DE – Ebsco search for the CIA. Retrieves about 150 results. Retooled entire search away from what I had done in proquest because on a second glance proquests search was filled with lots of false positives. RI – CIASearch01.EbscoCIA.0001.3.21 QY - (AF(“Central Intelligence Agency”OR “” OR “Crime and Narcotics Center” OR “US Counterintelligence Center” OR “Asian Pacific, Latin American, and African Analysis” OR “CIA Collection Strategies and Analysis” OR “Weapons Intelligence, nonproliferation & arms control center” OR “CIA School for Intelligence Analysis” OR “US National Clandestine Service” OR “CIA Directorate of Digital Innovation” OR “CIA Directorate of Analysis” OR “CIA Directorate of Operations” OR “CIA Directorate of Support” OR “CIA Directorate of Science and Technology” OR “Office of Scientific intelligence” OR “US Center for the Study of Intelligence” OR “CIA University” OR “Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis”) OR PUB(“Unclassified Extracts from Classified Studies”))