Divisional Index ↑

Public Safety Standards of the Republic of India

Made available to the public under the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act of 1986 and the Right to Information Act of 2005. In order to promote public education and public safety, equal justice for all, a better informed citizenry, the rule of law, world trade and world peace, this legal document is hereby made available on a noncommercial basis, as it is the right of all humans to know and speak the laws that govern them.

Division Name: Water Resources
Section Name: Water Resources Planning, Management and Evaluation (WRD 6)

IS 4008 (pdf)
IS 4008 (txt)
1985Guide for presentation of project report for river valley projects
IS 4186 (pdf)
IS 4186 (txt)
1985Guide for preparation of project report for river valley projects
IS 4410-1 (pdf)
IS 4410-1 (txt)
1991Glossary of terms relating to river valley projects, Part 1: Irrigation practice
IS 4410-2 (pdf)
IS 4410-2 (txt)
1967Glossary of terms relating to river valley projects, Part 2: Project planning
IS 4410-4 (pdf)
IS 4410-4 (txt)
1982Glossary of terms relating to river valley projects, Part 4: Drawings
IS 4410-11-5 (pdf)
IS 4410-11-5 (txt)
1977Glossary of terms relating to river valley projects, Part 11: Hydrology, Section 5: Floods
IS 4410-14-1 (pdf)
IS 4410-14-1 (txt)
1977Glossary of Terms Relating to River Valley Projects, Part XIV: Soil Conservation and Reclamation, Section 1: Soil Conservation
IS 4410-14-2 (pdf)
IS 4410-14-2 (txt)
1977Glossary of terms relating to river valley projects, Part 14: Soil conservation and reclamation, Section 2: Reclamation
IS 4410-17 (pdf)
IS 4410-17 (txt)
1977Glossary of terms relating to river valley projects, Part 17: Water requirements of crops
IS 4410-21 (pdf)
IS 4410-21 (txt)
1987Glossary of terms relating to river valley projects, Part 21: Flood control
IS 4877 (pdf)
IS 4877 (txt)
1968Guide for preparation of estimate for river valley projects.
IS 5510 (pdf)
IS 5510 (txt)
1969Guide for soil surveys for river valley projects
IS 6748-1 (pdf)
IS 6748-1 (txt)
1973Recommendations for watershed management relating to soil conservation, Part 1: Agronomic aspects
IS 7560 (pdf)
IS 7560 (txt)
1974Guidelines for allocation of cost among different purposes of river valley projects
IS 10336 (pdf)
IS 10336 (txt)
1982Guidelines for Preparation of Completion Reports of Multipurpose River Valley Projects
IS 13028 (pdf)
IS 13028 (txt)
1991Guidelines for overall planning of river basin
IS 13142 (pdf)1991Proforma for reporting progress of benefits created by river valley projects
IS 13218-1 (pdf)
IS 13218-1 (txt)
1992Proforma for reporting progress during construction for river valley projects, Part I: Irrigation works
IS 13218-2 (pdf)
IS 13218-2 (txt)
1991Proforma for reporting progress during construction for river valley projects, Part 2: Hydel works
IS 13218-3 (pdf)
IS 13218-3 (txt)
1992Proforma for reporting progress during construction for river valley projects, Part 3: Flood control
IS 13668 (pdf)
IS 13668 (txt)
1993Guidelines for fixing intensity of irrigation
IS 13739 (pdf)
IS 13739 (txt)
1993Guidelines for estimation of flood damages
IS 14519 (pdf)
IS 14519 (txt)
1998Guidelines for fixing rates for irrigation water
IS 15087 (pdf)
IS 15087 (txt)
2001Planning and Design of Drainage in Irrigation Projects - Guidelines

Last Updated: September 6, 2013