159 U.S. 275

16 S.Ct. 320

40 L.Ed. 149


No. 2, Original.

October 21, 1895.

[Syllabus from pages 275-277 intentionally omitted]

Wm. A. Ketchum, Atty. Gen. Ind., for complainant.

Richard H. Cunningham, for defendant.

Per Mr. Chief Justice FULLER.


This cause coming on on the application of the state of Indiana, by its attorney general, and of the state of Kentucky, by its solicitor, Richard H. Cunningham, for the appointment of commissioners herein, in accordance with the opinion, judgment, and decree hereinbefore filed and entered, and the court being advised and informed by said parties that they have agreed upon the following named gentlemen to be suggested to this court for such appointment, viz. Gustavus V. Menzies, of Mount Vernon, Ind., Gaston M. Alves, of Henderson, Ky., and Col. Amos Stickney, of the engineer corps of the United States army, and the court being fully advised in the premises, does now order and decree that the above-named Gustavus V. Menzies, Gaston M. Alves, and Amos Stickney be, and they are hereby, appointed commissioners to ascertain and run the boundary line between the said states of Indiana and Kentucky as designated in the said opinion of this court heretofore filed, and judgment and decree heretofore entered herein, and to report to this court with all reasonable dispatch their doings in that behalf. 10 Sup. Ct. 1051. It is further ordered by the court that duly-certified copies of this order shall be forthwith issued by the clerk of this court, under his hand and the seal of the court, to each of the above-named commissioners, and before entering upon the discharge of their duties as such commissioners they, and each of them, shall be and appear before either the clerk of this court or the clerk of the United States circuit court within and for either the district of Indiana, Kentucky, or Ohio, and take an oath faithfully to discharge the duties required of them as such commissioners, which oaths shall be forthwith transmitted to and filed with the clerk of this court and in this cause.