{ "best_oa_location": null, "data_standard": 2, "doi": "10.1017/ice.2016.115", "doi_url": "https://doi.org/10.1017/ice.2016.115", "genre": "journal-article", "is_oa": false, "journal_is_in_doaj": false, "journal_is_oa": false, "journal_issns": "0899-823X,1559-6834", "journal_name": "Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology", "oa_locations": [], "published_date": "2016-07-15", "publisher": "Cambridge University Press (CUP)", "title": "A Concise Set of Structure and Process Indicators to Assess and Compare Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs Among EU and US Hospitals: Results From a Multinational Expert Panel", "updated": "2018-04-16T19:54:29.079777", "x_reported_noncompliant_copies": [], "year": 2016, "z_authors": [ { "family": "Pollack", "given": "Lori A." }, { "family": "Plachouras", "given": "Diamantis" }, { "family": "Sinkowitz-Cochran", "given": "Ronda" }, { "family": "Gruhler", "given": "Heidi" }, { "family": "Monnet", "given": "Dominique L." }, { "family": "Weber", "given": "J. Todd" }, { "name": "Transatlantic Taskforce on Antimicrobial Resistance (TATFAR) Expert Panel on Stewardship Structure and Process Indicators" } ] }