








Case No. 1—Case No. 564



Library of Congress Catalog Number 95-75068

ISBN 0-89941-924-0

Printed in the United States of America.

The quality of this reprint is equivalent to the quality of the original work

This volume is printed on acid-free paper by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.


National Reporter System

United States Series










Case No. 1—Case No. 564






THIS series of reports, known as the Federal Cases, is a comprehensive compilation of the decisions of the United States Circuit and District Courts which have been rendered from the organization of the Government in 1789 to the first publication of the Federal Reporter in 1880. It constitutes, in conjunction with the Federal Reporter, a complete and consecutive series of reports, beginning with the first organization of the courts reported and continuing down to the last decision rendered.

Origin of the Enterprise.

In 1880 the Federal Reporter was established for the purpose of reporting the decisions of the United States Circuit and District Courts. It included all cases heard after January 1, 1880, and has become a repository of all current Federal decisions. This function has been performed so satisfactorily that within a few years it came to be recognized as the official Reporter of the Federal Courts.

The Federal Reporter had started in “in the midst of things.” Nothing else was possible, since there had to be a beginning. What lay back of 1880 was partly to be found scattered through the different series of Circuit and District Court Reports, none of which had ever been exhaustive, and many of which had long been out of print. Sometimes cases which attracted attention at the time had appeared in current periodicals. Sometimes they were published with the early State Reports, or in different series of Selected Cases. Some opinions found a place in several contemporaneous series, and some were never printed at all. This period has been aptly called by Judge HAMMOND “The Dark Continent of American Jurisprudence.”

After the Federal Reporter was fairly established, its publishers were frequently urged by Judges and practitioners in the United States Courts to gather up and republish the decisions of earlier date, so as to make the record of American Federal adjudications exhaustive. An annotated reprint would be more valuable than the original set, even at the same price; yet it could be made much cheaper. Theoretically, the plan was an admirable one, but the practical difficulties in the way of obtaining the earlier Federal cases, scattered as they were, made it seem at first impracticable. But the requests for the work were so frequent that the publishers were finally led to issue an experimental circular, and canvass the field to see whether there were really sufficient demand to make the formidable undertaking commercially feasible. The results of this inquiry were so satisfactory that the plans of the publication were at once elaborated, and no time was lost in beginning the collection of cases and material. This involved great labor and expense,—greater even than had been anticipated,—and it has now only been accomplished after five years of busy preparation.

The publishers and the editors have studied the peculiar conditions of the problem of how best to make this great mass of heterogeneous material available for the use of the Bench and Bar. They have worked out a method of treatment of these cases which seems specially adapted to bring the scattered reports together into a complete and consecutive series, to be their final repository.

Sources of Material.

It is the purpose of Federal Cases to cover, with the Federal Reporter and the United States Supreme Court Reports, the whole body of the law as it has been administered by the Federal courts. The successful accomplishment of this end requires



not only the republication, entire, of all of the old Circuit and District Court Reports, but also all Federal cases which can be brought to light by an exhaustive examination of the United States Supreme Court Reports, the law periodicals, state reports, text books, and other works likely to contain such cases, and an unremitting search for all accessible decisions whether to be found in pamphlets, in any of the great libraries, in the hands of individuals, or in the records of the courts. In this way several thousand decisions have been discovered which are not to be found in what is generally regarded as a complete Federal library. Prominent among these unpublished decisions might be mentioned the opinions of Judge BETTS in the Southern District of New York, which are on file in the office of the clerk of the court, in a series of manuscript books in the handwriting of the judge. These manuscript books are in two series, denominated for convenience, Circuit Court MS. and District Court MS., respectively. There are also a great many valuable cases largely from the same district, but some from other districts, which were collected by Judge BETTS from newspapers and similar publications and preserved in the form of a scrap-book. A similar scrap-book collection of cases has been found in the office of the clerk for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

Attention is called to the large number of new admiralty decisions, including many of the most important of those of Judge BETTS, and the cases received from the Southern District of Florida, which for many years were preserved in manuscript in what is locally known as the Admiralty Records, comprising some twelve large volumes of recorded cases, containing the decisions of Judges WEBB; MARVIN, BOYNTON, and McKINNEY upon different questions of admiralty law. Many of these cases have been cited in recent decisions from that district and also in Judge MARVIN'S work on Wreck and Salvage. Most of them are of great importance, but comparatively few have ever been published. The unpublished decisions of Hon. JAMES W. LOCKE secured, through the courtesy of the judge, are mostly in admiralty, as are also many of those contained in the collections of the opinions of the late Judge HOFFMAN, in the California district, known as “Hoffman's Opinions” and “Hoffman's Decisions,” respectively, and published by permission of Judge HOFFMAN.

The case law relating to patents is enriched by many new decisions particularly in the Southern District of New York, and the Districts of Massachusetts and Connecticut. In the District of Columbia, MacArthur's Patent Cases includes all appeals from the decisions of the Commissioner of Patents after the period covered by Cranch's Circuit Court Reports, from the year 1841 to 1859. From 1859 to the establishment of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia in 1863, a large number of patent cases were decided which were to have made the second volume of MacArthur's Patent Cases, but which has never appeared. Many of these decisions have been cited in Law's Patent Digest and elsewhere. They are enrolled in manuscript form, and are on file in the United States Patent Office. These opinions have all been copied and duly reported under their proper titles.

In addition to these special collections of cases, inquiry of the clerks of all of the Federal courts for unreported decisions has produced a large number of important opinions, as has also an exhaustive search of the files of the newspapers published during and prior to the late war, such, for instance, as the New York Daily Times and Niles' Weekly Register. It has been the constant aim to preserve every thing of importance, and no effort has been spared to make the reports of these cases full and complete in every respect.


The most difficult problem in the publication of the Federal Cases, was to find a satisfactory method of arranging the decisions. Investigation and experiment showed that it was impracticable to arrange them chronologically,—or by Circuits and Districts, or by the original reports. The great object to be attained was to so arrange the cases that the reader can readily find any case, no matter how or where it may be cited. The publishers believe they have accomplished this purpose in the Federal Cases.

The cases in this series are reported in the alphabetical order of their titles. This alphabetical arrangement is rendered necessary by the fact that the same case


is frequently found reported in two or more reports, and also because the material for this compilation has been derived from a great variety of sources. It is also the best possible arrangement from a practical point of view in a compilation of this description. It applies to the cases in a series of reports the order and method always applied to a digest or an encyclopædia, and thereby greatly facilitates the discovery of the case wanted. An examination of any volume of this series will fully demonstrate the practical utility of this arrangement. Where there are two or more titles, the case is reported under that title which comes first in alphabetical order, and the other titles are printed in the series in their regular alphabetical order, with proper references to the title under which the case is reported. Where there are two or more cases of the same title, the cases are printed in the alphabetical order of the names of the respective reporters. (See, in illustration, The Alabama, Case No. 123, and The America, Case No. 279.) An elaborate system of cross-references has been devised, the title of every case appearing (in the form of a cross-reference) alphabetically under the name of each of the parties, and in many cases, where the names are spelled differently, under each different form of spelling, thus enabling the reader to turn to the case at once. The cases have also been numbered consecutively throughout the series. These numbers have been introduced for the purpose of furnishing a more specific and ready reference to a given case when such case is cited in the text or referred to in a cross-reference. (See, in illustration, references, already given and cross-references under Adams, page 157.) By this method of numbering the cases can be referred to specifically, in advance of their publication, saving the necessity of referring to the old reports which are superseded by the Federal Cases. When the entire series shall have been completed, every reference to every case embraced within the series will have the specific case-number citation,—a great aid in referring back and forth from one volume to another, which could not be secured in any other way.

Every effort has been made to render this duplex arrangement of the cases as effective as possible. Among other details the letters and numbers included in each volume are stamped on the back of the book. Each subscriber is also furnished with a printed table giving in alphabetical and numerical order the title of each case published in the series; also a table setting out in alphabetical order the original reports of the United States Circuit and District Courts, and giving in regular sequence the volume and page of each case found in such reports with a parallel reference to the number of such case in this series. A brief examination of these tables will demonstrate their value and utility.

Style of Reporting and Annotating.

The Federal Cases is essentially a verbatim reprint of the decisions; the cases with comparatively few exceptions being reprinted exactly as they appear in the original reports, headnotes, statement, and opinion, and all original matter supplied by the editors being indicated by the use of brackets. In the preparation of the cases for publication, the fact soon developed that the great majority of them had been published in more than one place, and in very many instances some one of these several reports of the same case is much more complete than any of the others, while one of the incomplete reports may contain important matter not to be found in the best report of the same case. It has been the intention to make the Federal Cases a verbatim reprint of all the reports of all the cases; and in doing this, the best reports of each case has been selected and indicated by being placed first among the references immediately following the title of the case itself. All matter from all other reports of that case, not included in the report adopted, is inserted in its proper place, inclosed in brackets, with a footnote stating the source from which it was secured; giving the reader the benefit of a careful comparison of every published report of all of the decisions. That this is a matter of considerable importance is evidenced by the fact that in some instances several paragraphs are added to the opinion of the court in this way, or important matter incorporated in the statement necessary to a clear understanding of the decision. (See, in illustration, In re Alexander, Case No. 161.) It should be understood that all matter inclosed in brackets is the result of the editorial treatment of the cases, unless there is a footnote explaining its source.


A page to page examination of all the reports of the Supreme Court of the United States, the Federal Reporter, and all cases included within this series, has been made for citations of the Circuit and District Court cases. These citations have all been carefully edited, and placed under the appropriate paragraphs of the syllabus of the cited case, stating in each instance whether in fact that case is cited, distinguished, followed, or overruled, as the case may be, in any later decision. In this way, each case gives the references to every place in which it has been subsequently referred to by any Federal court in any manner. Where a case is cited to a proposition not contained in the syllabus, such additional point will be stated briefly. Additional citations of authorities are also given with the more important cases; and where a case was afterwards taken to the Supreme Court, a reference is made to the opinion of the Supreme Court bearing directly upon the points involved in the case as reported below. This reference is appended as a note. Copious notes are also prepared showing subsequent changes in the law involved in any particular case where necessary. (See, in illustration, Adams v. The Sophia, Case No. 65, and Adams v. Burks, Case No. 50.)

The page to page examination of the reports produced a large list of cases cited which were apparently unreported. Special investigation has been made of every one of these unreported cases. A large number of them have been found, but in other instances the fact has developed that the court records have either been lost or destroyed, through the burning of a courthouse, or some other calamity, so that the case cannot be obtained, or for some reason the opinion, if one was written, is not now on file. Where these unreported cases have been obtained, they will be published in full. If they have not been found, a statement of the circumstances will be given, and such statement of the points decided as can be gleaned from the records and the various digests and text-books in which they were mentioned. (See, in illustration, The Alfred, Case No. 189.) In fine, it is the purpose to make this series exhaustive so far as the title of every Federal case anywhere cited or referred to is concerned, so that the reader may feel sure of either finding each case reported herein or of getting all the information about it that can be obtained anywhere.

Special acknowledgment should be made of the interest shown in the work by the Judges, many of them revising their own opinions in proof.

Special Matter in Book I.

The first volume of the series contains the following important tables:

1. A chronological table of the several circuits showing their geographical limits under the various acts of congress from 1789 to the present time. This table will aid in determining the circuit, of which any state was a part, at any given time.

2 and 3. A list of the judges arranged chronologically under their respective circuits and districts. A list of the judges arranged alphabetically without regard to their respective circuits and districts. The lists of Federal judges have been the result of a great deal of careful research and investigation. It is somewhat strange that no reliable list of Federal judges has ever been published. Fragmentary lists and memoranda of the judges' names for a particular district for a short period of time have appeared in various reports, but no complete list with any pretense to reliability has ever been prepared, so far as known. This list has been made up from a careful examination of the lists of names in all of the periodicals and reports. It has been checked carefully with the records in the departments at Washington, and also with the various biographical works and local histories. The aim has been to make this list complete, and as accurate as possible. In doing this, extended inquiry has been made of all the judges and clerks of the various courts and many other persons likely to possess information on the subject. The result obtained is what is believed to be the most reliable roll of Federal judges to be found anywhere. Special acknowledgments are due to many of the living judges for the great assistance they have rendered in this matter.

4. A table of the United States Circuit and District Court Reports arranged by circuits and districts.

5. A table of the reports, periodicals, and text-books examined for the United States Circuit and District Court cases therein reported and cited. The very extensive


character of this latter table will afford an idea of the great care and extent of the inquiries necessary to gather in all of the decisions in the Federal courts.

In presenting this series to the public, the publishers desire to express their obligation to the owners of the reports from which cases have been reprinted, and to the members of the Bench and Bar throughout the whole country who have so effectively aided in the development of these reports.

January 25, 1894.


viii ix


INDEX. 1201





1 Rhode Island added to Eastern Circuit by Act June 23, 1790. (1 Stat. 128.)

2 Vermont added to Eastern Circuit by Act Mar. 2, 1791, (1 Stat. 197.)

3 North Carolina added to Southern Circuit by Act June 4, 1790, (1 Stat. 126.)

4 Circuit court powers were conferred upon the district courts of the independent districts of Maine and Kentucky by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73;) and by Act Mar. 30, 1820, (3 Stat. 554,) Maine was added to the 1st Circuit.

5 Circuit court powers conferred upon the district courts of Tennessee by Act Jan. 31, 1797, (1 Stat. 496.)

6 Ohio, under Act Feb. 13, 1801, embraced Indiana. Territory and the Northwest Territory. By Act Feb. 24, 1807, (2 Stat. 420.) Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee were constituted the 7th Circuit; and by Act Jan. 28, 1863, (12 Stat. 637.) Ohio and Michigan were constituted the 7th Circuit.

7 Kentucky and Tennessee were made independent districts by Act Apr. 29, 1802, (note 5.)

8 Circuit court powers were conferred upon the district courts of the following independent districts:

1FED. CAS.–b


Louisiana by Act April 8, 1812, (2 Stat. 703.)
Indiana “ “ Mar. 3, 1817. (3 “ 390.)
Mississippi “ “ April 3, 1818, (3 “ 413.)
Illinois “ “ Mar. 3, 1819, (3 “ 502.)
Alabama “ “ April 21, 1830, (3 “ 564.)
Missouri “ “ Mar. 16, 1822, (3 “ 653.)
Arkansas “ “ June 15, 1836, (5 “ 51.)
Michigan “ “ July 1, 1836, (5 “ 62.)
Florida by Act Mar. 3, 1845, (5 “ 788.)
Iowa “ “ Mar. 3, 1845, (5 “ 789.)
Texas “ “ Dec. 29, 1845, (9 “ 1.)
Minnesota “ “ May 11, 1858, (11 “ 285.)
Kansas “ “ Jan. 29, 1861, (12 “ 128.)

9 Alabama and Louisiana constituted the 5th Circuit by Act Aug. 16, 1842, (5 Stat. 507.)

10 North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia constituted the 6th Circuit by Act Aug. 16, 1842, (5 Stat. 507.) South Carolina was divided into the Eastern and Western Districts by Act Feb. 21, 1823, (3 Stat. 726.) Circuit court powers were conferred upon the district court for the Western District by Act Aug. 16, 1856, (11 Stat. 43.) A circuit court for the Western District was established by Act Feb. 6, 1889. (25 Stat. 655.) Act April 26, 1890, (26 Stat. 71,) regulates the terms of the circuit court for the “district of South Carolina, and of the district courts for the Eastern and Western Districts of South Carolina, respectively”

11 Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin constituted the 8th Circuit by Act Jan. 28, 1863, (12 Stat. 637;) and Wisconsin was transferred to 9th Circuit by Act Feb. 9, 1863, (12 Stat. 648.)

12 California constituted a separate circuit by Act Mar. 2, 1855, (10 Stat. 631;) and, with Oregon, constituted the 10th Circuit by Act Mar. 3, 1863, (12 Stat. 794.)

13 Va. added to 4th Cir. by Act Aug. 16, '42. (5 Stat. 507.)
Nev. “ “ 10th “ “ “ Feb. 27, '65. (13 “ 440.)
N. C. “ “ 4th “ “ “ July 15, '62. (12 “ 576.)
Neb. “ “ 8th “ “ “ Mar. 25, '67. (15 “ 5.)
Col. “ “ 8th “ “ “ June 26, '76. (19 “ 61.)
Mont. “ “ 9th “ “ “ Feb. 22, '89. (25 “ 682.)
N. Dak. “ “ 8th “ “ “ Feb. 22, '89. (25 “ 682.)
S. Dak. “ “ 8th “ “ “ Feb. 22, '89. (25 “ 682.)
Wash. “ “ 9th “ “ “ Feb. 22, '89. (25 “ 682.)
Idaho “ “ 9th “ “ “ July 8, '90. (26 “ 217.)
Wyo. “ “ 8th “ “ “ July 10, '90. (26 “ 225.)

14 West Virginia, comprising part of the territory of Virginia, was admitted as a state June 20, 1863. (13 Stat. 731.)

15 Certain circuit court powers were conferred on the district court of Alaska; and writs of error in crimina cases were authorized to issue from the circuit court for the district of Oregon to the district court of Alaska, by Act May 17, 1884, (28 Stat. 24.)

16 Circuit court established by Act Feb. 6, 1889, (25 Stat 655.)

17 Louisiana, Texas. Arkansas, Kentucky, and Tennessee constituted the 6th circuit by Act July 15, 1 62, (1 Stat. 576.)

18 Ohio and Indiana constituted the 7th circuit by Act July 15, 1862, (12 Stat. 576.)

19 Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois constituted the 8th circuit by Act July 15, 1862, (12 Stat. 576.)

20 Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, and Minnesota constitute the 9th circuit by Act July 15, 1862, (12 Stat. 576.)

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Circuit Justices.2
JOHN JAY. September 26, 1789. April 18, 1794
WILLIAM CUSHING. September 27, 1789. February 13, 1801
JAMES WILSON. September 29, 1789. August 28, 1798
JOHN BLAIR. September 30, 1789. January 27, 1796
JOHN RUTLEDGE. September 27, 1789. March 5, 1791
JOHN RUTLEDGE. July 1, 1795. December 15, 1795
JAMES IREDELL. February 10, 1790. October 20, 1799
THOMAS JOHNSON. August 5, 1791. March 3, 1793
WILLIAM PATERSON. March 4, 1793. February 13, 1801
SAMUEL CHASE. January 27, 1796. February 13, 1801
OLIVER ELLSWORTH. March 4, 1796. September 30, 1800
BUSHROD WASHINGTON. September 29, 1798. February 13, 1801
ALFRED MOORE. December 10, 1799. February 13, 1801
JOHN MARSHALL. January 31, 1801. February 13, 1801
Circuit Justices.
WILLIAM CUSHING. July 1, 1802. September 13, 1810
JOSEPH STORY. November 18, 1811. September 10, 1845
LEVI WOODBURY. September 20, 1845. September 4, 1851
BENJAMIN ROBBINS CURTIS. September 22, 1851. September 30, 1857
NATHAN CLIFFORD. January 12, 1858. May 2, 1881
JOHN MARSHALL HARLAN. May 2, 1881. January 30, 1882
HORACE GRAY. January 30, 1882.
Circuit Judges.
JOHN LOWELL (Chief Judge). February 20, 1801. July 1, 1802
BENJAMIN BOURN. February 20, 1801. July 1, 1802
JEREMIAH SMITH. February 20, 1801. July 1, 1802
GEORGE FOSTER SHEPLEY. December 22, 1869. July 20, 1878
JOHN LOWELL. December 18, 1878. May 1, 1884
WILLIAM LE BARON PUTNAM. March 17, 1892. xiv
Circuit Justices.
WILLIAM PATERSON July 1, 1802 September 19, 1806
BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON November 10, 1806 March 18, 1823
SMITH THOMPSON September 1, 1823 December 18, 1843
SAMUEL NELSON March 3, 1845 December 1, 1872
WARD HUNT December 11, 1872 January 7, 1882
STEPHEN JOHNSON FIELD January 30, 1882 April 3, 1882
SAMUEL BLATCHFORD April 3, 1882 July 7, 1893
HORACE GRAY July 15, 1893
Circuit Judges.
OLIVER WOLCOTT February 20, 1801 July 1, 1802
SAMUEL HITCHCOCK February 20, 1801 July 1, 1802
EGBERT BENSON February 20, 1801 July 1, 1802
LEWIS B. WOODRUFF December 22, 1869 September 10, 1875
ALEXANDER SMITH JOHNSON October 20, 1875 January 26, 1878
SAMUEL BLATCHFORD March 4, 1878 March 22, 1882
Circuit Justices.
BUSHROD WASHINGTON July 1, 1802 November 26, 1829
HENRY BALDWIN February 11, 1830 April 21, 1844
ROBERT COOPER GRIER August 4, 1846 January 31, 1870
WILLIAM STRONG April 4, 1870 December 14, 1880
JOSEPH P. BRADLEY December 21, 1880 January 22, 1892
JOHN MARSHALL HARLAN February 1, 1892 October 1, 1892
GEORGE SHIRAS, JR October 7, 1892
Circuit Judges.
WILLIAM GRIFFITH February 20, 1801 July 1, 1802
RICHARD BASSETT February 20, 1801 July 1, 1802
WILLIAM TILGHMAN (Chief Judge) March 3, 1801 July 1, 1802
WILLIAM McKENNAN December 22, 1869 January 3, 1891
MARCUS W. ACHESON February 9, 1891
GEORGE M. DALLAS March 17, 1892
Circuit Justices.
SAMUEL CHASE July 1, 1802 June 19, 1811
GABRIEL DUVAL November 18, 1811 January, 1835
ROGER BROOKE TANEY March 15, 1836 October 12, 1864
SALMON PORTLAND CHASE December 6, 1864 May 7, 1873
MORRISON REMICK WAITE April 1, 1874 March 23, 1888
JOHN MARSHALL HARLAN April 2, 1888 December 17, 1888
Circuit Judges.
PHILIP BARTON KEY (Chief Judge) February 20, 1801 July 1, 1802
GEORGE K. TAYLOR February 20, 1801 July 1, 1802
CHARLES MAGILL March 3, 1801 July 1, 1802
HUGH LENNOX BOND July 13, 1870 October 24, 1893
NATHAN GOFF March 7, 1892
CHARLES H. SIMONTON December 19, 1893xv
Circuit Justices.
JOHN MARSHALL July 1, 1802 July 6, 1835
PHILIP PENDLETON BARBOUR March 15, 1836 February 24, 1841
PETER VIVIAN DANIEL March 3, 1841 March 3, 1845
JOHN McKINLEY March 3, 1845 July 19, 1852
JOHN ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL March 22, 1853 May 21, 1861
JAMES MOORE WAYNE March 10, 1863 July 5, 1867
NOAH HAYNES SWAYNE January 15, 1869 April 4, 1870
JOSEPH P. BRADLEY April 4, 1870 December 21, 1880
WILLIAM BURNHAM WOODS January 10, 1881 May 14, 1887
LUCIUS QUINTUS CINCINNATUS LAMAR January 23, 1888 January 23, 1893
JOHN MARSHALL HARLAN May 27, 1887 January 25, 1888
Circuit Judges.
JOSEPH CLAY February 24, 1801 July 1, 1802
HENRY POTTER May 9, 1801 April 7, 1802
EDWARD HARRIS May 3, 1802 July 1, 1802
DOMINICK AUGUSTINE HALL (Chief Judge.) July 1, 1801 July 1, 1802
WILLIAM BURNHAM WOODS December 22, 1869 December 23, 1880
DON A. PARDEE March 13, 1881
Circuit Justices.
ALFRED MOORE July 1, 1802 March, 1804
WILLIAM JOHNSON March 26, 1804 August 11, 1834
JAMES MOORE WAYNE January 9, 1835 March 10, 1863
JOHN CATRON March 10, 1863 May 30, 1865
NOAH HAYNES SWAYNE April 8, 1867 July 24, 1881
STANLEY MATTHEWS January 30, 1882 March 22, 1889
DAVID JOSIAH BREWER March 10, 1890 January 19, 1891
Circuit Judges.
WILLIAM McCLUNG February 24, 1801 July 1, 1802
HALMOR HULL EMMONS January 17, 1870 May 14, 1877
JOHN BAXTER December 13, 1877 April 2, 1886
HOWELL EDMUNDS JACKSON April 12, 1886 February 18, 1893
HORACE H. LURTON March 27, 1893
Circuit Justices.
THOMAS TODD March 3, 1807 February 7, 1826
ROBERT TRIMBLE May 9, 1826 August 25, 1828
JOHN McLEAN February 11, 1830 April 4, 1861
NOAH HAYNES SWAYNE January 24, 1862 April 8, 1867
DAVID DAVIS April 8, 1867 March 4, 1877
JOHN MARSHALL HARLAN April 22, 1878 December 19, 1892
MELVILLE WESTON FULLER December 19, 1892 October, 1893
JOHN MARSHALL HARLAN October, 1893  xvi
Circuit Judges.
THOMAS DRUMMOND December 22, 1869 July, 1884
WALTER Q. GRESHAM October 28, 1884 March, 1893
JAMES G. JENKINS March 23, 1893
Circuit Justices.
JOHN CATRON March 8, 1837 March 10, 1863
DAVID DAVIS March 10, 1863 April 8, 1867
SAMUEL FURMAN MILLER April 8, 1867 October 13, 1890
DAVID JOSIAH BREWER January 19, 1891
Circuit Judges.
JOHN FORREST DILLON December 22, 1869 September 1, 1879
GEORGE WASHINGTON McCRARY December 9, 1879 March, 1884
DAVID JOSIAH BREWER March 31, 1884 January 6, 1890
WALTER H. SANBORN March 17, 1892
Circuit Justices.
JOHN McKINLEY April 22, 1837 March 3, 1845
PETER VIVIAN DANIEL March 3, 1845 May 31, 1860
SAMUEL FURMAN MILLER July 16, 1862 April 8, 1867
Circuit Judges.
LORENZO SAWYER January 10, 1870 September 7, 1891
JOSEPH McKENNA March 17, 1892
WILLIAM B. GILBERT March 18, 1892
Circuit Justice.
STEPHEN JOHNSON FIELD March 10, 1863 July 23, 1866
Circuit Judge.
MATTHEW HALL McALLISTER March 3, 1855 April 7, 1862
Chief Judges.
13WILLIAM KILTY March 23, 1801 January, 1806
WILLIAM CRANCH February 24, 1806 September 11, 1855
JAMES DUNLOP November 27, 1855 March 3, 1863xvii
Circuit Judges.
WILLIAM CRANCH March 3, 1801 February 24, 1806
JAMES MARSHALL March 3, 1801 1803
NICHOLAS FITZHUGH November 25, 1803 December 31, 1814
ALLEN BOWIE DUCKETT March 17, 1806 August, 1809
BUCKNER THRUSTON December 14, 1809 August 30, 1845
JAMES SEWALL MORSELL January 11, 1815 March 3, 1863
JAMES DUNLOP October 3, 1845 November 27, 1855
WILLIAM MATTHEWS MERRICK December 14, 1855 March 3, 1863
CHARLES TAIT May 13, 1820 March 10, 1824
CHARLES TAIT March 10, 1824 1826
WILLIAM CRAWFORD May 22, 1826 February 6, 1839
WILLIAM CRAWFORD February 6, 1839 1849
JOHN GAYLE March 13, 1849 July 21, 1859
WILLIAM G. JONES September 29, 1859 January 11, 1861
RICHARD BUSTEED November 17, 1863 October 20, 1874
JOHN BRUCE February 27, 1875 August 2, 1886
JOHN BRUCE August 2, 1886
HARRY T. TOULMIN January 13, 1887
WARD McALLISTER, JR. July 5, 1884 August 28, 1885
EDWARD J. DAWNE August 28, 1885 December 3, 1885
LAFAYETTE DAWSON December 3, 1885 August 25, 1888
JOHN H. KEATLEY August 25, 1888 December 7, 1889
JOHN S. BUGBEE December 7, 1889 April 21, 1892
WARREN TRUITT January 15, 1892
(See North Carolina.)xviii
BENJAMIN JOHNSON June 29, 1836 1849
DANIEL RINGO November 5, 1849 March 3, 1851
DANIEL RINGO March 3, 1851 May 6, 1861
HENRY CLAY CALDWELL June 20, 1864 March 3, 1871
HENRY CLAY CALDWELL March 3, 1871 March 7, 1890
JOHN A. WILLIAMS September 25, 1890
WILLIAM STORY March 3, 1871 1875
ISAAC C. PARKER March 19, 1875
OGDEN HOFFMAN July 27, 1866 August 5, 1886
OGDEN HOFFMAN February 27, 1851 July 27, 1866
OGDEN HOFFMAN August 5, 1886 August 9, 1891
WILLIAM W. MORROW September 18, 1891
J. M. JONES December 26, 1850 1854
ISAAC S. K. OGIER January 23, 1854 1861
FLETCHER M. HAIGHT August 5, 1861 July 27, 1866
ERSKINE M. ROSS January 13, 1887
(See North Carolina.)
MOSES HALLETT January 12, 1877
RICHARD LAW September 26, 1789 January 26, 1806
PIERREPONT EDWARDS February 24, 1806 April 5, 1826
WILLIAM BRISTOL May 22, 1826 March 7, 1836
ANDREW THOMPSON JUDSON July 4, 1836 March 17, 1853
CHARLES ANTHONY INGERSOLL April 8, 1853 February 7, 1860
WILLIAM D. SHIPMAN March 12, 1860 April 14, 1873
NATHANIEL SHIPMAN April 16, 1873 March 19, 1892
WILLIAM K. TOWNSEND March 28, 1892 xix
GUNNING BEDFORD, JR September 26, 1789. March 30, 1812
JOHN FISHER. April 23, 1812. April 23, 1823
WILLARD HALL. May 6, 1823 December, 1871
EDWARD G. BRADFORD. December 12, 1871 January 16, 1884
LEONARD E. WALES March 20, 1884.  
(See New Jersey.)
(See North Carolina.)
ISAAC H. BRONSON. August 8, 1840. February 23, 1847
ISAAC H. BRONSON. February 23, 1847 August 13, 1855
McQUEEN McINTOSH March 11, 1856 January 10, 1861
PHILIP FRASER July 17, 1862 May, 1876
THOMAS SETTLE January 30, 1877 November 30, 1888
CHARLES SWAYNE May 17, 1889  
WILLIAM MARVIN March 3, 1847 July 1, 1863
THOMAS JEFFERSON BOYNTON October 19, 1863 1870
JOHN McKINNEY November 8, 1870 October 15, 1871
JAMES W. LOCKE February 1, 1872  
NATHANIEL PENDLETON September 26, 1789 1796
JOSEPH CLAY September 16, 1796 May, 1801
WILLIAM STEPHENS October 22, 1801 January, 1819
WILLIAM DAVIES January 14, 1819 June, 1821
JEREMIAH CULYER June 12, 1821 May 7, 1839
JOHN C. NICOLL May 11, 1839 August 11, 1848
JOHN C. NICOLL August 11, 1848 January 19, 1861
JOHN ERSKINE July 10, 1865 April 25, 1882
HENRY KENT McCAY August 4, 1882 July 30, 1886
WILLIAM T. NEWMAN August 13, 1886  
JOHN ERSKINE April 25, 1882 December 19, 1883
EMORY SPEER February 18, 1885  xx
JAMES H. BEATTY March 7, 1891  
NATHANIEL POPE March 3, 1819 1849
THOMAS DRUMMOND February 19, 1850 February 13, 1855
THOMAS DRUMMOND February 13, 1855 December 22, 1869
HENRY WILLIAM BLODGETT January 11, 1870 December 5, 1892
PETER S. GROSSCUP December 21, 1892  
SAMUEL HUBBEL TREAT March 3, 1855 March 27, 1887
WILLIAM J. ALLEN April 18, 1887  
BENJAMIN PARKE March 6, 1817 1835
JESSE LYNOH HOLMAN September 16, 1835 March 28, 1842
ELISHA MILLS HUNTINGTON May 2, 1842 October 26, 1862
CALEB BLOOD SMITH December 22, 1862 January 7, 1864
ALBERT SMITH WHITE January 18, 1864 September 4, 1864
DAVID McDONALD December 13, 1864 August 25, 1869
WALTER Q GRESHAM September 1, 1869 April, 1883
WILLIAM ALLEN WOODS May 2, 1883 March 21, 1892
JOHN H. BAKER March 29, 1892  
JOHN S. DYER March 3, 1847 September, 1855
JAMES M. LOVE October 5, 1855 July 20, 1882
OLIVER P. SHIRAS August 4, 1882  
JAMES M. LOVE July 20, 1882 July 2, 1891
JOHN SIMSON WOOLSON August 17, 1891  
ARCHIBALD WILLIAMS March 12, 1861 September, 1863
MARK W. DELAHAY October 6, 1863 December, 1873
CASSIUS G. FOSTER March 10, 1874  
HARRY INNIS September 26, 1789 September 20, 1816
ROBERT TRIMBLE January 31, 1817 May 9, 1826xxi
JOHN BOYLE October 20, 1826 January 28, 1834
THOMAS B. MONROE March 8, 1834 1861
BLAND BALLARD October 16, 1861 July 29, 1879
WILLIAM H. HAYS September 6, 1879 March 7, 1880
JOHN W. BARR April 16, 1880  
DOMINICK AUGUSTINE HALL December 11, 1804 April 8, 1812
DOMINICK AUGUSTINE HALL June 1, 1812 March, 1813
DOMINICK AUGUSTINE HALL June 1, 1813 December, 1820
JOHN DICK March 2, 1821 April 23, 1824
THOMAS BOLLING ROBERTSON May 26, 1824 November 5, 1828
SAMUEL A. HARPER March 7, 1829 1837
PHILIP K. LAWRENCE September 12, 1837 1841
THEODORE H. McCALEB September 3, 1841 March 3, 1849
23GEORGE A. PEABODY October 20, 1862 July 28, 1866
EDWARD H. DURELL July 27, 1866 1874
EDWARD COKE BILLINGS February 10, 1876 March 3, 1881
THEODORE H. McCALEB March 3, 1849 January 26, 1861
EDWARD H. DURELL May 20, 1863 July 27, 1866
EDWARD COKE BILLINGS March 3, 1881 December 1, 1893
CHARLES PARLANGE January 15, 1894  
HENRY BOICE May 9, 1849 January 21, 1861
ALECK BOARMAN May 18, 1881  
DAVID SEWALL September 26, 1789 January, 1818
ALBION KEITH PARRIS February, 1818 January, 1822
ASHUR WARE February 15, 1822 May 31, 1866
EDWARD FOX May 31, 1866 December 14, 1881
NATHAN WEBB January 24, 1882  
WILLIAM PACA December 22, 1789 October, 1799
23JAMES WINCHESTER October 31, 1799 March, 1806
JAMES HOUSTON April 21, 1806 June, 1819xxii
THEODORICK BLAND. November 23, 1819. June 5, 1824
ELIAS GLENN. August 31, 1824. March 28, 1836
UPTON S. HEALTH. April 4, 1836. February 21, 1852
JOHN GLENN. March 19, 1852. July 8, 1853
WILLIAM FELL GILES. July 18, 1853. March 22, 1879
THOMAS J. MORRIS. July 1, 1879.  
JOHN LOWELL. September 26, 1789. February 20, 1801
JOHN DAVIS. February 20, 1801. July, 1841
PELEG SPRAGUE. July 16, 1841. March, 1865
JOHN LOWELL. March 11, 1865. December 18, 1878
THOMAS LEVERETT NELSON. January 10, 1879.  
ROSS WILKINS. January 26, 1837. February 24, 1863
ROSS WILKINS. February 24, 1863. February 18, 1870
JOHN WESLEY LONGYEAR February 18, 1870. March 10, 1875
HENRY BILLINGS BROWN. March 19, 1875. December 31, 1890
HENRY H. SWAN. January 21, 1891.  
SOLOMON L. WITHEY. March 11, 1863. April 25, 1886
HENRY F. SEVERENS. May 25, 1886.
WILLIAM BAYARD SHIELDS. April 20, 1818. 1823
PETER RANDOLPH. June 25, 1823. 1832
POWHATAN ELLIS. July 14, 1832. January 5, 1836
GEORGE ADAMS. January 20, 1836. June 18, 1838
GEORGE ADAMS. June 18, 1838. 1839
SAMUEL JAMESON GHOLSON. February 13, 1839. January 9, 1861
ROBERT A. HILL. May 1, 1866. August 1, 1891
HENRY C. NILES. August 17, 1891.  
JAMES H. PECK. April 5, 1822. March 8, 1836
ROBERT W. WELLS. June 27, 1836. March 3, 1857xxiii
SAMUEL TREAT. March 3, 1857. February 15, 1887
AMOS M. THAYER. February 26, 1887.  
ROBERT W. WELLS. March 3, 1857. September 22, 1864
ARNOLD KREKEL. March 9, 1865. June 8, 1888
JOHN F. PHILIPS. June 25, 1888.  
HIRAM KNOWLES. February 21, 1890.  
ELMER S. DUNDY. April 9, 1868.
ALEXANDER W. BALDWIN. March 11, 1865. November 15, 1869
EDGAR W. HILLYER. December 21, 1869. May 10, 1882
GEORGE M. SABIN. July 26, 1882. May 13, 1890
THOMAS P. HAWLEY. September 15, 1890.  
(See North Carolina.)
JOHN SULLIVAN. September 26, 1789. January 23, 1795
JOHN PICKERING. February 11, 1795. March, 1804
JOHN SAMUEL SHERBURNE. March 26, 1804. August 2, 1830
MATTHEW HARVEY. November 2, 1830. April 7, 1866
DANIEL CLARK. July 27, 1866. January 2, 1891
EDGAR ALDRICH. February 25, 1891.  
DAVID BREARLY. September 26, 1789. August 16, 1790
50ROBERT MORRIS. August 28, 1790. May 2, 1815
WILLIAM SANDFORD PENNINGTON June 19, 1815. September 26, 1826
WILLIAM ROSSELL. November 10, 1826. June 20, 1840
MAHLON DICKERSON. July 23, 1840. 1841
PHILEMON DICKERSON. March 2, 1841. December 10, 1862
RICHARD STOCKTON FIELD. January 14, 1863. May 25, 1870
JOHN THOMPSON NIXON. April 28, 1870. September 28, 1889
EDWARD T. GREEN. October 24, 1889.  
JAMES DUANE. September 26, 1789. April, 1794
JOHN LAWRENCE. May 6, 1794. December, 1796xxiv
ROBERT TROUPE December 10, 1796 April, 1798
JOHN SLOSS HOBART April 12, 1798 February 4, 1805
MATTHIAS BURNET TALLMADGE June 12, 1805 April 9, 1814
53WILLIAM PETER VAN NESS May 27, 1812 April 9, 1814
MATTHIAS BURNET TALLMADGE April 9, 1814 October 7, 1819
ROGER SKINNER November 24, 1819 1825
ALFRED CONKLING December 14, 1825 August 6, 1852
NATHAN KELSEY HALL August 31, 1852 March 21, 1874
WILLIAM JAMES WALLACE April 7, 1874 April 6, 1882
WILLIAM PETER VAN NESS April 9, 1814 November 7, 1826
SAMUEL ROSSITER BETTS December 21, 1826 May, 1867
SAMUEL BLATCHFORD May 3, 1867 March 4, 1878
WILLIAM GARDINER CHOATE March 25, 1878 June 2, 1881
ADDISON BROWN. June 2, 1881.  
CHARLES L. BENEDICT March 9, 1865.  
(See Virginia.)
JOHN STOKES August 3, 1790 October, 1790
55JOHN SITGREAVES December 20, 1790 February 13, 1801
JOHN SITGREAVES February 13, 1801 March 4, 1802
HENRY POTTER April 7, 1802 December 20, 1857
ASA BIGGS May 3, 1858 April, 1861
GEORGE W. BROOKS August 19, 1865 June 4, 1872
GEORGE W. BROOKS June 4, 1872 January 6, 1882
AUGUSTUS SHERILL SEYMOUR. February 21, 1882—  
ROBERT P. DICK June 7, 1872.  
ALFRED D. THOMAS February 25, 1890xxv  
CHARLES WILLING BYRD March 3, 1803. August 11, 1828
WILLIAM CREIGHTON, JR November 1, 1828 December 31, 1828
JOHN WILSON CAMPBELL March 7, 1829 September 24, 1833
BENJAMIN TAPPAN October 12, 1833 December 26, 1833
HUMPHREY HOWE LEAVITT June 30, 1834 February 11, 1855
HIRAM V. WILLSON February 20, 1855 November 11, 1866
CHARLES TAYLOR SHERMAN March 2, 1867 November 28, 1873
MARTIN WELKER December 2, 1873 June 1, 1889
AUGUSTUS J. RICKS July 2, 1889  
HUMPHREY HOWE LEAVITT February 11, 1855 March 30, 1871
PHILIP B. SWING March 30, 1871 October 30, 1882
GEORGE R. SAGE March 20, 1883.  
MATTHEW P. DEADY March 9, 1859 March 24, 1893
CHARLES B. BELLINGER April 15, 1893.  
(See Louisiana.)
(See North Carolina.)
FRANCIS HOPKINSON September 26, 1789 May 9, 1791
WILLIAM LEWIS July 14, 1791 1792
RICHARD PETERS January 12, 1792 April 20, 1818
RICHARD PETERS April 20, 1818 August 22, 1828
JOSEPH HOPKINSON October 23, 1828 January 13, 1842
ARCHIBALD RANDALL March 8, 1842 June 8, 1846
JOHN KENTZING KANE June 17, 1846 February 21, 1858
JOHN CADWALADER April 24, 1858 January 26, 1879
WILLIAM BUTLER February 19, 1879.  
JONATHAN H. WALKER April 20, 1818 January, 1824
WILLIAM WILKINS May 12, 1824 March, 1831
THOMAS IRWIN April 14, 1831 January 4, 1859
WILSON McCANDLESS February 8, 1859 July 24, 1876
WINTHROP W. KETCHUM June 26, 1876 December 6, 1879
MARCUS W. ACHESON January 14, 1880 February 7, 1891
JAMES H. REED February 20, 1891 February 15, 1892
JOSEPH BUFFINGTON February 23, 1892.xxvi  
(See Maryland.)
HENRY MARCHANT July 3, 1790 August 30, 1796
BENJAMIN BOURN October 13, 1796 February 20, 1801
DAVID LEONARD BARNES April 30, 1801 November 3, 1812
DAVID HOWELL November 17, 1812 July 29, 1824
JOHN PITMAN August 4, 1824 November 17, 1864
JONATHAN RUSSELL BULLOCK February 11, 1865 September, 1869
JOHN POWER KNOWLES October 9, 1869 March 8, 1881
LE BARON BRADFORD COLT March 21, 1881 July 5, 1884
WILLIAM DRAYTON November 18, 1789 May 18, 1790
THOMAS BEE June 14, 1790 1812
JOHN DRAYTON May 7, 1812 November, 1822
THOMAS LEE February 17, 1823 February 21, 1825
THOMAS LEE February 21, 1825 October 24, 1839
ROBERT BUDD GILCHRIST October 30, 1839 May 1, 1856
A. GORDON MAGRATH May 12, 1856 November 7, 1860
GEORGE S. BRYAN March 12, 1866 September, 1886
CHARLES H. SIMONTON September 3, 1886 December 19, 1893
WILLIAM H. BRAWLEY January 18, 1894.  
ALONZO J. EDGERTON November 19, 1889.  
JOHN McNAIRY February 20, 1797 July 1, 1802
JOHN McNAIRY July 1, 1802 1834
MORGAN W. BROWN January 3, 1834 January 18, 1839
MORGAN W. BROWN January 18, 1839 March 6, 1853
WEST H. HUMPHREYS March 26, 1853 June 26, 1862
CONNALLY F. TRIGG July 17, 1862 June 14, 1878
CONNALLY F. TRIGG June 14, 1878 April 25, 1880
DAVID McKENDREE KEY May 27, 1880.  
ELI SHELBY HAMMOND June 17, 1878.xxvii  
JOHN C. WATROUS May 29, 1846 February 21, 1857
JOHN C. WATROUS February 21, 1857 January, 1869
JOEL C. C. WINCH October 4, 1870 March 4, 1871
AMOS MORRILL February 5, 1872 March, 1884
CHAUNCEY BREWER SABIN. April 5, 1884. March 30, 1890
DAVID E. BRYANT May 28, 1890.  
THOMAS H. DUVAL March 3, 1857 October 10, 1880
EZEKIEL B. TURNER November 18, 1880 June 2, 1888
THOMAS S. MAXEY June 25, 1888.  
ANDREW PHELPS McCORMICK April 10, 1879 March 17, 1892
JOHN B. RECTOR March 30, 1892.  
NATHANIEL CHIPMAN March 4, 1791 1793
SAMUEL HITCHCOCK September 3, 1793 February 20, 1801
ELIJAH PAINE March 3, 1801 March, 1842
SAMUEL PRENTISS April 3, 1842 January 15, 1857
DAVID A. SMALLEY February 3, 1857 March, 1877
HOYT H. WHEELER March 16, 1877.  
76CYRUS GRIFFIN November 28, 1789 December 14, 1810
JOHN TYLER January 7, 1811 January 6, 1813
ST. GEORGE TUCKER January 19, 1813 February 4, 1819
JOHN CURTISS UNDERWOOD June 11, 1864 February 3, 1871
ST. GEORGE TUCKER February 4, 1819 April 8, 1825
GEORGE HAY July 5, 1825 September 21, 1830
PHILIP PENDLETON BARBOUR October 8, 1830 March 15, 1836
PETER VIVIAN DANIEL April 19, 1836 March 3, 1841
JOHN YOUNG MASON March 3, 1841 March 5, 1844
JAMES D. HALLYBURTON June 15, 1844 April 17, 1861
JOHN CURTISS UNDERWOOD March 27, 1863 June 11, 1864
JOHN CURTISS UNDERWOOD February 3, 1871 December 7, 1873
ROBERT WILLIAM HUGHES January 14, 1874.  
JOHN GEORGE JACKSON February 24, 1819 March 29, 1825
PHILIP C. PENDLETON May 6, 1825 1825xxviii
ALEXANDER CALDWELL October 28, 1825 April 8, 1839
JOHN W. BROCKENBROUGH January 14, 1846 June, 1861
JOHN J. JACKSON, JR August 3, 1861 June 11, 1864
ALEXANDER RIVES February 6, 1871 August 1, 1882
JOHN PAUL March 3, 1883.  
(See New Jersey.)
(See Western District of Virginia, Old.)
JOHN J. JACKSON June 11, 1864.  
(See North Carolina.)
ANDREW G. MILLER June 12, 1848 June 30, 1870
ANDREW G. MILLER June 30, 1870 December 31, 1873
JAMES H. HOWE January 3, 1874 January 1, 1875
CHARLES E. DYER February 10, 1875 May 4, 1888
JAMES G. JENKINS July 2, 1888 March 23, 1893
WILLIAM H. SEAMAN April 3, 1893.  
JAMES CAMPBELL HOPKINS July 9, 1870 September 3, 1877
ROMANZO BUNN October 30, 1877.  
JOHN A. RINER September 23, 1890.  

1 Organized as eastern, middle, and southern circuits by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 74, § 4.) Reorganized by Act Feb. 13, 1801, (2 Stat. 90.) as first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth circuits. No complete record can be found of the allotment of the justices to the several circuits, under Act April 13, 1792, (1 Stat. 253, § 3,) which provided that at each session the supreme court shall assign to the justices, respectively, “the circuits which they are to attend at the ensuing sessions of the circuit courts.” The justices of the supreme court did not sit in the circuit courts from February 13, 1801, (2 Stat. 90,) until April 29, 1802, (2 Stat. 156.)

2 The words “circuit justice” are used throughout the Federal Cases “to designate the justice of the supreme court who is allotted to any circuit.” (Rev. St. 605;) though they do not appear to have had any such contemporaneous use prior to the enactment of that section.

3 Organized by Act Feb. 13, 1801, (2 Stat. 90.) Abolished by Act March 8, 1802, (2 Stat. 132.) Reorganized by Act April 29, 1802, (2 Stat. 156.)

4 Organized by Act Feb. 13, 1801, (2 Stat. 90.) Abolished by Act March 8, 1802, (2 Stat. 132.) Reorganized by Act April 29, 1802, (2 Stat. 156.)

5 Organized by Act Feb. 13, 1801. (2 Stat. 90.) Abolished by Act March 8, 1802, (2 Stat. 132.) Reorganized by Act April 29, 1802, (2 Stat. 156.)

5 See note 5, on page xiv.

6 Organized by Act Feb. 13. 1801, (2 Stat. 90.) Ab?hed by Act March 8, 1802, (2 Stat. 132.) Reorganized by Act April 29, 1802, (2 Stat. 156.)

7 Organized by Act Feb. 24, 1807, (2 Stat. 420.)

8 Organized by Act March 3, 1837, (5 Stat. 176.)

9 Organized by Act March 3, 1837, (5 Stat. 176.)

10 Organized by Act March 3, 1863, (12 Stat. 794.) Abolished by Act July 23, 1866, (14 Stat. 209, c. 210.)

11 Organized by Act March 2, 1855, (10 Stat. 631.) Abolished by Act March 3, 1863, (12 Stat. 794,) creating the tenth circuit.

12 Organized by Act Feb. 27, 1801, (2 Stat. 105, § 3.) Abolished by Act March 3, 1863 (12 Stat. 764, § 16.)

13 See note 38, on page xxi.

13 Organized by Act April 21, 1830, (3 Stat. 564.) Divided by Act March 10, 1824, (4 Stat. 9,) into northern and southern districts, and by Act Feb. 6, 1839, (5 Stat. 315,) into northern, middle, and southern districts.

14 The jurisdiction of the district judge for the districts of Alabama was confined to the northern and middle districts, and the appointment of a district judge for the southern district was authorized, by Act Aug. 2, 1886, (24 Stat. 213, c. 842.)

15 Organized by Act May 17, 1884, (23 Stat. 24, § 3.)

55 See note 56, on page xxiv.

16 Organized by Act June 15, 1836, (5 Stat. 51, § 4.)

17 Organized by Act March 3, 1851, (9 Stat. 594, c. 24.) The appointment of a judge for each district was authorized by Act March 3, 1871, (16 Stat. 472, § 5.)

18 Organized by Act July 27, 1866, (14 Stat. 300.) Abolished by Act Aug. 5, 1886, (24 Stat. 308.)

19 Organized by Act Sept. 28, 1850, (9 Stat. 521.) Abolished by Act July 27, 1866, (14 Stat. 300.) Reorganized by Act Aug. 5, 1886. (24 Stat. 308.)

20 Organized by Act June 26, 1876, (19 Stat. 61, c. 147.)

21 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.)

56 See note 56, on page xxiv.

21 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.)

22 Organized by Act March 3. 1845, (5 Stat. 788.) Abolished by Act Feb. 23, 1847, (9 Stat. 131.)

23 Organized by Act Feb. 23. 1847. (9 Stat. 131.) Under Act May 23, 1828, (4 Stat. 291,) the superior court for the southern district of Florida was created, with certain admiralty jurisdiction. The judges were James Webb, from May 26, 1828, to 1839, and William Marvin, from March 11, 1839, to March 3, 1847.

24 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.) Divided into northern and southern districts by Act Aug. 11, 1848, (9 Stat. 289.)

25 The jurisdiction of the district judge for the districts of Georgia was confined to the southern district, and the appointment of a district judge for the northern district authorized, by Act April 25, 1882, (22 Stat. 47, c. 87.)

50 See note 50, on page xxiii.

56 See note 56, on page xxiv.

26 Organized by Act July 3, 1890, (26 Stat. 217.)

27 Organized by Act March 3, 1819, (3 Stat. 502.) Abolished by Act Feb. 13, 1855, (10 Stat. 606.)

28 Organized by Act Feb. 13, 1855, (10 Stat. 606.)

29 Organized by Act March 3, 1817, (3 Stat. 390, c. 100.)

30 Organized by Act March 3, 1845. (5 Stat. 789.) Abolished by Act July 20, 1882. (22 Stat. 172.)

31 Organized by Act July 20, 1882, (22 Stat. 172.)

32 Organized by Act Jan. 29, 1861, (12 Stat. 128.)

33 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.) The district court was abolished by Act Feb. 13, 1801, (2 Stat. 97, § 24,) and reorganized by Act March 8, 1802, (2 Stat. 132, c. 8.)

34 Organized by Act April 8, 1812, (2 Stat. 703, § 3,) comprising the district of Orleans, which had been organized by Act March 26. 1804, (2 Stat. 285. § 8.) District of Louisiana abolished by Act March 3, 1849, (9 Stat. 401.) Reorganized by Act July 27, 1866, (14 Stat. 300.) Again abolished by Act March 3, 1881, (21 Stat. 507.)

35 Appointed provisional judge for the state of Louisiana by proclamation. See U. S. v. Reiter, Case No. 16,146; The Grapeshot, 9 Wall. (76 U. S.) 129. The records of the provisional court were transferred to the district court by Act July 28, 1866, (14 Stat. 344, c. 310.)

36 Organized by Act March 3, 1849, (9 Stat. 401.) Abolished by Act July 27, 1866, (14 Stat. 300.) Reorganized by Act March 3, 1881, (21 Stat. 507.)

37 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.)

38 The district of Potomac, including a portion of the states of Maryland and Virginia, was organized by Act Feb. 13, 1801, § 21, (2 Stat. 96,) and the district court, by that act, was to be held by the district judge for the district of Maryland. After the District of Columbia was erected, it was provided by Act March 3, 1801, § 7, (2 Stat. 124,) that the chief judge of the circuit court for the District of Columbia should hold the district court for the district of Potomac. The district of Potomac was abolished by Act March 8, 1802, (2 Stat. 132, c. 8,) taking effect July 1, 1802.

39 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.)

40 Organized by Act July 1, 1836. (5 Stat. 61. c. 234.) Abolished by Act July 24, 1863, (12 Stat. 660.)

41 Organized by Act July 24, 1863, (12 Stat. 660.)

42 Organized by Act May 11, 1858, (11 Stat. 285.)

43 Organized by Act April 3, 1818, (3 Stat. 413.) Divided into northern and southern districts by Act June 18, 1838, (5 Stat. 247.)

44 Organized by Act March 16, 1822, (3 Stat. 653.) Abolished by Act March 3, 1857, (11 Stat. 197.)

45 Organized by Act March 3, 1857, (11 Stat. 197.)

46 Organized by Act Feb. 22, 1889, (25 Stat. 682.)

47 Organized by Act April 19, 1864, (13 Stat. 50.)

48 Organized by Act Feb. 27, 1865, (13 Stat. 410.)

49 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.)

50 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.) Divided into districts of East and West Jersey by Act Feb. 13, 1801, (2 Stat. 96;) the district court to be held by the district judge for the district of Jersey. District of New Jersey reorganized by Act March 8, 1802, (2 Stat. 132, c. 8.)

51 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.) Abolished by Act April 9, 1814, (3 Stat. 120, c. 49).

56 See note 56, on page xxiv.

52 Additional district judge authorized by Act April 29, 1812, (2 Stat. 719, c. 71.)

53 Organized by Act April 9, 1814, (3 Stat. 120, c. 49.)

54 Organized by Act Feb. 25, 1865, (13 Stat. 438, c. 54.)

55 Organized by Act June 4, 1790, (1 Stat. 126.) Divided into three districts by Act June 9. 1794, § 3, (1 Stat. 396.) Reorganized by Act March 3, 1797, § 2, (1 Stat. 518.) Again divided into three districts by Act Feb. 13, 1801, (2 Stat. 96.)

56 The districts of Wilmington, Newbern, and Edonton were organized by Act June 9, 1794, § 3, (1 Stat. 396.) Abolished by Act March 3, 1797, § 2, (1 Stat. 518.) The districts of Albemarle, Pamptico, and Cape Fear were organized by Act Feb. 13, 1801, (2 Stat. 96.) Abolished by Act June 4, 1872, (17 Stat. 215.) See, also, Act March 8, 1802, (2 Stat. 132,) and Act April 29, 1802, § 7, (2 Stat. 162.)

57 Organized by Act June 4, 1872, (17 Stat. 215.)

58 Organized by Act Feb. 22, 1889, (25 Stat. 682.)

75 See note 75, on page xxvii.

34 See note 34, on page xxi.

56 See note 56. on page xxiv.

59 Organized by Act Feb. 19, 1803, (2 Stat. 201.) Abolished by Act Feb. 11, 1855, (10 Stat. 604.)

60 Organized by Act Feb. 11, 1855, (10 Stat. 604.)

61 Organized by Act March 3, 1859, (11 Stat. 437.)

62 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.) Abolished by Act April 20, 1818, (3 Stat. 462.)

63 Organized by Act April 20, 1818, (3 Stat. 462.)

64 See note 56, on page xxiv.

64 Organized by Act June 23, 1790, (1 Stat. 128.)

65 Organized by Act Sept. 24, 1789, (1 Stat. 73.) Divided into eastern and western districts by Act Feb. 21, 1823, (3 Stat. 726, c. 9.) For other acts relating to the districts of South Carolina, see 11 Stat. 43 25 Stat. 655, c. 113 26 Stat. 71, c. 165; 27 Stat. 261, c. 235.

66 Organized by Act Feb. 22, 1889, (25 Stat. 682.)

67 Organized by Act Jan. 31, 1797, (1 Stat. 496.) The district court was abolished by Act Feb. 13, 1801, (2 Stat. 97, § 24,) and reorganized by Act March 8, 1802, (2 Stat. 132, c. 8.) The district was abolished by Act April 29, 1802, (2 Stat. 165, §§ 16, 17.)

68 Organized by Act April 29, 1802, (2 Stat. 165, §§ 16, 17.) Middle district organized by Act Jan. 18, 1839, (5 Stat. 313.)

69 Appointment of judge for the western district authorized by Act June 14, 1878, (20 Stat. 132.)

38 See note 38, on page xxi.

70 Organized by Act Dec. 29, 1845, (9 Stat. 1.) Abolished by Act Feb. 21, 1857, (11 Stat. 164.)

71 Organized by Act Feb. 21, 1857, (11 Stat. 164.)

72 Northern district organized by Act Feb. 24, 1879, (20 Stat. 318.)

73 Organized by Act March 2, 1791, (1 Stat. 297.)

74 Organized by Act Sept. 24. 1789, (1 Stat. 73.) Abolished by Act Feb. 4, 1819, (3 Stat. 478, c. 12.) Reorganized by Act June 11, 1864, (13 Stat. 124.) Again abolished by Act Feb. 3, 1871, (16 Stat. 403.)

75 The district of Norfolk was organized by Act Feb. 13, 1801, (2 Stat. 96, § 21,) and abolished by Act March 8, 1802. (2 Stat. 132, c. 8.) The court was held by the district judge of the district of Virginia.

76 Organized by Act Feb, 4. 1819. (3 Stat. 478. c. 12.) Abolished by Act June 11, 1864. (13 Stat. 124.) Reorganized by Act Feb. 3, 1871, (16 Stat. 403.)

77 Western district of Virginia organized by Act Feb. 4, 1819, (3 Stat. 478, c. 12.) Changed to the district of West Virginia by Act June 11, 1864, (13 Stat. 124.)

50 See note 50, on page xxiii.

56 See note 56, on page xxiv.

77 See note 77, on page xxvii.

78 Organized by Act Feb. 3, 1871, (16 Stat. 403.)

79 Organized by Act Feb. 22, 1889, (25 Stat. 682.)

80 Organized by Act Aug. 6, 1846, (9 Stat. 57.) Abolished by Act June 30, 1870, (16 Stat. 171.)

81 Organized by Act June 30, 1870. (16 Stat. 171.)

82 Organized by Act July 10, 1890, (26 Stat. 225.)






ACHESON, MARCUS W District Judge, W. D. Pa 1880–1891
  Circuit Judge, 3d Circuit 1891–
ADAMS, GEORGE District Judge, D. Miss 1836–1838
  District Judge, N. and S. D. Miss 1838–1839
ALDRICH, EDGAR District Judge, D. N. H. 1891–
ALLEN, WILLIAM J District Judge, S. D. Ill. 1887–
BAKER, JOHN H. District Judge, D. Ind 1892–
BALDWIN, ALEXANDER W. District Judge, D. Nev 1865–1869
BALDWIN, HENRY Circuit Justice, 3d Circuit 1830–1844
BALLARD, BLAND District Judge, D. Ky 1861–1879
BARBOUR, PHILIP PENDLETON District, Judge, E. D. Va 1830–1836
  >Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1836–1841
BARNES, DAVID LEONARD District Judge, D. R. I 1801–1812
BARR, JOHN W. District Judge, D. Ky 1880–
BAXTER, JOHN Circuit Judge, 6th Circuit 1877–1886
BASSETT, RICHARD Circuit Judge, 3d Circuit. 1801–1802
BEATTY, JAMES H. District Judge, D. Idaho. 1891–
BEDFORD, JR., GUNNING District Judge, D. Del. 1789–1812
BEE, THOMAS District. Judge, D. S. C. 1790–1812
BELLINGER, CHARLES B. District Judge, D. Or. 1893–
BENEDICT, CHARLES L District Judge, E. D. N. Y 1865–
BENSON, EGBERT Circuit Judge, 2d Circuit 1801–1802
BETTS, SAMUEL ROSSITER District Judge, S. D. N. Y 1826–1867
BIGGS, ASA District Judge, D. Albemarle, Pamptico, and Cape Fear. 1858–1861
BILLINGS, EDWARD COKE. District, Judge, D. La. 1876–1881
  District Judge, E. D. La. 1881–1893
BLAIR, JOHN. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1789–1796
BLAND, THEODORICK District Judge, D. Md. 1819–1824
BLATCHFORD, SAMUEL. District Judge, S. D. N. Y 1867–1878
  Circuit Judge, 2d Circuit. 1878–1882
  Circuit Justice, 2d Circuit. 1882–1893
BLODGETT, HENRY WILLIAM. District Judge, N. D. Ill. 1870–1892
BOARMAN, ALECK. District Judge, W. D. La. 1881–
BOICE, HENRY. District Judge, W. D. La. 1849–1861
BOND, HUGE LENNOX. Circuit Judge, 4th Circuit. 1870–1893
BOURN, BENJAMIN District Judge, D. R. I 1796–1801
  Circuit Judge, 1st Circuit. 1801–1802
BOYLE, JOHN. District Judge, D. Ky 1826–1834
BOYNTON, THOMAS JEFFERSON District Judge, S. D. Fla. 1863–1870
BRADFORD, EDWARD G District Judge, D. Del. 1871–1884
BRADLEY, JOSEPH P Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1870–1880
  Circuit Justice, 3d Circuit 1880–1892
BRAWLEY, WILLIAM H District Judge, E. and W. D. S. C. 1814–
BREARLY, DAVID District Judge, D. N. J. 1789–1790
BREWER, DAVID JOSIAH Circuit Judge, 8th Circuit. 1884–1890
  Circuit Justice, 6th Circuit. 1890–1891
  Circuit Justice, 8th Circuit. 1891–
BRISTOL, WILLIAM District Judge, D. Conn. 1826–1836
BROCKENBROUGH, JOHN W. District Judge, W. D. Va. 1846–1861
BRONSON, ISAAC H District Judge, D. Fla. 1846–1847
  District Judge, N. D. Fla. 1847–1855xxx
BROOKS, GEORGE W District Judge, D. Albemarle, Pamptico, and Cape Fear. 1865–1872
  District Judge, E. D. N. C. 1872–1882
BROWN, ADDISON District Judge, S. D. N. Y. 1881–
BROWN, HENRY BILLINGS District Judge, E. D. Mich. 1875–1890
  Circuit Justice, 6th Circuit. 1891–
BROWN, MORGAN W. District Judge, E. and W. D. Tenn. 1834–1839
  District Judge, E., M., and W. D. Tenn. 1839–1853
BRUCE, JOHN. District Judge, N., S., and M. D. Ala. 1875–1886
  District Judge, N. and M. D. Ala. 1886–
BRYAN, GEORGE S. District Judge, E. and W. D. S. C. 1866–1886
BRYANT, DAVID E. District Judge, E. D. Tex 1890–
BUFFINGTON, JOSEPH. District Judge, W. D. Pa. 1892–
BUGBEE, JOHN S. District Judge, D. Alaska. 1889–1892
BULLOCK, JONATHAN RUSSELL. District Judge, D. R. I. 1865–1869
BUNN, ROMANZO. District Judge, W. D. Wis. 1877–
BUSTEED, RICHARD. District Judge, N., S., and M. D. Al. 1863–1874
BUTLER, WILLIAM. District Judge, E. D. Pa. 1879–
BYRD, CHARLES WILLING. District Judge, D. Ohio. 1803–1828
CADWALADER, JOHN. District Judge, E. D. Pa. 1858–1879
CALDWELL, ALEXANDER. District Judge, W. D. Va. 1825–1839
CALDWELL, HENRY CLAY. District Judge, E. and W. D. Ark. 1864–1871
  District Judge, E. D. Ark. 1871–1890
  Circuit Judge, 8th Circuit. 1890–
CAMPBELL, JOHN ARCHIBALD. Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1853–1861
CAMPBELL, JOHN WILSON District Judge, D. Ohio. 1829–1833
CARPENTER, GEORGE MOULTON District Judge, D. R. I. 1884–
CATRON, JOHN. Circuit Justice, 8th Circuit. 1837–1863
  Circuit Justice, 6th Circuit. 1863–1865
CHASE, SALMON PORTLAND. Circuit Justice, 4th Circuit. 1864–1873
CHASE, SAMUEL. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1796–1801
  Circuit Justice, 4th Circuit. 1802–1811
CHIPMAN, NATHANIEL. District Judge, D. Vt. 1791–1793
CHOATE, WILLIAM GARDINER District Judge, S. D. N. Y. 1878–1881
CLARK, DANIEL District Judge, D. N. H 1866–1891
CLAY, JOSEPH. District Judge, D. Ga. 1796–1801
  Circuit Judge, 5th Circuit. 1801–1802
CLIFFORD, NATHAN. Circuit Justice, 1st Circuit. 1858–1881
COLT, LE BARON BRADFORD. District Judge, D. R. I. 1881–1884
  Circuit Judge, 1st Circuit. 1884–
CONKLING, ALFRED District Judge, N. D. N. Y. 1825–1852
COXE, ALFRED CONKLING District Judge, N. D. N. Y 1882–
CRANCH, WILLIAM Circuit Judge, D. C 1801–1806
  Chief Judge, D. C. 1806–1855
CRAWFORD, WILLIAM District Judge, N. and S. D. Ala. 1826–1839
  District Judge, N., S., and M. D. Ala. 1839–1849
CREIGHTON, JR., WILLIAM. District Judge, D. Ohio. 1828–1828
CULYER, JEREMIAH District Judge, D. Ga. 1821–1839
CURTIS, BENJAMIN ROBBINS. Circuit Justice, 1st Circuit. 1851–1857
CUSHING, WILLIAM. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1789–1801
  Circuit Justice, 1st Circuit. 1802–1810
DALLAS, GEORGE M Circuit Judge. 3d Circuit. 1892–
DANIEL, PETER VIVIAN. District Judge, E. D. Va. 1836–1841
  Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1841–1845
  Circuit Justice,9th Circuit. 1845–1860
DAVIES, WILLIAM. District Judge, D. Ga. 1819–1821
DAVIS, DAVID. Circuit Justice, 8th Circuit. 1863–1867
  Circuit Justice, 7th Circuit. 1867–1877
DAVIS, JOHN. District Judge, D. Mass. 1801–1841
DAWNE, EDWARD J District Judge, D. Alaska. 1885–1885
DAWSON, LAFAYETTE. District Judge, D. Alaska. 1885–1888
DEADY, MATTHEW P. District Judge, D. Or. 1859–1893
DELAHAY, MARK W. District Judge, D. Kan. 1863–1873xxxi
DICK, JOHN. District Judge, D. La. 1821–1824
DICK, ROBERT P. District Judge, W. D. N. C. 1872–
DICKERSON, MAHLON. District Judge, D. N. J. 1840–1841
DICKERSON, PHILEMON. District Judge, D. N. J. 1841–1862
DILLON, JOHN FORREST Circuit Judge, 8th Circuit 1869–1879
DRAYTON, JOHN District Judge, D. S. C. 1812–1822
DRAYTON, WILLIAM District Judge, D. S. C. 1789–1790
DRUMMOND, THOMAS District Judge, D. Ill. 1850–1855
  District Judge, N D. Ill. 1855–1869
  Circuit Judge, 7th Circuit. 1869–1884
DUANE, JAMES District Judge, D. N. Y. 1789–1794
DUCKETT, ALLEN BOWIE. Circuit Judge, D. C. 1806–1809
DUNDY, ELMER S District Judge, D. Neb. 1868–
DUNLOP, JAMES. Circuit Judge, D. C. 1845–1855
  Chief Judge, D. C. 1855–1863
DURELL, EDWARD H. District Judge, E. D. La. 1863–1866
  District Judge, D. La. 1866–1874
DUVAL, GABRIEL. Circuit Justice, 4th Circuit. 1811–1835
DUVAL, THOMAS H. District Judge, W. D. Tex. 1857–1880
DYER, CHARLES E. District Judge, E. D. Wis. 1875–1888
DYER, JOHN S. District Judge, D. Iowa. 1847–1855
EDGERTON, ALONZO J. District Judge, D. S. Dak. 1889–
EDWARDS, PIERREPONT. District Judge, D. Conn. 1806–1826
ELLIS, POWHATAN. District Judge, D. Miss. 1832–1836
ELLSWORTH, OLIVER Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1796–1800
EMMONS, HALMOR HULL. Circuit Judge, 6th Circuit. 1870–1877
ERSKINE, JOHN. District Judge, N. and S. D. Ga. 1865–1882
  District Judge, S. D. Ga. 1882–1883
FIELD, RICHARD STOCKTON. District Judge, D. N. J. 1863–1870
FIELD, STEPHEN JOHNSON. Circuit Justice, 10th Circuit. 1863–1866
  Circuit Justice, 9th Circuit. 1867–
  Circuit Justice, 2d Circuit. 1882–1882
FISHER, JOHN. District, Judge, D. Del. 1812–1823
FITZHUGH, NICHOLAS. $Circuit Judge, D. C. 1803–1814
FOSTER, CASSIUS G. District Judge, D. Kan. 1874–
FOX, EDWARD. District Judge, D. Me. 1866–1881
FRASER, PHILIP District Judge, N. D. Fla. 1862–1876
FULLER, MELVILLE WESTON. Circuit Justice, 4th Circuit. 1888–
  Circuit Justice, 7th Circuit. 1892–1893
GAYLE, JOHN District Judge, N., S., and M. D. Ala. 1849–1859
GHOLSON, SAMUEL JAMESON District Judge, N, and S. D. Miss. 1839–1861
GILBERT, WILLIAM B. Circuit Judge, 9th Circuit. 1892–
GILCHRIST, ROBERT BUDD. District Judge, E. and W. D. S. C. 1839–1856
GILES, WILLIAM FELL. District Judge, D. Md. 1853–1879
GLENN, ELIAS. District Judge, D. Md. 1824–1836
GLENN, JOHN. District Judgae, D. Md. 1852–1853
GOFF, NATHAN. Circuit Judge, 4th Circuit 1892–
GRAY, HORACE Circuit Justice, 1st Circuit. 1882–
  Circuit Justice, 2d Circuit. 1893–
GREEN, EDWARD T. District Judge, D. N. J. 1889–
GRESHAM, WALTER Q. District Judge, D. Ind. 1869–1883
  Circuit Judge, 7th Circuit. 1884–1893
GRIER, ROBERT COOPER. Circuit Justice, 3d Circuit. 1846–1870
GRIFFIN, CYRUS. District Judge, D. Va. 1789–1810
GRIFFITH, WILLIAM. Circuit Judge, 3d Circuit. 1801–1802
GROSSCUP, PETER S District Judge, N. D. Ill 1892–
HAIGHT, FLETCHER M. District Judge, S. D. Cal. 1861–1866
HALL, DOMINICK AUGUSTINE. Chief Judge, 5th Circuit. 1801–1802
  District Judge, D. Orleans. 1804–1812
  District Judge, D. La. 1812–1813
  District Judge, D. La. 1813–1820
HALL, NATHAN KELSEY. District Judge, N. D. N. Y. 1852–1874
HALL, WILLARD. District Judge, D. Del. 1823–1871
HALLETT, MOSES District Judge, D. Colo. 1877–
HALLYBURTON, JAMES D. District Judge, E. D. Va. 1844–1861
HAMMOND, ELI SHELBY. District Judge, W. D. Tenn. 1878–xxxii
HANFORD, CORNELIUS HOLGATE. District Judge, D. Wash. 1890–
HARLAN, JOHN MARSHALL. Circuit Justice, 7th Circuit. 1878–1892
  Circuit Justice, 1st Circuit. 1881–1882
  Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit 1887–1888
  Circuit Justice, 4th Circuit 1888–1888
  Circuit Justice, 3d Circuit 1892–1892
  Circuit Justice, 7th Circuit 1893–
HARPER, SAMUEL A. District Judge, D. La. 1829–1837
HARRIS, EDWARD. Circuit Judge, 5th Circuit. 1802–1802
HARVEY, MATTHEW. District Judge, D. N. H. 1830–1866
HAWLEY, THOMAS P. District Judge, D. Nev. 1890–
HAY, GEORGE. District Judge, E. D. Va. 1825–1830
HAYS, WILLIAM H. District Judge, D. Ky. 1879–1880
HEATH, UPTON S. District Judge, D. Md. 1836–1852
HILL, ROBERT A. District Judge, N. and S. D. Miss. 1866–1891
HILLYER, EDGAR W. District Judge, D. Nev. 1869–1882
HITCHCOCK, SAMUEL. District Judge, D. Vt. 1793–1801
  Circuit Justice, 2d Circuit. Justice, 2d Circuit 1872–1882
HOBART, JOHN SLOSS. District Judge, D. N. Y. 1798–1805
HOFFMAN, OGDEN. District Judge, N. D. Cal. 1851–1866
  District Judge, D. Cal. 1866–1888
  District Judge, N. D. Cal. 1886–1891
HOLMAN, JESSE LYNCH. District Judge, D. Ind. 1835–1842
HOPKINS, JAMES CAMPBELL. District Judge, W. D. Wis. 1870–1877
HOPKINSON, FRANCIS. District Judge, E. D. Pa. 1789–1791
HOPKINSON, JOSEPH. District Judge, E. D. Pa. 1828–1842
HOUSTON, JAMES. District Judge, D. Md. 1806–1819
HOWE, JAMES H. District Judge, E. D. Wis. 1874–1875
HOWELL, DAVID. District Judge, D. R. I. 1812–1824
HUMPHREYS, WEST H. District Judge, E., M., and W. D. Tenn. 1853–1862
HUNT, WARD. Circuit Justice, 2d Circuit. 1872–1882
HUNTINGTON, ELISHA MILLS. District Judge, D. Ind. 1842–1862
HUGHES, ROBERT WILLIAM. District Judge, E. D. Va. 1874–
INGERSOLL, CHARLES ANTHONY. District Judge, D. Conn. 1853–1860
INNIS, HARRY. District Judge, D. Ky. 1789–1816
IREDELL, JAMES. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1790–1799
IRWIN, THOMAS. District Judge, W. D. Pa. 1831–1859
JACKSON, HOWELL EDMUNDS. Circuit Judge, 6th Circuit. 1886–1893
  Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1893–
JACKSON, JOHN GEORGE. District Judge, W. D. Va. 1819–1825
JACKSON, JR., JOHN J. District Judge, W. D. Va. 1861–1864
  District Judge, D. W. Va. 1864–
JAY, JOHN. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1789–1794
JENKINS, JAMES G. District, Judge, E. D. Wis. 1888–1893
  Circuit Judge, 7th Circuit 1893–
JOHNSON, ALEXANDER SMITH Circuit Judge, 2d Circuit 1875–1878
JOHNSON, BENJAMIN. District Judge, D. Ark 1836–1849
JOHNSON, THOMAS Circuit Justice, All Circuits 1791–1793
JOHNSON, WILLIAM Circuit Justice, 6th Circuit 1804–1834
JONES, J. M. District Judge, S. D. Cal. 1850–1854
JONES, WILLIAM G. District Judge, N., S., and M. D. Ala. 1859–1861
JUDSON, ANDREW THOMPSON. District Judge, D. Conn. 1836–1853
KANE, JOHN KENTZING District Judge, E. D. Pa. 1846–1858
KEATLEY, JOHN H. District Judge, D. Alaska. 1888–1889
KETCHUM, WINTHROP W. District Judge, W. D. Pa. 1876–1870
KEY, DAVID McKENDREE. District Judge, E. and M. D. Tenn. 1880–
KEY, PHILIP BARTON. Chief Judge, 4th Circuit. 1801–1802
KILTY, WILLIAM. Chief Judge, D. C. 1801–1806
KNOWLES, HIRAM. District Judge, D. Mont. 1890–
KNOWLES, JOHN POWER. District Judge, D. R. I. 1869–1881
KREKEL, ARNOLD. District Judge, W. D. Mo. 1865–1888
LACOMBE, EMILE HENRY Circuit Judge, 2d Circuit. 1887–xxxiii
LAMAR, LUCIUS QUINTUS CINCINNATUS Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1888–1893
LAW, RICHARD. District Judge, D. Conn. 1789–1806
LAWRENCE, JOHN. District Judge, D. N. Y. 1794–1796
LAWRENCE, PHILIP K. District Judge, D. La. 1837–1841
LEAVITT, HUMPHREY HOWE. District Judge, D. Ohio. 1834–1855
  District Judge, S. D. Ohio. 1855–1871
LEE, THOMAS. District Judge, D. S. C. 1823–1825
  District Judge, E. and W. D. S. C. 1825–1839
LEWIS, WILLIAM. District Judge, D. Pa. 1791–1792
LIVINGSTON, BROCKHOLST. Circuit Justice, 2d Circuit. 1806–1823
LOCKE, JAMES W. District Judge, S. D. Fla. 1872–
LONGYEAR, JOHN WESLEY. District Judge, E. D. Mich. 1870–1875
LOVE, JAMES M. District Judge, D. Iowa. 1855–1882
  District Judge, S. D. Iowa. 1882–1891
LOWELL, JOHN. District Judge, D. Mass. 1789–1801
  Circuit Judge, 1st Circuit. 1801–1802
LOWELL, JOHN. District Judge, D. Mass. 1865–1878
  Circuit Judge, 1st Circuit. 1878–1884
LURTON, HORACE H. Circuit Judge, 6th Circuit. 1893–
McALLISTER, MATTHEW HALL. Circuit Judge, Cal. Circuit. 1855–1862
McALLISTER, JR., WARD. District Judge, D. Alaska. 1884–1885
McCALEB, THEODORE H. District Judge, D. La. 1841–1849
  District Judge, D. La. 1849–1861
McCANDLESS. WILSON. District Judge, W. D. Pa. 1859–1876
McCAY, HENRY KENT. District Judge, N. D. Ga. 1882–1886
McCLUNG, WILLIAM. Circuit Judge, 6th Circuit. 1801–1802
McCORMICK, ANDREW PHELPS. District Judge, N. D. Tex. 1879–1892
  Circuit Judge, 5th Circuit 1892–
McCRARY, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Circuit Judge, 8th Circuit. 1879–1884
McDONALD, DAVID. District Judge, D. Ind. 1864–1869
McINTOSH, McQUEEN. District Judge, N. D. Fla. 1856–1861
McKENNA, JOSEPH. Circuit Judge, 9th Circuit. 1892–
McKENNAN, WILLIAM. Circuit Judge, 3d Circuit. 1869–1891
McKINLEY, JOHN. Circuit Justice, 9th Circuit. 1837–1845
  Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1845–1852
McKINNEY, JOHN. District Judge, S. D. Fla. 1870–1871
McLEAN, JOHN. Circuit Justice, 7th Circuit. 1830–1861
McNAIRY, JOHN. District Judge, D. Tenn. 1797–1802
  District Judge, E. and W. D. Tenn. 1802–1834
MAGILL, CHARLES. Circuit Judge, 4th Circuit. 1801–1802
MAGRATH, A. GORDON. District Judge, E. and W. D. S. C. 1856–1860
MARCHANT, HENRY. District Judge, D. R. I. 1790–1796
MARSHALL, JAMES. Circuit Judge, D. C. 1801–1803
MARSHALL, JOHN. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1801–1801
  Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1802–1835
MARVIN, WILLIAM. District Judge, S. D. Fla. 1847–1863
MASON, JOHN YOUNG. District Judge, E. D. Va. 1841–1844
MATTHEWS, STANLEY. Circuit Justice, 6th Circuit. 1882–1889
MERRICK, WILLIAM MATTHEWS. Circuit Judge, D. C. 1855–1863
MILLER, ANDREW G. District Judge, D. Wis. 1848–1870
  District Judge, E. D. Wis. 1870–1873
MILLER, SAMUEL FURMAN. Circuit Justice, 9th Circuit. 1862–1867
  Circuit Justice, 8th Circuit. 1867–1890
MONROE, THOMAS B. District Judge, D. Ky. 1834–1861
MOORE, ALFRED. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1799–1801
  Circuit Justice, 6th Circuit 1802–1804
MORRILL, AMOS. District Judge, E. D. Tex. 1872–1884
MORRIS, ROBERT. District Judge, D. N. J. 1790–1815
MORRIS, THOMAS J. District Judge, D. Md. 1879–
MORROW, WILLIAM W. District Judge, N. D. Cal. 1891–
MORSELL, JAMES SEWALL. Circuit Judge, D. C. 1815–1863
NELSON, RENSSELAER RUSSELL. District Judge, D. Minn. 1858–
NELSON, SAMUEL. Circuit Justice, 2d Circuit. 1845–1879
NELSON, THOMAS LEVERETT. District Judge, D. Mass. 1879–
NEWMAN. WILLIAM T. District Judge, N. D. Ga. 1886–xxxiv
NICOLL, JOHN C. District Judge, D. Ga. 1839–1848
  District Judge, N. and S. D. Ga. 1848–1861
NILES, HENRY C. District Judge, N. and S. D. Miss. 1891–
NIXON, JOHN THOMPSON. District Judge, D. N. J. 1870–1889
OGIER, ISAAC S. K. District Judge, S. D. Cal. 1854–1861
PACA, WILLIAM. District Judge, D. Md. 1789–1799
PAINE, ELIJAH. District Judge, D. Vt. 1801–1842
PARDEE, DON A. Circuit Judge, 5th Circuit. 1881–
PARKE, BENJAMIN. District Judge, D. Ind. 1817–1835
PARKER, ISAAC C. District Judge, W. D. Ark. 1875–
PARLANGE, CHARLES. District Judge, E. D. La. 1894–
PARRIS, ALBION KEITH. District Judge, D. Me. 1818–1822
PATERSON, WILLIAM. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1793–1801
  Circuit Justice, 2d Circuit. 1802–1806
PAUL, JOHN. District Judge, W. D. Va. 1883–
PEABODY, GEORGE A. Provisional Judge, D. La. 1862–1866
PECK, JAMES H. District Judge, D. Mo. 1822–1836
PENDLETON, NATHANIEL. District Judge, D. Ga. 1789–1796
PENDLETON, PHILIP C. District Judge, W. D. Va. 1825–1825
PENNINGTON, WILLIAM SANDFORD. District Judge, D. N. J. 1815–1826
PENNYBACKER, ISAAC SAMUELS. District Judge, W. D. Va. 1839–1845
PETERS, RICHARD. District Judge, D. Pa. 1792–1818
  District Judge, E. D. Pa. 1818–1828
PHILIPS, JOHN F. District Judge, W. D. Mo. 1888–
PICKERING, JOHN. District Judge, D. N. H. 1795–1804
PITMAN, JOHN. District Judge, D. R. I. 1824–1864
POPE, NATHANIEL. District Judge, D. III. 1819–1849
POTTER, HENRY. Circuit Judge, 5th Circuit. 1801–1802
  District Judge, D. Albemarle,
  Pamptico, and Cape Fear. 1802–1857
PRENTISS, SAMUEL. District Judge, D. Vt. 1842–1857
PUTNAM, WILLIAM LE BARON. Circuit Judge, 1st Circuit. 1892–
RANDALL, ARCHIBALD. District Judge, E. D. Pa. 1842–1846
RANDOLPH, PETER. District Judge, D. Miss. 1823–1832
RECTOR, JOHN B. District Judge, N. D. Tex. 1892–
REED, JAMES H. District Judge, W. D. Penn. 1891–1892
RICKS, AUGUSTUS J. District Judge, N. D. Ohio. 1889–
RINER, JOHN A. District Judge, D. Wyo. 1890–
RINGO, DANIEL. District Judge, D. Ark. 1849–1851
  District Judge, E. and W. D. Ark. 1851–1861
RIVES, ALEXANDER. District Judge, W. D. Va. 1871–1882
ROBERTSON, THOMAS BOLLING. District Judge, D. La. 1824–1828
ROSS, ERSKINE M. District Judge, S. D. Cal. 1887–
ROSSELL, WILLIAM. District Judge, D. N. J. 1826–1840
RUTLEDGE, JOHN. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1789–1791
  Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1795–1795
SABIN, CHAUNCEY BREWER. District Judge, E. D. Tex. 1884–1890
SABIN, GEORGE M. District Judge, D. Nev. 1882–1890
SAGE, GEORGE R. District Judge, S. D. Ohio. 1883–
SANBORN, WALTER H. Circuit Judge, 8th Circuit. 1892–
SAWYER, LORENZO. Circuit Judge, 9th Circuit. 1870–1891
SEAMAN, WILLIAM H. District Judge, E. D. Wis. 1893–
SETTLE, THOMAS.! District Judge, N. D. Fla. 1877–1888
SEVERENS, HENRY F. District Judge, W. D. Mich. 1886–
SEWALL, DAVID. District Judge, D. Me. 1789–1818
SEYMOUR, AUGUSTUS SHERILL. District Judge, E. D. N. C. 1882–
SHEPLEY, GEORGE FOSTER. Circuit Judge, 1st Circuit. 1869–1878
SHERBURNE, JOHN SAMUEL. District Judge, D. N. H. 1804–1830
SHERMAN, CHARLES TAYLOR. District Judge, N. D. Ohio. 1867–1873
SHIELDS, WILLIAM BAYARD. District Judge, D. Miss. 1818–1823
SHIPMAN, NATHANIEL. District Judge, D. Conn. 1873–1892
  Circuit Judge, 2d Circuit. 1892–
SHIPMAN, WILLIAM D. District Judge, D. Conn. 1860–1873
SHIRAS, JR., GEORGE. Circuit Justice, 3d Circuit. 1892–
SHIRAS, OLIVER P. District Judge, N. D. Iowa. 1882–xxxv
SIMONTON, CHARLES H. District Judge, E. and W. D. S. C. 1886–1893
  Circuit Judge, 4th Circuit. 1893–
SITGREAVES, JOHN. District Judge, D. N. C. 1790–1801
  District Judge, D. Albemarle,
  Pamptico, and Cape Fear. 1801–1802
SKINNER, ROGER. District Judge, N. D. N. Y. 1819–1825
SMALLEY, DAVID A. District Judge, D. Vt. 1857–1877
SMITH, CALEB BLOOD. District Judge, D. Ind. 1862–1864
SMITH, JEREMIAH. Circuit Judge, 1st Circuit. 1801–1802
SPEER, EMORY. District Judge, S. D. Ga. 1885–
SPRAGUE, PELEG. District Judge, D. Mass. 1841–1865
STEPHENS, WILLIAM. District Judge, D. Ga. 1801–1819
STOKES, JOHN. District Judge, D. N. C. 1790–1790
STORY, JOSEPH. Circuit Justice, 1st Circuit. 1811–1845
STORY, WILLIAM. District Judge, W. D. Ark. 1871–1875
STRONG, WILLIAM. Circuit Justice, 3d Circuit. 1870–1880
SULLIVAN, JOHN. District Judge, D. N. H. 1789–1795
SWAN, HENRY H. District Judge, E. D. Mich. 1891–
SWAYNE, CHARLES. District Judge, N. D. Fla. 1889–
SWAYNE, NOAH HAYNES. Circuit Justice, 7th Circuit. 1862–1867
  Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1869–1870
  Circuit Justice, 6th Circuit. 1867–1881.
SWING, PHILIP B. District Judge, S. D. Ohio. 1871–1882
TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD. Circuit Judge, 6th Circuit. 1892–
TAIT, CHARLES. District Judge, D. Ala. 1820–1824
  District Judge, N. and S. D. Ala. 1824–1826
TALLMADGE, MATTHIAS BURNET. District Judge, D. N. Y. 1805–1814
  District Judge, N. D. N. Y. 1814–1819
TANEY, ROGER BROOKE. Circuit Justice, 4th Circuit. 1836–1864
TAPPAN, BENJAMIN. District Judge, D. Ohio. 1833–1833
TAYLOR, GEORGE K. Circuit Judge, 4th Circuit. 1801–1802
THAYER, AMOS M. District Judge, E. D. Mo. 1887–
THOMAS, ALFRED D. District Judge, D. N. D. 1890–
THOMPSON, SMITH. Circuit Justice, 2d Circuit. 1823–1843
THRUSTON, BUCKNER. Circuit Judge, D. C. 1809–1845
TILGHMAN, WILLIAM. Chief Judge, 3d Circuit. 1801–1802
TODD, THOMAS. Circuit Justice, 7th Circuit. 1807–1826
TOULMIN, HARRY T. District Judge, S. D. Ala. 1887–
TOWNSEND, WILLIAM K. District Judge, D. Conn. 1802–
TREAT, SAMUEL HUBBEL. District Judge, S. D. Ill. 1855–1887
TREAT, SAMUEL. District Judge, E. D. Mo. 1857–1887
TRIGG, CONNALLY F. District Judge, E., M., and W. D.
  Tenn. 1862–1878
  District Judge, E. and M. D. Tenn. 1878–1880
TRIMBLE, ROBERT. District Judge, D. Ky. 1817–1826
  Circuit Justice, 7th Circuit. 1826–1828
TROUPE, ROBERT. District Judge, D. N. Y. 1796–1798
TRUITT, WARREN. District Judge, D. Alaska. 1892–
TUCKER, ST. GEORGE. District Judge, D. Va. 1813–1819
  District Judge, E. D. Va. 1819–1825
TURNER, EZEKIEL B. District Judge, W. D. Tex. 1880–1888
TYLER, JOHN. District Judge, D. Va. 1811–1813
UNDERWOOD, JOHN CURTISS. District Judge, E. D. Va. 1863–1864
  District Judge, D. Va. 1864–1871
  District Judge, E. D. Va. 1871–1873
VAN NESS, WILLIAM PETER. District Judge, D. N. Y. 1812–1814
  District Judge, S. D. N. Y. 1814–1826
WAITE, MORRISON REMICK. Circuit Justice, 4th Circuit. 1874–1888
WALES, LEONARD E. District Judge, D. Del. 1884–
WALKER, JONATHAN H. District Judge, W. D. Pa. 1818–1824
WALLACE, WILLIAM JAMES. District Judge, N. D. N. Y. 1874–1882
  Circuit Judge, 2d Circuit. 1882–
WARE, ASHUR. District Judge, D. Me. 1822–1866
WASHINGTON, BUSHROD. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1798–
  Circuit Justice, 3d Circuit. 1802–1829xxxvi
WATROUS, JOHN C. District Judge, D. Tex. 1846–1857
  District Judge, E. D. Tex. 1857–1869
WAYNE, JAMES MOORE. Circuit Justice, 6th Circuit. 1835–1863
  Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1863–1867
WEBB, NATHAN. District Judge, D. Maine. 1882–
WELKER, MARTIN. District Judge, N. D. Ohio. 1873–1889
WELLS, ROBERT W. District Judge, D. Mo. 1836–1857
  District Judge, W. D. Mo. 1857–1864
WHEELER, HOYT H. District Judge, D. Vt. 1877–
WHITE, ALBERT SMITH. District Judge, D. Ind. 1864–1864
WILKINS, ROSS. District Judge, D. Mich. 1837–1863
  District Judge, E. D. Mich. 1863–1870
WILKINS, WILLIAM. District Judge, W. D. Pa. 1824–1831
WILLIAMS, ARCHIBALD. District Judge, D. Kan. 1861–1863
WILLIAMS, JOHN A. District Judge, E. D. Ark. 1890–
WILLSON, HIRAM V. District Judge, N. D. Ohio. 1855–1866
WILSON, JAMES. Circuit Justice, All Circuits. 1789–1798
WINCH, JOEL C. C. District Judge, E. D. Tex. 1870–1871
WINCHESTER, JAMES. District Judge, D. Md. 1799–1806
WITHEY, SOLOMON L. District Judge, W. D. Mich. 1863–1886
WOLCOTT, OLIVER. Circuit Judge, 2d Circuit. 1801–1802
WOODBURY, LEVI. Circuit Justice, 1st Circuit. 1845–1851
WOODRUFF, LEWIS B. Circuit Judge, 2d Circuit. 1869–1875
WOODS, WILLIAM ALLEN. District Judge, D. Ind. 1883–1892
  Circuit Judge, 7th Circuit. 1892–
WOODS, WILLIAM BURNHAM. Circuit Judge, 5th Circuit. 1869–1880
  Circuit Justice, 5th Circuit. 1881–1887
WOOLSON, JOHN SIMSON. District Judge, S. D. Iowa. 1891–



First Circuit.
  Vols. Period Covered.
Gallison. 2 1812–1815
Mason. 5 1816–1830
Summer. 3 1829–1839
Story. 3 1839–1845
Woodbury & Minot. 3 1845–1847
Curtis. 2 1851–1856
Ware. 3 1822–1866
Lowell. 2 1865–1877
Clifford. 4 1858–1878
Holmes. 1 1870–1875
Haskell. 2 1866–1881
Second Circuit.
Paine. 2 1810–1840
Blatchford. 24 1845–1887
Blatchford's Prize Cases. 1 1861–1865
Third Circuit.
Wallace. 1 1801
Peters. 1 1803–1818
Washington. 4 1803–1827
Fisher's Prize Cases. 1 1812–1813
Baldwin. 1 1827–1833
Wallace, Jr. 3 1842–1862
Fourth Circuit.
Brockenbrough. 2 1802–18361
Taney. 1 1836–1861
Chase. 1 1865–1869
Hughes. 5 1792–18832
Fifth Circuit.
Woods. 3 1870–1879
Sixth Circuit.
Vols. Period Covered.
McLean. 6 1829–18553
Bissell. 11 1851–18834
Bond. 2 1856–18715
Flippin. 2 1859–18806
Seventh Circuit.
McLean. 6 1829–18557
Bissell. 11 1851–18838
Woolworth. 1 1868–1869
Eighth Circuit.
Hempstead. 1 1839–18559
Woolworth. 1 1863–1869
Dillon. 5 1870–1879
M'Crary. 5 1877–1883
Ninth Circuit.
McAllister. 1 1855–185910
Deady. 1 1861–186911
Sawyer. 14 1870–1891
District of Columbia.
Cranch. 612 1801–1840
Hayward and Hazleton. 1 1840–1849xxxviii
From All the Circuits.
Wharton's State Trials. 1 1789–1801
Brunner's Collected Cases 1 1789–1860
Abbott's U. S. Reports. 2 1856–1871
National Bankruptcy Register. 19 1867–1879
Robb. 2 1789–1850
Fisher's Patent Reports. 1 1821–1851
Cranch's Patent Decisions. 1 1841–1847
MacArthur's Patent Cases. 1 1841–1859
Fisher's Patent Cases. 6 1848–1873
Banning & Arden. 5 1874–1880
District of Maine.
Ware. 3 1822–1866
Haskell. 2 1866–1881
District of Massachusetts.
Bee's Admiralty13 1 1792–1809
Fisher's Prize Cases13 1 1812–1813
Ware. 3 1822–1866
Sprague. 2 1841–1864
Lowell. 2 1865–1877
District of Vermont.
Benedict. 10 1865–1879
District of Connecticut.
Benedict. 10 1865–1879
Southern District of New York.
Van Ness (Prize Cases). 1 181414
Blatchford & Howland. 1 1827–1837
Olcott (Admiralty). 1 1843–1847
Abbott's Admiralty. 1 1847–1850
Blatchford's Prize Cases. 1 1861–1865
Benedict. 10 1865–1879
Northern District of New York.
Benedict. 10 1865–1879
Eastern District of New York.
Benedict. 10 1865–1879
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Peter's Admiralty. 215 1789–180716
Fisher's Prize Cases. 1 1812–181317
Gilpin. 1 1828–1836
Crabbe. 1 1836–1846
Western District of Pennsylvania.
Newberry's Admiralty. 1 1820–1849
District of Maryland.
Peter's Admiralty19. 219 1789–1807
District of South Carolina.
Bee's Admiralty 1 1792–1809
District of Arkansas.
Hempstead 1 1820–1849
Southern District of Ohio.
Bond 2 1856–1871
Southern Districts.
Hughes 5 1792–1883
Newberry's Admiralty20 1 1842–1857
Western Districts.
Newberry's Admiralty21 1 1842–1857
Bissell 11 1851–1883
Brown's Admiralty22 1 1859–1875
Flippin 2 1859–1880
Pacific State Districts.
Hoffman (Land Cases)23 1 1853–1858
Deady24 1 1861–1869
Sawyer 14 1870–1892
All the Districts.
Abbott's U. S. Reports 2 1865–1871
National Bankruptcy Register 19 1867–1879




Abbott's Admiralty Reports. Abb. Adm. (Continuation of Olcott's Reports.)
Abbott's Circuit Court Reports. (See Abbott's United States Reports.)
Abbott's National Digest. Abb. Nat. Dig.
Abbott's New Cases (New York) Abb. N. C.
Abbott's Practice Reports, New Series (New York) Abb. Pr. (N. S.)
Abbott's Practice Reports, Old Series (New York) Abb. Pr.
Abbott's Shipping Abb. Shipp
Abbott's United States Courts Practice Abb. U. S. Pr.
Abbott's United States Reports Abb. (U. S.) (Sometimes cited as Abbott's Circuit Court Reports)
Admiralty Records Adm. Rec. (Twelve Volumes of Manuscript Reports of Admiralty Cases in the Southern District of Florida.)
Alabama Law Journal Ala. Law J.
Albany Law Journal Alb. Law J.
American and English Railroad Cases Amer. & Eng. R. Cas.
American Civil Law Journal Amer. Civ. Law J.
American Jurist and Law Magazine Amer. Jur. (Continued in American Law Magazine.)
American Law Journal, Hall's Amer. Law J. (Sometimes cited as Hall's Law Journal or Hall's Admiralty Law Journal. See Journal of Jurisprudence.)
American Law Journal, New Series Amer. Law J. (N. S.) (Continuation of Pennsylvania Law Journal.)
American Law Magazine Amer. Law Mag. (Continuation of American Jurist and Law Magazine.)
American Law Record Amer. Law Rec.
American Law Register, New Series Amer. Law Reg. (N. S.)
American Law Register, Old Series Amer. Law Reg.
American Law Review. Amer. Law Rev.
American Law Times, New Series. Amer. Law T. (N. S.)
American Law Times, Old Series. Amer. Law T.
American Law Times Reports, New Series. Amer. Law T. Rep. (N. S.) (United States Courts Reports and Bankruptcy Reports. Continued in Reporter.)
American Law Times Reports, Old Series Amer. Law T. Rep. U. S. Cts.; Amer. Law T. Rep. Bankr.
American Leading Cases. Amer. Lead. Cas.
American Themis. Amer. Themis.
Anthon's Nisi Prius Reports (New York). Anth. N. P.
Appeals from the Commissioner of Patents. App. Com'r Pat. (Manuscript decisions on appeal from the commissioner of patents before the discontinuance of the circuit court for the District of Columbia by the act of March 3, 1863, [12 Stat. 762, ch. 91,] entitled “Book of Appeals,” on file in the United States patent office, and there known as “Decisions of the Court.” Sometimes cited as Patent Office Appeals.)xl
Avery and Hobbs, Bankrupt Law of the United States. Avery & H. Bankr.
Baldwin's Reports. Baldw.
Baltimore Law Transcript. Balt. Law Trans.
Bankers' Magazine (New York). Bankers' Mag.
Bankrupt Register. N. B. R. (Quarto.) (Four quarto volumes, afterwards reprinted as the first four volumes of the National Bankruptcy Register Reports, q. v.)
Banning and Ardne's Patent Cases. Ban. & A.
Bee's Admiralty Reports. Bee.
Bench and Bar Bench & Bar.
Bench and Bar, New Series. Bench & Bar, (N. S.)
Benedict, American Admiralty. Ben. Adm.
Benedict's District Court Reports. Ben.
Betts' Circuit Court Manuscript Opinions. Betts, C. C. MS. (Ten volumes of manuscript opinions in the United States Circuit Court for the Southern District of New York, by Hon. Samuel R. Betts, District Judge. On file in the office of the clerk of the district court.)
Betts' Decisions. (See Blatchford & Howland's Reports, Olcott's Reports, and Abbott's Admiralty Reports.)
Betts' District Court Manuscript Opinions. Betts, D. C. MS. (Twenty-eight volumes of manuscript opinions in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. On file in the office of the clerk of the court.)
Betts' Prize Cases. Betts' Pr. Cas.
Betts' Scrap Book. Betts' Scr. Bk. (Cases in the United States Circuit and District Courts for the Southern District of New York from 1839 to 1862, with a few cases from other distrlcts. Collected by Hon. Samuel R. Betts, District Judge. On file in the office of the clerk of the District Court for the Southern District of New York.)
Bigelow's Insurance Cases. See Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Cases.
Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Cases. Bigelow, Ins. Cas.
Bioren and Duane's Laws. (See United States Statutes.)
Bissell's Reports. Blss.
Black's United States Supreme Court Reports Black, (U. S.)
Blatchford's Circuit Court Reports. Blatchf.
Blatchford's Prize Cases. Blatchf. Pr. Cas.
Blatchford's Rules and Statistics of United States Courts. Blatchf. Rules U. S. Cts.
Blatchford and Howland's Reports. Blatchf. & H. (Sometimes cited as Betts' Decisions, Vol. 1.)
Bond's Reports. Bond.
Boston Atlas. Boston Atlas.
Boyce's Manual of Practice (U. S. Circuit Courts). Boyce, U. S. Pr.
Brewster's Reports (Pennsylvania). Brewst.
Brightly's Federal Digest. Brightly, Fed. Dig.
Brightly's Nisi Prius. (See Brightly's Reports Pennsylvania.)
Brightly's Reports (Pennsylvania). Brightly. (Sometimes Cited as Brightly's Nisi Prius.)
Brightly's United States Digest. Brightly, U. S. Dig.
Brockenbrough's Reports. Brock. (Sometimes Cited as Marshall's Decisions.)
Brown's Admiralty Reports. Brown. Adm.
Browne. (See National Bank Cases.)xli
Browne's Reports (Pennsylvania) Browne, (Pa.)
Browne, Trade-Marks Browne, Trade-Marks.
Brunner's Collected Cases Brunner, Col. Cas.
Bump, Bankruptcy Bump, Bankr.
Bump, Federal Procedure Bump, Fed. Proc.
Bump, Internal Revenue Laws Bump, Int. Rev.
Bump, Patents Bump, Pat.
Burnett's Reports (Wisconsin) Burn.
California Law Journal Cal. Law J.
California Law Journal and Literary Review Cal. Law J. & Lit. Rev.
California Reports Cal.
Call's Reports (Virginia) Call.
Campbell's Reports (See Taney's Decisions.)
Carolina Law Repository Car. Law Repos.
Carpenter's Mining Code Carp. Min. Code.
Casey's Reports (Pennsylvania) Casey. (Vols. 25-36 Pennsylvania State Reports.)
Central Law Journal Cent. Law J.
Chase's Decisions Chase. (Sometimes cited as Johnson's Reports, United States.)
Chase's Trial Chase's Trial.
Chicago Law Journal Chi. Law J.
Chicago Legal News Chi. Leg. News.
Chitty's Criminal Law Chit. Crim. Law. (Peters & Huntington's Edition, Banks & Gould, 1847.)
Cincinnati Law Bulletin Cin. Law Bul. (Sometimes cited as Weekly Law Bulletin and as Weekly Law Bulletin and Ohio Law Journal.)
City Hall Recorder City H. Rec.
Clifford's Reports Cliff.
Coddington's Digest of the Law of Trade-Marks Codd. Trade-Marks.
Code Reporter Code Rep.
Cohen, Admiralty Jurisdiction, Law and Practice Cohen, Adm.
Colorado Law Reporter Colo. Law Rep.
Conkling, Admiraity Conk. Adm.
Conkling, United States Courts Practice Conk. Pr.
Connecticut Reports Conn. (See Day's Reports.)
Cooke's Reports (Tennessee) Cooke, (Tenn.)
Crumrine (See Pittsburgh Reports.)
Cox's American Trade-Mark Cases Cox, Amer. Trade-Mark Cas.
Cox's Manual of Trade-Mark Cases Cox, Manual Trade-Mark Cas.
Cox's Reports of Criminal Cases in England and Ireland Cox, Crim. Cas.
Crabbe's Reports Crabbe.
Cranch's Circuit Court Reports Cranch, C. C.
Cranch's Patent Decisions Cranch, Pat. Dec.
Cranch's United States Supreme Court Reports Cranch, (U. S.)
Criminal Law Magazine Crim. Law Mag.
Criminal Recorder (See Wheeler's Criminal Cases.)
Curtis' Circuit Court Reports Curt.
Curtis, Commentaries on the United States Courts Curt. U. S. Courts.
Curtis, Patents Curt, Pat.
Dallas' United States Supreme Court Reports Dall. (U. S.)
Dane, Abridgement and Digest of American Law Dane, Abr.
Davels' Reports (See Ware.)
Day's Reports (Connecticut) Day.
Deady's Reports Deady.
Delaware County Reports (Pennsylvania) Del. Co. Rep. (Pa.)xlii
Desty, Commerce and Navigation Desty, Com. & Nav.
Desty, Federal Citations Desty, Fed. Cit.
Desty, Federal Constitution Desty, Fed. Const.
Desty, Federal Procedure Desty, Fed. Proc.
Desty, Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts Desty, Rem. Causes.
Desty, Shipping and Admiralty Desty, Shipp. & Adm.
Dillon's Circuit Court Reports Dill.
Dillon, Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts. Dill. Rem. Causes.
Drone, Copyright Drone, Copyr.
English Law Times (See Law Times, London, Eng.)
Federal Reporter Fed.
Fenton, Law of Patents for Designs Fent. Pat.
Fessenden, Essay on the Law of Patents Fess. Pat.
Field and Miller's Federal Practice (See Miller and Field's Federal Practice.)
Field's Federal Practice (See Miller and Field's Federal Practice.)
Field, Treatise on the Constitution and Jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States, and on Pleading, Practice, and Procedure therein Field, Fed. Courts.
Fisher's Patent Cases Fish, Pat. Cas.
Fisher's Patent Reports Fish. Pat. Rep.
Fisher's Prize Cases Fish. Pr. Cas.
Flippin's Reports Flip.
Gallison's Reports Gall.
Gazette and Bankrupt Court Reporter Gaz.
Gazzam, Bankrupt Law Gazz. Bankr.
Georiga Reports Ga.
Gilpin's Reports Gilp.
Gould and Tucker, Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States Gould & T. Notes.
Grant's Cases (Pennsylvania) Grant, Cas.
Griffith's Law Register Griff. Law Reg.
Hall's Admiralty Law Journal (See American Law Journal, Hall's.)
Hall's Law Journal (See American Law Journal, Hall's.)
Hall, Treatise on Patent Estate Hall, Pat. Est.
Harris and Johnson's Reports (Maryland) Har. & J.
Haskell's Reports Hask.
Hayward's Reports (See Hayward and Hazleton's Circuit Court Reports.)
Hayward and Hazleton's Circuit Court Reports Hayw. & H. (Sometimes cited as Hayward's Reports.)
Haywood's Reports (North Carolina) Hayw. (N. C.)
Hazard's Pennsylvania Register Haz. Reg. Pa.
Hazard's United States Register Haz. Reg. U. S.
Hempstead's Reports Hempst.
Henry, Jurisdiction and Procedure of the Admiralty Courts of the United States in Civil Causes Henry, Adm, Jur. & Proc.
Hilliard, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Hill. Bankr.
Hoffman's Decisions Hoff. Dec. (An unpublished collection of Decisions by Hon. Ogden Hoffman, District Judge, gathered from manuscript and other sources, among them the Cailfornia Law Journal and Literary Review.)
Hoffman's Land Cases Hoff. Land Cas.
Hoffman's Opinions Hoff. Op. (An unpublished collection of manuscript and pamphlet decisions by Hon. Ogden Hoffman, District Judge.)
Holmes' Reports Holmes.xliii
Hopkinson, Life and Letters of Hon. Francis Hopkinson, District Judge Hopk. Works.
Howard's Practice Reports (New York) How. Pr.
Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports How. (U. S.)
Howison's Criminal Trials in Richmond Howison, Crim. Tr. (Sometimes cited as Virginia Criminal Cases.)
Hughes' Reports Hughes.
Hunt's Merchants' Magazine Hunt, Mer. Mag.
Indiana Legal Register Ind. Leg. Reg.
Ingraham, View of the Insolvent Laws of Pennsylvania Ingr. Insolv.
Insurance Law Journal Ins. Law J.
Insurance Monitor Ins. Mon.
Insurance Reporter (See Legal and Insurance Reporter.)
Internal Revenue Cases Int. Rev. Cas.
Internal Revenue Record Int. Rev. Rec.
James, Bankrupt Law of the United States James, Bankr.
Johnson's Reports (United States) (See Chase's Decisions.)
Journal of Franklin Institute Jour. Fr. Inst.
Journal of Jurisprudence Jour. Jur. (Sometimes cited as Hall's Amer. Law J., Vol. 7.)
Kansas (See McCahon.)
Kentucky Law Reporter Ky. Law Rep.
Lackawanna Legal Record Lack. Leg. Rec.
Lancaster Bar Lancaster Bar.
Law and Equity Reporter Law & Eq. Rep. (Continued in Reporter.)
Law's Digest Law, Dig.
Law's Practice in United States Courts Law, Pr.
Law Reporter Law Rep. (Sometimes cited as Monthly Law Reporter. Vol. 11 and subsequent volumes are the same as Vol 1, etc., New Series.)
Law Reporter, New Series Law Rep. (N. S.)
Law Times (London, Eng.) Law T. (Eng.)
Law Times Reports, New Series Law T. Rep. (N. S.)
Law Times (Scranton, Pa.) (See Luzerne Law Times.)
Law Times (Washington) (See American Law Times.)
Law Times Reports (Washington) (See American Law Times Reports.)
Legal and Insurance Reporter Leg. & Ins. Rep. (Sometimes cited as Insurance Reporter.)
Legal Chronicle (New York) Leg. Chron. (N. Y.)
Legal Chronicle (Pottsville, Pa.) Leg. Chron. (Pa.)
Legal Gazette Leg. Gaz.
Legal Gazette Reports Leg. Gaz. Rep.
Legal Intelligencer Leg. Int.
Legal Opinions Leg. Op.
Legal Reporter (Nashville) (See Tennessee Legal Reporter, New Series.)
Livingston's Law Magnzine Liv. Law Mag.
Louisiana Law Journal La. Law J.
Louisiana Law Journal, Schmidt's (See Schmidt's Law Journal.)
Louisiana Term Reports (See Orleans Term Reports.)
Lowell's Decisions Lowell.
Luzerne Law Times, New Series Luz. Law T. (N. S.) (Sometimes cited as Law Times and as Scranton Law Times.)
Luzerne Law Times, Old Series Luz. Law T. (Sometimes cited as Law Times and as Scranton Law Times.)
Luzerne Legal Observer Luz. Leg. Obs.
Luzerne Legal Register Luz. Leg. Reg.
McAllister's Circuit Court Reports McAll.
MacArthur's Patent Cases MacA. Pat. Cas.xliv
McCahon's Reports (Kansas) McCahon.
McCrary's Reports McCrary.
McLean's Reports McLean.
Maritime Law Cases Mar. Law Cas.
Marshall's Decisions (See Brockenbrough's Reports.)
Martin's Reports (Louisiana) (See Orleans Term Reports.)
Martin's Reports (North Carolina) Mart. (N. C.)
Marvin's Wreck and Salvage Marv. Wr. & Salv.
Maryland Law Record Md. Law Rec.
Mason's Reports Mason.
Massachusetts Law Reporter Mass. Law Rep.
Memphis Law Journal Memphis Law J.
Merwin, Patentability of Inventions Merw. Pat. Inv.
Michigan Lawyer Mich. Lawy.
Miles' Reports (Pennsylvania) Miles.
Miller and Field, Federal Practice Miller & F. Fed. Pr.
Minnesota Reports Minn.
Mirror of the Patent Office Mirror, Pat. Off.
Missouri Bar Mo. Bar.
Monthly Jurist Month. Jur.
Monthly Law Reporter (See Law Reporter.)
Monthly Western Jurist Month. West. Jur.
Moore, Treatise on Extradition and Interstate Rendition Moore, Extrad.
Morrison's Mining Reports Morr. Min. Rep.
Morrison, Mining Rights in Colorado Morr. Min. Rights.
Morse, Banks and Banking Morse, Banks.
Morse, Citizenship Morse, Cit.
Myer's Federal Decisions Myer, Fed. Dec.
National Bank Cases:
Vol. 1 by Thompson Thomp. Nat. Bank Cas.
Vol. 2 by Browne Browne, Nat. Bank Cas.
Vol. 3 by Browne Browne, Nat. Bank Cas.
National Bankruptcy Register Reports N. B. R. (Sometimes cited as Bankrupt Register.)
National Bankruptcy Register Reports, Supplement N. B. R. (Supp.)
National Intelligencer Nat. Int.
National Magazine Nat. Mag.
Newberry's Admiralty Reports Newb.
New Chancery Cases New Ch. Cas. (Sometimes cited as Younge and Collyer's Reports.)
New Hampshire (See Smith.)
New Jersey Law Journal N. J. Law J.
New York (See Howard's Practice Reports and Abbott's Practice Reports.)
New York Daily Times N. Y. Daily T.
New York Evening Post N. Y. Eve. Post.
New York Law Gazette N. Y. Law Gaz.
New York Legal Observer N. Y. Leg. Obs.
New York Legal Register N. Y. Leg. Reg.
New York Monthly Law Bulletin N. Y. Month. Law Bul.
New York Municipal Gazette N. Y. Mun. Gaz.
New York Transcript N. Y. Trans.
New York Weekly Digest N. Y. Wkly. Dig.
Niles' Register Niles' Reg.
North Carolina (See Haywood; Martin; Notes of Decisions; Phillips; Taylor.)
North Carolina Cases N. C. Cas.
North Carolina Reports N. C.
Northwestern Reporter, Old Series N. W. Rep. (O. S.)
Notes of Decisions. (North Carolina) (See Martin's Reports, North Carolina.)
Official Gazette of the Patent Office O. G. (Sometimes cited as Patent Office Gazette.)xlv
Olcott's Reports Olc. (Sometimes cited as Betts' Decisions, Vol. 2. Continued in Abbott's Admiralty Reports.)
Oliver's Forms in Chancery, Admiralty, and at Common Law Oliv. Forms.
Oregon Reports Ore.
Orleans Term Reports (Louisiana) Orl. Term Rep. (Sometimes cited as Martin's Louisiana Reports and as Louisiana Term Reports.)
Overton's Reports (Tennessee) Overt.
Pacific Coast Law Journal Pac. Coast Law J.
Pacific Law Magazine Pac. Law Mag.
Pacific Law Reporter Pac. Law Rep.
Paine's Reports Paine.
Pamphlet Cases Pamph. Cas.
Parker's Criminal Reports (New York) Parker, Crim. Rep.
Parsons, Marine Insurance and General Average Pars. Mar. Ins.
Parsons, Maritime Law Pars. Mar. Law.
Parsons, Shipping and Admiralty Pars. Shipp. & Adm.
Patent Law Review Pat. Law Rev.
Patent Office Appeals (See Appeals from the Commissioner of Patents.)
Patent Office Gazette (See Official Gazette of the Patent Office.)
Pennsylvania (See Brewster; Brightly; Browne; Casey; Grant; Miles.)
Pennsylvania Law Journal Pa. Law J. (Continued in American Law Journal, New Series.)
Pennsylvania Law Journal Reports Pa. Law J. Rep.
Pennsylvania Law Record Pa. Law Rec.
Pennsylvania State Reports Pa. St.
Peter's Admiralty Decisions Pet. Adm.
Peter's Circuit Court Reports Pet. C. C.
Peter's United States Supreme Court Reports Pet. (U. S.)
Philadelphia Reports or Legal Intelligencer Condensed Phila.
Phillips' Jurisdiction and Practice U. S. Supreme Court Phil. U. S. Pr.
Phillips' Law Reports (North Carolina) Phil. Law, (N. C.)
Pinney's Reports (Wisconsin) Pin.
Pittsburgh Legal Journal Pittsb. Leg. J.
Pittsburgh Reports Pittsb. Rep. (Sometimes cited as Crumrine's Reports.)
Preble, Patent Case Index Preb. Pat. Ind.
Quarterly Law Journal Quart. Law J.
Rapalje's Federal Reference Digest Rap. Fed. Dig.
Redfield's Leading American Railway Cases Redf. Amer. Ry. Cas.
Reporter Reporter. (Continuation of Law and Equity Reporter and of American Law Times Reports, New Series.)
Revenue Cases Rev. Cas.
Revised Statutes (See U. S. Statutes.)
Robb's Patent Cases Robb, Pat. Cas.
Robinson, Law of Patents Rob. Pat.
Saint Paul Pioneer Press St. Paul Pioneer Press.
San Francisco Law Journal San Fran. Law J.
Sawyer's Reports Sawy.
Schmidt's Law Journal Schm. Law J. (Sometimes cited as Louisiana Law Journal.)
Schuylkill Legal Record Schuyl. Leg. Rec.
Scranton Law Times (See Luzerne Law Times.)xlvi
Sergeant, Constitutional Law Serg. Const. Law.
Shiras, Equity Practice in the United States Circuit Courts Shiras, Eq. Pr.
Simonds, Digest of Patent Office Decisions Sim. Dig. Pat. Dec.
Smith's Reports (New Hampshire) Smith, (N. H.)
Snell, Principles of Equity Snell, Eq.
Southern Law Journal South. Law J.
Southern Law Journal and Reporter South. Law J. & Rep.
Southern Law Review, New Series South. Law Rev. (N. S.)
Southern Law Review, Old Series South. Law Rev.
Spear, Extradition Spear, Extrad.
Spear, The Law of the Federal Judiciary Spear, Fed. Jud.
Sprague's Decisions Spr.
Statutes at Large (See U. S. Statutes.)
Story's Laws (See U. S. Statutes.)
Story's Reports Story.
Susquehanna Legal Chronicle Susquehanna Leg. Chron.
Sumner's Reports Sumn.
Syllabi Syllabi.
Taney's Decisions Taney. (Sometimes cited as Campbell's Reports.)
Taylor's Reports (North Carolina) Tayl. (N. C.)
Tennessee (See Cooke and Overton.)
Tennessee Legal Reporter Tenn. Leg. Rep.
Tennessee Legal Reporter, New Series Tenn. Leg. Rep. (N. S.) (Sometimes cited as Legal Reporter.)
Texas Law Journal Tex. Law J.
Texas Reports Tex.
Thatcher, Digest of Statutes, Admiralty Rules and Decisions, upon the Jurisdiction, Pleadings and Practice of the District Courts of the United States Thatch. U. S. Dist. Ct. Pr.
Thatcher, Digest of Statutes, Equity Rules and Decisions, upon the Jurisdiction, Pleadings and Practice of the Circuit Courts of the United States Thatch. U. S. Cir. Ct. Pr.
Thatcher, Digest of Statutes, Rules and Decisions relative to the Jurisdiction and Practice of the Supreme Court of the United States Thatch. U. S. Sup. Ct. Pr.
Thompson (See National Bank Cases.)
United States Criminal Calendar U. S. Crim. Cal.
United States Jurist U. S. Jur.
United States Law Intelligencer and Review U. S. Law Int. (Sometimes cited as United States Legal Intelligencer.)
United States Law Journal (See United States Law Journal and Civilians' Magazine.)
United States Law Journal and Civilians' Magazine U. S. Law J.
United States Law Magazine U. S. Law Mag.
United States Statutes at Large Stat.
United States Statutes, Bioren and Duane's Edition Bior. & D. Laws.
United States Statutes, Story's Edition Story's Laws.
United States Statutes (Revised Statutes) Rev. St.
United States Statutes (Supplement to the Revised Statutes) Rev. St. Supp.
United States Supreme Court Reports U. S. (See, also, Black, Cranch, Dalias, Howard, Peters, Wallace, Wheaton.)
Van Ness' Prize Cases Van Ness.
Vermont Reports Vt.
Virginia (See Call, and Virginia Cases.)
Virginia Cases Va. Cas.xlvii
Virginia Criminal Cases (See Howison's Criminal Trials in Richmond.)
Virginia Law Journal Va. Law J.
Wade, American Mining Law Wade, Min.
Walker, Text Book of the Patent Laws of the United States Walk. Pat.
Wallace's Notes of Decisions (Circuit Court, Third Circuit) Wall. Notes Dec. (Manuscript Reports of Decisions in the United States Circuit Court for the Third Circuit, by John B. Wallace, Esq.)
Wallace's Reports (Circuit Court) Wall. Sr.
Wallace's United States Supreme Court Reports Wall. (U. S.)
Wallace, Jr.'s Reports Wall. Jr.
Ware's Reports Ware. (Volume 2 is sometimes cited as Daveis' Reports.)
Washington's Circuit Court Reports Wash. C. C.
Washington Law Reporter Wash. Law Rep.
Washington Territory Reports Wash. T.
Weekly Jurist Wkly. Jur.
Weekly Law Bulletin (See Cincinnati Law Bulletin.)
Weekly Law Bulletin and Ohio Law Journal (See Cincinnati Law Bulletin.)
Weekly Law Gazette Wkly. Law Gaz.
Weekly Notes of Cases Wkly. Notes Cas.
Western Jurist West. Jur.
Western Law Journal West. Law J.
Western Law Monthly West. Law Month.
Western Legal Observer West. Leg. Obs.
Wharton's Digest of International Law Whart. Dig. Int. Law.
Wharton's Digest (Pennsylvania) Whart. Dig.
Wharton, Precedents of Indictments and Pleas Whart. Prec. Ind.
Wharton's State Trials Whart. St. Tr.
Wharton, Treatise on the Law of Homicide in the United States Whart. Hom.
Wheaton's United States Supreme Court Reports Wheat. (U. S.)
Wheeler's Criminal Cases Wheeler, Crim. Cas. (Vol. 1 is sometimes cited as Criminal Recorder.)
Whitman's Patent Cases in the United States Supreme Court Whitm. Pat. Cas.
Wisconsin (See Burnett and Pinney.)
Woodbury and Minot's Reports Woodb. & M.
Woods' Reports Woods.
Woolworth's Circuit Court Reports Woolw.
Works, Removal of Causes from State Courts to Federal Courts Works, Rem. Causes.
York Legal Record York Leg. Rec.

1 Reports for the districts of Virginia and North Carolina; in the fifth circuit during this period.

2 Reports for the districts of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. During part of this period Virginia and North Carolina were in the fifth circuit, and South Carolina in the sixth.

3 These are reports for the old seventh circuit, as constituted by Act April 29, 1802, (2 Stat. 156,) and Act March 3, 1837, (5 Stat. 176.)

4 Entitled reports for the seventh circuit, but covering some districts which are now (1893) in the sixth circuit.

5 Reports for the southern district of Ohio; in the seventh circuit during part of this period.

6 Reports for the districts of Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, and Michigan. During a part of this period Kentucky and Tennessee were in the eighth circuit, and Ohio and Michigan in the seventh.

7 Reports of cases in the old seventh circuit, as constituted by Act April 29, 1802, (2 Stat. 156,) and Act March 3, 1837, (5 Stat. 176.)

8 Entitled reports for the seventh circuit, but including some districts now (1893) in the sixth circuit.

9 Reports for the district of Arkansas; at this period in the ninth circuit.

10 Reports for the northern and southern districts of California. At this period these districts constituted the California circuit, under Act March 2, 1855, (10 Stat. 631.)

11 Reports for the districts of California and Oregon; in the tenth circuit during part of this period, under Act March 3, 1863, (12 Stat. 794.) The districts of California made a separate circuit during part of this period, under Act March 2, 1855, (10 Stat. 631.)

12 Volume six contains only an index.

13 One case.

14 At this time there was only one district of New York.

15 Sometimes bound in one volume.

16 At this time there was only one district of Pennsylvania. These volumes contain cases in the admiralty court of Pennsylvania before 1789.

17 At this time there was only one district of Pennsylvania.

18 One case.

19 Sometimes bound in one volume.

20 Western district of Louisiana.

21 Districts of Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri.

22 Districts of Michigan and Ohio.

23 Northern district of California.

24 Districts of Oregon and California.

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