surveillance Data Improves Pavement Management Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - An airport pavement management system is the basis for planning maintenance, rehabilitation, or reconstruction activities for airside pavement infrastructure. Airport authority engineers use counts of arrival and departure operations to make initial assumptions of how these arriving or departing aircraft taxi between runways and gates as a gross estimate of the true stress allocation over the pavement network. The quality of these estimates can be improved with data that measures the actual traffic patterns and aircraft characteristics, providing better pavement lifetime assessments and reducing maintenance and refurbishment costs. This approach is in the early stages of development at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International (ATL) Airport. While the test and inspection tools are essential to the accurate assessment of the pavement condition index (PCI), unnecessary and laborious inspection of large regions of pavement could be avoided through the use of airport-wide traffic data to guide the program and set priorities for inspection. A unified analysis capability incorporating databases, simulation, and algorithms has been created to measure and characterize actual aircraft surface traffic patterns based on surveillance data and project alternatives using simulation. This paper applies that capability to improve upon the accuracy of the knowledge of pavement usage. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Aircraft KW - Airports KW - Algorithms KW - Cost effectiveness KW - Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport KW - Pavement management systems KW - Simulation KW - Traffic data KW - Traffic surveillance UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=3d4fb4f6-09cc-469c-8364-3b40253fcc28&f=S10108-Bullough_Skinner.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322619 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538283 AU - Stauffer, Scott AU - Hyland, Warren AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Pavement Edge Light Safety System, PELSS: Visual Enhancement to Airfield Lighting PY - 2014 SP - 11p AB - For over 60 years, boundary edge lighting has been limited to a single point of illumination. A taxiway Pavement Edge Light Safety System provides a much needed improvement to the traditional “nodes of light” by adding an illuminated horizontal linear bar that is aligned with the pavement edge. Individual nodes of light can become confusing at night, during reduced visibility periods or when approaching the lights from an angle out of alignment with the runway or taxiway. At larger airports, these lights may appear as a “sea” of random lights which may not provide adequate visual cues for pilots to safely navigate around the airport. The addition of a linear light source to existing taxiway light fixtures, or as a replacement, provides information related to both the location and the orientation of the pavement edge. Rather than time, distance, length and spacing, this paper focuses on patterns that are created once the line segment shape is discernable by the human eye and progress related to a fixture that presents a purposeful illusion of a boundary using a combination of relatively short, elevated, linear light sources. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Edge lines KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting KW - Taxiways UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322615 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538276 AU - Araki, Hidenori AU - Pereyra, Julie AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Safely Secure Fasteners in Critical Applications PY - 2014 SP - 8p AB - It can be vital that bolted joints holding subassemblies together remain secure. Fasteners used to secure bolts and screws should resist the loosening caused by vibrations and dynamic loads, while keeping the ease of removability during maintenance. When a threaded fastener is subjected to vibration, the rapid movement causes a lowering of friction against the threads and a subsequent loss of preload. The loss of preload allows the fastener to vibrate loose and could lead to catastrophic consequences for critical applications. To mitigate the problem of unintentional bolt loosening, one must understand what parameters are critical in the bolted joint that affects this. The critical displacement threshold and the Junker vibration principle will be discussed to understand these self-loosening effect and the ways to reduce the risk. There are many locking methods that are out on the market today to prevent this bolt self-loosening from occurring. While some are effective when the dynamic loads are mild, certain applications such as the aviation industry needs to have a locking method that can withstand harsh dynamic and vibratory conditions where self-loosening is not an option. The Junker vibration test will analyze these locking systems to compare among them how effective they are under extreme transverse loading conditions where bolt loosening is most susceptible. Several locking methods will be compared under this test procedure and analyzed. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Aircraft KW - Bolts KW - Dynamic loads KW - Fasteners KW - Locks (Fasteners) KW - Vibration UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=0d66c562-2ae3-46c9-af60-9c22fadba53a&f=S10016-SAFELY_SECURE_FASTENERS_IN_CRITICAL_APPLICATIONS.PDF UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322580 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538270 AU - Wang, Hao AU - Li, Maoyun AU - Garg, Navneet AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Simulation of NAPTF High Tire Pressure Tests with Advanced Finite Element Modeling PY - 2014 SP - 13p AB - The new generation of aircrafts, like Boeing 787 and Airbus 350/380, has tire pressure exceeding 1.5MPa. This creates a challenge for the traditional Pavement Classification Number (PCN) rating with 1.5MPa limitation. A series of high tire pressure tests on heated pavements have been conducted at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) to duplicate the worst-case conditions likely to be encountered in the field. This paper aims to evaluate the effect of high aircraft tire pressure on asphalt pavement responses using three-dimensional (3-D) finite element (FE) modeling. The FE model characterized the hot-mix asphalt (HMA) layer as a viscoelastic material and utilized an implicit dynamic analysis to predict the time-dependent pavement responses under moving aircraft tire loading. The tire loading was simulated as a continuously moving load having half-sinusoidal shape distribution along the contact length and non-uniform distribution along five ribs of the tire. The pavement responses (tensile, shear and compressive stresses/strains) under various loading conditions were calculated and compared. Two temperature profiles were considered in the analysis; one is the “artificial” bottom-up heating that was used in the NAPTF full-scale test and another one is the "natural" top-down heating. The results show that the critical pavement responses increase by 10 to 20% as the tire inflation pressure increases from 1.45 to 1.69MPa, depending on the type of pavement response. The analysis findings can support the NAPTF high tire pressure test results and provide valuable suggestions for airfield pavement design under heavy aircrafts with high tire pressure. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Aircraft KW - Airport runways KW - Asphalt pavements KW - Compressive strength KW - Finite element method KW - Hot mix asphalt KW - Shear strain KW - Simulation KW - Tension KW - Tire pressure KW - Wheel loads UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=2e40fa6a-4b0b-4c11-adb9-021b2dd40c0a&f=P10061-Wang.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322578 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538269 AU - Brill, David R AU - Kawa, Izydor AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Relative Performance of CC6 Concrete Pavement Test Items at the FAA National Airport Pavement Test Facility PY - 2014 SP - 17p AB - Between August 2011 and April 2012, six rigid pavement test items, designated CC6, were trafficked to full structural failure at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF). The primary objective of these full-scale tests was to investigate the effect on pavement life of concrete flexural strengths higher than recommended by current FAA standards in Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5320-6E. The six test items were constructed using three different concrete mixes with different flexural strengths. All test items were subjected to traffic from 4-wheel landing gears in a 2D configuration. Pavement condition was continuously monitored, and traffic was continued until the structural condition index (SCI) of all test items was under 30, which is well below the design failure condition of SCI 80. Due to the significantly different flexural strengths, it was necessary to vary the gear loads to achieve failure of all test items in a reasonable number of traffic passes. Moreover, all test items (except one) received traffic at a mixture of different load levels. Therefore, in order to compare test item performance, it was necessary to introduce mixed aircraft traffic concepts to the analysis. A rational method of compensating for various load levels, making use of the cumulative damage factor (CDF), results in equivalent traffic passes to failure at a reference wheel load, so that the effect of concrete strength can be clearly observed. Using this method, it was demonstrated that CC6 pavement life was strongly correlated to 28-day flexural strength, and was not strongly affected by the base type. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Base course (Pavements) KW - Concrete pavements KW - Design standards KW - Failure analysis KW - Flexural strength KW - Load tests KW - Pavement performance KW - Performance tests KW - Rigid pavements UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=1e7e635f-eb24-4919-942d-46e5807c2f4d&f=P10052-Brill_Kawa.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322600 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538264 AU - Mooren, Fer AU - Stet, Marc AU - Hopman, Piet AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Tire Induced Surface Cracking due to Extreme Wheel Loads PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - Triggered by recurring surface distresses on particular spots at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, a study was performed into tire induced surface cracking. Calculations focused on traffic in curves at various wheel loads, tire pressures, speeds and curve radii (CROW). It has been concluded that asphalt failure stresses close to the pavement surface can occur under certain load conditions, and particularly in high speed taxiway and in areas of sharply turning traffic, such as tight push-back operations with lateral wheel slip. However, failure stresses are not necessarily exceeded because of increasing tire pressures, but mainly due to excessive shear stresses imposed onto the pavement surface as a result of high centrifugal forces or rigidity of a multi-axle main gear in tight curves. It can lead to top-down cracking. Based on linear elastic and visco-elastic VEROAD® calculations and fundamental theory of elasticity for circular loads on an isotropic half space (Gerrard and Harrison, 1970), an analytical model has been developed to analyze the risk of tire induced surface cracking as a function of the tire pressure and the shear stress. The model shows that tire induced surface cracking is solely a material strength issue. The Mohr-Coulomb criterion has been used as the failure criterion. On some issues, the analytical model requires more validation. Mixture cohesion (c) has been found as the crucial parameter to resist tire induced surface cracking. Cohesion tends to drop with increasing temperatures, which means that the risk of surface cracking is highest during summer. Suggestions have been made for laboratory tests to determine mixture cohesion. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Amsterdam Schiphol Airport KW - Cohesion KW - Cracking KW - Pavement distress KW - Shear stress KW - Tire pressure KW - Turning (Aircraft pilotage) KW - Wheel loads UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=9f9cd4a1-5276-4d2d-b15c-2139d332a1da&f=P10005-Mooren.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322592 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538257 AU - Narendran, Nadarajah AU - Freyssinier, Jean Paul AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - How is the Operational Failure of LED Fixtures Identified? PY - 2014 SP - 6p AB - Selecting the most effective light source or lighting system for a given application requires the comparison of a number of figures of merit for the options under evaluation. One of the most important characteristics to consider is the useful lifetime of the lighting system. For aviation lighting, knowing the expected useful life of airfield luminaires allows designers, airport owners, administrators, and operators to make informed decisions that impact initial and operational costs, maintenance programs, and overall service reliability. Light-emitting diode (LED)-based solutions have become more prevalent in airport systems because of their potential to aid pilots’ visibility and the impressive improvements that this technology has seen in the last few years, including energy efficiency and their potential for long life. While the rated life of commercially available LED systems, usually between several to tens of thousands of hours, is much longer in comparison to the incandescent lamp-based products they are replacing, there is no clear definition of an airfield’s luminaire life. Additionally, because of the recent history of LEDs in the market, there is no sufficient field information to fully validate the long-life claims of such products. Funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Alliance for Solid-State Illumination Systems and Technologies (ASSIST), researchers at the Lighting Research Center (LRC) conducted a laboratory study to understand the long-term performance of LED systems as a starting point to develop a functional definition of useful lifetime for airfield luminaires. To complement this body of research, LRC researchers are working presently on the development of an accelerated test method to project catastrophic failure of LED systems. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airports KW - Laboratory studies KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting KW - Service life UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=bac0e5da-7fb3-43fe-bd2d-35c4a6d84d51&f=S10106-Narendran_Freyssinier.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322624 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538252 AU - Henschen, Jacob AU - Amirkhanian, Armen AU - Roesler, Jeffery AU - Lange, David AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Field Evaluation of Alternative Isolation Joints at O'Hare International Airport PY - 2014 SP - 14p AB - Airfield isolation joints are specified to separate horizontal movement between two adjacent concrete pavements. Typically, these are a thickened edge joint without any man-made connection, which requires a 25% thicker slab to compensate for the higher free edge stresses. Thickened edge joints are more difficult to construct and thus require more time and resources to complete. Recently, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) introduced an alternative design for isolation joint with embedded steel reinforcement near the slab bottom allowing the normal slab thickness to be maintained. In this study, two isolation joint types were constructed at Chicago O’Hare International Airport. One section followed the recently recommended FAA steel reinforcement design and the other section was constructed with macro-fiber reinforced concrete. Embedment gages were placed in the freshly cast concrete as well as gages on the steel reinforcing bars to monitor the strains under aircraft loading. Dynamic strain data was collected during a night of aircraft taxiing over the joint. In addition, heavy weight deflectometer (HWD) testing was conducted at a separate time to measure the isolation joint effectiveness. The alternate joint designs were modeled using 2D finite element analysis for comparison to the experimental results and to determine the critical tensile stresses. The field analysis indicates that the steel or macro-fiber reinforced joint design with a stabilized base should prevent the tensile stresses in the pavement from causing premature failure of the concrete isolation joint. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Chicago O'Hare International Airport KW - Concrete pavements KW - Deflectometers KW - Expansion joints KW - Field tests KW - Finite element method KW - Pavement design KW - Reinforcement (Engineering) KW - Strain measurement KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=f705c689-331e-4a7b-bad1-08f7bdbc12fc&f=P10075-Henschen.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322609 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538225 AU - Hernandez, Jaime A AU - Al-Qadi, Imad L AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Airfield Pavement Response Due to Heavy Aircraft Takeoff: Advanced Modeling Comparing Single-Tire and Dual-Tandem Gear PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - The normal and shear strains of a typical airfield pavement subjected to single and dual-in-tandem configuration of Airbus A380 were compared during takeoff. The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, a detailed description of the model generation and the process for including the variables usually omitted in typical pavement analysis are provided. These variables include variation of loading with time, nonlinear base materials, friction interaction between pavement layers, viscoelastic asphalt concrete (AC) layers, and three-dimensional nonuniform contact stresses. Second, the responses studied were not limited to the tensile strains at the bottom of AC layers and the maximum compressive strain on top of the subgrade, but also included the shear strains in each layer and surface tensile strain. Third, the comparison was not limited to magnitude as the variation of critical strains along the moving direction and its perpendicular was also considered, and the tire interaction in the dual-in-tandem configuration was described. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Aircraft KW - Airport runways KW - Asphalt concrete KW - Landing gear KW - Pavement layers KW - Pavement performance KW - Shear strain KW - Surface tension KW - Takeoff KW - Tandem axle loads KW - Tires and wheels UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=94c937f3-f6b0-46f5-b906-50b2e181e5ae&f=P10021-Hernandez_Al-Qadi.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322576 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538223 AU - Radetsky, Leora C AU - Skinner, Nicholas P AU - Narendran, N AU - Bullough, John D AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Can the Intensity of LED-Based Runway Guard Lights Be Reduced? PY - 2014 SP - 10p AB - In 2005, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) began collaborations with research universities to study the potential for using light-emitting diode (LED) technology in airfield lighting applications. The overarching goal of this research has been to reduce the energy use and maintenance costs associated with incandescent lamps in airfield lighting. One application considered was the elevated runway guard light (ERGL), which helps pilots detect the presence of taxiway-runway intersections. LED-based ERGLs have been developed by manufacturers based on incandescent ERGL specifications (FAA AC 150/5345-46C), but the FAA sought to improve this specification based on the operational and visual performance of LEDs. At the FAA’s request, the Lighting Research Center (LRC) conducted a series of human factors studies, first in the laboratory and then in the field, to understand the influence and interaction of different lighting parameters on the visibility of elevated-type runway guard lights (ERGLs) to pilots. This research serves to assist in the development of applicable performance standards for LED-based ERGLs. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Air pilots KW - Airport runways KW - Field strength KW - Human factors KW - Laboratory studies KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting KW - Taxiways UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=7d2febec-ad2b-40eb-8fd7-9813e3bfc083&f=S10109-Radetsky.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322625 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538221 AU - Bullough, John D AU - Tan, Jianchuan AU - Narendran, N AU - Freyssinier, Jean Paul AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Understanding Flicker in Airfield Lighting Applications PY - 2014 SP - 6p AB - Nearly all electric light sources produce flicker, especially when operated from mains power. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can use a wide variety of driving methods, including constant direct current, pulse width modulation, or from mains power using simple rectifiers, each resulting in different amounts of perceived flicker. Quantifying the effects of flicker from light sources is important in specifying light source performance in many lighting applications, including airfield lighting. With funding from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and from the Alliance for Solid State Illumination Systems and Technologies (ASSIST), researchers at the Lighting Research Center (LRC) conducted a series of studies to develop a model to predict the detection and acceptability of stroboscopic effects from light source flicker. Further studies looked at new and efficient electrical LED circuit designs to produce light output waveforms with reduced perception of stroboscopic effects. The present paper summarizes these efforts. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Design KW - Electric circuits KW - Flicker KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting KW - Technological innovations UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=430f0971-4bc6-4b16-993c-e0f87e90f9e1&f=S10107-Bullough.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322617 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538220 AU - Bullough, John D AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Matching LED and Incandescent Aviation Signal Brightness PY - 2014 SP - 6p AB - Airfield lighting is increasingly using light-emitting diode (LED) sources, because of their potential for long operating life and reduced maintenance requirements. However, LED signals being too bright is a complaint that has sometimes been heard from pilots. Generally, colored LED signal lights have narrower spectral power distributions than incandescent signals that produce more saturated colors, which tends to result in the perception of increased brightness for the same luminance. White LED signals are available in a wide range of correlated color temperatures (CCTs) and these also can be judged as brighter than white incandescent signal lights of the same intensity. At the request of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), researchers at the Lighting Research Center (LRC) developed a set of “brightness correction factors” for white, green, and blue signal lights, to match the apparent brightness of LED and incandescent airfield signal lights. Red and yellow LED signals also differ from their incandescent counterparts in terms of spectral power distributions. The objective of the present paper is to describe brightness-luminous intensity characteristics of the five aviation signal light colors as well as the impact of factors such as the background light level, number of light sources, and the presence of fog on perceived brightness. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Brightness KW - Color KW - Incandescent lamps KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting KW - Luminous intensity KW - Signal lights UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=4b709f63-94f3-4643-887b-259004c431c1&f=S10103-Bullough.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322623 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538219 AU - Mukhopadhyay, Anal K AU - Liu, Kai-Wei AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Rapid Chemical Method for Determination of Aggregate Alkali Silica Reactivity PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - The main objective of this study was to develop a fast, reliable test method to determine the aggregate alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) with respect to the overall alkalinity of the concrete. A device, called volumetric change measuring device (VCMD), which measures volume change over time due to ASR was used in this research. The VCMD simulates the aggregate–pore solution reaction in concrete and measures free solution volume contraction due to ASR over time. The solution volume change over time at multiple temperatures is modeled to determine compound activation energy (Ea) based on the rate theory. The VCMD-based test can reliably predict aggregate alkali silica reactivity in a short period of time (5 days) in terms of measuring compound activation energy. A representative Ea can be determined by testing as-received aggregates (i.e., field aggregates) with 0.5N NaOH + Ca(OH)2 solution (similar to concrete pore solution) and with permissible repeatability. Researchers have developed an Ea-based aggregate classification system, which can serve as a potential screening parameter in an aggregate quality control program. A relationship between Ea and alkalinity is developed, which became the basis to determine threshold alkalinity. The proposed method has the potential to be considered as an alternative method to the current accelerated mortar bar test (AMBT) method. An effective way of tailoring mix design depending on the level of protection needed is developed based on activation energy, threshold alkalinity, pore solution chemistry. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Alkali aggregate reactions KW - Alkali silica reactions KW - Alkalinity KW - Concrete KW - Mix design KW - Volumetric analysis UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=dacf1b2f-6ed0-4aa9-9f92-cd5b4e99953e&f=P10092-Mukhopadhyay_Liu.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322586 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538214 AU - Shen, Weibin AU - Gopalakrishnan, Kasthurirangan AU - Kim, Sunghwan AU - Ceylan, Halil AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Greenhouse Gas Emission Analysis for Heated Pavement System PY - 2014 SP - 18p AB - Anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have become significant environmental indicators in analyzing the comparative environmental impacts of conventional and newly developed alternative systems or techniques. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is considered an accepted and systematic methodology to calculate the amount of carbon released from all the processes of a system/technique, helping users select the best environmental-friendly alternative. The use of automated heating based snow removal systems is gaining attention as an alternative strategy to traditional ice and snow removal practices such as the use of anti-icing chemicals and snowplowing vehicles. Most previous studies on heated pavement systems have focused on their efficiency and economic evaluation, but few studies have investigated their environmental impacts in a systematic manner. Considering the energy consumptions associated with heated pavement systems, their environmental impacts should be assessed over the life cycle before they could be implemented in airport pavement applications. This study employs a partial LCA methodology to assess the GHG emissions from various operations of energy sources used in geothermal heated pavement systems and their environmental impacts in contrast with traditional snow removal operations, Detailed discussions are presented in the context of developing an environment assessment framework to help users select the most environmental-friendly snow removal system. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Alternatives analysis KW - Energy consumption KW - Environmental impacts KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Heating KW - Life cycle analysis KW - Snow removal UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=e9a6313a-eb8d-4f8a-8104-4ff92409d316&f=P10065-Shen.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322602 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538213 AU - Liston, Leah AU - Krafcik, Matthew AU - Farnam, Yaghoob AU - Tao, Bernard AU - Erk, Kendra AU - Weiss, Jason AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Toward the Use of Phase Change Materials (PCM) in Concrete Pavements: Evaluation of Thermal Properties of PCM PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - Phase change materials (PCM) have the potential to be used to store thermal energy from ambient, solar or applied sources. Due to the PCM’s high heat of fusion, the stored energy can be released during cooling (i.e., during a freezing/icing event), thereby delaying or preventing ice formation. This can help to eliminate or decrease the deicing salt demand to melt ice or snow on the surface of concrete pavements. Deicing salts can cause premature deteriorations in concrete pavement by physical or chemical damage. The research team, as a part of a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) study through the PEGASAS center, has begun to investigate the potential use of PCM in concrete pavements to reduce ice formation and snow accumulation on concrete pavements. As a first step,it has been attempted in this paper to evaluate thermal properties of different PCMs made of fatty acids and methyl esters. The temperature of the liquid-solid phase transition is determined and the latent heat absorbed or released during the phase change is measured using a low temperature differential scanning calorimeter (LT-DSC) for each PCM. This work begins to discuss how the thermal properties can be changed by altering the compositions in order to remain in the desired temperature range. Additionally, this paper discusses how the use of PCM in concrete can be increased by changing absorption technique or lightweight aggregate (LWA) type. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Anti-icing KW - Calorimeters KW - Concrete pavements KW - Lightweight aggregates KW - Materials selection KW - Phase change materials KW - Thermal properties UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=d03693bd-27e7-4a77-a2da-0e5882ab7ab7&f=P10093-Liston.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322605 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538205 AU - Uddin, Waheed AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Remote Sensing Laser Survey and Imagery Technologies for Expediting Airport Mapping and Asset Management Applications PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - This paper reviews the recently developed survey protocols and elevation accuracy specifications of LIght Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) sensors for airport obstruction mapping. Airborne LIDAR surveys have been reportedly conducted for over 24 airports in the United States. Due to daytime and nighttime operations and computational efficiency of LIDAR workflow obstruction mapping is expedited enhancing safety of aircraft and airport users. Additionally, LIDAR vector data can be re-analyzed to produce acceptable topographic mapping for engineering analysis of airfield assets. This significant improvement saves time and costs, compared to traditional field topographic surveying and aerial photogrammetry. The paper also presents applications of high spatial resolution aerial and satellite imagery for airport orthophotos and asset management applications. An example of three-dimensional feature extraction of airport infrastructure including air traffic control tower is presented. This is a cost-effective approach to enhance inventory of airport infrastructure assets. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Aerial surveying KW - Airports KW - Asset management KW - Elevation KW - Imagery KW - Laser radar KW - Mapping KW - Obstructions (Navigation) KW - Remote sensing UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=6adfa9ef-4349-46f0-a155-153e12dbd8d5&f=S10089-Uddin.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322591 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538200 AU - Kwak, Pyung-Jin AU - Kim, Tae-Hun AU - Lee, Je-Il AU - Jeong, Woo-Yeong AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete Pavement at Gimpo International Airport - A Maintenance Case Study using HMA Overlays PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - In most cases, the deteriorated concrete pavements caused by alkali-silica reaction (ASR) need to be replaced to maintain their original function because it is easier than doing repairs on the pavements. To maintain a sustainable operation of the airport business, however, there are greater demands for using repair types in contrast to complete replacement and it can be conducted without any close pavement. In preparation for such demands, Korea Airports Corporation (KAC) has conducted test construction by milling 10 cm of existing concrete slabs and overlaying asphalt mixture and evaluated the pavement performance. The testing has been conducted on the 90m-long parallel taxiway at Gimpo International Airport in 2010. When the concrete pavement has been overlaid with 10 cm of asphalt mixture, it takes five years for the reflection cracking to occur and the spread of the cracks continue to create potholes. Therefore, KAC has conducted four different types of testing. Their types used asphalt mixture. After monitoring each types, it takes a result of which types can more effective on reducing the reflection cracking. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Alkali silica reactions KW - Case studies KW - Concrete pavements KW - Hot mix asphalt KW - Overlays (Pavements) KW - Pavement maintenance KW - Reflection cracking KW - Seoul Gimpo International Airport KW - Taxiways UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=cdfd4bbf-f65f-40e8-8bf0-f8dae0cb0fc3&f=P10036-Kwak.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322611 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538198 AU - Lee, Jung-Su AU - Stokoe, Kenneth H AU - Scullion, Thomas AU - Leidy, Joe AU - Oshinski, Edward AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Demonstration of a New, Multi-Function, Nondestructive Pavement Testing Device PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - The rolling dynamic deflectometer (RDD) was originally developed through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) research program to determine continuous deflection profiles that are used in pavement structural assessments. TxDOT researchers have shown that RDD deflection profiles can be used more effectively when combined with other data such as pavement thickness and subsurface conditions. Therefore, TxDOT has supported development of a multi-function device which is equipped with RDD profiling and ground penetrating radar (GPR) functions. Additional functions that have been integrated into the new device are video cameras for pavement and right-of-way conditions, pavement temperature measurements and high-precision positioning. These multi-functions permit efficient comparisons of RDD deflection data with other nondestructive testing (NDT) data logged by the different methods. The new device is called the Total Pavement Acceptance Device (TPAD). The TPAD has all functions combined on a single platform that can move along the pavement at 2 to 3 mph. All measurements are collected in a single pass and analysis software permits the data to be displayed in near-real time (less than 5 minutes after collection) so that the results can be used for preliminary evaluations of pavement conditions on-the-fly or can be used for more detailed analyses at a later time. In this paper, a background on two of the nondestructive testing functions in the TPAD, the RDD and GPR systems, are briefly discussed. A description of the TPAD mobile platform and the RDD dynamic loading system are described. The developmental work for the speed-improved rolling sensors is also discussed. Finally, the TPAD is demonstrated by presenting RDD deflection profiles and GPR records collected at a testbed created at the TxDOT Flight Services Facility (FSF) are presented. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Deflectometers KW - Field tests KW - Ground penetrating radar KW - Nondestructive tests KW - Pavement maintenance KW - Rolling dynamic deflectometers KW - Structural analysis KW - Total Pavement Acceptance Devices UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=89b04d89-5d90-44b5-80f8-09c72f750e3c&f=P10064-Lee.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322629 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538195 AU - Yang, Shuo AU - Ceylan, Halil AU - Gopalakrishnan, Kasthurirangan AU - Kim, Sunghwan AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Smart Airport Pavement Instrumentation and Health Monitoring PY - 2014 SP - 13p AB - Realistic characterization of pavement layer properties and responses under in-situ field conditions is critical for accurate airport pavement life predictions, planning pavement management activities as well as for calibration and validation of mechanistic-based pavement response prediction models. The recent advancements in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Sensor (MEMS)/Nano-Electro-Mechanical Sensor (NEMS) technologies and wireless sensor networks combined with efficient energy scavenging paradigms provide opportunities for long-term, continuous, real-time response measurement and health monitoring of transportation infrastructure systems. This paper presents a summary review of some recent studies that have focused on the development of advanced smart sensing and monitoring systems for highway pavement system with potential applications for long-term airport pavement health monitoring. Some examples of these potential applications include: the use of wireless Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tags for determining thermal gradients in pavement layers; self-powered MEMS/NEMS multifunction sensor system capable of real-time, remote monitoring of localized strain, temperature and moisture content in airport pavement that will eventually prevent catastrophic failures such as blow-ups on runways during heat waves. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Instrumentation KW - Moisture content KW - Pavement layers KW - Pavement management systems KW - Radio frequency identification KW - Sensors KW - Strain measurement KW - Structural health monitoring KW - Temperature gradients UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=cc65473b-0dbe-44cf-94b4-c1589d1b89c4&f=P10067-Yang.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322604 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538193 AU - Jenkins, Barry AU - Binns, Lee AU - Sai, Tun Aye AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Active Compound Plasma Lightning (CPLR) Rejection System PY - 2014 SP - 11p AB - Airports have lightning protection in place using present-day “lightning rod” technology. Yet airports continue to experience lightning damage and must shut down airside operations during a lightning event. Brightex offers an alternative protection that prevents lightning from striking the airport and allows operations to continue uninterrupted during a lightning event. The purpose of this paper is to: Define lightning and the associated dangers; Discuss current passive lightning protection methods; Present the First and only active lightning protection system; and Present Brightex’s history. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airports KW - Aviation safety KW - Lightning UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=f8d1811a-1198-4b86-a049-cccf9bc1038f&f=S10074-Jenkins.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322575 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538192 AU - Bullough, John D AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Can LEDs Be Seen in Fog as Well as Incandescent Lamps? PY - 2014 SP - 6p AB - Light emitting diode (LED) light sources are increasingly being used for airfield lighting because of their potential advantages in terms of energy savings and increased reliability. They also may have some benefits for visibility such as increased accuracy of color identification compared to incandescent airfield lighting and rapid onset and offset times that may increase their conspicuity in flashing-light applications such as runway guard lights (RGLs). Because of the narrower spectral distribution of colored LED signal lights compared to incandescent lights, they tend to produce more saturated colors and as a consequence, sometimes appear brighter than their incandescent counterparts. The present paper reviews research findings and technical information on the perception by human observers of LED aviation lighting in inclement weather such as fog, compare to that of incandescent signal lighting. Three types of visual responses are described: color identification, brightness perception, and detection of flashing lights. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Brightness KW - Color KW - Fog KW - Incandescent lamps KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting KW - Visual perception UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=26fc8f52-70f8-4c68-a56c-121201945879&f=S10101-Bullough.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322622 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538186 AU - Lenngren, Carl A AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Detecting Emerging Sinkholes with FWD Testing PY - 2014 SP - 12p AB - A local settlement on a runway was raising some concern at the Visby Airport on the Baltic island Gotland. The unevenness was local but the extent, the depth, and the reasons for the distress were unknown. The objective was to use falling weight deflectometer (FWD) data including time histories to detect areas prone to settlements. The testing was laid out as to cover settlement area. The spacing between tests was set up in 5 m intervals and some additional tests were done with larger in-between spacing to get a statistical base line for the field parameters. The following analysis consisted of a backcalculation of pavement layer moduli and an assessment of the layer dynamic properties by time histories. The time history evaluation can be plotted as a load-deflection graph. These have been calibrated to hysteresis. For the 70 kN load level the area outside the settlement displayed a dissipation of about 4 Nm, whereas the settlement showed a dissipation of over 20 Nm. Practically, this means that the settlement has not stopped and is continuing. A recommendation was made not to allow traffic near this area until further examinations. A thorough FWD testing of the airfield using this method was also recommended. As such the method seems promising in detecting emerging sinkholes at an early stage to avoid lengthy runway closures. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Falling weight deflectometers KW - Pavement distress KW - Settlement (Structures) KW - Sinkholes KW - Visby Airport UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=78867b33-9d37-40e9-af8b-d3e74657f8a0&f=P10070-Lenngren.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322608 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538185 AU - Lane, Troy AU - Cudmore, Paul AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Mobile Lidar: The Benefits to Airports From an Operations and Safety Perspective PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - In 2007, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved the use of airborne lidar (light detection and ranging) in conjunction with aerial imagery that is collected concurrently to perform obstruction surveys following FAR Part 77. There are many derivative data sets to airborne lidar; including, but not limited to, accurate 3D Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), accurate 3D Digital Surface Models (DSMs), identification and digitization of markings on runways and taxiways, and building locations, all of which could be utilized for beneficial purposes in airport planning, safety and operations. At the same time in 2007, mobile lidar was being promoted as the next wave of lidar technology from global lidar manufacturers. These systems, which are mounted to a ground vehicle in various configurations, are able to capture large amounts of data in short periods of time while maintaining a high level of detail, precision and accuracy. This paper focuses on the benefits of employing mobile lidar technology, to enhance airport and airfield knowledge, planning and operations, specifically to include but not limited to marking effectiveness, asset extraction and low/no visibility navigation. Case studies from airports will be used to illustrate the opportunity to employ mobile lidar and related sensing technologies towards significant operational and safety benefit. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Aviation safety KW - Case studies KW - Data collection KW - Laser radar KW - Obstructions (Navigation) KW - Remote sensing UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=54cc3769-0d2d-4161-8f37-952b59fb4e47&f=S10083-Lane_Cudmore.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322590 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538181 AU - Pigozzi, Franco AU - Coni, Mauro AU - Portas, Silvia AU - Maltinti, Francesca AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Implementation of Deflection Bowl Measurements for Structural Evaluations at Network Level of Airport Pavement Management System PY - 2014 SP - 16p AB - The Airport Pavement Management System (APMS) is a useful tool for operators and managers, providing a systematic and objective method for pavement condition evaluation, maintenance planning decisions and budget allocation. The pavement evaluation process also includes the evaluation of structural capacity and, more specifically, the use of deflectometer testing device has become a basic part of the structural evaluation, allowing non-destructive and rapid to execute surveys. The measured deflection bowl is used for the back-analysis process in order to evaluate the modulus of each layer. This application can be less cost effective, requiring experienced analyst and often providing more detail than necessary, especially for implementation at network-level of Airport PMS. These aspects are amplified for seasonal and regional airports, faced with low budget availability and looking for easy and rapid techniques. The investigation reported in this paper focused on developing a direct method for the assessment of the overall conditions as well as single layer strength, based on deflections measured by performing Heavy Falling Weight Deflectometer (HWD) tests. The data collected by deflectometer campaign performed on the runway has been analyzed, focusing the attention on the factors that can affect the measurements. The survey was performed on five alignments, according to the international regulations, in different seasons and with different loads, then the relative influence was examined, conducting a correlation aimed on comparing deflections. With comparable data, the immediately visual rating of deflection values has been conducted, adopting the relative benchmarking methodology. The implementation at network level of Airport PMS allows the rapid overview of structural conditions, identifying areas that need further detailed investigations. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Airports KW - Deflection tests KW - Deflectometers KW - Pavement management systems KW - Seasons KW - Structural analysis UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=aa46b8a3-f702-4917-b34a-2a68979c9f11&f=P10082-Pigozzi.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322621 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538177 AU - White, Greg AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Statistical Analysis of In-Service Evolution of an Airport Asphalt Surfacing PY - 2014 SP - 13p AB - Significant testing was performed on cores recovered from the trafficked and un-trafficked portions of a typical Australian airport runway surface approximately two years after paving. The relative density, aggregate orientation, resilient modulus, wheel tracking and interface shear resistance were measured and statistically compared. Interface shear resistance included strength, modulus and work/energy measurements. With the exception of the interface’s shear modulus, traffic was found to have a statistically significant impact on all parameters compared. Aircraft traffic triggered a substantial change in the asphalt’s structure. This evolution of the asphalt structure resulted in a measurable improvement in the surface layer’s resilient modulus and interface shear strength. Being typical of airport asphalt used throughout Australia, the measured effects of traffic are expected to be representative of all Australian airport asphalts. Further investigation is needed to determine the rate of evolution of asphalt structure as a function of traffic frequency. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Airport traffic KW - Asphalt pavements KW - Australia KW - Cores (Specimens) KW - Density KW - Modulus of resilience KW - Shear strength KW - Statistical analysis KW - Structural analysis UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=92a9f65b-5259-49b3-b6f5-872f1ab3eb19&f=P10020-White.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322593 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538176 AU - Zhang, Cheng AU - Tighe, Susan L AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Improving Runway Pavement Friction Analysis through Innovative Modeling PY - 2014 SP - 14p AB - Available runway friction has a significant impact on aircraft landing performance. This is especially noted when aircrafts are landing on wet or otherwise contaminated runways due to the reduced braking action, which has been well documented since the dawn of the jet aircraft age. In addition, according to International Air Transport Association (IATA) statistics, runway excursions contribute nearly a quarter of all the accidents and no trends show an obvious decrease of these accidents in the past few years. In order to prevent runway landing excursion accidents and incidents, and enhance airport and airline operation safety, available runway friction should be studied. A good level of available runway friction is required for aircraft landing operations. With the presence of water film, snow, and ice, the available runway friction changes rapidly, and different measure devices provide results with a large variance on a uniform runway condition. According to the results of a survey of Canadian airline pilots in the Joint Winter Runway Friction Measurement Program, “Pilots indicated that the quality of runway friction information provided by airports varies between airports. Generally the quality is better at large airports, but each airport differs depending on various factors”. Because of the inconsistencies in runway friction measuring devices, it is better to analyze available runway friction based on aircraft measurements. In order to model the aircraft’s landing performance, a mechanistic-empirical aircraft landing deceleration equation has been developed. This equation incorporates all of the major forces that contribute to aircraft braking, and was calibrated and validated using digital flight data from dry runway aircraft landings. As a result, it is able to back calculate friction from the developed equations and evaluate the impacts of dry, wet, and contaminated runways on aircraft braking performance. The objectives of the paper are as follows: (1) Provide back ground knowledge regarding wet and contaminated runway aircraft braking; (2) Analyze aircraft braking performance on wet and contaminated runways using the built mechanistic-empirical aircraft landing deceleration equation; and (3) Study runway available braking friction under different conditions. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Airport runways KW - Braking performance KW - Dry weather KW - Friction KW - Landing KW - Wet weather UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=120d0be7-feae-42ac-91fe-01bf70b0f2f9&f=S10043-Zheng_Tighe.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322595 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538174 AU - Zollinger, Dan G AU - Little, Dallas AU - McFarland, William F AU - Burke, Dock AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Review of FAA LCCA Methodology PY - 2014 SP - 17p AB - This paper addresses the findings, conclusions and recommendations drawn from a detailed review of the life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) procedures presently followed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for pavement alternative development and selection. The review considered key aspects of both the pavement type design and selection as well as economic issues associated with alternative development. Key components, analysis tools and software, methods, and procedures were included in the review. Examples of why recommended techniques should be implemented are also provided. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Decision making KW - Life cycle costing KW - Pavement design KW - Pavement distress KW - Pavement maintenance KW - Pavement performance KW - Recommendations KW - Software KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=e96af723-174f-4748-b0dd-bfdbbd5bfbfc&f=P10015-Zollinger.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322571 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538170 AU - Merighi, João Virgilio AU - Uddin, Waheed AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Study of Water Pools on Runways Considering the ICAO and Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency Recommendations for Large Aircraft PY - 2014 SP - 12p AB - Aviation is an important component of worldwide multimodal transportation systems. Safety and security issues are emerging because many airport managers are not well prepared to meet current passenger and freight demands. Timely corrective maintenance of airfield pavements ensures safety and security of aircraft operations. At the International Airport of Belém (SBBE) in the northern region of Brazil more than twenty flights were canceled in recent months due to the formation of water pools on the airfield pavements. The paper reviews limitations of current related regulations and standards. Guidelines are recommended for consideration of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Brazilian National Aviation Agency related to longitudinal roughness measurements for standard commercial airliners and large aircraft. It is essential to reduce the risk of aquaplaning on landing and takeoff operations to improve the runway condition and safety. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Agencia Nacional de Aviacao Civil (Brazil) KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Hydroplaning KW - International Civil Aviation Organization KW - Pavement maintenance KW - Recommendations KW - Regulations KW - Roughness KW - Standards KW - Val de Cans/Júlio Cezar Ribeiro International Airport KW - Water UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=6bb173b8-f077-436c-8c01-52cfe9804cdb&f=S10073-Merighi_Uddin.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322596 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538156 AU - Garg, Navneet AU - Bilodeau, Jean-Pascal AU - Doré, Guy AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Experimental study of Asphalt Concrete Strain Distribution in Flexible Pavements at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility PY - 2014 SP - 14p AB - The use of high-inflation pressure and heavily loaded tires on aircrafts induce high stresses at the surface of runway pavements. High compressive, tensile and shear stresses at or near pavement surface are likely to induce rutting and surface initiated fatigue cracking (top-down cracking) in asphalt concrete, particularly in the case of slow moving aircrafts. Tire-pavement interaction has been extensively studied using finite element modelling but has not been experimentally documented due to the limitations of conventional pavement instrumentation technology. During construction cycle 7 (CC7), five flexible pavements were constructed. Four of the five test sections include 200mm, 250mm, 300mm and 375mm of P401 hot mix asphalt (HMA) concrete over a P154 subbase (thickness varying between 890 and 965 mm) resting on a CBR 5.5 subgrade soil. The proposed paper describes experimental investigation of near-surface strains induced under Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD) and aircraft tires using an innovative instrumentation technique based on fiber optic sensors. Four “strain plates” supporting an array of 24 Fabry-Perrot fiber optic sensors were retrofitted in the HMA layers of four test sections at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The strain plates allow for the measurement of near –surface compressive and tensile strains as well as tensile strains at the bottom of the AC layer over a 45 cm width across the wheel path. Data obtained from the strain plates under a moving wheel can be used to produce detailed strain basins across the entire tire width, allowing for a detailed analysis of the effect of tire type, load and pressure on pavement response. The proposed paper will describe the strain plate technology and the installation of the sensors at the NAPTF. It will also present early results of pavement response under the HWD and aircraft wheel loads. The project is done through a cooperation agreement between the Federal Aviation Administration and Laval University (Canada). U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Asphalt concrete KW - Deflectometers KW - Fiber optics KW - Flexible pavements KW - Hot mix asphalt KW - Rolling contact KW - Sensors KW - Strain (Mechanics) KW - Test sections KW - Wheel loads UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=5d2c5971-2ff1-4ba1-9ef4-4ae57fce9821&f=P10095-Garg.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322601 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538153 AU - Mejías-Santiago, Mariely AU - Doyle, Jesse D AU - Rushing, John F AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Warm-Mix Asphalt for Airfield Pavements PY - 2014 SP - 11p AB - This paper describes an evaluation program conducted by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center to determine the suitability of using warm-mix asphalt (WMA) technologies for airfield pavements. The work consisted of two main phases. Phase I consisted of laboratory evaluations of the performance of different WMA technologies and included tests for rutting, durability, low-temperature cracking, moisture damage, binder properties, and workability. Phase II consisted of evaluating production and placement procedures and conducting accelerated pavement testing on full-scale test sections under simulated full-scale military aircraft traffic to evaluate rutting performance. In both phases the performance of mixtures produced using different WMA technologies was compared to that of the same mixtures produced at hot-mix asphalt (HMA) temperatures. WMA was recommended as a viable alternative to HMA for use on heavily trafficked airfield pavements. The Unified Facilities Guide Specification (UFGS) 32 12 15.16 was developed along with two Engineer Technical Letters (ETL) to provide guidance for using WMA on airfield pavements. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Accelerated tests KW - Airport runways KW - Bituminous binders KW - Cracking KW - Durability tests KW - Evaluation KW - Hot mix asphalt KW - Moisture damage KW - Pavement performance KW - Rutting KW - Specifications KW - Warm mix paving mixtures KW - Workability UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=ff641a0b-7ad5-418a-b0bf-30b49f8e9693&f=P10023-Mejias-Santiago.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322581 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538151 AU - Yin, Hao AU - Barbagallo, Donald AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Full-Scale Test of Thermally-Induced Reflective Cracking: Lessons Learned from 5-Year Research at FAA NAPTF PY - 2014 SP - 13p AB - For a moderately deteriorated portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement where jet blast and fuel spillage are not a major concern, resurfacing the existing pavement with a relatively thin (less than 4 in) hot mix asphalt (HMA) layer provides an economic means of restoring or improving pavement life. The new asphalt concrete (AC) overlay unfortunately often fails before reaching its design life due to the occurrence of reflective cracking. In the early stages of development, reflection cracks may barely be visible and are not considered to be a structural problem. However, when they propagate through the pavement, infiltration of water can weaken the foundation and fine material may be pumped to the surface, resulting in the creation of voids beneath the concrete. Field experiences indicate that reflection cracks usually propagate into the overlay at a rate of approximately 1 inch per year and appear at the surface, in most cases, within 3 years or less. Thermally-induced reflective cracking is probably the most commonly accepted mechanism of reflection cracks. Temperature variations cause horizontal movements of the underlying PCC pavement joints. As a result, tensile stresses are induced in the overlay immediately above the joint/crack whenever contraction occurs. AC can relax under slow-moving conditions; therefore, considerable daily temperature changes have a far more instrumental role in the performance of HMA overlay than gradual seasonal temperature cycles. For instance, a number of reflection cracks were observed on the 18-month-old, 4-in.-thick AC overlaid PCC runway (1L-19R) at the Kansas City International Airport (KCI). Since the Southwest Boeing 737 was identified as the predominant aircraft loading at KCI, these reflection cracks appeared to be the result of fairly large local temperature swings. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Field tests KW - Hot mix asphalt KW - Kansas City International Airport KW - Overlays (Pavements) KW - Portland cement concrete KW - Reflection cracking KW - Temperature gradients KW - Thermal degradation UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=287c9f17-5d8e-4b54-9936-604132661025&f=P10007-Yin_Barbagallo.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322597 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538145 AU - Tipnis, Manoj AU - Patil, Mohan AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Design Program Based PCN Evaluation of Aircraft Pavements PY - 2014 SP - 18p AB - The Pavement Classification Number (PCN) evaluation and reporting procedure has been detailed in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular No. 150/5335-5B. The procedure essentially covers estimation of PCN for the pavement thickness, considering the aircraft traffic in terms of the fleet mix operating from the facility. The actual correlation of the Aircraft Classification Numbers (ACN)--PCN is based on COMFAA version 3.0. The COMFAA programme derives its pavement thickness estimation from the charts provided in FAA Advisory Circular No 150/5320-6D, which for flexible pavement designs are based on the California bearing ratio-equivalent single wheel load (CBR-ESWL) method and for rigid pavements are based on the Westergaard’s theory and are included in International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Aerodrome Design Manual Part 3 – Pavements. With advances in computing technology, new pavement design methodologies have also evolved viz; Mechanistic-Empirical designs based on Layered Elastic theory for Flexible pavements and Finite Element analysis for Rigid pavements. FAA, via its Advisory Circular No 150/5320-6E has provided the guidelines for use of this methodology for design of aircraft pavements. The design methods being able to model and analyse the pavement structures in a better way, they provide for a more efficient pavement thickness design. The design thicknesses computed by the FAARFIELD software for both rigid and flexible aircraft pavements is thus based on an advanced pavement analysis methodology compared to that computed by the COMFAA software. The PCN reporting based on COMFAA is therefore not matched in design principle and thus to the design thicknesses computed by FAARFIELD or any other software adopting mechanistic-empirical methods. The paper presents an alternative approach based on first principles for evaluating and reporting the design PCN value aligned the specific design principle / methodology adopted by the software used for pavement design. For the purpose of this paper, FAARFIELD software is adopted for analysis and reporting of the Design PCN value. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Evaluation KW - Finite element method KW - Mechanistic-empirical pavement design KW - Methodology KW - Pavement classification number KW - Pavement design KW - Pavement management systems KW - Software KW - Thickness KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=330057f2-6d7e-49ac-80e6-5f35d6a99e96&f=P10037-Tipnis_Patil.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322572 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538139 AU - Stein, Jeffrey AU - Brill, David R AU - Ishee, Charles AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Effects of Long Term Moisture Storage on Concrete Test Samples PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - Concrete flexural strength is the primary thickness design input for rigid airport pavement. Therefore it is necessary to have an accurate estimate of pavement strength not only at the time of construction but also at the time of pavement testing. Researchers have three alternatives for estimating concrete strength at the time of testing, test cast samples which have been cured in the laboratory, test cast samples cured in the field, or cut samples from the pavement immediately after traffic testing. At the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) during Construction Cycle 6 (CC6), all three test sampling methods were used with varying results for concrete strength depending on the curing method. Three different concrete mix designs were used on the project. All mixes were straight cement, with no supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). MRS1 was a “low” strength mix with a design flexural strength of 500 psi. MRS2 was a “medium” strength mix with a design flexural strength of 750 psi. MRS3 was a “high” strength mix with a design flexural strength of 1000 psi. The MRS1 concrete mix was made with gravel and sand aggregates. The MRS2 and MRS3 concrete mixes were made with dolomite and sand aggregates. The main difference between MRS2 and MRS3 mixes was the amount of cement. Laboratory tests were performed around the time of pavement testing which was approximately two years after construction. Samples from MRS2 and MRS3 stored in the moisture curing room for two years had a lower average flexural strength than tests performed at 28 days. The flexural strengths of field samples from MRS1, MRS2 and MRS3 mixes were higher than at 28 days. Sawed beams from MRS1, MRS2 and MRS3 had flexural strength approximately the same as those beams tested at 28 days. Petrographic analysis indicated that MRS2 and MRS3 concrete samples left in the curing room had Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) damage and secondary ettringite formation in ASR induced cracks. The conclusion is that prolonged storage of concrete samples in curing rooms is not recommended since tests made after this time do not reflect the condition of the pavement which has cured in a much drier environment. Field cured samples or saw cut sample are more likely to give a good estimation of concrete strength at the time of testing. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Admixtures KW - Alkali silica reactions KW - Cement KW - Concrete curing KW - Cracking KW - Flexural strength KW - Laboratory tests KW - Moisture content KW - Petrography KW - Samples UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=7fe8e0b5-8a67-4413-803e-8291fd9e9064&f=P10091-Stein.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322585 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538137 AU - Song, Injun AU - Gagnon, Jeffrey AU - Larkin, Albert AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Load Pulse Width and Deflection Analysis using HWD and MDD Data at National Airport Pavement Test Facility PY - 2014 SP - 13p AB - Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD) tests on flexible pavement at different loading levels of 12,000, 24,000, and 36,000 lbf were performed at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NATPF) located in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The FAA equipment used for the testing was a KUAB Model 240 HWD configured with a 12 inch diameter plate. Testing was performed directly on two different Multi-Depth Deflectometers (MDD) embedded in the flexible pavement to validate the HWD data by comparing to the measured MDD data. Based on the data analysis, three different methods of load pulse measurements including the method used for FAA’s F/HWD Roundup are presented and discussed in this paper. In addition to MDD monitored load pulse widths at different traffic speed levels using the NAPTF full scale test vehicle are presented. From an examination of the MDD responses accuracy before and after the load drops, potential errors were detected caused by the HWD weight and the towing vehicle weight. The deflections are included in this paper. Temperature effects on flexible pavement response measurements were analyzed using the collected HWD data from the flexible pavements at different traffic numbers. Deflection basin area, maximum deflection, and basin shape factor were computed for the analysis. The results showed close correlations between the three parameters and pavement temperature. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Deflection KW - Deflectometers KW - Flexible pavements KW - National Airport Pavement Test Facility KW - Pavement maintenance KW - Structural analysis KW - Temperature UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=e69d21c0-9a76-428a-8c75-30d8d3a66b94&f=P10053-Song.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322626 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538135 AU - Li, Qiang (Joshua) AU - Wang, Kelvin C P AU - Yang, Guangwei AU - Li, Lin AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - One-mm 3D Laser Imaging Survey for Comprehensive Runway Evaluation PY - 2014 SP - 13p AB - Based on the application of 1mm 3D imaging technology for pavement survey, and through the use of inertial and other types of profiling devices, it is possible to establish a virtual runway with necessary x, y, and elevation accuracies for engineering analysis. A field example of such application is illustrated on a full-size runway that was surveyed in the spring of 2014 with the PaveVision3D technology of WayLink Systems Company, inertial profiling for longitudinal profiles, and an inclinometer based reference device for transverse profiling. The potential applications of a virtual runway include nearly all surface evaluations of runways, including longitudinal profiling for Boeing bumps, transverse profiling, grooving analysis, and various distresses. The most important application of a virtual runway is that complete surface of the runway at 1mm resolution is available to engineers who may choose to examine anywhere on the runway for defects and study remedial actions, now or later. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Condition surveys KW - Image analysis KW - Lasers KW - Pavement distress KW - Surface course irregularities UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=8e817b94-47e1-423a-a101-8d74f813e9e0&f=P10041-Li.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322612 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538134 AU - Li, Qiang AU - Garg, Navneet AU - Haggag, Monir AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluation of Correlation Between Phenomenological Approach and Fracture Mechanics Approach for Asphalt Concrete Fatigue Performance PY - 2014 SP - 14p AB - Phenomenological approach and fracture mechanics approach are generally used to estimate the fatigue performance of asphalt concrete. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the relationship between these approaches and to characterize the fatigue behavior using fracture parameters. A series of Indirect Tensile Tests (IDT) and Disk-shaped Compact Tension Tests (DCT) were conducted to obtain the Dissipated Creep Strain Energy (DCSE) and Fracture Energy (FE) of hot mix asphalt (HMA) materials. The fatigue life (Nf) and Plateau Value (PV) of asphalt mixture was also estimated using four point bending beam fatigue tests which is a widely used phenomenological approach. Four different asphalt mixtures were investigated. Test results indicate there is a correlation between fracture parameters and beam fatigue results. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Asphalt concrete KW - Beams KW - Bending stress KW - Creep properties KW - Fatigue (Mechanics) KW - Fracture mechanics KW - Hot mix asphalt KW - Tension tests UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=df9eda8b-a0ec-4670-a620-19c0d839a691&f=P10056-Li.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322583 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538133 AU - Parsons, Timothy AU - Pullen, Aaron AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Relationship Between Joint Spacing and Distresses Present PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - Previous research by Parsons and Hall has shown that joint spacing in Portland cement concrete (PCC) airfield pavements has an effect on pavement deterioration rates and life cycle costs. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the differences in pavement performance for various joint spacing lengths (slab sizes) are manifested in the individual distresses used to measure pavement condition. Specifically, this study investigates if the poorer performance in pavements with larger joint spacing is related to a difference in the types, amounts, or severities of distresses present as compared to pavements with smaller joint spacing. The hypotheses investigated in this study were: (1) Smaller slabs perform better because they have fewer overall distresses. (2) Smaller slabs perform better because they have lower overall severities. (3) Smaller slabs perform better because they have fewer “high-deduct” distresses. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Pavement distress KW - Pavement joints KW - Pavement performance KW - Portland cement concrete KW - Slabs UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=2efa3c83-8699-4db3-a04b-4a0534fb8bb5&f=P10081-Parsons_Pullen.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322620 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538130 AU - Hall, Jim AU - Speir, Richard AU - Shirazi, Hamid AU - Mustafa, Endri AU - Song, Injun AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Performance Trends in Airport Runway Pavements PY - 2014 SP - 17p AB - Research sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Airport Safety and Standards (AAS) will extend the expected life of large hub runway pavements from 20 to 40 years. Research is being conducted to collect performance data at major hub airports across the U.S. that will provide performance trends of existing runways and identify factors to be considered in order to extend the pavement life expectance to the goal of 40 years. The purpose of this paper is to briefly describe the research project and to provide preliminary performance trends for 18 runway pavements studied. The pavement condition index (PCI), conducted in accordance with ASTM D5340, is a measure of overall pavement serviceability, and it can be used to track performance over time. It is generally accepted that the PCI decreases at a relatively slow rate over the first years of the pavement life, and then at some point the rate of deterioration increases. Some runways surveyed were relatively new and therefore have no performance history. However, most of the runways studied have been surveyed a number of times and some history of changes in PCI with time are available. The deterioration over time of the runways indicates the effect of maintenance that keeps serviceability at an acceptable level. The distresses found on nearly all runways studied were not load related, which implies that currently the runways are structurally sound and capable of supporting the actual (current) traffic. The predominant distresses observed on the runways studied thus far are: Low to medium severity longitudinal/transverse cracking, low severity weathering, and low severity patching (Asphalt Concrete (AC) pavements); Low to medium spalling, low to medium longitudinal/transverse/diagonal cracking, low severity patching, and pop-outs (Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements). The paper describes the data collection effort and findings thus far. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Data collection KW - Hubs KW - Pavement Condition Index KW - Pavement distress KW - Pavement performance KW - Service life KW - United States UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=43a14dea-43d1-419e-a928-dc284b049471&f=P10090-Hall.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322573 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538129 AU - Hama, Seiya AU - Hachiya, Yoshitaka AU - Nishikawa, Takaharu AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Rehabilitation of Water-Damaged Runway Composite Pavements PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - Composite pavement consisting of an asphalt mixture layer placed on continuously reinforced concrete slabs over subbase was constructed at the end of Runway A in Narita International Airport between the autumn of 2011 and spring of 2012. However, several months after it had been opened to traffic, some signs of distress appeared on the pavement surface. These included a dull sound when subjected to a hammer tapping test, white spots and black spots on the surface, stains at construction joints and flows of asphalt mixture around airport lights. Along with conducting tentative repairs, a permanent rehabilitation method has been studied. The causes of the above problems were studied in several different ways, including examination of the construction records, investigation of the site, laboratory tests, numerical analysis and literature survey. The causes can be classified into two kinds, namely, intrusion of water into asphalt mixtures and low stability of the asphalt mixtures. Based on these studies, rehabilitation work in which the existing asphalt mixture layers are removed and new asphalt mixture layers are placed with some special treatments for water drainage has been planned. A new asphalt mixture layer that is composed of two kinds of polymer modified asphalt layers is to be introduced. Two kinds of water drainage facilities are to be installed on concrete slabs surrounding the rehabilitation area to remove water from the asphalt mixtures. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Composite pavements KW - Drainage KW - Moisture damage KW - Narita International Airport KW - Pavement distress KW - Pavement maintenance KW - Polymer asphalt KW - Rehabilitation (Maintenance) UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=84b3df66-b7e7-4206-acbe-5ba23f6517c4&f=P10034-Hama.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322610 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538128 AU - Shirazi, Hamid AU - Speir, Richard H AU - MacKay, Joe AU - Mosleh, Ali AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Risk Assessment Methodology for Runway End Safety Area (RESA) at Canadian Airports PY - 2014 SP - 13p AB - In response to recent domestic and international developments, Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) published Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) 2010-012 to mandate the implementation of Runway End Safety Areas (RESAs) at certain certificated airports. This is intended to harmonize the airport requirements for a RESA with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards. As proposed in revised NPA, a RESA would be required if the runway is longer than 1200 m or if an instrument runway is utilized by passenger carriers with more than 9 passenger seats. As a result of industry feedback to the NPA and to better document the risks and safety benefits associated with RESA, TCCA released a request for proposal (RFP) for an independent risk assessment study. GENIVAR in combination with Applied Research Associates (ARA) was selected to conduct the study. The main objectives of the study are the following: (1) Develop a high level qualitative risk assessment model of runway overrun and undershoot; (2) Develop a consequence model for aircraft overrunning and undershooting a runway; (3) Develop a database of certificated airports runways to include major operational characteristics as well as RESA characteristics through surveys; and (4) Apply the consequence model to the database both in current RESA condition and in compliant condition. This paper presents the methodology that is developed for the risk assessment as it is pertinent to takeoff overrun events. Similar methodology can be used for the assessment of the risk for landing overrun and landing undershoot accidents. The risk assessment methodology consists of evaluating the likelihood of a takeoff overrun event based on historic accidents that have happened in Canada and combining that with a consequence model that is also derived from historic events. The paper also presents how the methodology could be implemented to assess the risk of overrun at Canadian airports responding to a questionnaire. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport runways KW - Canada KW - Landing KW - Methodology KW - Risk assessment KW - Runway overruns KW - Takeoff UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=b0e21370-857f-4490-aff8-c6288c245f90&f=S10044-Shirazi.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322574 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538126 AU - Tirado, Cesar AU - Carrasco, Cesar AU - Nazarian, Soheil AU - Norwood, Gregory J AU - Tingle, Jeb S AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Benefits of Inclusion of Geosynthetic Products in Reinforcement of Flexible Airfield Pavements Using Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modeling PY - 2014 SP - 15p AB - A 3D finite element model was developed to estimate the structural benefits that are gained by introducing the geosynthetic materials within pavements. Modeling of the geosynthetic material was carried out by means of membrane and interface elements. The most relevant properties, including the type of geosynthetic used (geomembrane or geogrid), soil-geogrid interface shear stiffness, and the type of geogrid (biaxial vs. triaxial), were evaluated. In addition, the impacts of pavement structural properties, linear vs. nonlinear material models, and location of reinforcement were evaluated. The benefits provided by the geosynthetic reinforcement depended on the pavement structure and the airplane wheel configuration and pressure. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Evaluation KW - Finite element method KW - Geogrids KW - Geomembranes KW - Geosynthetics KW - Mathematical models KW - Pavement design KW - Stiffness KW - Structural analysis UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=87d74f7d-2aaa-477e-b13e-059f21f51377&f=P10078-Tirado.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322579 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01537257 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer Conference Proceedings: Innovations in Airport Safety and Pavement Technology PY - 2014 SP - v.p. AB - This was an international conference on the development of technology and its applications for airports. This conference provided a unique opportunity for both the aviation industry and the research community to interact and exchange information that ensures safe and more efficient airport operations. Technical session were organized into two broad categories: Airport Pavement and Airport Safety. U1 - 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer ConferenceFederal Aviation AdministrationStockton CollegeSRA International, IncorporatedApplied Research Associates, Inc.Galloway,New Jersey,United States StartDate:20140805 EndDate:20140807 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, Stockton College, SRA International, Incorporated, Applied Research Associates, Inc. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Airports KW - Safety and security KW - Technological innovations KW - Technology transfer UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/Airport-R-D/Conference-and-Workshop/Past-Airport-Technology-Transfer-Conferences/Airport-Technology-Transfer-Conference-2014 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1322392 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01536620 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Terminal Area Forecast Summary: Fiscal Years 2013 - 2040 PY - 2014 SP - 46p AB - The Terminal Area Forecast (TAF) contains historical and forecast data for enplanements, airport operations, tracon operations, and based aircraft. The data cover 264 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) towered airports, 251 Federal contract tower airports, 31 terminal radar approach control facilities, and 2,817 non-FAA airports. Data in the TAF are presented on a U.S. Government fiscal year basis (October through September). Data on operations presented in the TAF show historical information from 1990 through 2012 and forecasts for 2013 to 2040. The historical enplanement information in the TAF model is from 1976 through 2012 and the 2013 figures represent estimates. The enplanement forecasts are from 2014 to 2040. Appendix A provides a detailed description of the activity data elements in the TAF. Appendix B provides a list of FAA airports by hub size and a list of FAA contract towers. KW - Air traffic control facilities KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Forecasting KW - Passengers KW - Trend (Statistics) KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/apl/aviation_forecasts/taf_reports/media/TAF_Summary_Report_FY2013-2040.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1320970 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01535731 AU - Foertsch, Kevin AU - Davies, Patricia AU - Partnership for AiR Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Number-of-Events as a Predictor Variable in Aircraft Noise Annoyance Models PY - 2013/12 SP - 313p AB - Aircraft noise may have a number of direct adverse effects on the communities surrounding airports, including annoyance. The annoyance reactions of individuals and communities to aircraft noise are predicted with annoyance models, which are normally functions of predictor variables that describe the noise exposure. The number of aircraft events that a person is exposed to (the number-of-events), has been hypothesized as a significant contributor to annoyance. However, most models of annoyance to aircraft noise are functions only of the average sound energy of the total noise exposure. The purpose of this research is to quantify the relative effects of sound level and number-of-events in historical noise survey data sets and to develop a survey simulation tool to help in the design of future surveys so that the collected data will be sufficient to compare the performance of proposed annoyance models. The models considered here are Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) and those that are a function of sound level and number-of-events. Seven historical data sets were collected and analyzed individually and in combination. Multiple linear regression models were estimated using the annoyance, sound level, and number-of-events variables in the data sets. The contributions of sound level and number-of-events to the prediction of annoyance were compared. Most regression models could not be distinguished from an equal-energy annoyance model. A general-purpose tool was developed to simulate annoyance surveys around airports. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of survey sampling approaches. Annoyance surveys were simulated around three airports in the United States. The use of stratification, as opposed to simple random sampling, resulted in more robust estimation of annoyance models. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airports KW - Annoyance KW - Linear regression analysis KW - Mathematical models KW - Monte Carlo method KW - Simulation KW - Sound level KW - United States UR - http://web.mit.edu/aeroastro/partner/reports/proj24/proj24-2013-002.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1317110 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01505743 AU - Skaggs, Valerie J AU - Norris, Ann I AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - 2012 Aerospace Medical Certification Statistical Handbook PY - 2013/12//Final Report SP - 44p AB - The annual Aerospace Medical Certification Statistical Handbook reports descriptive characteristics of all active United States civil aviation airmen and the aviation medical examiners (AMEs) that perform the required medical examinations. The 2012 annual handbook documents the most recent and most widely relevant data on active civil aviation airmen and AMEs. Medical certification records from 2007-2012 were selected from the Document Imaging Workflow System (DIWS), which is the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) medical certification database. All medical data were abstracted from the most recent medical examinations, with the exception of medical conditions, which were historical and current. Only those with a non-expired medical certificate remained in the dataset. AME records were selected from the Aviation Medical Examiner Information System (AMEIS). The current status of each AME was determined for each year of the study period from 2010-2012, retaining only those with an active status. Airman variables include age, issued and effective medical classes, height, weight, BMI, gender, select medical conditions, special issuances, and FAA region of residence. AME variables include AME type, age, gender, medical specialty, pilot license status, senior examiner status, and region. Airmen: As of December 31, 2012, there were 581,850 medically certified airmen age 16 and older, and 32.7%, 21.6%, and 45.7% were issued a Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 medical certificate, respectively. Across all medical classes, the average age was 42.9 years, and 93.5% of the airmen were male. The mean BMI for both females and males was 24.1 and 27.2, respectively. Seven percent of issued certificates required a special issuance. The most commonly reported medical condition was hypertension with medication, at 11.3%. Aviation medical examiners: Of the 3,427 active AMEs, 93.8% were civilian, 2.0% federal, and 4.2% military. Nearly 50% reported their medical specialty as family practice. Their average age was 60.2 years; the majority (52.6%) did not hold a pilot license, and 88.7% were male. KW - Air pilots KW - Aviation medicine KW - Certification KW - Civil aviation KW - Demographics KW - Medical personnel KW - Physicians KW - Statistics KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201325.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1285694 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01505713 AU - Kemp, Philip M AU - Cardona, Patrick S AU - Chaturvedi, Arvind K AU - Soper, John W AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Distribution of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-Nor-9-Carboxy-Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Postmortem Biological Fluids and Tissues From Pilots Fatally Injured in Aviation Accidents PY - 2013/12//Final Report SP - 16p AB - Despite a long history of research on the pharmacology of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary active cannabinoid in marijuana, little is known of its distribution in postmortem fluids and tissues. This study presents postmortem fluid and tissue data for THC and its major metabolite, 11-nor-9-carboxy-∆9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH), from 55 pilots involved in fatal aviation accidents from 2005 – 2012. Utilizing immunoassay screening followed by confirmation using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, blood, urine, liver, brain, lung, heart, kidney, and muscle were analyzed, as needed, for each of the 55 cases. Particular attention was paid to lung as this tissue is exposed to cannabinoid-rich marijuana smoke. Mean THC concentrations in blood, liver, lung, and kidney were 12.5 ng/mL, 52.8 ng/g, 766.0 ng/g, and 27.1 ng/g, respectively. Mean THCCOOH concentrations in those same specimens were 34.1 ng/mL, 322.4 ng/g, 38.0 ng/g, and 138.5 ng/g, respectively. Limited data were available for heart tissue (2 cases), muscle (2), and brain (1). Heart THC concentrations were 184.4 and 759.3 ng/g. The corresponding heart THCCOOH measured 11.0 and 95.9 ng/g, respectively. Muscle concentrations for THC were 16.6 and 2.5 ng/g; corresponding THCCOOH, “positive” and 1.4 ng/g. The only brain tested in this study showed 0.0 ng/g THC and 2.9 ng/g THCCOOH, low concentrations that correlated with low values in other specimens from this case. This research emphasizes the need for cannabinoid testing in postmortem forensic toxicology laboratories. In addition, it demonstrates the usefulness of a number of tissues, most notably lung, for these analyses. KW - Air pilots KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Fatalities KW - Gas chromatography KW - Human tissue KW - Marijuana KW - Mass spectrometry KW - THC (Cannabis) KW - Toxicology UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201324.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1281038 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01502025 AU - McGuire, Sarah AU - Davies, Patricia AU - Partnership for AiR Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Modeling Aircraft Noise-Induced Sleep Disturbance PY - 2013/12 SP - 631p AB - One of the primary impacts of aircraft noise on a community is its disruption of sleep. There are models that have been developed to predict the effect of aircraft noise on sleep. However, most of these models only predict the percentage of the population that is awakened. Markov and nonlinear dynamic models have been developed to predict an individual’s sleep structure during the night. However, both of these models have limitations. The purpose of this research was to examine these sleep structure models to determine how they could be altered to predict the effect of aircraft noise on sleep. Different approaches for adding a noise level dependence to the Markov Model was explored and the modified model was validated by comparing predictions to behavioral awakening data. In order to determine how to add faster dynamics to the nonlinear dynamic sleep models it was necessary to have a more detailed sleep stage classification than was available from visual scoring of sleep data. An automatic sleep stage classification algorithm was developed which extracts different features of polysomnography data including the occurrence of rapid eye movements (REMs), sleep spindles, and slow wave sleep. Using these features an approach for classifying sleep stages every one second during the night was developed. From observation of the results of the sleep stage classification, it was determined how to add faster dynamics to the nonlinear dynamic model. Slow and fast REM activity are modeled separately and the activity in the gamma frequency band of the Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal is used to model both spontaneous and noise-induced awakenings. The nonlinear model predicts changes in sleep structure similar to those found by other researchers and reported in the sleep literature and similar to those found in obtained survey data. To compare sleep disturbance model predictions, flight operations data from United States airports were obtained and sleep disturbance in communities was predicted for different operations scenarios using the modified Markov model, the nonlinear dynamic model, and other aircraft noise awakening models. Similarities and differences in model predictions were evaluated in order to determine if the use of the developed sleep structure model leads to improved predictions of the impact of nighttime noise on communities. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Algorithms KW - Dynamic models KW - Markov processes KW - Mathematical models KW - Mathematical prediction KW - Night KW - Sleep KW - United States UR - http://web.mit.edu/aeroastro/partner/reports/proj24/proj24-2013-004.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1280720 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547647 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Task 05-02. Sovereign Immunity for Public Airport Operators AB - The legal principle of sovereign immunity has its origins in the common law principle that as the ruler of the country, sovereign (government) cannot be sued unless it consents. Today, while the principle remains, it is the subject of legislative enactments at the federal and state levels that circumscribe, limit or otherwise waive sovereign immunity. The Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution also protects states from being sued in federal courts. Most public airports are owned and operated by units of local government or regional governmental authorities. Airport owners may be cities, counties, local airport authorities, local or regional multi-modal transportation authorities, and bi-state authorities. A few states operate airports directly. For the various local governmental authorities, any sovereign immunity must derive from state legislation, because local governments are not recognized as sovereigns in their own right, but are treated as exercising sovereign powers delegated by the states. The extent of sovereign immunity granted to airports varies from state to state. State legislation may distinguish between the type of local entity. A county's immunity may not be coextensive with a city's. The law may distinguish between "governmental" functions and "commercial" functions. Airport operations may be categorized as governmental in one jurisdiction and commercial in another. Judicial decisions may also affect the scope of an airport operator's sovereign immunity. In some states sovereign immunity may not be granted to municipal entities but state law may limit the types of claims that can be brought or cap the amount of damages that can be recovered. In addition, state laws or judicial interpretations may provide for express waivers of sovereign immunity (for example, through the purchase of liability insurance) or the loss of sovereign immunity through conduct. The objective of this research is to produce an easy-to-use compendium of the law of sovereign immunity as it applies to airports in each of the states and territories of the United States. The report should provide general background on the theory and underlying legal sources for the principle of sovereign immunity and the application of the principle to airport operators. The report also should identify the major issues considered by legislatures and the courts in determining whether an airport operator has the benefit of sovereign immunity through conduct. KW - Airport operations KW - Legislation KW - Local government agencies KW - Multimodal transportation KW - Ownership KW - Regional planning KW - Sovereign immunity UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3505 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335200 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01518861 AU - Christensen, Donald W AU - Advanced Asphalt Technologies, LLC AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Review of Recent Research on Using Gyratory Compaction to Design Hot Mix Asphalt for Airfield Pavements PY - 2013/11//Final Report SP - 33p AB - This document is a critical review of three recent reports detailing research on the appropriate level of design gyrations to use when preparing hot mix asphalt (HMA) mix designs for airfield pavements using the gyratory compactor. Research performed at the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC) recommended using 70 gyrations when designing HMA for airfield pavements using the gyratory compactor. The results from research using a similar approach, sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and performed by SRA International, Inc. (SRA) and several other contractors, concurred that 70 gyrations was an appropriate compaction level. This research also found that HMA designed using 75-blow Marshall compaction and 70 gyrations exhibited similar levels of rut resistance and fatigue resistance when evaluated in laboratory tests. A third study, Airfield Asphalt Pavement Technology Program (AAPTP) Project 04-03, also examined the issue of using gyratory compaction to design HMA for airfield pavements. In this project, it was recommended that design gyrations should increase with increasing tire pressure. For example, the AAPTP 04-03 report recommended that, for HMA subject to aircraft tire pressures in excess of 200 lb/in2, 80 gyrations should be used in preparing specimens during the mix design process. Although the concept of linking design gyrations to aircraft tire pressure has merit, the performance test used in developing these recommendations was not calibrated to actual pavement performance. Therefore, it is recommended that 70 gyrations be used in preparing mix designs for HMA for airfield pavements, in accordance with the ERDC and FAA/SRA reports. KW - Airport runways KW - Compaction KW - Fatigue strength KW - Hot mix asphalt KW - Laboratory tests KW - Mix design KW - Pavement performance KW - Recommendations KW - Rutting UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=6a38ef05-59f5-4a4c-8798-21eb12ecc9ed&f=TC-13-48.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1300235 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01506235 AU - Yeh, Michelle AU - Jo, Young Jin AU - Donovan, Colleen AU - Gabree, Scott AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Research and Innovative Technology Administration TI - Human Factors Considerations in the Design and Evaluation of Flight Deck Displays and Controls PY - 2013/11//Version 1.0 Final Report SP - 361p AB - The objective of this effort is to have a single source document for human factors regulatory and guidance material for flight deck displays and controls, in the interest of improving aviation safety. This document identifies guidance on human factors issues to consider in the design and evaluation of avionics displays and controls for all types of aircraft (14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) parts 23, 25, 27, and 29). It is intended to facilitate the identification and resolution of typical human factors issues that are frequently reported by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aircraft Certification Specialists. Topics address the human factors/pilot interface aspects of the display hardware, software, alerts/annunciations, and controls as well as considerations for flight deck design philosophy, intended function, error management, workload, and automation. A checklist of topics to consider during a display system evaluation, sample testing procedures and scenarios, and a list of key references are provided as appendices to facilitate the use and application of this document. KW - Aircraft KW - Design KW - Flight decks KW - Human factors KW - Information display systems KW - Instrument displays KW - User interfaces (Computer science) UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/50000/50700/50760/General_Guidance_Document_Nov_2013_v1.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1290392 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01503975 AU - Herricks, Edwin E AU - Weber, Peter AU - Mayer, David AU - King, Ryan E AU - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Avian Radar Maintenance: Magnetron Replacement Requirements PY - 2013/11//Technical Note SP - 23p AB - Magnetrons are a critical component of current avian radar technologies, providing avian radar systems with the energy that is transmitted and received to identify targets. The current avian radar systems used in an avian radar performance assessment uses X-band marine radars that are based on magnetron technology. Manufacturers recommend regular replacement of magnetrons to maintain radar detection effectiveness. The University of Illinois Center of Excellence for Airport Technology (CEAT) examined the issue of operational effectiveness for magnetrons with short and long operational histories. CEAT found that magnetrons with long operational histories performed at a level consistent with new magnetrons. CEAT recommends that magnetron replacement be based on performance criteria rather than on a fixed schedule or replacement period. Replacement should be made when a magnetron fails to produce consistent detection results when evaluated as part of a regularly scheduled radar health assessment program. KW - Aviation KW - Magnetrons KW - Maintenance KW - Radar air traffic control KW - Radar devices KW - Service life UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=9a3bc558-d2e5-4c08-b4df-39bb3adc053e&f=TC-TN13-47.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1286158 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01502109 AU - EUROCONTROL AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Comparison of Air Traffic Management-Related Operational Performance: U.S./Europe PY - 2013/11//Final Report SP - 106p AB - This report provides a high-level comparison of operational air traffic management (ATM) performance between the United States and Europe. Building on established operational key performance indicators, the goal of the joint study between the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and EUROCONTROL is to understand differences between the two ATM systems in order to further optimise ATM performance and to identify best practices for the benefit of the overall air transport system. The analysis is based on a comparable population of data and harmonised assessment techniques for developing reference conditions for assessing ATM performance. KW - Air traffic KW - Air traffic control KW - Best practices KW - Eurocontrol KW - Europe KW - Performance measurement KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration KW - United States UR - http://www.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/publication/files/2012-US-EUR-comparison-of-ATM-related-OPS-performance.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1280698 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01502086 AU - Chamberlain, Robert M AU - Heers, Susan T AU - Mejdal, Sig AU - Delnegro, Rena A AU - Monterey Technologies, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Multi-Function Displays: A Guide for Human Factors Evaluation PY - 2013/11//Final Report SP - 101p AB - This guide is designed to assist aircraft certification personnel and avionics manufacturers in evaluating the human factors aspects of Multi-function Displays (MFDs) for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification. The guide focuses specifically on human factors and does not address issues concerning the functional performance or operational accuracy of the display units. The guide is expected to be used as an assistive tool, and is organized as a checklist to provide structure for MFD evaluations. The guide summarizes human factors standards, guidelines, and research on MFDs, and evaluation criteria are grouped in sections of related areas ordered to facilitate the evaluation process. Regulatory documents, advisory information, and recommended practices relevant to the specific topics are cited with each section KW - Aircraft Certification Service KW - Evaluation KW - Guidelines KW - Human factors KW - Information display systems KW - Multifunction displays KW - Standards UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201321.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1280088 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01502060 AU - Self, David A AU - Mandella, Joseph G AU - White, Vicky L AU - Burian, Dennis AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Physiological Determinants of Human Acute Hypoxia Tolerance PY - 2013/11//Final Report SP - 20p AB - This research investigated possible physiological determinants of variability in hypoxia tolerance in subjects given a 5-minute normobaric exposure to 25,000 ft equivalent. Physiological tolerance to hypoxia was defined as the magnitude of decline in hemoglobin saturation (SpO2 - dependent variable). Pulmonary function, heart rate variability (HRV), total hemoglobin, a VO2max estimation and resting oxygen consumption (VO2) were measured prior to the normobaric hypoxia exposure. Cerebral oximetry, electrocardiogram (ECG), middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity, noninvasive beat-to-beat arterial pressure and its first derivative, cardiac output, and left ventricular stroke volume, cerebral pulse oximetry, and hemoglobin oxygen saturation were recorded. Additionally, tidal volume and respiratory rate, breath-by-breath inhalation and end-tidal atmospheric gases (O2, CO2, and N2) tensions were measured and VO2 computed. Mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) and alveolar-capillary O2 gradient was calculated. Serum S100b, a putative marker for cerebral hypoxic insult, was also measured in 26 subjects. Multivariate linear regression analysis was used to evaluate the ability of combinations of physiological measures to predict declines in SpO2 in 34 subjects. Seven variables were identified that gave a statistically significant prediction model that accounted for 71% of the variance (R²= .706; adjusted R²=.627). The model predicted that subjects with large total lung diffusion capacities for O2, those with the highest end- alveolar PO2 and the lowest mixed venous PO2 at the end of the 5-min exposure, and those who maintained an O2 consumption rate that exceeded their resting levels had the smallest declines in SpO2. Additionally, cerebral oximetry declines were negatively correlated with SpO2 declines and suggest that greater O2 extraction at the tissue level may be a strategy for lowering oxygen tension in blood returning to the lungs, thus providing a larger gradient for diffusion. KW - Altitude KW - Human beings KW - Hypoxia KW - Linear regression analysis KW - Lungs KW - Oxygen KW - Physiological aspects KW - Tolerance (Physiology) UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201322.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1280089 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01499659 AU - Hovis, Jeffery K AU - Milburn, Nelda J AU - Nesthus, Thomas E AU - University of Waterloo AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Hypoxia, Color Vision Deficiencies, and Blood Oxygen Saturation PY - 2013/11//Final Report SP - 16p AB - Chromatic thresholds were measured using the Cambridge Color Test (CCT), Color Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test, and Cone Specific Contrast Test at ground and 3780 m (12,400 ft) for subjects with normal color vision and red-green color vision defects. The CAD revealed a small (~10%) increase in the red-green thresholds for the trichromatic subjects and a similar increase in the blue-yellow thresholds for the dichromats. The other two color vision tests did not reveal any significant change in chromatic thresholds. The CAD results for the trichromats were consistent with a rotation of the discrimination ellipse counterclockwise, with little change in the elliptical area. This alteration in the color discrimination ellipse is consistent with the hypothesis that the effects of mild hypoxia on basic visual function are similar to lowering the retinal illuminance. KW - Altitude KW - Aviation KW - Color vision KW - Hypoxia KW - Oxygen KW - Vision tests UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201320.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1276932 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547402 TI - Effects of Airline Industry Changes on Small- and Non-Hub Airports AB - Air service at small- and non-hub U.S. airports has changed significantly since the onset of the recent recession. Some of the most significant changes include the following: (1) In general, there have been service decreases at small- and non-hub airports accompanied by a shift or decline in overall airline seat capacity. (2) Airline consolidation coupled with an increase in disciplined management of seat capacity, particularly for domestic service, has helped to minimize costs while exerting increasing, upward pressure on airfares. This emphasis on managing seat capacity has resulted in rigorous evaluations of individual routes to maximize airline profits and eliminate "unprofitable flying," leading to increased passenger load factors averaging more than 80% for many airlines. (3) Fuel costs per enplaned passenger have continued to increase with major impacts on airline profitability. It is not only the increasing costs but also the volatility of crude oil prices that have forced airlines to develop new strategies to increase revenues and reduce costs--strategies which have, in turn, affected airline service at nearly every U.S. airport. In response, there has been an increased emphasis on fuel efficient aircraft, including a shift from short-haul to long-haul capacity to increase overall profitability. This emphasis on increased fuel efficiency has led to a change in fleet mix with decreased use of smaller, regional jets in favor of larger, newer aircraft--a change that has had and will continue to have an impact on availability of service to small- and non-hub airports. These evolving conditions raise questions about the potential long-term effects of the changing airline business model on future travel demand, traveler behavior, and levels of service into primary as well as smaller markets. The reduction in service at small- and non-hub airports can be especially severe, affecting local economies that rely on access to the air transportation system. The objectives of this research are to (1) identify and quantify impacts, on small- and non-hub airports and the communities they serve, of changes in commercial service resulting from airline consolidation, fleet realignment, and other factors; and, based on this impact analysis, (2) develop strategies for maintaining or achieving desired commercial service at these airports in response to changing market conditions and airline business plans. The definition of small- and non-hub airports should conform to the Federal Aviation Administration's "Airport Categories." KW - Airlines KW - Consolidations KW - Economic impacts KW - Level of service KW - Profitability KW - Travel behavior KW - Travel demand KW - Types of airports KW - United States UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3442 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334666 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575501 TI - Unmanned Aircraft System Sense and Avoid Research AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Avoids-1 (Collision avoidance system) KW - Avoids-2 (Collision avoidance system) KW - Drone aircraft KW - Near midair crashes KW - Research UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367825 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575500 TI - Conductive Concrete for Airfield Heated Pavement Construction AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Concrete construction KW - Heat KW - Paving KW - Paving materials UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367824 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575499 TI - Instrumentation and Analysis of Airfield Pavement Response AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Instrumentation KW - Pavement distress KW - Pavement performance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367823 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575498 TI - Global Safety Information Project AB - No summary provided. KW - Flight information services KW - Information dissemination KW - Safety UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367821 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575497 TI - An Integrated Approach to Safety and Security in Aircraft Network Systems AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Networks KW - Safety and security UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367819 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575496 TI - Unsolicited Proposal for the FAA Small Airplane Directorate to Develop and Flight Test a Low Cost Accurate Angle of Attack Differential Pressure System for Light General Aviation Aircraft AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft by size KW - Angle of attack KW - Flight tests KW - Pressure KW - Proposals UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367817 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575452 TI - New Approaches to Non-Flammable Polymer Materials and Composites AB - No summary provided. KW - Composite materials KW - Nonflammable materials KW - Polymers UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367712 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575450 TI - Use of Complex Fluids for Enhanced Cellulosic Pre-treatment. AB - No summary provided. KW - Definitions KW - Design KW - Empirical methods KW - Training programs UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367710 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575287 TI - Research Proposal for Data-Link Weather in the Cockpit Training Tools and Strategies AB - No summary provided. KW - Cockpits KW - Data displays KW - Training aircraft KW - Weather conditions UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367544 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575285 TI - A Stress History Based Approach for Predicting Deformation Potentials of Granular Base and Subbase Layers in Airport Pavements AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Deformation KW - Granular bases KW - Pavement distress KW - Pavement Loading Guide (Computer program) KW - Subbase (Pavements) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367543 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575284 TI - A Survey of Evaluation Methods for Unmanned Aircraft Risk and Safety to Third Parties AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Drone aircraft KW - Evaluation KW - Risk analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367539 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575283 TI - Proposal to Reform a Literature Review in Support of TCRG Task 14-05: UAS System Safety Criteria AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Drone aircraft KW - Literature reviews UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367537 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575282 TI - Computational Assessment of Landing Performance AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Landing UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367535 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575281 TI - Identifying CRM Approaches for Enhancing Flightcrew Performance AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft separation KW - Approach KW - Crew resource management KW - Flight crews UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367533 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575280 TI - Collaborative Research Supporting FAA Fire Safety Mission through a FAA-Rutgers Graduate Assistant Support AB - No summary provided. KW - Cooperation KW - Fire fighting KW - Fires KW - Graduate students KW - Technical assistance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367528 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575279 TI - Improving Human and System Performance in Air Traffic Control AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Airport operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Civil aviation KW - Performance measurement UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367524 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575278 TI - Determining the Effectiveness of Safety Management Systems: A Research Investigation AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Civil aviation KW - Research management KW - Safety Management Systems UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367523 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01575277 TI - Collect, Aggregate, and Disseminate Rotorcraft Flight Data Monitoring Data to Provide Data Driven Safety Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Data collection KW - Flight control systems KW - Helicopters KW - Monitoring UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1367521 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01499699 AU - Greeley, Harold P AU - Roma, Peter G AU - Mallis, Melissa M AU - Hursh, Steven R AU - Mead, Andrew M AU - Nesthus, Thomas E AU - Response Applications, LLC AU - Institutes for Behavior Resources AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Field Study Evaluation of Cepstrum Coefficient Speech Analysis for Fatigue in Aviation Cabin Crew PY - 2013/10//Final Report SP - 20p AB - Impaired neurobehavioral performance induced by fatigue may compromise safety in 24-hour operational environments such as aviation. As such, non-invasive, reliable, and valid methods of objectively detecting compromised performance capacity in operational settings could be valuable as a means of identifying, preventing, and mitigating fatigue-induced safety risks. One approach that has attracted attention in recent years is quantitative speech analysis, but the extent of its operational feasibility, validity of the metrics, and sensitivity to operationally-relevant factors in aviation remains unknown. To this end, the present report offers an initial proof-of-concept evaluation of a speech analysis method based on Cepstrum Coefficient modeling, using voice files from a broad sample of 195 cabin crew personnel collected during the 2009-2010 United States Civil Aerospace Medical Institute-sponsored Flight Attendant Field Study. Using a personal digital assistant device, participants recited five standardized phrases in random order before and after each workday and sleep episode throughout their respective 3-4 week study periods. Operational acceptability of the procedure was high, as indicated by high protocol compliance and, despite the inherent variability of the timing and environments in which the test sessions occurred, the 13,975 files from 2,795 valid sessions were of sufficient quality for formal analysis. Individualized “baseline” speech models were built from the files collected during test sessions coinciding with optimal neurobehavioral performance, as determined by 5-min Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) reaction times(RT), then speech deviation scores relative to individual baseline models were calculated for the test sessions that preceded and concluded each “trip” of multiple consecutive work days. Regarding validity, speech scores correlated significantly with PVT RTs and Lapses (RTs > 500 msec), with a stronger relationship to Lapses, but high variability at the low range of both performance variables suggests the influence of other factors. Regarding sensitivity to operational factors, average Pre-Trip vs. Post-Trip speech scores differed significantly, although scores unexpectedly decreased from Pre to Post, an artifact attributable to the composition of the baseline session pool. Nonetheless, the pattern of speech data echoed performance data from a previous report in which scores were most affected in crew of Regional carriers, with Junior seniority, and in Domestic operations. These initial results reveal promising validity and sensitivity of Cepstrum Coefficient modeling for speech signal analysis of fatigue in dynamic operational environments. Remaining questions underscore the need to further explore the dataset to determine the precise relationship between speech production and neurobehavioral performance capacity, the parameters for constructing individualized models, and standardized quantitative speech-based definitions of fatigue. KW - Aviation safety KW - Evaluation KW - Fatigue (Physiological condition) KW - Field studies KW - Flight crews KW - Performance measurement KW - Psychomotor Vigilance Task KW - Reaction time KW - Sleep KW - Speech UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201319.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1276930 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01502031 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - A Report from the Portable Electronic Devices Aviation Rulemaking Committee to the Federal Aviation Administration: Recommendations on Expanding the Use of Portable Electronic Devices During Flight PY - 2013/09/30 SP - 222p AB - On January 7, 2013, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) established the Portable Electronic Devices (PED) Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) in order to provide a forum for the United States aviation community and PED manufacturers to review the comments received from the Notice of Policy/Request for Comments regarding PED policy and guidance published in the Federal Register. The ARC was tasked to make recommendations to further clarify and provide guidance on allowing additional PED usage without compromising the continued safe operation of the aircraft. The ARC has completed its review, and this report provides the results and its recommendation to the FAA. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Electronic equipment KW - Policy KW - Portable equipment KW - Recommendations KW - Regulations KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/ped/media/ped_arc_final_report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1279712 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547909 TI - Guidebook on Preventative Maintenance at General Aviation Airports AB - General aviation airports of all sizes play an integral role in the National Aviation System (NAS). However many of these airports have aging facilities, diminishing operations, changing facility demands to accommodate changes in general aviation industry characteristics, and diminishing revenue sources. These trends coupled with limited staff and budget have made it difficult to properly maintain the facilities above and beyond responding to immediate needs. Airport management often responds well to those immediate needs or "fires" that occur, but that leaves little time for true maintenance planning. With changes in overall demand, decisions to off-load assets or run them to failure may become options in response to the changing capacity requirements at general aviation airports. However, for most assets, those are not viable options and the assets must be maintained. Preventative maintenance is effective at ensuring that physical infrastructure assets operate reliably and efficiently. However, preventative maintenance does not receive sufficient attention during the budget process, as it is easy to rationalize not spending dollars on something that appears to be functioning properly. There is little guidance to help airports prioritize those preventative maintenance items and manage maintenance expenditures to maximize the effectiveness of those assets and reduce capital expenditures. The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) Prepare a primer for general aviation airport governing and policy boards on the value of planning and prioritizing preventative maintenance into the budgeting process. The primer should discuss at a minimum the following: (i) The need for capital asset preservation and the value of preventative maintenance towards that goal; (ii) Actual airport examples of savings realized should be shown; (iii) How the lack of preventative maintenance can impact operations, accounting, capital planning, and the airport's system; and (iv) The relationship between capital improvements and the impact on the maintenance budget, the overall cost of ownership, and available maintenance funding sources. (2) Develop a guidebook for airport management at general aviation airports to help them plan and prioritize the maintenance of physical infrastructure assets to reduce or eliminate catastrophic failures due to a lack of preventive maintenance. The guidebook, which should be scalable to all size general aviation airports, should address at a minimum the following areas: (i) How to assess and/or conduct facility and infrastructure requirements, inventory, and life-cycle analysis. Specific examples should be included; (ii) The variance between current capacity and diminishing capacity requirements (e.g., excess hangar capacity, excess parking) due to a change in demand (iii) How to conduct asset planning and prioritization of maintenance needs for 1-3 years based on regulatory and insurance requirements, tenant and user needs, asset condition, and local and industry trends and forecasts; (iv) Considerations of performing preventative maintenance activities in-house versus contracting including management of maintenance contractors/consultants; (v) The relationship between state aviation plans, master plans, capital improvement plans, and other documents and their value in the budget process for maintaining physical assets; (vi) A list of resources and best management preventative maintenance practices for specific physical infrastructure and system assets; and (vii) A CD with worksheets and tools as applicable. KW - Asset management KW - Best practices KW - General aviation airports KW - Handbooks KW - Maintenance management KW - Preventive maintenance UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3451 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335557 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01548180 TI - Benchmarking and Profiling Airport Terminal Energy End Uses AB - Airports operate as businesses and therefore need to make a business case for capital expenditures. These types of decisions include investments in energy consuming equipment or energy efficiency measures. To calculate an expected return on investment (ROI) the anticipated energy end use costs must be known or reasonably estimated. When it comes to terminal energy usage it may not be practical for an airport to capture their own energy end use data and it is not effective or practical for an individual airport to gather benchmark data for similar facilities. It is relatively easy to find data on energy end use for office buildings and warehouses as building systems are more or less the same across industries and sectors. Variations amongst airports make it difficult to compare terminal energy end uses. Since there has been little tracking of energy end uses for airport terminals, there hasn't been an effective way to benchmark the data that airports can use to help justify, prioritize, and determine replacement or retrofitting decisions. Gathering the energy end use data will aid in the development of the benchmarks and is only the first step. As airports become more mature in their collection and/or modeling of their terminal energy end uses and data becomes more widely available, benchmarking then can become more precise in assisting airports in properly allocating costs and in making decisions regarding retrofitting or replacing terminal systems and equipment. Research is needed to provide the initial data and benchmarks to allow airports to have a frame of reference for their terminal energy end uses. The objectives of this research are to: (1) Create initial energy use intensity (EUI) benchmarks by gathering data to measure, estimate, or model energy end uses in airport passenger terminals. These benchmarks will assist in managing energy usage and evaluating business decisions for replacing or retrofitting equipment and systems. Energy use intensity (EUI) benchmarks should be established for each type of system in the terminal and should account at a minimum for the following terminal characteristics: (a) Number of enplaned passengers; (b) Square footage of the building; (c) Building/space volume; (d) Climate zone; (e) Conditioned versus unconditioned space; (f) Use of space (e.g., tenant, concessions, baggage make-up, IT server room, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint, central plant versus stand-alone, etc…); and (g) Age of facility/system/equipment. (2) Develop EUI profiles for energy end uses for several representative airport terminals. The representative terminals should be identified based upon the above characteristics which can then be used by airports to quickly identify an estimated EUI with which to benchmark their energy end uses. The step-by-step process used to develop the EUI profiles for the representative airports should also be provided so that it can be replicated by airport operators. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport terminals KW - Benchmarks KW - Energy consumption KW - Return on investment KW - Tracking systems UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3448 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335817 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543870 TI - Advancing Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) at Airports AB - Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is the process of data sharing whereby airports, airlines, other stakeholders, and the air navigation service provider (e.g., Federal Aviation Administration [FAA]) share information to make operational decisions. Although airlines and the FAA have considerable experience in the use of CDM dating back to the 1990s, airports in the United States (U.S.) have not typically been direct participants. With the advent of surface management systems, high fidelity surveillance, and enhanced means of information exchange, airports have started to play a more direct role in CDM. However, there are challenges in defining the relevant data, methods for sharing, and common terminology and the FAA has established working groups to address these CDM challenges. Large airports have found surface CDM programs useful in managing aircraft movements. CDM can enhance gate management, ground service equipment (GSE) coordination, deicing operations, special events, and tarmac delays. Smaller airports can also benefit by participating in regional CDM programs that can augment their IROPS plans and improve their situational awareness. Despite these advancements, many airports are still not aware of what CDM is, the different ways it can enhance their regular and irregular operations, and how to pursue implementation. The objective of this research is to provide a guidebook for airports and their stakeholders to integrate CDM into their operations or operational plans. The guidebook should include at a minimum: (1) An overview of CDM, creating awareness and educating all commercial service airports and stakeholders, of what CDM is, the different ways that CDM can be used to enhance both regular and irregular airport operations, and identification of the different ways in which CDM can be used to improve operational efficiencies; (2) Identification of the relevant data and common terminology; (3) Identification of stakeholders and their roles within a CDM framework; (4) Benefits for all of the stakeholders; (5) Definition of the airport role in CDM within the NAS, at the regional and the local level; (6) Costs associated with implementation; (7) Limitations and challenges to implementation; (8) A process for CDM implementation that is scalable depending on the complexity of the operation; (9) Lessons learned from implementation from both U.S. and international examples; (10) U.S. regulatory constraints and potential future regulations/guidance; (11) Best practices; (12) Technology and interoperability considerations/requirements; and (13) Glossary. KW - Airport ground transportation KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Collaborative decision making KW - Data sharing KW - Deicing KW - Delays UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3452 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332018 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571775 TI - Development of Refined Aviation Air Quality Tools AB - Sensitivity and Strategy Modeling on a National Scale for Destination 2025 Air Quality Goals. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Airport operations KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/aviation-system-air-quality-performance-analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363384 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01555760 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - 2013 National Aviation Research Plan PY - 2013/09 SP - 155p AB - The National Aviation Research Plan (NARP) is the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) performance-based plan to ensure that research and development (R&D) investments are well managed, deliver results, and sufficiently address national aviation priorities. The NARP integrates the FAA R&D programs into a portfolio that addresses the near-, mid-, and far-term research needs of the aviation community. The NARP features R&D principles and goals that support the strategic visions laid out by the President, Secretary of Transportation, and FAA Administrator. This approach enables the FAA to address the current challenges of operating the safest, most efficient air transportation system in the world while building a foundation for the future system in an environmentally sound manner. In 2012, the R&D Executive Board (REB) thoroughly analyzed the existing 10 R&D goals, R&D Targets, and Methods of Validation and replaced them with 3 new R&D principles and 22 R&D goals. The three R&D principles align with the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) National Aeronautics Research and Development Plan, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2012–2016, and FAA strategic planning. The new R&D goals cover the FAA’s main research areas of Aircraft Safety, Weather, National Airspace System (NAS) Operations, Commercial Space, Airports, and Environment and Energy. KW - Airports KW - Aviation safety KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Energy KW - Environmental impacts KW - National Airspace System KW - Research KW - Strategic planning KW - Weather UR - http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ang/offices/tc/about/campus/faa_host/rdm/media/pdf/2013NARP.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1344317 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01534423 AU - Schnitzer, Brian S AU - Fabian, Andrew AU - Young, Christina M AU - Yao, Chu AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluation of an ERAM Prototype to Improve Restriction Modeling by Refining Altitude Transition Rate PY - 2013/09//Technical Note SP - 27p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is currently implementing a number of improvements to the National Airspace System (NAS) in the United States under a multi-agency initiative called the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Program. The Separation Management and Modern Procedures Project is a NextGen initiative and its objective is to implement the En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM) strategic conflict probe on the radar controller display utilizing ERAM’s Trajectory Modeling(TM) and Conflict Probe (CP) sub-systems. The FAA Air Traffic Organization’s En Route Program Office (ATO-E) has employed the FAA’s Concept Analysis Branch (ANG-C41) to conduct a series of independent evaluations on prototype enhancements to the TM and CP sub-systems and has contracted the prime contractor of ERAM, Lockheed Martin, under FAA Task Orders 45 and 51 to develop these prototypes within the ERAM architecture. This paper details an experiment that consists of simulated runs using the ERAM system with and without a prototype enhancement designed to improve restriction modeling and climb/descent modeling. Recorded data from real flights in Chicago (ZAU) and Washington (ZDC) centers are used to generate experimental scenarios which provide realistic air traffic scenarios, for a total of 4 scenario runs. For each scenario, prototype Trajectory Modeler (TM) and Conflict Probe (CP) performance is compared to that of the baseline scenarios. In both ZAU and ZDC scenarios, slight improvements are indicated with regard to the CP. There is no indication of trajectory improvement or degradation. Since the net effects are positive, particularly for false alerts, the prototype is considered to be an improvement to the system. KW - Air traffic control KW - En Route Automation Modernization KW - Evaluation KW - National Airspace System KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Prototypes KW - Radar displays KW - Simulation KW - Subsystems UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tctn13-42.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1319856 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01516506 AU - Friedman-Berg, Ferne AU - Racine, Nicole AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Staffed NextGen Tower: A Camera Integration and Computer-Human Interface Part-Task Evaluation PY - 2013/09//Technical Report SP - 66p AB - The purpose of this study was to elicit user feedback and identify computer-human interface issues related to integrating the camera views onto the Staffed NextGen Tower (SNT) displays prior to full human-in-the-loop simulations. Tower controllers in proposed SNT environments will use certified surveillance and camera views instead of the out-the-window view while providing Air Traffic Control services. As the use of cameras for this purpose is a new concept, there are many different ways this concept could be implemented. This study examined some of the alternatives for implementing the SNT concept in a realistic environment. In this study, four NextGen Air Traffic Control Management Cadre members controlled traffic and evaluated camera use during nine 15-minute, low-level traffic scenarios that included off-nominal events. At the end of each scenario and at the end of the study, the participants completed a questionnaire, suggested improvements, and provided comments on adequacy, necessity, and usability of the cameras and displays. The participants suggested making several changes to the camera system prior to future studies. These suggestions included changing the camera placement, increasing the camera resolution, and providing independent cameras for each control position. The participants identified viewing aircraft on final approach and holding short of runways as potential applications for cameras in an SNT environment. Participants also identified the need for some type of alerting decision-support tool. Participants provided specific feedback that can lead to changes in the way the SNT concept is implemented. Suggested improvements from this study will be incorporated into a future SNT human-in-the-loop simulation and into field demonstrations. The changes identified in this study will guide the future implementation of the SNT concept. KW - Air traffic control KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Airport control towers KW - Cameras KW - Information display systems KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Simulation KW - Surveillance KW - User interfaces (Computer science) UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tc13-45.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1290613 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01506236 AU - Geyer, Michael AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Research and Innovative Technology Administration TI - Geometric Analysis of an Observer on a Spherical Earth and an Aircraft or Satellite PY - 2013/09//Project Memorandum SP - 82p AB - This memorandum contains a large amount of technical detail. However, in significant contrast, it addresses an easily-understood and fundamental need in surveillance and navigation systems analysis — quantifying the geometry of two locations relative to each other and to a spherical earth. Here, geometry simply means distances and angles. Sometimes, distances are the lengths of straight lines; in other cases they are the lengths of arcs on the earth’s surface. Similarly, angles may be measured between lines on a plane or between lines on a spherical surface. Because the earth has an established latitude/longitude coordinate system, the approach that first comes to mind is to address this situation as a three-dimensional problem and use vector analysis. However, the approach preferred here is that, to simplify and clarify the analysis process, the three-dimensional problem should be re-cast as two separate two-dimensional problems: vertical plane formulation and spherical surface formulation. KW - Aircraft KW - Artificial satellites KW - Earth KW - Formulas KW - Geometry KW - Navigation systems KW - Surveillance UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/48000/48500/48549/Project_Memo_DOT-VNTSC-FAA-13-08.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1290304 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01499613 AU - Chidester, Thomas AU - Milburn, Nelda AU - Peterson, L Sarah AU - Gildea, Kevin AU - Roberts, Carrie AU - Perry, Deborah AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Xyant Technology, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Development, Validation, and Deployment of a Revised Air Traffic Control Color Vision Test: Incorporating Advanced Technologies and Oceanic Procedures and En Route Automation Modernization Systems PY - 2013/09//Final Report SP - 22p AB - Air traffic control specialists (ATCSs) are responsible for the safe, efficient, and orderly flow of traffic in the United States National Airspace System. Color is an integral element of the air traffic control environment. Color is used to communicate information to controllers about various modes or air traffic functions, including conflict alerts, aircraft control status, weather identification, and airspace identification. The Aerospace Human Factors Research Division (AAM-500) of the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute developed the Air Traffic Color Vision Test (ATCOV) to determine whether individuals with color vision deficiencies (CVDs) have adequate color vision to perform critical color-related tasks involved in air traffic control. New research was required to integrate Advanced Technologies and Oceanic Procedures (ATOP, or Ocean21) and En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM) display systems into the ATCOV. The research team conducted a study to validate the addition of Ocean21 and ERAM items into ATCOV subtests. The results of this study provided evidence of the reliability and construct validity of the revised test. It also established performance norms for subjects with normal color vision on modified subtests, determined the cut scores to apply to the revised ATCOV (version 6.1), and examined the impact of testing upon a sample of CVD subjects. Color vision ability sufficient to perform duties safely remains critical to air traffic services in the National Airspace System. Evidence of content validity for ATCS duties is provided through direct sampling of form and content of critical display data. Evidence of construct validity is provided by correlation with the Colour Assessment and Diagnosis Test threshold scores, which precisely measure color vision ability. This resulted in a job sample test closely tied to critical task information communicated using color on air traffic displays. ATCOV 6.1 makes use of formats and color chromaticity deployed for critical information on air traffic displays, as defined by published analyses of ATCS tasks, including Ocean21 and ERAM. KW - Advanced Technologies and Oceanic Procedures KW - Air traffic control KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Color KW - Color blind persons KW - Color vision KW - En Route Automation Modernization KW - Information display systems KW - Selection and appointment KW - Validity KW - Vision tests UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201318.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1276929 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01494589 AU - Burian, Barbara K AU - Pruchnicki, Shawn AU - Rogers, Jason AU - Christopher, Bonny AU - Williams, Kevin AU - Silverman, Evan AU - Drechsler, Gena AU - Mead, Andy AU - Hackworth, Carla AU - Runnels, Barry AU - Ames Research Center AU - San Jose State University AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Single-Pilot Workload Management in Entry-Level Jets PY - 2013/09//Final Report SP - 78p AB - Researchers from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Flight Cognition Lab and the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) Flight Deck Human Factors Research Laboratory at the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) examined task and workload management by single pilots in Very Light Jets (VLJs), also called Entry-Level Jets (ELJs). Fourteen certificated Cessna Citation Mustang (C510-S) pilots flew an experimental flight with two legs involving high workload management under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) in a Cessna Citation Mustang ELJ level 5 flight training device at CAMI. Eight of the pilots were Mustang owner-operators, and the other six flew the Citation Mustang as part of their jobs as professional pilots. In addition to the Cessna Citation Mustang simulator, data collection included instantaneous self-assessment of perceived workload, NASA Task Load Index (TLX) workload measures, researcher observations, final debriefing interviews, and three questionnaires: Cockpit Set-up Preferences, Demographics, and Automation Experiences and Perceptions. To facilitate analysis, the major high workload tasks during the cruise portion of flight were grouped into four events. Approximately two-thirds of the tasks within the four events were accomplished by the participants with no difficulties. Though all participants committed a variety of errors during all four high workload events (e.g., readback error, airspeed violation), most errors were not directly related to overall task success. A significant effect on task performance success related to hours of experience was found only for the first event. Some type of error using the G1000 avionics was at the root of the problem for most participants who had difficulty accomplishing one or more of the tasks. Implications of the findings are discussed, and techniques demonstrated by the participants that are characterized as “best practices” have been identified. Recommended strategies for automation use and countermeasures to task overload and workload breakdowns have also been provided. KW - Air pilots KW - Automation KW - Best practices KW - Countermeasures KW - Human factors KW - Jet propelled aircraft KW - Very light jets KW - Workload UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201317.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1263532 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547547 TI - Airport Cyber Security Best Practices AB - Cyber security is a growing enterprise-wide issue and permeates every aspect of modern life. Airports are part of the critical infrastructure and thus are particularly vulnerable to internal and external cyber threats and attacks from criminals, terrorists, or foreign actors. Cyber threats affect more than traditional IT infrastructure such as email and the Internet. Many airports also rely on Supervisory Control and Data Acquistion (SCADA)-type industrial control systems for such systems as heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), utilities, baggage systems, and business processes such as facility management. Airport directors may believe that SCADA-type systems are secure due to their limited or lack of Internet access and/or because they are physically secure, but they too pose risks to the organization. The move towards employees preferring to use their personal devices for work, such as smartphones and tablets [which is known as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)], is becoming ubiquitous. Increasingly, this is occurring at airports where airport personnel are also wishing to bring their own devices into the workplace. But this can be problematic if these devices interact with enterprise systems, such as email and provide virtual private network (VPN) access. Devices can be used to introduce viruses or surreptitiously gather information. Employees can unknowingly introduce viruses and allow nefarious users access to enterprise systems by visiting reputable websites (such as their local newspaper), clicking on a link in an email, visiting social media sites, or by inserting an infected USB drive in their computer or device. These risks can't be eliminated, but implementing industry standards, best practices, and an awareness program for all employees can help mitigate them. Airports can also use their existing relationships with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to assist them with identifying and responding to anomalous activity to ensure an appropriate response and resolution. The objectives of this research are to develop (1) a guidebook to help airports develop and/or maintain a cyber security program and (2) multi-media material(s) that address risk awareness by highlighting the different cyber security threats likely to be confronted by airports that can be used by cyber security/IT professionals to educate airport staff. The guidebook should address at a minimum the following: (1) Industry standards, policies and procedures, and best practices for IT security systems; (2) Threat and risk awareness for executives and staff; (3) Initial and recurrent training needs; (4) Integrating cyber security practices into existing business processes; (5) Leveraging federal, state, and local agency relationships; and (6) Legal responsibilities and reporting requirements. The standards, policies and procedures, and best practices should address at a minimum the following areas: (1) Identifying and responding to criminal activity or suspected criminal activity; (2) Data privacy; (3) Emerging technology threats and risks; (4) Identifying anomalous activity; (5) Managing third-party vendors and service-level agreements; (6) Managing other airport IT infrastructure users (e.g., airport tenants, passengers); (7) Mitigation techniques; (8) Network access control including wi-fi and remote access; (9) Ongoing maintenance and management; (10) Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS); (11) SCADA; (12) Social media; and (13) Social engineering. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Cybersecurity KW - Data protection KW - Handbooks KW - Information technology KW - Privacy KW - Security KW - Social media UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3446 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334984 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587306 TI - Heated Airport Pavements AB - Maintaining operational safety and status of airport runways during snowfall events is a challenging issue that many airports are grappling with. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular 150/5370-17 (dated 2011), most transport category aircraft are prohibited from operating on runways covered by untreated ice or by more than 1/2 inch of snow or slush, although the limits vary with aircraft types. The surface traction of pavement is dramatically influenced by frozen precipitation in the form of ice, snow, or slush. This can seriously hamper smooth air traffic management operations and cause traffic delays at other airports. Ice and snow on transportation infrastructure systems add significant costs to the American economy via snow removal, damaged pavement and bridge surfaces and lost man-hours due to travel delay. It is imperative that both small and large airports maintain operational status during snowfall events to support the existing operations as well as the FAA's NextGen concept as mentioned in the Airport Technology Research Plan for the NextGen Decade (dated January 2012). This project proposes a 3-pronged approach to investigate the efficacy and cost effectiveness of new heated pavement technologies. The project proposes to investigate: the relative energy and monetary needs to remove snow from a slab by conducting an energy and financial viability analyses under Task 1-A; a hybrid approach combining electrically conductive concrete with lotus-leaf-inspired super-hydrophobic surfaces under Task 1-B; and the application of nano-coatings of low temperature phase change materials with the intent of preventing ice and slush formation under Task 1-C. The project anticipates that these three tasks will run in parallel. KW - Airport facilities KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Concrete KW - Heaters KW - Pavement components KW - Pavement design KW - Snow and ice control KW - Winter maintenance UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=1 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1391997 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547910 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 05-01. Regulations Affecting the Exercise of First Amendment Activities at Airports AB - Airports have been and continue to be the focus of considerable civic, religious, labor, and fund raising activities and a venue for commercial advertising. A great deal has been written concerning the extent to which these activities are protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. One Transportation Research Board (TRB) publication, Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Legal Research Digest (LRD) 29, First Amendment Implications for Transit Facilities: Speech, Advertising, and Loitering, June 2009, contains a primer on first amendment analysis generally. TCRP LRD 29 contains a careful review of case law; much of which involves airports. While the publication provides an excellent discussion of First Amendment law, it does not focus specifically on the practices currently used by airports to regulate first amendment conduct in what is an increasingly congested and security-conscious environment. Consequently, airport operators and legal practitioners would benefit from a more detailed and focused discussions of the various ways airports (through local regulation, ordinance, and statute) regulate first amendment conduct. Some airports, for example, follow a permitting process that allows officials some discretion in issuing permits and regulating first amendment activities on airport property. Other jurisdictions are much more specific. Alaska, for example, has enacted a very detailed regulatory scheme forbidding specific conduct that interferes with the "freedom of movement of a person, vehicle, or aircraft." 17 AAC § 45.810 (Alaska Administrative Code). There are similar regulations applicable to Arizona's Sky Harbor International Airport. Because it is unclear precisely how many airports have in place regulations applicable to first amendment activities, this project will be conducted in two phases: (1) an initial research and outline phase and (2) a synthesis and writing phase. KW - Advertising KW - Alaska KW - Arizona KW - First Amendment, United States Constitution KW - Freedom of speech KW - Fund raising KW - General aviation airports KW - Legal rights KW - Regulations KW - Religious aspects KW - Sky Harbor International Airport UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3504 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335558 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545242 TI - Quick Response for Special Needs. Task 22. Best Practices for General Aviation Aircraft Fuel-Tank Sampling AB - As part of a typical general aviation (GA) combustion engine preflight checklist, the pilot takes fuel samples from fuel system drains and checks for correct color, water, or contamination. Although these fuel samples can optimally be returned to the fuel tank (if uncontaminated) or disposed of in an approved container (if contaminated), it is generally acknowledged that many pilots simply discard the fuel samples to the ground surface and/or spill small quantities due to initial sump drainer device connection. Some airport-specific plans are available with guidelines or recommendations for proper fuel sump sample management, and a few states have promulgated laws banning such practices (e.g., Florida DOT). However, it is presumed that the "ground discharge" approach is the most common disposal method. Other potential sources of contaminants entering the storm water runoff system include aircraft fuel tank venting or inadvertent discharge. These and other practices or causes could have an impact on storm water quality and other environmental items at airports. It is unclear as to what level of pollution exists and to what extent these mitigating procedures impact storm water quality at airports. There are practices and procedures in the current aeronautical environment (e.g., flight schools, Civil Air Patrol) that encourage operators and pilots to conduct their testing in a certain manner. The objectives of this research are to: (1) Estimate the discard amounts from fuel testing samples, aircraft fuel tank vents, and others that are entering the storm water runoff system from airports and document the methodology by which the estimates are obtained; and (2) Develop a guidance document that provides a variety of airport and aviation best practices of aircraft fuel-tank sampling to prevent contaminants from entering the storm water runoff system. KW - Best practices KW - Contaminants KW - Fuel tanks KW - General aviation aircraft KW - Guidelines KW - Runoff KW - Sampling UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3462 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332761 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587304 TI - Angle of Attack Equipment for General Aviation Operations AB - The ultimate aim of this research is to provide pilots and instructors with information that could provide additional assistance to interpret the flight path & aircraft attitude relationship. The current analysis of angle of attach (AOA) displays is anecdotal in nature and there needs to be a rigorous study accomplished which solidifies the touted benefits by various industry groups. The expected outcomes of the project are: (1) Analysis of Best Practices and Development of Educational Materials; (2) Evaluate best practices and develop materials for utilization of AOA displays during stabilized approaches; (3) Altitude awareness enhancement; (4) Evaluate the relationship between AOA and the potential for precision approach paths during the approach and landing phases; (5) Stabilized Approach Analysis; (6) Perform a comprehensive analysis of the differences in the degree of stabilization between individuals with varying access to AOA displays and AOA education; and (7) Cost/Benefit/Risks. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) does not require AOA displays and, therefore, individuals may choose whether to install and use them. The team will perform a detailed analysis of the return on investment for the enhancement of safety to help pilots and owners determine to invest in the equipment. KW - Altitude KW - Angle of attack KW - Approach control KW - Aviation safety KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Best practices KW - Flight information services KW - Flight paths KW - General aviation UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=3 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392004 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01587305 TI - Rotorcraft ASIAS AB - This project seeks to examine the current state of the art in rotorcraft flight data monitoring (FDM) products and services, implement a system for data collection and analysis, and identify shortcoming with corresponding means of improvement as supported by data analysis and engagement with subject matter experts. More specifically, the research objectives of this project are to: (1) benchmark the current state of the art of rotorcraft FDM products and services as a voluntary mechanism for safety; (2) enable the procurement of an integrated rotorcraft FDM database and data analysis capability, secure the collection of FDM data for analysis, and establish connectivity and access to this resource for participating research parties and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); (3) review the current events, parameters, and corresponding exceedances and recording rates of rotorcraft FDM systems, identify additional ones whenever needed, and synthesize a recommended minimum standard FDM list vetted by stakeholders; and (4) disseminate results of this investigation and promote the adoption and utilization of FDM as a means for improving safety. Research Partners for this project include the Helicopter Association International and CAE Flightscape. KW - Aviation safety KW - Connectivity KW - Data analysis KW - Data collection KW - Helicopters KW - Information dissemination KW - Monitoring KW - State of the art UR - https://www.pegasas.aero/projects.php?p=2 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1392003 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543922 TI - Renewable Energy as an Airport Revenue Source AB - Airports have the goal of maintaining fee and rental structures that will make them as financially self-sustaining as possible. To accomplish this, airports are now exploring non-traditional revenue sources. At the same time, utility service providers have recently begun looking for opportunities to purchase energy generated from renewable sources to meet state, regional, and federal environmental and energy goals. Since airports often have available property and facilities to host and generate clean and renewable energy sources, there may be opportunities for them to generate revenue. Nevertheless, the use of renewable energy as a revenue source is a complex issue, requiring an understanding of emerging technologies, financing mechanisms, regulatory frameworks, and operational factors. There is limited guidance to help airports identify, evaluate, select, and successfully implement renewable energy projects for revenue generation. Research is needed to develop a guidebook and evaluation tool to help airports understand the feasibility, opportunities, and challenges of renewable energy projects and their implementation for revenue generation. The objective of this research is to prepare a guidebook, with an associated evaluation tool, to help airports identify and develop viable renewable energy opportunities for increasing net revenues. KW - Airports KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Environmental impacts KW - Financing KW - Renewable energy sources KW - Return on investment KW - Revenues KW - Technological innovations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3436 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332080 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543869 TI - LED Airfield Lighting System Operation and Maintenance AB - Airports require reliable airfield lighting to ensure continuity of service at night or other periods with low visibility. A significant component of an airport's operating budget is dedicated to operating and maintaining airfield lighting systems. Light Emitting Diode (LED) airfield lighting offers a potential for substantially reduced maintenance and utility costs. In addition, the industry is accelerating the replacement of traditional lighting technologies with new, more efficient technologies, such as LED, in response to the Energy Independence and Security Act (2007). While LED lighting offers improved efficiencies and reliability, there are several challenges to its operation and maintenance (O&M), including potential for obstruction by snow and ice, unique maintenance training and orientation requirements, and the desire to monitor system performance. Additionally, O&M factors should also be considered during the design and implementation of airfield lighting systems. Research is needed to develop guidance for airports to optimize the operation and maintenance of LED airfield lighting systems. The objective of this research is to prepare a guidebook for airports describing the best operating and maintenance practices for LED airfield lighting systems, and the issues to be considered during their design and construction. The guidebook should include (but not be limited to): (1) A review of the use of LED technology for airfield lighting, its advantages and disadvantages versus other lighting technologies (e.g., lack of an infrared signature), and future trends. (2) A list of sources to obtain FAA-approved/certified vendors and fixtures. (3) O&M factors to be considered in LED airfield system design, including (but not limited to): a)Airport type (e.g., small general aviation, reliever, commercial service), activity level, geographic location, and maintenance staffing level; b)Selection of optics materials (e.g., glass, polycarbonate); c)LED fixture heaters; d)Integration with other lighting technologies; e)Replacement of existing infrastructure vs. reuse; f)Circuitry modifications; and g) Monitoring options (e.g., electronic vs. manual) for determining maintenance needs and assessing system performance. (4) Commissioning considerations for handing off LED airfield lighting systems to the owner, including initial training, technical manuals, and other materials. (5) O&M considerations, including: a) Continuous training, including training options and frequency (e.g., seminars, on-the-job, training in response to system upgrades); b) Spare parts inventory maintenance strategies; c) Maintenance/technical support options (e.g., external, on-call vs. in-house); and d)Determining unit end-life. (6) Removal/reinstallation guidance (e.g., during pavement maintenance). (7) Approaches to protecting LED airfield lighting systems from atypical conditions (e.g., flooding, chemical contamination, insect infestation). (8) Case study examples of LED airfield lighting system projects that provide: a) A general description of the airport airfield, its activity level, and annual maintenance budget; b) A description of the project, including general scope and cost; c) Approach to procurement and installation; d) Approach to monitoring and maintenance procedures, maintenance schedules, use of third-party support, staffing levels; e) Spare parts inventory and control; and f) Process for determining return-on-investment, if applicable. (9) Best LED operation and maintenance practices based on a review of literature, researcher experience, and case study results. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting systems KW - Maintenance practices KW - Night visibility UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3447 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332017 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543923 TI - A Guidebook for Increasing Diverse and Small Business Participation in Airport Business Opportunities AB - Airports serve as transportation gateways and also play important roles as economic drivers in the economy. Many federal, state, and local statutes and regulations require airport operators to promote the participation of minority and small businesses in various types of airport contracts. In addition to the legal requirements, many airport operators choose to take voluntary steps to promote local and disadvantaged business participation. Airports seek guidance for consistent interpretation of requirements implemented by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation through the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program. While state and local programs may vary with respect to their specific requirements, many of the methods for promoting participation can be applied broadly. Research is needed to develop resources that compile best practices and offer executable solutions for airport operators who wish to increase their local and disadvantaged business participation. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook to assist airports with promoting airport opportunities to diverse businesses. For the purpose of this guidebook, airport opportunities include construction, professional services, goods and services, and concessions. Diverse businesses include DBE, Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE), minority-owned, women-owned, and small businesses. The guidebook should identify best practices and outline applicable federal requirements to enable consistent administration of the federal DBE program. KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - Concessions KW - Disadvantaged business enterprises KW - Handbooks KW - Minority business enterprises KW - Small business KW - Women owned business enterprises UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3437 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332081 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543867 TI - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) at Airports: A Primer AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other stakeholder agencies are working to safely integrate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the National Airspace System (NAS). Currently the FAA prohibits commercial use; however, public entities are allowed to operate under a Certificate of Authorization or Waiver (COA) and civil entities under special airworthiness certificates. As UAS operations become more common, public airports will begin to receive increased requests to utilize their facilities. There are many factors that will influence airport operations. Therefore, an initial review and analysis of current UAS operations would be helpful to airports and other stakeholders. The objective of this research is to develop a primer to assist airports of all types and sizes and their stakeholders in gaining an understanding of UAS and their potential use and impact on airports. Information in the primer should include a glossary of key terms and a background on the current state of UAS operations. The primer should address, but not be limited to, the following considerations: (1) Costs and benefits to airports; (2) Air Traffic Control (ATC) operations and coordination (3) Training of airport personnel or airport certification needed Flight standards requirements; (4) Communications and any spectrum related issues Regulatory [e.g., COA, and Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)]; (5) Public relations; (6) Airport/UAS compatibility; (7) Facility requirements; (8) Safety Management Systems (SMS); (9) Security and access control; (10) Grant assurances; (11) Environmental impacts; (12) Land use compatibility; (13) Emergency response requirements; (14) Economic development; and (15) Lessons learned from existing airports (public use and military) with UAS activity. KW - Airports KW - Benefits KW - Costs KW - Drone aircraft KW - Environmental impacts KW - Land use planning KW - Regulations KW - Safety KW - Training UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3443 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332015 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571984 TI - COE CST Collaboration Coordination AB - No summary provided. KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Cooperation KW - Coordination KW - Management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363590 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547695 TI - Implementing Integrated Self-Service at Airports AB - The commercial aviation industry has and will continue to rapidly adopt self-service models for passenger service functions, but this has been done largely in an independent manner. Examples include remote check-in, baggage tagging and screening, off-site baggage check-in, mobile boarding passes, dynamic way-finding, self boarding, parking payments, concession advance purchases, border clearance, and baggage tracking. With passenger traffic growing and funding sources shrinking, airports need a coordinated and strategic approach with their stakeholders to implement self-service processes to optimize overall efficiencies. The objective of this research is to develop guidelines for considering, evaluating, and making strategic decisions for implementing and optimizing a comprehensive passenger self-service experience for a variety of sizes of U.S. airports and their stakeholders. The guidelines should include at a minimum the following: (1) An inventory of self-service applications and technologies with their respective benefits; (2) Establishment of a decision-making roadmap to implement self-service; (3) Identification of associated infrastructure and airport/airline/other stakeholder integration requirements of multiple self-service applications (e.g., physical space, technology); (4) Guidance for developing business cases for various stakeholders; (5) Determination of operational requirements to include staffing and maintenance; (6) Consideration of regulatory requirements and industry standards; (7) Identification of potential integrations of other non-passenger self-service applications to facilitate employee and tenant services; and (8) Demonstration of how various stakeholder technologies can combine into one cohesive system. KW - Airports KW - Automated checkin KW - Baggage handling KW - Baggage screening KW - Boarding KW - Business practices KW - Electronic payment (Parking) KW - Guidelines KW - Optimization KW - Passenger handling KW - Passengers KW - Plan implementation KW - Self-service passenger options KW - Smartphones KW - Stakeholders KW - Strategic planning KW - Wayfinding UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3450 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335327 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543733 TI - Quick Response for Special Needs. Task 23. Alternative IT Delivery Methods and Best Practices for Small Airports AB - Information technology (IT) systems at airports range from those found in any enterprise organization (e.g., email, word processing ) to those found exclusively or predominantly at airports (e.g., FIDS, BHS). Large airports tend to have the resources (money and staff) to manage these systems in-house that smaller airports typically don't. In addition, the staff at smaller airports may be unaware of alternative IT delivery systems, as well as lack the in-house expertise to evaluate these options and/or the understanding of far reaching considerations to determine who should be providing oversight, management, and day-to-day operations (i.e., in-house or outsourced) of IT systems. Little research has been done to assist those smaller airports with understanding the range of IT related options, including delivery methods, and the benefits and risks associated with providing the oversight, management, and day-to-day operations of those systems whether in-house or outsourced. The objective of this research is to provide guidance for medium, small, and non-hub airports with limited budgets and resources on: (1) evaluating alternative IT delivery methods and types of provider options (in-house vs. outsourced), and (2) associated best practices. Typical IT systems include: (1) Infrastructure (e.g., LAN/WAN/Internet/telephone); (2) Passenger processing systems (e.g., FIDS/BIDS/BHS/common use); (3) Security systems (e.g., CCTV/access control); (4) Office automation systems (e.g., email, word processing/website); (5) Enterprise back-office systems (e.g., finance, asset management, SMS); (6) Life safety systems (e.g., fire alarm/paging). The guidance should include at a minimum: (1) list of alternative methods of delivery with benefits and risks for each identified IT service; (2) evaluation considerations for determining the type of provider for IT systems whether in-house or outsourced or some combination; (3) integration considerations; and (4) best practices for smaller airports related to staffing, managing, and delivering IT services and support. KW - Airports KW - Budgeting KW - Information technology KW - Infrastructure KW - Passenger screening KW - Resource allocation KW - Security UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3463 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331840 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571776 TI - The Effect of Early Evening and Nighttime Aircraft Noise on Children's Learning AB - Project 25's goal is to understand the impact of aircraft noise on sleep, and to develop models that predict sleep disruption for a given aircraft noise profile. Chronic sleep disturbance is associated with multiple health issues including cognitive difficulties, exhaustion, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression. The amount of time spent in different sleep stages is important in terms of physical and psychological well being. What is not fully understood is how much aircraft noise impacts sleep in communities around airports, and how impacts due to aircraft noise compare with those due to other things (other noise sources, weight, age, stress, etc.) that are known to affect sleep. Models that predict the probability of being in different sleep stages given different profiles of night-time noise exposure are being examined, as are models that predict awakenings. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Children KW - Night KW - Public health KW - Sleep deprivation UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/noise-exposure-response-sleep-disturbance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363385 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01529362 AU - McCormack, Michael J AU - Gibson, Alec K AU - Dennis, Noah E AU - Underwood, Matthew C AU - Miller, Lana B AU - Ballin, Mark G AU - National Aeronautics and Space Administration TI - Feasibility of a Networked Air Traffic Infrastructure Validation Environment for Advanced NextGen Concepts PY - 2013/08 SP - 10p AB - Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) applications reliant upon aircraft data links such as Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) offer a sweeping modernization of the National Airspace System (NAS), but the aviation stakeholder community has not yet established a positive business case for equipage and message content standards remain in flux. It is necessary to transition promising Air Traffic Management (ATM) Concepts of Operations (ConOps) from simulation environments to full-scale flight tests in order to validate user benefits and solidify message standards. However, flight tests are prohibitively expensive and message standards for Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) systems cannot support many advanced ConOps. It is therefore proposed to simulate future aircraft surveillance and communications equipage and employ an existing commercial data link to exchange data during dedicated flight tests. This capability, referred to as the Networked Air Traffic Infrastructure Validation Environment (NATIVE), would emulate aircraft data links such as ADS-B using in-flight Internet and easily-installed test equipment. By utilizing low-cost equipment that is easy to install and certify for testing, advanced ATM ConOps can be validated, message content standards can be solidified, and new standards can be established through full-scale flight trials without necessary or expensive equipage or extensive flight test preparation. This paper presents results of a feasibility study of the NATIVE concept. To determine requirements, six NATIVE design configurations were developed for two NASA ConOps that rely on ADS-B. The performance characteristics of three existing in-flight Internet services were investigated to determine whether performance is adequate to support the concept. Next, a study of requisite hardware and software was conducted to examine whether and how the NATIVE concept might be realized. Finally, to determine a business case, economic factors were evaluated and a preliminary cost-benefit analysis was performed. U1 - Tenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2013)Federal Aviation AdministrationEUROCONTROLChicago,Illinois,United States StartDate:20130610 EndDate:20130613 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, EUROCONTROL KW - Air traffic control KW - Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Data sharing KW - Feasibility analysis KW - Flight tests KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Simulation KW - Surveillance KW - Validation UR - http://hdl.handle.net/2060/20140001090 UR - http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20140001090 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1312201 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01503977 AU - Torres, Jonathan AU - Kreckie, Jack AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - ARFF Professional Services, LLC AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Full-Scale Evaluation of ARFF Tactics for Cargo Fires on Freighter Aircraft PY - 2013/08//Final Report SP - 97p AB - On February 7, 2006, the United Parcel Service Flight 1307 was involved in a cargo fire incident at the Philadelphia International Airport. The official investigation of the incident identified deficiencies in training that Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) personnel had in fighting cargo fires inside freighter aircraft. The National Transportation Safety Board made several recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) related to ARFF training, tactics, strategy, and performance, to provide cargo firefighting training methods to ARFF personnel. As part of a response to these recommendations, the FAA launched a series of full-scale research tests to evaluate different tactics to combat cargo fires. A series of 11 test scenarios evaluated the effectiveness of certain firefighting tactics on specific cargo scenarios with various types of unit load devices (ULD), also referred to as cargo containers. The tests were performed at the Southern California Logistics Airport inside an Airbus A310. An oxygen deprivation tactic was used to seal all ventilation in the aircraft to determine if it could create an oxygen-deprived environment (i.e., oxygen levels drop below 12%) that would cause the fire to self-extinguish. Two high-reach extendable turrets with aircraft skin-penetrating nozzle (ASPN) technologies were used to evaluate penetration tactics on different-sized containers placed right next to the interior walls of the fuselage and their effectiveness in extinguishing or controlling a container fire. These penetrations were known as direct attacks. Two Snozzle® ASPN configurations and one Stinger® ASPN configuration were evaluated for this part of the research. For the next test scenarios, a Snozzle® ASPN, a Stinger® ASPN, and one prototype ASPN were used to evaluate tactics that involved indirectly attacking containers that were placed at an unreachable distance away from the interior wall of the fuselage. This meant water was discharged into the container from a distance and not from penetrating the container. In addition to container fires, pallet fires were produced to test the indirect attack tactic effectiveness using the standard Snozzle® ASPN. Data from the oxygen deprivation tests were inconclusive in determining the effectiveness of the tactic. Results from the direct attack tactics indicated that successful control and/or extinguishment of the fire can be achieved if the ASPN is able to penetrate into the container. Longer penetration into the fuselage proved to be more effective in controlling the fire. Data indicated that the prototype ASPN proved to be more effective than the current designs when indirectly attacking a burning ULD container. The data also showed the current standard ASPN design effectively controlled the open pallet fire in the tests. KW - Airbus A310 KW - Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting KW - Cargo aircraft KW - Containers KW - Fire fighting KW - Nozzles KW - Oxygen deprivation KW - Pallets KW - Strategic planning UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tc13-30.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1286160 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01503976 AU - Menchini, Christopher P AU - Air Force Research Laboratory AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Computational Flame Characterization of New Large Aircraft Immersed in Hydrocarbon Pool Fires PY - 2013/08//Final Report SP - 57p AB - New Large Aircraft (NLA) pose unique firefighting challenges unique for traditional aircraft. Specifically, questions have arisen regarding the applicability of current firefighting protection standards to nonconventional design changes, such as fuselage shape modifications, enhanced material compositions, new fuel storage locations, and unique passenger loading configurations. To address fuselage shape concerns, a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling strategy was developed to quantify heat transfer to the aircraft for a given aircraft geometry and hydrocarbon pool fire condition. The CFD predictions supported experimental validation data conclusions showing increased crosswinds amplify heat transfer to the aircraft surface due to enhanced turbulent fuel-air mixing. Based upon the predicted CFD fire plume structure and aircraft surface heat transfer magnitudes, nominal changes in aircraft geometry exposed to similar scale flame and atmospheric conditions pose no extraordinary firefighting challenge. All thermal attributes stayed within the same order of magnitude and, in the majority of instances, varied less than 15%. KW - Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting KW - Fire fighting KW - Fluid dynamics KW - Fuselages KW - Geometry KW - Heat transfer KW - New large aircraft KW - Shape UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=7b133c1d-a915-4325-b4e1-e80b6172c900&f=TC-13-31.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1286161 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01495179 AU - Geyer, Michael AU - Soares, Melanie AU - Hoff, Ashley AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - RNAV (GPS) Total System Error Models for Use in Wake Encounter Risk Analysis of Candidate CSPR Pairs for Inclusion in FAA Order 7110.308 PY - 2013/08 SP - 17p AB - FAA Order 7110.65 (Ref.1), Section 5-9-6, authorizes simultaneous dependent approaches for aircraft pairs with a minimum of 1.5 nautical mile (NM) radar separation to parallel runways whose centerlines are at least 2,500 feet but no more than 4,300 feet apart, with Instrument Landing System (ILS) or Area Navigation (RNAV) Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance permitted for aircraft approaching either runway. FAA Order 7110.308 (Ref.2) authorizes simultaneous dependent approaches for aircraft pairs with a minimum of 1.5 NM radar separation to specific/named parallel runways separated by less than 2,500 feet that have ILS guidance to both runways, with Heavy and B757 aircraft excluded from the lead position. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide recommended Total System Error (TSE) models for aircraft using RNAV (GPS) guidance when analyzing the wake encounter risk of proposed simultaneous dependent (“paired”) approaches, with 1.5 Nautical Mile (NM) minimum radar separation, to Closely Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPR). CSPR are defined as having centerline spacing less than 2,500 feet. RNAV (GPS) is being evaluated as a source of guidance to aircraft approaching one or both runways of specific pairs, in lieu of or in addition to ILS guidance. KW - Approach control KW - Aviation safety KW - Global Positioning System KW - Instrument landing systems KW - Risk analysis KW - Wakes UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/48000/48200/48213/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-13-06_RNAV_GPS_Error.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1263013 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01493303 AU - Milburn, Nelda J AU - Roberts, Carrie A AU - Perry, Deborah L AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Xyant Technology, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluation of the Stereo Optical OPTEC®5000 for Aeromedical Color Vision Screening PY - 2013/08//Final Report SP - 21p AB - Screening tests are valued for their ability to detect the presence (test sensitivity) and the absence (test specificity) of a disease or a specific condition such as color vision deficiencies (CVDs). From an aviation safety standpoint, it is important to identify those with CVDs because of their potential for accidents if they misinterpret vital color-coded information; whereas, failing an airman with normal color vision has other consequences to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) such as the expense of secondary screening. If a screening test has low specificity, it can have a high false positive rate—meaning that individuals are falsely noted as having the condition being screened. So, from the airman’s standpoint, especially if the airman has normal color vision (NCV), specificity is very important. The FAA has a color vision standard for airmen and air traffic controllers because of the occupations’ high reliance on color-coded information. Stereo Optical Company, Inc. requested a review of their model 5000 multifunction screener for aeromedical use, and the FAA found that instrument failed 50% of those with NCV. The manufacturer made some modifications and requested a re-evaluation. The validity of the original and modified versions of the OPTEC®5000 (called V1 and V2, respectively in this paper) was examined in two experiments. Experiment 1 involved 29 NCV and 31 CVD subjects that were administered the OPTEC®2000 and the V1. Experiment 2 examined the validity of the original and modified instruments by comparing test outcome on both versions to a diagnostic test using 50 NCV and 51 CVD subjects. In Experiment 1, the V1 failed 41.3% of the NCV participants. In Experiment 2, V1 failed 28%, and V2 failed 32% of the NCV subjects. V1 passed 16% of the subjects diagnosed with CVDs and V2 erroneously passed 12%. It is possible that the light-emitting diode strip, used in the OPTEC®5000, altered the color perception of the pseudo-isochromatic test plates and that substituting that light source for one with better color rendering could restore the test’s sensitivity and specificity rates. The specificity of the OPTEC®5000, in its original and modified states, are unacceptably low; and neither should be used for aeromedical color vision screening because of their low agreement with a diagnostic test (K(101)=.564 and .563, respectively). KW - Aviation KW - Color vision KW - Diagnostic tests KW - Personnel KW - Testing equipment KW - Vision tests UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201316.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1261875 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01490005 AU - Canfield, Dennis V AU - Berry, Michael AU - Whinnery, James E AU - Lewis, Russell J AU - Dubowski, Kurt M AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluation of a New Equation for Calculating the Maximum Wait Time for Pilots That Have Used an Impairing Medication PY - 2013/08//Final Report SP - 12p AB - Pilots that use an impairing medication to treat a medical condition are required to wait an appropriate amount of time after completing the treatment before returning to duty. However, toxicology findings for pilots involved in fatal aviation accidents have proven that not all pilots wait a sufficient period of time before returning to duty. Those pilots were found to have impairing concentrations of the drug in the blood at the time of the accident. In the past, somewhat arbitrary wait times were used based on medication half-lives, dosage intervals, class of drug, and other subjective methods to estimate a return-to-duty time. These methods do not take into consideration the time required for the drug to decrease from therapeutic concentrations to a safe sub-therapeutic concentration. An equation was developed based on the therapeutic range and the maximum expected half-life of the medication to objectively calculate a safe return-to-duty time for pilots.The equation developed assumes the treating physician will not dose the patient beyond the upper therapeutic range of the medication and the person taking the medication has the maximum half-life reported in the literature. The equation n = ln(0.5*Cmin/Cmax)/ln(0.5) was developed to determine the number of half-lives (n) required to reach one half of Cmin, where Cmin = lower therapeutic concentration, and Cmax = upper therapeutic concentration.This equation was evaluated for use in determining a safe return-to-duty time for pilots. Anonymous subjects were recruited according to an approved IRB protocol. All subjects had a preexisting medical condition treated with some type of medication. Blood and plasma were collected at approximately Cmax (2-3hrs) and again after waiting approximately 5 more hours. Subjects were asked to provide information on the drug name, dose, dosing interval, age, height, weight, and gender. Toxicological analysis was performed on the specimens collected to determine the concentration of the medication at the first and the second collection times. The new equation was evaluated to determine if the wait times calculated by the equation and other methods were sufficient to eliminate the medication to a concentration below the lower therapeutic concentration of the medication. KW - Air pilots KW - Aviation safety KW - Dosage KW - Equations KW - Half-life (Medication) KW - Impairments KW - Medication KW - Time intervals UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201314.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1259158 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01490004 AU - Yakopcic, Chris AU - Puttmann, John AU - Kunz, Benjamin AU - Ang, Clara AU - McPherson, Ashley AU - Santez, David AU - Donovan, Matt AU - Skarzynski, John AU - Trick, Joshua AU - Mead, Andrew AU - Milburn, Nelda AU - Khaouly, Nazih AU - University of Dayton AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Experimental Effective Intensity of Steady and Flashing Light-Emitting Diodes for Aircraft Anti-Collision Lighting PY - 2013/08//Final Report SP - 14p AB - Research was conducted to determine the effective intensity of flashing lights that incorporate light-emitting diodes (LEDs). LEDs require less power and have the ability to flash without the addition of moving parts. Compared with incandescent bulbs, however, LEDs yield a different spectral output and a different intensity profile when flashing. To determine the effect of these differences on a viewer’s ability to detect the light, the authors examined LEDs to determine if they can successfully replace legacy technologies/assemblies on aircraft. The LED was displayed to naive subjects to establish visibility thresholds using an automated system to drive the LED with variable intensity and duration. Experimental data were examined to determine which model for effective intensity (Allard, Modified Allard, or Blondel-Rey) is most appropriate for LEDs. Each of the methods was found to be applicable dependent upon the system being considered. Use of the Blondel-Rey method produced acceptable but conservative results. KW - Aircraft KW - Aviation safety KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Luminous intensity KW - Vehicle lighting KW - Visibility UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201315.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1259159 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572149 TI - Wetland Mitigation: An In-depth Look for Airports AB - Many airports have been built near wetlands; their original construction and subsequent expansion have resulted in the loss of wetlands. The Clean Water Act regulates impacts to wetland resources, and Executive Order 11990 requires federal agencies to avoid and minimize wetland impacts where possible. In 1989, the United States government established a "no net loss" policy with the goal of compensating for the loss of wetland resources through mitigation. Currently, there are many accepted forms of wetland mitigation, and requirements often vary by region. Successful mitigation strategies are required for permit compliance and also for the continuing safety of airport operations, yet wetland mitigation can be challenging due to concerns over the creation of wildlife hazards and maintenance of obstruction free zones. More detailed information on the types of wetland mitigation available would be helpful for both airports and regulatory agencies in determining the most appropriate form of mitigation. The objectives of this research are to: (1) describe current practice, including how wetland mitigation policy, permitting, and design criteria vary among regions; (2) identify considerations associated with designing and implementing wetland mitigation sites in proximity to airports; and (3) provide case studies of actual airport-associated wetland mitigation projects that detail their planning, permitting, design, implementation, maintenance, and cost. KW - Airport operations KW - Case studies KW - Clean Water Act KW - Environmental design KW - Wetlands KW - Wildlife UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=4016 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363705 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01546279 TI - Improving Ground Support Equipment Operational Data for Airport Emissions Modeling AB - Estimating an airport's contribution to a region's overall air quality is often required for State Implementation Plans (SIPs), Health Risk Assessments (HRA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analyses, other emission inventory programs, and for grant applications, such as the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Voluntary Airport Low Emissions (VALE) program. Although airport ground support equipment (GSE) can provide significant contributions to an airport's overall emissions, little guidance is available to help airports accurately capture actual GSE activity at their facility in a manner suitable for the FAA's approved emissions models, Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS) and the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT). This can result in inaccurate predictions of air quality impacts because staff may use insufficient or inconsistent data collection, analysis, and reporting methods (for example, when GSE are considered to be within an aircraft's activity zone). Conversely, airports often choose not to collect specific GSE activity data and instead use default values established in EDMS and AEDT, often due to resource constraints and the lack of guidance on how to gather GSE activity data; however, these default values are widely acknowledged to be conservative and may overestimate an airport's air quality impacts. Research is needed to update the default GSE fleet and operating time values currently in EDMS and AEDT and to develop a recommended protocol for gathering airport-specific GSE activity. The objective of this research is to develop a guidance document that provides: (1) an update to the recommended set of default GSE fleet and activity data used for each aircraft type (passenger, cargo and general) and (2) a protocol to improve the accuracy and consistency of data collection for airport GSE activity compatible with EDMS/AEDT. It is expected that the guidance document would be used by airport operations, environmental and planning personnel, as well as other stakeholders for the purpose of understanding and improving local air quality. (1) The updated set of default GSE fleet and activity values should address, at a minimum, the following: (a) Number and type of vehicles by aircraft code (e.g., A, B, C, D, etc.); (b) Difference between type of operations (i.e., dedicated cargo vs. passenger operations); (c) Time in operational mode (including idling); and (d) Gate deicing vehicles. (2) The airport-specific data-gathering protocol should include the following, at a minimum: (a) Parameters (i.e., time in operational mode, climatic conditions) to be collected; (b) Recommendation of statistically valid sample sizes; (c) Operational considerations for start-up and mobilization of equipment (i.e., when is the equipment actually in use for the aircraft or in transit); (d) Coordination with airlines; and (e) Safety considerations. (3) The guidance should be tailored to the following: (a) Airports of different sizes (small, medium, large/international); (b) Airports of different climates; (c) Limitations of the current default GSE fleet; (d) Various fueling methods (e.g., hydrant system vs. fuel trucks); (e) Availability and utilization of aircraft parking position utilities (availability of ground power and pre-conditioned air); and (f) Applicability to newer aircraft (i.e., A380, B787). KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Airports KW - Data collection KW - Emissions models KW - Environmental impacts KW - Ground support equipment KW - Guidelines KW - Pollutants UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3441 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1333161 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547521 TI - Ground Transportation at Airports: Best Practices AB - Managing and controlling commercial ground transportation (e.g., taxi, limousine, bus, courtesy shuttles, and shared-ride operating as pre-arranged, on-demand, or scheduled) is a challenge faced by most airports, regardless of their size and location, and the nature of this challenge is changing. Customers and elected officials are demanding higher quality service and are no longer willing to tolerate poor or overpriced service that can create a negative impression of a community. Community leaders are also becoming increasingly sensitive to the environmental implications of these transportation services, including opportunities for increased use of alternative fuel vehicles and reductions in unnecessary deadhead trips. New technologies are available to improve customer service, enhance revenues, and simplify the management of these ground transportation services. Airport staff must attempt to balance the frequently conflicting needs and expectations of customers, commercial vehicle drivers, business owners, local regulatory authorities, and other parties, while also controlling airport curbsides and roadways and managing commercial vehicle staging areas. The amount of airport staff time spent addressing these challenges is often out of proportion to the volume of passengers served. Furthermore, as local authorities reduce the resources available to the regulatory staff that has traditionally overseen and enforced these transportation services, airport staff are encountering increased responsibilities and time commitments. Also, the ground transportation service providers (providers) need a workable model within a level playing field to meet the demands of the other stakeholders and be successful. Understanding that ground transportation is a reflection of the environment they operate in, there is no current resource that provides information for airport operators to determine which ground transportation practices are best suited for their airport. The objective of this research is to prepare a guidebook that describes best ground transportation management practices (practices) that can be used to provide safe, comfortable, and easy-to-use commercial ground transportation for airport operators and their stakeholders at a variety of types and sizes of airports. Practices should include all elements of operations, oversight, procurement, reporting, and regulatory structure. The guidebook should address at a minimum, the following elements: (1) Models that demonstrate quality customer service, provide airport revenues, are easy to use, and provide good economic value to the providers; (2) Examples of airports by geographical region and airport size where best practices have been implemented; include critical factors of success and failures from airport, providers, and customer perspectives; (3) Methods of setting and collecting airport cost recovery fees; (4) Standards for vehicles and drivers; (5) The different types of provider business practices and their effects on the airport's ability to regulate; (6) Types of regulations and methods used for compliance and enforcement of all aspects of ground transportation; (7) Available technology that can benefit the airport, providers, and the customers; (8) Guidelines for flexibility to accommodate changes in airport operations; (9) The external factors impacting different operating practices; (10) Establishment of metrics to assist airports and providers in assessing the level of service; (11) Environmental initiatives; and (12) Common challenges for the providers. KW - Airport ground transportation KW - Best practices KW - Handbooks KW - Management KW - Operations KW - Oversight KW - Policy KW - Procurement UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3449 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334958 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543864 TI - Development of a NOₓ Chemistry Module for EDMS/AEDT to Predict NO₂ Concentrations AB - Dispersion modeling is used to assess the effects of airport-related emissions on ambient air quality. The modeling results are expressed as concentrations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) criteria pollutants and are compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The current EPA/FAA dispersion model is the Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS), which will be replaced by Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT). The EPA recently promulgated a new, 1-hour NAAQS for nitrogen dioxide (NO&#8322;) of 0.100 ppm. Values above this threshold are considered to be in violation of the NAAQS. As a result of the new regulations, greater attention is being paid to NO&#8322; concentrations, necessitating research on the accuracy of NO&#8322; concentrations predicted by EDMS/AEDT. The accuracy of model predictions is dependent on several factors, including emissions and chemistry, and available data can be used to evaluate the accuracy of the engine-specific NO/NO&#8322; emissions ratios (i.e., the Plume Volume Molar Ratio Method (PVMRM), the Ozone Limiting Method (OLM), and the Ambient Ratio Method (ARM)) in the EDMS/AEDT default values database. Further, the accuracy of NO&#8339; speciation may be improved in EDMS by explicitly calculating the NO-NO&#8322;-ozone photostationary state. Research is needed to assess the current methods for estimating NO&#8322; values near airports, verify their accuracy and, if necessary, improve upon these methods. The objectives of this research are to assess the accuracy of the NO&#8339; (NO+NO&#8322;) emissions and speciation methods used in EDMS/AEDT (i.e., OLM, ARM, and PVMRM) to predict NO&#8322; concentrations, develop and assess alternative methods, and recommend a preferred method for predicting NO&#8322; concentrations resulting from airport emissions. KW - Air quality KW - Airports KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Concentration (Chemistry) KW - National Ambient Air Quality Standards KW - Nitrogen dioxide KW - Pollutants UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3438 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332012 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543866 TI - Methodology to Improve EDMS/AEDT Quantification of Aircraft Taxi/Idle Emissions AB - Aircraft emissions represent approximately 90 percent of total airport emissions, and a majority of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (THC) emissions are produced during the taxi/idle phase of operation. Airports are often required to analyze emissions to gauge the impact of new projects that could result in operational changes or increased activity. It is therefore important that the impact of aircraft be accurately estimated for regional air quality State Implementation Plans and/or National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) tabulates engine emissions performance in its Emissions Databank and defines idle at 7 percent of rated thrust. Airports are required to use the Emission Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS) and Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT), which use ICAO emissions indices to represent engine idle. In practice, however, most aircraft engines idle at fuel flow rates less than the ICAO definition for engine idle. It has been shown through both modeling and measurements that emissions of CO and THC increase as the fuel flow rate drops below the rate defined by the 7 percent thrust rating. Research is needed to develop an improved methodology to estimate aircraft engine emissions during the taxi/idle phase of operation. The objectives of this research are to develop: (1) a prioritized list of potential improvements to EDMS/AEDT that will increase their predictive accuracy for estimating commercial jet aircraft emissions during the taxi/idle phase of operation and (2) detailed documentation of select near-term, high-priority improvements. The research should include: (1) A literature review; (2) A review of EDMS/AEDT modeling inputs, assumptions, algorithms, database coverage, and outputs relative to estimating commercial jet aircraft emissions during the taxi/idle phase of operation, and an assessment of the models' ability to capture operational practice and predictive accuracy; (3) An analysis of actual, in-service engine performance data compared to taxi/idle assumptions in EDMS/AEDT. (See Special Note A); (4) An evaluation of the implications of model inaccuracies relative to airport emissions inventories; (5) A prioritized list of potential EDMS/AEDT improvements that would result in a more accurate methodology for estimating emissions during the taxi/idle phase that would consider (but not be limited to): a) Converting fuel flow data into emissions factors during taxi/idle conditions for representative engine/aircraft types, b)Incorporating ambient conditions (e.g., temperature), c) Improving representation of actual operational practice (e.g., single-engine taxi, e-taxi) and specific airport characteristics; (6) Detailed documentation of recommended near-term, high-priority improvements to EDMS/AEDT that would result in more accurate predictions of emissions during the taxi/idle phase (see Special Note B); (7) Stakeholder outreach to obtain feedback on the detailed documentation of recommended near-term, high-priority improvements to EDMS/AEDT (see Special Note C); and (8) A description of the steps needed for implementation of the model improvements. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft KW - Airports KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Environmental impacts KW - Hydrocarbons KW - Idle time KW - National Environmental Policy Act KW - Pollutants UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3440 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332014 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571981 TI - Composites Materials Handbook AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Composite materials KW - Handbooks UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363587 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571777 TI - Examination of Engine to Engine PM Emissions Variability Using an ARP Reference Sampling and Measurement System AB - Project 37 is focused on well defined research needs associated with sampling non-volatile PM from gas turbine engines. These needs arise from the deliberations of the SAE E31 committee as they pursue the development of a recommended practice. This work is based and builds on preliminary studies conducted under PARTNER Projects 29 and 34. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Environmental impacts KW - Particulates KW - Pollutants KW - Turbine engines UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/non-volatile-particulate-matter---sae-e31-aerospace-recommended-practice-research-issues UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363386 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01506247 AU - Senzig, David A AU - Cumper, Jordan AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Fuel Consumption of ADS-B and non-ADS-B Helicopter Operations in the Gulf of Mexico PY - 2013/07//Final Report SP - 31p AB - Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS‐B) is a key enabling technology for the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) in the United States. The NextGen system replaces the current ground based command‐and‐control system with a Global Positioning System (GPS)‐based autonomous system where both controllers and fully equipped aircraft will be able to detect all nearby aircraft and their important state data in real time. This report examines the potential improvements in helicopter operations in the Gulf of Mexico due to the implementation of ADS‐B. While there may be other benefits to ADS‐B operations, such as reduced noise exposure, this report looks exclusively at potential fuel consumption reductions due to improved routing. Examination of the ADS‐B operations and (Enhanced Traffic Management System) ETMS flight plans shows a small but measurable improvement in the efficiency of the helicopter flights under ADS‐B due to more direct routing. KW - Air traffic control KW - Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast KW - Flight plans KW - Fuel consumption KW - Global Positioning System KW - Gulf of Mexico KW - Helicopters KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Routing UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/50000/50900/50906/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-13-05.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1290393 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01491297 AU - Bleckley, M Kathryn AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Self-Description Inventory+, Part 1: Factor Structure and Convergent Validity Analyses PY - 2013/07//Final Report SP - 22p AB - Each year the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) hires approximately 900 new air traffic controller candidates, the majority of whom take the Air Traffic Selection and Training test battery, better known as AT-SAT. This test, developed in 1997, is based on a job/task analysis conducted by Nickels, Bobko, Blair, Sands, & Tartak (1995). The test was developed as separate modules with eight subtest modules included in the current version. One module, the Experience Questionnaire (EQ), measures 12 scales of personality. The current report examines the possibility of replacing the EQ with a Five Factor Model (FFM) measure of personality, the Self-Description Inventory+ (SDI+). This report examines the factor structure of the SDI+ and its convergent validity with the Goldberg Adjective Checklist. The results show that the SDI+ has scales that are intercorrelated in a manner consistent with the FFM (Experiment 1), a factor structure consistent with its design (Experiment 2), and high levels of convergent validity with the Goldberg adjective checklist (Experiment 3). Because it has met the criteria showing it to be an FFM instrument, concurrent validity research will be conducted to determine if the SDI+ has greater predictive utility than the EQ. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Personality KW - Selection and appointment KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration KW - Validity UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201313.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1257425 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01488055 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - FAA's Civil Aviation Registry Lacks Information Needed for Aviation Safety and Security Measures PY - 2013/06/27 SP - 22p AB - As part of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) safety mission, its Flight Standards Service (AFS) maintains the Civil Aviation Registry to ensure that unqualified aircraft owners and airmen do not receive aircraft registrations or licenses. FAA uses the Registry to process and maintain ownership registrations on 350,000 private and commercial aircraft and records on pilots’ licenses. The Registry, which contains personally identifiable information (PII), also serves as a source of information for other Government agencies, including those responsible for homeland security and investigations of aviation accidents and other incidents. The U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General (OIG) initiated this audit because of congressional concerns over aviation safety and the security of the information that FAA maintains in the Registry. OIG's objectives were to determine whether (1) aircraft registrations and pilot certifications include the information needed for FAA to ensure aviation safety, (2) security controls keep the Registry secure from unauthorized access, and (3) contingency plans are sufficient to recover the Registry system in the event of an emergency. Briefly, FAA’s Civil Aviation Registry lacks accurate and complete information needed for aviation safety and security measures. The Registry lacks information on registered aircraft, owners—including non-U.S. citizens—and their compliance with FAA regulations. FAA’s regulations require owners to periodically update or correct the information in their Registry records, but the Agency does not check these re-registrations against the original records to ensure accuracy and regulatory compliance. FAA has not implemented needed security controls over the Registry’s configuration and account management to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to PII. FAA maintains it is not responsible for information voluntarily submitted to the Registry. However, FAA’s practices are contrary to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) requirements that require protection of PII and emphasize the importance of access controls, up-to-date operating systems, and continuous monitoring. FAA’s recovery plan for the Registry does not meet DOT’s information technology (IT) security policy requirements and is inadequate to ensure that the system is recoverable after a disaster or other event causing it to be shut-down. KW - Air pilots KW - Aviation safety KW - Certification KW - Contingency planning KW - Data access KW - Data quality KW - Information systems KW - Registrations KW - Security KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/FAA%20Civil%20Aviation%20Registry%20Report%5E06-27-2013.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1257067 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572500 TI - Project 12 - Climate AB - The direct impact of aviation on climate via the emission of greenhouse gases and particles is small relative to other anthropogenic sources. However, the potential impact of aviation on climate is unique because aviation associated sources occur at high altitudes where other anthropogenic sources are absent, and aircraft are the only major source of emissions above the Arctic Circle. The climatic and chemical impact of aviation emissions and the resulting contrails and contrail-enhanced cirrus in the troposphere and stratosphere may be significant. There are large uncertainties in relating aviation emissions to changes in radiative forcing or surface temperature, especially for contrail-associated pathways. The research seeks to find robust relationships between aircraft emissions and the properties of contrails generated by aircraft under a variety of atmospheric conditions using both a high-resolution large-eddy simulation model and telescoping global-regional climate model. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Climate KW - Environmental impacts KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/emissions-atmospheric-impacts UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364464 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01485159 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - FAA Lacks a Reliable Model for Determining the Number of Flight Standards Safety Inspectors It Needs PY - 2013/06/20 SP - 33p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employs approximately 4,000 aviation safety inspectors and 40 analysts who play a key role in helping to maintain the United States’ remarkable air carrier safety record. However, the February 2009 Colgan Air crash highlighted potential weaknesses in FAA’s oversight of Part 121 air carriers, including concerns about whether FAA has enough inspectors. In October 2009, FAA introduced a new staffing model, known as the Aviation Safety Staffing Tool and Reporting System, to address concerns raised in a 2006 congressionally mandated National Research Council (NRC) study. The NRC concluded that FAA had an ineffective method for identifying how many safety inspectors it needs and where they are most needed. In the Airline Safety and FAA Extension Act of 2010, Congress directed the U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General (OIG) to evaluate how FAA assigns inspectors to Part 121 air carriers, including assessing the number and experience levels of inspectors and analysts, and how inspectors use surveillance methods to supplement their regular inspections. Accordingly, OIG's audit objectives were to (1) determine the status of FAA’s implementation of its new staffing model, (2) evaluate the process FAA uses to assess the number and level of experience of inspectors and analysts assigned to each Part 121 carrier, and (3) evaluate FAA’s use of other surveillance processes to supplement the inspections performed by assigned oversight offices. Briefly, FAA established its inspector staffing model over 3 years ago; however, the model is faulty—containing incomplete, inaccurate, and outdated data—and cannot be relied on to determine the number and placement of inspectors needed. For example, key data such as the number of hours worked per task by inspectors are still based on outdated surveys rather than actual data. Without a reliable inspector staffing model, FAA’s process for assessing the number of inspectors and analysts assigned to each Part 121 air carrier does not differ significantly from prior methods that the NRC deemed ineffective. FAA supplements its regular inspections through its reinstated geographic surveillance program. While the geographic surveillance program is a helpful oversight tool, OIG identified concerns that may undermine its success. For example, inspectors expressed reluctance to participate in certain aspects of the new geographic surveillance program because typically, inspectors in other offices are not trained on the specific operations of their assigned air carrier. KW - Airlines KW - Aviation safety KW - Implementation KW - Inspection KW - Inspectors KW - Oversight KW - Selection and appointment KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/FAA%20Inspector%20and%20Analyst%20Staffing%20Report%5E6-20-13.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1253611 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547546 TI - Evaluating the Airport Emergency Response Operations Simulation (AEROS) Tool AB - The Airport Emergency Response Operations Simulation (AEROS), developed as part of Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Project 04-04, provides a training-centered suite of exercise scenarios focused on decision making during airport emergency management situations. The purpose of AEROS is to provide web-based exercises for the command roles in the emergency operations center (EOC) for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-required hazards (as listed in Part 139.325 scenarios). Decision makers receive immediate feedback both during the simulation and afterwards in a post-review. The tool provides a common environment for a range of training from initial familiarization for a novice through full team collaboration for expert-level performers. The tool can be used individually or as a facilitated exercise. The objectives of this research are to (1) assess the overall usefulness of the AEROS simulation tool and its scenarios and (2) provide recommendations, as applicable, to ensure its effectiveness as a training tool for the airport industry. The research should include the following: (1) An evaluation of the AEROS simulation software compared to other simulation software tools from other industries (see Special Note B) to determine best practices that are effective in training novice through expert-level responders in their roles and responsibilities in emergency response. (2) Field evaluations and usability reviews of the AEROS tool and its scenarios to determine usefulness to airports. Evaluations of all scenarios should be conducted, be geographically diverse, include responders from each anticipated EOC role, represent Index A-E airports, and allow all participants an opportunity to provide feedback. (3) Definition of the audience(s) where the tool will provide the most value to the airport industry, including the best way to familiarize the user community(s) with the use of the tool. The research plan should be developed so that, at a minimum, the following questions can be answered as part of the AEROS evaluation: (1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the scenarios, as they are developed, with respect to training EOC responders? Explain the rationale of the analysis. (2) Is there enough variability within the scenarios to keep users engaged and to optimize learning of responder roles and responsibilities? (3) Does this tool help responders better understand the necessary steps they will need to take in their role in an emergency response? (4) Is the tool user-friendly and intuitive to the novice computer user? (5) Is this tool appropriate for all size airports as it relates to the different resources that airports have available to them in an incident? (6) Does the fact that the simulation is unable to exactly replicate an activated EOC with respect to the noise level and chaotic atmosphere decrease the effectiveness of the tool? (7) What are the different ways in which this tool can be used (i.e, in what environment, individual, group, facilitated exercise, or classroom)? (8) What are the computer system requirements needed for the software, as developed, to function properly? (9) What are the best practices for applying the tool in the airport environment, post training record keeping, and measuring effectiveness of the training session? (10) What are the potential pitfalls that an airport should be aware of that already uses an emergency response management software system? The final deliverables will include: a final report that documents the research, provides the findings and analysis from the evaluation and usability review of the scenarios and the tool, provides feedback and analysis of the provided questions above, outlines best practices for optimizing training for novice to expert-level responders, describes the audience(s) for the tool with recommendations as to how to best reach those audiences as to the availability of the tool, and includes recommendations on what, if any, modifications are necessary to the tool and/or the scenarios to ensure its usefulness to the airport industry. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Decision making KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Emergency management KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Simulation KW - Training KW - Web applications UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3379 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334983 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543868 TI - Safety Risk Management for Airports AB - A Safety Management System (SMS) includes a proactive approach to safety and is comprised of four components: Safety Policy, Safety Risk Management (SRM), Safety Assurance, and Safety Promotion. While it is generally accepted that SMS is beneficial and enhances the safety of the overall operating environment, it is still not broadly embraced nor is there a general understanding of SMS implementation. Those who have a SMS program claim that it's likely that most airports are informally using many of the basic elements of SMS. The SRM component comprises five steps: (1) describing the systems, (2) identifying the hazards, (3) analyzing the risk, (4) assessing the risk, and (5) mitigating the risk. The SRM process is used for all identified issues, regardless of the complexity or size of the airport. An issue could be as simple as being identified and immediately fixed or complex, such as a construction project requiring a more detailed SRM process. While the benefits of SRM include a responsive safety environment and informed decision making, there are industry concerns regarding the SRM process. These concerns include the required staff time needed and the potential need to add staff; documentation; additional related expenses; and the increase in time to get from design to construction with more complex projects. These concerns are amplified for those airports with limited resources. Research is needed to provide airport operators with guidance on how to efficiently and effectively conduct the SRM process. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook for airports on conducting the safety risk management (SRM) process. The guidebook should include, at a minimum, the following elements: (1) Instruction for the five steps of the SRM process and how to tailor it to match the complexity of the issue(s); (2) Triggers that identify need for the SRM process and the path to get there; (3) A glossary of key terms; (4) A list of relevant resources; (5) Step-by-step instruction on when and how to conduct a SRM panel, addressing challenges and best practices; (6) SRM documentation and tools; and (7) An appendix that succinctly summarizes the SRM process and includes a one-page description and customizable checklist for each role within the SRM process. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Decision making KW - Handbooks KW - Risk management KW - Safety Management Systems UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3444 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332016 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01491376 AU - Cho, J Y N AU - Frankel, R S AU - Donovan, M F AU - Veillette, M S AU - Heinselman, P L AU - Massachusetts Institute of Technology AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Wind-Shear Detection Performance Study for Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) Risk Reduction PY - 2013/06/12/Project Report SP - 68p AB - Multifunction phased array radars (MPARs) of the future that may replace the current terminal wind-shear detection systems will need to meet the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) detection requirements. Detection performance issues related to on-airport siting of MPAR, its broader antenna beamwidth relative to the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), and the change in operational frequency from C band to S band are analyzed. Results from the 2012 MPAR Wind-Shear Experiment (WSE) are presented, with microburst and gust-front detection statistics for the Oklahoma City TDWR and the National Weather Radar Testbed (NWRT) phased array radar, which are located 6 km apart. The NWRT has sensitivity and beamwidth similar to a conceptual terminal MPAR (TMPAR), which is a scaled-down version of a full-size MPAR. The microburst results show both the TDWR probability of detection (POD) and the estimated NWRT POD exceeding the 90% requirement. For gust fronts, however, the overall estimated NWRT POD was more than 10% lower than the TDWR POD. NWRT data is also used to demonstrate that rapid-scan phased array radar has the potential to enhance microburst prediction capability. KW - Airports KW - Gusts KW - Microbursts KW - Oklahoma City (Oklahoma) KW - Radar KW - Weather radar KW - Wind shear UR - http://www.ll.mit.edu/mission/aviation/publications/publication-files/atc-reports/Cho_2013_ATC-409_WW-27038.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1257509 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571983 TI - Omis Integration AB - No summary provided. KW - Information systems KW - Integrated systems KW - Oversight KW - Technical assistance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363589 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571778 TI - Round-Robin Inter-comparison Studies of an ARP Reference System with an OEM System AB - Project 37 is focused on well defined research needs associated with sampling non-volatile particulate matter (PM) from gas turbine engines. These needs arise from the deliberations of the SAE E31 committee as they pursue the development of a recommended practice. This work is based and builds on preliminary studies conducted under PARTNER Projects 29 and 34. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants KW - Turbine engines UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/non-volatile-particulate-matter---sae-e31-aerospace-recommended-practice-research-issues UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363387 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571698 TI - Noise Exposure Response - Sleep Disturbance AB - Project 25's goal is to understand the impact of aircraft noise on sleep, and to develop models that predict sleep disruption for a given aircraft noise profile. Chronic sleep disturbance is associated with multiple health issues including cognitive difficulties, exhaustion, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression. The amount of time spent in different sleep stages is important in terms of physical and psychological well being. What is not fully understood is how much aircraft noise impacts sleep in communities around airports, and how impacts due to aircraft noise compare with those due to other things (other noise sources, weight, age, stress, etc.) that are known to affect sleep. Models that predict the probability of being in different sleep stages given different profiles of night-time noise exposure are being examined, as are models that predict awakenings. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Communities KW - Noise KW - Public health KW - Sleep UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/noise-exposure-response-sleep-disturbance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363276 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01538207 AU - Callantine, Todd J AU - Kupfer, Michael AU - Martin, Lynne AU - Prevot, Thomas TI - Simulations of Continuous Descent Operations with Arrival-Management Automation and Mixed Flight-Deck Interval Management Equipage PY - 2013/06 SP - 10p AB - Air traffic management simulations conducted in the Airspace Operations Laboratory at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center have addressed the integration of trajectory-based arrival-management automation, controller tools, and Flight-Deck Interval Management avionics to enable Continuous Descent Operations (CDOs) during periods of sustained high traffic demand. The simulations are devoted to maturing the integrated system for field demonstration, and refining the controller tools, clearance phraseology, and procedures specified in the associated concept of operations. The results indicate a variety of factors impact the concept’s safety and viability from a controller’s perspective, including en-route preconditioning of arrival flows, useable clearance phraseology, and the characteristics of airspace, routes, and traffic-management methods in use at a particular site. Clear understanding of automation behavior and required shifts in roles and responsibilities is important for controller acceptance and realizing potential benefits. This paper discusses the simulations, drawing parallels with results from related European efforts. The most recent study found en-route controllers can effectively precondition arrival flows, which significantly improved route conformance during CDOs. Controllers found the tools acceptable, in line with previous studies. U1 - Tenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2013)Federal Aviation AdministrationEUROCONTROLChicago,Illinois,United States StartDate:20130610 EndDate:20130613 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, EUROCONTROL KW - Air traffic control KW - Approach control KW - Arrivals and departures KW - Automation KW - Descent KW - Enroute traffic control KW - Flight decks KW - Simulation KW - Vehicle trajectories UR - http://hdl.handle.net/2060/20140004913 UR - http://human-factors.arc.nasa.gov/publications/ATM2013_Callantine_Final.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1323183 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01532303 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - NextGen Implementation Plan PY - 2013/06 SP - 98p AB - This Plan provides a roadmap of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) ongoing transition to Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), which is improving the way we fly. NextGen integrates new and existing technologies, policies and procedures to reduce delays, save fuel and lower aircraft exhaust emissions to deliver a better travel experience. The NextGen Implementation Plan provides an overview of the benefits aircraft operators and passengers are receiving from recent NextGen improvements; it also highlights future benefits that will result from NextGen. While the thrust of this work focuses on U.S. airports, airspace and aircraft, the FAA actively engages with global aviation partners to ensure operators receive benefits anywhere in the world. KW - Air traffic control KW - Air transportation KW - Air transportation facilities KW - Aircraft KW - Airports KW - Implementation KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - United States UR - https://bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/050-300-00005-6 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1317310 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01526313 AU - Wing, David AU - Prevot, Thomas AU - Lewis, Timothy AU - Martin, Lynne AU - Johnson, Sally AU - Cabrall, Christopher AU - Homola, Jeffrey AU - Sheth-Chandra, Manasi AU - Mercer, Joey AU - Morey, Susan TI - Pilot and Controller Evaluations of Separation Function Allocation in Air Traffic Management PY - 2013/06 SP - 10p AB - Two human-in-the-loop simulation experiments were conducted in coordinated fashion to investigate the allocation of separation assurance functions between ground and air and between humans and automation. The experiments modeled a mixed-operations concept in which aircraft receiving ground-based separation services shared the airspace with aircraft providing their own separation service (i.e., self-separation). Ground-based separation was provided by air traffic controllers without automation tools, with tools, or by ground-based automation with controllers in a managing role. Airborne self-separation was provided by airline pilots using self-separation automation enabled by airborne surveillance technology. The two experiments, one pilot-focused and the other controller-focused, addressed selected key issues of mixed operations, assuming the starting point of current-day operations and modeling an emergence of Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) technologies and procedures. In the controller-focused experiment, the impact of mixed operations on controller performance was assessed at four stages of NextGen implementation. In the pilot-focused experiment, the limits to which pilots with automation tools could take full responsibility for separation from ground-controlled aircraft were tested. Results indicate that the presence of self-separating aircraft had little impact on the controllers’ ability to provide separation services for ground-controlled aircraft. Overall performance was best in the most automated environment in which all aircraft were data communications equipped, ground-based separation was highly automated, and self-separating aircraft had access to trajectory intent information for all aircraft. In this environment, safe, efficient, and highly acceptable operations could be achieved for twice today’s peak airspace throughput. In less automated environments, reduced trajectory intent exchange and manual air traffic control limited the safely achievable airspace throughput and negatively impacted the maneuver efficiency of self-separating aircraft through high-density airspace. In a test of scripted conflicts with ground-managed aircraft, flight crews of self-separating aircraft prevented separation loss in all conflicts with detection time greater than one minute. In debrief, pilots indicated a preference for at least five minute’s alerting notice and trajectory intent information on all aircraft. When intent information on ground-managed aircraft was available, self-separating aircraft benefited from fewer conflict alerts and fewer required deviations from trajectory-based operations. U1 - Tenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2013)Federal Aviation AdministrationEUROCONTROLChicago,Illinois,United States StartDate:20130610 EndDate:20130613 Sponsors:Federal Aviation Administration, EUROCONTROL KW - Air pilots KW - Air traffic control KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Aircraft separation KW - Automation KW - Evaluation KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Simulation UR - http://www.atmseminar.org/seminarContent/seminar10/papers/299-Wing_0127130452-Final-Paper-4-12-13.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1308701 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01503980 AU - Subbotin, Nicholas AU - Gardner, Susan AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment Validation Effort of the Runway Condition Assessment Matrix PY - 2013/06//Technical Note SP - 177p AB - In 2009, the Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment (TALPA) Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) recommended that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) conduct a trial program or validation effort to assess the use of a Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM), commonly referred to as the Matrix. The validation effort was intended to examine the RCAM’s processes to determine if they could be implemented at airports nationwide in order to disseminate runway surface condition information to pilots prior to landing. The objectives included validating the correlation between the Matrix surface condition descriptions and pilot braking action reports (PIREP) and determining the usability of the Matrix for airport operators and pilots. This technical note gives a general overview and background of the TALPA ARC and provides an overview of the two RCAM FAA validation efforts during consecutive winter airport operations seasons in 2009-10 and 2010-11. Recommendations for changes to the RCAM are also provided. This technical note discusses these two validation efforts along with the evaluation approach, analysis, results, and recommendations. Similarly, the revisions and changes that affected the RCAM and its processes during the course of this effort are also described. An Industry Team comprised of industry representatives instrumental in the development of the RCAM, along with the FAA, airport operators, and air carrier representatives who participated in the validation efforts, reviewed the evaluation approach, analysis, and results. Based on the results of the validation efforts, the Industry Team recommended that the FAA work to implement the RCAM and its processes into aviation operations. KW - Airport runways KW - Airstrips KW - Condition surveys KW - Landing KW - Runway Condition Assessment Matrix KW - Takeoff KW - Validation UR - http://www.airtech.tc.faa.gov/Safety/Downloads/TC-TN13-22.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1286164 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01490000 AU - Zuschlag, Michael AU - Chandra, Divya C AU - Grayhem, Rebecca AU - Research and Innovative Technology Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Usefulness of the Proximate Status Indication as Represented by Symbol Fill on Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information PY - 2013/06//Final Report SP - 106p AB - Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) displays depict traffic advisories, resolution advisories, and information on other aircraft. Symbols for other aircraft include the proximate status indication where the symbols of “proximate” (close) aircraft are filled and the symbols of “non-proximate” (more distant) aircraft are not filled. This web-based study examined the value of the proximate status indication as represented by symbol fill to assess implications for Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information (CDTIs), and found no advantage for it, only a disadvantage. Pilots viewed videos of traffic displays. Analysis of the data failed to show a benefit of the proximate status indication for estimating threat and potential for visual acquisition of traffic. Analysis did find a decrement in performance for identifying the greatest traffic threat, when the proximate status indication was depicted. In contrast to their performance, most pilots say the proximate status indication is useful. However, results indicate that pilots overemphasize proximity and underemphasize closing speeds when assessing threat levels. This bias may account for the pilot preference for displaying proximate status. Results of this study are intended to be of use to the Federal Aviation Administration in developing guidance material for CDTIs. KW - Cockpit display of traffic information KW - Cockpits KW - Instrument displays KW - Proximity detectors KW - Symbols KW - Traffic alert and collision avoidance system UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47600/47675/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-13-03.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1257641 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01489976 AU - Chandra, Divya C AU - Grayhem, Rebecca J AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluation of a Technique to Simplify Area Navigation and Required Navigation Performance Charts PY - 2013/06//Final Report SP - 98p AB - Performance based navigation (PBN), an enabler for the Federal Aviation Administration's Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), supports the design of more precise flight procedures. However, these new procedures can be visually complex, which may impact the usability of charts that depict the procedures. This study evaluated whether there are performance benefits from simplifying aeronautical charts by separating visually complex area navigation (RNAV) and required navigation performance (RNP) procedures onto different chart images. Forty-seven professional pilots who were qualified to operate with RNAV and RNP participated. They used high-fidelity current and modified charts to find a specific information from RNAV (RNP) approach and RNAV Standard Instrument Departure (SID) chart images that were shown one at a time on a computer monitor. Response time and accuracy were recorded. Results showed a consistent and significant reduction in the time to find information from the simplified chart images. Response time varied linearly with a simple clutter metric, the sum of visual elements in the depiction, indicating serial visual search. Most questions were answered with high accuracy, but some questions about altitude constraints yielded low accuracies. This experiment did not explore practical disadvantages of separating paths, such as the increase number of images to handle. KW - Aeronautical charts KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Human factors KW - Instrument flying KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Required navigation performance UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47900/47998/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-13-02.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1257637 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01484414 AU - Wenzel, Brenda M AU - Avers, Katrina B AU - Banks, Joy O AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Medical Examiner 2012 Feedback Survey: Content Analysis of Recommendations PY - 2013/06//Final Report SP - 48p AB - The Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI), as a component of the Office of Aerospace Medicine (OAM), surveyed the population of aviation medical examiners (AMEs), as federal designees, in 2012 to assess their satisfaction with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airman medical certification services and to gather their feedback on how to improve those services. Reported here are results from an indepth content analysis of AME recommendations for improving medical certification services, systems/tools, processes, and policies. One in five AMEs (438 of 2,118: 392 domestic and 46 MFI—military, federal, international) that met the survey selection criteria responded to at least one of the open text items. Of those, most reported being a senior AME (75% domestic, 81% MFI). All domestic and international regions were represented by the respondents. Of note, the majority of those providing recommendations who reported use of a medical certification service in the past 12 months also reported satisfaction with the service. AME feedback regarding development of organizational services identified needs for: training, real time/anytime access to FAA physicians, specific information, timely communication and specific content in correspondence, speedier FAA decisions, reduced costs, quality interactions with FAA personnel, and an increase in FAA staff. Feedback regarding enhancements to systems/tools included need for: new capabilities, ready and stable access, end user support in effective and efficient task performance, easier to use and read interfaces and printouts, and adjustment to existing capabilities. Feedback regarding changes to medical certification processes and policies addressed requirements for: transmission of reports, records, and documents to the FAA; airmen applications; exam appointments; issuance decisions; printed certificates; and AME rules. Some of the recommended improvements may not be feasible due to operational, financial, or regulatory constraints. Results provide a programmatic view of AME-recommended improvements and can be used to inform future OAM decisions regarding medical certification services. KW - Aviation medicine KW - Improvements KW - Medical certification KW - Medical examinations and tests KW - Program evaluation KW - Quality of service KW - Recommendations KW - Surveys UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201312.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1252956 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01484413 AU - Pierce, Linda G AU - Bleckley, M Kathryn AU - Crayton, Lynn AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Utility of the Air Traffic Selection and Training Test Battery in Hiring Graduates of an Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative Program PY - 2013/06//Final Report SP - 24p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recruits applicants for Air Traffic Control Specialist (ATCS) training positions from multiple hiring sources. Each hiring source has requirements that applicants must meet for eligibility. These hiring sources include the Air Traffic – Collegiate Training Initiative (CTI) for applicants with specialized education in air traffic control (ATC) and general public (GP) applicants with no prior ATC education or experience. CTI and GP applicants must pass the Air Traffic Selection and Training (AT-SAT) test battery, a computerized preemployment test battery designed to assess a candidate’s aptitude for performing the duties of an ATCS. Applicants must score as Qualified with a score of 70 – 84.9 or Well-Qualified with a score of 85 or above for further consideration. The current research provides an initial assessment of AT-SAT as part of the hiring process for CTI graduates. To consider the utility of AT-SAT in hiring CTI graduates, the authors compared the selection and training performance of CTI graduates and GP applicants taking AT-SAT between April 2007 and December 2009. In this sample, only 6.2% of CTI graduates and GP applicants failed to pass AT-SAT with a score of 70 or higher (2.3% CTI graduates, 6.9% GP applicants). There was variation in the scores of those who passed AT-SAT, but most were categorized as Well-Qualified (58.8%). Also, while most CTI graduates and GP applicants selected for training had scored as Well-Qualified on AT-SAT, more Qualified CTI graduates (24.2%) than GP applicants (5.8%) were selected. There was little difference between CTI and GP trainees in assignment to terminal or en route facilities (less than 2 percentage points). The majority of the trainees (63.4%) had completed training (successfully or unsuccessfully). CTI trainees were successful slightly more often (55.3%) than GP trainees (51.9%) and unsuccessful slightly less often (16.2% vs. 22.6%, respectively). Also, while Well-Qualified CTI trainees were successful at approximately the same level as Qualified CTI trainees (55.7% vs. 54.2%, respectively), they were unsuccessful less often (14.0% vs. 23.5%, respectively). The authors' recommendations are to continue to use AT-SAT in the hiring process of CTI graduates and to select primarily those who score in the Well-Qualified score category KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Aptitude KW - Aptitude tests KW - Hiring policies KW - Selection and appointment KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201311.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1252955 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01485382 AU - Asmar, D M AU - Kochenderfer, M J AU - Massachusetts Institute of Technology AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Optimized Airborne Collision Avoidance in Mixed Equipage Environments PY - 2013/05/22/Project Report SP - 60p AB - Developing robust collision avoidance logic that reliably prevents collision without excessive alerting is challenging due to sensor error and uncertainty in the future paths of the aircraft. Over the past few years, research has focused on the use of a computational method known as dynamic programming for producing an optimized decision logic for airborne collision avoidance. This report focuses on recent research on coordination, interoperability, and multiple-threat encounters. The methodology presented in this report results in logic that is safer and performs better than legacy Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS). Modeling and simulation indicate that the proposed methodology can bring significant benefit to the current airspace and can support the need for safe, non-disruptive collision protection as the airspace continues to evolve. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Aviation safety KW - Coordination KW - Crash avoidance systems KW - Dynamic programming KW - Interoperability KW - Optimization KW - Simulation UR - http://www.ll.mit.edu/mission/aviation/publications/publication-files/atc-reports/Asmar_2013_ATC-408_WW-26778.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1253644 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01530002 AU - Mehta, V AU - Reynolds, T G AU - Ishutkina, M A AU - Joachim, D AU - Glina, Y AU - Troxel, S W AU - Taylor, B J AU - Evans, J E AU - Massachusetts Institute of Technology AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Airport Surface Traffic Management Decision Support: Perspectives Based on Tower Flight Data Manager Prototype PY - 2013/05/20/Project Report SP - 98p AB - This report describes accomplishments and insights gathered during the development of decision support tools as part of the Terminal Flight Data Manager (TFDM) program. This work was performed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory and sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The TFDM program integrated flight data, aircraft surveillance, information on weather and traffic flow constraints, and other data required to optimize airport configuration and arrival/departure management functions. The prototype has been evaluated in both human-in-the-loop simulations, and during operational tests at Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport. In parallel, the Laboratory estimated future national operational benefits for TFDM decision support functions, using analysis and performance data gathered from major airports in the US. This analysis indicates that the greatest potential operational benefits would come from decision support tools that facilitate: i) managing runway queues and sequences, ii) tactical management of flight routes and times, impacted by weather and traffic constraints, and iii) managing airport configuration changes. Evaluation of TFDM prototype decision support functions in each of these areas provided valuable insights relative to the maturity of current capabilities and research needed to close performance gaps. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Decision support systems KW - Prototype tests UR - http://www.ll.mit.edu/mission/aviation/publications/publication-files/atc-reports/Mehta_2013_ATC-398_RP-4168.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1314264 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543921 TI - Mitigating Disruptive WiFi Interference at Airports AB - Wireless networks have become critical for various operational applications on the airport including baggage reconciliation, aircraft-to-gate data communications, facilities maintenance, and security, among others. In addition to the operational applications, wireless networks have become an expectation of the public for use with an increasing number of smartphones, tablets, and personal mobile hotspots. These uses compete for the same spectrum and have the potential to create major radio frequency interference that is disruptive to all users. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled that airports could not regulate the use of the WiFi spectrum or prohibit tenants with exclusive leases from installing WiFi in their leasehold areas. FCC staff recommended airports and tenants explore cooperative arrangements and innovative solutions to mitigate disruptive interference. Airport and airport tenants' dependence on wireless networks is increasing and will compound any interference problems that currently exist. Research is needed to quantify the impacts of interference to the end user and define mitigation solutions. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook written for airport leadership that describes the interference problems and solutions to mitigate disruptions to WiFi at airports. The guidebook should address these issues at a variety of types and sizes of U.S. airports with the following considerations: (1) Quantification of the extent and magnitude of the interference problems; (2) Best technical and business practices to provide accessible, secure service with adaptable band width to meet the needs of all stakeholders; (3) Communication and collaboration efforts between parties to maximize the benefits of a cooperative approach; (4) Reference designs, adaptable to different airport environments (small, medium, large, dominant carrier, no dominant carrier, and other tenant mix), including security requirements for all stakeholders; (5) Techniques for identifying and resolving interference issues outside reference designs; (6) Strategic vision that addresses potential impacts due to increasing demand, rapidly evolving technologies, and new uses (e.g., 802.11 ac, HD video, 4G backhaul); and (7) Total cost of ownership and return on investment, including intangibles. KW - Airport operations KW - Return on investment KW - Security KW - Service disruption KW - U.S. Federal Communications Commission KW - WiFi services KW - Wireless communication systems KW - Wireless LANs UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3435 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332079 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543865 TI - Helicopter Noise Modeling Guidance AB - Sound land use planning requires accurate predictions of the acoustic signatures at noise-sensitive receiver points and methods for interpreting the effect of acoustic signatures on public health, safety, and welfare. Historically, the study of noise impacts from aviation has been focused on fixed-wing aircraft, while the complexity of helicopter and new-technology rotary-wing aircraft has not been given adequate attention.The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Integrated Noise Model (INM) is currently the agency's required tool for National Environmental Policy Act( NEPA)-related studies and FAR Part 150 studies. The Heliport Noise Model Version 2.2 was recently incorporated into INM Version 7.0 with a helicopter noise database collected through both FAA and manufacturer certification measurements. Currently, the FAA is incorporating INM, along with emission and fuel burn calculation methodologies, into the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT). The fixed-wing aircraft noise prediction techniques employed in INM/AEDT rely on the widely accepted methodologies described in documents such as SAE International's SAE-AIR-1845 and the European Civil Aviation Conference's Document 29. However, in contrast to guidance related to fixed-wing aircraft, there is no peer-reviewed guidance document describing an integrated modeling technique for the prediction of helicopter noise.Research is needed to document current practice, improve modeling methods, and provide guidance for using INM/AEDT to predict helicopter noise. The objective of this research is to review, evaluate, and document current helicopter noise models and identify potential improvements to INM/AEDT to better capture the unique complexity of helicopter operations. The research should include: (1) A listing of relevant domestic and international literature with abstracts where available; (2) A review of the methods (e.g., inputs, assumptions, algorithms, database coverage, outputs, methods of estimating uncertainty) and validation history of existing noise models used for predicting helicopter noise, including, but not limited to, HNM/INM/AEDT and the Rotorcraft Noise Model; (3) An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each method's ability to capture the unique noise characteristics of helicopter operations, including takeoffs and landings at airports and heliports, overflights, hovering, and orbiting; (4) An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each model's user experience (e.g., database availability and accuracy, user interface, runtime, output) relative to modeling helicopter activity; (5) A prioritized list of potential improvements to INM/AEDT, including options for incorporating new technology aircraft (such as tilt rotors), and a subset of near-term, high-priority improvements for immediate development and incorporation into INM/AEDT that would result in more accurate predictions of helicopter noise; (6) Detailed documentation of the near-term, high-priority improvements to INM/AEDT that would result in more accurate predictions of helicopter noise; (7) A peer review of the detailed documentation of the near-term, high-priority improvements to INM/AEDT; (8) A supplemental document to the User Guide of INM/AEDT, providing guidance for modeling and presenting helicopter noise prediction data, similar in format to the European Civil Aviation Conference's Document 29, Volume 1; (9) A work plan and cost estimate to undertake the research necessary to develop the remaining improvements; and (10) Research ideas, in the form of Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) problem statements, proposing research to: (1) Improve the understanding of community response to helicopter noise; (2) Develop guidance for incorporating helicopter operations into land use planning/zoning; and (3) Address other research needs identified during the study. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Best practices KW - Guidelines KW - Helicopters KW - INM (Integrated Noise Model) KW - Land use planning KW - Landing KW - Takeoff KW - Zoning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3439 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332013 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571783 TI - NextGen CO₂ Sample Problem Analysis AB - Aircraft regulatory standards, or aircraft certification requirements with associated stringency levels, are among the set of mechanisms that can be used to incentivize CO&#8322; emissions reductions from commercial aviation. Setting such standards requires the definition and identification of a metric (e.g., gCO&#8322;/km, gCO&#8322;/(kg*km)), correlating parameter, stringency level, and scope of applicability (i.e., type of aircraft, reference missions, fuel mix). Project 30 seeks to develop robust metrics that objectively and accurately reflect CO&#8322; emissions at the aircraft and fleet levels. KW - Aircraft KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Fuel mixtures KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/metrics-aviation-co2-standard UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363392 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571779 TI - Inter-Comparison of ARP Compliant System for Aircraft Non-Volatile PM Emissions Measurements AB - Project 37 is focused on well defined research needs associated with sampling non-volatile particulate matter (PM) from gas turbine engines. These needs arise from the deliberations of the SAE E31 committee as they pursue the development of a recommended practice. This work is based and builds on preliminary studies conducted under PARTNER Projects 29 and 34. KW - Aircraft KW - Compliance KW - Environmental impacts KW - Particulates KW - Pollutants KW - Turbine engines UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/non-volatile-particulate-matter---sae-e31-aerospace-recommended-practice-research-issues UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363388 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01482110 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - FAA Continues to Face Challenges in Implementing a Risk-Based Approach for Repair Station Oversight PY - 2013/05/01 SP - 33p AB - Over the past 15 years, major U.S. air carriers increased spending for contract maintenance by nearly $2.7 billion. Industry experts expect this trend to continue as airlines increasingly attempt to cut maintenance costs and maximize profitability. Currently, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for overseeing nearly 4,800 aircraft repair stations used worldwide by U.S air carriers. In July 2003 and September 2008, the U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General (OIG) reported that FAA’s oversight did not ensure that work completed at repair stations met FAA standards, and OIG made recommendations aimed at improving this oversight. In response to OIG's 2003 report, FAA implemented a new process intended to provide comprehensive, standardized, and risk-based oversight of repair stations. At the request of the former Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Aviation, OIG evaluated the Agency’s progress since its last review. Specifically, OIG (1) determined whether FAA’s oversight includes accurate and timely risk assessments of repair stations, and (2) evaluated the effectiveness of FAA’s oversight of foreign and domestic repair stations. Briefly, FAA developed a risk assessment process to aid repair station inspectors in identifying areas of greatest concern. Despite FAA’s efforts, its oversight emphasizes completing mandatory inspections instead of targeting resources to where they are needed based on risk. FAA’s oversight of foreign and domestic repair stations lacks the rigor needed to identify deficiencies and verify that they have been addressed. This is because FAA inspectors typically do not use comprehensive and standardized procedures for conducting inspections and reporting inspection findings, resulting in inadequate and inconsistent inspection practices. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Domestic transportation KW - Implementation KW - Inspection KW - International transportation KW - Maintenance facilities KW - Oversight KW - Risk assessment KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/FAA%20Repair%20Station%20Oversight%5E5-1-13.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1250626 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01489961 AU - Yeh, Michelle AU - Goh, Juliana AU - Chase, Stephanie AU - Gabree, Scott AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - MITRE Center for Advanced Aviation System Development AU - Research and Innovative Technology Administration TI - Capstone 3 Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) – Airport Moving Map Operational Evaluation: Human Factors Report PY - 2013/05//Final Report SP - 65p AB - This report documents the human factors activities conducted as part of the Capstone 3 Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) – Airport Moving Map operational evaluation. The purpose of that operational evaluation was to understand the safety implications of an airport moving map on a Class 2 or Class 3 EFB and/or an approved aural runway safety alerting system. Three airlines (Atlas Air, Shuttle America, and US Airways) established an EFB program for the Capstone 3 operational evaluation. This report describes (1) the status of the EFB programs at these three airlines in September 2012 when the program ended, (2) the considerations in the development of the surveys designed to gather human factors information from this operational evaluation, and (3) the human factors findings on the usability of the EFB and airport moving map. The information in this report is intended to be of use to the Federal Aviation Administration in developing guidance material for EFBs and airport moving maps. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft operations KW - Airlines KW - Airport operations KW - Alert systems KW - Aviation safety KW - Electronic flight bags KW - Human factors KW - Runway incursions UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47800/47847/Capstone_3_May_2013.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1257635 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01483044 AU - Banks, Joy O AU - Wenzel, Brenda M AU - Avers, Katrina E AU - Hauck, E L AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Kenexa, Incorporated TI - An Evaluation of Aviation Maintenance Fatigue Countermeasures Training PY - 2013/05//Final Report SP - 22p AB - A major airline volunteered to help the Federal Aviation Administration Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) test a fatigue countermeasures training adapted for maintenance employees by providing employee participants and a training facility. The three-hour classroom training was developed, delivered, and evaluated by CAMI. Written tests and self-reports were used in the evaluation of the training to measure changes in employee knowledge, attitude, and behavior regarding fatigue and how to manage the associated risk. Questionnaires were administered up to one week before training, at the end of training, and six weeks following training. The training was effective in increasing employees’ general fatigue knowledge. Training also had an immediate positive affect on employees’ awareness of the importance in and commitment toward managing fatigue; however, their commitment, motivation, and self-efficacy toward fatigue management significantly declined six weeks following training. At follow-up, there were increases in consistent use of a few good sleep routine habits and avoidance of the majority of sleep routine and health and fitness bad habits, but there was no real impact on good work-life habits. Additionally, the occurrence of good work-life habits declined. Follow-up results suggest the maintenance organization needs to better support fatigue management in the work environment to realize long-term organizational benefits of fatigue countermeasures training. A computer-based version of the fatigue countermeasures training is available online (MXfatigue.com) at no cost. KW - Aircraft KW - Aviation safety KW - Countermeasures KW - Evaluation KW - Fatigue (Physiological condition) KW - Maintenance personnel KW - Training UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201309.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1251690 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01483042 AU - McCauley, Darendia AU - Peterson, L Sarah AU - King, S Janine AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Xyant Technology, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Development and Utility of the Front Line Manager’s Quick Reference Guide PY - 2013/05//Final Report SP - 23p AB - Air traffic control Front Line Manager’s (FLMs) influence the prevention of operational incidents (OIs) and runway incursions (RIs) through practices that enable safe controller performance and mitigate problems related to specific contributing factors, including controller coordination, controller-pilot communication, and controller memory. Proximity and frequent interactions with controllers in the operational environment place FLMs in a unique position to impact air traffic safety through managing controller performance and by mitigating OIs and RIs as common contributing factors. With this understanding of the FLM role, the Human Factors Division (ANG-C1), Booz Allen Hamilton (contractor), and Air Traffic Organization (ATO) developed the Front Line Managers Quick Reference Guide (QRG). The Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) subsequently helped the ATO with the reorganization of materials. The guide was intended to provide a management best practices format specific to air traffic control to assist FLMs perform their job. To determine the utility of the QRG, CAMI and ATO developed and administered a survey of FLMs. The survey also provided the ATO with a basis for additions or deletions to the QRG as it related to the specific factors that contribute to OIs and RIs. This report documents the development, implementation, and subsequent survey of the QRG for front line managers. The survey was designed for use by all field FLMs. Suggestions and recommendations from survey respondents are provided, which can keep the guide both current and relevant. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Aviation safety KW - Best practices KW - Handbooks KW - Managerial personnel KW - Personnel performance KW - Runway incursions KW - Supervision KW - Surveys UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201310.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1251694 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01485706 TI - Assessment of Co2 Emission Metrics for Commercial Aircraft Cert and Fleet Performance Monitoring from a NAS Perspective AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Certification KW - Fleet management KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1254926 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01595738 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Recycling, Reuse and Waste Reduction at Airports PY - 2013/04/24 SP - 52p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has compiled this synthesis document, or “one-stop-shop,” for airport sponsors to use as a resource when contemplating an airport recycling, reduction, and waste reuse program to further their waste minimization initiatives. Specifically, this guidance is designed to provide recommendations on what things to consider and steps to establishing a recycling program at an airport to divert municipal solid waste (MSW) from the landfill. Although recycling of MSW is the focus of this document, other non-MSW waste streams are discussed which may require special considerations with respect to regulatory compliance. There is a special emphasis on construction and demolition waste since this is a big component by weight and volume of waste generated on an airport. The document includes lessons learned and case studies from airports around the country that not only address best practices in recycling, but also in the areas of reuse and waste reduction via “green” procurement programs. Although recycling of MSW is the focus of this document, other non-MSW waste streams are discussed for completeness since they may be a significant portion of the waste generated at an airport and may require special considerations with respect to compliance. And finally, the document provides a list of resources for the user since the market for recyclables is ever changing and these resources can be used to keep the user up to date with the most current information available. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Case studies KW - Guidelines KW - Lessons learned KW - Recommendations KW - Recycling KW - Sustainable development KW - Waste management UR - https://www.faa.gov/airports/resources/publications/reports/environmental/media/RecyclingSynthesis2013.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1398236 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01546029 TI - Quick Response for Special Needs. Task 21. Innovative Airport Responses to Threatened/Endangered Species AB - Airports often occupy large tracts of land with varying degrees of development. Some parcels may be intensely developed with structures and pavement (e.g., the terminal area); others may have limited development (e.g., safety areas adjacent to runways and taxiways); and others may remain relatively undisturbed (e.g., buffer areas or parcels reserved for future development necessary to meet a region's long-range aviation activity needs). Airport land that is less developed may also be attractive habitat for many species of plants and animals, resulting in potential safety issues from bird and other animal interference with aircraft operations on the ground or in flight. While there are many measures to discourage common wildlife species at airports, the management of threatened and endangered (T&E) species is more challenging. When T&E species are identified on airport land, airport operators must work with environmental regulatory agencies to balance the need to protect these species with the needs for both maintaining the day-to-day safety of airport operations and meeting a region's long-range aviation needs. Many airport operators are unfamiliar with the issues brought about by the presence of T&E species at or near their airport, and regulators charged with protecting these species may not have a thorough understanding of the issues for maintaining a safe and efficient airport that meets the current and future needs of the community. In addition, various agencies may have differing missions, resulting in potentially conflicting goals. The results of these conflicting missions have led to significant airport costs, reduced operational efficiency, potential compromises in safety, or limited development options. Yet there are examples of sound practice for airports in addressing T&E species issues and of establishing a good working relationship with regulatory agencies. Research is needed to identify best practices for airports to address T&E species, including practical mitigation measures and coordination with key stakeholders. The objective of this research is to develop a primer to help airports address federal and state threatened and endangered species issues on or near their airport. The primer will include: (1) An introduction to the Federal Endangered Species Act (including a reference to the current list); (2) A discussion of airport activities and plans that could potentially create a Federal Endangered Species Act issue; (3) A description of the roles and responsibilities of the airport sponsor and regulatory agencies; (4) A description of typical process challenges and how to anticipate and overcome them, including how to address species concerns both before and after it has been listed as threatened or endangered; (5) Guidelines for developing and maintaining stakeholder relationships; (6) Steps for preparing a plan for both pre- and post-listing situations; (7) Tools and innovative approaches (e.g., candidate conservation agreements, safe harbor agreements, habitat conservation plans, impact mitigation, conservation programs, conservation easements, LEED credits, mitigation banking, partnerships with nonprofit agencies, volunteer programs, pools of experts, stakeholders and friends groups); (8) Case study examples representing diverse and innovative approaches to addressing T&E issues; (9) References to resources to address other critical species issues; and (10) A glossary of relevant terms. KW - Airport operations KW - Bird strikes KW - Buffer areas KW - Development KW - Endangered species KW - Habitat (Ecology) KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Wildlife UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3266 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332981 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01481608 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - ARRA Lessons Learned: Opportunities Exist for FAA to Further Improve Its Oversight of Airport Grant Payments PY - 2013/04/18 SP - 32p AB - On February 17, 2009, the President signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), designating $1.1 billion for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants. To maximize the impact of these grants, ARRA required Federal agencies to hold grantees accountable for their expenditures, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directed agencies to increase grantee oversight for that purpose. Given the sizeable amount of funds involved and the U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General's (OIG's) previous findings of improper payments involving AIP grants, OIG's audit objectives were to determine whether FAA’s oversight of ARRA grantees was sufficient to (1) prevent or detect improper payments and (2) ensure funds were used in accordance with ARRA requirements. Briefly, FAA’s oversight process was not sufficient to prevent or detect more than $1.4 million in improper payments. Of this total, $890,657 were for services that lacked FAA’s approval, expenses that are not eligible for payment from Federal grant funds, or payments that were billed to the wrong grant. For example, San Francisco International Airport officials improperly billed ARRA for over $832,000 for unapproved taxiway and drainage work, as well as ineligible survey equipment. At other airports, OIG identified almost $550,000 for services that lacked sufficient documentation to support payment amounts. For example, Washington Dulles International Airport lacked support for contractor invoicing of about $113,000 billed for crushed stone, concrete, and drainage. These improper payments occurred in part because FAA over-relies on grantees to ensure their payment requests are accurate and supported. Moreover, the Agency’s oversight of payments is typically limited to reviewing sponsor summary documentation, which frequently lacks sufficient detail to reveal ineligible or erroneous charges. FAA’s oversight also did not ensure that airport grant fund expenditures fully met ARRA and AIP requirements. Examples included allowing grantees to use ARRA funds to cover prior year work and accepting single bids without seeking lower prices. In the first case, FAA reimbursed the State of Alaska, recipient of eight airport ARRA grants, almost $4.7 million in ARRA funds for prior airport planning and design work that took place between 2004 and 2008, well before ARRA’s passage in 2009. While the Act directed FAA to use its normal AIP grant process (which permits such reimbursements), the Act also directed that the funds be used to create jobs and stimulate the economy (i.e., through new work). This apparent conflict could have been avoided if FAA had reimbursed the State of Alaska with AIP planning grants and used the $4.7 million instead on other new job-creating projects. In the second case, FAA regional offices allowed two grantees (Georgetown, KY, and La Grande, OR) to accept single bids without negotiating or comparing the proposals to the cost of similar projects. This raises questions as to whether the grantees obtained the best possible prices—especially since one of the bids was 22 percent higher than the airport’s original cost estimate. KW - Airport Improvement Program KW - Airports KW - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 KW - Expenditures KW - Financial responsibility KW - Grant aid KW - Lessons learned KW - Oversight KW - Payment KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/FAA%20Oversight%20of%20Airport%20Grants%20Funded%20By%20ARRA%5E04-18-13_0.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1250032 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01522323 AU - Plotkin, Kenneth J AU - Page, Juliet A AU - Gurovich, Yuriy AU - Hobbs, Christopher M AU - Wyle AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center TI - Detailed Weather and Terrain Analysis for Aircraft Noise Modeling PY - 2013/04//Final Contractor Report SP - 107p AB - A study has been conducted supporting refinement and development of Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) airport environmental analysis tools. Tasks conducted in this study are: (1) updated analysis of the 1997 KDEN noise model validation study with newer versions of integrated noise model (INM) and related tools; (2) analyze a sample of the 1997 KDEN validation data with simulation modeling; (3) develop algorithms for detailed weather modeling in FAA tools; (4) assess available validation data from studies at other airports; and (5) develop simplified terrain processing implementation, adapting the process successfully employed in simulation models. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Algorithms KW - INM (Integrated Noise Model) KW - Noise models KW - Simulation KW - Terrain KW - Validation KW - Weather UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51500/51557/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-14-08.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1306565 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01518899 AU - Heymsfield, Ernie AU - Osweiler, Adam B AU - Selvam, R Panneer AU - Kuss, Mark AU - University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Feasibility of Anti-Icing Airfield Pavements Using Conductive Concrete and Renewable Solar Energy PY - 2013/04//Final Report SP - 65p AB - Snow, ice, and slush pavement conditions significantly impact aircraft landing, takeoff, and ground operational safety. Snow removal operations, involving plowing and chemical treatment, are costly to airport operators and result in delays to the traveling public. This report presents an alternative approach that combines photovoltaic energy with conductive concrete to develop an anti-icing airfield pavement to prevent snow/ice accumulation. This approach maintains the concrete slab surface at an above-freezing temperature using direct current energy supplied by a photovoltaic and battery system. To test this approach, the University of Arkansas Engineering Research Center constructed a series of conductive concrete overlay test sections. The thermal mass properties of concrete were used in this work to minimize energy demands. Energy was continually supplied to the concrete mass to maintain a uniform temperature and, therefore, to negate the need of an energy surge to remove snow. Although the conductive concrete test sections showed some heat gain from the photovoltaic energy system, the overall heat gain was not sufficient to ensure reliable snow-melting capabilities during cold and windy conditions. Additionally, the costs for additional photovoltaic cells and batteries necessary to supply the energy needed for the system would result in poor cost-to-benefit ratios. KW - Airport runways KW - Anti-icing KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Concrete overlays KW - Concrete pavements KW - Feasibility analysis KW - Solar energy KW - Test sections KW - Thermal conductivity UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=1b12bf3e-6715-4606-8c53-eeab0e14b4f0&f=TC-13-8.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1300237 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01516438 AU - Friedman-Berg, Ferne AU - Racine, Nicole AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Staffed NextGen Tower Human-in-the-Loop (SNT HITL 2): Camera Integration Evaluation PY - 2013/04//Technical Report SP - 148p AB - The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a Staffed NextGen Tower (SNT) environment on air traffic control (ATC) operations. The primary objective was to determine whether cameras are beneficial for SNT operations. The SNT concept shifts from relying primarily on the out-the-window view to a model that relies more on using surveillance and cameras. There are different ways to implement the SNT concept. Two alternatives are Supplemental use (in addition to out the window display) and Contingency use (when the out the window view is unavailable). Eight controllers ran traffic in this study with two main conditions, Supplemental and Contingency, with four off-nominal events (aircraft crosses unoccupied runway, aircraft crosses occupied runway, wheels up on approach, aborted takeoff aircraft on runway). The controllers were able to perform their jobs effectively in both Supplemental and Contingency conditions using cameras and surveillance displays. Controllers in conditions with the camera consistently detected the wheels up on approach. off-nominal condition. Controllers in conditions without the camera did not detect the wheels up on approach. off-nominal condition at all. The other three off-nominal conditions were detected primarily using the Traffic Information Display System (TIDS) and alerts. The controllers rated the camera as essential in both Supplemental and Contingency conditions, although less for Supplemental than Contingency. Controllers agreed that the SNT concept would be beneficial for the National Airspace System (NAS) and for control tower operations. Results of this study show that controllers can perform their jobs effectively in both Supplemental and Contingency SNT environments and show that cameras provide a benefit to operations. These findings will directly influence decisions on the SNT concept implementation. Although cameras were found to be beneficial, the details of camera coverage, display configuration, and control functionality will still need to be refined. Small improvements based on controller feedback from this study should lead to enhanced situational awareness for controllers and improved ATC performance. KW - Air traffic control KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Airport control towers KW - Approach control KW - Cameras KW - Information display systems KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Surveillance UR - http://hf.tc.faa.gov/publications/2013-04-staffed-nextgen-tower-human-in-the-loop-2/full_text.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1290615 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01503978 AU - Torres, Jonathan AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Development of Prototype Nozzles for Freighter Aircraft Fire Applications PY - 2013/04//Technical Note SP - 28p AB - Advisory Circular 150/5210-17B, “Program for Training of Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Personnel,” added freighter aircraft familiarization as a requirement for Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) training. To develop the tactics and strategies for this training, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requested research in freighter aircraft firefighting. Part of this research entailed developing tactics for extinguishing freighter aircraft fires with an aircraft skin-penetrating nozzle (ASPN). Early in the research effort, it was determined that the current nozzle designs were not adequate to fight cargo fires on freighter aircraft, and a new nozzle design would have to be developed. Four prototype ASPNs were designed and fabricated specifically to fight cargo fires on freighter aircraft indirectly. Various tests were performed on all four prototype ASPNs to measure flow rates, spray patterns, and extinguishment effectiveness. Flow and pressure readings were taken from each prototype ASPN to confirm that they met industry standards. All prototype ASPNs met industry standards when using the FAA Oshkosh Striker® ARFF research vehicle. Prototype Nozzle 3 exhibited the highest flow rate of all prototype ASPNs, while Prototype Nozzle 4 displayed the highest pressure readings. Photo documentation was taken of the spray pattern for each prototype ASPN to analyze the different spray trajectories each nozzle produced. These trajectories would show where water would go during a container fire. Prototype Nozzles 2 and 3 exhibited similar spray patterns consisting of a wide umbrella spray and a forward-projecting straight stream. Prototype Nozzle 4’s spray pattern consisted of three different range hollow spray cones. Container fire tests inside an aircraft section were conducted to determine the effectiveness of each nozzle. Visual inspection and thermocouple readings were used to determine the effectiveness. Although all prototype ASPNs were able to extinguish a portion of the fire, Prototype Nozzle 3 provided the best design based on these criteria and practicality of nozzle design. Prototype Nozzle 3 was selected to be used for full-scale cargo fires to validate the earlier testing. KW - Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting KW - Cargo aircraft KW - Containers KW - Fire fighting equipment KW - Nozzles KW - Prototype tests UR - http://www.airtech.tc.faa.gov/Safety/Downloads/TC-TN13-11.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1286166 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01503974 AU - Kreckie, Jack AU - ARFF Professional Services, LLC AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Strategies and Tactical Considerations for New Large Aircraft PY - 2013/04//Final Report SP - 138p AB - The evolution of aircraft design and construction has brought about new challenges to Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) personnel. The New Large Aircraft (NLA) entering the market have introduced increased passenger capacities, fuel loads, hydraulic pressures, and the use of advance composite materials. The most significant change is the introduction of the full-length, upper-passenger deck on the Airbus A380 with certification for up to 853 total passengers. The B-747-8 was just beginning flight service in the United States as this report was being developed. A supplement to this report will be issued following additional research specific to the B-747-8. This report examines previous incidents with multilevel aircraft, as well as research conducted in relevant areas such as aircraft evacuations and advanced composite materials. In addition, accepted interior firefighting models were applied to the unique NLA configurations, thereby providing guidance for emergency planning of such events. This report provides a discussion of the primary topics, such as agent quantity, aircraft systems, and components, which are pertinent to NLA firefighting strategies. Configurations and aspects of NLA layouts that require strategic consideration, and influence ARFF tactical decisions and response preplanning, are discussed in this report, as well as recommendations for best practices in NLA firefighting strategies. KW - Airbus A380 KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting KW - Best practices KW - Boeing 747 aircraft KW - Fire fighting KW - New large aircraft KW - Search and rescue operations KW - Vehicle capacity UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=abff5769-42f3-47e3-a58c-5d851b216ce6&f=TC-13-12.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1286159 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01482186 AU - Montgomery, Ron W AU - Wood, Kathryn J AU - Civil Aerospace Medical Institute AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Laser Illumination of Helicopters: A Comparative Analysis With Fixed-Wing Aircraft for the Period 1980 – 2011 PY - 2013/04//Final Report SP - 10p AB - Introduction: Laser illuminations of aircraft have resulted in pilots reporting distraction, disruption, disorientation, adverse visual effects, and operational problems that put at risk the safety of the aircraft and those onboard. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Order 7400.2 was revised in 1995 to establish lower laser exposure limits that protected flight crewmembers in specific zones of airspace around airports. However, helicopters (including police, air ambulance, military, and news media aircraft) that routinely operate at low altitudes outside these zones continue to be exposed to hazardous levels of laser radiation. This study examines the frequency of these events and adverse effects of laser illuminations involving helicopters compared with fixed-wing aircraft for a 32-year study period (from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2011). Methods: Reports of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft illuminated by high-intensity light have been collected from various sources and entered into a database maintained by the Vision Research Team at the FAA Civil Aerospace Medical Institute. The frequency of laser illumination events involving aircraft in the United States were stratified by altitude into 1,000-foot increments, categorized, and analyzed. Analysis included identifying adverse effects experienced by helicopter flight crewmembers, compared to those experienced by crewmembers of fixed-wing aircraft. Results: The majority of helicopter laser exposures (70% or 751/1,072) were within the altitude limit established for the Laser Free Zone (LFZ ≤ 2,000 feet) versus only 18% (1,980/11,111) for fixed-wing aircraft. More than 86% (328/379) of all adverse effects reported by helicopter pilots were in this altitude range, compared to 29% (294/1,027) of all fixed-wing effects reported. Conclusion: Special protective measures may be needed for helicopters and other low-flying aircraft outside of designated airport hazard zones due to the higher percentage of adverse effects associated with these events and the increased risk inherent in low-altitude flight operations. KW - Adverse effects KW - Air pilots KW - Airplanes KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Aviation safety KW - Comparative analysis KW - Flight crews KW - Helicopters KW - Laser beams KW - Laser light exposure KW - Lighting KW - Low altitude KW - Radiation hazards KW - Vision UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201308.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1250023 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01481381 AU - Copeland, Kyle AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Recent and Planned Developments in the CARI Program PY - 2013/04//Final Report SP - 20p AB - CARI-6 is the sixth major release of galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) dose calculation software developed by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The software is of benefit to the FAA and the public as a tool used by scientists investigating health effects of ionizing radiation in the atmosphere. It provides GCR dose estimates for past flights and also serves as a verified radiation monitoring tool to aid the aviation industry and individuals in their radiation protection programs. Compiled versions of the software are available from the Radiobiology Research Team Website. The source code is available upon request. CARI-6 is based on the last major revision of the galactic cosmic radiation transport code LUIN (LUIN2000, released in 2000). The last minor variant of LUIN2000 (LUINNCRP) was delivered to the FAA in 2003 and reported effective doses as defined in National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Report 116. LUINNCRP was revised to produce dose outputs of ambient dose equivalent (H*(10)) and effective dose as defined in International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 103, in addition to the release standard of effective dose as defined in ICRP Publication 60. These modifications were needed because ICRP Pub. 103 made ICRP Pub. 60 effective doses obsolete (though still legally the standard in many countries) and H*(10) is a measurable quantity to which instruments are often calibrated, whereas effective dose cannot be measured. Thus, adding H*(10) and the new effective dose was needed to keep CARI-6 up-to-date in terms of dose calculation standards. As another improvement, cutoff rigidities for geomagnetic epoch 2000 are included (previous most recent epoch was 1995). KW - Air travel KW - Galactic cosmic radiation KW - Health hazards KW - Ionizing radiation KW - Radiation doses KW - Software UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201306.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1250305 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01481380 AU - Pierce, Linda G AU - Williams, Clara A AU - Broach, Dana AU - Bleckley, M Kathryn AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Assessing Prior Experience in the Selection of Air Traffic Control Specialists PY - 2013/04//Final Report SP - 42p AB - Qualification standards published by the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) describe the minimum experience or education that individuals must have to qualify for specific positions within the federal government. These standards are developed and revised in conjunction with the appropriate federal agency. The purpose of the current research project was to evaluate the OPM qualification standard for the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Series 2152 and provide recommendations for renewing the standard for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) human resources personnel. In addition to general and specialized experience and education requirements, the ATC Series 2152 qualification standard includes seven alternate requirements for use in qualifying applicants for selection by the FAA as air traffic control specialists (ATCSs). These alternate requirements reflect prior, relevant experiences of the applicants seen as adequate to qualify them for selection. In Study 1, biographical questionnaire data were used to assess the relationship between five of the seven alternate requirements and performance of prospective ATCSs in training at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Having prior experience in ATC, holding a prior instrument flight rating, and having a pilot’s license all had a positive relationship with FAA Academy training performance and, with slight modifications, were recommended for retention as alternate requirements. The relationship between having experience as a dispatcher for an air carrier and FAA Academy training performance was not significant. However, the alternate requirement was recommended for retention due to the small number of ATCSs having experience in air-carrier dispatch. There was also no relationship found between having experience as a navigator/bombardier in the Armed Forces and FAA Academy training performance, and a recommendation was made to eliminate it as an alternate requirement. The remaining alternate requirements were addressed in Study 2, using a more qualitative approach of interviews and document review. For one alternate requirement, an update to the name of the military job referenced in the requirement was proposed. The final alternate requirement, which reflected an obsolete pay scale and testing procedures, was recommended for elimination. Based on results of Studies 1 and 2, suggestions were made for additional data collection to validate and extend the current standard to ensure that only those applicants most likely to succeed as ATCSs are selected. Periodic review of the OPM 2152 qualification standard is necessary as the role of the ATCS and the experiences of the populations being targeted for recruitment continue to evolve. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Employment KW - Hiring policies KW - Qualifications KW - Recruiting KW - Selection and appointment UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201307.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1250306 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01479057 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Improvements to DOT’s Governance Processes Are Needed to Enhance Oversight of Major IT Investments PY - 2013/03/27 SP - 29p AB - The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) fiscal year 2012 major information technology (IT) investment portfolio was just over $2.2 billion. About 94 percent ($2.07 billion) of the portfolio is managed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). FAA’s major IT investments fund important aviation modernization programs, including the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), a multibillion-dollar effort to modernize the U.S. air traffic control system. However, since 2005, FAA has experienced cost overruns, schedule delays, or both on 7 of its 14 major air traffic control IT programs, including 1 that exceeded original cost estimates by $2 billion and was delayed by 14 years. The U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) have issued numerous audit reports and testimonies related to FAA’s major IT investments that point to longstanding and significant concerns in the Agency’s management and oversight of these critical programs. To improve oversight of major Federal IT investments, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) called for agencies to establish executive investment governance processes. In response, DOT established a departmental Investment Review Board (IRB), effective December 4, 2009, to help ensure the Department realizes optimal value for its IT investments. DOT also required that individual IRBs be established within each of its 12 Operating Administrations that are responsible for overseeing their IT investments. The Joint Resources Council (JRC) serves as FAA’s IRB to help ensure FAA’s capital investments fulfill mission priorities and maximize resources. Given the cost, complexity, and importance of major IT investments to the Department’s mission, OIG assessed whether (1) DOT’s investment governance practices meet Federal and statutory investment oversight requirements and best practices, and (2) FAA and DOT provide sufficient oversight of FAA’s major IT investments. Briefly, DOT’s investment oversight practices do not fully meet OMB requirements or DOT policies. Specifically, DOT does not have an active IRB or supporting boards to provide a comprehensive management framework. FAA and DOT face challenges in providing sufficient oversight of FAA’s major IT investments. FAA’s JRC has a comprehensive framework for investment governance, yet the Agency does not always follow the JRC approval and oversight process. KW - Cost overruns KW - Governance KW - Information technology KW - Investments KW - Oversight KW - Program management KW - Scheduling KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/DOT%20Major%20IT%20Investment%20Governance%20Processes%5E3-27-13.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1247799 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547227 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S03-08. Backcountry Airstrip Preservation AB - Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 55: Backcountry Airstrip Preservation catalogues the uses, benefits, and threats to backcountry airstrips and identifies practices and strategies to manage these threats. KW - Airstrips KW - Maintenance KW - Preservation KW - Rural areas KW - Strategic planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3471 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334208 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543874 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S01-08. Understanding the Value of Social Media at Airports for Customer Engagement AB - Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 56: Understanding the Value of Social Media at Airports for Customer Engagement compiles current literature and practice on how airport operators utilize social media to enhance customer engagement. KW - Airports KW - Customer service KW - Literature reviews KW - Social media KW - State of the practice UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3468 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332022 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547334 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S10-10. Habitat Management to Deter Wildlife at Airports AB - The Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 52: Habitat Management to Deter Wildlife at Airports presents information on habitat management to deter wildlife at airports and manage risk to aviation. It is the third of three related syntheses of airport practice reports and completes the series wildlife risk management at airports. ACPR Synthesis builds on previous ACRP documents, including ACRP Synthesis 23, ACRP Report 32, and ACRP Synthesis 39, which address bird deterrence and harassment techniques, various wildlife hazards and control techniques, and population management methods, respectively. KW - Airports KW - Habitat (Ecology) KW - Risk management KW - Safety KW - Wildlife UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3475 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334507 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543734 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S03-07. Integrating Airport GIS Data with Public Agency GIS AB - Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 59: Integrating Airport Geographic Information System (GIS) Data with Public Agency GIS identifies effective and emerging data exchange practices that airports and public agencies can use to increase the data they have access to, while reducing the cost of identifying, collecting, and maintaining these data. It synthesizes the need expressed by airports and public agencies to exchange geographic information and related resources, highlighting effective practices and industry trends. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Data collection KW - Geographic information systems KW - Information dissemination KW - Local government agencies UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3470 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1331841 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01478344 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aeronautical Information Publication, United States of America. Twenty-Second Edition, March 7, 2013 PY - 2013/03/07 SP - 1582p AB - This document is made up of three Parts; General (GEN), En Route (ENR), and Aerodromes (AD); each divided into sections and subsections as applicable, containing various types of information subjects. Part 1 GEN includes: National Regulations and Requirements, Tables and Codes, Services, and Charges for Aerodromes/Heliports and Air Navigation Services. Part 2 ENR includes: General Rules and Procedures, Air Traffic Services (ATS) Airspace, ATS routes, Navigation Aids/Systems, Navigation Warnings, and Helicopter Operations. Part 3 AD includes: Aerodrome availability and listings. KW - Aeronautics KW - Airports KW - Aviation KW - Charts KW - Fees KW - Procedures KW - Regulations KW - Standards KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/AIP/AIP_22nd_Edition.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1246788 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571780 TI - Demonstration of the ARP Compliant System for Aircraft Non-Volatile PM Emissions Measurements at Williams International Engine Test Facilities AB - Project 37 is focused on well defined research needs associated with sampling non-volatile particulate matter (PM) from gas turbine engines. These needs arise from the deliberations of the SAE E31 committee as they pursue the development of a recommended practice. This work is based and builds on preliminary studies conducted under PARTNER Projects 29 and 34. KW - Compliance KW - Environmental impacts KW - Particulates KW - Pollutants KW - Test facilities KW - Turbine engines KW - Williams International UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/non-volatile-particulate-matter---sae-e31-aerospace-recommended-practice-research-issues UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363389 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547332 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S02-10. Outcomes of Green Initiatives: Large Airports Experience AB - the Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 53: Outcomes of Green Initiatives: Large Airport Experience explores the drivers and outcomes of green initiatives at airports and identifies data that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of various initiatives. Airports are embracing green initiatives to address compliance issues, reduce their environmental footprint, and help achieve the airports' long-term prosperity and success. KW - Airports KW - Compliance KW - Environmental impacts KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Transportation planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3469 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334505 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01479789 AU - Vela, A AU - Barnett, B AU - Harkleroad, E AU - Kuchar, J AU - Merchant-Bennett, R AU - Massachusetts Institute of Technology AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Risk-Based Modeling to Support NextGen Concept Assessment and Validation PY - 2013/03 SP - 72p AB - This report provides a brief review of major recent risk-based modeling (RBM) approaches, with particular emphasis on how these tools can be applied during initial Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) concept development and how their use can be validated. Effective safety analysis should begin as early as possible during a systems life cycle in order to have maximum impact. Ideally, safety considerations should play a role even during a new systems concept definition and development. Elements of NextGen are currently progressing through these early phases. NextGen will increasingly rely on integrating multiple systems and information sources together to enable improved efficiency, safety, and reduced environmental impact. Ensuring that such complex interconnected systems are developed to meet safety goals requires corresponding advances in RBM and safety assessment approaches. This report does not cover the more detailed safety analyses that must be applied to mature system concepts. Rather, the focus is on approaches for hazard identification, scoping, and coarse risk estimation for systems in the early conceptual development stage, when details on the design and operation of the system have yet to be resolved. Risk models applied in this constrained context cannot be expected to provide the same complete, quantitative results as they do for mature systems. Following a review of prior models, this report continues with recommendations for RBM development, application, validation, and coordination between NextGen efforts. Also, a discussion on safety and concept development is provided. KW - Air transportation KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Risk analysis KW - Safety factors KW - System design KW - System safety KW - Validation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1247577 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01478319 AU - Broach, Dana AU - Byrne, Cristina L AU - Manning, Carol A AU - Pierce, Linda AU - McCauley, Darendia AU - Bleckley, M Kathryn AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Validity of the Air Traffic Selection and Training (AT-SAT) Test Battery in Operational Use PY - 2013/03//Final Report SP - 18p AB - Applicants for the air traffic control specialist (ATCS) occupation from the general public and graduates from post-secondary institutions participating in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) must take and pass the Air Traffic Selection and Training (AT-SAT) test battery as part of the selection process. Two concurrent, criterion-related validation studies demonstrated that AT-SAT was a valid predictor of ATCS job performance (American Institutes for Research, 2012; Ramos, Heil, & Manning, 2001a,b). However, the validity of AT-SAT in operational use has been questioned since implementation in 2002 (Barr, Brady, Koleszar, New, & Pounds, 2011; Department of Transportation Office of the Inspector General, 2010). The current study investigated the validity of AT-SAT in operational use. AT-SAT and field training data for 1,950 air traffic controllers hired in fiscal years 2007 through 2009 were analyzed by correlation, cross-tabulation, and logistic regression with achievement of Certified Professional Controller (CPC) status as the criterion. The correlation between AT-SAT and achievement of CPC status was .127 (n=1,950, p<.001). The correlation was .188 when corrected for direct restriction in range. A larger proportion of controllers in the “Well Qualified” score band (85-100) achieved CPC status than in the “Qualified” (70-84.99) band. The logistic regression model did not fit the data well (χ2=30.659, p<.001, -2LL=1920.911). AT-SAT modeled only a small proportion of the variance in achievement of CPC status (Cox and Snell R2=.016, Nagelkerke R2=.025). The logistic regression coefficient for AT-SAT score of .049 was significant (Wald=30.958, p<.001). AT-SAT is a valid predictor of achievement of CPC status at the first assigned field facility. However, the correlation is likely attenuated by time and intervening variables such as the training process itself. Other factors might include the weighting of subtest scores and use of a narrow criterion measure. Further research on the validity of AT-SAT in relation to multiple criteria is recommended. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Air Traffic Selection and Training KW - Aptitude tests KW - Hiring policies KW - Logistic regression analysis KW - Selection and appointment KW - Validity UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201303.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1246602 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01478266 AU - Broach, Dana AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Selection of the Next Generation of Air Traffic Control Specialists: Aptitude Requirements for the Air Traffic Control Tower Cab in 2018 PY - 2013/03//Final Report SP - 57p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) faces two significant organizational challenges in the 21st century: (1) transformation of the current National Airspace System (NAS) into the Next Generation Air Transportation System (“NextGen”); and (2) recruitment, selection, and training the next generation of air traffic control specialists (ATCSs or air traffic controllers). What aptitudes should be assessed in the selection of future air traffic controllers? This report, the first of three, focuses on the aptitudes required in the air traffic control tower cab. First, the aptitude profile currently required at the time of hire into the ATCS occupation is described based on Nickels, Bobko, Blair, Sands, & Tartak (1995). Second, mid-term (2018) changes in the tower cab are described. Change drivers include increased traffic and the introduction of five decision support tools (DSTs): 1) Airport Configuration; 2) Departure Routing; 3) Runway Assignment; 4) Scheduling and Sequencing; and 5) Taxi Routing (with Conformance Monitoring). Third, the impact of these DSTs on tower cab operational activities, sub-activities, and tasks was assessed. Overall, the activities, sub-activities, and tasks of the controllers in the Ground Control and Local Control positions in the cab will not change with the introduction of these DSTs and associated displays. However, the way the work is performed will change at the keystroke or interface level. Fourth, the impact of the DSTs on aptitudes required of controllers is evaluated. The importance of the following aptitudes will increase in the mid-term: Scanning, across both auditory and visual sources, Perceptual Speed and Accuracy, Translating Information, Chunking, Interpreting Information, Sustained Attention, Recall from Interruption, Situational Awareness, Long-Term Memory, Problem Identification, Prioritization, Time-Sharing, Information Processing Flexibility, and Task Closure/Thoroughness. Two new aptitude requirements were identified: Dispositional Trust in Automation; and Computer-Human Interface (CHI) Navigation. Gaps in current aptitude testing are identified, and recommendations presented for test development and validation to close the gap. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Aptitude KW - Aptitude tests KW - Job analysis KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Task analysis UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201305.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1246604 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01477343 AU - Knecht, William AU - Smith, Jeffrey AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Effects of Training School Type and Examiner Type on General Aviation Flight Safety PY - 2013/03//Final Report SP - 36p AB - This study addresses the question “Do training school type and certifying examiner type affect a general aviation (GA) pilot’s subsequent aviation safety record?” “Education” was operationalized as private pilot instruction in either a Part 61 or Part 141 school and “examiner type” was operationalized as private pilots examined by either Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI), School Authority (Part 141 graduates only), or Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE). Because of the unavailability of earlier reliable Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) school and examiner records, results herein are restricted to pilots certificated from 1 Jan., 1995 to 8 Aug., 2007. The results essentially imply that that school and examiner type do not affect subsequent accident rate. For U.S. GA pilots receiving the private pilot certificate from 1995-2007 and for whom data could be obtained—Part 61 graduates’ subsequent accident rate appeared on a par with Part 141 graduates, and pilots tested by DPEs appeared equivalent to those tested under school authority. Graduates tested by ASIs showed a statistically lower accident rate, but that particular result was based on a sample of only 22 pilots, rendering it unreliable from a practical point of view. Recommendations include a) adoption of a common pilot identification number (“UniqueID”) for both FAA and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), to minimize data loss, and b) that user’s manuals be made publicly available for FAA’s Comprehensive Airman Information System (CAIS) and Document Imaging Workflow System (DIWS) databases. KW - Aviation safety KW - Certification KW - Crash rates KW - Flight training KW - General aviation pilots UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201304.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1246603 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547335 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S10-11. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Airports Parking Facilities AB - the Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 54: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Airport Parking Facilities is designed as a primer on electric vehicle (EV) charging and includes information on policy approaches, infrastructure needs, and funding mechanisms that airports have used in EV hosting. The report summarizes the state of the EV industry, highlights the motivations for airport sponsors to provide EV charging stations, identifies current EV charging technologies, and describes practices for installing EV charging stations at airports in terms of finances, planning, implementation, and operation of the charging stations. KW - Airports KW - Electric vehicle charging KW - Finance KW - Implementation KW - Infrastructure KW - Parking facilities KW - Planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3476 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334508 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01479048 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - FAA’s Efforts to Track and Mitigate Air Traffic Losses of Separation Are Limited by Data Collection and Implementation Challenges PY - 2013/02/27 SP - 26p AB - The Nation’s air traffic controllers play an important role in maintaining the world’s safest air transportation system. Yet, losses of standard separation—when aircraft do not maintain the minimum distance apart—remain a significant safety concern. In January 2011, an operational error—a loss of standard separation caused by air traffic controllers—led to a near mid-air collision between a commercial airliner and two military aircraft near New York City. According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), who investigated the incident, at their closest point, the aircraft came within a mile of each other. According to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) statistics, the number of reported operational errors increased by more than 50 percent between fiscal years 2009 and 2010. Concerned with this increase, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security requested that the U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General (OIG) review FAA’s ongoing efforts to assess operational errors and mitigate their risks. OIG also received a similar request from the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Accordingly, OIG (1) identified the reasons for the increase in losses of separation—specifically operational errors—from fiscal years 2009 to 2010; (2) assessed the effectiveness of FAA’s policies and processes to collect, investigate, and report separation losses; and (3) evaluated the effectiveness of FAA’s policies and processes to mitigate the risk of separation losses. Briefly, according to FAA, the dramatic increase in reported operational errors between fiscal years 2009 and 2010 was mostly due to increased reporting through programs such as the Air Traffic Safety Action Program (ATSAP) and the Traffic Analysis and Review Program (TARP), an automated system to detect losses of separation at air traffic terminal facilities. However, OIG found that the increase in reported errors was linked, in part, to a rise in actual errors rather than increased reporting. FAA’s new policies and procedures for collecting, investigating, and reporting separation losses have the potential to reduce losses and improve reporting, but their effectiveness is limited by incomplete data and implementation challenges. Recently, FAA developed corrective action plans to mitigate high-risk separation loss events—such as an aircraft executing an unexpected go-around and aircraft arriving at the same altitude on parallel runways. However, because the Agency has not completed implementation of the action plans, it is too early to determine whether the plans will reduce the number of separation losses. In addition, FAA’s corrective action plans do not include all safety risks identified by FAA and will not address all losses of separation that air traffic facility officials consider to be high risk. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft separation KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash investigation KW - Data collection KW - Implementation KW - Near midair crashes KW - Operational errors KW - Policy KW - Reporting KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/LoSS%20Final%202-27-13_final_signed_rev.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1248010 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547490 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S07-01. Impacts of Aging Travelers on Airports AB - The Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 51: Impacts of Aging Travelers on Airports describes the challenges of wayfinding, fatigue, technology and equipment, and needed amenities, as well as the practices that airports are enacting to accommodate and improve the airport experience of aging travelers. The report is designed to help users better understand the aging demographic, and define issues and implement effective practices to accommodate aging travelers at airports. KW - Aged KW - Airports KW - Demographics KW - Fatigue (Physiological condition) KW - Technological innovations KW - Wayfinding UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3474 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334854 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01543876 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S04-10. Safety Reporting Systems at Airports AB - Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 58: Safety Reporting Systems at Airports describes safety reporting methods and systems for airports certificated under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 139 by assessing current practices, processes, and systems used to collect and analyze safety data and information. KW - Airports KW - Data analysis KW - Data collection KW - Reporting (Disclosure) KW - Safety KW - State of the practice UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3472 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332024 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545929 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S10-12. Airport Response to Special Events AB - The Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 57: Airport Response to Special Events explores how airports plan, manage, and recover from special events in order to help minimize the event's effects on an airport's regular operations. The synthesis explores issues related to planning, organizing, and applying lessons learned, as well as addressing potential surprises and impacts on operations and customer services related to a variety of non-aeronautical events that occur both on and off an airport. ACRP Synthesis 57 offers six case examples designed to help demonstrate how airports of all sizes plan, manage, and recover from special events. ACRP Synthesis 57 can serve as a companion document to ACRP Synthesis 41: Conducting Aeronautical Special Events at Airports. ACRP Synthesis 41 focuses on aeronautical events such as air shows, airport open houses, aircraft static displays, and fly-ins. KW - Airport operations KW - Case studies KW - Customer service KW - Impacts KW - Special events UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3477 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332878 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01479792 AU - Reynolds, Tom AU - Glina, Yan AU - Troxel, Seth AU - McPartland, Michael AU - Massachusetts Institute of Technology AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Wind Information Requirements for NextGen Applications Phase 1: 4D-Trajectory Based Operations (4D-TBO) PY - 2013/02/20 SP - 90p AB - Accurate wind information is required to support some of the key applications envisioned for future air traffic concepts. A Wind Information Analysis Framework has been developed to assess wind information needs for different applications. The framework is described and then applied in a Four-Dimensional Trajectory Based Operations (4D-TBO) application using simplified versions of the framework’s elements to demonstrate its utility. Realistic ranges of wind information accuracy in terms of wind forecast and Flight Management System wind representation errors are studied. Their impacts on 4D-TBO performance in terms of Required Time of Arrival compliance and fuel burn are presented. Interpretations of the findings to give insights on wind information requirements are provided, together with an outline of the planned next phase of the study to further refine the outputs. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft operations KW - Fuel consumption KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Simulation KW - Vehicle trajectories KW - Wind UR - http://www.ll.mit.edu/mission/aviation/publications/publication-files/atc-reports/Reynolds_2013_ATC-399_WW-26018.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1248163 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547333 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S04-11. Effective Cooperation among Airports and Local and Regional Emergency Management Agencies for Disaster Preparedness and Response AB - The Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 50: Effective Cooperation Among Airports and Local and Regional Emergency Management Agencies for Disaster Preparedness and Response focuses on how airports and their emergency management partners establish and sustain effective working relationships, and methods of identifying problems and rebuilding damaged relationships. The report is designed to provide airports and their emergency response allies access to a full range of policies, programs, practices, and relationships for establishing and sustaining good working relationships. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Cooperation KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Guidelines KW - Policy UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3473 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334506 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01609857 TI - Management of PEGASAS AB - Funding for Management of Partner to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability (PEGASAS) KW - Accessibility KW - Aviation KW - Aviation safety KW - Sustainable development UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1421717 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01534434 AU - Young, Jessica AU - Bassett, Philip AU - Hailston, Kenneth AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluating Integrated Arrival/Departure Control Services Using Fast-Time Simulation PY - 2013/02//Technical Note SP - 66p AB - This document describes the objective, method, analysis, and results of a fast-time simulation study to evaluate the capacity and efficiency impacts associated with the Integrated Arrival/Departure Control Services (IADCS) concept. This modeling activity examined the use of flexible routing structures within the Atlanta area Air Traffic Control (ATC) facilities including the Atlanta Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZTL) and A80, the Atlanta Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON). The work quantified the benefits associated with the tools offered by the IADCS concept for rerouting aircraft during periods of convective weather. To measure the benefits of the IADCS flexible routing toolset, baseline scenarios representing current operations were compared against IADCS scenarios during convective weather events. Efficiency and capacity output metrics from these simulations were compared to determine the benefits of the IADCS toolset as applied to the focus areas of the Atlanta airspace. KW - Air traffic control KW - Arrivals and departures KW - Atlanta (Georgia) KW - Flexible routing KW - Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport KW - Integrated Arrival/Departure Control Services KW - Rerouting KW - Simulation KW - Weather conditions UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tctn13-4.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1319855 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01476582 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - FAA and Industry Are Advancing the Airline Safety Act, but Challenges Remain To Achieve Its Full Measure PY - 2013/01/31 SP - 25p AB - The February 12, 2009, crash of Colgan Air flight 3407 highlighted the need for improvements in pilot training, hiring and qualification programs, and ensuring consistent safety standards between carriers. Congress and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) took swift action following the crash to address these issues, culminating in the August 2010 passage of the Airline Safety and FAA Extension Act (the Act). Effectively implementing the Act’s requirements is key to improving safety in commercial airline travel by raising standards in pilot training and performance, as well as advancing voluntary programs that yield critical safety information. The Ranking Members of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and its Subcommittee on Aviation, joined by the Chairmen and the Ranking Members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and its Aviation Subcommittee, requested that the U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General (OIG) conduct a review of FAA and industry’s efforts to enhance safety in response to the Colgan accident. Accordingly, OIG's objectives were to (1) examine FAA and industry progress in implementing elements of the Act and (2) identify any challenges to completing these actions. Briefly, results indicate that while FAA has implemented many elements of the Act, the Agency and industry have not yet achieved the full measure of the Act’s intended safety enhancements. FAA has made considerable and important progress advancing voluntary safety programs, improving pilot rest requirements, and establishing better processes for managing safety risks. However, FAA has not provided sufficient management attention or assistance to smaller carriers for meeting new safety standards, or followed through on its commitment to help these carriers with safety program development and support. FAA faces significant challenges to fully implement the Act, such as meeting timelines for rulemaking efforts while balancing competing interests of stakeholders involved with controversial safety measures. For example, FAA is experiencing lengthy delays and considerable industry opposition in issuing and finalizing rules that will enhance pilot qualification standards, revise crew training requirements, and establish mentoring and professionalism programs. Further, while FAA is on target with the initial development phase of a new, centralized electronic pilot records database, it remains uncertain when it will be implemented and what level of information it will contain. KW - Airline pilots KW - Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act of 2010 KW - Aviation safety KW - Civil aviation KW - Flight training KW - Implementation KW - Training programs KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/Safety%20Act%202010%20Report%5E1-31-13.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1246173 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01555374 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - NextGen Environmental Management System Framework and Collaboration: Pilot Study Summary Report Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) PY - 2013/01/28 SP - 14p AB - The Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Environmental Management System (EMS) Framework and Collaboration Pilot Study aims to foster collaboration between the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and aviation’s principal stakeholders. It aims to further define their role in NextGen EMS Framework and Collaboration and identify opportunities to address environmental challenges associated with each aspect. The objective of this pilot study is to evaluate which environmental challenges have the potential to constrain the mobility of the aviation system and the possible effects of future technology and operational changes. Through a 10-step technical approach, data were collected and analyzed to establish baselines for air quality, climate, energy, and noise. Future scenarios were calculated for each aspect to identify environmental issues that could constrain NextGen implementation. The scenarios were based on forecast data and the assumption that no NextGen technologies and operations are incorporated. Several new technology and operational concepts were evaluated to determine those that could mitigate the environmental impacts. For the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) Pilot Study, 2009-2010 was chosen as the base year for the future scenarios. KW - Air quality KW - Airports KW - Climate KW - Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport KW - Energy consumption KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Forecasting KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Noise KW - Pilot studies UR - http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/apl/research/environmental_policy/media/NextGen_Environmental_Report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1344284 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01546030 TI - Guidebook for Airport Terminal Restroom Planning and Design AB - Airports face unique considerations when planning and designing restroom facilities. These considerations include continuous operation and availability, changing passenger demographics (e.g., increased percentage of female travelers, more passengers with disabilities, an aging population, and more international patrons), and greater space requirements to accommodate luggage and operational/maintenance needs. Restroom design is a key element to overall terminal function, yet many practitioners indicate there is little airport-specific guidance, which often results in restroom facilities not meeting customer expectations. This is confirmed by the findings of many airport surveys in which passengers frequently rank a poor restroom experience as a top customer service issue. Research is needed to develop guidance for planning and designing airport terminal restroom facilities that can be tailored to airports with various activity levels and customer profiles. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook to help determine the location, number, size, and configuration of airport terminal restroom facilities to meet various customer (e.g., passenger, employee, and family) needs.  Enough detail should be provided so users can apply the guidance to suit their own needs and site conditions. KW - Aged KW - Airport terminals KW - Customer service KW - Demographics KW - Females KW - Handbooks KW - Persons with disabilities KW - Planning and design KW - Restrooms UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3323 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332982 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571982 TI - Bleed Air Characterization in Commercial Aircraft AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft cabins KW - Civil aircraft KW - Environmental control KW - Pressurization UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363588 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571782 TI - Development of a Distributed Approach to System Level Uncertainty Quantification AB - As part of its tool development effort, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Energy and the Environment leads research analyses of policy outcomes to uncertainties in input parameters and assumptions of different tools. Project 48 creates a new aircraft conceptual design capability in the FAA tools suite, through Transport Aircraft System OPTimization (TASOpt), and developing an approach to perform a system-level quantification of uncertainty. This system-level assessment will quantify how input uncertainties propagate through a system comprising multiple modeling components. KW - Conceptual design KW - Software KW - Transport aircraft KW - Uncertainty KW - Vehicle design UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/development-distributed-approach-system-level-uncertainty-quantification UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363391 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547630 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S10-08. Conducting Aeronautical Special Events at Airports AB - The Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 41: Conducting Aeronautical Special Events at Airports consolidates available information and lessons learned on how to successfully plan, organize, and conduct an aeronautical special event and restore normal operations after the event. For the purposes of this report, aeronautical special events are defined as those events that involve aviation activities or aircraft. KW - Air shows KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Lessons learned KW - Special events UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3296 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335183 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547629 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S09-05. Repairing and Maintaining Airport Parking Structure While in Use AB - The Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 47: Repairing and Maintaining Airport Parking Structures While in Use provides information on developing and implementing successful maintenance and repair strategies for in-use airport parking structures that involve the least impact on the airport patrons, revenue stream, and facility operations. KW - Airport parking facilities KW - Maintenance KW - Maintenance management KW - Parking garages UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3295 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335182 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547628 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S02-09. Airport Environmental Management System Development Processes AB - The Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 44: Environmental Management System Development Process provides background on the framework of an environmental management system (EMS), explores similarities and differences of the various approaches to an EMS, explains the EMS development process, and highlights lessons learned by airports that have developed an EMS. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Environmental policy KW - Lessons learned UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3293 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335181 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547627 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S01-07. Conducting Airport Peer Reviews AB - The Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 46: Conducting Airport Peer Reviews explores the range of peer review approaches being used by airport sponsors, identifies similar efforts outside the airport industry, and documents both effective practices and challenges in conducting peer review activities. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Evaluation KW - Peer groups KW - Peer review UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3292 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335180 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547624 TI - Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Problems. Topic S02-07. Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport Contracts AB - The Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 42: Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport Contracts provides examples of how airports might help drive environmental sustainability performance improvements at their facilities by integrating environmental sustainability concepts into contracts with contractors, suppliers, and vendors. KW - Airports KW - Contracts KW - Sustainable development UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3268 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335177 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01503973 AU - King, Ryan E AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Research on Bird-Detecting Radar PY - 2013/01//Interim Report SP - 17p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiated the Bird Radar Research Program in the 1990s when prototype systems for detecting birds at airfields were being introduced. Studies that focused on the performance of commercially available bird radar detection systems began in 2005. For nearly two decades, the FAA Airport Technology Research and Development Branch has directed research on an extensive and varied list of radar technologies. This interim report summarizes the Bird Radar Research Program to date and describes future planned bird radar research activities. Bird radars have demonstrated valuable functionalities that support various end users in the aviation community. Currently, the primary role of bird radar is a tool to support wildlife hazard assessments at airports and control of hazardous wildlife at or near airport property. However, implementation and application of bird radar detection systems is continually evolving amidst accelerated technological improvements, systems integration, and robust data analysis capabilities. Bird radar manufacturers continue to develop improved equipment that can provide higher-fidelity data on target location, speed, and mass amounting to a potential role in civil air traffic control. The FAA Bird Radar Research Program is expected to continue for a number of years with a focus on extending bird radar’s role to support air traffic control on a local level and augmenting bird radar with other longer-range radar assets to provide coverage on a regional, and perhaps even a national, scale. KW - Aviation safety KW - Birds KW - Radar KW - Radar air traffic control KW - Research UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=42ca7396-a1d6-4829-b5a6-b383a89643c8&f=TC-13-3.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1286165 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01476699 AU - Skaggs, Valerie AU - Norris, Ann AU - Johnson, Robert AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - 2011 Aerospace Medical Certification Statistical Handbook PY - 2013/01//Final Report SP - 44p AB - The annual Aerospace Medical Certification Statistical Handbook reports descriptive characteristics of all active United States civil aviation airmen and the aviation medical examiners (AMEs) that perform the required medical examinations. The 2011 annual handbook documents the most recent and most widely relevant data on active civil aviation airmen and AMEs. Medical certification records from 2006-2011 were selected from the Document Imaging Workflow System (DIWS), which is the FAA medical certification database. All medical data were abstracted from the most recent medical examinations with the exception of medical conditions which were historical and current. Only those with a non-expired medical certificate remained in the dataset. AME records were selected from the Aviation Medical Examiner Information System (AMEIS). The current status of each AME was determined for each year of the study period from 2009-2011, retaining only those with an active status. Airman variables include age, issued and effective medical classes, height, weight, body mass index, gender, select medical conditions, special issuances, and FAA region of residence. AME variables include AME type, age, gender, medical specialty, pilot license status, senior examiner status, and region. Results: As of December 31, 2011, there were 594,912 medically certified airmen age 16 and older, and 32.0%, 21.8%, and 46.2% were issued a Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 medical certificate, respectively. Across all medical classes, the average age was 42.7 years, and 93.4% of the airmen were male. The mean BMI for both females and males was 24.2 and 27.2, respectively. Seven percent of issued certificates required a special issuance. The most commonly reported medical condition was hypertension with medication at 11.1%. AMEs: Of the 3,474 active AMEs, 94.2% were civilian, 2.2% federal, and 3.6% military. Nearly 50% reported their medical specialty as family practice. Their average age was 59.9 years; the majority (52.2%) did not hold a pilot license, and 81.8% were male. This report contains widely requested data on the active U.S. civil airman population. This report is updated annually and is used by the aerospace community, including Federal Aviation Administration leadership, aerospace researchers, advocacy groups, legislative staff, and the general public. KW - Air pilots KW - Aviation medicine KW - Certification KW - Demographics KW - Medical personnel KW - Medical records KW - Physicians KW - Statistics UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201302.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1244735 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01476694 AU - Collins, William E AU - Wayda, Michael E AU - CNI Aviation, LLC AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Index to FAA Office of Aerospace Medicine Reports: 1961 Through 2012 PY - 2013/01//Final Report SP - 101p AB - An index to Federal Aviation Administration Office of Aerospace Medicine Reports (1964-2012) and Civil Aeromedical Institute Reports (1961-1963) is presented for those engaged in aviation medicine and related activities. The index lists all FAA aerospace medicine technical reports published from 1961 through 2012: chronologically, alphabetically by author, and alphabetically by subject. KW - Aviation medicine KW - Civil Aerospace Medical Institute KW - Diseases and medical conditions KW - Human factors KW - Indexes (Information management) KW - Office of Aerospace Medicine KW - Research reports UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201301.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1244734 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01532328 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Business Case for the Next Generation Air Transportation System: FY 2013 PY - 2013 SP - 29p AB - This report presents the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) business case for the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). NextGen is a wide-ranging transformation of the air transportation system, including air traffic management technologies and procedures; airport infrastructure improvements; and environmental, safety and security-related enhancements. The business case considers only the air traffic management aspects of NextGen, as the costs of these improvements are most directly borne by the FAA and system users. It considers the shortfalls in the current system that new technologies can help to alleviate, and the costs and benefits of doing so. The business case report considers the improvements described in the NextGen Mid-Term Concept of Operations, most of which are planned for deployment between now and the year 2020. Implementing and maintaining them is expected to cost the FAA and aircraft operators $39 billion through the year 2030. During that period, these improvements are expected to generate $182 billion in total benefits. Applying a 7 percent discount rate, and taking the difference between the present value of benefits and costs, it finds that NextGen mid-term improvements have a Net Present Value of $59 billion. This translates to $3.50 in benefits for every $1 invested. KW - Air traffic control KW - Air transportation KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Economic impacts KW - Implementation KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Technological innovations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1317312 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01512784 AU - United States Federal Aviation Administration TI - Final environmental impact statement : runway safety area improvements, Kodiak Airport, Kodiak, Alaska PY - 2013///26 online resources. KW - Environmental impact statements UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1297108 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01510918 AU - United States Federal Aviation Administration TI - Draft environmental impact statement : SpaceX Texas launch site PY - 2013///3 online resources. KW - Environmental impact statements UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1295242 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01503979 AU - Illuminating Engineering Society AU - Center of Excellence for General Aviation Research AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Community Service Airports Visual Aids Handbook Version 2.2 PY - 2013 SP - 108p AB - This document is being offered for use by the segment of airports termed “Community Service Airports”. In the context of this guideline, Community Service Airports are non-Part 139 facilities. They typically serve General Aviation (GA) aircraft of ten seats or less, however a seat arrangement is more likely to be four to six people. These airports are not recipients of federal, state, or even local government funding in most cases. The purpose of the guideline is to generate awareness of an alternative line of visual aid products. This alternative line of products represents the visual lighting presentation of the more expensive, fully FAA-approved lighting systems at a reduced cost while still maintaining needed visual cues. This document is comprised of three different sections: Section 1 — Community Service Airport Lighting System Elements, offers a brief introduction to the different types of lighting systems available for the small community airport; Section 2 — describes the lighting elements in more detail including some performance guidelines; and Section 3 — covers information on each lighting element so an airport manager can take the necessary steps to outfit a small community airport. The appendices include a brief history of the Illumination Engineering Society (IES) Subcommittee on General Aviation Lighting, studies performed for the Remote Airfield Lighting Systems (RALS), Alignment tables for Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) lights, and Visual Aids. KW - Community service airports KW - General aviation airports KW - Guidelines KW - Handbooks KW - Lighting systems UR - http://www.airtech.tc.faa.gov/Safety/Downloads/CSA_Visual_Aids_Handbook.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1286167 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01497803 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Integration of Civil Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) Roadmap PY - 2013///First Edition SP - 74p AB - Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and operations have significantly increased in number, technical complexity, and sophistication during recent years without having the same history of compliance and oversight as manned aviation. Unlike the manned aircraft industry, the UAS community does not have a set of standardized design specifications for basic UAS design that ensures safe and reliable operation in typical civilian service applications. This five-year roadmap, as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (FMRA), is intended to guide aviation stakeholders in understanding operational goals and aviation safety and air traffic challenges when considering future investments. The roadmap is organized into three perspectives that highlight the multiple paths used to achieve the milestones outlined, while focusing on progressive accomplishments. These three perspectives — Accommodation, Integration, and Evolution — transcend specific timelines and examine the complex relationship of activities necessary to integrate UAS into the National Airspace System (NAS). This plan also provides goals, metrics, and target dates for the FAA and its government and industry partners to use in planning key activities for UAS integration. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aviation safety KW - Drone aircraft KW - FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 KW - Implementation KW - National Airspace System KW - Policy KW - Regulations KW - Strategic planning KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/uas/media/uas_roadmap_2013.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1268039 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01496663 AU - Nakagawara, Van B AU - Wood, Kathryn AU - Montgomery, Ron W AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Laser Hazards In Navigable Airspace PY - 2013 SP - 4p AB - Federal Aviation Administration researchers have compiled a database containing more than 3,000 reports of aircraft laser illumination events over a 20-year period. These reports describe the illumination of military and civilian aircraft by lasers, including law enforcement and medical evacuation flights. No accidents have been attributed to the illumination of crewmembers by lasers, but given the sizeable number of reports and debilitating effects that can accompany such events, the potential does exist. Sudden exposure to laser radiation during a critical phase of flight, such as on approach to landing or departure, can distract or disorient a pilot and cause temporary visual impairment. This pilot safety brochure includes what is being done to address laser hazards and what actions pilots can take when exposed to laser illumination. KW - Air pilots KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Flight crews KW - Laser beams KW - Lasers UR - http://www.faa.gov/pilots/safety/pilotsafetybrochures/media/laser_hazards_web.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1265873 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01496659 AU - Futurepast, Incorporated AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Alternative Aviation Jet Fuel Sustainability Evaluation Report: Task 3: Sustainability Criteria and Rating Systems for Use in the Aircraft Alternative Fuel Supply Chain PY - 2013 SP - 45p AB - This report identifies criteria that can be used to evaluate the sustainability of biofuels introduced into the aviation fuel supply chain. It describes the inputs, criteria and outputs that can be used in a sustainability rating system. It identifies two methodological approaches for assessing lifecycle biofuel sustainability from feedstock production to an airport's fuel tank farm. The report describes three categories of sustainability principles, criteria and indicators: environmental, social and economic. Elements of rating systems are analyzed, including outputs that can provide useful information to purchasers of aviation biofuel. It concludes with recommendations for policy makers and purchasers of aviation biofuel. Research for the report revealed a long historical context for the consideration of sustainability by United States government policy makers stretching back to the enactment of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 which itself echoed sentiments prominent in the conservation movements of the nineteenth and earlier twentieth centuries. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Alternate fuels KW - Aviation fuels KW - Biomass fuels KW - Economic impacts KW - Environmental impacts KW - Life cycle analysis KW - Methodology KW - Ratings KW - Social impacts KW - Supply chain management UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47600/47652/Alternative_Aviation_Jet_Fuel_Sustainability_Evaluation_Report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1264953 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01482793 AU - Washington State Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Applied Pavement Technology, Incorporated TI - Washington Airport Pavement Management System: Pavement Management Manual PY - 2013 SP - 47p AB - An airport pavement management system (APMS) can be used as a tool to identify system needs, make programming decisions for funding, provide information for legislative decision making, and assist local jurisdictions with planning decisions. The Pavement Management Manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the individual airport reports delivered to each airport included in the State’s APMS. It is divided into three sections. Section 1 provides an overview of the pavement management process and the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) procedure. Section 2 provides guidance on what an airport needs to do to remain in compliance with Public Law 103-305. While this law only applies to National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) airports, it is highly recommended that non-NPIAS airports also undertake the activities prescribed in it since they are highly beneficial. Section 2 also contains information on distress types/severity combinations that warrant immediate action and/or notification of the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration of conditions. Section 3 describes how an airport sponsor can use its individual airport report to plan for pavement maintenance and rehabilitation projects. KW - Airports KW - Maintenance management KW - Manuals KW - Pavement Condition Index KW - Pavement distress KW - Pavement management systems KW - Pavement performance KW - Washington (State) UR - http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/NR/rdonlyres/74E95DDF-2AB5-4C58-904F-83A8B9E5A6DE/0/WAAPMSPavementManagementManual.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1251385 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01491386 AU - Lennertz, Tracy AU - Burki-Cohen, Judith AU - Sparko, Andrea L AU - Macchiarella, Nickolas AU - Kring, Jason AU - Coman, Mike AU - Haritos, Tom AU - Alvarado, Jeffry AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University TI - NextGen Flight Deck Data Comm: Auxiliary Synthetic Speech Phase I PY - 2012/12/31/Final Report SP - 247p AB - Data Comm—a text-based controller-pilot communication system—is critical to many Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) improvements. With Data Comm, communication becomes a visual task. Interacting with a visual Data Comm display may yield an unsafe increase in head-down time, particularly for single-pilot operations. This study examined the feasibility of supplementing Data Comm with synthetic speech. To this end, 32 pilots flew two experimental scenarios in a Cessna 172 Flight Training Device. In one scenario, air traffic control (ATC) communication was with a text-only Data Comm display, in the other, communication was with a text Data Comm display with synthetic speech that read aloud each message (i.e., text+speech). Pilots heard traffic with similar call signs on the party line and received a conditional clearance (in both scenarios); in either scenario, pilots received a clearance that was countermanded by a live controller. Results indicated that relative to the text-only display, the text+speech display aided single-pilot performance by reducing head-down time, and may have prevented participants from acting early on the conditional clearance. Supplementing text Data Comm with speech did not introduce additional complications: participants were neither more likely to erroneously respond to similar call signs, nor to ignore a live ATC voice countermand. KW - Advanced automation system (Air traffic control) KW - Air traffic control KW - Data communications KW - Human factors KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Speech synthesis KW - Visual display units (Computers) KW - Voice communication UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47100/47121/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-12-17.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1259493 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01596010 AU - Mavris, Dimitri N AU - Tai, Jimmy AU - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - En Route Jet Aircraft Noise Analysis PY - 2012/12/15/Final Report SP - 59p AB - Most research into commercial noise is primarily focused on reducing the community noise, noise that the local population near an airport experiences as aircraft takeoff and land. While this type of noise may be a main driver for the noise that communities experience, noise generated by an aircraft during climb, cruise, and descent segments of flight might also reach the ground and affect the noise level experienced by these communities. The noise from these sources can have the same annoying effects as those experienced during takeoff and landing. En route noise can become problematic and produce similar annoyance as that experienced near airports when aircraft are flying over rural areas. These areas have a lower ambient noise level than that of cites, and the noise generated by the aircraft will not be easily masked by that of other transportation modes. National Parks within rural areas are prime examples where the effects of en route noise may become significant. National Parks have an ambient noise level even lower than rural areas, and hence, the low frequency noise that is propagating from an aircraft overhead could have an adverse effect upon the wildlife within the park, as well as any visitors. There are numerous research efforts currently being funded to predict the propagation of en route noise to the ground, but the available prediction methods for the noise sources are unfortunately limited. This limitation exists because most noise prediction codes were created and validated on noise generated at low-altitude conditions, such as takeoff and landing. The research documented in this report will start to address the research gap in predicting en route noise sources by leveraging existing modeling capability. The objective of this research is to develop a prediction capability in Aircraft Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) for the far-field source noise generated by en route aircraft. KW - Aircraft Environmental Design Tool KW - Aircraft noise KW - En route KW - Far field KW - Jet propelled aircraft KW - Mathematical prediction UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/56000/56900/56953/EnRouteNoiseFinalReport.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1400146 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01546027 TI - Airport Building Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Optimization and Recommissioning: A Whole-Systems Approach AB - Airports are increasingly concerned with improving efficiency and reliability as well as reducing costs. Since an airport's operations and maintenance (O&M) budget constitutes a significant portion of its overall budget, many airports have begun exploring ways to optimize O&M and improve overall building system performance through recommissioning. Although significant financial and environmental benefits can be realized through O&M optimization and recommissioning, the complexity of airport building systems and the lack of a whole-building systems lifecycle approach to decision making can lead to conflicting priorities and less-than-optimal improvements. Research is needed to help airports understand and apply a whole-building systems lifecycle approach to O&M optimization and recommissioning. The objective of this research is to develop a primer for airports that provides: (1) an overview of the benefits of a whole-building systems lifecycle approach to operations and maintenance (O&M) optimization and recommissioning and (2) guidance for preparing a building systems optimization and recommissioning plan to suit their unique needs. KW - Airport operations KW - Benefits KW - Budgeting KW - Decision making KW - Life cycle analysis KW - Maintenance practices KW - Optimization UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3255 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332979 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01463247 TI - Airport Winter Operations AB - Recent events at Heathrow during which extensive snow fall totally disrupted operations at one of the world's leading international airports illustrates the importance of adequately preparing for winter operations. This guidebook will serve as a compendium of best practices for airport winter operations and provide guidance on expected weather conditions, including airline expectations and a methodology to determine optimal levels of investment in staffing and equipment for efficient airport winter operations. Research into climate change should also be considered complementary to this project. The objective of this research is to identify the different methods and techniques that airports utilize during winter operations, provide guidance as it relates to the expected winter conditions, and understand how the different airline expectations for different winter events will have an impact on airport operations. KW - Airlines KW - Airport operations KW - Climate change KW - Heathrow Airport KW - Snowfall KW - Winter maintenance UR - http://www.trb.org/TRBNet/ProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3263 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1231472 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01572652 AU - Orasanu, Judith AU - Parke, Bonny AU - Kraft, Norbert AU - Tada, Yuri AU - Hobbs, Alan AU - Anderson, Barrett AU - McDonnell, Lori AU - Dulchinos, Vicki AU - National Aeronautics and Space Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Schedule Changes for Air Traffic Service (ATS) Providers: Controller Alertness and Fatigue Monitoring Study PY - 2012/12//Technical Report SP - 225p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) Fatigue Risk Management Program is developing a Fatigue Risk Management System that will include science-based shift scheduling and other strategies designed to maintain air traffic controllers’ alertness over the 24-hour clock and to reduce negative impacts of fatigue on Air Traffic Control (ATC) operations. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was tasked with conducting research to provide up-to-date knowledge about the state of controller shift work, sleep, alertness and factors contributing to controller fatigue. To that end, the NASA research team conducted a two-pronged effort: a web-based survey of fatigue factors that was available to the entire ATC workforce and a field study that obtained objective measures of sleep, fatigue and alertness in a sample of controllers from selected facilities, including En Route Centers, Terminal Radar Approach Controls (TRACONs), and ATC Towers. During 2010, 3,268 United States ATC personnel completed the online fatigue survey. The field study resulted in complete data being obtained from 211 controllers working at 30 facilities across the country. Data consisted of 14 days of continuous sleep and activity monitoring using wrist-worn actigraphs, daily sleep and activity logs, a brief objective measure of alertness, and subjective ratings of sleepiness and workload. The purpose of the present study was to establish a quantified baseline for evaluating the impact of the FAA’s planned fatigue risk mitigation strategies. Findings also will identify factors affecting fatigue and assist in targeting and designing future research areas. Results from this study were compared to those obtained from a 1999 survey (Della Rocco et al., 2000a) and several field studies conducted by the FAA between 1995-2005 (Della Rocco & Cruz, 1995; Cruz & Della Rocco, 1995b; Della Rocco & Cruz, 1996; Della Rocco et al., 2000b; Cruz et al., 2002; Della Rocco & Nesthus, 2005; Broach & Schroeder, 2005). KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Alertness KW - Fatigue (Physiological condition) KW - Field studies KW - Hours of labor KW - Risk management KW - Sleep KW - Surveys KW - United States KW - Workload UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/media/NASA_Controller_Fatigue_Assessment_Report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364660 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01531093 AU - Doig, William AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aircraft Skin-Penetrating Nozzle Testing of a Freighter Aircraft Cargo Liner PY - 2012/12//Final Report SP - 41p AB - Following the in-flight cargo fire accident involving United Parcel Service (UPS) flight 1307 at the Philadelphia International Airport on February 7, 2006, the National Transportation Safety Board determined that the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting personnel did not have adequate training in fighting freighter aircraft fires. A post-incident, on-aircraft analysis by UPS personnel suggested the cargo liner interfered with the aircraft skin-penetrating nozzle’s (ASPN) ability to discharge firefighting agent on the fire. The UPS analysis suggested that the firefighting agent became trapped between the cargo liner and the fuselage, implying that the liner separated from the fuselage and acted as a shield, which prohibited the firefighting agent from controlling the cargo fire. The research described in this report evaluates the role of cargo liner in penetration of an aircraft with an ASPN. Small-scale scoping tests identified the penetration behavior of heated cargo liner within an area of approximately 480 square inches. The cargo liner was mounted in a frame and penetrated with an ASPN that was fitted to a hydraulic ram. Initial penetration tests were conducted with cargo liner intact. Heated tests involved penetration while the material was directly exposed to a kerosene burner flame. Full-scale tests examined the role of cargo liner mounting hardware in ASPN penetration. The full-scale test article was composed of a mockup section of the freighter aircraft. This was created by mounting the cargo liner in a section of a modified C-133 aircraft. A cargo liner mounting frame was duplicated from an example freighter aircraft. The frame used normal aircraft construction techniques and materials. Electric radiant heaters and liquid fuel pool fires served as heat sources. An ASPN mounted on a high-reach extendable turret (HRET) was used to penetrate the aircraft. Penetration results were evaluated based on the number of unblocked ASPN holes on the interior side of the cargo liner. Under ambient conditions, the cargo liner did not significantly stretch or otherwise impede penetration. The heated cargo liner exhibited limited stretching or sagging, but not enough to obstruct the ASPN. Only 1 of the 45 full-scale heated tests demonstrated significant nozzle obstruction. Small-scale heated tests indicated that incomplete penetration or reduced penetration depth could lead to obstruction of 33% to 77% of the nozzle. Overall, tests indicated that cargo liner material does not normally hinder the use of an ASPN for application of firefighting agent. Given sufficient penetration length, it was observed that the ASPN is capable of penetrating through the cargo liner into the interior of the aircraft. KW - Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting KW - Cargo aircraft KW - Cargo compartments KW - Case studies KW - Fire extinguishing agents KW - Fire fighting KW - Fire fighting equipment KW - Vehicle design KW - Vehicle fires UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tc12-48.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1313491 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01518798 AU - Kawa, Izydor AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Pass-to-Coverage Computation for Arbitrary Gear Configurations in the FAARFIELD Program PY - 2012/12//Technical Note SP - 31p AB - The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) adopted FAA Rigid and Flexible Iterative Elastic Layered Design (FAARFIELD) as its standard thickness design procedure for airport pavements in September 2009. FAARFIELD incorporates the effects of airplane wander through a computed pass-to-coverage (P/C) ratio. The P/C ratio is computed at the top of the subgrade for flexible pavements and at the pavement surface for rigid pavements. This document describes the FAARFIELD-implemented procedure that allows the computation of P/C ratio for arbitrary gear configurations. This procedure also allows the calculation of pavement thicknesses for arbitrary, user-defined gear configurations. This feature was not available in previous FAARFIELD versions. KW - Airport runways KW - Flexible pavements KW - Landing gear KW - Pavement design KW - Rigid pavements KW - Thickness UR - http://www.airtech.tc.faa.gov/NAPTF/Download/TC-TN12-47.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1300238 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01472515 AU - Boeker, Eric R AU - Schulz, Noah E AU - Lee, Cynthia S Y AU - Roof, Christopher J AU - Fleming, Gregg G AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Analysis of Modeling Cumulative Noise from Simultaneous Flights; Volume 2: Supplemental Analysis PY - 2012/12//Final Report SP - 46p AB - This is the second of two volumes of the report on modeling cumulative noise from simultaneous flights. This volume examines the effect of several modeling input cases on Percent Time Audible results calculated by the Integrated Noise Model. The cases presented in this volume include changes to ambient noise input type as well as changes to sampling duration for ambient inputs. The results are compared with those presented in the Volume 1 report. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - INM (Integrated Noise Model) KW - Mathematical prediction KW - Sound transmission UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46500/46552/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-12-08.II.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1239019 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01472472 AU - Boeker, Eric R AU - Ahearn, Meghan J AU - Schulz, Noah E AU - Lee, Cynthia S Y AU - Roof, Christopher J AU - Fleming, Gregg G AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Analysis of Modeling Cumulative Noise from Simultaneous Flights; Volume 1: Analysis at Four National Parks PY - 2012/12//Final Report SP - 71p AB - This is the first of two volumes of the report on modeling cumulative noise from simultaneous flights. This volume includes: an overview of the time compression algorithms used to model simultaneous aircraft; revised summary of a preliminary study (which includes updated measured data); an expanded analysis of cumulative noise from simultaneous flights for several additional National Parks; and a discussion of the remaining issues and tasks that are recommended be addressed. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - INM (Integrated Noise Model) KW - Mathematical prediction KW - National parks KW - Sound transmission KW - Time compression UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46500/46551/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-12-08.I.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1239018 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01469931 AU - Dean, Michelle AU - Broach, Dana AU - San Diego State University AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Development, Validation, and Fairness of a Biographical Data Questionnaire for the Air Traffic Control Specialist (ATCS) Occupation PY - 2012/12//Final Report SP - 16p AB - Development and validation of a biographical data (“biodata”) instrument for selection into the Air Traffic Control Specialist (ATCS) occupation is described. Bootstrapping was used to estimate correlations between item responses to the Applicant Background Assessment (ABA; 142 items; n=266), Biographical Questionnaire (BQ; 145 items; n=482), and average supervisory job performance ratings. Scoring keys were developed for the most predictive 80, 100, and 120 items from the instruments. Reliabilities for the proposed scales ranged from .74 to .78. Criterion-related validities were .59, .62, and .63 for the 80-, 100-, and 120-item versions, respectively. Each version of the biodata scale had significant incremental validity over the AT-SAT composite score, accounting for 29% to 32% additional variance in average job performance ratings. Score distributions and cut-scores by race and sex were investigated. Differences (d) in mean scores by gender and ethnicity were generally low (ranging from -.08 to .37). Finally, cut score analyses were performed to examine pass rates of demographic subgroups using banding and percentiles. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that the 80-item biodata scale, renamed the Controller Background Assessment Survey (CBAS), be further developed as a potential ATCS selection procedure. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Biographical factors KW - Bootstrap analysis KW - Gender KW - Performance prediction KW - Persons by race and ethnicity KW - Quality of work KW - Selection and appointment UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201219.pdf UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46700/46721/201219.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1236953 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01469940 AU - Reynolds, Tom AU - Alexander Horrey, Amy L AU - Ishutkina, Mariya AU - Joachim, Dale AU - Jordan, Richard AU - Nakahara, Alex AU - Weaver, Alison AU - Massachusetts Institute of Technology AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Tower Flight Data Manager Benefits Assessment: Initial Investment Decision Interim Report. PY - 2012/11/19 SP - 120p AB - The Tower Flight Data Manager (TFDM) is an advanced tower automation system being developed to meet the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) objectives. The TFDM system provides controllers with advanced surveillance and flight data management display systems that will allow them to maintain an integrated picture of the current situation. Controllers and supervisors will also be provided with a suite of Decision Support Tools (DSTs) that provide critical information for assistance in tactical and strategic decision-making. In addition, TFDM will facilitate data exchange between controllers within a tower facility, between Air Traffic Control facilities, and between stakeholders. The capabilities provided by the TFDM system should enable multiple system benefits, such as reduced surface delay, taxi time, and fuel burn (with associated improved operational and environmental performance); better performance during severe weather and other off-nominal conditions; improved usability and situational awareness; and enhanced safety. This document summarizes the analysis efforts undertaken by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory to estimate the benefits from the key TFDM capabilities over the 2015-2035 timeframe in support of the Initial Investment Decision (IID) benefits assessment process. KW - Advanced automation system (Air traffic control) KW - Air traffic control KW - Approach control KW - Aviation safety KW - Benefits KW - Data communications KW - Decision support systems KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Guidance systems (Aircraft) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1236843 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01473707 AU - Lewis, Kristin AU - Mitra, Shuchi AU - Xu, Sheila AU - Tripp, Lyle AU - Lau, Michael AU - Epstein, Alexander AU - Fleming, Gregg AU - Roof, Chris AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Alternative jet fuel scenario analysis report PY - 2012/11/14/Final Report SP - 77p AB - This analysis presents a “bottom up” projection of the potential production of alternative aviation (jet) fuels in North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico) and the European Union in the next decade. The analysis is based on available plans from individual companies and considers existing and emerging fuel production technologies. The analysis also forecasts how alternative fuels might contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) goals. Based on a review of fuel production companies’ stated plans to produce jet fuel, the study incorporated company-specific data into seven scenarios varying alternative jet fuel production and expansion assumptions. This study supports the use of advanced alternative fuels as one important component of achieving emissions and environmental targets, although other additional measures and/or new technologies may also be required. The analysis suggests that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) goal of 1 billion gallons of alternative jet fuel use by U.S. aviation in 2018 is achievable. A combination of the most optimistic demand forecasts and the “product switch” production scenarios leads to North American aviation greenhouse gas emissions leveling off or decreasing between years by 2020. For the limited scenarios considered, additional measures would be needed to return to 2005 emissions levels in North America in 2020. In the European analysis, leveling of GHG emissions by 2020 only occurs in cases where ethanol and/or biodiesel producers switch to producing some jet fuel. As this “bottom up” projection could not account for all potential alternative fuel producers (either because public data were not available or because these companies were unknown to the authors), the results presented should be viewed as one possible range of future production levels that could occur in North America and Europe. It does not consider the amount of alternative fuels that could be produced from all potentially available feedstocks (i.e., technical potential) which would be much greater. Further, production outside of North America and Europe was not included in the analysis so actual demand for alternative jet fuels in North America and Europe could be met with alternative fuels produced outside the region. Finally, the development of new technologies, new market conditions, new participants, and improved processes for known technologies could all lead to production levels higher than shown in this analysis. In fact the technical potential of biofuels production greatly exceeds projected demand. Likewise, policies and economic conditions could lead to lower, or nonexistent production levels. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Aviation fuels KW - Biodiesel fuels KW - European Union countries KW - Greenhouse gases KW - North America KW - Pollutants UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46500/46597/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-12-01.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1244179 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01457539 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Contract Towers Continue to Provide Cost-Effective and Safe Air Traffic Services, but Improved Oversight of the Program Is Needed PY - 2012/11/05 SP - 25p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA’s) Federal Contract Tower (FCT) Program (the Program) comprises 250 contract towers in 46 States and 4 U.S. Territories and provides services to a wide range of users, including general aviation, commercial, cargo, and military operators. Since its inception 30 years ago, the Program has been successful in providing low-cost air traffic control services at airports that otherwise would not have received these services, increasing the level of safety at these airports for pilots and the surrounding local communities. Between 1998 and 2003, The U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted four reviews evaluating various aspects of the FCT Program. Overall, OIG found that the Program successfully provided air traffic services to low-activity airports at lower costs than the Agency could otherwise provide. OIG also found little difference in safety or the quality of services provided at low activity towers whether they were operated by FAA or by contractors. Finally, it found that users were supportive of the Program and believed the services they received at contract towers were comparable to FAA towers. The House Committee on Appropriations, in its report accompanying the Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies bill, requested that OIG provide an update to our previous reviews. Accordingly, the audit objectives were to evaluate the FCT Program’s (1) cost-effectiveness and (2) safety benefits and overall user satisfaction. briefly, contract towers continue to provide air traffic control services at a lower cost than similar FAA towers. Based on OIG's review of 30 randomly selected contract and 30 FAA towers with a comparable level of operations, a contract tower cost, on average, about $1.5 million less to operate than a similar FAA tower. Also, contract towers had a significantly lower number and rate of safety incidents compared to similar FAA towers. For example, the 240 contract towers in OIG's review had 197 safety incidents in FY 2010, compared to 362 at 92 similar FAA towers. OIG is making recommendations to improve FAA’s internal controls and oversight of contractual and safety aspects of the FCT Program. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aviation safety KW - Contracting KW - Cost effectiveness KW - Customer satisfaction KW - Federal Contract Tower Program KW - Oversight KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/FAA%20Federal%20Contract%20Tower%20Program%20Report%5E11-5-12.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1225417 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01531097 AU - Doig, William AU - Allen, William AU - Gallagher, Donald W AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Ground Vehicle Runway Incursion Prevention Alerting System Literature Review PY - 2012/11//Technical Note SP - 25p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration Airport Technology Research and Development Branch conducted a literature review of technology and technological solutions that could be used to prevent runway incursions and surface accidents involving vehicles with authorized access to the aircraft movement area. The objective was to identify a technology that would be optimal for this purpose and would warrant further evaluation. The optimal technology was defined as a complete system that provides an alert to ground vehicle operators when approaching a sensitive or restricted area, while having minimal equipment installation requirements that could impact the airport infrastructure. The components needed for an alerting system are (1) reliable ground vehicle position information as to where it is on an airport, (2) a device is needed to provide the visible and audible alerts to the vehicle operator, and (3) the most critical, the logic necessary to take and send the alert directly to the device in the ground vehicle. A literature search was conducted to identify technologies and systems that have the potential to provide a visible and audible alert to ground vehicle operators when approaching a restricted area, such as runways, runway safety areas, etc. A number of technologies have components that could be used in an alerting system; however, only three were identified that constituted a complete system. They were (1) the Incursion Collision Avoidance System (ICAS), (2) The Runway Incursion Monitoring Detection Alerting System (RIMDAS), and (3) The Asset Tracking and Incursion Management System (ATIMS). The analysis of the literature search showed that the RIMDAS did not provide an alert when approaching a sensitive or restricted area. The lack of this feature is a disadvantage compared to the ICAS and ATIMS systems, which provide this capability. Both the ICAS and RIMDAS systems required equipment to be installed on the airport in addition to the equipment needed in the ground vehicle. For these reasons, the ICAS and RIMDAS were not recommended for further evaluation. The analysis of the literature search showed that the ATIMS met the optimal criteria, and a version of the ATIMS is already being used on airports. The only equipment needed is in the ground vehicle. Because of these advantages, the ATIMS is recommended for further evaluation. KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Crash avoidance systems KW - Ground vehicles KW - Literature reviews KW - Runway incursions KW - Technology assessment KW - Warning systems UR - http://www.airtech.tc.faa.gov/safety/downloads/TC-TN12-46__Final__Vehicle_Runway_Incursion_Lit_Review_112112.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1313492 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01526400 AU - Lee, Cynthia AU - MacDonald, John AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - National Park Service TI - Baseline Ambient Sound Levels in Everglades National Park PY - 2012/11//Final Report SP - 113p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Park Service (NPS), with the assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center) are developing Air Tour Management Plans (ATMPs) for all national parks with commercial air tours, with the exception of the Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP), tribal lands within or abutting the GCNP, air tour operations flying over or near the Lake Mead National Recreation Area solely as a transportation route to conduct an air tour over GCNP, Rocky Mountain National Park, and national park units located in Alaska. An important area of technical support is the determination of representative baseline ambient sound levels for the study parks. During the summer (August - September 2008) and winter (February – April 2009), the National Park Service conducted baseline ambient sound level measurements in Everglades National Park. Up to one month of acoustical and meteorological data were measured at five sites throughout the park. This document summarizes the results of the noise measurement study. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Ambient noise KW - Everglades National Park KW - National parks KW - Noise sources KW - Sound level UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51600/51622/EVER_AmbientReport_Nov2012LoRes.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1310484 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01526340 AU - Lee, Cynthia AU - MacDonald, John AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - National Park Service TI - Baseline Ambient Sound Levels in Dry Tortugas National Park PY - 2012/11//Final Report SP - 77p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Park Service (NPS), with the assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center) are developing Air Tour Management Plans (ATMPs) for all national parks with commercial air tours, with the exception of the Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP), tribal lands within or abutting the GCNP, air tour operations flying over or near the Lake Mead National Recreation Area solely as a transportation route to conduct an air tour over GCNP, Rocky Mountain National Park, and national park units located in Alaska. An important area of technical support is the determination of representative baseline ambient sound levels for the study parks. During the summer (August - September 2008) and winter (February – April 2009), the National Park Service conducted baseline ambient sound level measurements in Dry Tortugas National Park. Up to one month of acoustical and meteorological data were measured at one site within the park. This document summarizes the results of the noise measurement study. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Ambient noise KW - Dry Tortugas National Park KW - National parks KW - Noise sources KW - Sound level UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51600/51623/DRTO_AmbientReport_Nov2012.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1310483 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01516615 AU - Rein, Jonathan R AU - Masalonis, Anthony J AU - Messina, James AU - Willems, Ben AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Separation Management: Automation Reliability Meta-Analysis and Conflict Probe Reliability Analysis PY - 2012/11//Technical Note SP - 30p AB - The purpose of this study is to establish whether a valid performance criterion exists to determine the acceptability of the En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM) Conflict Probe’s conflict-detection accuracy and to evaluate observed accuracy against this criterion. The Conflict Probe can exhibit very high or very low accuracy depending on the analysis technique. It is necessary to establish both an empirically backed criterion for accuracy and the appropriate accuracy analyses and metrics. A meta-analysis was conducted on Human Factors automation reliability literature; an additional analysis was done on the results of probe reliability studies by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Concept Analysis branch to derive various accuracy metrics. The results were compared to determine the acceptability of the conflict probe accuracy. The meta-analysis produced an estimated criterion of 65% correct responses for automation to improve performance, but this estimate is subject to a broad confidence interval due to variability in the source data from the literature. The probe performance exceeded the 65% value when giving credit for all correct rejections, but it fell short when not giving credit for correct rejections. Another metric, Positive Predictive Value (PPV, the percent of alerts that are valid), is operationally meaningful and its values demonstrated large accuracy improvements over baseline with the FAA Concept Analysis’ parametric adjustments, but a PPV cutoff criterion could not be established from the meta-analysis. The present results provide insight on several fronts, but operational input is essential to determine (1) a more justifiable air traffic control-specific accuracy criterion and (2) which aircraft encounters are appropriate to include in a test set for accuracy assessment. Automation responses should only increase the value of an accuracy metric to the extent that the responses add informational value for the controller. The present results will be used in the design of an evaluation to derive a set of operationally meaningful aircraft encounters. Different measures of accuracy, such as PPV, also merit further exploration. KW - Accuracy KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft separation KW - Automation KW - En Route Automation Modernization KW - Human factors KW - Reliability UR - http://hf.tc.faa.gov/publications/2012-11-separation-management/full_text.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1290616 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01496738 AU - Koopmann, Jonathan AU - Ahearn, Meghan AU - Boeker, Eric AU - Hansen, Andrew AU - Hwang, Sunje AU - Malwitz, Andrew AU - Senzig, David AU - Solman, Gina Barberio AU - Dinges, Eric AU - Yaworski, Michael AU - Soucacos, Philip AU - Moore, Jim AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT): Technical Manual, Version 2a PY - 2012/11 SP - 203p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environment and Energy (FAA-AEE) has developed the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) version 2a software system with the support of the following development team: FAA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States Department of Transportation Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), ATAC Corporation, Metron Aviation, Wyle Laboratories, CSSI, Inc., Foliage, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Georgia Tech. AEDT2a is designed to dynamically model aircraft performance in space and time to compute aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn. In the U.S., the model is used to evaluate aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn of proposed air traffic airspace actions under the current version of FAA Order 1050.1E. This Technical Manual describes the technical methodology in AEDT2a. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Computer program documentation KW - Fuel consumption KW - Methodology KW - Pollutants KW - Software UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47700/47752/AEDT2a_TechManual.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1264950 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01496720 AU - Moore, Jim AU - Lautman, Mark AU - Pepper, Jeremiah AU - DiFelici, John AU - Augustine, Stephen AU - Koopmann, Jonathan AU - Solman, Gina Barberio AU - Ahearn, Meghan AU - Hwang, Sunje AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT): AEDT Standard Input File (ASIF) Reference Guide, Version 2a PY - 2012/11 SP - 146p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environment and Energy (FAA-AEE) has developed the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) version 2a software system with the support of the following development team: FAA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States Department of Transportation Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), ATAC Corporation, Metron Aviation, Wyle Laboratories, CSSI, Inc., Foliage, Massachusetts Institute o Technology, and Georgia Tech. AEDT2a is designed to dynamically model aircraft performance in space and time to compute aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn. In the U.S., the model is used to evaluate aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn of proposed air traffic airspace actions under the current version of FAA Order 1050.1E. This document provides detailed information on the AEDT Standard Input File format and requirements. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Computer program documentation KW - Fuel consumption KW - Pollutants KW - Software UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47700/47753/AEDT_2aSP1_ASIFRefGuide.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1264949 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01496719 AU - Koopmann, Jonathan AU - Solman, Gina Barberio AU - Ahearn, Meghan AU - Hwang, Sunje AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT): User Guide, Version 2a PY - 2012/11 SP - 177p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environment and Energy (FAA-AEE) has developed the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) version 2a software system with the support of the following development team: FAA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States Department of Transportation Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), ATAC Corporation, Metron Aviation, Wyle Laboratories, CSSI, Inc., Foliage, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Georgia Tech. AEDT 2a is designed to dynamically model aircraft performance in space and time to compute aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn. AEDT 2a software runs on PCs using a minimum hardware configuration of a Microsoft Windows XP or 7 operating systems, Dual-core w/ 1.6 GHz FSB and 512KB L2 Cache processor, 4 GB RAM, and 500 GB hard disk storage. In the U.S., the model is used to evaluate aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn of proposed air traffic airspace actions under the current version of FAA Order 1050.1E. This document is the User Guide to setup and run analyses with AEDT 2a. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Computer program documentation KW - Fuel consumption KW - Pollutants KW - Software UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47700/47726/AEDT2a_UserGuide.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1264951 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01482448 AU - Lewis, Russell J AU - Angier, Mike K AU - Williamson, Kelly S AU - Johnson, Robert D AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Analysis of Sertraline in Postmortem Fluids and Tissues in 11 Aviation Accident Victims PY - 2012/11//Final Report SP - 18p AB - Sertraline (Zoloft®) is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that is a commonly prescribed drug for the treatment of depression, as well as obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. While the use of sertraline is relatively safe, certain side effects could negatively affect a pilot’s performance and become a factor in an aviation accident. The adverse side effects associated with this medication include: sleepiness, nervousness, insomnia, headaches, tremors, and dizziness. The nature of aviation accidents often precludes the availability of blood from accident victims; therefore, tissues must be relied upon for analysis. Understanding the distribution of a drug throughout postmortem fluids and tissues is important when trying to interpret drug impairment and/or intoxication. Laboratory tests investigated the distribution of sertraline and its primary metabolite, desmethylsertraline, in various postmortem tissues and fluids obtained from 11 fatal aviation accident cases between 2001-2004. The gender of the pilots was male and their ages ranged from 31 – 66. When available, 11 specimen types were analyzed for each case, including blood, urine, vitreous humor, liver, lung, kidney, spleen, muscle, brain, heart, and bile. Human specimens were processed utilizing solid-phase extraction, followed by characterization and quantitation employing GC/MS. Whole blood sertraline concentrations obtained from these 11 cases ranged from 0.005 to 0.392 µg/mL. The distribution of sertraline, expressed as specimen/blood ratio, was as follows: urine 0.47 ± 0.39 (n=6), vitreous humor 0.02 ± 0.01 (n=4), liver 74 ± 59 (n=11), lung 67 ± 45 (n=11), kidney 7.4 ± 5 (n=11), spleen 46 ± 45 (n=10), muscle 2.1 ± 1.3 (n=8), brain 22 ± 14 (n=10), heart 9 ± 7 (n=11), and bile 36 ± 26 (n=8). Postmortem distribution coefficients obtained for sertraline had coefficient of variations (CV) ranging from 47 – 99%. With such large CV’s, the distribution coefficients have very little use in aiding in the interpretation of sertraline-positive tissue specimens. Furthermore, no consistent desmethylsertraline/sertraline ratio was identified within any specimen group. This study suggests that sertraline likely undergoes significant postmortem redistribution. KW - Air pilots KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aircraft crash victims KW - Antidepressants KW - Crash investigation KW - Drug effects KW - Fatalities KW - Males KW - Medical treatment KW - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors KW - Toxicology UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201217.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1251115 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01472486 AU - Rickley, Edward J AU - Rosenbaum, Joyce E AU - Fleming, Gregg G AU - Roof, Christopher J AU - Boeker, Eric R AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Development of Simplified Procedure for Computing the Absorption of Sound by the Atmosphere and Applicability to Aircraft Noise Certification: Proposed SAE Method PY - 2012/11//Final Report SP - 47p AB - This report presents the results of the study to extend the useful attenuation range of the Approximate Method outlined in the American National Standard, “Method for Calculation of the Absorption of Sound by the Atmosphere” (ANSI S1.26-1995), and provide a basis for replacing the current Society of Automotive Engineers Aerospace Recommended Practice 866A, “Standard Values of Atmospheric Absorption as a Function of Temperature and Humidity” (SAE ARP 866A). The report describes the implementation of the one-third octave-band adaptations of the ISO/ANSI pure-tone equations, and the development and testing of the proposed SAE Method. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Atmosphere KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Certification KW - INM (Integrated Noise Model) KW - Mathematical prediction KW - Sound absorption KW - Sound transmission UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46400/46441/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-12-14.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1239152 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01471132 AU - Avers, Katrina AU - Johnson, Bill AU - Banks, Joy AU - Wenzel, Brenda AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Technical Documentation Challenges in Aviation Maintenance: A Proceedings Report PY - 2012/11//Final Report SP - 32p AB - The 2012 Technical Documentation workshop addressed both problems and solutions associated with technical documentation for maintenance. These issues are known to cause errors, rework, maintenance delays, other safety hazards, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) administrative actions against individuals and organizations. This report describes the group processes and data collection technique used to identify the top ten industry action items for addressing documentation issues: 1. Quantify financial loss related to documentation issues. 2. Develop/apply methods for evaluating quality of technical documentation. 3. Leverage voluntary reporting to identify specific problems with documentation. 4. Improve/create guidance for FAA personnel working documentation issues, especially Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA). 5. Expand incident investigation to identify details associated with documentation issues. 6. Improve integration and linkage of content across maintenance documents – maintenance manuals, task cards, and illustrated parts catalogs. 7. Delegate approval from FAA to industry using established Organization Designation Authorization (ODA). 8. Improve usability of manual format, accessibility of manual, and training on manual use. 9. Initiate industry mandate requiring users to address known documentation issues. 10. Improve coordination of document professionals from industry segments and government. KW - Aviation KW - Documents KW - Errors KW - Maintenance KW - Manuals KW - Vehicle maintenance KW - Workshops UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201216.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1238904 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01470004 AU - DeWeese, Richard AU - Moorcroft, David AU - Abramowitz, Allan AU - Pellettiere, Joseph AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Civil Aircraft Side-Facing Seat Research Summary PY - 2012/11//Final Report SP - 21p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has standards and regulations that are intended to protect aircraft occupants in the event of a crash. However, side-facing seats were not specifically addressed when aircraft seat dynamic test standards were developed in the late 1980s. Since then, considerable research has been conducted to increase knowledge about injury risks and mitigation technologies for automotive and aviation applications. Some injury risks such as those to the head, chest, and pelvis are common to both automotive and aviation side-impact scenarios. FAA research has determined that typical side-facing seat configurations could pose additional neck and flailing injury risks. To address these identified risks, the FAA sponsored research to develop neck injury criteria applicable during lateral impacts. This research also evaluated the overall injury risks of the seat configurations identified as having the greatest injury potential. The research included impact tests using postmortem human subjects and the ES-2 test dummy. In this report, the latest advancements in side-facing seat impact testing technology and biomechanical knowledge are used to identify new testing and injury assessment methods intended to ensure fully side-facing aircraft seat designs provide the same level of safety afforded occupants of forward- and aft-facing seats. The methods identified include: use of the ES-2re test dummy and the injury criteria cited in the automotive safety standards to assess injury, adapting test procedures related to test dummy seating, clothing and instrumentation, applying injury criteria originally applicable to forward-facing seats, reducing flailing injuries by limiting occupant excursion and contact, and applying the new neck injury criteria developed by the FAA-sponsored research. To determine the effect that implementation of the new criteria could have on approval of typical side-facing seats, the results of research tests with those seat configurations were evaluated using the pass/fail criteria outlined in this report. This evaluation showed that configurations permitting excessive lateral flailing do not pass, and those that limit it by combining effective restraint system geometry with a barrier or inflatable restraint, pass readily. This result indicates that the criteria described in this report can be met by applying current technology. KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash injuries KW - Impact tests KW - Injury characteristics KW - Restraint systems KW - Seats KW - Side-facing seats KW - Types of seats UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201218.pdf UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46700/46720/201218.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1236952 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547224 TI - Applying Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing to Airport Deicing Runoff AB - Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) refers to the aggregate effect to aquatic organisms from all pollutants contained in a facility's wastewater. WET tests measure wastewater's effect on specific test organisms' ability to survive, grow, and reproduce. The WET test methodology consists of exposing living organisms, such as water fleas (Ceriodaphnia dubia) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to various concentrations of a sample facility's wastewater effluent stream. WET test results are used by National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting authorities to determine whether a facility's permit will need to include specific WET-related requirements. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and various state permitting authorities have required some airports to conduct WET testing of stormwater runoff from portions of the airport where pavement and aircraft deicing occurs to determine if additional sampling or corrective actions will be required. However, due to the episodic nature of airport stormwater deicing discharges, the potential for multiple discharge locations, variations in the size and flow of receiving water bodies, the exposure of organisms to varying deicing concentrations, the effect of seasonality, and other issues, WET testing at airports faces unique challenges. Research is needed to produce guidance on how to appropriately conduct and apply WET testing for evaluating the effects of airport stormwater deicing discharges. The objectives of this research are to: (1) describe how WET testing is used at airports for monitoring stormwater deicing discharges, including WET testing strengths and weaknesses; (2) evaluate whether current WET sampling protocols accurately reflect the toxicity of episodic airport stormwater discharges containing deicing fluids; (3) develop approaches for accurately applying the results of laboratory WET testing of episodic airport stormwater discharges containing deicing fluids to determine if in situ water quality impacts are occurring or will occur; and (4) provide guidance on the use of WET testing at airports for stormwater deicing discharges. KW - Airports KW - Deicing chemicals KW - Living things KW - Runoff KW - Toxicity KW - Wastewater KW - Winter maintenance UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3244 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334205 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569614 TI - Material Model Development and Its Application Using Finite Element Methods in Engine Failure Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Engine operation KW - Failure analysis KW - Finite element method UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361333 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569613 TI - Improving Human and System Performance in TechOps AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Human factors KW - Performance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361332 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569612 TI - Airport Pavement Condition Monitoring Using Self-powered Wireless Active Sensing System AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Condition surveys KW - Monitoring KW - Remote sensing UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361331 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569611 TI - Testing, Modeling, and AE Crack Detection for FAA Reflective Cracking Study AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Detection and identification KW - Reflection cracking KW - Testing KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361330 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569610 TI - Development of a Testing Program to Develop Specifications for RAP & RAS Used in Airfield Pavements AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Recycled materials KW - Shingles KW - Specifications UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361329 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569609 TI - Analysis of National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) Test Data for Use in Improving FAA Pavement Design Procedures AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - National Airport Pavement Test Facility KW - Pavement design KW - Test facilities UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361328 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569608 TI - Refinement of the Rate of Dissipated Energy Change (RDEC) Based Fatigue Model Calibrated Using Mechanical Response Data and Field Performance from CC1 and CC3 Test Items at the NAPTF AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Fatigue (Mechanics) KW - Field tests KW - National Airport Pavement Test Facility KW - Performance measurement KW - Resistance (Mechanics) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361327 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569596 TI - Rotorcraft Health and Utilization Monitoring Systems Research in Support of Programs, such as Continued Airworthiness and Systems Safety AB - No summary provided. KW - Airworthiness KW - Aviation safety KW - Monitoring KW - Rotorcraft UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361241 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569595 TI - Characterization of Flight Deck Information Automation Issues AB - No summary provided. KW - Automation KW - Flight decks KW - Information display systems UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361240 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569594 TI - Critical Human Factors Issues for Guiding Advances in the Support and Execution of Collaborative Decision Making AB - No summary provided. KW - Cooperation KW - Decision making KW - Human factors UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361239 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569593 TI - Occupant Safety in Obliquely Mounted Aircraft Seat Systems AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Aviation safety KW - Occupant protection devices KW - Seats UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361238 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569592 TI - A Pilot Project to Investigate Wake Vortex Patterns and Weather Patterns at the Atlantic City Airport AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Atlantic City International Airport KW - Civil aviation KW - Pilot studies KW - Wakes KW - Weather KW - Weather conditions UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361237 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569591 TI - Research to Support the Development of Human Factors Guidance for Ameliorating the Negative Effects of Surprise, Startle, and Distraction AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Civil aviation KW - Distraction KW - Guidelines KW - Human factors in crashes KW - Surprise UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361236 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569590 TI - Research Proposal for the Investigation of Subgrade Moisture Flow in an Airfield Pavement System AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Drainage KW - Moisture content KW - Runoff KW - Subgrade (Pavements) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361235 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569589 TI - Airport Lighting and Visual Guidance: Human Factors Research AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Guidelines KW - Human factors engineering KW - Intersecting runways KW - Lighting UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361234 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569588 TI - Development of Normal Procedures for Airline Operations AB - No summary provided. KW - Airlines KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - Development KW - Guidelines KW - Procedures UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361233 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569587 TI - Surface Characteristics with 3D Data and Improved Airport PCI Survey Solutions AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Condition surveys KW - Pavement Condition Index KW - Surveys KW - Texture UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361232 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569586 TI - An Evaluation of Pavement Preservation and Maintenance Activities at General Aviation Airports in the FAA Southwest Region: Current Practices, Perceived Effectiveness, Costs, and Planning AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - General aviation airports KW - Pavement maintenance KW - Preservation KW - Southwestern States UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361231 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569585 TI - GBAS Performance and Safety Under Ionospheric Anomalies AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport operations KW - Anomalies KW - Augmentation systems KW - Aviation safety KW - Flow control (Air traffic control) KW - Global Navigation Satellite System UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361230 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569584 TI - Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of High Tire Pressure Effect on Airport Pavement AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Finite element method KW - Pavement performance KW - Tire pressure UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361229 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569583 TI - Nano-Engineered Smart Tarmacs for Detecting Distributed Surface and Subsurface Pavement Damage AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Geological surveying KW - Pavement distress KW - Pavement performance KW - Subgrade materials KW - Texture UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361228 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569582 TI - Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) Evaluation for the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - National Airport Pavement Test Facility KW - Pavement performance KW - Stone matrix asphalt UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361227 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01569581 TI - Preventing Clutter and Confusion on NextGen Flight Decks; Guidance for the Design, Evaluation, and Approval of NextGen Visual, Auditory and Tactile Displays and Controls AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Confusion KW - Flight decks KW - Free flight (Air traffic control) KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Radar clutter KW - Tactile perception KW - Terminal air traffic control UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1361226 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01546028 TI - Balancing Airport Stormwater and Wildlife Hazard Management: Analysis Tools and Guidance AB - Airports are required to manage the quantity and quality of stormwater on site while ensuring the safety of aircraft operations. Many stormwater management options can create potential aviation wildlife hazards. In addition, airports are faced with potentially conflicting federal, state, and local stormwater and wildlife management regulations and guidance. Research is therefore needed to develop proactive tools and guidance to assist airports in making decisions that balance stormwater management and wildlife hazard management. The objective of this research is to develop tools and guidance for airports that identify and evaluate stormwater management options and provide a set of best management practices to minimize hazards posed to aviation by wildlife. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - Drainage KW - Guidelines KW - Hazards KW - Wildlife UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3259 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332980 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01531101 AU - Bocchieri, R T AU - MacNeill, R M AU - Northrup, C N AU - Dierdorf, D S AU - Applied Research Associates, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Crash Simulation of Transport Aircraft for Predicting Fuel Release: First Phase—Simulation of the Lockheed Constellation Model L-1649 Full-Scale Crash Test PY - 2012/10//Final Report SP - 97p AB - For nearly 40 years, the National Fire Protection Association, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the International Civil Aviation Organization have used mathematical models, such as the Theoretical Critical Area and Practical Critical Area (TCA/PCA) method, to determine Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) requirements at commercial airports throughout the world. These models used the length and width of the aircraft fuselage to determine a rectangular area in which extinguishing the fire was critical to safely evacuate passengers. They do not consider the plausible amount of fuel that could be released in survivable crash events. There has been growing concern that the ARFF requirements may not be sufficient for modern aircraft designs that include larger fuel capacities and varied crashworthiness. This research program is being conducted to establish an alternative methodology for evaluating the quantity of fuel dispersed during various types of survivable aircraft accidents and ultimately to contribute to the development of an alternative to the TCA/PCA method. The approach is to simulate survivable crashes using high-fidelity nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis of these events with fuel explicitly modeled in the wing tanks. The simulated, time-dependent fuel distribution will serve as input to fire modeling efforts for determining ARFF requirements. This research is being conducted in multiple phases. The first phase is a methodology validation phase in which a full-scale crash test of a Lockheed Constellation Model L-1649 is simulated. The objective of this phase was to demonstrate that this modeling approach can produce accurate results. Subsequent phases will implement the validated methodology for assessing fuel dispersal from two different transport aircraft. This report describes the analysis methodologies and results of the first phase of the research program. The analyses successfully demonstrated that accurate predictions for fuel release in survivable accidents can be achieved by using high-fidelity nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis of these events. Overall, simulated and test results for the liquid released are in good agreement. Refinements of modeling methods to more accurately simulate full-scale crashes of modern transport aircraft for predicting fuel release were also determined. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting KW - Finite element method KW - Fire fighting KW - Hazard analysis KW - Passenger aircraft KW - Simulation KW - Vehicle fires KW - Vehicle occupant rescue UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=2a2121e8-3588-4600-a145-de54b0d62f7c&f=TC-12-43_Final_Crash_Simulation_of_Transport_Aircraft_for_Predicting_Fuel%20%20_Release_101012.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1313493 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01516319 AU - Zingale, Carolina M AU - Willems, Ben AU - Schulz, Kenneth AU - Higgins, J Stephen AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Separation Management (SepMan 2): Human Factors Evaluations of Conflict Probe Location and Format and Workstation Display Alternatives PY - 2012/10//Technical Report SP - 81p AB - The En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM) system will continue to integrate new capabilities and features to assist controllers in managing increasingly high levels of traffic in the National Airspace System (NAS). The Federal Aviation Administration Human Factors Branch conducted a study to examine potential modifications to the system. The study included an evaluation of (a) the location and format of conflict probe notifications, (b) the use of 30-inch displays, and (c) the use of different pointing devices at en route controller workstations. This report summarizes the evaluations of the conflict probe and display alternatives. This is the second Separation Management simulation. The first simulation investigated the automation requirements needed to assist controllers in working en route sectors capable of accommodating 3-nmi (5.56 km) and 5-nmi (9.26 km) separation standards. Eighteen (12 retired, 6 current) en route air traffic controllers participated in the study. All participants managed high-traffic level scenarios under test conditions that varied the location and format of the conflict probe notifications on controller displays and that compared controller management of traffic using current displays and 30-inch displays. The authors collected system and participant performance measures and ratings of workload and performance. The authors did not find significant differences across test conditions for measures of performance, efficiency, and safety. The authors did find that radar (R)-side participants viewed a higher proportion of notifications when only the most imminent notifications were presented on their displays. When notifications were available on the R-side display, the participants tended to select them more often from the data block than from the Conflict Alert List. In the Display Evaluation, the 30-inch displays were rated more favorably by the data (D)-side participants than by the R-side participants. Providing conflict probe notifications for imminent notifications on the R-side display and providing a 30-inch display on the D-side appear useful. KW - Air traffic control KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Aircraft separation KW - En Route Automation Modernization KW - Human factors KW - Information display systems KW - Performance measurement KW - Simulation KW - Workload UR - http://hf.tc.faa.gov/publications/2012-10-separation-management-sepman-2/full_text.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1290618 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01472541 AU - Ahearn, Meghan J AU - Boeker, Eric R AU - Rosenbaum, Joyce E AU - Gerbi, Paul J AU - Roof, Christopher J AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Analysis of Modeling Aircraft Noise with the Nord2000 Noise Model PY - 2012/10//Final Report SP - 115p AB - This report provides comparisons between Aviation Environmental Design Tool/Integrated Noise Model (AEDT/INM) and the Nord 2000 Noise Models for the following parameters: ground type, simple terrain (downward slope, upward slope, hill), temperature and humidity, temperature gradients (positive and negative), turbulence, mixed ground types, hill terrain with mixed ground types, hill terrain with mixed ground types and turbulence, and hill terrain with a positive temperature gradient. The purpose of these comparisons is to highlight portions of the Nord2000 noise propagation methodology that could be considered and adapted for inclusion in AEDT development. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - INM (Integrated Noise Model) KW - Mathematical prediction KW - Sound transmission KW - Temperature gradients KW - Terrain KW - Weather UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46200/46271/DOT_VNTSC_FAA_12_07.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1239143 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01471169 AU - Bullough, John D AU - Skinner, Nicholas P AU - Bierman, Andrew AU - Milburn, Nelda J AU - Taranta, Rachel T AU - Narendran, N AU - Gallagher, Donald W AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Nonincandescent Source Aviation Signal Light Colors PY - 2012/10//Technical Note SP - 95p AB - Aviation signal lighting systems are increasingly replacing filtered and unfiltered incandescent lamps with light-emitting diode (LED) sources to create various signal light colors. As LED sources produce spectral distributions that can differ in color appearance from incandescent signal lights, it is important to understand how the characteristics of LEDs influence color identification. The objective of this research was to provide chromaticity regions for aviation signal lights that maximize the likelihood of correct identification while minimizing the potential for confusion with other colors. Three color identification studies of aviation signal lights were conducted to produce white, yellow, red, blue, and green colors using filtered and unfiltered incandescent lamps and LEDs. The objectives of these studies were to (1) identify chromaticity regions resulting in a high probability of correctly identifying aviation signal lights as white; (2) compare the color identification performance of color-normal and color-deficient observers in response to incandescent and LED signal lights of each nominal color (white, yellow, red, blue, and green); and (3) identify chromaticity regions resulting in a high probability of correctly identifying aviation signal lights as yellow, red, or blue. Based on the results of these studies, recommendations for each of the nominal signal colors are provided in the Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage 1931 chromaticity space. KW - Aviation KW - Chromaticity KW - Color KW - Color vision KW - Incandescent lamps KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Signal lights KW - Visual perception UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=b8145d4d-1b09-4574-9f11-3c0e18aefee1&f=TC-TN12-61.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1239276 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01457664 AU - Knecht, William R AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Predicting General Aviation Accident Frequency From Pilot Total Flight Hours PY - 2012/10//Final Report SP - 28p AB - Craig (2001) hypothesized a “killing zone”—a range of pilot total flight hours (TFH) from about 50-350, over which general aviation (GA) pilots are at greatest risk. The current work tested a number of candidate modeling functions on eight samples of National Transportation Safety Board GA accident data encompassing the years 1983-2011. The goal was largely atheoretical, being merely to show that such data can be modeled. While log-normal and Weibull probability density functions (pdf) appeared capable of fitting these data, there was some pragmatic advantage to using a gamma pdf. A gamma pdf allows estimation of confidence intervals around the fitting function itself. Log-transformation of TFH proved critical to the success of these data-fits. Untransformed TFH frequently led to catastrophic fit-failure. Due to the nature of the data, it may be advisable to place the greatest prediction confidence in a middle range of TFH, perhaps from 50-5,000. Fortunately, that is also the range that captures the vast majority of all GA pilots. With some care, GA accident frequencies appear predictable from TFH, given data parsed by a) pilot instrument rating and b) seriousness of accident. Goodness-of-fit (R2) tended to be excellent for non-instrument-rated pilot data and good for instrument-rated data. Estimates of median TFH were derived for each dataset, which will be useful to aviation policy makers. These data suggest that the “killing zone” proposed by Craig may be wider than originally believed. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash rates KW - Flight KW - General aviation aircraft KW - General aviation pilots KW - Hours of labor UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201215.pdf UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46300/46330/201215.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1225868 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01449513 AU - Tittsworth, Jeffrey A AU - Lang, Steven R AU - Johnson, Edward J AU - Barnes, Stephen AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - National Aeronautics and Space Administration TI - Federal Aviation Administration Wake Turbulence Program - Recent Highlights PY - 2012/10 SP - 8p AB - Aircraft-generated wake turbulence has for years been a major factor in the air-traffic-control-imposed separations between aircraft during departure, transit and arrival operations conducted at airports and air corridors of high volume. A brief account of the current wake turbulence program activity is presented herein. A suite of wake mitigation solutions to improve both capacity and safety are being developed, and more importantly, are being implemented. This paper highlights four specific examples from the current wake turbulence program portfolio, which are Federal Aviation Administration Order 7110.308, Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Departure, Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Arrival and Wake Turbulence Recategorization. All of these solutions directly support the Next Generation Air Transpiration System's objective for capacity enhancement goals. The program acknowledges all of the past research and development in the field leading to the current successes, and continues to seek constructive feedbacks from the stakeholders. U1 - Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) Annual Conference & ExpositionNational Harbor,MD,United States StartDate:20121001 EndDate:20121003 KW - Air traffic KW - Aircraft separation KW - Airport runways KW - Arrivals and departures KW - Aviation safety KW - Turbulence KW - Vehicle spacing KW - Wakes UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/45000/45900/45912/Lang__Wake_Turbulence_Program.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1216249 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01476036 AU - Biernbaum, Lee AU - Hagemann, Garrett AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Runway Incursion Severity Risk Analysis PY - 2012/09/14/Final Report SP - 272p AB - Runway incursions are defined as the unauthorized presence of a vehicle, pedestrian, or aircraft on a runway. Identifying situations or conditions in which runway incursions are more likely to be severe can suggest policy implications and areas for future safety research. Previous work in this area focused on a narrative approach. This study seeks to examine runway incursions from a statistical perspective and provide insights into the broad trends underlying severity. This report analyzes 10 years of runway incursion event information. A variety of FAA data sources were used to provide information on the event itself, airport characteristics, and airport operations at the time of the incident. Weather information was also incorporated using automated weather readings from airports. The culmination of the analysis is a series of discrete choice models focusing on different sets of incident characteristics. As this represents the first regression-based analysis of these data, the results are suggestive rather than definitive. For example, controller incidents appear to be more severe on average. The results also suggest some areas for further investigation: specifically a need for understanding the frequency of incursions and improvements to the severity measure. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Aviation safety KW - Choice models KW - Discrete choice KW - Regression analysis KW - Risk analysis KW - Runway incursions KW - Statistical analysis UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46800/46878/Final_Report_-_Runway_Incursion_Severity_Risk_Analysis__read-only___2_.docx UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1245584 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01469943 AU - Panken, A D AU - Harman, W H AU - Rose, C E AU - Drumm, A C AU - Chludzinski, B J AU - Elder, T R AU - Murphy, T J AU - Massachusetts Institute of Technology AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Measurements of the 1030 and 1090 MHz Environments at JFK International Airport PY - 2012/09/12/Project Report SP - 121p AB - Measurements of signals in the 1030 and 1090 MHz frequency bands have been made by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory in the last several years, previously in the Boston area and most recently in April 2011, at JFK International Airport near New York City. This JFK measurement activity was performed as a part of the Lincoln Laboratory Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) work for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and is the subject of this report. This report includes: overall characteristics of the 1030/1090 MHz environments; analysis of the TCAS air-to-air coordination process; examination of 1090 MHz Extended Squitter transmissions for use in TCAS; and assessment of the extent and impact of TCAS operation on the airport surface. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport operations KW - Crash avoidance systems KW - JFK International Air Terminal LLC KW - Radar air traffic control KW - Radio frequency KW - Radio signals KW - Surveillance KW - Traffic alert and collision avoidance system UR - http://www.ll.mit.edu/mission/aviation/publications/publication-files/atc-reports/Panken_2012_ATC-390_WW-25379.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1236785 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545924 TI - Understanding Air Quality and Public Health Studies Related to Airports AB - The communities surrounding airports have become increasingly aware of potential impacts to air quality and public health from airport operations. A number of airport air quality and health studies have been completed or are underway in North America (e.g., Los Angeles International, Boston Logan, T.F. Green, and Santa Monica) and Europe. Most of these studies have been required by regulatory agencies or legislated in response to airport improvement projects or to the public health concerns from local government or citizen groups. These studies, which vary greatly in method, scope and duration, include air sampling, modeling, and health assessment. There is a need to compile and assess relevant information on airport air quality and public health studies to provide an understanding of how these studies can be useful for airport operators. The objective of this research is to assess the current body of knowledge regarding the impact of airport operations (e.g., aircraft, ground service equipment, ground transportation, and stationary sources) on air quality and public health to aid airport operators in responding to concerns about air quality in the vicinity of airports. KW - Air quality KW - Airport operations KW - Environmental impacts KW - Europe KW - Ground transportation KW - Logan International Airport KW - Los Angeles International Airport KW - North America KW - Public health KW - T. F. Green Airport (Providence, Rhode Island) UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3247 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332873 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01570823 TI - Development of an Integrated Air Quality Modeling Platform for the U.S. AB - The main science objective of this project is to quantify the potential incremental contribution of aviation emissions to air quality though their interaction with the background air. KW - Air quality KW - Civil aviation KW - Pollutants KW - United States UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/investigation-aviation-emissions-air-quality-impacts UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363188 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01546024 TI - Estimating Takeoff Thrust Settings for Airport Emissions Inventories AB - The takeoff phase contributes a large fraction of ground-level nitrogen oxides (NO&#8339;) emissions from aircraft. Although takeoffs represent only a small proportion of the total flight landing-takeoff cycle, the emission rate is high because both the emission index (grams NO&#8339; per kilogram of fuel) and fuel flow (kilograms per second) increase with thrust for most aircraft types, so that the NO&#8339; emission rate is roughly proportional to the square of the thrust. This also means that the emission rate is very sensitive to the thrust used. Although NO&#8339; emissions are particularly sensitive to thrust, fuel use (and therefore carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter) are also thrust-dependent. The current practice for modeling airport emissions assumes full (100 percent) takeoff thrust, yet operators often use reduced takeoff thrust settings, primarily to prolong engine life. The extent of this thrust reduction is limited by operational regulations, but may be as much as 25 percent for U.S. operators and greater for some foreign flag carriers. It is likely that the accuracy of emissions inventories could be improved by using takeoff thrust settings that better reflect actual operator practice. Research is needed to develop a method for estimating aircraft takeoff thrust settings for a wide variety of commercial and general aviation aircraft, suitable for use in preparing airport emissions inventories. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook, with an associated takeoff thrust-setting estimator tool, to help airports and their stakeholders more accurately reflect aircraft takeoff thrust settings used to calculate airport emissions inventories. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - Nitrogen oxides KW - Pollutants KW - Takeoff KW - Thrust UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3246 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332976 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01476003 AU - Chandra, Divya C AU - Grayhem, Rebecca AU - Butchibabu, Abhizna AU - Research and Innovative Technology Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Area Navigation and Required Navigation Performance Procedures and Depictions PY - 2012/09//Final Report SP - 50p AB - Area navigation (RNAV) and required navigation performance (RNP) procedures are fundamental to the implementation of a performance based navigation (PBN) system, which is a key enabling technology for the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). As new RNAV and RNP procedures are developed, they are published as charts for use by appropriately qualified pilots. These charts and procedures describe paths that must be flown precisely for improved use of airspace and safety. In this document, the authors consider how charts for both conventional and PBN procedures are designed from a human factors perspective. First, they document current charting challenges and mitigation strategies. Next, they describe a review of procedures that was done to discover which features were related to difficulty of use or visual complexity. The more difficult instrument approach charts depict procedures with more flight paths, path segments, and radius-to-fix legs. Standard instrument departure procedures that are more difficult show more flight paths. Standard terminal arrival route procedures that are more difficult have more total altitude constraints and path segments. Finally, the authors describe the process for designing and implementing new instrument procedures, which involves significant coordination both inside and outside the government. KW - Aeronautical charts KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Human factors KW - Instrument flying KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Performance measurement KW - Procedures UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/47000/47000/47072/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-12-10.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1245582 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01475841 AU - Thoren, Tiffany M AU - Thompson, Kristi S AU - Cardona, Patrick S AU - Chaturvedi, Arvind K AU - Canfield, Dennis V AU - University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond AU - Cherokee Nation Distributors AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - In Vitro Absorption of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Cyanide in Undisturbed Pooled Blood PY - 2012/09//Final Report SP - 12p AB - Biological samples from victims of aircraft accidents are analyzed for carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) and cyanide ion (CN¯) in blood. Such victims quite often suffer large open wounds near the autopsy blood collection sites. Many aircraft crashes result in fires that fill the victim’s atmosphere with smoke rich in carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN). It is important to determine whether pooled blood in those open wounds may have absorbed CO and HCN after death, which could lead one to erroneously conclude that the presence of COHb and CN¯ in blood was the result of breathing in these combustion gases. A chamber was designed from a laboratory desiccator to establish whether CO and HCN may be absorbed in undisturbed, pooled whole human blood. A magnetic stirring bar was placed at the bottom of the chamber to facilitate air movement. A ceramic plate with concentric rows of holes was above the stirring bar to support a shallow open dish containing 4 mL of heparinized blood. Gas syringes (100-cc) were used to evacuate air from and add pure CO into the chamber. The chamber volume was 9038 cc. The blood was exposed to three concentrations of CO each for two different periods of time. For HCN exposures, an extra dish containing a 5-mL beaker, which contained sodium cyanide (NaCN), was used. Four mL of heparin-treated blood was used in the second dish. One mL of concentrated sulfuric acid was added to the beaker containing NaCN through the lid opening. The volume of the HCN chamber was 8981 cc. Blood COHb and CN¯ concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically. COHb levels of 4.3-11.0% were detected in blood after its exposure to CO at 5532, 8298, 11064, 22129, and 33193 ppm for 30- and 60-min. CN¯ concentrations (1.43-5.01µg/mL) in blood increased with exposure to HCN at 100 and 200 ppm each at 15, 30, 45, and 60 min. Increases in the COHb levels observed in these experiments do not exclude the possibility for higher levels of COHb in blood exposed to highly CO-rich atmospheres from actual fires. It was clearly evident that there is a strong potential for CN¯ levels to increase by the absorption of atmospheric HCN. This selective absorption is consistent with the insolubility of CO and solubility of HCN in water. Thus, postmortem COHb and CN¯ levels should be carefully interpreted. KW - Absorption KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Autopsies KW - Blood analysis KW - Blood carbon monoxide levels KW - Cyanides KW - Fatalities KW - Fires KW - Smoke UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46000/46090/201213.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1244566 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01449564 AU - Boeker, Eric R AU - Senzig, David A AU - Roof, Christopher J AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Analysis of Aerobatic Aircraft Noise Using the FAA’s Integrated Noise Model PY - 2012/09//Final Report SP - 117p AB - This project has three main objectives. The first objective is to model noise from complete aerobatic routines for a range of aircraft. The second is to compare modeled and previously measured aircraft noise from complete aerobatic routines for a range of aircraft. The third is to model the noise from up to 50 daily aerobatic routines for a range of aircraft. The end result of this analysis is a matrix of modeled noise results for a range of aircraft performing a variety of aerobatic routines. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) can now utilize these results to help set the technical threshold for approving National Environmental Policy Act analyses for aircraft performing aerobatic routine represented within the matrix. KW - Aerodynamics KW - Aircraft noise KW - INM (Integrated Noise Model) KW - National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 KW - Propeller driven aircraft KW - Sound transmission UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/45000/45900/45934/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-12-06.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1216158 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01449495 AU - Roma, Peter G AU - Hursh, Steven R AU - Mead, Andrew M AU - Nesthus, Thomas E AU - Institutes for Behavior Resources AU - Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Analysis of Commute Times and Neurobehavioral Performance Capacity in Aviation Cabin Crew PY - 2012/09 SP - 18p AB - Fatigue-induced impairments in neurobehavioral performance capacity may compromise safety in 24-hr operational environments, and a potential contributing factor of special interest in commercial aviation is the influence of commute times prior to reporting for duty. However, no systematic field data exist regarding actual commute times in commercial aviation or the relationship between commute times and objective neurobehavioral performance capacity. To address these issues, the present study analyzed data from 807 one-way commute episodes and corresponding performances on standardized 5-min Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) sessions by 160 active cabin crew from the 2009-2010 US Civil Aerospace Medical Institute-sponsored Flight Attendant Field Study (Roma et al., 2010). All eligible pre-work commute events were categorized as commutes originating from home at the start of a work trip (“Home,” n=444) or commutes while away on a work trip (“Trip,” n=363). Commute times from home were more widely distributed and positively skewed than commute times during a trip, and a univariate Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) controlling for reserve status, gender, and age confirmed that Home commutes were significantly longer than Trip commutes (mean±SEM: 81±3 vs. 31±3 min, p<.001). Next, the authors utilized separate ANCOVAs as above to examine commute times based on Carrier Type (Network, Low-Cost, Regional), Seniority (Senior, Mid, Junior), and Flight Operations (Domestic, International). Crew working for Network carriers had the longest Home and Trip commutes, although this effect was an artifact of Flight Operations, as follow-up analyses of domestic-only crew revealed no differences in commute times. Analysis of Seniority revealed no differences in Home commutes; however, Trip commutes of Mid and Junior level crew (33±2 and 34±2 min, respectively) were significantly longer than those of their Senior colleagues (23±3 min, ps<.01). Crew working International flights had significantly longer Home and Trip commute times versus their counterparts working Domestic operations (Home: 123±9 vs. 73±4 min, Trip: 39±3 vs. 29±1 min, ps<.01). Finally, the authors organized all Commute episodes into ascending categories (Home: <30,30-60,60-90,90-120,>120 min; Trip: <30,30-60,60-90,>90 min) and utilized separate ANCOVAs as above to evaluate the relationships between commute times and mean performances of various PVT metrics. In addition, they assessed the relationship between commute times and mean predicted effectiveness scores rendered by the Sleep, Activity, Fatigue, and Task Effectiveness (SAFTE™) model, which accounted for sleep history and circadian factors based on each participant’s actual sleep/wake/location patterns receding each commute/PVT pairing. Analysis of Home commutes revealed no significant relationships between commute times and PVT reaction times, speed, lapses, false starts, or “effectiveness” (speed as % of individual baseline; F(4,436)s<1.5, ps>.20), although a trend in SAFTE predicted effectiveness (F(4,436)=2.36, p=.052) suggested a potential “recovery” effect of sleep obtained during commutes >120 min. Analysis of Trip commutes revealed no significant relationships between commute times and PVT reaction times, speed, lapses, false starts, effectiveness, or SAFTE predicted effectiveness (F(3,356)s<1.2, ps>.30). The apparent lack of effects on neurobehavioral performance capacity at the start of and during trips reveals the limited value of commute times per se as a significant predictor of fitness for duty. KW - Aviation safety KW - Civil Aerospace Medical Institute KW - Civil aviation KW - Commuting KW - Fatigue (Physiological condition) KW - Fitness for duty KW - Flight attendants KW - Flight crews KW - Psychomotor Vigilance Task KW - Reaction time KW - Sleep UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201214.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1217071 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01446920 AU - Roma, Peter G AU - Hursh, Steven R AU - Mead, Andrew M AU - Nesthus, Thomas E AU - Institutes for Behavior Resources AU - Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Flight Attendant Work/Rest Patterns, Alertness, and Performance Assessment: Field Validation of Biomathematical Fatigue Modeling PY - 2012/09//Final Report SP - 20p AB - Fatigue-induced impairments in neurobehavioral performance capacity may compromise safety in 24-hr operational environments, and developing reliable and valid methods of identifying work/rest patterns that produce fatigue and undermine performance is important. One approach is the use of biomathematical modeling as a means of predicting, preventing, and mitigating fatigue-induced safety risks. The Sleep, Activity, Fatigue, and Task Effectiveness model (SAFTE; Hursh et al., 2004) is among the more mature fatigue models currently used in military, shift-work, and various transportation operations. The SAFTE model was constructed empirically, integrating classical physiological and circadian processes with task effectiveness predictions based on the scientific literature of standardized laboratory tests. SAFTE has been validated against accident risk in railroad operations; however, as with virtually all fatigue models, the extent to which variations in model predictions correspond to variations in actual performance capacity in the aviation environment is largely unknown. The present report offers a field validation of the SAFTE model using data from a broad sample of 178 aviation cabin crew from the 2009-2010 Federal Aviation Administration Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI)-sponsored Flight Attendant Field Study (Roma et al., 2010). Data were collected daily throughout each individual’s continuous 3 to 4-week study period. Objective sleep/wake patterns were determined via actigraphy. In addition, a personal digital assistant device was used to maintain an activity log documenting work schedules and locations, and neurobehavioral performance capacity was assessed via standardized 5-min Psychomotor Vigilance Tests (PVT) taken before and after each work day and sleep episode. Individual sleep, wake, and work patterns were entered into the Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool (FAST) software for continuous records of Predicted Effectiveness (PVT Speed [1/Reaction Time] expressed as a % of individual optimum baseline). SAFTE-FAST performance predictions were then temporally aligned with the 10,659 valid PVT test sessions from the field study, and performance data from each session were expressed as Actual Effectiveness (same as Predicted Effectiveness), Reaction Time (RT), Speed (1/RT), Lapses (RTs>500 msec), and False Starts (FS; premature responses). Linear regression of mean PVT performances across 5% SAFTE prediction bins revealed significant correlations between SAFTE Predicted Effectiveness and PVT Actual Effectiveness (R²=0.884, p<.001), RT (R²=0.745, p<.01), and Lapses (R²=0.486, p<.05). Identical analyses of the 7,533 valid PVT sessions completed while away on a multi-day work “trip” (i.e., excluding sessions while off-duty at home) revealed significant correlations between SAFTE Predicted Effectiveness and mean PVT Actual Effectiveness (R²=0.889, p<.001), RT (R2=0.819, p<.001), Speed (R²=0.808, p<.001), and Lapses (R²=0.484, p<.05). Finally, separate regression analyses of all valid Pre-Work (n=1,712) and Post-Work (n=1,934) PVT sessions revealed a significant Pre-Work correlation between SAFTE Predicted Effectiveness and mean PVT Actual Effectiveness (R²=0.530, p<.05), and significant Post-Work correlations between SAFTE Predicted Effectiveness and mean PVT Actual Effectiveness (R²=0.600, p<.05), RT (R²=0.887, p<.001), Speed (R²=0.539, p<.05), and Lapses (R²=0.901, p<.001). Despite inherent technical limitations and issues of inter-individual variability, these results clearly support the validity of the SAFTE model for population-level prediction of fatigue-induced impairments in objective neurobehavioral performance capacity in extremely dynamic 24-hr field operations such as commercial aviation. KW - Alertness KW - Aviation safety KW - Fatigue (Physiological condition) KW - Fatigue models KW - Flight attendants KW - Hours of labor KW - Mathematical models KW - Performance measurement KW - Psychomotor Vigilance Task KW - Reaction time KW - Rest periods KW - Sleep UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201212.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1214368 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01446916 AU - Lanicci, John AU - Halperin, Daniel AU - Shappell, Scott AU - Hackworth, Carla AU - Holcomb, Kali AU - Bazargan, Massoud AU - Baron, Jaclyn AU - Iden, Rebecca AU - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University AU - Clemson University AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - General Aviation Weather Encounter Case Studies PY - 2012/09//Final Report SP - 22p AB - This study presents a compilation of 24 cases involving general aviation (GA) pilots’ weather encounters over the continental United States. The project team interviewed pilots who had experienced a weather encounter, and we examined their backgrounds, flight experience, and weather encounter details. Results from meteorological data analysis for each weather encounter were consistent with findings of larger GA weather accident studies in terms of the types of hazards encountered and flight phase during which the encounters occurred. Investigation of pilot weather products and the sources from which they were obtained revealed a lack of uniformity of pre-flight data sources and underutilization of available en route flight information services. The team used these results to develop a set of pilot weather education and training recommendations intended to reduce the number and severity of weather encounters. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aviation safety KW - Case studies KW - Education and training KW - General aviation pilots KW - Information systems KW - Weather KW - Weather conditions UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201211.pdf UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/45000/45900/45936/201211.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1214369 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01473867 AU - Honeywell Aerospace AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Test Report: Alternative Fuels Propulsion Durability Evaluation PY - 2012/08/28/Final Report SP - 152p AB - This document reports on the testing of alternative fuel blends on aviation engine durability. Specifically, synthetic paraffinic kerosene (SPK) fuels made from hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) in a blend with petroleum-derived Jet A fuel were tested in an HTF7000 turbofan propulsion engine. Impacts on combustion and fuel system components were measured and the blend did not appear to negatively effect durability. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Aviation fuels KW - Combustion KW - Durability KW - Fuel mixtures KW - Fuel system components KW - Jet engine fuels KW - Jet engines KW - Propulsion UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/46000/46600/46646/Alternative_Fuels_Propulsion_Durability.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1239009 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01454021 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - FAA Has Not Effectively Implemented Its Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Program PY - 2012/08/22 SP - 30p AB - In January 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 struck a flock of Canada geese shortly after takeoff from LaGuardia Airport, forcing the flight crew to land the airplane in the Hudson River. More recently, on April 19, 2012, Air Force Two, with the Vice President on board, sustained a wildlife strike while approaching Santa Barbara Municipal Airport when birds hit the right side of the aircraft. The Vice President’s aircraft touched down safely, and all passengers were unharmed. However, in the immediate aftermath of both incidents, the risk of wildlife hazards at or near airports received increased attention, as did the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Program, which seeks to reduce the risk of wildlife hazards to aviation and serves an important role in FAA’s overall safety mission. Wildlife strikes are not new threats to aviation safety. In the past 2 decades, wildlife strikes have steadily and dramatically increased, from 1,770 reported in 1990 to 9,840 reported in 2011, a five-fold increase. The rise in strikes is due in part to increases in large bird populations. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 13 of the 14 largest bird species have shown significant population increases. These include Canada geese, white and brown pelicans, sandhill cranes, wild turkeys, and bald eagles—all of which could cause catastrophic failure if ingested into an aircraft engine. Wildlife strikes have resulted in at least 24 deaths and 235 injuries in the United States, and since 1988, 229 deaths worldwide. They also have caused nearly 600,000 hours of aircraft downtime and $625 million in damages annually. Given the rise in reported wildlife strikes and their safety implications, the U.S. Department of Transportation's Oiffice of Inspector General (OIG) initiated this audit to assess the effectiveness of FAA’s Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Program (Program). Specifically, OIG assessed FAA’s (1) oversight and enforcement of airports’ adherence to Program requirements; (2) policies and guidance for monitoring, reporting, and mitigating wildlife hazards; and (3) coordination with other Government agencies that have a role in mitigating wildlife hazards. FAA’s oversight and enforcement activities are not sufficient to ensure airports fully adhere to Program requirements or effectively implement their wildlife hazard management plans. FAA has not developed robust inspection practices, and its inspectors do not have the technical expertise to effectively oversee the Program. FAA’s policies and guidance for monitoring, reporting, and mitigating wildlife hazards are mostly voluntary, thereby limiting their effectiveness. While FAA recommends wildlife strike reporting, it does not require it. Consequently, not all airports choose to report all their wildlife strikes. FAA has an effective process for coordinating with USDA Wildlife Services (WS), its main partner in wildlife hazard mitigation at or near airports. However, FAA’s coordination with other Government agencies that help mitigate wildlife hazards is not sufficient to effectively manage off-airport hazards and strikes. KW - Aviation safety KW - Bird strikes KW - Coordination KW - Countermeasures KW - Hazard mitigation KW - Inspection KW - Monitoring KW - Oversight KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/wildlife%20report.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1218106 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545038 TI - Guidebook for Successfully Assessing and Managing Risks for Airport Capital and Maintenance Projects AB - There are many different types of risks that can affect the successful outcome of an airport capital or maintenance project. Although it is typical to think of risk as the protection of people and assets, there are also operational, financial, reputational, and political risks, among others. Risk assessment and management is becoming more common at airports to help control costs resulting from tighter budgets, changing regulations, and evolving Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) processes. Each airport is going to have a different risk tolerance, and the assignment and management of risk also will be different. While the process for conducting risk assessments is applicable to all size airports, the degree of complexity will vary based on available resources. In fact, it is likely that smaller airports with fewer resources will engage consultants to help them with this process, while larger airports may manage it internally. Research is needed to assist staff at all levels and at all sizes of airports to understand risk assessment and management for capital and maintenance projects. The objective of this research was to develop a guidebook to assist airport staff in assessing and managing risks associated with capital and maintenance projects to ensure that their project scope, schedule, and budget objectives are met. The guidebook should be user-friendly and scalable to all sized airports. KW - Airport operations KW - Budgeting KW - Capital investments KW - Handbooks KW - Maintenance KW - Project management KW - Risk assessment KW - Risk management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3241 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332492 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01483593 TI - Composite Manufacturing Technology Safety Awareness AB - No summary provided. KW - Composite materials KW - Manufacturing KW - Safety KW - Technology UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1252452 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571713 TI - Sustainability Assessment of Alternative Jet Fuels AB - To evaluate the potential of various alternative jet fuels, a consistent set of metrics should be used, capturing the fuels' impact on, for example, climate change, air quality, water and land usage, and production costs. The broad Project 47 objective is to evaluate and compare potential alternative aviation fuels in terms of overall environmental and economic sustainability. Pathways and fuels include synthetic liquid fuels manufactured from coal, biomass, or natural gas; hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids from renewable oils including those from algae; and advanced techniques of converting sugars and alcohols to jet fuel. KW - Air quality KW - Alternate fuels KW - Climate change KW - Environmental impacts KW - Jet engine fuels KW - Sustainable transportation UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/alternative-jet-fuel-sustainability UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363291 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01483592 TI - Composite Thermal Damage Measurement with Handheld FT-IR AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Composite materials KW - Heat insulating materials KW - Loss and damage KW - Thermal stresses UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1252451 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01481236 TI - Certification by Analysis- Structural Crashworthiness AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Certification KW - Crashworthiness KW - Structural analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1250330 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571797 TI - Flight Data Monitoring - General Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing Phase III AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Data sharing KW - Flight data KW - General aviation KW - Information systems KW - Monitoring UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363406 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547359 TI - Being Prepared for IROPS: A Business Planning and Decision-Making Approach AB - Meeting customer core needs during irregular operations (IROPS) is a critical problem for airports, airlines, agencies, and other aviation service providers. While regulatory policies and industry practices continue to evolve, IROPS challenge the resiliency of the global aviation system and negatively impact customer core needs. IROPS can result from random phenomenon and planned activities from either natural causes such as weather (e.g., thunderstorms, snow storms, fog, and hurricanes) or other operational factors (e.g., air traffic directives such as ground delay programs, airport maintenance or construction activities, and security threats or alerts). While operational contingency planning to support IROPS is occurring under Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Project 10-10 (Report 65: Guidebook for Airport IROPS Contingency Planning), managing IROPS needs to be integrated with mid- and long-term planning and business decision making. Current planning and investment evaluation processes do not adequately capture the costs incurred as a result of planning for such affected operations. Current practice in these areas rely principally on either generally accepted design practices handed down over time (e.g., use of peak month average day design standards) or more formalized cost benefit or investment analyses designed around normal operating conditions. These practices are no longer a sufficient guide in valuing, designing, and investing in the future aviation infrastructure. In addition, investments being made in support of NextGen that positively impact operations must dovetail with planning and investment decisions related to IROPS. Thus, an enhanced strategy is needed that supports a more proactive business planning approach for managing IROPS. The objective of this research was to develop a reference document that provides a decision-making process for airport management to use in justifying airport planning and funding decisions (capital and operations & maintenance (O&M)) related to supporting IROPS contingency planning. This reference document and decision-making process includes the principal stakeholders involved: airports, airlines, and agencies (e.g., Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Customs & Border Protection (CBP), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), state and local) and considers differences in airport characteristics (e.g., geographic location, use and lease agreements). Other factors include public policies related to security, safety, hazardous substance or environmental factors, and consumer protection as potential constraining and/or supporting resources. The research includes guidance for the development of risk assessments and an approach to quantify long-term financial effects associated with IROPS. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport planning KW - Contingency planning KW - Decision making KW - Financing KW - Guidelines KW - Irregular operations KW - Risk assessment UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3262 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334552 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01570696 TI - Delamination/Disbond Arrest Features in Aircraft Composite Structure AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Composite materials KW - Debonding KW - Delamination UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363040 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01483692 TI - Development of Analysis/Test Certification Protocol for Crashworthiness of Composite-intensive Commercial Transport Fuselage AB - No summary provided. KW - Certification KW - Composite materials KW - Crashworthiness KW - Fuselages KW - Test procedures UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1252527 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01483594 TI - Composite Fabrication Support to FAA/NASA for Interagency Study AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Composite materials KW - Fabrication KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration KW - U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1252453 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01447235 AU - Guzzetti, Jeffrey B AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Challenges With Implementing Near-Term NextGen Capabilities at Congested Airports Could Delay Benefits PY - 2012/08/01 SP - 32p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) estimates that there are about 7,000 aircraft in the air over the United States at any given time. To better manage this traffic and meet future air travel demands, FAA is developing the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), a satellite-based air traffic control system intended to replace the current ground-based system. In September 2009, an Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics task force of government-industry representatives made 32 recommendations for accelerating NextGen’s deployment. This report is a review of FAA’s actions to address the task force’s recommendations with a focus specifically on efforts to implement an initiative known as “metroplex,” which aims to improve the efficiency of airspace that affects multiple airports near large metropolitan areas. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport congestion KW - Airports KW - Barriers (Obstacles) KW - Benefits KW - Implementation KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Project management KW - Recommendations KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/FAA%20NextGen%20Near-Term%20Capabilites%20%28RTCA%20Task%20Force%20Recommendations%29%5E8-1-12.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1214567 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01535797 AU - Hilburn, Brian AU - Ahlstrom, Vicki AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Information Requirements Analysis for Remote Maintenance Monitoring Interfaces PY - 2012/08//Technical Report SP - 44p AB - This paper identifies user requirements for Remote Maintenance Monitoring (RMM) and identifies high-level RMM tasks based on the Cognitive Task Analysis results. RMM is a primary means of maintaining the National Airspace System. Technical Operations Specialists have specific information that they need to see to do their jobs effectively and efficiently when using RRM systems. Thus, Technical Operations Specialists requested an evaluation of information requirements for RMM systems. Human Factors Researchers collected data from Technical Operations Specialists at four facilities. Twelve participants performed think-aloud exercises and cognitive walk-through exercises, and 28 participants completed a survey. The resulting data led to a Cognitive Task Analysis list of tasks and 29 recommendations regarding information requirements, including ways to better tailor the amount and form of presented information to better meet the needs of the user and the organization. For RMM to be an effective tool for performing maintenance, the RMM system must have an effective user interface. When asked what they would change about the RMM system, specialists responded (a) that they would like RMM to be quicker (i.e., closer to real time), (b) that they would like to have default settings that would let each user pick which sites and units to monitor, and (c) that they would like to remove or reduce the number of false alarms that occur. KW - Air transportation KW - Evaluation KW - Human factors KW - Information processing KW - Maintenance management KW - Monitoring KW - National Airspace System KW - Recommendations KW - Task analysis KW - User interfaces (Computer science) UR - http://hf.tc.faa.gov/publications/2012-08-information-requirements-analysis/full_text.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1318113 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01531148 AU - Subbotin, Nicholas AU - Cozart, Kris AU - Hawk, John AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Air Force Research Laboratory TI - Test and Evaluation of Rear-Wheel Steering for Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles—Part 2 PY - 2012/08//Technical Note SP - 30p AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has an ongoing research program that evaluates new technologies for increasing postcrash fire survivability on aircraft and determines methods to increase the performance capabilities of aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) vehicles. Excessive tire wear on hard surfaces is a concern on ARFF vehicles with more than four wheels. The FAA ARFF research program evaluated a six-wheeled ARFF vehicle with rear-wheel steering (RWS). The objectives were to evaluate an ARFF vehicle for turning diameter, tire tread wear, and estimated tire life. A six-wheeled ARFF vehicle was used with a prototype RWS system that allowed comparisons with the RWS function disabled and enabled. Tests were conducted according to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5220-10C, which specifies turning diameter procedures. Tire tread wear was achieved by driving the test vehicle on a figure-eight course for 60 miles, which generated a faster and more aggressive tire tread wear than normal driving patterns. Tire tread depth was measured according to the tire manufacturer. The data from the tread wear results were used to calculate estimated tire life. The results showed the ARFF vehicle with RWS decreased the turning diameter by 18.7% in the clockwise direction from 116.0 feet to 94.3 feet and 18.2% in the counter clockwise direction from 108.2 feet to 88.5 feet compared to vehicle operations without RWS. Without RWS, the rear tires wore the fastest by approximately 0.406 (13/32) inch over the 60 miles. With RWS, the middle tires wore the fastest by approximately 0.121 (4/32) inch over the 60 miles. The data from the tire tread wear tests were used to calculate the estimated tire life using linear regression calculations. RWS extended the estimated tire life by 1.9 to 2.6 times on the front tires and 7.9 to 9.0 times on the rear tires compared to vehicle operations without RWS enabled. However, the middle tires showed better tire life without RWS, 5.3 to 7.3 times that of tire life with RWS. KW - Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting KW - Airside operations KW - Emergency vehicles KW - Fire vehicles KW - Service life KW - Tire treads KW - Turning radius KW - Vehicle performance UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=466c6014-bf54-4259-a519-8bdbfa214bdd&f=TC-TN12-34_Test_and_Eval_of_RWS_082112.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1313495 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01470845 AU - Branaghan, Russell J AU - Schvaneveldt, Roger W AU - Beringer, Dennis B AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Arizona State University, Mesa AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Baseline Assessment of the Use of Weather Information in Airline Systems Operations Centers PY - 2012/08//Final Report SP - 40p AB - A study was conducted to establish current (baseline) practices in the use of weather information at Airline Operations Centers (AOCs). Two large airlines with substantial international service, one smaller airline with national service, and a small regional airline were included in the study. Dispatchers were interviewed at each airline and asked to assign priorities to listed weather factors. Responses were similar across airlines, but dispatchers from the larger long-haul airlines gave somewhat higher priorities to some of the Wind factors. There were numerous differences between the priorities assigned by dispatchers and those assigned by pilots, especially during the planning phase, with small but consistent internal differences in ratings among pilots between Part 91 pilots and Part 121 pilots. The operators interviewed all expected to continue using dispatchers and weather personnel in the AOCs as integrators and flight planners/followers, expecting that the increased networking and availability of new sources of weather data envisioned in the NextGen environment would enhance their ability to make more accurate assessments of operational issues. It was deemed critical that the NextGen environment continue to provide the information currently deemed central to allowing the dispatcher-pilot team to deal effectively with diversions. Several recommendations are included for improving the structure and functioning of the weather-information environment. KW - Airline operations centers KW - Airline pilots KW - Airlines KW - Dispatchers KW - Flight delays KW - Flight plans KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Traffic diversion KW - Weather KW - Weather conditions KW - Wind factor (Air navigation) UR - http://libraryonline.erau.edu/online-full-text/faa-aviation-medicine-reports/AM12-10.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1238465 ER - TY - CONF AN - 01449536 AU - Roof, Christopher AU - Ahearn, Meghan AU - Koopmann, Jonathan AU - Cointin, Rebecca AU - Volpe National Transportation Systems Center AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Advanced Aviation Environmental Modeling Tools to Inform Policymakers PY - 2012/08 SP - 8p AB - Aviation environmental models which conform to international guidance have advanced over the past several decades. Enhancements to algorithms and databases have increasingly shown these models to compare well with gold standard measured data. The Federal Aviation Administration’s Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) brings these enhancements into a new capability to investigate interdependencies within a single modeling environment. It provides an interactive environment to iterate noise modeling results relative to contributing aircraft events, as well as understand the fuel burn and emissions consequences of model scenarios. This paper presents an overview of the tool, including its capabilities to analyze the implications of technology and operational improvements planned for the next generation airspace system. An example is provided that illustrates how the tool may better inform aviation policymakers as they prepare for the significant growth expected in the aviation industry. U1 - InterNoise 2012New York,NY,United States StartDate:20120819 EndDate:20120822 KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental models KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Pollutants KW - Technological innovations UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/45000/45800/45896/Roof_AdvancedAviation.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1216269 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01446018 AU - Rosenbaum, Joyce E AU - Boeker, Eric R AU - Buer, Alexandre AU - Gerbi, Paul J AU - Lee, Cynthia S Y AU - Roof, Christopher J AU - Fleming, Gregg G AU - Research and Innovative Technology Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Assessment of the Hybrid Propagation Model, Volume 2: Comparison with the Integrated Noise Model PY - 2012/08//Final Report SP - 17p AB - This is the second of two volumes of the report on the Hybrid Propagation Model (HPM), an advanced prediction model for aviation noise propagation. This volume presents comparisons of the HPM and the Integrated Noise Model (INM) for conditions of uneven terrain. The cases explored in this volume correspond to flat, hill, upward sloping, and downward sloping terrain presented in Volume 1 (Cases 1, 5, 6, and 7, respectively) to test the capabilities of the HPM. The results are analyzed in detail and comparisons are made between the HPM and INM results for the uneven terrain conditions. The goal of this research is to enhance the modeling capabilities of the Aviation Environmental Design Tool/INM, particularly in complicated environments such as National Parks. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Hybrid Propagation Model KW - INM (Integrated Noise Model) KW - National parks KW - Sound transmission KW - Terrain UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/45000/45700/45705/Hybrid_Propagation_Model_Vol2.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1212603 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01445984 AU - Rosenbaum, Joyce E AU - Boeker, Eric R AU - Buer, Alexandre AU - Gerbi, Paul J AU - Lee, Cynthia S Y AU - Roof, Christopher J AU - Fleming, Gregg G AU - Research and Innovative Technology Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Assessment of the Hybrid Propagation Model, Volume 1: Analysis of Noise Propagation Effects PY - 2012/08//Final Report SP - 44p AB - This is the first of two volumes of a report on the Hybrid Propagation Model (HPM), an advanced prediction model for aviation noise propagation. This volume presents the noise level predictions for eleven different sets of propagation conditions, run by the HPM. The conditions include effects of uneven terrain, refractive atmosphere, and ground type transitions. The results are analyzed in detail and comparisons are made across four different source altitudes and between the different component models of the HPM. In addition, a scheme of “intelligent switching” between the HPM’s component models is posed as an approach to address the long runtimes of the HPM. The feasibility of this strategy is discussed and some points of caution regarding its implementation are identified. HPM results are compared to the Integrated Noise Model (INM) under uneven terrain conditions in Volume 2 of this report. The goal of this research is to enhance the modeling capabilities of the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) and INM, particularly in complicated environments such as National Parks. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Atmosphere KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Hybrid Propagation Model KW - National parks KW - Sound transmission KW - Terrain UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/45000/45700/45704/Hybrid_Propagation_Model_Vol1.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1212602 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545925 TI - Guidebook for Managing Through-the-Fence (TTF) Operations AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has defined Through-the-Fence (TTF) operations are those activities permitted by an airport sponsor through an agreement that permits access to the public landing area by independent entities or operators offering an aeronautical activity or to owners of aircraft based on land adjacent to, but not part of, the airport property. TTF operations occur at general aviation and commercial service airports and can be residential, commercial, or non-commercial activities. Recently released interim guidance from the FAA and long-standing policy discourages TTF activities. However, TTF activities occur due to local pressures on airports, old agreements or practices in place, various interpretations of the guidance, aeronautical land constraints, and even economic advantages for airports that don't have other options available to them. Research is needed to help guide those airports that currently have TTF agreements and/or have no other options but to pursue TTF activities. The objectives of this research are to (1) produce a guidebook to help airport sponsors effectively manage TTF operations and relationships with stakeholders and (2) provide educational tools and/or materials that airport sponsors can use to help all stakeholders understand TTF operations. KW - Airport operations KW - Economic benefits KW - Handbooks KW - Landing fields KW - Landside operations (Airports) KW - Stakeholders KW - Through-the-fence operations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3260 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332874 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01570831 TI - Development of Aviation Air Quality Assessment Tools AB - With aviation forecast to grow 5 percent annually over the next 15 years, tools to rapidly estimate the aircraft emissions' air quality and public health impacts will help in assessing the benefits of potential aviation environmental policies, such as use of alternative fuels or NOx stringency measures. This purpose of this study is to develop and implement tools to allow for assessment of year-on-year changes in significant health outcomes, both within the United States (US) and globally. These tools will provide information for decision makers to assess potential aviation policy scenarios. KW - Air pollution KW - Air quality KW - Air quality management KW - Evaluation and assessment UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363196 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01570827 TI - Improving Aviation Climate Policy Analysis Tools using ACCRI Results AB - This study will advance how aviation climate impacts tools inform the decision making process in aviation environmental policy. The main thrust of this study is to develop a framework for analyzing the societal costs and benefits of aviation environmental policy using an extended modeling capability. However, with this additional capability comes the difficulty of communicating large amounts of highly technical data with significant variability and uncertainty. Thus, this project looks to develop relevant, useful and understandable metrics to communicate societal impacts of potential aviation policy scenarios to all relevant stakeholders. KW - Air transportation policy KW - Aviation KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Climate change KW - Environmental impacts KW - Policy analysis UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/aviation-system-global-climate-performance-analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363192 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01380304 AU - Department of Transportation AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Long Term Success of ATSAP Will Require Improvements in Oversight, Accountability, and Transparency PY - 2012/07/19 SP - 28p AB - The United States has one of the best air safety records in the world, thanks in part to the actions of the nation’s air traffic controllers. However, operational errors, which occur when an air traffic controller fails to ensure the required separation distance between aircraft, remain a significant safety concern. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) statistics show that the number of reported operational errors increased from 1,234 in fiscal year 2009 to 1,887 in fiscal year 2010. According to FAA, this increase was mostly due to increased reporting, such as through the Air Traffic Safety Action Program (ATSAP), rather than other factors that could contribute to an increase in the actual number of errors. FAA initiated ATSAP in July 2008 as a voluntary non-punitive reporting program to encourage FAA air traffic employees to report safety events and safety concerns, with the intent of capturing all events that might lead to a breakdown in safety. The program is governed by, among other things, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) established between FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA). In 2011, the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and its Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security as well as the Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Chairman and the Ranking Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation requested that the U.S. Department of Transportation's Office of Inspector General (OIG) review ATSAP. Accordingly, their objectives were to 1) evaluate FAA’s progress with implementing ATSAP and 2) assess FAA’s oversight of ATSAP. OIG found that, although FAA completed ATSAP implementation at all air traffic control facilities in 2010, the Agency will need to make significant improvements before ATSAP will be able to effectively identify and address the root causes of safety risks. For example, due to ATSAP provisions designed to protect controller confidentiality, much of the ATSAP data that FAA collects are not validated, raising questions about the effectiveness of these data for analyzing safety trends. OIG also found that FAA’s oversight of ATSAP lacks effective program management controls. For example, FAA does not have a formal process to review the effectiveness of decisions made by the program’s review committees to ensure that report acceptance criteria are rigorously followed and that conduct issues are dealt with appropriately. Failure to address potential deficiencies in transparency and accountability may lead to the perception that ATSAP is an amnesty program in which reports are automatically accepted, regardless of whether they qualify under the program’s guidelines. OIG made 10 recommendations to improve FAA’s implementation of ATSAP and to strengthen internal controls, use of data, and performance management within the program. KW - Accountability KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Air Traffic Safety Action Program KW - Aviation safety KW - Confidential incident reporting KW - Human error KW - Oversight KW - Program management KW - Risk assessment KW - Transparency (Program management processes) KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - http://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/dot/files/Report%20on%20FAA%27s%20Air%20Traffic%20Safety%20Action%20Program%5E7-19-12.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1148003 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547545 TI - Economic Impacts of U.S. Airports AB - The economic impact of airports is typically assessed at a local or regional level to educate communities about how their airport(s) contribute to the area's economy and to support airport infrastructure investments and ongoing expenditures to policy makers. Various entities have published reports quantifying the impact of the civil aviation industry, but not the specific economic impact of airports nationwide. A need exists at the national level to educate policy makers and the public about the economic impact and the importance of airports and the airport system to the United States. The objective of this research is to quantify the economic impact of U.S. public use airports and the national airport system ("airports") to the national economy in order to communicate the national aggregate value of airports to communities and to aviation stakeholders. The research should include at a minimum: (1) Total direct, indirect and induced national economic impact of U.S. airports. The impact components should include, but not be limited to: total full time equivalent employment, wages and spending relating to airports; (2) National average economic impact by different types of airports (primary: large, medium, small, and non-hub; non-primary and reliever) so that individual airports can compare themselves with national averages; (3) National average metrics (e.g., economic impact per passenger, economic impact per cargo ton, number of construction jobs generated per million dollars of capital investment) by airport type; (4) Methodology used to develop the above economic impacts; (5) A discussion of the available evidence showing: (a) the importance of airports in supporting domestic and international commerce, economic growth and tourism, and (b) the extent to which airports enhance urban agglomerative economies. KW - Airports KW - Civil aviation KW - Economic impacts KW - Employment KW - Investments KW - United States KW - Wages UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3248 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334982 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01463238 TI - Evaluating Impacts of Sustainability Practices on Airport Operations and Maintenance AB - There are many airports that have been implementing practices that are considered to be sustainable, i.e., they have environmental, social, and economic benefits. Airports implement sustainabillity practices because of local and regional priorities, the availability of grant funds for that particular project or practice, and/or the practice may have appeared to be relatively inexpensive to implement without consideration or awareness of long-term implications. Airport maintenance departments frequently are asked to support and maintain a new system, practice, or piece of equipment as a result of integrating a sustainability practice, but rarely have an opportunity to discuss impacts they foresee occurring. As a result of this, and for other reasons, there have been impacts and implications to these practices that were not necessarily considered or known prior to their implementation. It is prudent for airports to assess the budgetary and operational implications of various sustainability practices, as some may require more maintenance and upkeep than originally anticipated. There have been many studies and materials written on sustainability for airports, but very little has been done to look at long-term operational and maintenance implications. Research is needed to help airports consider all the operational and maintenance implications and impacts of sustainability practices. The objective of this research is to develop a process to evaluate sustainability practices as they relate to the impacts on day-to-day airport operations and maintenance. At a minimum, elements of the evaluation process should include: a) the short- and long-term implications of maintaining the sustainability practice, b) budgetary implications, c) staffing issues, d) appropriate metrics, e) environmental impacts, and f) a tool for conducting a cost-benefit analysis. The evaluation process should be applicable to such sustainability practice categories as: 1) Water conservation, 2) Energy conservation, 3) Waste management, 4) Consumables and Materials (e.g., paper products, paints, light bulbs, filters), and 5) Alternative Fuels. It is not necessary for the evaluation process to be applicable to noise and de-icing sustainability practices. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Maintenance practices KW - Sustainability UR - http://www.trb.org/TRBNet/ProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3257 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1231463 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571714 TI - Special Augmentation to Development and Evaluation of Climate Metrics for Aviation Based on Climate-Chemistry Modeling Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Air pollution KW - Aircraft KW - Climate KW - Climate change KW - Environmental impact analysis KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363292 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01570830 TI - End Around Taxiway (EAT) Environmental Optimization AB - Concerns about the aviation's environmental impact have prompted research efforts around the world. Much of this research has focused on changes to future aircraft and engine designs: although these hold the prospect of significant environmental impact reductions on a per flight basis, it will take a long time for them to be developed and propagate through the operational fleet in sufficient numbers to have a significant impact on overall emission levels. Until then, strategies that reduce the environmental impacts of existing aircraft are needed. Therefore, there is a need to identify and evaluate ways to reduce the environmental impacts of aviation in the near term. Such changes would involve minor adjustments to operating procedures or limited equipment/infrastructure changes. The goal of Project 32 was to systematically evaluate and rank all the potential near-term operational changes against a common set of environmental impact and feasibility criteria, and hence make it possible to determine the relative potential of the various options and to understand which ones should be given priority. KW - Airport operations KW - Environmental protection KW - Optimization KW - Taxiways UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/near-term-operational-changes UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363195 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01570824 TI - Development and Enhancement of Air Quality Modeling AB - With aviation forecast to grow 5 percent annually over the next 15 years, tools to rapidly estimate the aircraft emissions' air quality and public health impacts will help in assessing the benefits of potential aviation environmental policies, such as use of alternative fuels or NOx stringency measures. This purpose of this study is to develop and implement tools to allow for assessment of year-on-year changes in significant health outcomes, both within the United States (US) and globally. These tools will provide information for decision makers to assess potential aviation policy scenarios. KW - Air quality KW - Alternate fuels KW - Policy KW - Pollutants KW - Public health KW - United States UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/aviation-system-air-quality-performance-analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363189 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545039 TI - Guidance on Successful Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) Selection and Practices AB - Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) are an efficient and effective tool for airports to manage maintenance activities which can be defined in many different ways with different components. Outputs from a CMMS can be inputs to any number of different airport functions, such as budgeting, capital planning, and setting of rates and charges. With a number of different off-the-shelf CMMS software packages available; an assortment of features, functions, capabilities, and add-on components; advancing technology; and airports with different resources and needs, it can be overwhelming for airport staff to understand and evaluate the best solution for their airport when selecting a CMMS that will work now and in the future.Choosing the right software however is only the beginning, as there are many other factors that ensure a successful CMMS in terms of implementation, ongoing operations, and support and maintenance. The objective of this research is to provide guidance to airport staff in (1) selecting a CMMS that will best meet their individual needs and (2) successfully integrating the CMMS into airport processes, procedures, and other information technology systems. The guidance should include at a minimum: (1) Identification of the core components of a CMMS; (2) Listing of all the features, functions, and capabilities of a CMMS applicable to airports; (3) Identification of the characteristics of an airport that influence the features, functions, and capabilities of a CMMS that would best work for their airport now and into the future; (4) Identification of successful implementation factors; (5) Processes, procedures and methods for supporting a CMMS; (6) Identification of the criteria that airports should consider when evaluating and selecting a CMMS; (7) Discussion on the impact of emerging technological trends; (8) Graphical representation of the evaluation process; and (9) Other considerations related to a successful CMMS KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - Computers KW - Information technology KW - Maintenance management KW - Software packages KW - Technological innovations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3256 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332493 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01485869 TI - Development and Enhancement of Air Quality Modeling AB - No summary provided. KW - Air pollution KW - Air quality management KW - Environmental models KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1255094 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01545939 TI - A Tool for Developing Airport Terminal Incident Response Plans AB - Recent emergency events at airport terminals including both natural and man-made (e.g., earthquakes, severe weather, security breaches, fire, power outages, bomb scares, shootings, and terrorism) demonstrate the need for a more comprehensive response to protect the traveling public. Evacuation, shelter-in-place, relocation, and repopulation/recovery plans range from incomplete to absent. Beyond planning, there are deficiencies in training, drilling, exercises, and mutual aid agreements. In addition, the increase of travelers with mobility and cognitive impairments further challenges incident response. Evidence indicates that plans need to better address coordination and response between the airport operator and all stakeholders. Therefore research is needed to create a tool to assist airport operators in the development of a response plan which, when implemented, would mitigate the impact of these events on the terminal users. The objective of this research was to develop a scalable tool that airport operators can use to create and maintain integrated incident response plans that address hazards in and around airport terminals. These response plans covers evacuation, shelter-in-place, relocation, and repopulation/recovery and is applicable to a variety of sizes and types of airports and airport terminals. KW - Airport terminals KW - Emergency management KW - Evacuation KW - Hazards and emergency operations KW - Relocation UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3250 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332913 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571695 TI - Sound Transmission Indoors- Study of Whole Houses-Low Frequency Sound Transmission AB - Project 38's goal is to provide insight into how typical dwelling envelopes affect indoor sound levels due to non-sonic boom aircraft noise. Many existing aircraft noise guidelines are based primarily on outdoor sound levels. However, human perception is largely based on indoor response. This study will leverage existing technologies in sound transmission to model the combined sound isolation of dwelling envelopes. The model will be whole-housed focused; that is, the research will focus on composite dwelling envelopes (walls + windows + roof, etc). KW - Aircraft noise KW - Dwellings KW - Environmental impacts KW - Low frequency KW - Sound transmission UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/sound-transmission-indoors---study-whole-houses UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363273 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01463237 TI - A Guidebook for Airport Winter Operations AB - Winter weather has the potential to disrupt operations at airports of all sizes; and recent events at several airports have again illustrated the importance of preparing for, operating during, and recovering from winter events. Lack of preparation by an airport for these events can result in potential safety issues. In addition, it is well known that dealing with winter operations can represent a significant cost to airports. For example, at a larger airport facility, the cost of delaying flight operations to permit snow clearing has been estimated in some cases to exceed $300,000 per hour--a factor which can support a decision to increase investment in snow removal so as to reduce the time required to clear a runway. To prepare for these events, airports have to develop a variety of procedures based on individual or unique requirements. Examining the range of existing procedures and evaluating effectiveness would help airports in general respond to a continuing winter operations requirement. Research is needed to develop a guidebook that would provide a useful tool in preparing an effective winter operations plan. Such a guidebook would help to ensure that, based on best practices, optimal investments are being made at airports of varying sizes. The objective of this research is to prepare a guidebook to help airports prepare for, operate during, and recover from disruptive winter events, as well as manage airport user expectations. The guidebook will identify and evaluate best practices in airport airside and landside winter operations, as well as provide guidance on how to manage overall passenger experience within a framework of safety and efficiency. The guidebook will also provide guidance to airport operators on determining the optimal level of investment necessary to implement an effective program, given expected winter conditions and the nature of the aviation activity at that particular airport. The audience for this guidebook will include managers, operators, and users of small to large airport facilities. At a minimum, the guidebook should address the following program elements as components of an effective winter operations plan adaptable to a variety of airports: (1) Operational consideration (friction, weather, and other factors); (2) Strategies and tactics (equipment, chemicals, drift control, and other related factors); (3) Operational guidelines (personnel, timing, human factors, and other related issues); (4) Economic and finance considerations (budget analysis, benefit-cost analysis, risk analysis); (5) Environmental issues (permitting and other applicable regulations). KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Decision making KW - Finance KW - Handbooks KW - Winter maintenance UR - http://www.trb.org/TRBNet/ProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3263 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1231462 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01531111 AU - Herricks, Edwin E AU - Bunch, Wendell AU - Osmek, Steve AU - Svoboda, Frank AU - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Using an Avian Radar to Supplement an Airport Wildlife Hazard Assessment PY - 2012/07//Technical Note SP - 35p AB - Wildlife hazard assessments are regularly performed to support the development of wildlife hazard management plans (WHMP) for airports. Current assessments use visual observations of wildlife, with particular attention paid to birds. As a tool, avian radar systems supplement visual observations of birds on and around airports. A study was conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of using avian radar to supplement a year-long wildlife hazard assessment effort at Cedar City Regional Airport in Utah. In December 2010, avian radar was used to test its capability to supplement scheduled monthly observations. This report summarizes the supplementary information provided by avian radar and discusses the utility of avian radar application in wildlife hazard assessments. The avian radar consistently observed more bird targets than were identified by visual observation and provided a useful data set for analyses that supported the development of the airport’s WHMP. KW - Airports KW - Aviation safety KW - Bird strikes KW - Birds KW - Hazard evaluation KW - Radar KW - Utah KW - Wildlife UR - http://www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov/DesktopModules/FlexNews/DownloadHandler.ashx?id=ac831835-ca04-4ae1-8767-a03a868c18db&f=TC-TN12-27_Final_Avian_Radar_070612.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1313496 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01518997 AU - Research and Innovative Technology Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Tone-Corrected Metrics for Pre-2005 INM Helicopters PY - 2012/07 SP - 4p AB - Of the 21 Helicopters represented in Integrated Noise Model (INM) 7.0b, only five include the tone-corrected metrics. The calculation of these metrics involves the analysis of 1/3 octave-band data obtained during the source data measurement process, and requires sound-pressure levels at all measured frequency bands (50-10,000 Hz) for the duration of the aircraft event. A census of data availability was undertaken for helicopters currently in the INM, to determine whether available source data were sufficient to reprocess and calculate the tone-corrected metrics. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Effective sound pressure KW - Helicopters KW - INM (Integrated Noise Model) KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/51000/51000/51024/DOT-VNTSC-FAA-14-04.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1302149 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01454104 AU - Maloney, Thomas C AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - The Collection of Ice in Jet A-1 Fuel Pipes PY - 2012/07//Technical Thesis SP - 118p AB - This study seeks to understand the underlying principles of ice growth in fuel flow systems. Tests were performed in a recirculated fuel system with a fuel tank that held approximately 115 gallons of Jet A-1 fuel, and ice accumulation was observed in two removable test pipes. The setup was in an altitude chamber capable of reaching -60°F, and the experiments involved full scale flow components. Initially, tests were performed (stage I) to better understand the system and the variables that affected accumulation. First, initial conditions within the test pipes were varied. Also, pipe geometry, pipe surface properties, initial water content of the fuel, and heat transfer from the fuel pipe were varied. As a result of the tests, observations were made about other effects involved in the study. The effects include the result of sequentially run tests, the effect of the fuel on the freezing temperature of the entrained water, the effect of ice accumulation on pipe welds, and the effect of the test pipe entrance and exit flow conditions on ice accumulation. The results of initial tests were qualitative. Later quantitative tests were performed (stage II) to demonstrate the dependence of temperature, Reynolds number, and heat transfer on ice accumulation. Tests were quantified with a pressure increase across the pipe sections that was normalized by the expected theoretical initial pressure. As a result of these tests the effect of contamination in the fuel was revealed. The results of stage I showed that accumulation of soft ice was greatest when a layer of hard ice had initially formed on the pipe surface. Stainless steel collected more ice than Teflon®, and there was a lack of a preferential accumulation region downstream of a pipe bend. A greater heat transfer from the pipe increased ice accumulation for aluminum that was made rough with 80-grit sand paper and for Teflon. Water collected in the pipe system as the number of tests increased and the freeze temperature of either the hard or soft ice was about 0°C. Finally, results of stage I tests showed that stainless steel pipe welds were a preferred sight for ice to accumulate. Repeatability was done first in stage II, and the normalized pressure increase for two 3/4″ uninsulated pipe tests were within 7%. Normalized pressure increased across a pipe as the Reynolds number decreased. A 50% increase in the Reynolds number led to a 40% decrease in characteristic normalized pressure increase (CNPI). Tests were performed at three temperatures, and ice accumulated the most at -11°C. The CNPI at -11°C was about 3 times greater than the CNPI at -7.4°C and about 60 times greater than the CNPI at -19.4°C. A greater heat transfer from the fuel pipe increased ice accumulation. For the amount of time that the tests ran, the total normalized pressure increase was about 0.9 greater for an uninsulated pipe than for an insulated pipe. Contamination in the fuel increased the amount of soft ice that collected in the system. The CNPI for the more contaminated fuel was more than double the case with less contaminated fuel. Possible solutions for the prevention or decrease of ice accumulation in aircraft fuel systems based on the results of this study are insulated pipes, a change in the type of pipe material, a higher fuel flow rate, and cleaner fuel. The fuel temperature could also be altered to avoid temperatures where the most ice accumulates. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Aviation safety KW - Fuel system components KW - Ice prevention KW - Icing KW - Jet propelled aircraft KW - Pipe UR - http://www.fire.tc.faa.gov/pdf/TC-TT12-29.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1218521 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01454100 AU - Safronava, Natallia AU - Lyon, Richard AU - Technology & Management International, LLC AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Combustion Characteristics of Adhesive Compounds Used in the Construction of Aircraft Cabin Materials PY - 2012/07//Technical Note SP - 25p AB - Adhesives are widely used in the aviation industry to construct lightweight and fatigue resistant aircraft cabin materials. Presently, there is no separate requirement for the flammability of adhesives, potting compounds, and fillers used in construction of cabin materials. The Flammability Standardization Task Group is an aircraft industry group that has proposed testing adhesives using the 12- and 60-second Vertical Bunsen Burner (VBB) Fire Tests requirements for cabin materials in Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations 25.853 to demonstrate that new adhesives have similar flammability to those used in certified cabin materials. Cabin materials pass or fail the VBB tests based on criteria for burn length, after-flame time, and time required for flaming drips to extinguish. The present study was conducted to determine whether the microscale combustion calorimeter (MCC) could also be used to establish similarity of aircraft adhesives, potting compounds, and fillers. To this end, thermal combustion properties were measured by MCC for 37 adhesives, edge fillers, and potting compounds, and the results were compared to VBB ratings to determine whether the former could be used to predict the latter. KW - Adhesives KW - Aircraft cabins KW - Aviation safety KW - Combustion KW - Flammability KW - Flammability tests KW - Microscale combustion calorimetry KW - Vertical Bunsen Burner Fire Test UR - http://www.fire.tc.faa.gov/pdf/TN12-12.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1218531 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01449554 AU - Broach, Dana AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Incremental Validity of Biographical Data in the Prediction of En Route Air Traffic Control Specialist Technical Skills PY - 2012/07//Final Report SP - 16p AB - Research has demonstrated that an empirically-keyed, response-option scored biographical data (biodata) scale predicted supervisory ratings of air traffic control specialist (ATCS) job performance (Dean & Broach, 2011). This research focused on the validity of scores on the Controller Background Assessment Survey (CBAS) in predicting an objective, computerized measure of en route controller technical skills. The analysis was conducted in two steps. First, computerized aptitude test battery (AT-SAT) scores for 229 en route controllers were regressed on the Computer-Based Performance Measure (CBPM). Second, biodata scores were entered into the equation. AT-SAT scores accounted for 27% of variance in the criterion measure (β=0.520, adjusted R 2 =.271, p<.001). Biodata accounted for an additional 2% of the variance in CBPM (β=0.134; adjusted ΔR 2 =0.016, ΔF=5.040, p<.05). The empirically-keyed, response-option scored biodata scale demonstrated incremental validity over the computerized aptitude test battery in predicting scores representing the core technical skills of en route controllers. Utility analysis suggested that even a small increment in validity was likely to have substantial organizational utility, given the high applicant volume and ATCS training costs. Further research to examine the relationship of CBAS scores to training outcomes at the Federal Aviation Administration Academy and in field ATC facilities is recommended. KW - Air traffic controllers KW - Aptitude tests KW - Biographical factors KW - Performance prediction KW - Professional skills KW - Quality of work KW - Selection and appointment KW - Validity UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201208.pdf UR - http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/45000/45800/45873/201208.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1216285 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01449527 AU - R G W Cherry & Associates Limited AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - A Research Study Into the More Pertinent Features of Small Commercial Airplanes Affecting Emergency Evacuation PY - 2012/07//Final Report SP - 91p AB - The majority of evacuation research has been directed toward large transport airplanes. The significant factors in evacuation from smaller transport airplanes are less generally understood. In addition to this, evacuation demonstrations are only required for airplanes certificated under CAR Chapter 525/14 CFR Part 25 with a passenger seating capacity of more than 44 passengers (CAR 525.803 (c)/14 CFR 25.803 (c)). This study is intended to determine the features of smaller transport airplanes that are pertinent to evacuation by conducting an evaluation of cabin safety and evacuation regulations, an inspection of several smaller airplanes, and a review of smaller airplane past accident evacuation issues. The report covers aspects that directly and indirectly influence an emergency evacuation, with emphasis on the differences and constraints that the design or operation of smaller airplanes may impose. These aspects include doors and emergency exits, evacuation flow and emergency exit access, flight attendants, assist means, interior emergency lighting and marking, communication system, emergency equipment requirement, and survivability factors. KW - Aviation safety KW - Civil aircraft KW - Emergency exits KW - Evacuation KW - Federal Aviation Regulations KW - Small aircraft UR - http://www.fire.tc.faa.gov/pdf/AR09-31.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1217151 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01379169 AU - Schvaneveldt, Roger W AU - Branaghan, Russell J AU - Lamonica, John AU - Beringer, Dennis B AU - Arizona State University, Mesa AU - Lamonica Aviation AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Weather in the Cockpit: Priorities, Sources, Delivery, and Needs in the Next Generation Air Transportation System PY - 2012/07//Final Report SP - 40p AB - A study was conducted to identify/verify weather factors important to the conduct of aviation activities and that would be important to consider in systems intended to operate within the NextGen environment. The study reviewed weather-information systems available for General Aviation aircraft at that time. The report presents a listing of recognized aviation weather hazards followed by rankings, by General Aviation pilots, of weather data elements associated with these hazards. This is followed by a listing of pilot-accessible sources for the relevant weather data and examples of graphical presentations of much of the data. Included is a brief listing and discussion of avionics systems able to host these graphical data. Recommendations are provided for the presentation of weather data in the cockpit, the incorporation of decision aids, forecasts, reliability labeling, and display strategies. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Cockpits KW - Data collection KW - Decision support systems KW - General aviation pilots KW - Information systems KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Real time information KW - Weather conditions UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201207.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1146808 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01483595 TI - Composite Material Handbook AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Composite materials KW - Handbooks UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1252454 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01489316 TI - Development of a Plan for a Study of Bleed Air Quality in Aircraft Cabins AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Air quality management KW - Aircraft cabins KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1258330 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547388 TI - Integrating NIMS for Personnel and Resources at Airports AB - Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 139 airports are now required to integrate the National Incident Management System (NIMS) into their airport emergency plans. Although this requirement doesn't apply to general aviation airports, all airports can benefit from the nationwide template that NIMS provides in response to incidents/accidents and events. NIMS provides consistency in responses to such events irrespective of their size, cause, and complexity and whether they are urgent, routine, or planned. Airports of all sizes rely, to some degree, on their communities and other stakeholders in the management and response to incidents/accidents and events and NIMS can help integrate all personnel and resources. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides comprehensive resources to ensure NIMS compliance-- however, for some airports there may be a lack of awareness of these tools and resources; they may not be educating and training enough of their staff; and/or their communities, stakeholders, and mutual aid partners may not be sufficiently aware of the resources available. The objective of this research is to provide guidance to all size airports in integrating NIMS in response to incidents/accidents and events regardless of the size, cause, or complexity of such events. The guidance should include at a minimum the following: (1) The benefit(s) to airports of integrating NIMS into incident/accident and event management internally or while working with community, stakeholders, and mutual aid partners during such events; (2) Assistance in identifying which airport personnel (including tenants) need NIMS education and training and to what level; (3) Best practices in implementing and maintaining proficiency in NIMS with airport communities, stakeholders, and mutual aid partners who provide response to incidents/accidents and events in and around the airport; (4) Resources that are available to provide NIMS education and training and the methods to provide that training and education; and (5) funding options that are available for education and training including requirements for obtaining those funds. KW - Airports KW - Best practices KW - Disaster preparedness KW - Education KW - Financing KW - Guidelines KW - National Incident Management System (NIMS) KW - Training UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3261 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334652 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571711 TI - Sensors and Prognostics to Mitigate Bleed Air Contamination Events. Development of a Plan for a Study of Bleed Air Quality in Aircraft Cabins Tracking AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Air quality management KW - Aircraft cabins KW - Contaminants KW - Mathematical prediction KW - Sensors UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363289 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547690 TI - Apron Planning and Design Guidebook AB - Apron design permits safe and efficient aircraft operations and facilitates the on- and off-loading of passengers and cargo, as well as aircraft servicing. The design considers the movement and physical characteristics of the aircraft to be served; the maneuvering, staging, and location of ground service equipment; and the dimensional relationships of parked aircraft relative to the terminal or ancillary facilities. There exists, however, no single document providing consistent and thorough guidance on apron planning, design, and markings. This has resulted in apron layouts and markings that not only vary from airport to airport, but within airports. As a result, a comprehensive guidebook is needed to address the best practices to apron design that will lead to enhanced operational efficiency and safety. The objective of this research was to develop a guidebook that provides best practices for planning, designing, and marking apron areas for all sizes of airports in the United States. This guidebook is intended to be used by airport operators, airlines, and design consultants. The apron design and operational considerations include, at a minimum, the following: (1) Facility geometrics (exploring relationship between aeronautical surfaces (e.g.,14 CFR Part 77), buildings, aprons and apron access points); (2) Markings (i.e., lead-in and lead-out lines, aircraft safety envelope, GSE safety boxes); (3) Lighting; (4) Aircraft design groups that include retrofit, nextgen, and existing aircraft; (5) Taxiways, taxilanes, and vehicle service roads; (6) Engine start-up positions/Power versus tow/Jet blast/Noise; (7) Ground Service Equipment (GSE) operations/fueling; and (8) Snow removal operations. KW - Access roads KW - Aprons (Airports) KW - Ground handling KW - Planning and design KW - Road markings KW - Taxiways KW - United States UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3251 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1335322 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01489378 TI - Development of Minor Injury Severity Scale for Orbital Human Space Flight AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation medicine KW - Classification KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Injury severity UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1258400 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01489377 TI - Effects of EMI and Ionizing Radiation on Implantable Medical Devices AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation medicine KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Electromagnetic interference KW - Ionizing radiation KW - Medical equipment KW - Radiation doses UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1258399 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547486 TI - Runway Veer-off Location Distribution Risk Assessment Model AB - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Airport Design, provides design standards for runway safety areas (RSA). However, many airports face financial or environmental constraints that limit their ability to meet these standards. FAA Order 5200.9, Financial Feasibility and Equivalency of Runway Safety Area Improvements and Engineered Material Arresting Systems provides guidance for comparing various RSA improvements. However, it only compares the financial feasibility of standard safety areas with standard engineered materials arresting systems (EMAS) installations and is limited to the runway-end safety area. the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 3: Analysis of Aircraft Overruns and Undershoots for Runway Safety Areas provides significant advances to the analysis of RSAs, while ACRP Report 50: Improved Models for Risk Assessment of Runways Safety Areas and ACRP Report 51: Risk Assessment Method to Support Modification of Airfield Separation Standards, introduce risk assessment methods and models for addressing RSAs and airfield separation standards. These reports also note a lack of detailed veer-off data. Although the analysis in ACRP Report 51 covered runway veer-offs, the model did not incorporate veer-off location distribution. Research is needed to develop a model that will assist airports and other stakeholders in assessing the relative risks associated with RSA development alternatives and object location determinations on the airfield. Research is also needed to develop guidelines for reporting and collecting runway veer-off incident/accident data. The objectives of this research are to (1) develop a runway veer-off location distribution risk assessment model to help determine RSA requirements that meet an acceptable level of safety for various types and sizes of airports and (2) develop potential guidelines for reporting and collecting runway veer-off incident/accident data. KW - Airport runways KW - Crash data KW - Design KW - Engineered material arresting systems KW - Risk assessment KW - Runway safety areas KW - Runway veer-offs KW - Safety UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3249 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334850 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01546026 TI - Airport Parking Garage Lighting Solutions AB - There have been recent advancements in lighting technologies that provide new strategies to airports for lighting parking garages. Although these advancements have resulted in more choices, most airports may not have the information or expertise needed to select and procure the most appropriate technologies to meet their unique individual operations. In addition, performance data for these new technologies is limited and obtained primarily from manufacturers. Research is needed to develop guidance to help airports objectively evaluate and select appropriate lighting technologies to meet their parking garage needs. The objective of this research is to provide a guidebook to help airports identify optimal lighting solutions for parking garage facilities to suit their own needs, operations, and site conditions. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport parking facilities KW - Handbooks KW - Lighting systems KW - Parking facilities KW - Technological innovations UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3254 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332978 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01547223 TI - A Guidebook for Airport-Airline Consortiums AB - Airports and airlines continue to work together to deliver cost-effective and quality services to passengers and users. As such, they seek new and effective strategies to better manage airport facilities, equipment, systems, and services. Generally, the airport operator or individual airlines maintain these facilities, equipment, systems, and services. Occasionally, they are managed and maintained by airport-airline consortiums.Airports and airlines would benefit from additional information to increase their understanding, evaluation, and participation in airport-airline consortiums. Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 31: Airline and Airport-Airline Consortiums to Manage Terminals and Equipment recently described several current consortium arrangements and concluded that the consortium model is flexible and can be adapted to fit many circumstances and requirements. The objective of this research was to prepare a guidebook for airport operators and airline representatives who are responsible for agreements related to airport facilities, equipment, systems, and services and who may be interested in evaluating, advocating, or forming consortiums to provide needed services. The guidebook provides a discussion of the structure, organization, governance, membership provisions, scope, administrative and operational staffing, best practices for the preparation of consortium agreements and performance standards, capitalization, and cost allocation methodology, as well as identifies areas that have been most challenging in the operation of consortiums from the airport's, airline's and operator's perspectives. The research is published as Report 111. KW - Airlines KW - Airports KW - Consortia KW - Handbooks KW - Maintenance KW - Management UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3240 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1334204 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01489586 TI - Collaborative Activities AB - No summary provided. KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Cooperation KW - Research management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1258743 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01489585 TI - EMI and Radiation Effects on Implantable Devices AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation medicine KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Electromagnetic interference KW - Human factors KW - Medical equipment UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1258742 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01489582 TI - Integration & Evaluation of ADS-B Payloads AB - The long term goal is to mature the automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) system by flying it repeatedly in space, using flight data to make future versions lightweight and affordable. The ADS-B could then be manifest on all rocket launches as standard equipment, permitting air traffic control to "track" rocket operations in the national airspace system (NAS). Once procedures and separation standards are developed in conjunction with ADS-B for various classes of rockets, air traffic control would not have to sterilize air space and disrupt other NAS users for most rocket launches (large expendable rockets would be the exception). Most reusable rockets would be able to file a flight plan, making them much easier to launch, as aircraft are today, enabling routine commercial space operations in the NAS. KW - Air traffic control KW - Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Flight plans KW - Payload KW - Rockets KW - Weight UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1258739 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01489581 TI - Minor Injury Severity Scale AB - It is proposed that a Minor Injury Severity Scale (MISS) for Orbital Human Space Flight (HSF) be developed that identifies unacceptable injuries in the course of non-nominal HSF operations. A highly specific, descriptive, and quantifiable set of categories which facilitate accurate and objective classification will be created. The scale should reflect tissue damage as an outcome that is sensitive to the differential effects of injuries on-orbit in micro gravity. This MISS for orbital HSF should be developed by physicians experienced in HSF such as those that have supported Johnson Space Center Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Injuries KW - Injury classification KW - Injury severity UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1258738 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01489580 TI - Nitrous Oxide Composite Tank Testing AB - No summary provided. KW - Atmospheric nitrous oxide KW - Tanks (Containers) KW - Test procedures UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1258737 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01536625 AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - United States Aviation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan PY - 2012/06 SP - 16p AB - The United States Government (USG) is committed to addressing the climate change impacts of commercial aviation and is pursuing a multi-pronged approach to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions. The USG already achieved significant reductions in GHG emissions from, and energy efficiency improvements in, the aviation sector over the past decade through public and private efforts, and it is on a trajectory to continue that progress in coming years. The USG has set an ambitious overarching goal of achieving carbon-neutral growth for U.S. commercial aviation by 2020, using 2005 emissions as a baseline. Given current forecasts for aviation growth this equates to about a 115 million metric tons (MT) reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from commercial aviation by 2020, and by extending those approaches further there could be an additional 60MT reduction by 2026. As part of the Next Generation Air Transportation System Plan, the USG has laid out plans and initiatives for improvement in technology and operations, advances in development and deployment of sustainable alternative fuels, and policies and selective measures to incentivize transition of the fleet and airspace system . KW - Alternate fuels KW - Civil aviation KW - Climate change KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Policy KW - Pollutants KW - Technological innovations KW - United States UR - http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/apl/environ_policy_guidance/policy/media/Aviation_Greenhouse_Gas_Emissions_Reduction_Plan.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1320969 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01454136 AU - Herricks, Edwin E AU - Woodworth, Elizabeth AU - Patterson, James AU - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Performance Assessment of a Hybrid Radar and Electro-Optical Foreign Object Debris Detection System PY - 2012/06//Final Report SP - 46p AB - In 2007, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Technology Branch conducted a performance assessment of the FODetect®, a hybrid radar and electro-optical foreign object debris (FOD) detection system developed by Xsight Systems, Ltd. This assessment included the system’s capability to detect objects of various shapes, sizes, and materials at all locations on the runway surface. The system’s capability to detect FOD during both nighttime and daytime conditions, in periods of sun, rain, mist, fog, and snow, was also assessed. The FODetect system was initially demonstrated in January 2008. Following the demonstration, a more comprehensive performance assessment of the technology was conducted at the Boston Logan International Airport. The performance assessment was initiated in June 2008 with a test schedule that continued until May 2009. Researchers conducted several test sessions to assess the FODetect’s capability to detect selected FOD items. The tests focused on hybrid sensor characteristics, specifically the joint capabilities of radar and electro-optical sensors operating together. The FODetect system was able to detect the objects of various shapes, sizes, and materials on runway surfaces and perform satisfactorily in nighttime, daytime, sun, rain, mist, fog, and snow conditions, as required by FAA Advisory Circular 150/5220-24, “Airport Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection Equipment.” KW - Airport runways KW - Airports KW - Debris KW - Foreign objects KW - Logan International Airport KW - Optical detectors KW - Performance KW - Radar KW - Sensors KW - Technology assessment KW - Weather UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tc12-22.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1218538 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01454086 AU - Hode, John C AU - SRA International, Incorporated AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Development of a Firefighting Agent Application Test Protocol for Aircraft Fuselage Composites, Phase I - Carbon Fiber PY - 2012/06//Final Report SP - 44p AB - This project was initiated to develop a live fire test protocol that could determine if the amounts of fire extinguishing agent currently carried on Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting vehicles are sufficient to extinguish fires involving aircraft built with advanced composite material fuselages. Currently two advanced composite materials are used in construction of commercial aircraft fuselages; GLAss-REinforced Fiber Metal Laminate, commonly called GLARE, and carbon fiber composite. The objective of this series of tests was to assess the fire behavior of carbon fiber composites. These tests focused on the following specific fire behaviors: (1) if either self-sustained burning or smoldering exist after fire exposure, (2) the extent of heat propagation through the carbon fiber composite, (3) how long it takes for the carbon fiber composite to naturally cool below 300°F (150°C), and (4) if there are any physical indicators that would help firefighters determine that the carbon fiber composite had cooled sufficiently to prevent reignition. These tests comprise the first phase of a two-phase approach to assess the fire behavior of aircraft fuselage advanced composite materials. The second phase will determine the amount of firefighting agent needed to extinguish and cool the composite. Twenty-three tests were conducted on 0.08-inch-thick, laminate-type carbon fiber composite samples sized 18 by 12 inches. The fiber content of the samples was 60%, which is typical for carbon fiber composite used in aircraft fuselages. The samples were mounted on a small platform at a 45° angle. The Federal Aviation Administration NextGen oil burner was used as the fire source. It generates temperatures just over 1800°F (990°C), which are similar to that of an aviation fuel-fed pool fire. Samples were subjected to different fire exposure times. Temperature measurements and infrared images were collected during the tests. In several instances, the initial weight of the sample was compared to the post exposure weight to determine the amount of resin consumed in the test. The tests showed that flaming combustion, smoldering, and smoking occur in various degrees of severity during and after fire exposure. Given the temperatures that can be achieved in an aviation fuel-fed pool fire, sufficient heat is available to raise the carbon fiber composite temperature to briefly sustain both flaming and smoldering after the pool fire is extinguished. Forward-looking infrared images and thermocouple measurements indicated laminate-type carbon fiber composite absorbs heat unevenly across its surface. Natural cooling of the samples below 300°F (150°C) happened quickly in areas that were open to the air and free to dissipate heat. The fastest time was almost 90 seconds for the uncovered sample center. Smoking was the only reliable visible indicator that could be used by firefighters to identify areas that still require continued application of agent. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft rescue and firefighting services KW - Carbon fibers KW - Composite materials KW - Fire extinguishing agents KW - Flammability tests KW - Fuselages KW - Smoke KW - Temperature measurement UR - http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/tc12-6.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1218534 ER - TY - RPRT AN - 01379168 AU - Pierce, Linda G AU - Williams, Clara A AU - Byrne, Cristina L AU - McCauley, Darendia AU - Federal Aviation Administration AU - Federal Aviation Administration TI - Planning for Organization Development in Operations Control Centers PY - 2012/06//Final Report SP - 52p AB - The first step in a proposed program of organization development (OD) was to assess organizational processes within the Technical Operations Services (TechOps) Operations Control Centers (OCCs). The aim of the OD program was to improve effectiveness of OCC operations and increase satisfaction of OCC personnel. The assessment was based on an understanding of current and future OCC concepts of operations, a review of organizational practices within the OCCs, and the research literature on developing organizations. TechOps is the agency within the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Traffic Organization that manages and maintains the National Airspace System facilities, systems, and equipment. The OCCs are part of the maintenance management infrastructure at the regional level with an OCC located within the Eastern, Central, and Western Service Areas. The OCCs were established in 2001 as part of an effort to centralize remote monitoring and coordination of maintenance operations for the FAA. To understand current organizational processes, the authors interviewed 54 specialists and 12 team leads working at an OCC in one of the Service Areas. They asked the participants questions about their technical background; their jobs within the OCCs to include the interdependencies required for task performance; structure, complexity, and workload inherent in the job; cohesion and trust among specialists and team leads; and outcomes, including perceived operational effectiveness and job satisfaction. Results of these discussions are summarized in the report by topical area. Issues raised by the participants as having a negative effect on their perceptions of effectiveness of the OCCs and their individual satisfaction with the job were classified into three groups. The first grouping was workload. Shift work, staffing, and breaks influenced workload. Participants saw workload at all three OCCs as high, especially during the day shift. The second group, resources, included issues related to training and technology. Some participants indicated that neither the training nor the technologies used in the OCCs were sufficient to meet job requirements. The final group was knowledge of results and included issues related to performance feedback and management involvement. Participants saw a lack of performance standards and little specific feedback on individual or team performance as having a negative impact on organizational performance and individual satisfaction. Proposed interventions to address each of these groups of issues were 1) the use of small teams to organize specialists and team leads at each of the OCCs, 2) revision or inclusion of initial, new equipment, and team leader training, 3) implementation of a comprehensive performance feedback system based on individual and team performance, and 4) development of a fatigue risk management approach that included education on fatigue and elimination of midnight shifts through the use of workload sharing among OCCs. Finally, the authors also recommended assessing the implementation of interventions in an on-going process of organization development and improvement to meet current and future requirements. KW - Air traffic control KW - Business practices KW - Control centers KW - Employee relations KW - Job satisfaction KW - National Airspace System KW - Operations KW - Organizational effectiveness KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration KW - Working conditions UR - http://www.faa.gov/data_research/research/med_humanfacs/oamtechreports/2010s/media/201206.pdf UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1146802 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01486017 TI - Development of Integrated Air Quality Modeling Platform for the US-Project 16 AB - No summary provided. KW - Air pollution KW - Air quality KW - Air quality management KW - Emissions models KW - Environmental impacts UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1255638 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465409 TI - Reliable Aircraft Electrical Power System for NextGen AB - No summary provided. KW - Air transportation KW - Aircraft KW - Electric power KW - Next generation design KW - Reliability UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233642 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465408 TI - Health Monitoring of Structures and Complex Flight Critical Systems AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Flight characteristics KW - Flight control systems KW - Structural health monitoring UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233641 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465407 TI - NXG General Aviation - Automation & Envelope Protection AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft operations KW - Automation KW - Dynamic envelope KW - General aviation KW - Next generation design UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233640 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01483458 TI - Damage Prognosis Models for Space Vehicles and Structures AB - Structural health monitoring (SHM) and damage prognosis of space structures will be important components of future space vehicles and in future space operations. SHM entails the detection, through combined measurement and modeling, of material defects and damage that could compromise safety and survivability of the structure. Damage prognosis (DP) entails use of the SHM outcomes to model and predict the evolution of damage and the useful life of the structural component. The current status of these two elements of structural safety monitoring are at different stages of development: (1) theory and some methodologies of SHM for application to space vehicles are well developed, and the next major step will be development and deployment of sensing and integration hardware systems that utilize existing modeling and theory; and (2) DP is still in its infancy - it is recognized as a critical component of the overall structural health problem, but most substantive developments remain to be made. It is DP development that we will pursue in the proposed research. DP involves the development of predictive simulation methods that necessitate the modeling of a number of things: the future environment of the structure under study, the likely future loadings to which the structure will be subjected, the current location, type, and level of any damage (via SHM), macro and micro models of structural behavior, and models for growth/propagation of structural damage with time, and models that specify the useful life of structures as functions of states simulated via predictive simulation. Predictive simulation may require very large models (e.g., millions of DOF) that must be simulated on massively parallel platforms in order to produce reliable results. Such platforms are available to New Mexico researchers through the Encanto system. At the same time, real-time, onboard DP systems may need to use significantly smaller math models that can be solved with modest, onboard computing power. Thus, small models that capture the essence of the large models are also necessary. KW - Aircraft damage KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Real time control KW - Risk assessment KW - Space stations KW - Spacecraft KW - Structural health monitoring KW - Tolerances (Engineering) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1252275 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01463239 TI - Evaluating Cost-Saving and Energy Reduction Technologies for Escalators and Moving Walks at Airports AB - Many airports require passenger processing circulation patterns that use multiple floor levels and lengthy walking distances. To improve efficiency, capacity, and customer service, facility designers have employed a variety of mechanized circulation devices, including escalators and moving walks. Beyond their initial high capital costs, these mechanized devices also have maintenance costs and consume large amounts of energy. There are new technologies (e.g., speed control/variable frequency drive, regenerative braking, and power factor control) that can result in cost savings and reduced energy consumption. Additionally, recent code changes have allowed for variation of escalator or moving walk speed, expanding the number of available options. Many airports do not have the expertise to determine how to apply these new technologies to their unique needs, operations, and site conditions. Research is therefore needed to help airports identify, evaluate, and select the most appropriate cost-saving and energy reduction technologies for escalators and moving walkways. The objective of this research is to prepare a guidebook, with an associated financial evaluation tool, to help airports compare and select appropriate cost-saving and energy reduction technologies (e.g., speed control/variable frequency drive, regenerative braking, and power factor control) for escalators and moving walks. KW - Airport operations KW - Airports KW - Cost savings KW - Decision making KW - Energy savings KW - Escalators KW - Handbooks KW - Technology assessment KW - Walkways UR - http://www.trb.org/TRBNet/ProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3253 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1231464 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01546025 TI - General Aviation Facility Planning AB - General Aviation (GA) facilities (e.g., terminals, aprons, tie-downs, T-hangars, conventional hangars, fixed-based operators, other aviation service providers, ground access and parking, and fueling facilities), need to accommodate an expanding variety of aircraft types and activities. The requirements for flight schools, fractional ownership, corporate operators, recreational users, and others vary significantly; yet, they often are found at one airport. In addition, the industry is dynamic: certain activities are growing more rapidly than others, fleet mixes are evolving, and security protocols are changing. Finally, airports are faced with limited funding, which places an increasing emphasis on cost-effectiveness, revenue generation, and operational efficiency. While the needs for GA are broad, guidance for GA facility planning is limited. Appendix 5 of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5300-13, Airport Design, is dated, provides limited planning guidance for GA facilities, and is not applicable to all sizes of airports with GA activity. There are no other sources of comprehensive guidance for GA facility planning. The lack of comprehensive guidance has led to inefficient GA layouts and inconsistent GA planning methodologies. Research is needed to develop guidelines to help practitioners plan GA facilities. The guidance should also document the information traditionally used to plan GA facilities as well as identify other nontraditional information sources that could enhance GA facility planning. The guidance should also consider varying user requirements. The objective of this research is to develop a guidebook to plan General Aviation facilities, including (but not limited to): terminals, aprons, tie-downs, T-hangars, conventional hangars, fixed-based operators, other aviation service providers, ground access and parking, and fueling facilities, for any airport accommodating GA activity. KW - Airport planning KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Airport terminals KW - Aprons (Airports) KW - Design of specific facilities KW - General aviation KW - Infrastructure KW - Planning UR - http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3252 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332977 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571715 TI - Sound Transmission Indoors-Investigate Opportunities to Support Interior Noise Impact Studies AB - Project 38's goal is to provide insight into how typical dwelling envelopes affect indoor sound levels due to non-sonic boom aircraft noise. Many existing aircraft noise guidelines are based primarily on outdoor sound levels. However, human perception is largely based on indoor response. This study will leverage existing technologies in sound transmission to model the combined sound isolation of dwelling envelopes. The model will be whole-housed focused; that is, the research will focus on composite dwelling envelopes (walls + windows + roof, etc). KW - Aircraft noise KW - Dwellings KW - Environmental impacts KW - Sound transmission UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/sound-transmission-indoors---study-whole-houses UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363293 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01571710 TI - Reduced-Order Non-Linear Dynamic System Models AB - No summary provided. KW - Aerospace engineering KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Nonlinear systems UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363288 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01489159 TI - Project 8 Sonic Boom Metrics Task 8.15 Noise Habituation AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Habituation KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) KW - Sonic boom UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1258153 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01546042 TI - Legal Aspects of Airport Programs. Topic 04-03. Analysis of Federal Laws, Regulations, Case Law, and Survey of Existing Airport NPDES Permits Regarding Tenant-Operator Responsibilities Under NPDES and Storm Water Management BMPs Under Owner/Airport's Operating Permits AB - The Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) amendments of 1987 empowered the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate polluted, non-point source discharges, from municipal separate storm sewer systems, and additionally mandated that the EPA establish a storm water discharge permitting system. In 1990, the EPA published guidelines for certain storm water discharges associated with eleven categories of industrial activities known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). These original industrial activities subject to NPDES permitting are known as Phase I operators. Later in 1995, the EPA expanded the scope of the activities regulated under NPDES to include smaller municipal and commercial activities. The operation of an airport servicing an area of more than 100,000 people is a Phase I, Category 8 industry. The State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES), administered by State environmental regulatory agencies is a program designed to monitor and minimize the environmental impacts of wastewater and storm water runoff on both surface and ground water. SPDES is an EPA-authorized storm water runoff regulatory program, approved to uphold the regulatory standards promulgated by the EPA. In fact, at least one state regulatory agency has asserted that the SPDES program is broader in scope than NPDES. The problem involves the responsibility for implementation, enforcement, and liability in connection with SPDES permits at airports where tenant operators (although not a listed permittee) are afforded coverage under the airport's specific SPDES permit. In issuing the final NPDES regulations, the "EPA encourages co-permittee status because this approach to permit coverage promotes better coordination of the pollution prevention plan measures and possibly better control of the stormwater discharges" [Final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities, 60 Fed. Reg. 50804-01 at 51103 (9/29/95).] While the EPA also states that "as the owner/operator of an airport facility and the storm sewer system, airport authorities are ultimately responsible for storm water discharges from their storm sewer system to waters of the U.S. or to a municipal separate storm sewer system" (Id.), if owner/operator alone is on the permit, the implication of the coverage is that the owner/airport is looked to by state and/or federal regulatory authorities for tenant compliance assurances (operations/reporting/ certifications) of both general storm water management, best management practices (BMPs), and construction projects which would traditionally be covered under a state's general permit. The project would provide a survey of airport NPDES/SPDES permits where: 1) the airport is the sole permittee under the SPDES program; 2) tenant/operators are treated as co-permittees under the SPDES program with the airport; and 3) tenant/operators (airlines or private terminal operators) are issued individual permits to operate and manage storm water and other discharges from their operations. The project would also survey and delineate BMPs that airports employ to implement the NPDES obligations for tenant and service provider operations where they are independent from Airport operations and management. The project would further analyze and compare individual state environmental laws; rules; regulations to expound upon SPDES jurisdictional authority for imposing enforcement responsibility and liability directly on airports for tenant activities; and operations subject to SPDES requirements. Finally, the project will identify SPDES jurisdictional authority for imposing enforcement responsibility and liability directly on airports for tenant activities and operations. KW - Airport operations KW - Best practices KW - Clean Water Act KW - Environmental impacts KW - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) KW - Permits KW - Pollutants KW - Runoff KW - Storm water management UR - UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1332994 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572633 TI - Project 43 - Policy Analysis: Mission Specifications AB - Future reductions of fuel burn and green house gas emissions from commercial aviation will be, in large part, achieved through the development and use of more fuel- and environmentally-efficient aircraft. Achieving significant efficiency improvements at the aircraft level may require opening up the design space so as to consider changes in aircraft design mission specifications/capabilities such as lower cruise speed, different payload-range characteristics, and longer wing span. However, there are potentially serious and unforeseen system-wide implications (economics, viability, delays, manufacturability, etc.) that could result from these changes and that have not yet been quantified properly. The main objective of this project is to understand and quantify these implications so that informed decisions can be made. To accomplish these goals, one needs to first assess the full potential of these changes for fuel efficiency improvements at the individual aircraft level. More importantly, specific approaches to be followed (and their combinations) need to be prioritized to focus on those that provide the largest potential benefit in combination with what could be achieved by technology improvements alone. Second, there is a lack of understanding of how aircraft with such changes in mission specifications could impact both airlines' operations/economics and the ability of manufacturers to produce multiple models at reasonable costs. These assessments can be performed through parametric analysis of airline and manufacturer economics and result in a cost abatement evaluation of both individual aircraft mission specifications changes and their combinations. This understanding will allow the propagation of aircraft-level improvements to the fleet level in order to assess system-wide benefits. Finally, the potential aircraft mission specification changes may have operational implications at the local and National Airspace System level. Understanding these operational implications will be critical to assessing whether the current NextGen concepts of operations and future capabilities (i.e., in the 2020-2030 time frame) will permit, enable, or impede the introduction of these new vehicles into the NAS. Collaborations with Project 30 are expected. KW - Air transportation policy KW - Aircraft KW - Civil aviation KW - Design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Fuel consumption KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Specifications UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/analysis-missions-specifications UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364645 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465640 TI - Complete Study on the Effectiveness of Aircraft Skin Penetrating Nozzles on Composite Materials AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Aviation safety KW - Nozzles KW - Penetrating injuries KW - Skin UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233873 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465633 TI - Complete Evaluation of New Avian-friendly Methods for Illuminating Obstructions AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Lighting KW - Obstructions UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233866 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465632 TI - ICA - Reduced Accidents During Flight In Glaciated, Mixed-phase and Supercooled Large Drop (SLD) Icing Conditions and Increased ATS Capacity AB - No summary provided. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aviation safety KW - Deicing KW - Glaciers KW - Icing UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233865 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465629 TI - PCA - Software Development Techniques and Tools AB - No summary provided. KW - Development KW - Software KW - Tools KW - Validation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233862 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465628 TI - PCA - Onboard Network Security and Integrity AB - No summary provided. KW - Integrity KW - Networks KW - Onboard computing KW - Security UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233861 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465627 TI - PCA - Airborne Electronic Hardware Design Techniques and Tools AB - No summary provided. KW - Airborne KW - Computers KW - Design KW - Electronic control KW - Hardware KW - Tools UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233860 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01488378 TI - Prediction of Far-Field Source Noise From En Route Commercial Aircraft During Climb-Out And Descent AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Civil aircraft KW - Climbing flight KW - Descent KW - Far field UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1257339 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572686 TI - Sustainability Evaluation Guidance for Jet Fuel AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Aviation fuels KW - Energy consumption KW - Environmental impacts KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Jet engine fuels KW - Sustainable development UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364772 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572685 TI - Terminal - Support to ATO and Research Opportunities Evaluation AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport terminals KW - Environmental impacts KW - Research KW - Terminal operations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364771 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572684 TI - Tools Related Policy Development AB - No summary provided. KW - Emergency medical services KW - Environmental impacts KW - Policy making KW - Tools UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364770 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572683 TI - Tools Validation Modeling AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation KW - Data validation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Modeling KW - Tools UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364769 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572682 TI - ICAO CAEP WG2 TG4 Support AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aviation safety KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants KW - Technical assistance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364768 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572641 TI - Project 30 - CO₂ Standard AB - Aircraft regulatory standards, or aircraft certification requirements with associated stringency levels, are among the set of mechanisms that can be used to incentivize CO&#8322; emissions reductions from commercial aviation. Setting such standards requires the definition and identification of a metric (e.g., gCO&#8322;/km, gCO&#8322;/(kg*km)), correlating parameter, stringency level, and scope of applicability (i.e., type of aircraft, reference missions, fuel mix). Project 30 seeks to develop robust metrics that objectively and accurately reflect CO&#8322; emissions at the aircraft and fleet levels. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Certification KW - Civil aviation KW - National Ambient Air Quality Standard KW - Pollutants KW - Regulations UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/metrics-aviation-co2-standard UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364653 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572640 TI - Project 31: Economic Modeling AB - There are several administrative approaches to reduce aviation's impacts on climate change. One market-based measure of particular interest to governments worldwide is cap-and-trade, which is also referred to as "emission trading." Beginning in 2012, the European Union included aviation in its emissions trading scheme. In the US Congress, various climate bills were under consideration, such as the American Clean Energy and Security Act ("Waxman-Markey Bill"), which is a variant of a cap-and-trade plan and required a 17 percent emissions reduction from 2005 levels by 2020. Emission trading is based on a cap on the amount of an emitted pollutant and the allocation of allowances, which represent the right to pollute. The number of allowances is reduced over time, according to the initially defined reduction objectives. Companies that emit fewer pollutants than they are allocated can sell the excess to other companies that need more. The trade of allowances thus leads to a reduction of the pollutant by those companies and industries, where the abatement costs are lowest. This approach is therefore more efficient compared to a uniform reduction of emissions across all industries. Project 31 analyzed the effects of a potential introduction of a cap-and-trade policy in the aviation industry. Analyses were conducted through the joint application of the Aviation Environmental Portfolio Management Tool, in particular the APMT Economics module, and a global model of economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions, the MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model. Where the EPPA model's outputs provide information on the world economy, changes of greenhouse gas emissions and the expected cost of carbon, APMT Economics focused on the airline industry, and provided outputs such as operating costs of airlines, demand, or airline fleets. While the project focused initially on the implications of a cap-and-trade policy, the tools enabled the study of a variety of other mitigation options -- for example, the extent to which mandates for renewable fuels in one sector can influence price and availability in other sectors, or the relative economic efficiency of sector-based regulations and standards versus broader economy-wide measures. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Climate change KW - Economic models KW - Emissions trading KW - Energy consumption KW - Environmental impacts KW - Policy analysis KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/understanding-relationship-between-aviation-economics-and-broader-economy UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364652 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572639 TI - Project 33 - Isotopic AQ Monitoring- UCSD AB - Project 33's objectives were to: use a coordinated aerosol sulfate sampling in the vicinity of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to measure the sulfate oxygen isotope ratio measurements. These measurements will be used to directly determine for the first time, the aircraft sulfate emissions in this region determine the regional dispersion of the aircraft emissions and, to use the isotope ratios to distinguish from other sulfate sources that are overlain with the aircraft source evaluate the seasonal character of the emissions investigate and develop technique for shorter duration sampling and analysis for future, more extensive campaigns. KW - Air quality management KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Isotopes KW - Los Angeles International Airport KW - Monitoring KW - Pollutants KW - Sulfates UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/isotopic-analysis-airport-air-quality UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364651 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572638 TI - Project 35 - Sound/Emission Propagation (GaTech) AB - Recent increases in fuel prices have driven the commercial aviation industry to focus on fuel efficiency. The efficiency of propellers and prop-fans has produced renewed interest in advanced "open rotor" engine designs. To contribute to the design process, noise predictions need to accurately identify the issues associated with these new designs and must forecast the annoyance of the population near airports due to the new noise sources. Spectra from propeller designs are typically dominated by tones at harmonics of the blade passage frequency, whereas turbofans generate much smoother spectra. Disagreement already exists regarding the need for tone corrections for turbofans, with certification noise levels including a tone correction and community noise contours not including one through the use of Day-Night Level (DNL). A tone-corrected DNL (DNLT) is presented and compared to alternative metrics, including those with and without tone and duration corrections, for turbofan, turbo-prop, and open rotor engines. The compatibility of DNLT with existing DNL contours will be demonstrated, as well as the predictive capability of the certification points with respect to various contour metrics. The results will show the variance between the contours from the different metrics as well as the need for regulatory bodies to consider the potential for increased annoyance above that predicted by DNL. In addition, the applicability of the identified metrics within the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Aviation Environmental Design Tool will be addressed. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/open-rotor-noise-impact-%0Bairport-communities UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364650 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572637 TI - Project 35 - Sound/Emission Propagation (PSU) AB - Recent increases in fuel prices have driven the commercial aviation industry to focus on fuel efficiency. The efficiency of propellers and prop-fans has produced renewed interest in advanced "open rotor" engine designs. To contribute to the design process, noise predictions need to accurately identify the issues associated with these new designs and must forecast the annoyance of the population near airports due to the new noise sources. Spectra from propeller designs are typically dominated by tones at harmonics of the blade passage frequency, whereas turbofans generate much smoother spectra. Disagreement already exists regarding the need for tone corrections for turbofans, with certification noise levels including a tone correction and community noise contours not including one through the use of Day-Night Level (DNL). A tone-corrected DNL (DNLT) is presented and compared to alternative metrics, including those with and without tone and duration corrections, for turbofan, turbo-prop, and open rotor engines. The compatibility of DNLT with existing DNL contours will be demonstrated, as well as the predictive capability of the certification points with respect to various contour metrics. The results will show the variance between the contours from the different metrics as well as the need for regulatory bodies to consider the potential for increased annoyance above that predicted by DNL. In addition, the applicability of the identified metrics within the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Aviation Environmental Design Tool will be addressed. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/open-rotor-noise-impact-%0Bairport-communities UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364649 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572636 TI - Project 38 - Whole House Noise Reduction Modeling AB - Project 38's goal is to provide insight into how typical dwelling envelopes affect indoor sound levels due to non-sonic boom aircraft noise. Many existing aircraft noise guidelines are based primarily on outdoor sound levels. However, human perception is largely based on indoor response. This study will leverage existing technologies in sound transmission to model the combined sound isolation of dwelling envelopes. The model will be whole-housed focused; that is, the research will focus on composite dwelling envelopes (walls + windows + roof, etc). Initial focus will be on continuous noise signatures using the 50 Hz to 10,000 Hz range. Model results will be verified against outdoor/indoor recordings taken as part of the previous PARTNER Low-Frequency Noise study. Additionally, typical construction types around major U.S. airports will be identified and used to develop model predictions of indoor noise levels. Finally, a pilot effort will explore the application of the finite element method for continuous noise signatures including spectral content below 50 Hz, thus potentially extending the whole house model into the low frequency region. The models and techniques developed through this project will result in an improved tool for assessing aircraft noise propagation through structures that may be used in future work to model additional source signatures and construction types. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Dwellings KW - Environmental impacts KW - Finite element method KW - Noise control KW - Sound level KW - Sound transmission UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/sound-transmission-indoors-%E2%80%93-study-whole-houses UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364648 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572635 TI - Project 39 - CDA MITRE MFAST Tool IE Review AB - Continuous Descent Arrival, also called Continuous Decent Approach (CDA), is a procedure where aircraft descend directly from a relatively high altitude without the traditional leveling off in a series of steps. Currently, CDA is implemented in conjunction with Area Navigation Standard Arrival Route (RNAV STAR) development and requires analysis and guidance for the development of the approach's vertical profile. The FAA RNAV office has requested an additional module to its Terminal Area Route Generation Evaluation and Traffic Simulation program, a requirement for RNAV procedure development. This additional module would be a procedure design tool for incorporating vertical profiles which include CDA criteria for altitude and speeds. The MITRE Corp. has proposed the development of an flight management simulation tool (MFAST) module to support the FAA RNAV office request. The FAA AEE would like to ensure that the module produces the desired criteria for the RNAV STAR vertical profiles. Project 39 will evaluate MFAST by using output from its Tool for Analysis of Separation and Throughput. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Civil aviation KW - Continuous Descent Approach KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/terminal-area-aircraft-simulation-tools-evaluation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364647 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572634 TI - Project 04 - CDA AB - Continuous Descent Arrival (CDA), also referred to as the Continuous Descent Approach, has proven, through both simulation and flight demonstration tests, to be highly advantageous over conventional arrival and approach procedures that require combinations of level flight segments and descents ("dive-and-drive"). These advantages provide ample motivation for research efforts to further develop CDA for implementation in low-density through high-density traffic. CDA's environmental and economic benefits were demonstrated by PARTNER researchers in flight tests at Louisville International Airport in 2002 and 2004, and Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport in 2007. Successful implementation was also achieved at Los Angeles International Airport in 2007 and Atlanta in 2009. From the environmental perspective, there are significant reductions in noise along portions of the flight path (due to reductions in thrust and a higher average altitude) and emissions (due to reductions in thrust). From the economic viewpoint, there are significant fuel and flight time savings (due to reductions in thrust and a higher average speed) as well as the potential to meet or exceed current runway throughput without the need to vector aircraft. Future work will include a module integrated with the existing FAA TARGETS analysis program to facilitate CDA future development; in addition, to enable CDA implementation in a more dense traffic situation, a metering tool is being developed for the aircraft merging and spacing required. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft noise KW - Aircraft operations KW - Civil aviation KW - Continuous Descent Approach KW - Environmental impacts KW - Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport KW - Los Angeles International Airport KW - Louisville International Airport KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/continuous-descent-arrival UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364646 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572632 TI - Project 05 - Demo-Enroute Optimization AB - Project 5 investigated and quantified the benefits of an optimization tool that air traffic controllers could use to assign aircraft to cruise altitude. There were five objectives to the research: extend the algorithm to multiple flight levels ensure that all aircraft exit the sector as originally planned ensure reasonable controller workload develop an interface and concept of operations to test the algorithm evaluate the algorithm with a human in the loop evaluation. The first three objectives were achieved through the optimization algorithm design. In current conflict avoidance maneuver practice, aircraft may change their paths laterally, vertically, or both. First, resolution maneuvers are temporally spaced no closer than 20 seconds. Second, resolution maneuvers are scheduled to occur long enough after maneuvers are presented to controllers so they have sufficient time comprehend them and take appropriate action. Third, each aircraft may only be maneuvered once in each volume of airspace. Three versions of the algorithm were created and tested: cooperative version: all the aircraft involved in a potential conflict are allowed to maneuver to resolve the conflict non-cooperative version: one aircraft involved in a potential conflict is allowed to maneuver to resolve the conflict no-speed-change version: potential conflicts are resolved without aircraft speed changes, (i.e., heading and altitude changes only) The algorithm was evaluated in two phases. In the first phase, algorithm-level evaluation was conducted within the scope of the algorithm process, where the results from the algorithm were checked by a conflict detection routine. In the second phase, scenario-level evaluation was conducted on the output (specifically the time history of the output) of the algorithm. This latter phase of testing was needed because of the greater-than-expected stochasticity in real-world radar data when the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) traffic simulation application was employed. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft operations KW - Algorithms KW - Civil aviation KW - Enroute traffic control KW - Optimization UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/en-route-traffic-optimization-reduce-environmental-impact UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364644 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572631 TI - Project 08 - Sonic Boom Metrics AB - As demand for long range business travel increases and technologies for efficient supersonic flight mature, a market for small supersonic civil aircraft appears to be forming. Results of recent studies indicate that such aircraft are feasible. However, a major remaining impediment to the operation of such aircraft is the cruise noise signature. Sonic boom noise issues are different from many other aspects of aircraft noise in that the potential annoyance occurs en route, along the flight path rather than just near airports. Maximum utility will require supersonic flight over land, currently prohibited by law. The law was formulated and promulgated at a time before the purposeful shaping of the sonic boom waveform was achievable. The aim of the proposed work is to determine if sufficient new data exists to warrant a reevaluation of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) regulation prohibiting supersonic flight over land. Recent research on shaped sonic booms has indicated low boom designs are possible and result in significantly less objectionable signatures than classic booms of the 1960s-1980s. Several recent studies have investigated designs with initial overpressures of no more than 0.3 lb/ft², in contrast to Concorde's typical 2 lb/ft² N-wave signature -- a dramatic reduction in noise levels. Due to this technological progress and resulting potential commercial and military application for the United States, supersonic aircraft operation and sonic boom signatures should be investigated for low boom designs, and this is the overarching goal of Project 8. This research is expected to lead to the re-evaluation of existing regulations and, possibly, to the development of new regulations to permit operation of commercial supersonic aircraft over both land and water in the United States and worldwide, for the specific case of shaped boom aircraft designs. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Design KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) KW - Noise sources KW - Sonic boom KW - Supersonic aircraft KW - United States UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/sonic-boom-mitigation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364643 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572630 TI - Project 09 - Emissions Measurements AB - Project 9's objectives were to characterize the emissions (both small particles and condensable gaseous species) from aircraft and airports through measurements, understand and model the microphysical processes associated with particle formation, and determine the health effects of emissions. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Airports KW - Environmental impacts KW - Health hazards KW - Measurement KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/measurement-emissions-0 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364642 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572539 TI - NextGen EMS Demo AB - No summary provided KW - Aviation KW - Demonstration projects KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364503 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572538 TI - NextGen Environmental Policy Development AB - No summary provided. KW - Development KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental policy KW - Environmental protection UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364502 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572537 TI - NextGen/NEPA/ATM AB - No summary provided KW - Air traffic control KW - Aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364501 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572536 TI - Noise AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise control KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364500 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572535 TI - Noise-Certification Advancement AB - No summary provided. KW - Certification KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Noise sources KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364499 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572534 TI - Noise-Metrics AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) KW - Noise control KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364498 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572533 TI - Noise-Airport Community Studies AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Airports KW - Community impact assessment KW - Noise UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364497 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572532 TI - Noise-Beyond 65 Studies AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise control KW - Sound level KW - Sound transmission UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364496 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572531 TI - Noise-Public Meetings/Workshops AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Noise KW - Noise control KW - Public hearings KW - Workshops UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364495 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572530 TI - Operational Procedures Portfolio Planning and Management AB - No summary provided. KW - Administrative procedures KW - Environmental impacts KW - Management KW - Organizational portfolio analysis KW - Planning UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364494 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572529 TI - Project 10 - Outreach AB - The goal of the Outreach team is to provide educational information on aviation noise and to facilitate Outreach efforts by airports and community groups. The Outreach team has developed and released NoiseQuest, a Web site about aviation noise and its impact on communities. NoiseQuest provides an outreach forum for airports too small to have an established community program as well as information that supports existing outreach efforts. NoiseQuest was designed to educate and inform the public, and to provide an independent source of information that can help to contribute to improved airport-community relationships. NoiseQuest is "layered" so that information is available to people with differing interest levels. This allows users to access the amount of information they wish, so that some users are not overwhelmed by a page of text, and others are not disappointed that the information is sparse. NoiseQuest addresses the concerns of citizens in an easy to understand format. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Information dissemination KW - Noise KW - Noise control KW - Outreach UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/outreach UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364493 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572528 TI - Project 16 - Emissions Modelling AB - Today, aircraft emissions that impact air quality represent a relatively small contribution to overall regional emissions. With a projected 2-3 times growth in aviation transport sector over the next two decades, some aviation emissions are expected to increase. The National Vision for Aviation and Environment, which forms the basis for the environmental strategy of the Next Generation Air Transportation System, states that the significant environmental and health impacts of air quality caused by aviation emissions will be reduced in absolute terms notwithstanding the anticipated growth in aviation. In order to understand and evaluate the potential role of aviation emissions in air quality, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has initiated this research project through PARTNER. The main science objective of this project is to quantify the potential incremental contribution of aviation emissions to air quality though their interaction with the background air. Towards this objective, the project is developing and refining tools and analyses to model aviation emissions at multiple scales - from plume-scale (to model the exhaust of a single aircraft engine) to local-scale (in the vicinity of an airport to model multiple aircraft) to regional-scale (to model multiple airports over the continental United States) to study aviation impacts on air quality using state-of-the art modeling tools that incorporate one-atmosphere treatment for ozone, particulate matter and hazardous air pollutants. The research carried out under this project will exchange information with PARTNER projects on emissions and health impacts. The lessons learned under this project will help to develop methodology for air quality analysis to aid airport operators in preparing Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Statements in support of National Environmental Policy Act requirements, specifically using an integrated measurement and modeling approach. Additionally, this research project will help to consider potential tradeoffs amongst emissions, and to inform comprehensive policy analyses for aviation management that are being pursued under other PARTNER research projects. KW - Air quality KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Environmental impacts KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Particulates KW - Pollutants KW - United States UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/investigation-aviation-emissions-air-quality-impacts UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364492 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572527 TI - Project 19 - Longterm Health Effects/Cognitive Performance AB - There can be health related consequences of exposure to community noise. For example, cardiovascular effects that may arise as a consequence of stress caused by noise, sleep disturbance where sleep patterns are disturbed and conscious and premature awakenings may occur, and noise related annoyance that can cause negative emotions. Noise can also cause cognitive impairment in children, which can lead to a subsequent impairment in the quality of life. To optimize airport development, it is important to be able to quantify the impact of noise accurately so that a realistic cost-benefit analysis of a proposed development can be performed. In many cases, hedonistic measures of noise impact, such as differences in house prices in noise exposed vs. non-exposed communities are used. But, by using such an approach, is the true cost of the noise being determined, or are there more serious health effects caused by environmental noise exposure, perhaps not fully understood by people living in communities, that ultimately lead to a shortened life span and/or reduced quality of life? If so, at what noise level do these effects begin to occur and how do they grow with increasing noise levels? Project 19 was completed with a review of the health effects of noise literature, particularly that portion related to aircraft noise, and a detailed examination of the basis for the findings reported in these recent meta-analysis studies was published in a report, which may be downloaded below. Projects 25 and 44 are conducting additional aviation noise impact research. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Cognition KW - Environmental impacts KW - Health hazards KW - Noise KW - Public health KW - Quality of life UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/health-effects-aircraft-noise UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364491 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572526 TI - Project 02 - Sound/Emission Propagation AB - As part of the PARTNER noise research program, the Source Emission and Propagation project has the goals to provide a better understanding of aviation noise problems and to contribute to the development of improved noise impact prediction tools that lead to developing solutions. Project 2 is primarily concerned with the radiation (emission) of sound from aviation noise sources and how that sound is transmitted (propagated) from noise source to receiver. Thus, the results of Project 2 feed into many of the other PARTNER noise projects. Several tasks are underway or have been recently studied in Project 2. One task has been to assess thrust reverser noise for aircraft landing operations. Another task has been to try to understand the effects of terrain on the sounds of supersonic aircraft sonic booms heard near buildings and other natural ground topography. Included with this task is an investigation of the cause of sonic boom postboom noise -- the rumbling heard after the passage of a sonic boom. The effect of weather on sonic boom and subsonic aircraft noise is also of interest. Recently, PARTNER Project 2 began work related to high altitude enroute aircraft noise, and noise of proposed open rotor aircraft. High altitude aircraft (altitudes greater than 10,000 ft.) enroute noise is important for assessing the noise in National Parks and other areas of low background noise. Since the integrated noise model has primarily been concerned with aviation noise around airports, our ability to predict this type of enroute noise is quite limited at present. In addition, aircraft using open rotors (also known as unducted fans, propfans, or ultra-high bypass engines) seem poised to re-emerge as viable alternatives for civil aviation propulsion systems. Compared to traditional turbofan engines, open rotors can have substantially decreased emissions due to a reduced fuel burn. However, the cost of this reduced emissions impact could be an increase in radiated noise. The noise impact is greater not only because the fans are outside the engine nacelles, but also open rotor aircraft fly more slowly than conventional jets so the aircraft spends more time over populations living around airports. Current research is focusing on developing a roadmap to address the gaps and research needs for predicting the noise from open rotor aircraft. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aircraft noise KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364490 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572525 TI - Project 21 - ATM and Operational Procedure N Control AB - Taxiing aircraft contribute significantly to fuel burn and emissions at airports. The quantities of fuel burned as well as different pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and particulate matter, are functions of aircraft taxi duration (along with throttle setting, number of running engines, and pilot and airline decisions regarding engine shutdowns during delays). The reduction of taxi times through improved planning of surface movements has the potential to reduce these emissions. Project 21 focuses on opportunities to reduce surface emissions through departure planning and surface movement optimization. The research will include a detailed plan for implementing these techniques in a pilot study at an airport, with an overall goal of initiating wider adoption of the methods throughout the United States. This project will investigate approaches, such as gate-holds and taxi-route planning, to decrease taxi times. In addition, environmental factors will be incorporated into the objective functions of the optimization through the use of aircraft-specific delay costs, which will reflect the fact that the emissions characteristics of various aircraft may differ. Current baseline fuel burn and emissions at major airports will also be assessed in order to identify locations where the proposed strategies will produce the most benefits. Project 21 will also address the development of approaches to surface movement optimization that will balance both airport throughput and emissions objectives, while simultaneously ensuring fairness in the delays incurred by the different airlines. Barriers to the practical adoption of these approaches, such as gate usage and ownership issues, as well as surface infrastructure considerations such as taxiway layouts, the availability of tugs, and the presence and location of holding areas, will be identified, and possible approaches to overcome these barriers will be developed. Airline competition, tradeoffs between airline and air traffic control objectives, traffic flow management initiatives in the airspace and the presence of uncertainty in airport processes (which result in uncertain estimates of pushback times and taxi times) also pose significant challenges to surface movement optimization, and will be addressed. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport operations KW - Environmental impacts KW - Operational procedures model (Aviation) KW - Procedures KW - Pushback rate control KW - Taxiing KW - Traffic flow KW - United States UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/airport-surface-movement-optimization UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364489 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572524 TI - Project 21 - ATM and Operational Procedures Continuous Climb AB - Taxiing aircraft contribute significantly to fuel burn and emissions at airports. The quantities of fuel burned as well as different pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and particulate matter, are functions of aircraft taxi duration (along with throttle setting, number of running engines, and pilot and airline decisions regarding engine shutdowns during delays). The reduction of taxi times through improved planning of surface movements has the potential to reduce these emissions. Project 21 focuses on opportunities to reduce surface emissions through departure planning and surface movement optimization. The research will include a detailed plan for implementing these techniques in a pilot study at an airport, with an overall goal of initiating wider adoption of the methods throughout the United States. This project will investigate approaches, such as gate-holds and taxi-route planning, to decrease taxi times. In addition, environmental factors will be incorporated into the objective functions of the optimization through the use of aircraft-specific delay costs, which will reflect the fact that the emissions characteristics of various aircraft may differ. Current baseline fuel burn and emissions at major airports will also be assessed in order to identify locations where the proposed strategies will produce the most benefits. Project 21 will also address the development of approaches to surface movement optimization that will balance both airport throughput and emissions objectives, while simultaneously ensuring fairness in the delays incurred by the different airlines. Barriers to the practical adoption of these approaches, such as gate usage and ownership issues, as well as surface infrastructure considerations such as taxiway layouts, the availability of tugs, and the presence and location of holding areas, will be identified, and possible approaches to overcome these barriers will be developed. Airline competition, tradeoffs between airline and air traffic control objectives, traffic flow management initiatives in the airspace and the presence of uncertainty in airport processes (which result in uncertain estimates of pushback times and taxi times) also pose significant challenges to surface movement optimization, and will be addressed. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport operations KW - Climbing flight KW - Environmental impacts KW - Operational procedures model (Aviation) KW - Pollutants KW - Pushback rate control KW - Taxiing UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/airport-surface-movement-optimization UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364488 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572523 TI - Project 21 - Surface Movements AB - Taxiing aircraft contribute significantly to fuel burn and emissions at airports. The quantities of fuel burned as well as different pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and particulate matter, are functions of aircraft taxi duration (along with throttle setting, number of running engines, and pilot and airline decisions regarding engine shutdowns during delays). The reduction of taxi times through improved planning of surface movements has the potential to reduce these emissions. Project 21 focuses on opportunities to reduce surface emissions through departure planning and surface movement optimization. The research will include a detailed plan for implementing these techniques in a pilot study at an airport, with an overall goal of initiating wider adoption of the methods throughout the United States. This project will investigate approaches, such as gate-holds and taxi-route planning, to decrease taxi times. In addition, environmental factors will be incorporated into the objective functions of the optimization through the use of aircraft-specific delay costs, which will reflect the fact that the emissions characteristics of various aircraft may differ. Current baseline fuel burn and emissions at major airports will also be assessed in order to identify locations where the proposed strategies will produce the most benefits. Project 21 will also address the development of approaches to surface movement optimization that will balance both airport throughput and emissions objectives, while simultaneously ensuring fairness in the delays incurred by the different airlines. Barriers to the practical adoption of these approaches, such as gate usage and ownership issues, as well as surface infrastructure considerations such as taxiway layouts, the availability of tugs, and the presence and location of holding areas, will be identified, and possible approaches to overcome these barriers will be developed. Airline competition, tradeoffs between airline and air traffic control objectives, traffic flow management initiatives in the airspace and the presence of uncertainty in airport processes (which result in uncertain estimates of pushback times and taxi times) also pose significant challenges to surface movement optimization, and will be addressed. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Runway incursions KW - Taxiing KW - United States UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/airport-surface-movement-optimization UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364487 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572522 TI - Project 21 -N-controlo Surface Demo AB - Taxiing aircraft contribute significantly to fuel burn and emissions at airports. The quantities of fuel burned as well as different pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and particulate matter, are functions of aircraft taxi duration (along with throttle setting, number of running engines, and pilot and airline decisions regarding engine shutdowns during delays). The reduction of taxi times through improved planning of surface movements has the potential to reduce these emissions. Project 21 focuses on opportunities to reduce surface emissions through departure planning and surface movement optimization. The research will include a detailed plan for implementing these techniques in a pilot study at an airport, with an overall goal of initiating wider adoption of the methods throughout the United States. This project will investigate approaches, such as gate-holds and taxi-route planning, to decrease taxi times. In addition, environmental factors will be incorporated into the objective functions of the optimization through the use of aircraft-specific delay costs, which will reflect the fact that the emissions characteristics of various aircraft may differ. Current baseline fuel burn and emissions at major airports will also be assessed in order to identify locations where the proposed strategies will produce the most benefits. Project 21 will also address the development of approaches to surface movement optimization that will balance both airport throughput and emissions objectives, while simultaneously ensuring fairness in the delays incurred by the different airlines. Barriers to the practical adoption of these approaches, such as gate usage and ownership issues, as well as surface infrastructure considerations such as taxiway layouts, the availability of tugs, and the presence and location of holding areas, will be identified, and possible approaches to overcome these barriers will be developed. Airline competition, tradeoffs between airline and air traffic control objectives, traffic flow management initiatives in the airspace and the presence of uncertainty in airport processes (which result in uncertain estimates of pushback times and taxi times) also pose significant challenges to surface movement optimization, and will be addressed. KW - Aircraft gates KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Environmental impacts KW - Fuel burn KW - Optimization KW - Pollutants KW - Pushback rate control KW - United States UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/airport-surface-movement-optimization UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364486 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572521 TI - Project 24 - Noise Exposure Response: Annoyance AB - The goal of PARTNER Project 24 is to develop a deeper understanding of how noise affects annoyance in communities in proximity to airports. The ultimate aim is to construct models that can be coupled with sound prediction models to predict annoyance that would result from future airport developments or changes in air traffic patterns. Part of the research is focused on assessing how different attributes (loudness, spectral balance, roughness, tonality, and fluctuation strength) of aircraft noise can impact annoyance. Currently, only average level is considered in many environmental noise metrics, though it is known that other attributes can negatively impact annoyance; for example, the presence of discernable pitches (tones). Another aspect of the research is focused on understanding the impact of low frequency noise on annoyance. High levels of low frequency noise can cause vibration and rattle and sometimes people can feel as well as hear the sounds. This might be a particular problem for transient sounds from next-generation supersonic aircraft. Included in Project 24 activities is a design study for the development of a portable indoor sonic boom/noise simulator. This device would allow researchers to "boom" existing residences with arbitrary waveforms and survey people to determine annoyance caused by the "booms." It could also be used to characterize the physical responses of different types of construction and improve sound transmission models for prediction of noise exposure indoors. This device could also be used for subsonic studies of noise transmission and human response. In another part of Project 24, researchers are investigating whether knowledge of the noise source (e.g., air, road, rail) influences annoyance, and, if so, how to quantify that source dependence in the annoyance model. Metrics will be developed to better account for cumulative effect of noise events over time. Such models could help project the annoyance impact of an airline switching to a quieter fleet but increasing the number of daily operations. Another part of the research has been focused on gathering old survey data to determine if it is feasible to use it in validation of proposed annoyance models that take into account sound attributes other than average level. While noise is identified as the top environmental concern in most surveys of communities near airports, current annoyance models are relatively simple and do not fully take into account the complexity of human response to sound. Project 24 research will result in more accurate tools to predict how a community will react to changes in airport operations. The results will help planners and policymakers assess more effective approaches to address problems and reduce negative impact. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Annoyance KW - Noise KW - Noise control UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/noise-exposure-response-annoyance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364485 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572520 TI - Project 26 - Sound Structural Transmission AB - Many airport authorities have implemented a sound insulation program for residences located within the Community Noise Equivalent Level contour of 65 dBA. The effectiveness of this approach is ensured by sealing building envelopes. Increased sound insulation generally improves thermal insulation and lowers energy demand. However, this traditional method of noise mitigation has a side effect: it degrades indoor air quality (IAQ), because most of these buildings obtain their fresh air through infiltration. With reduced infiltration, contaminant concentration and humidity increases. High humidity leads to a higher risk of condensation that, in turn, can lead to other IAQ problems such mold and bacteria growth. Although IAQ problems may be mitigated by using a mechanical ventilation system, such an action increases construction costs and subsequent energy use. The purpose of Project 26 was to investigate windows' environmental performance because the windows in a residential building are often considered the weakest link in the sound insulation program. Our current efforts represent a step to achieve an optimal solution for providing sound insulation while the improving the IAQ and energy efficiency for residential buildings near airports. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Dwellings KW - Environmental impacts KW - Noise KW - Sound transmission KW - Windows (Buildings) UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/sound-transmission-indoors-%E2%80%94-integrated-windows UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364484 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572519 TI - Research Incentives Options for EMS AB - No summary provided. KW - Civil aviation KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - Incentives KW - Research UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364483 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572518 TI - SAE A21 AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364482 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572517 TI - SAE E31 AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364481 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572516 TI - Spiroid Winglets Tasks AB - No summary provided. KW - Energy KW - Environmental impacts KW - Winglets KW - Wings (Aircraft) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364480 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572515 TI - Surface - Support to ATO and Research Opportunities Evaluation AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Environmental impacts KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Research UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1364479 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572316 TI - Future Alt Fuels Qualification Process AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Energy conservation KW - Environmental protection KW - Future KW - Qualifications UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363936 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572315 TI - General Energy Conservation Management AB - No summary provided. KW - Energy conservation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental protection KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363935 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572314 TI - Greening Initiative AB - No summary provided. KW - Emissions reduction KW - Environmental impacts KW - Environmental protection KW - Green technology KW - Greenhouse gases UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363934 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572313 TI - HAPs Guidelines AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft engines KW - Guidelines KW - Hazardous chemicals KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363933 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572312 TI - HRJ Fuel Qualification Testing AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Jet engine fuels KW - Materials tests KW - Qualitative analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363932 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572311 TI - Fuel Feedstock Invasiveness Study AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Energy conservation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Feedstocks KW - Invasive plants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363931 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572310 TI - Project 28 - Alternative Fuels Assessment AB - Alternative jet fuels hold the promise of energy supply diversification in the face of volatile oil prices. In addition, alternative fuels may reduce the environmental impact from aviation. To properly account for the environmental costs and benefits of introducing alternative fuels, we must evaluate the environmental impacts from the fuel origin, as it is produced, to its end, as combustion products enter and react in the environment. This is referred to as a life cycle analysis from "well to wake." The focus of Project 28 was on the creation and use of an aviation-specific life-cycle framework to assess the environmental impacts of alternative jet fuels from well to wake. Because a fuel must be both environmentally and economically sustainable, trade-offs between economic cost of production and greenhouse gas emissions are also being examined. The Project 28 broad objective was to evaluate the relative environmental impacts of multiple potential alternative aviation fuels that are compatible with existing aircraft and infrastructure. The project was considering traditional kerosene fuels from conventional and unconventional petroleum resources; hydrocarbon fuels derived from fossil fuels such as oil sands and oil shale; synthetic liquid fuels manufactured from coal, biomass, or natural gas; hydroprocessed renewable jet fuel made from renewable oil resources including those from algae; and advanced techniques of converting sugars to jet fuel. This work expanded upon PARTNER Project 17, which resulted in a PARTNER-RAND alternative fuels report on the economic and policy aspects of adopting alternative jet fuels. The research under this project is was done in collaboration with investigators from Projects 3, 20, 27, 30, and 31. The results are relevant to the NextGen environmental and energy goals relating to the development of alternative jet fuels. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aircraft fuels KW - Alternate fuels KW - Civil aviation KW - Energy KW - Environmental impacts KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Life cycle analysis KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/environmental-cost-benefit-analysis-alternative-jet-fuels UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363930 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572309 TI - Model Support to COE #11 and #16 (CSSI) AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants KW - Technical support UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363929 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572308 TI - Model Support to COE #11 and #16 (Volpe) AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants KW - Technical support UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363928 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572307 TI - Multi-Year EMS Program Management Update AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Program management KW - Updates UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363927 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572306 TI - NEPA Back Basics AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation KW - Environmental policy KW - National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363926 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572305 TI - NEPA/EMS AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363925 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572253 TI - EMS Updates for NexGen AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - Environmental protection KW - Next generation design KW - Updates UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363871 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572252 TI - Enroute - Multi-year Project Plan AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Enroute traffic control KW - Multi-year action plan system UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363870 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572251 TI - Enroute - Support to ATO and Research Opportunities Evaluation AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Enroute traffic control KW - Evaluation KW - Support services (Management) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363869 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572250 TI - Environment Assessment-AEDT AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Environmental assessments UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363868 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572249 TI - Project 14 - Environmental Design Space AB - Existing aircraft noise and aviation emissions analytical tools cannot effectively assess interdependencies between noise and emissions, or analyze the cost-benefit of proposed mitigation actions. Accordingly, the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Office of Environment and Energy is developing a comprehensive suite of software tools that will allow for the thorough assessment of the environmental effects of aviation. Transport Canada and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are collaborating with the FAA in those elements of the development effort undertaken by PARTNER. The main goal of the effort is to develop a new, critically needed capability to assess the interdependencies among aviation-related noise, emissions, and associated environmental impact and cost valuations, including cost-benefit analyses. A building block of this suite of software tools, which provides an integrated analysis of noise and emissions at the aircraft level, is the Environmental Design Space (EDS), under development by PARTNER. EDS can provide a capability to estimate source noise, exhaust emissions, and performance for potential future aircraft designs under different policy and technological scenarios. The capability will allow for assessments of interdependencies. In addition, once EDS is connected to the Aviation Environmental Portfolio Management Tool and the Aviation Environmental Design Tool, the combined environment will be able to assess operational, policy, and market scenarios. While the primary EDS focus is future aircraft designs (which includes technology modifications to existing aircraft), the tool will also be capable of analyzing existing aircraft designs (current technology levels) under different scenarios when there is a need to simulate existing aircraft in a higher fidelity than is possible using existing noise and emissions tools. Capturing high-level technology trends will provide a capability for assessment of benefits and impacts. EDS is currently used by all U.S. aeronautical research and development (R&D) programs to assess the technology investment impacts for each program's goal set and also fleet-wide impacts of noise, NOx, and fuel burn: FAA's Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions and Noise (CLEEN) program, NASA's Environmentally Responsible Aviation project, and NASA's Fixed Wing project. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aircraft noise KW - Benefit cost analysis KW - Environmental design KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/environmental-design-space UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363867 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572248 TI - EPA Calibration Work for SAE-E31 AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft engines KW - Calibration KW - Particulates KW - Pollutants KW - Society of Automotive Engineers KW - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363866 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572247 TI - FAA EMS Support AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - Environmental protection KW - Technical support KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363865 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572246 TI - Facilitate FAA NextGen EMS AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - Environmental protection KW - Next generation design KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363864 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572245 TI - Fuel Quality Control Study/System AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Energy conservation KW - Environmental protection KW - Fuel quality KW - Quality control UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363863 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572244 TI - Fuels Deployment AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Environmental protection KW - Fuel conservation KW - Model deployment UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363862 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572177 TI - Black Carbon Altitude AB - No summary provided. KW - Altitude KW - Aviation KW - Carbon dioxide KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363733 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572176 TI - CAAFI Management AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation fuels KW - Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) KW - Management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363732 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572175 TI - CDA Follow-on AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft arrival KW - Aircraft operations KW - Continuous Descent Approach KW - Descent UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363731 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572174 TI - Climate Adaptation AB - No summary provided. KW - Adaptation planning (Climate change) KW - Climate KW - Climate change KW - Environmental protection UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363730 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572173 TI - Emissions Certification AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Certification KW - Environmental protection KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363729 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572172 TI - Emissions Quantification AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation KW - Pollutants KW - Quantification UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363728 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572171 TI - EMS Data Management Baselining AB - No summary provided. KW - Baseline data KW - Data collection KW - Data management systems KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - Environmental protection UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363727 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572170 TI - EMS Decision Support AB - No summary provided. KW - Decision making KW - Decision support systems KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - Environmental protection UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363726 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572169 TI - EMS Environmental Impacts Analysis and Metrics AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental impact analysis KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - Environmental protection KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363725 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572168 TI - EMS Framework Refinements AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - Environmental protection KW - Frameworks UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363724 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572167 TI - EMS Initiative Prioritization AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - Environmental protection KW - Task prioritization UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363723 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572166 TI - EMS Pilots/Testing AB - No summary provided. KW - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) KW - Environmental policy KW - Environmental protection KW - Pilot studies KW - Testing UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363722 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572011 TI - ACCRI Alt Fuel Emissions Scenario AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Aviation fuels KW - Climate change KW - Forecasting UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363617 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572010 TI - ACCRI-Climate AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation KW - Climate change KW - Environmental impacts KW - Scientific method UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363616 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572009 TI - AEC Roadmap AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Aviation KW - Cooperation KW - Pollutants KW - Research management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363615 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572008 TI - AEDT Enhancements to Cover Study of Local NAS AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality KW - Aviation Environmental Design Tool KW - Flight dynamics KW - Fuel burn KW - Greenhouse gases KW - Information storage and retrieval systems KW - Noise KW - Software UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363614 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572007 TI - AEDT Prototypes and Legacy Development AB - No summary provided. KW - Development KW - Environmental impacts KW - Legacy systems KW - Prototypes UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363613 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572006 TI - AEROMOD Evolution AB - No summary provided. KW - AERMOD (Computer model) KW - Aviation KW - Information processing KW - Meteorology in aviation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363612 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572005 TI - Project 11 - Health Impacts AB - The demand for aviation transport is expected to increase over the next two decades, and that may lead to an increase in some emissions. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recognizes the growing public health concern associated with aviation emissions, either in communities near airports, nationally, or globally. To quantify the air pollution exposures and subsequent human health risks with reduced uncertainties, the FAA initiated this research project through PARTNER. The main science objective of this project is to understand and evaluate how aviation emissions contribute to local and regional air quality, through a combination of measurement and modeling studies, and to evaluate the potential incremental health risks due to air pollutants such as particulate matter, ozone, and hazardous air pollutants. KW - Air pollution KW - Airports KW - Aviation KW - Communities KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants KW - Public health UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/health-impacts-aviation-related-air-pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363611 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572004 TI - Aircraft Technology Maturation AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Environmental impacts KW - Maturation KW - Technology UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363610 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572003 TI - Alt Fuels Scenario Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Alternate fuels KW - Aviation fuels KW - Forecasting UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363609 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572002 TI - Project 35 - CLEEN Technologies Assessment AB - Recent increases in fuel prices have driven the commercial aviation industry to focus on fuel efficiency. The efficiency of propellers and prop-fans has produced renewed interest in advanced "open rotor" engine designs. To contribute to the design process, noise predictions need to accurately identify the issues associated with these new designs and must forecast the annoyance of the population near airports due to the new noise sources. Spectra from propeller designs are typically dominated by tones at harmonics of the blade passage frequency, whereas turbofans generate much smoother spectra. Disagreement already exists regarding the need for tone corrections for turbofans, with certification noise levels including a tone correction and community noise contours not including one through the use of Day-Night Level (DNL). A tone-corrected DNL (DNLT) is presented and compared to alternative metrics, including those with and without tone and duration corrections, for turbofan, turbo-prop, and open rotor engines. The compatibility of DNLT with existing DNL contours will be demonstrated, as well as the predictive capability of the certification points with respect to various contour metrics. The results will show the variance between the contours from the different metrics as well as the need for regulatory bodies to consider the potential for increased annoyance above that predicted by DNL. In addition, the applicability of the identified metrics within the FAA's Aviation Environmental Design Tool will be addressed. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Energy KW - Engines KW - Noise KW - Noise control KW - Pollutants UR - http://partner.mit.edu/projects/open-rotor-noise-impact-%0Bairport-communities UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363608 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572001 TI - Aviation Portfolio Management Tool AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation KW - Environmental impacts KW - Management KW - Organizational portfolio analysis UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363607 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01572000 TI - CoE Emissions Measurements AB - No summary provided. KW - Air quality management KW - Environmental impacts KW - Measuring methods KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1363606 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01485026 TI - Project 25 - Noise Exposure Response: Sleep AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft noise KW - Airport noise KW - Exposure (Human) KW - Noise KW - Sleep UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1253802 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01485021 TI - Project 32 - Near-term Operational Changes AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Aircraft operations KW - Environmental impacts UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1253797 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01484451 TI - NexGen Goals and Targets Analysis AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Real time information KW - Satellite navigation systems UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1253137 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01483452 TI - Evaluation of 4-DOF Malfunction Turn Modeling AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Commercial space transportation KW - Degrees of freedom KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Turns UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1252269 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01478555 TI - Data Communication Part-task Simulation: Pilot Performance AB - No summary provided. KW - Air pilots KW - Aviation safety KW - Data communications KW - Simulation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1247733 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465663 TI - Complete Additional Post Mortem Human Subject Tests and Analyze Data to Create Proposed Guidelines for Neck Injury Criteria for Side Facing Seat. AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft crash victims KW - Aircraft design KW - Fatalities KW - Guidelines KW - Head and neck injuries KW - Side-facing seats UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233896 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465662 TI - Complete Development of Requirements and Data for Composites Structural Engineering Awareness Course, Including Benchmarking Industry and Workshop on Content AB - No summary provided. KW - Awareness KW - Benchmarks KW - Composite materials KW - Data collection KW - Structural engineering UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233895 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465661 TI - Complete Additional Post Mortem Human Subject Tests to Develop Data Required to Create Proposed Guidelines for Neck Injury Criteria for Side Facing Seats AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Fatalities KW - Guidelines KW - Head and neck injuries KW - Side-facing seats UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233894 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465660 TI - Develop Analytical Modeling Protocols and Methodologies of Aircraft Structures Crash Conditions for Certification Use AB - No summary provided. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Analytical modeling KW - Certification KW - Methodology KW - Protocols UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233893 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465659 TI - ICA-Damage Tolerance of Composite Structures AB - No summary provided. KW - Composite materials KW - Composite structures KW - Damage tolerance KW - Loss and damage UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233892 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465658 TI - ICA-Structural Integrity of Adhesive Joints AB - No summary provided. KW - Adhesion KW - Aviation safety KW - Joints (Engineering) KW - Structural analysis KW - Structural integrity UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233891 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465657 TI - ICA-Composite Maintenance Practices AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation KW - Composite materials KW - Maintenance practices KW - State of the practice UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233890 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465656 TI - PCA - Advanced Analysis and Risk Assessment Methods for Rotor Burst and Blade Release AB - No summary provided. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aviation safety KW - Risk assessment KW - Rotor blades KW - Rotors KW - Tearing UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233889 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465655 TI - Complete Evaluation of Taxiway Deviation Data Collection at Design Group I, II, and III Airports AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Data collection KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Pavement design KW - Taxiways UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233888 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465654 TI - Continue Analyzing Full-scale Data from the NAPTF AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Data collection KW - National Airport Pavement Testing Facility KW - Pavement distress KW - Pavement performance KW - Prototype tests UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233887 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465653 TI - Complete Research on Airport Surface Management System (ASMS) Operational Requirements AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport ground transportation KW - Airport operations KW - Airport surface traffic control UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233886 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465652 TI - Improve upon Airport Pavement Thickness Design Package, Including 3D Finite Element Structural Models, Using FAARFIELD, An Analytical Program Developed for the Agency AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Pavement design KW - Structural models KW - Thickness UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233885 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465651 TI - Complete Traffic Testing of Construction Cycle 6 - Concrete Pavement Test Section AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport ground transportation KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Concrete pavements KW - Pavement test sections KW - Testing UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233884 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465650 TI - Release for Public Use FAA Web-based Pavement Management System - FAA PAVEAIR AB - No summary provided. KW - Pavement management systems KW - Public participation KW - Public use KW - U.S. Federal Aviation Administration KW - Websites (Information retrieval) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233883 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465649 TI - Complete Full Scale Testing of High Tire Pressure of Aircraft Wheels and Aircraft Gear Spacing AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Gears KW - Prototype tests KW - Spacing KW - Tire pressure KW - Wheels UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233882 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465648 TI - Continue to Analyze Effects of Subgrade Quality and Aircraft Wheel Gear Spacing AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Airport runways KW - Gears KW - Spacing KW - Subgrade (Pavements) KW - Wheels UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233881 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465647 TI - Continue to Analyze Effects of High Tire Pressure of Aircraft Wheels AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Airport runways KW - Pavement distress KW - Service life KW - Tire pressure KW - Wheels UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233880 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465646 TI - Start Full Scale Testing and Analyze Effects of 10-wheel Gear and Aircraft Gear Spacing AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Gears KW - Prototype tests KW - Spacing KW - Wheels UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233879 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465645 TI - Start to Analyze Data from Construction Cycle 6 and the Effects of Concrete Strength on Pavement Life AB - No summary provided. KW - Concrete strength KW - Construction KW - Data collection KW - Pavement design KW - Service life UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233878 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465644 TI - Complete Research on New Electrical Infrastructure to Efficiently Use New Non-incandescent Lighting Sources (LED) AB - No summary provided. KW - Electrical equipment KW - Infrastructure KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting KW - Research UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233877 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465643 TI - Complete Development of Visual Guidance Research Runway at Cape May Airport, NJ AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Cape May County (New Jersey) KW - Guidance systems (Aircraft) KW - Visual aids UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233876 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465642 TI - Complete Phase 2 Study of Fire Fighting Agent Quantities for New Large Aircraft (NLA) AB - No summary provided. KW - Fire extinguishing agents KW - Fire fighting KW - Fire safety KW - Fires KW - New large aircraft UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233875 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465641 TI - Complete Full Scale Testing of Composite Fires at NLA Facility, Tyndall AFB, and Panama City, FL AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft cabins KW - Aviation safety KW - Fires KW - New large aircraft KW - Prototype tests UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233874 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465639 TI - Complete Study on the Crash Simulation for Predicting Fuel Release AB - No summary provided. KW - Accident studies KW - Chemical spills KW - Crash rates KW - Traffic crashes KW - Traffic simulation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233872 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465638 TI - Initiate Study to Fuse Data from Terminal Doppler Weather Radar with Local Avian Airport Radar to Enhance Airport Wildlife Hazard Detection and Mitigation AB - No summary provided. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aviation safety KW - Bird strikes KW - Hazard mitigation KW - Radar air traffic control KW - Wildlife UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233871 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465637 TI - Complete Phase One Study of Adaptation of Directed Energy to Wildlife Hazard Abatement AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Aviation safety KW - Bird strikes KW - Hazard analysis KW - Wildlife UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233870 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465636 TI - Evaluate Alternative Arresting System Concepts AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Arrester beds KW - Aviation safety KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Technological innovations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233869 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465635 TI - Complete Publication of Technical Notes Covering Four FOD Detection Technologies AB - No summary provided. KW - Detection and identification systems KW - Foreign object damage (Aviation) KW - Technical reports KW - Technological innovations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233868 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465634 TI - Complete Publication of Technical Note Documenting Audio Visual Warning Systems for Obstructions AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Audiovisual aids KW - Aviation safety KW - Obstructions (Navigation) KW - Warning systems UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233867 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465631 TI - ICA-Reduced Accidents During Takeoffs In Icing Conditions and Increased ATS Capacity AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aviation safety KW - Deicing KW - Icing KW - Takeoff UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233864 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465630 TI - PCA - Reduced Accidents During Flight In 14 CFR Part 25, Appendix C Icing Conditions and Increased ATS Capacity AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aviation safety KW - Deicing KW - Icing UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233863 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465626 TI - PCA - COTS Technology in Complex & Safety-Critical Systems AB - No summary provided. KW - Safety KW - Safety factors KW - Technological innovations KW - Technology UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233859 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465411 TI - Assess Need for New Rudder Design Standards AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft industry KW - Design KW - Needs assessment KW - Rudders UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233644 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465410 TI - Update MMPDS Manual AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Manuals KW - Metals KW - Properties of materials KW - Standardization KW - Updates KW - Vehicle design UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233643 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465406 TI - PCA Stall Departure Identification, Recognition and Recovery AB - No summary provided. KW - Air engines KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft operations KW - Recovery KW - Stall UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233639 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465405 TI - NXG - Advanced Guidance and Control Displays AB - No summary provided. KW - Advanced automation system (Air traffic control) KW - Air traffic control KW - Guidelines KW - Next generation design UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233638 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465404 TI - NXG - Advanced Guidance and Control System Functional Safety Requirements AB - No summary provided. KW - Advanced automation system (Air traffic control) KW - Air traffic control KW - Aviation safety KW - Guidelines KW - Next generation design UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233637 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465403 TI - Advanced NDI Methods for Composite Structures AB - No summary provided. KW - Advanced automation system (Air traffic control) KW - Air traffic control KW - Composite structures KW - Nondestructive tests UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233636 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465402 TI - PCA - NDE for Critical Engine Components AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Airplanes KW - Engine components KW - Jet engines KW - Nondestructive tests UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233635 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465401 TI - ICA - Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport usage KW - Health KW - Monitoring UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233634 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465400 TI - PCA - Fly-by-wire/Fly-by-light AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Flight KW - Fly-by-wire control KW - Light KW - Wire UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233633 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465399 TI - PCA - Risk Assessment and Risk Management Methods for Small and Transport Airplane COS AB - No summary provided. KW - Airplanes KW - Airworthiness KW - Risk assessment KW - Risk management UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233632 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465398 TI - PCA - Damage Tolerance and Durability Issues for Emerging Technologies AB - No summary provided. KW - Airworthiness KW - Damage levels KW - Damage tolerance KW - Durability KW - Technological innovations UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233631 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465346 TI - Climate AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft exhaust gases KW - Climate KW - Climate change KW - Environmental impacts KW - Pollutants UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233579 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465325 TI - Project 08 - Sonic Boom Metrics AB - No summary provided. KW - Metrics (Quantitative assessment) KW - Noise KW - Noise sources KW - Sonic boom UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233558 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465313 TI - Effectiveness and Safety of Hand-held Fire Extinguishers in Cabins AB - This project focuses on near-term research for the improvement of fire extinguisher systems. KW - Aircraft cabins KW - Aviation safety KW - Fire extinguishers KW - Fire safety KW - Flammability tests KW - Research UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233546 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465312 TI - Deliver Technical Presentation, Effectiveness of Fire Suppression Agents for Freighter Cargo Compartment Application to Sponsors AB - No summary provided. KW - Cargo aircraft KW - Cargo compartments KW - Fire suppression systems KW - Flammability tests KW - Technical assistance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233545 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465311 TI - Conduct International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meetings. AB - The objective of this project is to conduct full and small-scale fire tests to develop new flammability tests for aircraft materials in applications where regulatory requirements are currently nonexistent. In addition, conduct flammability tests and analyses in support of Transport Airplane Directorate (TAD) initiative Policy Statement on Flammability Testing of Interior Materials. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft cabins KW - Aircraft materials KW - Flammability tests KW - International transportation KW - Prototype tests UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233544 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465310 TI - Hazardous Materials Safety AB - No summary provided. KW - Aviation safety KW - Civil aviation KW - Fire safety KW - Hazardous materials UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233543 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465309 TI - PCA-Improved Flammability Standards for Aircraft Materials AB - The objective of this project is to reduce fatalities due to in-flight and post crash fires by reducing the contribution of materials. For in-flight fires this is primarily in inaccessible areas. For post-crash fires this could include the airframe itself. This includes the development of new flammability tests where needed and means to address continued airworthiness, from fire, of all aircraft materials. Includes consideration of very large as well as non-metallic airframe construction. KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aircraft materials KW - Crashworthiness KW - Fires KW - Flammability UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233542 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465308 TI - NextGen Alternative Fuels for General Aviation (A11.M) AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft operations KW - Alternate fuels KW - Fuel conservation KW - General aviation KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233541 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465306 TI - New ATM Requirements - TCAS in NextGen AB - The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) has had extraordinary success in reducing the risk of mid-air collisions. Now mandated on all large transport aircraft and installed on many smaller turbine powered aircraft, TCAS has been in operation for over a decade and has been credited with preventing several catastrophic accidents. TCAS is a unique decision-support system in the sense that it has been widely deployed (on more than 25,000 aircraft worldwide) and is continuously exposed to a high-tempo, complex air traffic system. TCAS is the product of carefully balancing and integrating sensor characteristics, tracker and aircraft dynamics, maneuver coordination, operational constraints, and human factors in time-critical situations. Missed or late threat detections can lead to collisions, and false alarms may cause pilots to lose trust in the system and ignore alerts, underscoring the need for a robust system design. As the National Airspace System (NAS) evolves towards the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), it would not be surprising to see changes emerge for which the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) was not designed. KW - Advanced automation system (Air traffic control) KW - Air traffic control KW - Air transportation crashes KW - Aviation safety KW - Crash risk forecasting KW - Traffic alert and collision avoidance system UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233539 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465304 TI - Test Bed Demonstration Sites AB - New technology, procedures, and airport infrastructure will be required in order to evolve Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and aviation industry systems to meet the dramatic increases in air traffic that are forecast by 2025. The FAA requires an environment for the development of Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) concepts and technology. The NextGen Integrated Test Bed provides a robust platform where integration and testing takes place without affecting day-to-day air traffic operations. The primary objective of the NextGen Integrated Test Bed is to identify and evaluate communications, navigation and surveillance solutions for the advancement of the National Airspace System (NAS). As air travel is projected to grow - doubling or tripling over the next 20 years - the current NAS must change substantially in order to safely accommodate such demand. The NextGen Test Bed will provide three real-world test and demonstration environments to integrate individual domains to allow multi-domain demonstrations and evaluations. In addition, the Test Bed sites will allow the integration of new and emerging technologies or applications into existing or planned NAS enhancements while fostering government partnerships. One of the main purposes of the Test Bed is to provide an environment that allows open access for industry users and vendors such that new capabilities can be more rapidly harnessed. The Test Bed will also support integrated tests and validate large scale modeling and simulation. KW - Air traffic control KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Technological innovations KW - Test beds KW - Traffic forecasting KW - Travel demand UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233537 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465297 TI - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) 4D Trajectory Based AB - This demonstration project consists of periodic demonstrations of actual and evolving capabilities, and will include corresponding risk assessments. The project has a phased approach with initial concept and requirements definition, performance modeling and simulation, and analyses including operational scenarios, metrics definition and procedures development. This preliminary work transfers to proof-of-concept demonstrations for both laboratory and live flight trials. This demonstration project completely complements and is coordinated with the Department of Denense (DoD) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) National Airspace System (NAS) oriented demonstrations, leveraging community efforts. KW - Drone aircraft KW - Flight tests KW - Flight trajectories KW - National Airspace System KW - Risk assessment KW - Simulation UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233530 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465296 TI - Wake Turbulence - Re-categorization AB - This research and development program focuses on satisfying the capacity demands of future aviation growth. The last full review of wake separation standards used by air traffic control occurred nearly 20 years ago in the early 1990s. Since then, air carrier operations and fleet mix have changed dramatically, airport runway complexes have changed and new aircraft designs (A-380, very light jets, unmanned aircraft systems) have been introduced into the National Airspace System (NAS). The 20 year old wake separation standards still provide safe separation of aircraft from each other's wakes but it no longer provides the most capacity efficient spacing and sequencing of aircraft in approach and en-route operations. This loss of efficient spacing is adding to the gap between demand and the capacity the NAS can provide. This program is part of a joint EUROCONTROL and the Federal Highway Administration (FAA) program that has reviewed the current required wake mitigation aircraft separations used in both the USA's and Europe's air traffic control processes and has determined the current standards can be safely modified to increase the operational capacity of airports and airspace that will have heavy operational demand in the NextGen era. Recently work was done to accommodate the A380 class of aircraft and work continues to address introduction of other large aircraft into the NAS. This program builds on that joint work and is accomplishing a more general review to include regional jets, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), microjets, etc. The work is phased, and started with optimizing the present "1990's" standards to reflect the change in fleet mix that has occurred over the last 20 years. In 2010, the program will provide a set of recommendations for international review that focus on changes to the present static standards. To accomplish this, the program developed enhanced analysis tools to link observed wake behavior to standards, determined safety risk associated with potential new standards relative to existing standards; will simulate and validate new separation standards; integrate the work being accomplished by EUROCONTROL; and conduct high level analyses to link wake transport and demise characteristics to aircraft flight and surrounding weather parameters. The next phase of the Wake Re-Categorization program is now underway. By 2014, it will develop sets of tailored leader aircraft and follower aircraft wake separation standards whose application would depend on flight conditions and aircraft performance; resulting in being able to get more aircraft into and out of airports and in the same volume of airspace. By 2020, the final phase of the program will have developed the aircraft and ground based capabilities required to achieve the NextGen concept of safe, efficient dynamic pair-wise wake mitigation separations of aircraft. The dynamic pair-wise separation capability will allow the densest feasible safe packing of aircraft in a given airspace. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft separation KW - Airspace (Aeronautics) KW - Civil aviation KW - National Airspace System KW - Wakes UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233529 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465295 TI - AIRE Procedures and Test Demo AB - No summary provided. KW - Demonstration projects KW - Exhaust gases KW - Next Generation Air Transportation System KW - Pollutants KW - Test procedures UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233528 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465294 TI - Network Enabled Operations AB - Evaluate NEO activities by August 2011 to ascertain validated benefits to NextGen. KW - Air transportation KW - Aviation safety KW - Benefits KW - Navigation systems KW - Network analysis (Planning) UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233527 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465293 TI - Separation Management - Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Arrivals (WTMA) AB - Evaluation of the prototype Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Arrivals (WTMA) decision support tool will continue and requirements for implementing the WTMA capability will be developed. KW - Aircraft separation KW - Decision support systems KW - Implementation KW - Turbulence KW - Wakes UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233526 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465292 TI - Separation Management - Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Departures (WTMD) AB - This program implements a technology based solution that will allow reduction of the required wake mitigation separation for aircraft departing on an airport's closely spaced parallel runways. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft separation KW - Airport runways KW - Airports KW - Turbulence KW - Wakes UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233525 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465291 TI - Complete the Advanced DARWIN Software AB - The overall objective of this work is to develop advanced damage tolerance methods and data that can be used to reduce the risk of rotor failure and to provide the basis for new/revised engine certification standards and Advisory Circulars. This involves enhancing the characterization of nickel and titanium anomaly cracking behavior, improving the anomaly distribution curves, and developing advanced analytical capabilities for the probabilistic rotor design and life management code known as DARWIN. The absence of accurate crack growth data from both surface and subsurface anomalies seriously affects the accuracy of the DARWIN code. Development of advanced analytical methods to model stress/strain levels in all areas of complex geometry rotors is also important to the accuracy and reliability of the code. These problems have not been addressed previously due to the nature of the "Safe Life" prediction methodology. KW - Cracking KW - DARWin KW - Rotors KW - Service life KW - Software packages UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233524 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465290 TI - ICA - Incorporate Damage Tolerance Assessment into the Safe Life Rotor Design Process AB - The overall objective of this work is to develop advanced damage tolerance methods and data that can be used to reduce the risk of rotor failure and to provide the basis for new/revised engine certification standards and Advisory Circulars. This involves enhancing the characterization of nickel and titanium anomaly cracking behavior, improving the anomaly distribution curves, and developing advanced analytical capabilities for the probabilistic rotor design and life management code known as DARWIN. The absence of accurate crack growth data from both surface and subsurface anomalies seriously affects the accuracy of the DARWIN code. Development of advanced analytical methods to model stress/strain levels in all areas of complex geometry rotors is also important to the accuracy and reliability of the code. These problems have not been addressed previously due to the nature of the "Safe Life" prediction methodology. KW - Cracking KW - Damage tolerance KW - Nickel titanium KW - Risk analysis KW - Rotors KW - Service life UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233523 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465289 TI - ADS-B Integration with LCGS AB - The Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Integration effort extends the basic LCGS capability to provide ADS-B surveillance data fused with primary radar data from Low Cost Ground Surveillance (LCGS) to the Controller Display Aid. Utilizing fused SMR and ADS-B data will provide a more accurate position of ground traffic to enhance the situational awareness on the surface. This test and evaluation program will measure the feasibility of each vendor system's capability to ingest ADS-B data and display properly. This will aid in the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) recommendation of which LCGS vendor system to endorse. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport ground transportation KW - Airport runways KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast KW - Surveillance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233522 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465288 TI - e-FAROS: Enhanced Final Approach Runway Occupancy Signal AB - e-FAROS uses the Runway Status Lights (RWSL) platform to provide a visual warning to pilots on final approach that the intended runway is occupied and unsafe for landing. It does this by flashing the Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) lights. KW - Airline pilots KW - Approach control KW - Landing aids KW - Precision approach path indicator KW - Runway incursions KW - Warning signals UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233521 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465287 TI - FAROS: Final Approach Runway Occupancy Signal AB - Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) lights are flashed to provide visual warning to pilots on approach when a runway is occupied. KW - Approach control KW - Precision approach path indicator KW - Runway incursions KW - Visual warnings KW - Warning signals UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233520 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465286 TI - LCGS: 11S71D1-01: Procure and Install LCGS Pilot Systems at Sites Three and Four AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Ground systems (Aviation) KW - Low cost KW - Runway incursions KW - Surveillance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233519 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465285 TI - LCGS: 11S71D1-02: Procure and Install LCGS Pilot System at Site Five AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Aviation safety KW - Ground systems (Aviation) KW - Low cost KW - Runway incursions KW - Surveillance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233518 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465284 TI - LCGS: 11S71D1-03 - Publish Updated Pilot System Operational Evaluation Report AB - No summary provided. KW - Aircraft KW - Aircraft pilotage KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Evaluation and assessment KW - Low cost KW - Reports KW - Surveillance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233517 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465283 TI - LCGS: Low Cost Ground Surveillance AB - Low Cost Ground Surveillance (LCGS) project provides basic ground traffic surveillance capability to enhance safety at small and medium airports where cost effective deployment of Airport Surface Detection Equipment Model X (ASDE-X) technology is not possible. The LCGS will serve in an advisory capacity providing the air traffic controller with surface surveillance information to reduce the risk of ground traffic incidents, incursions, or accidents. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport runways KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Low cost KW - Runway incursions KW - Surveillance UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233516 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465282 TI - LED Runway Status Light System (RWSL) AB - The Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Runway Incursion Reduction Program (RIRP) is testing Runway Status Light (RWSL) systems at four operational airports. The current RWSL design uses incandescent lights. Testing and analyses of light emitting diode (LED) technology indicated significant savings in operations and maintenance costs can be realized if they replace incandescent fixtures. Furthermore, LED response times afford higher flash rates and more noticeable illumination and extinguishing of system lights. The RWSL LED program is developing technical and performance requirements and identifying industry sources to design, test, and qualify LED-based airfield systems that conform to RWSL system specifications. KW - Air traffic control KW - Airport operations KW - Airport runways KW - Light emitting diodes KW - Lighting KW - Runway incursions UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233515 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465281 TI - ROWS: Runway Occupancy Warning System AB - Runway Occupancy Warning System (ROWS) is testing the capability of a suite of Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) sensors to detect and track aircraft and vehicles in an airport movement area. ROWS aims to prove the technological capability of a very low cost solution set that may be deployable to sites that cannot support a business case for Low Cost Ground Surveillance (LCGS). The ROWS program will evaluate the viability of using COTS sensors in a combined platform to detect and track aircraft or vehicles as well as to provide audible and/or visual warnings to pilots or controllers. KW - Aircraft separation KW - Airport runways KW - Commercial off-the-shelf KW - Ground contact KW - Sensors KW - Warning systems UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233514 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465280 TI - RSA: Runway Safety Assessment AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport runways KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Aviation safety KW - Runway incursions KW - Safety assessments UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233513 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465279 TI - Complete Development of NAS Modification to Precision Approach Path Indicator Equipment for use with Final Approach Runway Occupancy Signal AB - No summary provided. KW - Air traffic control KW - Aircraft separation KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Approach control KW - Runway availability UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233512 ER - TY - ABST AN - 01465278 TI - Publish Runway Status Lights/Runway Intersection Lights Operation Evaluation Report for Boston AB - No summary provided. KW - Airport operations KW - Airport surface traffic control KW - Aviation safety KW - Boston (Massachusetts) KW - Intersecting runways KW - Lighting systems UR - https://trid.trb.org/view/1233511 ER -