DE – Only about 100 results for this one. Did not include the acronym NARA in the search because it returned mostly authors named Nara or locations called Nara. If you search by PUB for the federal register you retrieve over 200k gov pubs (mostly things like memos and laws) RI – NARASearch01.PQNARA.0001.2.17 QY - AF("National Archives and Records Administration" OR "" OR "Office of the Federal Register" OR "Archivist of the United States" OR "Office of government Information Services") OR AD("National Archives and Records Administration" OR "" OR "Office of the Federal Register" OR "Archivist of the United States" OR "Office of government Information Services") OR AU("National Archives and Records Administration" OR "" OR "Office of the Federal Register" OR "Archivist of the United States" OR "Office of government Information Services")